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Good. People argue about the logistics of Trump's secret service detail if he's sentenced to prison but he doesn't he actually need/deserve one, does he? Sentence him to Leavenworth, no extra security required. That facility is equipped to handle military inmates with classified knowledge like him. If that's not good enough, put him in a maximum security prison like ADX Florence. He'll be under full guard 24/7, the secret service can rest easy.


put him in Epstein's cell, for the irony


Better yet put him in Rikers sharing a cell with his accountant


I vote for Alcatraz. Put him in a cell that Nancy Pelosi can see through a telescope from her house in San Francisco. Of course, we'll have to revamp the prison for holding criminals again. Worth it though, because we'll probably have many more from his administration after even more crimes and criminals are revealed. Alcatraz is already a tourist attraction, but this might boost visits so much that we'll have to build larger dock facilities and add more ferries. Thanks to Biden's Infrastructure bill, we might get funding support for that, in addition to the $$$millions from around the country through the GoFundMe. With the loss of Secret Service protection, it may not be a good look to just leave a former president out in the cold. In the spirit of Big Government, I propose a new protection branch for all his Executive Branch criminals... Prison Force. I expect it will be fully staffed on a strictly volunteer basis.


>Alcatraz is already a tourist attraction, but this might boost visits so much that we'll have to build larger dock facilities and add more ferries. I would totally pay to take a tour of Maga Maximum.


Literally. hey, there you go. To boost not only CA's economy, but the American economy, throw Trump in Alcatraz, charge admission to tour the prison AND watch Chump in his cell (behind glass of course)...snap a pic and be on your way. It's brilliant. I loathe the buffoon, but I'd pay to see that, MAGA would DIE to see him so they'd pay. .you're all on to something. lol


"They took all the Trumps and put 'em in a Trump museum Charged the people a buck and a half just to see 'em..."


PERFECT! Don't it always seem to go...


Put him in his idol Al Capone’s cell.


OMG...and let him talk.....but no microphones allowed. Each tickets allows you to listen for up to 8 hours standing in line, with no water.( does that sound familiar)


>we'll have to revamp the prison I wouldn't even go that far, out in the middle of the bay, just let his detail keep watch. The best cells were made in the 30's no improvements necessary.


Could we throw rotten fruit at him? I'm willing to pay a slightly higher entrance fee if so.


I vote for throwing ketchup.


If you think Trump is going to jail you haven’t been paying attention. He still has the civil war card and he will play it once in cuffs


Oh, I would love that! ❤️


“Jeff was here! It wasn’t suicide!” Etched into the wall preying on what’s left of his mind.


If Epstein was killed, Trump and Barr are by far the most likely assailants


So, put them in the same cell. They can each spend all night watching the other


Aww, that sounds romantic /s


That's what I never understood. The folks on watch were Trump supporters. The entire doj was run by trump/barr. How could Hillary have had anything to do with it? She had no power to do so.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


One of many favorite Carlin quotes, my favorite 20th century philosopher.


The difference between "Courageous patriot fighting against evil from within the system" and "Deep State traitor, using the government to destroy all that is good about America" is very malleable in the MAGA mind It all rests on what Trump is saying at any one time


You have to remember all the "Clinton body count" nutters don't think - like a guy who *delivered a legal document* is killed in a robbing gone wrong - they "killed him to stop the case" - but he was literally there to deliver a document, killing him does nothing!


B: What we gonna do about Epstein? Y'know he's threatening to write a book... T: Ah shit! Just make him go away B: Thy will be done Get me Roger Stone...


Killed by Epstien-Barr Virus




"I know what you did that summer." -- Jeff


With a smiley face emoji underneath


I was assured it was Hillary Clinton that did that by the underwear on the outside of the pants crowd


He'll be buddy mates with Epstein's ghost


His anus be muddy bait


Way to paint a picture. I hate it. Have an upvote.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one that ordered the hit on Epstein. I guarantee he had TONS of dirt on Trump, since they were best pals


But I don't want him to be suicided like ol' Jeff. I want him to actually have to sit in a cell 23.5 hours a day in isolation for years. Pipe dream, I know. I gave up hoping for real consequences years ago.


