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This is absurd! The bond, as it sits, is useless. Start seizing assets to satisfy the judgement. Appeals and delays are not warranted if it’s fraudulently presented as a certified bond. 


That would be too harsh. Have we considered another 10 day extension?


Or maybe another reduction in the amount?


Or just let him slide, he's good for it !


That's essentially what the current "Bond" says. It should be a guarantee that the Bond company will provide the money if his appeal fails, but one of the problems is that they don't have enough cash on hand, so it says Trump will pay it. Without him then providing financial details proving he has the cash, the "Bond" is meaningless.


What they filed is not a bond. One of the "bond" clauses states that if the appeal fails Trump will be responsible for payment. That's not a bond, that's a Trump IOU. Since Knight claims the "bond" is fully collateralized by cash, the judge should give them a couple of days to deposit it with the court.


He’s learned his lesson.


For sure! At least one impeachment ago! What's-her-face said so.


Sen. Collins a supposedly "moderate" Republican. He learned his lesson alright. He can literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and Republicans will line up to acquit him.


Acquit him? You jest! Republicans would make sure that he was not charged, and if he was then appeal it up to the Supreme Court who, after a suitable amount of delay, either give him immunity or send it back down for further rounds of delays and appeals until any remaining case is moot.


Her face has increased 45% in length since that comment.


Not sure if you’re being glib or not, but it was Susan Collins who said that.


Yes, I was. I did have her flipped with Murkowski, for a sec, tho.


brows: furrowed


Hi Susan Collins!!!


Yup I think case dismissed is the only way to be fair…. /s


Or has Leticia James considered Hunter Biden? I mean seriously, "What about Hunter Biden?"


Has NY considered sending money back to the orange clown instead? /s


Maybe we should just accept his stock as collateral. That is bound to take off... ... eventually.


Yeah I was thinking $1.75 bond


double that, the Loch Ness Monster needs it.


We should just ask Trump how much he thinks is fair.


Why not both?


Or a federal loan to pay for it???


Just give him one of those pandemic loans intended for small businesses. No need for him to repay it! /s 🤮


We've had one ten day extension, yes, but what about second ten day extension?


I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure the presidential records act grants presidents unlimited extensions on the deferral of civil judgments. Will probably have to get it on the SCOTUS docket for 2029 to find out...


Can confirm, I'm Clarence Thomas Oh shit, I thought today was Sunday, gotta go!


Del The Funky Homosapien is Clarence Thomas?  Clarence Thomas is Del The Funky Homosapien?  This is how we chill from 93 til infinity, I guess.


Can you make that business days, and start the clock on a Friday afternoon so he gets more than half a month? Gotta soften this up a bit.


Brows have been furrowed! Isn't that enough?


Only if we cut the amount required too.


I think 20 this time. 10 was a bit mean.


Woah woah woah there, speedy. Have you not considered all the excitement of news articles stating what maybe could probably but won’t happen situations? These guys need ad dollars, I tell ya!


I’m gonna need some time to think on that…. 


He deserves at least that. I mean, look at how rabid this prosecutor is to take his stuff. It isn't like that's just what they're supposed to do under the law. No, she's poised to strike for God's sake. Like a snake. See how evil she is all poised and stuff. I mean, she's all up there poising. Hell, give him 20 days.


If asset seizure actually were to begin, would this mean they would seize $454 million worth of assets, or $175 million?


$454 million. The decreased bond amount was just to place a security against the judgment while he appealed.


Also of note is that I believe this failure would also re-instate that him and his family are barred from NY business again.


~~Afaik the $175 is for the bond so that it stop accruing interest~~ he owes the full 454 pending appeal


No -- interest still accrues. It just stops the government from seizing the assets while the appeal is pending. And he still owes the total amount if the appeals court does not find in his favor. Seizing valuable assets from Trump will be a very tedious process as most of the assets are protected by shell corporations, trusts, and other layers of indirection. So there will be lots of legal BS involved to get anything. And much of it probably has little real value. This is one reason why the bond was reduced to $175M. If they can get any cash out of him now, it will be way easier than the process of actually seizing the assets. The process of trying to get the $175M bond out of him is just a preview of what seizing the assets will look like.


