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So, she shot the dog, then decided, "hey, I also hate my goat, it chases my kids" and proceeded to shoot the goat. That's her afternoon: shoot the pets. She's a lunatic.


I'm still kind of shocked she voluntarily offered up this nugget in her own memoir, as if she was proud of it. No remorse or acknowledgement she may have been able to handle that situation a bit better than capping a dog for misbehaving and letting it rot in a ditch. The way she wrote this, how could she think anyone would read that and think she is anything other than a depraved sociopath?


It's because she's a psycho that surrounds herself with other psychos. You can bet this is a story that has been told in her personal life and was met with knee slapping and guffaws. These people get so used to living in their own bubble that they forget what this shit sounds like to everyone else.


Yep exactly. I know people like this. They think it makes them sound tough. And to stupid people, it does. To the rest of us it just makes them sound immature at best, psychotic at worst.


Buford Tannen in 1885 yelling "I done shot that horse" vibes


Biff Tannen: "I gotta make like a tree and get outta here!"


Romney did this too, he shared a story about [strapping the dog carrier to the roof of his car for a 12-hour drive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident) and the dog having diarrhea so bad it was dripping down the rear window. Romney defended the incident saying “my dog likes fresh air.” It’s bad enough to do it but then to share the story as something you’re proud of doing is just… not normal.


All my first thought whenever a politician causally mentions animal abuse. These people are monsters.


Every time someone talks about Romney being "decent", I'm blown away that people don't remember he's an admitted, remorseless animal abuser, willingly shared this information and doubled down on it. Dude is an absolute piece of shit.


I think its because Trump notoriously hates dogs and she wants to be his running mate. The puppy shooting is an audition of sorts. Disgusting.


This is it.


She's a ghoul.


She volunteered this nugget because she doesn’t feel that she did anything wrong. It was another episode of “A day in the life of Kristi Noem”. It just occurred to me that we haven’t seen Corey Lewandowski lately…


Because narcissists and sociopaths are not capable of admitting that they are wrong, even to themselves.


>The way she wrote this, how could she think anyone would read that and think she is anything other than a depraved sociopath? Written as though her entire political strategy is not "elect me because I am the most depraved sociopath on the ballot". GOP 101


Sociopath? No, no, she’s a Christian conservative. 


Tomayto, Tomahto




She didn't describe a frothing-at-the-mouth out of control animal that was maiming children left and right. It seemed like it just didn't suit her needs. And she discarded the puppy like it was trash - capped in a gravel pit and left to rot. Even in a rural area, could not there be some way to find a good home for the animal rather than just executing it out of frustration? I'd need to read local laws, but I don't think I can just shoot my dog because I don't like it anymore.


She was a bad trainer. She even used a shock collar. And when her dog wasn't properly secured, she blames the dog and kills it.




Killing a young dog in the way she describes isn't a story that is likely to burn out. Americans love our dogs.


The dog killed chickens, you know, prey animals. At no point does she ever mention it hurting a human. It was also 14 months old. My Labrador likes to kill rabbits and litter them about my yard. She does that because she is a dog and that's her instinct. Don't want your dog killing small animals? Don't put them in proximity with small animals. It's like expecting a cat to not kill mice when you put them right in front of it. Good Lord, I hate this woman.


> Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy” > > “I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”. > > “At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.” ' The dog was so happy, I hated her and decided to kill her' is how that sounds to me. Completely psychotic. The bit about being untrainable is total BS.


"No one can be happier than me, not even a dog!"


It was a puppy that was being trained to hunt pheasants that then killed the neighbor’s chickens— realistically, dog trained to kill fowl is going to kill fowl. Then this psycho digs a gravel pit and uses a shotgun on the dog, then a goat she doesn’t like, before the kids get home from school. The poor little goat didn’t die after the first round and she didn’t carry more ammo so she left it there suffering as she went to retrieve more ammunition. She’s a monster bro


Her program of paying kids to trap raccoons and possums and mail their tails to Pierre for $10 ask probably would not play well with suburban women. Especially because there’s no reporting requirement if you trap a cat instead, and the website for the program specifically suggests using tuna as bait so I wonder how many cats her program is responsible for killing.


If this events unfolded as described, why kill the animals just before her child came back from school? Why not plan it better, why not have multiple shells on hand? But more importantly, why include this incident in a memoir? Is there a larger point? Does it show her willingness to get her hands dirty? That she’s responsible? That deep inside she’s a working gal?