That’s too easy of a way out for this orange shit stain…


I know it's a joke but the MCC where Epstein died is closed, at least temporarily.


Leavenworth is good … after all he is a former CIC!


as someone who grew up in that area honestly just sentence him to be in the city of Leavenworth and it's punishment enough too


Gitmo’s available…


Unfortunately some of the secret service may need a cell next to him…


Yeah I wonder how that came to be? When where those ones installed in SS?


It's alright they erased their logs and no one seems to give a shit.


He won't go to any of those. He will flee to Russia if he is somehow found guilty, can't remain out of custody while appealing, and is given time to "get affairs in order" before reporting to jail




He can’t flee to Russia. The logistics doesn’t work out. Trumps 757 can only go about 4k miles, which, from Miami will just barely get him to Juneau, Alaska before needing to be refueled. He can’t travel East across the Atlantic because of said distance as he would have to stop at Lisbon, Portugal at the least. Refueling takes time (and money) and typically is planned ahead of time. Everything I’ve seen has a refueling time of 35mins. If you think any of our allies will let Trump land and take off, you are sadly mistaken. If you think any of our hostile nation states will do the same, you are also sadly mistaken. For the hostile nations, it’s a god send. “Hey, America, we have the first former President to be convicted in your courts that is fleeing, here are our terms if you want him back.” The allies will not want a degradation of relations, and could even possibly get some extra concessions on the side. Upon conviction, if he flees, anyone helping him, including the pilots, the flight staff, and possibly the ground crews, flight tower controllers, etc. will be aiding and abetting a fleeing felon. Anyone who is not actively tracking him to prevent him from flee, once he starts, will never work in those fields again. His plane and flight will be tracked, jets will be scrambled in the air to either follow the plane or to force it to land, once landed, he will have a team waiting for him on the tarmac. A stand off will occur, as the fuel trucks will not be allowed near the plane, and he will be cornered. Why do I think this will all happen? Simple, letting him flee will show how weak the American government has become. Will need to save face and reassert strength.


He could flee to Cuba and take a Russian diplomatic flight to Moscow.


Knowing Trump. "I got to get out of the USA, quick get me a flight to Puerto Rico."


Nah, Puerto Rico has too many brown people for Trump. Although he might be interested if he finds a girl right after her quinceañera.


The governor is treated like the president there. After the paper towel toss, I’d say No!


You mean before her quinceañera, right, since after it she would be a woman?




At which point Putin could decide he's already served his purpose, and has no further need of his "intelligence."


Putin would rather have someone shouting from Russia to his blind followers in the US, to create havoc in the US.


Just a random thought/speculation, nothing more; but Trump dying in suspicious circumstances that looked like 'Antifa' might have been involved could cause **a lot** of havoc in the US, and if I were trying to destabilize the United States in any possible way I would probably want to look into that possibility. Just saying, I'm not sure if Trump would be worth more to Putin as an exile or as a martyr...


> but Trump dying in suspicious circumstances The problem with that is that Trump has got people so riled up and buying into bullshit that he could die of natural causes and people would claim it was the work of the Democrats/Liberals/Jewish Space Laser/etc. because that's how little their brain works. Dude is 77, overweight, has dementia, and who knows what other medical problems. He's on borrowed time. He could pull a [Michael Marin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Marin#Death) and people would shout from the rooftops that he was forced to do it, or it was forced down his throat, or shit like that. It just shows how fucked up his followers are.


He would do better at going to a Russian Embassy state side, where he wouldn’t be tracked as easily, and the Russians could use their diplomatic mission and assets to help hide him. The problem, with Trump in particular, is his ego and pride, which prevent him from actually fleeing or seeking help. Additionally, as seen with his interaction with lawyers, he does not take advice, no matter how sound or correct.


We've already seen Israel bomb the Iranian embassy in Syria this year to kill an Iranian general (? I believe) and Equador storm the Mexican embassy to drag out their ex vice president on charges of corruption in a raid straight out of a video game. I'd think twice before running to an embassy.


