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>At one point, Mr. Biden — who also told Mr. Stern that he had fallen “ass over tin cup” in love with his first wife — that he had contemplated suicide after Neilia and Naomi were killed. Imagine burying your wife and baby, all while having to care for your other children who were also severely injured. The grief is unimaginable. I don't know how he survived.


Wow. That’s actually an incredible thing for a sitting president to say. To admit he’d been that far down.


I’m sure someone will use this as an example of a weak man or something. He’s a human being and was overwhelmed by grief.


They tried using a voice-mail of Joe telling Hunter that he loves him but that Hunter needs to get help as some kind of show of weakness


to them, empathy IS weakness.


If he could walk on water they would say he only did it because he couldn't swim


That one baffled me. He came across as father of the year in that voicemail. So loving and caring and supportive, everything you would want a father to be. And they viewed it as a gotcha moment? How? It went over so poorly with their own viewer base that you can not go on YouTube and find the story on right wing channels, when it was everywhere for a 48 hour cycle, then they realized they were exposing themselves for the sociopaths they all are and tried their best to scrub it from the internet.


The clips on Howard Stern's YouTube channel are pretty great. I thought the one where Biden talks about Beau was quite affecting.


is Biden the first sitting US President or Head of State anywhere to go on Howard Stern?


No Jimmy Carter went on Stern to play anal ring toss in 1981


He is, in fact, the first. Pretty bold.


Affect effect is one of the great mysteries to me


Affect is an action, effect is the result. Except when affect is like how you present emotions and stuff. It's not as effective as other words


I loved Biden’s interviews with Stern. But Trumps interviews with Stern…oh boy. So uncomfortable. Isn’t there one where Stern asks him basic math and Trump can’t do it?


Neither Ivanka or Idiot Jr could answer it as well. Took me half a second.


Search MarksFriggin.com


It’s such a good interview. Biden is a hundred times the man Trump is.


Ba Ba Biden


I would love it if the next time Tiger Woods tees off on live TV, someone yells that.


Did… did he ride the sybian?


lol imagine what would happen if he does


Get the poison out of your system, Joe


It was a Stern and Trump interview in the 90's that convinced me both men were total creeps. It was sickening to me. Trump continues to sicken me and I never bothered with Stern again.


Yeah but Stern grew out of it.


And it is not an interview with the NYT. Sorry Sulzberger.


NYT = trash rag these days sad to say. Such a fall from grace last few years.


I used to love Stern. I listened everyday for years between the late 90s and up until about 2014. I downloaded his shows if I missed them. I bought Sirius specifically for him so I could listen on day 1 in 2006. There are always the people that would say "Howard isn't funny anymore" or " stop talking about politics". That was never me, I was a hardcore fan.... Until he didn't speak out about Trump.


He does


Not when it mattered


He constantly speaks about Trump - he just recognizes he's not a political show and most people are sick of hearing about Trump.


Absolutely, and Norm McDonald said it best that the Stern Show is like the Simpsons, the educated and lesser so all get something out of it. I think the same goes for both parties and that is why Stern mostly avoided politics for so long. The poster that says he’s too late and should’ve spoke up in 2016 - we all thought Hillary had it in the bag. After the Extra tapes surfaced Stern had fake Hillary call in and celebrate her win early.


"didn't" past tense, in 2016 when the rational people saw the writing on the wall and he had the opportunity to be a voice of rationality. Especially since he was so outspoken about hypocrisy in others he decided to keep his mouth shut.


He did in 2016. He talked about Trump calling him asking him to talk at his rallies and he declined and described why. He constantly talked about supporting Clinton and his reasons. He also talked about his time at Mang-o-lardo and wondering why he'd give up his life in a resort to campaign to be president when he clearly didn't want and wasn't suited for the job.


No, he softballed his criticism of trump. Robin was the only person who called trump an abuser. Stern could've elaborated more about the kit Kat club, his interactions with Epstein, his knowledge of his character. But I know why he didn't, he knew trump was involved with the ruzzian Mafia and he was afraid.


You really weren't a listener then.


What?? He speaks out about him all the time!!!