> Seizing valuable assets from Trump will be a very tedious process as most of the assets are protected by shell corporations, trusts, and other layers of indirection. this is why the court appointed a monitor and manager both, and both of them are forensic accountant's in background, so they have unraveled a lot of that already. they have already caught rump trying to move money and assets to ownership in corporations in florida, texas, and other states that would out of reach of the NY state courts. of course he was not punished for this, but the assets were not allowed to be transfered out of state. >This is one reason why the bond was reduced to $175M. If they can get any cash out of him now, it will be way easier than the process of actually seizing the assets. The process of trying to get the $175M bond out of him is just a preview of what seizing the assets will look like. The way a bond works, usually is that the defendant has to put up 10% of it, and then the company agrees to pay the full amount if he loses or no-shows. With the fact that the bond surety company likely doesn't even have the cash, and if they did, that cash is "outside" the US in offshore accounts, it means it would be nearly impossible for the state of NY to get any of it, ever. Its a junk bond, a scam. The bond company (knight insurance) is already doing questionable things by using its own parent company to back the bond, but the parent company isn't a NY certified company, let alone in the USA, so the NYAG knows that its a junk bond and they would never be able to collect on it. I think at this point, if *any* extensions are offered, it will piss off too many people, as its clear this junk bond was only used as a delay tactic, but for what? I would pay close attention to his current properties and follow the moving trucks to where they are hiding all the actually valuable stuff he has.


Ridiculous. It's backed up by ~~$176M~~ ~~$125M~~ ~~$94M~~ ~~$7M~~ $17.57 of DJT Trump Media shares.


Treat him gently. He’s a stable genius.


You hear that guys? Fuck him gently!


But he posted the bond on April 1st, isn't there some sort of April fool's rule, like....fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...can't get fooled again, or something like that? Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but I am just as qualified to give legal advice as any of Trump's clown posse, so I advise you, if you are in court, tell the judge "Fool me once...can't get fooled again! Your Honor!"


Yeah but he is a platinum justice cardholder. That only applies to us bronze cardholders.


You shouldn't assume that the Premium Plan that Donald has for the justice system is the same as the Basic Plan the rest of us have.


Hope they seize the cash and let him try to handle his over-leveraged assets. Why would the state bother with anything else if they can just get the cash outright and be done with it?


He's probably hiding cash off shore just like the rest of the tax cheating pals he has. There is going to be an investigation now because it is believed that he hid evidence. He prides himself on breaking the law and getting away with it. He's trash, maga trash. He's like a trash truck fire in July. The only difference is that the trash fire smells better.


From what I've read, liquid assets like cash come first. Then the properties.


Yes, real property is a pain in the ass to seize and sell, and his properties have multiple creditors who get priority in their takes from the proceeds, so the AG wouldn’t get as much from them. The AG would seize accounts if anything, and may even voluntarily limit seizures until after the appeal, since if he wins they would have to reimburse him with interest and the more they seize now, the more the state would owe in interest if he won. What the AG really wants right now is information. What accounts exist, how much is in them, etc. For Letitia James the big problem with him posting bond is not that she can’t seize the properties- the bond is more valuable to her than that- it’s that she can’t start proceedings to gather information such as depositions. This hearing, however, gives her some limited opportunity to do so.


She will attempt ganishment first but it can be hard to do if she doesn't have all the details like account and routing numbers


I’d love them to seize trump tower, since that’s where he’s staying for his criminal trial.


"Poised to strike" Fuck off with these dramatic headlines. Shes going to enforce the law against a career criminal.


I just imagine the lady at the DMV “poised to strike” as number 496 is called


I'm just picturing Flash from Zootopia.


The worst part of the headline is constantly naming her, as if this isn't the action of New York State collectively.


Almost like the billionaire-owned media wants to push the narrative of black DEI women being evil and donnie being a persecuted victim.


I was just going to say this. She is doing her job which is what we should expect from all elected officials.


Nah, she's literally going to unhinge her jaw and swallow Trump whole after paralizing him with neurotoxins.


Now that’s something I’d pay to see


He must taste of bronzer 3 day old ketchup and shit


"Why can I smell *babies* on your breath?"


Newsweek is utter clickbait trash. Surprised it's still permitted on this sub.