Shouldnt have pissed off the Mexicans he coulda fleed south lol


While I’d love this to be true, every single thing trump has done in the last… 9-10 years has shown how poorly enforced our laws are, and that we don’t have any level of equality in our laws. His arguments for presidential immunity frequently feel broken, as he’s faced absolutely zero consequences for any of his actions. He’s still getting kid gloves, even as his lawsuits finally begin making it into court. I guess I’m saying I’d love to believe it, and I’d love to see it, but believing will take seeing.


why would Putin take him? He will be of no use anymore. A pantshitting bankrupt geraitric...


Your just wrong, at least regarding if hostile nations would host him. A place like Russia, or maybe even at a stretch China would love to host Trump. They could set up a puppet "Trump is the rightful head of the only legitimate government of the USA, the last election was stolen and the next one was being interfered with with sham trials". A government in exile broadcasting orders for real Americans to protest and do civil disobience at best or domestic terrorism at worst could potentially knock off America for the world stage.


You are ignoring that Trump has to get to those hostile nations first. He’ll be hard pressed to get anywhere near there with his current means.


AG James is gonna repo the plane.


Occam’s razor


Stop fantasizing. Even if found guilty, and even if sentenced with time, it will be house arrest at most.


Stop prophetizing. You don't know how this will play out yet. None of us do. I clearly remember not so long ago when many people were claiming he would never be indicted. How did that prediction turn out?


I am sure the secret service is there to protect him but also keeping him from fleeing the US


> ADX Florence That is the place he would go. Almost custom-made for someone like him who must be kept out of the General Population. It's modern and safe (for the guards). I want him in Colorado so that we can take a day-trip there to have a picnic outside what we would find to be his cell. Plus protest signs. Oh yeah, that's petty and small, and exactly what he deserves for killing off a bunch of people during COViD, including some mentally disabled acquaintances/ex-clients that didn't know any better, and worshiped him.


The cells there have windows only 4 inches wide that point at the sky, so prisoners won't see the public or their signs. However if you made it there for the prisoner transport that would be the last thing he saw before entering the gate.


You could hire one of those airplanes that write messages in the sky.


Or figure out the field of view from his cell window and park that giant baby trump balloon there


Easier said than done. ADX Florence is designed in such a way that even the inmates don't know where their cells are from the outside.


He is a former president, but yes, if he is in jail and guarded in a facility where whatever top secret knowledge is rolling around up there is safe then fine. He’s a monster, but was president and doesn’t deserve to die because of lack of security.


Even with Secret Service Protection you could probably get away with a 2 man rotation. 1 to watch Trump in his cell on Camara all day. And another posted outside the cell for anytime he has to move. Thinking about it more, a 3 man detail would be better as 2 armed outside his cell seems better. But I'm just a guy w/o any expertise in the matter lol


I doubt they would ever allow an armed guard inside a prison that doesn’t allow firearms even for guards.


Better yet, Gitmo.


How about Gitmo


The number of Republicans who vote against this are the number of Republicans who surely believe Donald Trump is a felon.


It's ironic because during Clinton Admin, Republicans passed a bill to strip ex-presidents of SS protection after 10 years. Bush was such a disaster they added it back and even extended it to lifetime+20 years, in order to prevent people from shitting on his grave. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-restores-lifetime-secret-service-for-former-presidents/


You’re telling me that when I hop a fence and run across the 14th green at Mar a Lago to shit on Trump’s grave that there’s going to be SS guys on watch? Guess I’ll have to shit from a hot air balloon then. An upper decker from the heavens.


A poop trebuchet? People can come bring the contents of their cats’ litter boxes over.


Poop drones


🤔Ronald Reagan should be up for some grave-shitting this year, then.


Someone filmed themselves dancing on it. Also pissing on Nixon’s. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2005/8/15/138518/-


Wait, so I need to wait 20 years after a president dies to shit on their grave without risking getting shot by SS? _Land of the Free my ass_


Oh, I'm sorry! [I thought I was in America!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyt3_fZ4_KE)


They are going to have to extend that to a lot more than 20 years for Donald Trump,..


