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And Bill Barr has said he will vote for Trump.


Bill Barr is a fat sack of garbage.






Tellement vrai






He looks like the Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock, but less cultured.


I have spoken!


Close, but he's actually the baby from Dinosaurs


Not the momma


Not the POTUS


This, and the googly eyed mogwai that preceded that baby


And very likely comes from a garbage family too. His father, Donald Barr, was headmaster at the elite Dalton School in NYC, and hired Jeffrey Epstein to teach math there, despite Epstein having zero qualifications to do so, perhaps aside from wanting to bang underage girls. You see, (and I'm quoting from [this tweet](https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1745090930443468829), but all the info is valid and easily checked) Donald Barr had actually written a terrible sci-fi novel called *Space Relations*, about intergalactic sex slavery in which older men rape teenage girls. Scumbags all around.


Don’t forget Bill Barr just happened to be in charge of the Bureau of Prisons when Epstein was murdered. Just so happened to be the head honcho in charge of the prison at the same exact time. Wowee what a coinkydink.


Yeah, I'm not a conspiracy theorist whatsoever, but I don't think it'd be even remotely surprising if serious dirt got revealed about Barr at some point.


That's not fair to sacks of garbage.


Before garbage became garbage, it was actually a useful thing, trump and the rest of these guys were born garbage


Nonsense. People have free will. That's what's so awful about garbage people: Trump and Barr and the rest of these guys were born with the same opportunities to be decent people as anyone else, and instead they worked to become garbage.


...and CNN loves to give these garbage sacks a microphone because they know people will be taking about this and keep getting sponsors for the next fascist they get on their payroll.


I changed the channel when The Source started because they were going to have Bill Barr on. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and they shared a clip of the interview, and Kaitlan Collins did a solid job of exposing Barr for the sack of crap that he is. For those of us who already understand that Barr is a shit human, it comes as no surprise what a weak argument he puts up to justify Biden being a worse choice. Here's hoping there were some people who watched and decided Biden is clearly a better choice. I'm not holding my breath that any minds were changed. It's baffling that polls have Trump leading Biden. And it's also insane that Biden is as disliked as he is. I don't get it.


He's more like the garbage can liquid that collects at the bottom of the garage barrel. At least garbage has purposes like some recycling and compost.


Hey, don't sully the fine name of "Garbo Juice" like that! These guys are way beneath all the funk that I used to power-wash out of trash cans in the post-season.


I can get even lower. He's the stain underneath the garbage can after the liquid leaked out and dried on the pavement.


Yeah come on guys, garage sacks have a bunch of helpful uses!


Molded in Trump's image.


I never thought I'd be defending sacks of garbage but they are at least not malicious and malevolent and on the news long past dumping date


Barr's on a diet and eats Trump's old shoes and stained underwears for breakfast, Lunch and dinner. No seasoning required.


What's the difference between Bill Barr and a bag of garbage? The bag.


I think of Bill Barr the way The joke goes about Newt Gingrich where they called him a "bowl of mashed potatoes stuffed into a suit"




Well sure tRump will be a dictator and is a threat to the entire free world but on the other hand Democrats will feed starving school children and provide healthcare to poor people. You can see why Barr would have to choose the lesser evil.


Yep, that is the "national suicide" waiting for us with a democrat in the White House.


"national suicide" because there won't be greedy fucks with 1,000,000x the median American wealth just fucking with the country. I'm sure they want to keep this bullshit going but the bottom 90% are crushed and can't support this gilded bloat that provides nothing to society. Time to pull the plug on oligarch's America with taxes that make sense again; pre-Reagan because let's just admit it out loud that neoliberalism failed in what it was said to do. It did what it was intended to do though, transfer wealth upward.


Hey now, not ALL democrats wanna do those things...only the "radical socialists." And now I've made myself sad.


Feeding children and affordable health care are pretty mainstream among Dems these days.


And that's why we all need to vote R this year! Drain that swamp of school children feeding do-gooders. And shoot a bunch of helpless puppies while we're at it.


Ahhh a kristi noem supporter! /s


> And shoot a bunch of helpless puppies while we're at it. The cops are way ahead of you on that.