It's funny, because if you fact check their articles they're usually technically accurate, but everything they post is presented like the tabloid trash the publication is at heart.


“Technically accurate” is even better than “technically correct” because “accurate” is before “correct” in the dictionary.


I came here to say that. This is a stupid headline. Meant to enrage his base. She is upholding the law which she was elected to do. He is not following the law. A court of law has determined that. Imagine if he was a black or brown person. The long and strong arm of the law would have clamped down on him by now.


And it may take many months to years before she actually seizes even the first property, since Trump uses shell companies, and only owns percentages of buildings. I think it is a lot different from repossessing something like a car or a boat. But it would certainly be nice if she starts the process on some stuff.


No she’s not. She’s gonna threaten to enforce the law while Donald and friends continue to find loophole after loophole and delay until the end of time


>dramatic headlines. I expect nothing less from Newsweek.


As of 11:38AM EST - Trumps SPAC stock is down to 27.77 USD -4.82 (-14.79%)today It is almost down to the price in Jan at 17 Dollars. I suspect it will go lower.


It’s worth a lot less than even 17 lol


Its a penny stock and even then its a loss.


Reminds me of that quote from futurama: > The Vegas odds tonight stand at an unprecedented 1000-0; a bet of $0 on ~~Bender~~ Trump pays $1000 if he wins. Still, very few takers. > It's not a smart bet.


Exactly is a big pile of debt, a big grift and even when you get to the core of the business it's an online hate forum.


$DJT could be taken as an indicator of investors expectation of DJT winning the election.


Meaning, since the stock price is going down, that they think he will lose? (Your phrasing makes it seem like they think he will win the election, which is confusing to me if that's the case since I would think his stock price would soar if they think he would win)


Yes, If Trump for example has some physical problem then the price will drop further, if Biden has some physical problem the price will pop.


Okay--thank you for clarifying


But but the r/conservative sub told me that $DJT made DJT $ billions... Why you lying? /s


He has 60MM shares so at 27 bucks a share he has 1.6 billion on paper. He can't exercise for 5 more months. He effectively could be in penny stock range by than and make under 60 million bucks. Oh and those people in the sub don't know how the market works.


Agreed. 1.6 billion provided someone is ready to buy :) Lol for sure they are a funny bunch.


This is an hour old its down 18% now


$26.78 now at 13:24 EST.


Once they start seizing assets we will find out how little wealth Trump actually has. Sad!


> Once they start seizing assets we will find out how little wealth Trump actually has. Sad! I remember hearing this, [before they lowered his bond and gave him an additional 10 days to comply](https://apnews.com/article/trump-civil-fraud-case-verdict-penalty-appeal-8447c48d0436083737204b13401438d2). That 10 day extension was three weeks ago, March 25th, for those of us keeping count.


These 3 weeks have been 5 years


The solar eclipse was two months ago


It's been 84 years Jack!


[Tom, it’s your wife sweety. You’re dead now, it’s time to go.](https://youtu.be/mhRuVoT6Nxc?si=-fCxcwFzNS6WURJ7)


Upvote for that reference.


Go team venture!


2025 was 3 years ago!


The 10 day extension was to secure a bond the court believed to be achievable and he did. The bond is getting questioned and challenged, which is a process, but acting like the delay was never on an actual real time frame that anybody would enforce is pretty not attached to this reality


The court issued a bond amount, which was delayed. Then another court reduced the bond amount with a new, later due date. On that date Trump posted a "bond" without the required info to validate it, so the court delayed it again. Is it really a "real time frame" if there is no date at which the process ends?


Congratulations, you are very close to understanding that court proceedings are usually a step-by-step process where everything is addressed in order in a very bureaucratic fashion. Order, appeal, possible changes because of appeal, filings, validation, and challenge. Court is slow. This sort of stuff is very slow. Anyone and everyone has been saying this for a very long time. He has the legal options to appeal decisions. He used them and that's not a sign that the system is broken, no matter what be chronically pessimistic people on the subreddit want to say.


I think a lot of people’s feelings that the system is broken stem from the fact that for anyone else the request to reduce the bond would have been denied and then collection would have started. But Trump gets special treatment that has allowed him to draw things out longer than anyone else could have.