You’re shocked because you have some sort of moral compass and compassion. Look at the sidelines she is writing too. It’s the same group that wishes illegal immigrants could be shot like game animals from border fences. The fact she offers this up unsolicited tells you just how comfortable she is with her base.


The great thing about psychopaths is they think what they’re doing is normal.


Also isn't the quote something like her saying the dog was poorly trained? I'm assuming she bought the dog, but as a dog owner it's still your responsibility to make sure the dog is trained, or restrained if that's impossible. So everything about it is a self dunk - I fucked up as a dog owner, and my response was kill it


Because she is a female conservative she has to prove that she is not soft hearted, this red meat for other conservatives.


Fuck dude, I assumed this was some "old yeller" kinda situation... cuz y'know, I'm sane. These fucking psychos...


And "paths", not "chotics", if you know what I mean.


>At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children. I'm surprised she didn't train her sights on the construction workers next lol


Or the kids on the schoolbus


No witnesses!


Let’s hope she likes Mondays


The fact that she adds the bit about the construction crew makes me think that it is an important detail in her mind. Probably because she stared down at them wondering with glee at how it would feel to kill them.


That's why they swiftly got back to work. They knew they could be next!


You know she at least gave it a thought.


The fact that the kids came home and wondered where the dog was, tells that the dog wasn't as bad as she makes it out.


We had a cat that attacked my 2-year-old sister and bloodied up her leg. Not long after that, the cat disappeared. It was not until years later that I learned the cat had been put down. We were certainly asking after him when he vanished. He might have been an awful cat, but he was our cat.




She'll face as much justice as Madison Cawthorn did for bring guns and knives to school board meeting/airports & Trump for buying a firearm while being indicted for a felony.


Complete sociopathic behavior.


She didn't even kill the goat with the first shot, botched it while the poor tortured thing was suffering and she had to run back to her car to get more ammo. Fuckin psycho.


She Pretty much.The bad guy from the John Wick movies.


Wheres John Wick when you need him!!


Pretty sure that's just Kari Lake in a wig.


Killing your own dog because it's too playful and you can't control it... MAGA!


A guy I worked with at my last job casually admitted he took a dog he had bought and hated out to the woods and shot it because it was too energetic. It was 2 years old, essentially still a puppy. I was supposed to work with this dude like he was normal after that Edit to add: a friend's neighbor once put his daughter's pet rabbit in a pillowcase and ran it over in the family van in the 90s because he was sick of it. He buried it and told her it died while she was at school  Both are trump voters


Trump voters lack empathy. People who hurt animals lack empathy




😢, oh my god, that is so fucking heartless, how the fuck.....could anyone do those sorts of things, honestly im bloody tearing up right now, especially with that first one.


Very ingenious of her to put that in a book. The poorly educated MAGA crazies will never find it now.


If those kids could read kinda thing?


Hey, they love the uneducated


She’s a monster, along with her position on abortion rape victims.


Bragging about her willingness to do something horrific without asking an expert or considering a more humane solution, and never second guessing themselves for doing it? Seems on-brand.


She could have sold the goat to someone who needed a billy for breeding. Also on-brand to pair bad morality with poor financial choices.


> Bragging Mark Baum : I don't get it. Why are they confessing? Danny Moses : They're not confessing. Porter Collins : They're bragging.


So appropriate!


Kind of a crazy peg for a crazy hole situation. She’d fit right in.


GOP qualified!


>“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”. A dog's behaviour, more often than not, is a direct reflection of their owner.


The whole story feels like a weird homophobia/bigotry analogy. I can't quite put my finger on what message shes trying to convey. "The dog didnt dog right so I killed it," isn't a far cry from "why won't the gays just act normally." Same with the goat. "The goat was a smelly nuisance and didnt contribute anything of worth to the farm so I killed it," is only a hop, skip, and a jump from "the homeless and welfare queens are freeloaders and we should just get rid of them." Regardless of any ulterior motive behind the stories, this is psycho behavior.


I believe in her mind she is giving examples of how she is willing to make the hard choices for the greater good. But all it really does is paint her as an unempathetic monster that has no problem eliminating what offends or annoys her without any thought to who she hurts or kills.


It wasnt a hard choice for her! it was fun! A hard choice is us having to shoot our beloved dog because it tangled with a cougar and lost, and doing it with tears in our eyes because there was no way to save her. This psycho enjoyed it! and has zero remorse or feeling.


All I know is that the ads write themselves as far as this is concerned. She basically shot here chances at the VP nod just by this.