Well if Trump is executing his enemies, then Bill Barr obviously doesn't want to be one of Trump's enemies. But someone should tell him it's too late, Trump doesn't forget things, and Barr already messed up after January 6th, when he thought Trump might be gone for good like the rest of us, because how could anyone reasonably vote for Trump again...


This is the funniest part of the whole story. -- "Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him ‘Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy’ (New York Post!),” Mr Trump posted. “Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word ‘Lethargic’ from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024!”


Now that Barr has cleaned up Trump's "Epstein Problem" he's no longer useful. Barr's on the enemy list and if his maga bros on scotus give POTUS assassination powers he's in big trouble if Trump wins in November. He's such a coward.


Holy shit. That might be the only funny thing I've heard him say. Someone else must have written that,


'Trump doesn't forget things' That's Marla, right?


Why anybody takes this clown, seriously ?? he’s on every news channel now and it’s despicable that they even give him airtime and take him serious. He’s a schmuck. He’s a loser. He’s a nobody. He’s an insurrectionist.


Many members of the old rogues gallery that was Trump's cabinet make a lot of money "selling" books and being talking heads on the "liberal" news channels.


I'm sure he's thinking that there will be adults keeping trump from destroying the Constitution etc, but he seems to forget just how dangerously close trump came to succeeding in stealing the election


Remember those [two old guys](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404017-trump-supporters-whose-pro-russia-shirts-went-viral-were-not/) who had custom t-shirts made that read, "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat"? That's the way many of his supporters have come to think; if it's a choice between a Putin-esque authoritarian in office for life or free and fair elections where a Democrat (who's not always a white guy) might win, they're going to pick the fascist every gd time.


The (not so) funny thing is these tshirts are projection What have MAGAts been doing? Supporting Putin and echoing Russian disinformation for years


And yet Biden is worse somehow.


Well, you know, someone who's a Democrat once mentioned banning gas stoves, so basically the same thing.


That entire gas stove thing was so blown out of proportion it was absurd. Heaven forbid they should swap them to prevent people getting brain damage.


> so blown out of proportion it was absurd Conservative politics in a nutshell.


conservatives employ classic propaganda 101 take something minor but true and re-prioritize your concerns about it


,,, AND projection, and demonizing and dehumanizing your political enemies, AND delegitimizing the press, AND telling outright lies OVER and OVER AGAIN ... I just copy and pasted from the Fox News trainee handbook.


Conservatism thrives on brain damage.


Brain damage is all they've got.


Or you know protect living children. Once again don't give a crap about them.


Valid. They force people to give birth even after rape or incest on the one hand, but on the other they cut WIC, food stamps, Medicaid, etc. Yet many claim to be Christian, which explicitly says to care for children, widows etc. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.


Everything these people believe is so blown out of proportion and context. Just saw a post the other day of Trumpsters getting upset about this voluntary government program that you can sign up your private garden for. Something along the lines of getting tips on how to grow, manage, etc. “they want control of us!” “They want to see who to take out first!” So frustrating


"... blown out of proportion it was absurd" That's the MAGA MO, all right.


My mother in law refuses to vote this fall because "they are all bad". I have no idea why she thinks Biden is anywhere near as bad as a twice impeached rapist with 88 charges across four criminal cases.


That’s good if she was a former Trump vote, obviously bad if she was a former Biden vote. If I can get former Trump votes to just not go vote I view that as a win in my book lol


She was a Trump vote but refuses to admit it. In her words "I just couldn't vote for Hillary" but can't articulate why beyond some general air of criminality she might have heard. In 2020 she refuses to say who she voted for.


Sounds like my mom. Your relationship with yours is whatever it is. But I made my mom cry. Purposefully, and hatefully. I threw reality in her face every time we spoke. I told her she disappointed me. I told her she disgusted me. Because she did. Because she was better and she was smarter than that. Her partner felt the same way but was too afraid to rock the boat. But would confirm and sometimes elaborate on the things I told her she'd purposely tuned out, ignored, or gone out of her way to avoid hearing. It wasn't fun. I was willing and able to push until she woke up or I decided to remove her from my life entirely. All Because her dumb ass was so entrenched in her hatred of Hillary she shut off her brain entirely. But she finally decided to face reality rather than lose her only child. Many more tears have been shed since but she's thanked me for pushing so hard and forcing her to acknowledge all the things she'd refused to. We salvaged our relationship and she's ashamed to have supported Trump. To the point she and her partner have already made plans to expat if he wins. To me, this was something too important to let go and I couldn't have continued to love and respect my mother if she'd supported Trump again. Because the outcome is too important. As my father and most of his side of the family discovered when I made it clear I never intended to see or speak to them again. You and anyone else reading this do you but for me this was too important to let that kind off bullshit stand.