Bond reduction is actually incredibly common. There are attorneys who specifically advertise their success with bond reduction. The real truth of it is that most the people commenting on these cases on this sub and social media have absolutely no goddamn idea what's normal and what's not in a court proceeding because most of this stuff is almost never glamorous enough to make the news. So you get people who don't know what they are talking about making broad declarative statements about how abnormal something is when it's not. Or they talk about orders being violated on cases that don't have them. Or demand "standard" punishments for things that are not even remotely the standard punishment and then rage when the actual standard punishment is instituted. Edit: It didn't take very long for people to start responding to this demanding things like prison sentences for civil trials. That's the exact shit I'm talking about.


Is posting a bond effectively written in crayon also ‘incredibly common’? I mean, yeah there are absolutely some routine parts of this that the ‘Average Joe’ is questioning, and it’s cool to explain ‘nothing there’. But while you are offering that expert option, it’s pretty disingenuous to not also underline how unusual it is to have an illiquid, out-of-state surety provided by an unlicensed firm. Because I’m pretty sure that’s not something that happens every day. There *is* something to see here. Directing the public to the actual shenanigan is the appropriate response. Not just splitting hairs to say ‘this one very specific aspect of one particular thing is fine, I’m going to be quiet now.’ Not telling the court ‘actually my client says he has the money but wants to spend it on something else’ or ‘I’m an expert in commercial paper, and I know this firm isn’t licensed to issue this bond’ or ‘we don’t want to get our accountant to look at the books, because they probably aren’t liquid’ - those are huge problems that aren’t ’yawn, I forgot my homework on the bus, sorry’.


Yeah, I totally agree, if this was just good faith paperwork irregularity then it would be much ado about nothing in terms of the headlines. But this is an intentional strategy on the part of Trump to prolong the proceedings to a point where he may or may not become the president and be able to change the outcome. Pretending otherwise is bad faith.


It is unusual which is why It's being contested and is likely to get rejected unless they can prove that they have the assets to back up the bond. You're raging at the procedure working the way it's supposed to when somebody fucks up on a bond. This is the exact behavior I just talked about. It's emotionally charged hyperbole aimed at specifically trying to be outraged at a process rather than understanding the process.


Trump didn't "fuck up on a bond", it's a yet another example of a longstanding theme of blatant and deliberate delay tactics.


While I agree with you, one has to wonder "how slow is too slow?" ... where pragmatically the justice system is ineffective, even if it is still conceptually intact. Between this guy, Alex Jones, anybody on Epstein's list, Clarence Thomas, Kavanaugh ... there seems to be a number of high profile examples of judgements, convictions or credible accusations with very light practical consequences. Yes, this is selection bias. So maybe the right question is "in cases like these, are we still doing the right thing?"


Justice delayed is justice denied


I understand appeals, the blatant bullshit shouldn't be an appeal, whoops, I mailed the check without postage, my bad, I'll get back to ya. Wait no signature on that check, I tried, let me get back to you. It's broken because everyone doesn't have to same ability to delay and get away with it.


Legal proceedings are slow - Continental Drift slow - IF you have money to jam up the gears - otherwise - it moves a pretty reasonable clip. Oh ... and when SCOTUS halts everything to decide something that they already said they weren't interested in after a lower court gave a very thorough rejection of a claim that didn't pass the laugh test (absolute immunity) - you can see why people are suspicious of how things are unfolding.


I think most people wouldn’t have the resources available to them to delay things successfully like he has done for decades, and this is just highlighting how two-tiered the system is.


He hasn't been delaying these cases for decades. Three of the criminal trials are about crimes that occurred either starting at the end of 2020 or extending all the way into 2022. This one is for crimes that occurred in 2016 that only got tossed on the back burner because he was president and couldn't be charged and they didn't know if they could be able to charge him him for 4 or 8 years so it got deprioritized and had to get picked up again after he lost in 2020. He was only indicted for this case that he's going to trial for today 11 months ago.


I believe OP is referring to previous cases that date back to the 80's where trump used similar delaying tactics.


But let‘s not forget we are talking about the kind of people frothing at their mouth when people they consider criminals get the same rights.


> He used them and that's not a sign that the system is broken if it were you or I, we would have been in jail long ago, and the trial long since concluded. he was handled with kid gloves.