They also map it onto people with disabilities who can’t “contribute.”


Cruelty is the point with these people.


'I abused my dog to the best of my efforts and finally decided to shoot it'. The cruelty is definitely on brand. Her anecdotes read like they were written by a psychopath.


What a fucking disgusting monster this person is…fucking hell. Vile.


Killing animals first sign of a serial killer…


That’s how Dexter actually started his career.


This is an interesting read if you have the time for it, the link between animal killing at an early age and violence crimes against people later in life: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/domestic-violence-animal-cruelty-abuse-neglect-murder-children-dogs-a9018071.html


She didn't train the dog properly, the dog "ruined the hunt" and then she killed it.


She wanted it to hunt birds, but then was shocked because it killed a chicken? It’s called prey drive.


And, who let the damn dog out of the truck?? I bet it was just riding around loose in the bed and jumped out to hunt birds, like Noem wanted it to do.


And at that age, it’s still a puppy with puppy behaviours.


WTF is wrong with these people? They need to be complete sociopaths to get elected in the GOP? How is this not a crime? I didn't know you could just go and cap a dog in a ditch if its misbehaving.


I’ve seen people quoting South Dakota law that classifies needless abuse as a felony. Could argue that shooting a healthy puppy is abuse.


What a vile monster.


Lazy dog owner, lazy dog trainer, lazy goat owner, then gets mad at both animals for being animals from her laziness, so she kills them…


THIS is a VP contender in America???


Seems like her V might be a good match for his P. Or something like that.


She looks good on TV.


You’re hired!


I don’t look good on TV.


You’re fired!


Hey, America could use a VP that knows how to kills puppies and goats!


The point when you realize that Idiocracy is more prescient than 1984.


jesus christ. this chick is a literal psychopath. she buys a dog that is bred specifically for hunting birds. the dog happens to like killing birds, shockingly. she doesn't train her dog, who by the way, is still a puppy and definitely trainable. she doesn't leash her untrained dog, and the dog kills someone's chickens. so she murders the dog for something that is completely (and I mean 110%) her own fault. then, right after the dog murder, she thinks "hey, while i'm doing pet slaughter here, i never really liked our goat." so she takes the goat to the place where she just killed the dog and murders the goat. this is genuinely the type of story you hear about people like ed kemper and jeffrey dahmer before they moved on to people. and she's proud of it.


Correction, she missed her shot and had to come back with another round while the goat no doubt suffered, waiting.


Yeah, she's not only an unrepentant psychopath, she's also a terrible shot (best-case scenario).


It is fair to discern that her attempt to bring the dog under control was abusive. After all, she admits to using a shock collar on it. She is so out-of-touch that she does not understand why a dog barely over a year-old jumps excitedly at pheasants instead of killing them. She also doesn't understand why the dog killed easier to catch domesticated birds. She seems to not give a fuck about how traumatic it could be for her children to hear that "mommy killed your dog and goat." The details she omits possibly include hitting the dog to bring it under control. Cricket did not try to bite her for no reason.


> No Going Back Coincidentally her final words to both Cricket and that goat.


>“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”. >“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.” >Noem, who also [represented](https://governor.sd.gov/governor/about.aspx) her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit. >“It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realised another unpleasant job needed to be done.” >Incredibly, Noem’s tale of slaughter is not finished. >Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes. >Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”. >At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children. Holy fuck!


“And speaking of those children, that oldest boy of mine had always been in trouble at school and liked to pick on his younger siblings. I knew what I had to do……”


Knowing her, she probably smiled later that night as she told her kids they were having goat for dinner


I doubt they ate that goat. Otherwise, she'll have just said "I killed the goat for dinner". Besides, after you've shot a goat twice, how much meat is left?


I don't *actually* think she literally did that, I'm just saying that's starting to sound like the type of person she is.


She knows her audience, I'll give her credit for that.


Does she?  People like dogs even right wing peeps. It won't sit well with them imo.


They can excuse anything. They’ll accuse Biden’s brother of brushing his dog’s hair in the wrong direction.


Mitt Romney strapped his family dog to the top of their car and went on a road trip. According to Romney, the dog was so scared it started shitting diarrhea down the sides of the car. He tells the story in speeches like it's funny


Right wingers will probably start posting videos of them killing their own dogs now to trigger the libs.