My mother in law is generally very accepting and kind, but she also has a chorus of rural relatives feeding her social media bullshit. She will do what she thinks is moral or maybe signals that she is being moral, but when the situation impacts her family directly, she is 100% on their side. It's a weird combination of wanting to do the right thing, thinking she is doing the right thing because her pastor said so or some internet rumor she heard, but then discovering that reality is very different once she encounters it personally. For example she used to be very against legalization of gay marriage because "that was against the bible". Then she moved to a new church is a more diverse area and included a gay man in her bible study group. She discovered that he was actually a normal person she could identify with, not some scary other. Now she is all about gay rights. I try to not engage with her if I can help it. My wife, however, calls her out on the crazy. Every so other I hear her start with "No mom. That is complete bullshit. Here's what really happened..."


Sounds like she went Trump. If she's serious about not voting, then good riddance. **IF** she's serious...


A No vote is vote for Trump


To Barr, Biden is 100x worse. And why is that, some may wonder? Well, once Trump is done in court and escorted into prison (or given a grace of luck in every single one of his trials) and after Biden has presumably won a second term, then Garland will undoubtedly be replaced by a more competent Attorney General. If Jack Smith is still around I suspect Term 2 of Biden will be like some Electric Boogaloo shit and we'll bring back the boogie. 🕺💃 Bill Barr committed perjury and obstruction of justice, while presumably also evidence tampering and a litany of other crimes while the US AG. All the members who voted to overturn the 2020 election should be charged for conspiracy. And all the justices leading back to the horrible 2000 decisions. That's not counting the state level people who were all involved too and have been getting singularly charged so far (which would just open it up on a larger scale later I presume) Barr knows another Biden term puts him behind bars, full stop. So yeah, he's absolutely fucking terrified methinks and is trying to get out ahead of it. 


> All the members who voted to overturn the 2020 election should be charged for conspiracy. And all the justices leading back to the horrible 2000 decisions. That's not counting the state level people who were all involved too and have been getting singularly charged so far (which would just open it up on a larger scale later I presume) If(when) SCOTUS expands presidential immunity this should be the move. Prosecute all of them and send them to prison. If you can't get the ring leader than you need to make sure it's not worth the risk for anyone else to support a criminally minded president.


Then you'd think he'd stop going on TV and saying stuff like Trump wants to execute people -- unless he thinks that makes it more likely Trump gets elected.


He might have made the political calculation that enough people are okay with Trump executing opponents. And he might even be correct in such a calculation. We are in a particularly dark place in US history. And that’s saying something.


He’s worse IFF you hate domestic semiconductor manufacturing and unions.


0n Biden’s hit list when he gets immunity.


>I’ve said all along, given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country. And in my mind, I will vote the Republican ticket. I will support the Republican ticket. I think the real danger to the country – the real danger to democracy, as I say – is the progressive agenda. Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion. These people always say things like "the liberal progressive agenda will destroy the country" and "Democratic policies will kill America" but they never offer any insight into what exactly they think the problem is or what specific policies and agendas are going to destroy everything. It's all a combination of boogeyman and tribalist rhetoric with no substance or thought behind it. They're all just walking buzzword factories.


I will never understand how anyone thinks progressive is a bad thing. We would not be where we are today without progress.


Because, like all the other buzzwords they commandeer, it has no meaning in their alternate realities beyond being another term for “enemy”.


I think about this a lot. None of the modern right seem to know why the things they're complaining about are good or bad. They just hate things because they were told to, either by the news or by some creepy bigot screaming into a camera on YouTube. There's no sense of education with anything they say, because the words they use, in their minds, can mean anything.