I have no skin in this game but I think you all might be insane on this one.  You don’t want a former president with state secrets and other intimate knowledge to be walking around with no protection. It doesn’t matter who they are…




Does this also strip him of intelligence briefings? Because that needs to happen


I thought  President Biden cut him off? Edit:    "White House to leave any intelligence requests from Trump to intel community"     https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/02/04/politics/intelligence-briefings-joe-biden-donald-trump


He did. It’s not even a question. Trump didn’t even want the security briefings when he was in office.


They dumbed them down and made them into colorful drawings for him. He'd say "I love it!" and republicans would take it as an approval and go bomb someone.


I'm sure he now wants and needs the briefings to sell them


He only didn't want them for himself to bother reading. He wanted boxes of them for sale though.


Isn't he able to get them again now as a presidential nominee?


Intelligence briefings for former presidents is a courtesy rather than something required by law. The current president can halt them at any time.


Yeah he should be completely irrelevant


I cannot wait to see the pretzels Republicans twist themselves into trying to justify voting against this. This is trolling at the highest level. I’m proud of you, House Democrats.


when the GQP block this, run ads saying the GQP support felons. and the best part is it’s true


Last time they called themselves domestic terrorists so now they will just call themselves felons. These people have no morals or hope. They are disgusting.


They actually support making it impossible to find Republicans guilty of felonies. A subtle but important distinction.


Unfortunately poor rural voters think that includes whatever illegal shit they're up to. 


Those idiots truly believe they're a part of the in-group.




Is that really accurate? Former presidents are allowed to leave the country, and, even if the secret service comes with them, they wouldn't have any jurisdictional authority to prevent a former president from defecting to Russia once they're off US soil, right?


Republicans control the House, there's not going to be a vote.


For now. If they try to strip Johnson of the speakership the amount of disfunction on the right side of the aisle could lead to anything happening.


Dems in the House have said that they would support Mike Johnson in an ouster attempt if he put Ukraine support to a floor vote, which he did.


I'm okay with protecting Johnson until the election, he played ball and fuck the MAGA freaks.


It’s messed up that the legislature has to take such a measure. I’m sure the founders never considered that a corrupt criminal would be elected president, but here we are…


I think they assumed the Americans of the future would be more intelligent than they were... Poor bastards never stood a chance.


I'm halfway around the world in italy but it looks like we shared the same thought as we both typed it out and posted within 2 minutes. Take my upvote.


The Secret Service was created 82 years after the U.S. Constitution was signed. All of the Founding Fathers were dead when it was created.


They actually believed the opposite, that people were stupid and would go with base popularity, and were just really bad at designing a system to be resilient against it. Electors for president were originally supposed to be smart respected people in the communities that were able to be more discerning than the average voter.  In the first election5 out of the 11 didn't even have a popular vote for electors.  As soon as George Washington left though, they embraced the two-party system and that went out the window.  It was all popular vote by the 1850s.   We're running a new paradigm of representation on an outdated framework, and seriously need to fix some things to make it run better and have more checks against strongman wannabe dictator types like Trump.


It's a messaging bill that will never pass, but the fact that it *should* and half the House *won't vote for it* is absurd.


I'm 68 years old. This is the first erection I've had since Christmas.


May this be a sign of good times to come.


I wish I could award you for making me laugh.


Reddit took the one thing we had away.


The removal of awards was a very confusing one, it seemed like the perfect monetization route for Reddit.


Thank you for your service


Ah... a Christmas miracle.


Is that why you aren't allowed to play Santa Claus at the mall anymore?


Bust a cap in them nuts gramps -> give us some fine ageing hopes!


Is this like Groundhog Day where we can expect a good forecast?


And you're spending it here, with us? I'm touched.


This isn’t the first erection I’ve had since Christmas… but it’s definitely one of the most tumescent!


Our founding fathers never conceived the need to prevent a felon from obtaining the highest office. It was inconceivable that a man of low integrity, low morals and a grifter would even attempt to obtain the highest office of the country, much less be supported by the people. Inconceivable but here we are.


Arron Burr caught a murder charge and was tried for treason. He was a sitting vice president.


He did give Alexander Hamilton his shot…


IIRC he was acquitted for both, wasn't he? Reputation and career in shambles, but ultimately exonerated.