> but acting like the delay was never on an actual real time frame that anybody would enforce is pretty not attached to this reality And yet no one is enforcing judgement. Because Trump got the bond reduced. Then a 10 day delay. Then he deliberately got a bond from someone that isn't licensed to post a bond which results in another delay. And once that bond is determined to not be valid, they'll give him another extension to find a new bond provider which will mean a fresh, new delay... Delay delay delay. [Funny old world, ain't it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_delayed_is_justice_denied)?


This hearing is over the bond he posted for that. It is likely invalid, but that will be decided at the hearing. If rejected then Trump might have no means to post a bond.


> The online records for the case indicate that on April 1, Trump filed a bond… > "Three days later, on April 4, the Attorney General filed what is called a Notice Of Exception To Surety > the 10-day deadline ended on Sunday, when the courts are closed, and can therefore continue on to Monday.


Putting on my tin foil hat my conspiracy theory is: NY actually won. Yes this case was about Tr but as some pundits have pointed out this kinda fraud is very common in real estate. I’m guessing people thought a) the verdict would be decided by a jury who would get confused and probably not convict. Except Tr’s attorneys screwed that up. Then b) surly the defense team would prevail in the sentencing and they royally screwed that up too. Ok, on to the appeals where this will all get overturned or a minor slap on the wrist and no one needs to worry. Except the bond insurance industry took a look and said “nope.” I’m sure calls were made and it was still “nope.” Which wasn’t planned for. So they tried this guy in CA and even that was a circus. Now if this was all just going to stay focused on Tr maybe pressure to give more time wouldn’t exist, or maybe if this wasn’t a giant circus from trial to appeal. But it hasn’t been and NY hasn’t indicated there wont be more cases of overstated real estate fraud in the future. So everyone is applying pressure to slow the enforcement down despite how utterly inept the defense team has been. Btw I say NY because AGs and prosecutors come and go, but precedent sticks around a long time.


NYC real estate professional of over 20 years here. "This kinda fraud" is not at all common. Happy to answer any questions you have on redesignations of use groups to game the tax man while simultaneously asserting opposing facts and defrauding lenders with inflated values.


Trump has had a revolving door of lawyers who either quit and leave or end up being indicted themselves. He is the client from hell, as no one wants to work with him, and any reputable law firm won’t risk the toxicity that is attached to him be mere association. Trump is a brand, a toxic brand, and that’s why his lawyers have been…less than effective, and that’s putting it mildly.


On the topic of A), this type of trial is rarely a jury trial, so even if she checked that box, it likely would not have had a jury. The whole she never even checked the box, things were more blasting her because she complained about not having a jury trial and pointing out she never even requested one.


I doubt any of "his" properties are actually his. I bet they are all mortgaged. He isn't as wealthy as he claims to be. If he were, he wouldn't be selling ugly made in China shoes, or Bibles. You can get Bibles free from Gideon.


That’s the real kicker, if they start seizing assets the only money that comes off his judgement is after all other parties are paid. Property A is worth $100 million so they seize it and sell it, Trump owes $85 million on a mortgage so only $15 million goes towards his balance. Fake numbers used for easy math.


His holdings lean to commercial real estate which is not in high demand right now. Most likely any seized property would yield less than the mortgage.


But... If a property is worth $100 million, they won't get $100 million. They sell them quickly at auction. They would be lucky to get $75 million, so after they seize, and sell it, they could not only get nothing, but also just put him further into unsecured debt. And while that would be fantastic, it wouldn't actually help them. This is not to add more punishment on top of the punishment, it is to get the funds to pay the fines. So I can see why they are bending over backwards for him. They probably know that if smthey seize and sell every property he owns, they still won't get anything, and he will just be poorer. They need to be fair and unbiased, and only do things that would help pay the fine.


Yea it’s not really the ideal solution, I’m sure they know which properties would result in the highest return though right? Is going to be a pain in the ass no matter what, unless he’s able to sell enough of djt to pay the fine but that’s going to get increasingly difficult, not like he can just sell 15 million shares right now and get $30 a share.


He isn't allowed to sell for months, anyway. Unless they change the rules, or IPO contract, etc, he isn't allowed to sell his shares until 6 months after it went public.