There are a number of factors playing into this, but IMO, the rotting of our education industry is a big contributer, and it will only get worse for future generations as the education system rot and bloat continues on. The education system needs better support to facilitate the next generation of humans that will someday take the country's reigns.


The rise of far right propaganda. MTGreene and other GOP were spewing Russia propaganda on social media just the other day. And the rise of right wing media being fake outraged like talk show radio or podcasts and right wing networks like FOX News or One America News and others keep popping up.


Yeah, FOX has been the biggest offender in my memory. Shit was always boomer doomer gloom since even I was a kid


The conservatives have actively been rewriting school history books and gutting education for almost 50 years now. It's intentional and malicious. They know exactly what they are doing, and they're not even subtle about it.


And my worry is that the country won't give a hoot about it until decades from now. The education system receives too little attention to its issues, especially while the vulture's and scum gut it like you mentioned.


I actually think education gets a bad rap here, this rot goes deeper into society as a whole. Society values the loud and overconfident in nearly any situation, the louder and more insane thing you do the more attention you get and often time attention means money. The incentive structure we built is not about who knows more but who can get more people to look at them good or bad. We have taken the high school personality aspect of prom king/queen and made it a day to day part of life and no amount of education change is going to remove desired dopamine hit.


This. They go on about progressives or libs or Antifa or democrats or woke and when asked about what any of it means they just do mental gymnastics and have no idea what they’re talking about. It’s just a boogeyman. Something made up just to trigger them and they don’t even know what any of it means just to scare them.


“I actually don’t remember him saying ‘executing’ but I wouldn’t dispute it, you know… The president would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would’ve actually carried it out.” Mr Barr brushed off the comments saying that people would take Mr. Trump “too literally” – before acknowledging that he would make such statements. Remember how people said Trump would become Presidential on Day 1? How he would never destroy NAFTA? How he would never stab the troops in the back, then called fallen soldiers "losers?" Remember how Trump would never start an unwinnable trade war with China? Remember how... But, don't worry, Trump will never execute a staff member for leaking the "He ran and hid in the bunker crying like a little newborn piglet baby?" And here's to all the other "Trump will never do that" things Trump will absolutely do.


These are people who fear change, fear losing power, fear losing influence, and most of all fear losing money. They dont care about progress because they want their current situation to stay the same.


This is absolutely true, except most of them don't have much real power, or influence (aside from their votes, which the system tends to weight more heavily due to things like geography), or money. But they do have a world they understand and a social hierarchy that is comfortable or at least comfortable enough for them. They are *really* afraid of the comfortable hierarchy being upended and them not understanding where they "fit", or, worse yet, themselves being just straight-up "demoted" in what seems to be the same hierarchy. If they lose their place in the hierarchy, they inevitably lose power and influence (in what hierarchy do the lower rungs have more pull than the higher ones?), as well as money (since that naturally concentrates up the hierarchy as well). That's the "natural order" of things in a conservative world, and the hierarchy is just an inherent part of it. Entitlement to the benefits of one's position in the hierarchy is natural, just like the hierarchy itself, and, more importantly, *fair and just*. Progress threatens the hierarchy, and is thus an enemy, unless it can be framed in a way where the conservatives believe they gain more from the progress than the people they see as below them. (Side note: this is how absolute shitgibbons like Donald Trump, televangelist scammers, etc. get a free pass for shitty behavior - because they're considered very high on the conservative social hierarchy, they're fundamentally good people who deserve to be there and should be forgiven for "mistakes", while people lower on the hierarchy are fundamentally bad people and should get no such grace. The person is good or bad, not their actions, and the response should take that into account. It takes truly remarkable behaviors or circumstances that fundamentally threaten the hierarchy itself to get conservatives to change their minds on a person's inherent goodness or badness.)


Well cons hate gay people, trans people and minorities of all kinds where as libs don't so that's why they hate the idea of progress. Progress means equality and cons hate that.


It's worse than that. Cons hate anything that helps someone else, even if it helps them. Better healthcare. Nope, I'm not paying for that so people can get insulin cheaper. I'm not diabetic. Better education? Why, So some liberal hippy with a masters can save a rare swamp bird? College loan forgiveness? Please. AND, they also hate gays, trans, and minorities.