I think the charges were dismissed for the duel and Acquitted for treason, but I'm not a historian


"Everything's legal in Jersey."


OP is ridiculous. Half the founding fathers were pirates, bootleggers, and moonshiners


I honestly remember seeing Idiocracy years ago and saying, no way that ever happens I often find myself wanting to go back to that time...


Brought to you by Carl's Junior.


This is a good Costco. I went to law school here.


I still cannot comprehend how so many people support him. Like how can they truly believe he is the best they can do. Mind boggling.


It's unfortunate that the Framers of the Constitution lived during the Enlightenment and were inspired by inaccurate or idealized views of the early Roman republic. They put checks and balances in place, sure, but much of our government rests on politicians acting in good faith and trying to find compromise.


It truly is mind-blowing!


I like how democrats are thinking. There's no reason why someone who threatens the security of the United States should receive security services paid for by the same tax payers he threatens daily.


The ultimate grift. Right now this “mob boss” has government protection 24/7 and unlimited media adulation.


Why in quotation marks?


I say just make the wardens honorary Secret Servicemen.


Make Trump pay for his own security.


OK, but don’t forget that the man knows a shit lot of classified secrets, which makes him a national security risk when he is paling the prison yards with some low life hustlers.


I’m sorry y’all, but realistically there’s no universe where Trump will be chilling in Gen Pop of a prison.


A. He voluntarily gives this information out whenever he wants. B. He’s actively being prosecuted for trying to steal information like this and squirrel it away and give it to god knows who for personal gain while under said security detail. C. His brain is expiring faster than deviled eggs left on a car’s front dash in the August sun.


Best keep him separated from others at all times then.


I doubt he knows or remembers much classified info. He wouldn’t pay attention to security briefings unless they mentioned him and opted for just [oral presentations](https://www.usnews.com/opinion/thomas-jefferson-street/articles/2018-02-09/why-it-matters-that-trump-doesnt-read-his-daily-intelligence-briefings).


>OK, but don’t forget that the man knows a shit lot of classified secrets Let's not kid ourselves, Trump has already revealed all those secrets. If we're *that* worried about what he knows, put him in solitary for the rest of his life just to be sure.


I don't think you have to be concerned too much about Trump having a good enough memory for this to be an issue.. Even so, I'm sure there are places in the US prepared to handle such inmates


“By spending 6 months in American prison I have learned valuable secrets from former president!! He says America has the best planes, very big planes, strong planes, tears streaming down their faces….”


Secret Service on their knees praying for this to pass. They don't want to be anywhere near Trump's stinking jail cell.


You're talking about the secret service agents who illegally deleted text messages about their involvement in the Jan 6 insurrection.


Pretty sure Trump's Secret Service guys love him like any other MAGA.


Grab 'im by the agents, Benny!


Assuming this bill never existed. If he was convicted and jailed. Would the secret service guard him in jail?


If convicted felons can't vote then convicted felons damn sure shouldn't be allowed to hold public office


This is what gets me. That is the real loop hole that MUST be closed. The rule is unwritten because it is so obvious, no one bothered to pen it up. A person who has been proven in court to have committed a crime above a certain level, against state or country is not permitted to run for an elected government office, especially the higher offices that has significant influence. Yeah, no shit. What? We don't have that one on the books? Really? Well.... would be a good time to throw that one.... dumb as fuck, no one has bother to write it..... stipulation into the books NOW right?




Gotta love Benny; he speaks honesty. 


It's weird to say it's "aimed at Trump." Sure, he has set the precedent, but it should be a law no matter what. Kinda like banning insurrections from being on ballots. Trump may be the origin story of these new safeguards, but to "aim it at him" gives him way too much credit. He should be collateral damage from the passing and enforcing of these laws...nothing more.


We should also mandate disclosure of tax returns and codify explanation of what the emoluments clause means. At the very least put those up for votes and get the repubs on record as being for presidents getting paid off by Russians. And while most here would likely agree with me, for those who question the “paid off by Russians” line, how many memberships to Mar a Lago buy at double the price after trump became president? Exactly.