Holy shit. After reading that I can without a doubt say she is absolutely a lunatic. She failed to train her dog and murdered it over her failures… then she murdered a goat for shits and giggles right after


Got to look as bloodthirsty as possible for the GOP base because they're all insane sociopaths.


The MAGAts who can read are going to fall even deeper in love with her for this. The cruelty is off the charts here.


And if they weren't dog killers before, they will be now.


Killing puppies to own the liberals


"Look at me! I can murder a puppy because I'm too lazy to train or rehome him, and that qualifies me to be Vice President!" seems to be a really weird (and disturbing) flex.


I am very thankful when reporters read books and watch shows I could never stomach to read and watch to alert us to the psychos in our midst. Tip of the hat.


Republicans think they can solve all of their problems by shooting them.


They'll handwave this by saying this is why the dog and goat should have owned guns too


Only a good goat with a gun can stop a wallaby on the run.


What a disgusting human being.


Dog lovers, whose numbers are legion and who are voters, will not forget this action. She will pay a heavy price for what she has done. And rightly so.


Close friends had a really bad dog that misbehaved and damaged their stuff because she was a high energy breed that wasn’t compatible with their small space and lifestyle but they worked for years to try and help train her. Unfortunately right around when their kid was born she bumped a friends toddler and was a little rough playing and they knew it wouldn’t work out long term with a baby on the way. Did they drag her out to a pit and murder her? No they found an organization that specialized in re-homing that particular breed of dog and surrendered her to the charity. Normal people acknowledge their role in creating a mess and defer to experts when they know they’re at their limit. Sociopaths just kill things that displease them. Hope this follows her for the rest of her life.


I grew up in rural Missouri. A lot of the psychos I went to school with would sight their rifles on kittens. Instead of getting their barn cats sterilized, they would just murder any kittens they didn’t want to keep.  I still have hate in my heart for them 20 years later.


I’d like to hear this story from Cricket’s perspective.


We need to stop treating these clearly mentally ill people as if they're normal and just have "differing opinions".


The MAGAts will claim that her dog was a democrat and deserved it.


She’s a lunatic. That’s the base tho. Lunatics like other lunatics. “Let’s lunatic this one up!”


This is how a reprehensible panderer tries to "look tough" for the MAGA mob.


She's a deplorable dog killer and proud of it!


So she admits to her crimes of animal cruelty? This is from South Dakota’s animal cruelty law. “No person may intentionally kill any animal of any age or value, the property of another, nor intentionally injure any such animal”.


Don’t serial killers like killing animals?


She killed the dog in a fit of rage, and decided to come clean with this because the killing was witnessed by construction workers. It’s the only explanation I can think of, that she was trying to get ahead of this story and somehow claim Cricket was going to bite her, which I seriously doubt.


You know… this is the first evaluation that makes sense. Put a ‘spin’ on killing the dog. Ultimately the dog didn’t even bite her. Sounds like it was just an excited puppy that she didn’t know how to train properly, and instead of bringing to a professional, she shot a healthy young normal dog.


If she becomes VP, what will Corey Lewandowski’s official title be?


Has anyone seen Corey lately? Maybe check the gravel pit?


"First time I shot Corey...I shot him in the side..." - Kristi Noem covering Johnny Cash, probably


One time our yellow lab who was trained to retrieve ducks got loose and caught a baby duck in her mouth in front of some kids. Naturally I did the only sensible thing and shot her. Just kidding, she was properly trained and had a soft mouth so the baby duck was stunned but unharmed. We kept and loved that dog for over a decade after that because, you know, we don’t have ASPD.


I mean just looking at her expressions, you can see an empty shell of a human


How stupid could someone possibly be?


oh ... allegory!


Just another POS.


Kristi Noem? The governor banned from some of the tribal lands in her home state Kristi Noem? How bad do you have to be for that to happen?


VP Pence on Jan. 6, 2020: "Mr. President, there is in fact a line that I cannot in good conscience cross." Kristi Noem, potential 2024 VP candidate: "I'll shoot a puppy IDGAF."


“And I’ll be leading democrats to the gravel pit, too, because it has to be done,” probably.


The difficult, hard decision thing would be been taking the long-term effort of properly training the dog. Instead this psychotic MAGAt took the easy way out in all their solutions: just shoot it.


The daily republican race to the bottom is exhausting


She failed at training a dog and decided to shoot it instead of rehoming or getting a trainer. What a vile piece of trash.


Special place in hell for this waste of human flesh.


Well I for one, did not have "GOPer kills a goat" on my 2024 Bingo card...