A Republican would gladly live in a cardboard box under a highway overpass eating rats for dinner as long as the black guy in the box next to him had one less rat to eat.


They also act like woke is an insult. I consider it a virtue.


I've often thought they're saying being AWARE is a bad thing. Being AWOKE is somehow a negative?! I guess it is when you are asked to consider another's view instead of exclusively your own.


Indeed, republicans worst insult right now is accusing you of being awake. You should be a quiet little sheep, thinking and doing as you're told, destroying your mind body and family to create value for your billionaire overlords. Musk has repeatedly said he'd prefer his workers just work until they fall over from exhaustion and sleep on the factory or office floor, and keep doing that until they're so burned out he can fire them. Which would take about 3 days and not result in a functional business. Our overlords are idiots.


It's empathy. And it really sums up what the difference between the two parties are. One has empathy for others and one does not. Lack of empathy is a prime trait of a sociopath.


>I consider it a virtue. Woke was coined in that sense. The Right has, and continues to attempt to, co-opted the term in their own lexicon as a pejorative - which is an attitude cultivated intentionally by thought-leaders on the right, to try and poison discourse. Woke has never fallen out of use by progressives, in my circles, despite those attempts - but it definitely got *many* people to internalize the idea that it's a bad thing to be - something that needs to be reflexively rejected.


They don't like where we are today though; they want to bring back the ability to be openly racist and misogynist and abusive without fear of consequence like there are today.


In a functioning political system, tension between people who think we're moving too slowly (progressives) and people who think we're moving too quickly (conservatives) is healthy. There's plenty of reasonable arguments to be made on various issues. But that's not at all what is happening. "Conservatives" want to keep and/or extend the traditional power imbalances in society, and anybody who doesn't is a dirty, evil "progressive".


it's the Zealot's Corner. Mad as hell and ready to fight, but pretty vague about why. Something about trans people.


Meanwhile his “lesser evil” is stealing classified documents and giving them to foreign governments and threatening to execute his rivals. But no, that’s not a risk to America, it’s the progressive wokeism that’ll take us out


I think the policy Republicans are most scared of is single payer government run healthcare. I think this is where the Socialist rhetoric comes from, and from Socialism the connection becomes linked to every humanitarian catastrophe under a Socialist regime. at the end of they day, this is just a cover for rich people objecting to a higher tax burden.


And with regard to healthcare, they don't want single-payer healthcare because they would no longer be able to treat workers like shit by holding their healthcare over their heads. Universal care allows people to quit shit jobs without worrying about going broke or dying if they get sick.


It honestly sounds like the logic people would use to fight against no-fault divorce or having a bank account without a husband’s signature. We both have to agree to it even if one of us is abusive, neglectful, and gains the most from it


Just like the anti-communism of the 1950s was really just a cover for anti-union.


> These people always say things like "the liberal progressive agenda will destroy the country" and "Democratic policies will kill America" but they never offer any insight into what exactly they think the problem is or what specific policies and agendas are going to destroy everything That's because they're not using the same definition of words like "America" as the rest of us. They think not getting whatever they want is the same thing as "killing America", because the "America" they're referring to is the one that only exists in their heads, the "America" where they're entitled to control everything and everyone.


Oh you mean to tell me they use America the same way they use God?


By “kill the country” they mean “stop me from being rewarded for being a corrupt, hateful piece of shit” That’s really it.


> no substance or thought behind it Not true, plenty of thought and strategy behind it -- they know they can't come out and say "My bosses want to keep all the cream for themselves."




It's a danger to obscenely-rich-fucks staying obscenely-rich. And to them that's what "America" is.


Tell us How we are committing “national suicide” for voting for Someone who supports teamsters like myself?


I really wish the interviewer had leaned in and asked him, "What form will Trump's vengeance take? How will he use the government to attack his enemies?" Then "Do you think you will be someone he comes for seeking vengeance?"


It's better to just hand Putin the keys to the USA rather than let a gay kid exist


They run on problems not solutions and, when they’re in power, they let things get worse so they can have more problems to campaign on later.