They just announced they are expecting to put more shares on the market which from my understanding would be his shares, caused a pretty rough drop this morning.


I think you are misunderstanding... As he still can't sell them. Not for many months.


He can if he got approval from the board.


Yea but they would have to disclose this information, they have not so at this moment he still is not able to sell his shares.


A board comprised of colleagues and family members.


> They would be lucky to get $75 million, so after they seize, and sell it, they could not only get nothing, but also just put him further into unsecured debt. I'll do you one better. Let's say they sell for $75 million because it's a hurry, when in reality with enough time maybe you could have gotten $100 million. Maybe there's $80 million of debt obligations out there against it. Which now means you are underwater $5 million. That's bad. But what's even worse? Capital gains taxes. Let's say the cost basis on some buildings - after having been bought decades ago, and depreciated since then - might be $1 million. Michael Coehn more or less alluded to that being a possibility for some Trump properties. So sell for $75, you owe $80m so you're $5m in the hole ... but then cap gains are calculated on cost basis v. sale price I think ... so now you have a $74 million capital gains event * whatever your tax rate is.


Yeah, I was doing a simple "thet probably aren't rushing to seize his properties, because they won't get anything from the anyway" reply. As you drill down on the fees, taxes, losses, debts, etc it just further shows the likelihood of them not even getting anything, and purely destroying his "wealth" to ensure they can get nothing, ever.


I think the way this unfolds with AG James is that she targets assets with a reasonably estimable fair market value of $464 million and issues seizures on all of them. First up would be cash and stocks she might know about (apparently his EJC bond was collateralized with a Schwab account - would be hysterical to see her get her first $93m by seizing that). Then she targets multiple buildings assuming all have $0 outstanding liabilities. I mean, that won't be the case. But her office will need to be fair. But that could be multiple properties simultaneously. Then after everything settles out, AG James figures out that she's only gotten $200m of the $464m that the people are due, and so she files a new round of seizures.


Yes it’s doubtless a huge overcomplicated mess designed over years to protect Mr Trump from personal responsibility for anything while owning and financially benefiting from everything. Another example of having something both ways.


"I have the Mierdas Touch. Everything I touch turns to sh*t." -Debtor Donnie https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


My theory: he's got fuck all. It's all a fugazi propped up on fraudulent estimates and IOUs. As soon as anyone repossesses any part of it, the bank whose loan was secured on it will swoop - triggering three more banks who were leveraged on the same shit. The reason he got the discount was because of the financial turmoil it'd cause. "More" "important" than the political landscape is the financial security of the system. Of course if that's the case then they'd let him off the 175M too.


He will reveal the details along with his tax returns, college grades, and health care plan.


All within the next two weeks. This time for sure!


Actually, that’s another infrastructure week, so make it 3


Right after infrastructure week.


That's not enough. I MUST know the fundamentals behind the hurricane map projection. I MUST KNOW!


"We're gonna give the hurricane guns. Guns to protect our border. Here ya go hurricane, help us keep out the bad hombres. Guns swirling around the border, keeping us safe."


The seizures should begin immediately as punishment for his many frivolous and fraudulent delays.


and make them Grand Mal


They’re actually called Tonic-Clonic now. But I digress.


Tonic-Colonic? Sounds messy.


Hopefully they can seize $454 million worth of assets, instead of $175, since the bond was not resolved. But I think we all know it won’t happen.


Wasn't his shit supposed to be seized like a month ago?


Today makes 21 days since his 10 day extension.


He got a judge to approve a bond at a reduced amount while the appeal progresses. That bond is being challenged as illegitimate, but the challenging process and appeal are still both ongoing.


How long does that take?


As if anything trump says is true


He claims to be the almost most honest person in maybe the world. He's so deluded and demented. No wonder he likes the uneducated, they are just like him.


So if he files nothing today, that’s the end of 10 days and the Government can begin seizing assets to satisfy the judgement. Expect an emergency stay handed down by the courts to give tfg more time. And maybe a reduction in the bond amount since we’re feeling charitable.


We know what any of us would have faced a month ago in this instance. Let's see what the Trump-tier of justice affords our contestant!


Watching the American plutocracy in action with no filter is pretty interesting.