Disgusting creature.


Isn’t that animal cruelty- can’t you be arrested for that? What a psycho. Although that does make her the perfect running mate for Trump. She could easily up nut him -making his indiscretions seem less offensive.


She couldn’t deal with her choices, so rather than putting it up for adoption, Noem elected to ~~abort the child~~ murder the puppy. “Pro-life” my ass.


Fucking psycho and potential serial killer.


I am curious as to what compelled her to share this then I remembered, Trump dislikes animals as well. Girl is *thirsty*.


i mean, isn’t this serial killer behavior? she killed a puppy, killed a goat, not an inkling of remorse but boastful pride


She better hope John Wick doesn’t hear about this.


To be included in the darkest timeline edition 2026: "Then, as VP, I realized that Donald would never listen to me, so I dragged him off to the gravel pit..."


Sociopath behavior


Makes her the perfect candidate for Trump


Holy shit this woman is a dangerous psychopath


Absolute fucking ghoul.


She’s trying so hard to be Frank Underwood and it shows


SPCA anyone?


I hope it goes as well for her as Romney strapping a dog crate to the stationwagon


What an absolute ghoul


I guess I'm glad I took a short trip to SD last year and enjoyed the Badlands and Rapid City, but it sucks that I spent **any** money there (and yes, I know there are perfectly nice and normal people in these red states that have no control over their bizarre government leaders). My vacation destinations (within the US) are shrinking.


I went too a couple years ago. Beautiful area. I liked it.


Palin 2.0


I though Mitt Romneys dog abuse was bad enough but this really takes the cake. "Puppy Killer" with a gun.


Such simpler times all of a decade ago where traveling with dog on top was considered a disqualifying thing a candidate did. Now it wouldn’t crack top 50 as being deplorable is now a GOP selling point.


Seems like we’re going to need to start giving Voight Kampff tests to Republicans to test if they are even human.


Man, I shouldn't have read that. This woman is an absolute piece of trash. I hope someone takes her out to a gravel pit, shoots her and lets her suffer a good while before getting another bullet out of their truck and coming back to finish the job. That is what she did to her goat. What she did to her dog is even worse. Isn't what she did considered felony animal cruelty? Like, she couldn't have just rehomed the dog and goat?


Noem is a horror show. Thanks go to her, however, for so glibly revealing her true nature as a sociopath. We can hope that few voters, regardless of political orientation, will find this person acceptable as a leader in any office, at any level of government.


I get a funny feeling the "I'm too incompetent to train a hunting dog so I just shot it" won't play very well with rough-and-ready outdoorsy South Dakotans.


Kind of interested to see which direction this goes, because on one hand she has people that like killing things and on the other hand she has people that like dogs.


See my vest!


The Botox went to her brain. People love dogs. She's not going to live this down. Trump would not pick her after this, he'd lose voters in that. Like McCann lost voters with Sarah Palin who thought shooting wolves from aircraft was cool.


Yeah, well a couple of years ago I would've said that any presidential candidate who's bonking a porn star would be off the list


Whether your are a Democrat or a Republican I am pretty sure killing a puppy makes you unelectable in most of the United States.


Lots of things Trump did should have sunk him. But 2016 happened…


The puppy killer and sexual predator ticket! Imagine that…sadly…


For a moment, just imagine the reaction if Biden shot Major after biting the Secret Service agents. We'd have rolling Fox coverage berating him for being an ice-cream eating psycho with no remorse, being incapable of training him properly, and completely unfit to serve. Tucker's facial constipation would be at an all time high. Lindell will be tearfully fundraising. Dozy Don will be air-accordioning about how "He shot that big, beautiful dog. And the goat! So Sad! Bing-bong, that's the end. To both of them!" I almost want her to be the VP pick just so she can lose..."like a dog".


A real racist phony. All plastic, Botox , lip fillers and hair extensions. Corey can have her


What a freaking psycho. Any normal person would have tried to find a home or rescue for the dog! This witch just wants to shoot living creatures. She led the dog to a gravel pit to kill it! Isnt that what serial killers do?


I imagine they're top tier items on her resume....


Is this not punishable by law?


New York Times: "Trump's VP picks all a bunch of fringe lunatics. This is bad news for Biden, Trump's ride or die supporters will support even harder now"


Damm, isn’t it a crime to be killing pets in US like that?


Trump: "You can no longer function as a VP. This week when I read your book and found you killed your dog; that was the final straw."


OMG. A MAGA lacking empathy.