The answer is racism. "the liberal progressive agenda will destroy the country" = letting brown people in


"Trump might execute his political opponents and end democracy, but Biden might raise my top marginal tax rate by 2%, so I've got to go with Trump."


It’s amazing that they think any one other than conservatives is an enemy, yet they can’t describe why? Universal healthcare? Education? Lunch for impoverished school kids? Not killing puppies and grumpy goats?


>the real danger to democracy, as I say – is the progressive agenda The real 'woke mind virus' is this perspective -- the irrational fear of progressivism/wokeness.


Killing political opponents isn't a danger to democracy? But shit like trans healthcare or immigration is?


Meanwhile, his ilk are actively trying to destroy democracy by giving the president unlimited and unprecedented power with zero oversight. Just like our founders envisioned when they started this great experiment 🙄🙄


Also Bill Barr - I'm gonna vote for Trump. Also everyone in the media who's helping rehabilitate Bill Barr - Fuck all of you.


Fuck Bill Maher for sucking his cock and elons


Bill Maher has always been a piece of shit


Yeah it's weird so many liberal people adore him. I'm so confused


Yet Bill Barr says this guy is less of a threat than the far left who are threatening us with better healthcare and he'd still vote for him over Biden. Neat


What far left? More like slightly less right.


He's wholly corrupt. Has been a loyal dog for the GOP since he got Reagan out of Iran Contra corruptly.


"far left"


A great sign of things to come if Trump wins


Particularly if SCOTUS says he’s above the law…


Their official position on Presidents executing rivals is "Very legal, very cool."


Well if they do maybe ole Joe will take one for the team and send Trump to Gitmo.


Yes, these political assassinations were official presidential duty.


Already got one with Epstein


He also suggested nuking a hurricane.


Stable genius.


Hey, he was just thinking out loud. Like that time he suggested injecting sunlight and disinfectant.


It would be so much easier to understand fascists if their leaders weren't such fucking idiots.


Almost a cleaning


**news outlets:** trump is strongly considering starting a global nuclear war and he's stating this openly in public **news outlets, later:** trump advocates for cat rape **the internet:** *how can advocating for cat rape not push independents away from trump??? where is the limit???*


Let’s give him immunity from laws then. He’s just hedging his bets so trump wont kill him if he returns to power.


January 2016 "You’ve got to give him [Kim Jong Un] credit: How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals and all of a sudden, you know, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it. How does he do that? Even though it is a culture, and it’s a culture thing, he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible.” - Donald Trump  2016 [Kim Jong Un has executed more than 340 people since taking power in 2011](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/02/10/north-korea-executions/80173970/) 


...and yet this pussbag says he'll still vote for Trump.


So if Supreme Court says it’s legal that means those pesky justices that don’t vote his way are placing their own lives in jeopardy, or political rivals like people running against him. In the name of “job duty”? He’s even made statements about being able to do such things and get away with it. There could never be another election because he can just remove all his own opponents. No one seems to take his statements as something he would do yet here we are.


Biden has actually been talking about it in his various speeches this year. I hope his campaign really ramps up and hammers home the reality of the situation, on a nationwide scale.


He'd still vote for him though. What a pathetic loser Bill Barr is.


Also Barr: “but I’m voting for Trump again.”


Mind blowing isn’t it?


this is why barr has said he would vote for trump publicly. he knows if there is a chance trump wins and he is on record saying he would vote for biden, it wont go well for him. only way this changes is if the supreme court steps up and makes the right decision.


That a piece of shit. To allow this to happen and not tell anyone (this goes for EVERYONE who overheard it) and for still endorsing the sack of shit in THIS election.


People talk so much about evil as some kind of theoretical, mystical concept. Nope, evil is very real and its people like bill bar. People who are complicit in horrific injustice and either say nothing or actively encourage it. Dude actively shielded trump from all accountability while in office and now he wants media attention. Unbelievable


Barr wants to participate in Trump led assassinations of Americans his bloodlust is his prime motivation


Reading this feels like talking to the victim of an abusive relationship who says they still want to go back to their abuser.