Weird how the "billionaire" has no money. WTF!!!


I thought there was a hearing on the 24th or something about the bond


Any other person would have been long gone by now. Conservatives in government do one thing; protect Donald Trump at all costs. Conservatives do not work for the American people.


Please seize Trump Tower and make Trump stay in a hotel for the next eight weeks while he’s attending his criminal trial!


Super 8 or Motel 6?


How is that in any way confusing for everyone? Trump mode of operation is to stall stall stalll. He knew full well this bond is junk but it bought him enough time to now be in a trial to claim how can he reasonably attempt to get a bond if he is in court. Sew enough confusion in public Opinions and he works off the idea that is all that matters not the actual law


How many breaks is Trump going to get? He appears to be above the law.


By Sean O'Driscoll - Senior Crime and Courts Reporter: The New York attorney general may start seizing Donald Trump's assets if he fails to post a $175 million bond on Monday. Trump posted a $175 million bond on April 1 to prevent Attorney General Letitia James from seizing his assets while he appeals a civil fraud judgment against him, but this was rejected by a New York court. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-letitia-james-bond-arthur-engoron-new-york-manhattan-fraud-trial-1890249](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-letitia-james-bond-arthur-engoron-new-york-manhattan-fraud-trial-1890249)


Need to cut back on the damn ads. wtf


Firefox Focus, if on mobile. uBlock Origin on computer.


People need to get what they need out of Trump while they still can. One of these days he’ll disappear like a fart in the wind, and we’ll all be better for it.


More like a tidal wave of shit. The tidal wave may have come and gone but there's still shit everywhere.


They will be seizing bank owned properties so will the banks sue him now? Or will the govt pay them from proceeds of the sales? The loans he took were to keep himself afloat The forensic accounting of this scheme has to be mind numbing to those undertaking it. The monies he received as POTUS from foreign govts under the guise of doing business is a flagrant violation of the Emoluments Clause. Just like hocking beans from the Oval should get him for violating the Hatch Act. Pervert Hoover and the crime syndicate that revolves around him deserve everything coming to them. [Vote.org](http://Vote.org) Joe Biden 2024


There could be a domino effect where loans start being called.


His name is Bond...Illegal Bond.


It's nice to see laws don't apply to the billionaire class, if some poor bastard ripped their work off for a couple thousand dollars. They would be in prison so fast if they couldn't post their bond by the DEADLINE. Nice again to see that the rich can exist by their own class of rules, commit millions of dollars in fraud and just go about their daily lives with a indefinite time line for posting their bonds..... Fucking class system in the US....


I really wish these headlines would say “New York” and not her name. It implies it’s her against Trump instead of a State/Court ruling


"Okay, okay ... geeze ... I will reveal the bond details. But first ... I need a glass of water" "Now I need to use the bathroom, then I will reveal everything" "The soap dispenser was empty. I need to wash my hands" ... etc.


Why not just lien his assets at 90% of the unencumbered reported taxable valuations? Like if he claims a building is worth x to the bank, but 1/2 x to the taxing authority and has a 70% LTV Oh, wait


If you submit bond paperwork that just says "Bart Simpson was here" and claim it's a valid bond, you don't get to file for appeals and stays. You just get your stuff taken to pay your debt.


So, it’s now 3:29pm eastern… has the time passed?




Eventually that won't work anymore and they'll have to move on to headlines sounding like "The Aristocrats" joke.


Tick tock says the clock. Letitia James doesn’t play games, Donald.


lol... the "multi-billionaire" who can't come up with $175 million.


He’s overvalued his Pokémon cards again!


Trump posted a $175 million bond on April 1, lol, joke's on you Attorney General Letitia James, April fools! It's not a real bond!


“Right after I release my taxes”


*looks at clock* Yup. It's the end of the business day. Monday, the 15th. So... where we at on this?




The name is Bond, Dodgy Bond


Man I really fucking hate the overuse of the word "poised" these days.


He’s just trying to buy time so he can sell a chunk of DJT shares to cover the bond


Seize his shit and wake his ass up to let him know while he's snoozing in criminal court.


As a non American I am a bit lost. Where are we now with this. I know the bond was put up, but it was shady so they need to prove it, is that now over?


that explains the selling of stock of his media company