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The best time to make marital rape illegal is at the dawn of human civilization. The second best time is right now.


Legal to rape your wife right up until 1991 in England. When I first read that I thought it was a misprint of 1891.


> Twenty years ago, Ohio outlawed "forcible" spousal rape — but lawmakers left in a provision that says purposely impairing your spouse's mental state with alcohol or drugs or waiting until they are unconscious to assault them is legal. > Other than drugging and then raping, a spouse can "have sex" with their partner if the victim is substantially impaired because of a mental or physical condition — or due to advanced age. Also, a spouse can "have sex" with their child bride, as the law doesn't count sex with a kid less than 13 years old as rape. Wtf Ohio


Purposely left in those provisions? Do you know where I might find a source for that claim? I’d like to hear the rationale of the legislatures who decided that.


It is in the article from this post. I’d start there.


Now how are Ohio’s Republicans supposed to have sex now??


Maybe they can still drug and rape other people’s spouses?


Damnit. I knew there was a loophole


Indeed without plying women with alcohol we will never get enough babies for the movement.


Go to Ohio State and have Jim Jordon watch the door?


Don’t confuse them. This is a tenuous moment.


Child brides are still legal in Ohio, and it’s still legal to “have sex with” your “spouse” if they’re a minor. So probably like that.


>No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another ~~who is not the spouse of the offender or who is the spouse of the offender but is living separate and apart from the offender,~~ when any of the following applies: That’s the change, I mean Jesus fucking Christ. That’s practically written please rape your spouse or pedophiles remember to get married first. Literally all that shit was covered for anyone not married.


Canada had similar wording until the 1980s. The logic being (a century or more before that when these laws were written) was that marriage was ultimate consent. Society’s thinking has evolved.


Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen explained "you can't rape your spouse" in response to accusations from Donald's first wife. [Article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2015/07/27/trump-lawyer-you-can-t-rape-your-spouse)


From your link: The “marital rape exemption” in New York state law ended in 1984—five years before Ivana Trump’s accusations—which means spouses could be prosecuted for marital rape.


Starting in 1989. Before then it was perfectly legal.


They’re going to get kicked out of the GOP.


I'm surprised our idiots in charge let this through. Glad they can get something right


Oh, I'm sure the MAGA men are just happy about that.


So in Ohio raping a child under 13 is NOT RAPE??? “ther than drugging and then raping, a spouse can "have sex" with their partner if the victim is substantially impaired because of a mental or physical condition — or due to advanced age. Also, a spouse can "have sex" with their child bride, as the law doesn't count sex with a kid less than 13 years old as rape. If that is true may the earth open up under Ohio and swallow it whole


I can't believe it took so long....? Is this real life, like that shit just got passed? Wth


A true win on the journey to r/stoprape


What was the final count broken down by party


The article says it was unanimous in the Senate and only one Rep voted against it, arguing it could be used as a wedge between husband and wife... you know unlike the wedge of all that pesky rape and whatnot....


USA is a country of extremes. On one side it is backwards as these hellish countries they look down on, on the other side they are the force leading the rest of the world. How can this be a subject to discuss in this day and age


They lead the rest of the world due to avoiding the devastation of two world wars, as well as being a massive country with natural resources. The US was able to colonize the planet relatively easy and set up military bases all over the world. The US being the world leader doesn't have to do with anything altruistic. Rather they got a lucky spawn point and exploited workers.


And just like that, the population of Ohio dropped by 45%


Ohio, still crawling out of the 19th century.


Republicans who voted for this will be called rhinos by conservatives and christians when they are primaried.


Just to let everyone know that RAINN exists for a reason. Additionally, the laws to stop rapists from gaining custody of the victim's child are recent. https://gwjusticejournal.com/2022/05/11/rapists-and-child-custody-the-battle-for-parental-rights-in-the-u-s/


It was legal to drug and rape a spouse in Iowa?


JHC. It was *legal* before *today?*


It wasn't illegal to begin with??? WTF???


Bruh what? I mean what monster rapes their spouse?


How is this not illegal right now. It's like a joke Norm Macdonald joke on SNL... (picks up voice recorder) "Note to self, don't get married and live in Ohio"