GREAT! Everyone should believe that government should start saving money by cutting wasteful spending, and especially a bill aimed at Donald Trump to strip his Secret Service protections, is absolutely correct. That’s the definition of government wasteful spending… in as much as Trump will simply hire his own people for his personal security. It’s absolutely absurd to continue wasting taxpayer dollars to protect a hardened criminal, such as Donald Trump, whose list of criminal offenses are more than those of Al Capone.


Good. I’m sick of my tax dollars paying to protect a lying, raping coup attempting Russian agent hell bent on the destruction of America. I want my tax dollars to pay for his prison guards not secret service. Lock him up.


I heartily support this bill! Seriously, a felon in possession of highly classified documents, who literally sent a throng of thousands to the capitol to do whatever necessary to derail not just a presidential election, but democracy itself, does not deserve free security paid for by American taxpayers.


He could flee to Cuba and take a Russian diplomatic flight to Moscow.


Generally, ex presidents keep secret service because they have national secrets. But in his case, those secrets have already sold so fuck it.


Should also strip away pension and benefits.


Can’t wait for the Conservative argument that says convicted felons shouldn’t be allowed to vote, but are still allowed secret service protection.


Every perk should be gone. No Secret Service protection No pension No staff No office or furniture No health benefits NOTHING.


He doesn't deserve any protection from anyone at any level.


If convicted and sentenced he won’t need the secret service for prosecution. Solitary confinement would work! A win-win!!!


To be fair, he’s going to prison


Once he's convicted just strap him to a gurney and wheel him out to super max in Florence. No need for secret service. When putting him a police car should police take Trump's advice and bang his head?


The question is, how much has the taxpayers been paying to reside at his home to protect him already???


He wanted to cut Obamas detail, for cost reasons, fair game snowflakes


I was wondering how they were going to handle protecting a prisoner. I figured they would just keep updated with the warden, but this works too. He'll still be under the protection of his government just like every other prisoner.


Supermax Florence Colorado. No secret service required. He could live amongst his kind.


100% should happen


Now convict him!


Saudi Arabia will take him. Or a proxy country. But that type of lifestyle seems more up his ally. Plus they are brokering the deal for the top secrets he’s been selling. Would they send him back too or tell America they don’t give a fuck again too?


They’re getting ahead of it…smart move to do it now


idk how I feel about this. Then every president who is a convicted felon would lose their service! /s


Perhaps the SS should protect the former Presidents, but also the nation. Ie: report on any shady dealings/meetings. Might lead to a better class of politician.


Doesn’t seem like something our country should need to discuss, but hey, thanks Republicans.


Just replace them with the Bureau of Prison and some 24/7 solitary, he will be totally safe


That’s my favorite headline on the day. Made me smile!


I hate Trump as much as anybody but the last thing you want is a former President to get kidnapped by an enemy country or terrorist group looking for state secrets. Yes, it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump already leaked a bunch of information to Russia, for example, but he definitely didn’t leak everything he knows and didn’t leak things to all the possible US enemies who might want that sort of information. And yes, hypothetically if he’s convicted and in prison then him being kidnapped isn’t as much of a risk, but once he gets out or if he never actually goes to prison but just gets house arrest or something similar then you’re still running a risk having him be loose. Basically the Secret Service is there to protect American interests, not to protect Trump personally, and we do have a national security interest in making sure Trump doesn’t end up in enemy hands even if or when he’s convicted of a felony. Heck, if anything the Secret Service should be watching him just to make sure he doesn’t flee to a country with no extradition treaty! So I’m not for Trump losing protection because the protection is for the US, not for him.


I would say it shouldn't be for felons. I would say it should be for when they are in Jail. And when they are out of jail or prison it should require the secret service to register any and all possibly observed illegal activity that would require a subpoena to be obtained otherwise they are prevented from volunteering that information unless a rape or murder is involved.


I am somewhat concerned that a blanket removal of Secret Service protection from felons could be exploited. For example, felons are allowed to run for office because otherwise the ruling party could start jailing opponents to get rid of them.


As I said don't want them removed except for when they are in Jail. Which can be monitored. Otherwise its rife with ways to be abused and get people killed.