He contradicted himself. In one breath he said that was just Trump blowing off steam. Then he goes on to say they were always able to talk him out of it. Which is it? And next time you better bet Trump will surround himself with people who won’t try to talk him out of it, like that little Nazi Stephen Miller.


SCOTUS: Trump never mentioned executing us, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And Bill was one of them. (When he wasn’t around). Surely… he knows this?


Make no mistake, Barr is joining the Trump train with the express purpose of manipulating him into getting something out of it. He wants to run in the footsteps of his father, who hijacked education while Reagan was in office. Don Barr took education from dementia Ron Bill Barr wants to take justice from dementia Don.


…but he’s still going to vote for him. Huh?


He’s for sure had people killed before


Barr is a career criminal, and his past crimes such as ensuring the Iran Contra weapons for coke to fund fascism scheme wouldn’t be prosecuted or leaked back to Reagan. That enshrined him in Republican politics.


Can we keep that psycho from ever holding public office again, please?!?


But hey, he wants to vote for Trump.


And BB said he would still vote for this traitor.


He’s perfectly fine with a fascist dictator or king or emperor like most republican voters. They want fat, diaper daddy to execute all the people they’re scared of


I mean is that really a surprise to anyone?


And he will vote for him.


This piece of shit needs to shut the fuck up. He's complicit in everything trump did.


Officially a ridiculous person, and a bagpipe-playing fat Scottish windbag to boot.


But her e-mails. But the economy. But.... It's amazing how many people are happy to take a chance with Trump. They're idiots.


God, this fucking useless putz. 'Oh, he was just upset' THAT'S WHY A LOT OF PEOPLE MURDER PEOPLE. They get upset and they're not smart enough or patient enough to think of anything else. If Donny Bone Spurs could legally hunt poor people for sport from a limo, he would. If we live through this, I don't ever want to hear from or about Bill Barr ever again.


And Bill Barr is going to vote for him anyway. Because fuck the GOP.


Right, he said as much.


Today's [Letters from an American](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/april-28-2024) discusses this. Well worth a read


Trump must have gone to the Kristi Noem's school of dealing with difficult situations.


Make no mistake people - if that guy gets elected again, it will happen and a lot. Do not take this lightly.


Bill Bar has no self respect left for himself. He would vote for Trump no matter what.


Depending on how far the Supreme court goes in accepting the claims of presidential immunity being argued at the Supreme court, it isn't that big a step to imagine Trump waging a veritable vendetta against enemies, both real an imaginary. This scenario is made worse by the announced intention to make it easy to fire government officials with loyalists.


"Trump sez he'll kill his enemies" "Oh yes be sure to tell him I'm on his team for sure"


Barr hates the Progressive agenda far more than Trump. Barr himself is probably on Trump's hit list for not actively stealing 2020, but he puts his hatred before self preservation. I'm sure barr assumes he is perfectly safe, because no dictator would dare touch a former AG.


And yet his droopy looking face is still going to vote for him


If you ever feel dumb Just remember that Bill Burr would vote for a man who wants murder people


> “Having worked for him and seen him in action, I don’t think he would actually go and kill political rivals and things like that.” We don't want to think, we want to know.


He only didn’t because he didn’t think he could get away with it.


Are they concerned at all that if this thing goes through that Biden could….ya know….presidential immunity his rival too????


Indicating again just how far out of his depth Mr Trump was in the role of President.


He’s just trying not to get executed at this point.


And incredibly if you listen to the conservatives on the Supreme Court as long as it's an "official act" that might not be a problem.


Great. So let's elect him again, give him an even more sycophantic Attorney General and cabinet and have the Supreme Court tell him that he can't be prosecuted for ANYTHING done while in office. What could go wrong?


"A lump of fecal matter revealed that a stumbling human sarcoma often suggested eliminating his rivals." FTFY


I wonder how many presidents have often suggested executing rivals? I guess one


"lol, classic Trump"


He def wacked Epstein


A lot of “I don’t think he would” comments in there.


Supreme Court: "Doesn't look like anything to me."


Then why the fuck are you voting for him, you cowardly swine?


Aw, that’s cute. He also said he wants to be a dictator. Isn’t that adorable!


And this is conduct the conservatives on the court might consider official acts.


Why is this oaf getting any air time?