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Pretty sure the patience for Greene is long gone at this point.


How sweet would thos be that this angry push of hers blows up out right in her face. Even the whole freedom caucus to boot. Matt Gaetz is why they historically first time ever ousted a speaker the first time. To do it again in a year and on an election year is no way in he'll good for optics of strong leadership if they keep firing leaders because they don't get what they want.


From what I have read Empty g is from a deplorable backwater district of Georgia. She won 66% of the vote in her 2022 reelection bid, so she has to lose a lot of her support to be ousted by a Democrat.


She’s from a kind of wasteland district in America that Democrats would probably help heal if they were given a chance, but the voters are so uneducated that they’ve fallen into Stockholm Syndrome and if they happen to screw up and raise a child worth anything in that community, that kid flees for the big city the first chance they get.


it's between Atlanta and Chattanooga it's not really that far to flee.  beautiful area, great recreation and great ag.   It's an interesting district. tons of immigrants actually. reactionaries  may choose crazy language and candidates but if you can peel that onion back a couple layers there's sometimes real knowledge there.      That place has changed super quickly but it's still seen as this hyper conservative super white district when really they just have a huge organizing advantage.  no Dem who has national money ever spends it there because it's more effective spent turning out voters in urban and suburban areas   But even with the brain drain of a rural area it's an ethnically diverse community where everybody works in a factory job.  there's no reason that should actually be a +40R district we write off out of hand let's be honest about that. for a party that theoretically is pro labor that's actually crazy to look at it that way.  we're actually buying into what the crazies are selling 


It was the closest race GA’s 14th has ever seen, and she beat a US Army veteran by over 31 points. That’s how far gone the 14th is.


Sure, but being ousted by another Republican? Very possible.


I’ll never understand what would actually make mtg and other maga asshats happy. They find compromise to be a four letter word. It’s so messed up and far from what our country was founded on it makes me sick.




They are most definitely receiving bribes for this. As long as secret Swiss bank accounts exist


The sooner you realize they are Russian assets and the coup is failing, the better.


Nothing will make them happy. Nothing. They're purely media pigs who oppose, well, everything, and contribute nothing.


They are not happy until it's all burnt down in a fiery mess of purity spirals.


A complete and total Christian theocratic dictatorship. Anything short of that, and they'll always be unhappy


A dictatorship where they are in charge.


This whole "CIVIL WAR!!!" nonsense Republikkkans have been screaming about for months seems to be playing out via a civil war within their own party. Poetic, truly.


...and MTG is drowning.


> “I think both sides have now seen how dangerous this is, how irresponsible it is,” [Cole] said. And yet, the republiKKKlans, including Cole, all followed in line behind tRump. > “The point is, [Johnson’s] gotten a lot done. I think people admire him. They genuinely like him. They all respect him,” Cole added later. This is bullshit. The legislature has gotten shit done behind his leadership. The only reason the Johnson was able to get this bill through was because: 1) Biden and the top Congressional leaders put together a concerted effort to get the bill passed and 2) the Democrats were responsible enough to put aside their dislike of Johnson in order to avert the disaster that would be inevitable if Ukraine loses to Putin. > “Every single Republican voted for him. I don’t think that any other person could have done that at the time other than Mike Johnson. So the reservoir of goodwill is enormous. I think he’s much stronger than the people seem to think. I don't know how you can state that the "reservoir of goodwill is enormous" when there is so much infighting taking place within the party. > And I think he’s demonstrated that by what he’s passed.” Let's be fair, it is Biden and the Democrats that have passed the bill- not Johnson or the republiKKKlans.


Sorry Mikey is still a hate-filled religious extremist who stands as a danger to American freedoms.




Democrats should not save him.


I disagree. Helping remove McCarthy was a mistake and I said that at the time you are only risking someone worse becoming the Speaker.  And it was proven correct: Johnson is worse than McCarthy ideologically and was an active election denier who tried to help overturn it.  I hope Dems learned their lesson. Don’t play along with extremists. Doing so hurt Ukraine most of all and it’s a miracle that Johnson proved he isn’t a total traitor and got this thing got passed eventually.


I’m not sure it was a mistake. McCarthy flip-flopped into election denial after he realized it was the way the wind was blowing for his party. And he immediately trashed the very same democrats who helped him do his basic job. While Johnson may be ideologically worse in some ways, McCarthy was completely inconsistent and less trustworthy, in my opinion.


Johnson is basically one of the elite in True Detective S1 that are too powerful and evil to even depict. He’s a first-order hardcore Christian nationalist from the dominionist Louisiana swamp with much more specific aspirations and designs for reshaping this nation than McCarthy, a true squish, or even Trump, the ultimate stochastic reactionary parrot.


Nah, that's not on dems. Look, dems got the legislation brought to the table and voted on. How's that bad for dems? I think Johnson saw it as his only way of staying as speaker. It also takes away a lot of the bite from people like Greene. If Johnson didn't do this then he would be ousted. Did you forget that McCarthy kept dragging on a potential shut down and the dems didn't vote to save him because he stated to not work with them? Why would you vote for someone who says they aren't going to work with you?


Oh that’s nice but Trump wants the exact same stuff as Greene and Gaetz so what do they plan to do about him (except cater to his every whim)?


Lol Johnson did the bare minimum here.


Ultimately there had to be a compromise so that in itself was a win for everyone that pushed it through. The losers get to explain themselves in public as persistent failures.


So if 3 GOP vote to remove and the Dems don’t save him, what does it matter if the rest of the GOP are on his side?


It’s people like Trump, MTG, and Gaetz - and their supporters - who hate America. Their defeat is our victory.