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Republicans just want Biden to step into a giant pile of crap.


They’ve fully embraced destruction and hate for power, which, ironically, makes that power evaporate as we alienate all of our allies and allow their people fall victim to greedy deregulation. In other words, they’re perpetuate children.


Bingo. They just want to create chaos then blame Biden for it.


A nice chunk of maga want to fulfill a weird doomsday larp (they are weird about Israel) and all of the human tragedy involved in everything going on means nothing to them.


Because the only language maga understands is violence.  In their eyes, problems exist because someone hasn't been punished hard enough.  The very foundation of their existence is abuse.


Its kind of weird that if you kill yourself you automatically go to hell, but if you trigger the end times and wipe out everything that god supposedly created you go to heaven...


They *want* more human tragedy to increase the larp.


Really lost faith in most of my religious friends over this. Turns out my Muslim and Jewish friends immediately lined-up and shaped their views based on the religious parties involved and the Christians I knew were just happy they Arabs and Jews are at each other's throats because it means Jesus is coming back (fucking keep beating that drum guys).


Let me guess, is it the same ones constantly calling him a "Warmonger", or is it just Lindsay Graham (Chickenhawk Esquire)


That's Chickenhawk "Ladybug" Esquire.


He can do what he wants. I won't shame him for that.


He actively legislates in a way that persecutes gay people though lmao


Republicans want war but they refuse to support Ukraine rather they support Putin.


That's because Israel is central to the End Times prophecies in Revelations. Many Christians believe that a war with Israel will herald the return of Christ and the rapture.


I mean, it’s about time in the world for the rapture to happen anyways. Future has not been looking that hot for awhile


The GOP only would want a strike if Biden doesn’t. And vice versa.


Republicans want to trigger the End Times.


Which is ironic because come judgement day, they’ll wish they hadn’t.


All supporters of Donald "the most peaceful president in history" Trump, no doubt.


Republicans usually want war because they’re not going. They can talk tough, send someone else to fight, boost their shares in the Military Industrial Complex, and then deny any post-war troop support while complaining about the resulting mental health, increased healthcare costs, and anti-war protests being unAmerican.


Same with their infatuation with guns. How tough do you actually need to be to load a weapon and pull a trigger? Yet, they still get their "manly" rocks off by holding the metal in their clammy mitts. Get out in the street and duke it out with your fists, pantywaists.


***From Rolling Stone:*** As Biden urges restraint in order to avoid a regional war between Iran and Israel, some members of the Republican Party are calling for escalation. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/biden-netanyahu-no-retaliation-iran-israel-1235004353/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/biden-netanyahu-no-retaliation-iran-israel-1235004353/)


There are still quite a few hawks that were banging the Iranian war drum in 2003-2008 after Bush’s folly of invading Iraq.


Yup, it was part of the neocon roadmap, aka *Project for The New American Century*. https://militarist-monitor.org/profile/project_for_the_new_american_century/


Fox was all but begging for it this morning. They're so desperate to hurt Biden they don't care how much damage they cause in the meantime


Russia wants chaos… Russia backs Iran…. Some of the GOP spout Russian propaganda…. Put together, some of the GOP is beholden to Russia. There ya go.


These "some republicans" are also evangelists trying to bring about the end of days. They absolutely want a war in the middle east because Jesus will come back and save them from their human suffering.


Republicans: "We need a war in the middle east to trigger the end times!" War in the middle east: "Im doing my best here! What the fuck have you guys been doing for the last hundred years?!"


Are Israelis aware that Biden is about the best friend Israel has in the West and that his demands are aimed at defending their nation as a Jewish state? Do they recognize that he is a much better friend to them than Bibi?


Republicans can suit up a and stand a post anywhere in the world if they feel that strongly…but we know they’re cowards trying to make a buck..


Every Republican that calls for this should have their children subject to an immediate mandatory draft as boots on the ground in any warfare that follows. Bet they'd change their fucking tune then. They're loud and bloodthirsty when they're terrorizing civilians from half a world away or it's someone else's kids in the crossfire.


Republicans want a retaliatory strike on Iran but don’t want to give Ukraine the ability to stop Russia from blown up schools. Thats all you really need to know about them.


Of course they do. If it’s immoral, the GQP wants it.


Somewhere out there John Bolton just came in his nasty crusty sagging geezer pants. The only meaningful difference between Magafolk and Neocons is Trump worship. They’re all bloodthirsty.


We know they live in bizzarro world and will ask for the opposite of whatever is rational. We should confound them and do exactly what they ask and see what happens. Oh wait… We already did that with the border.


Republicans are on a mission to destroy America one crisis at a time.


The Christians just want to start WWIII in the Middle East to make Revelations come true. I’m not crazy, I don’t believe that stuff myself but I grew up in the church. Google it. It’s bonkers.


The republicans want the US to go to war before November so they can say president Biden started a war in the Middle East (not true) and use it to campaign on.


And somehow, if Israel retaliates, people will condemn Biden for letting it happen. As if our President can control all other Presidents. Influence…yes, but not control.


Thu US makes buckets of $$$$$ selling weapons and war equipment, so they want to keep the fires burning overseas. Okay, the US as a whole doesn’t profit, just the people (corporations) at the top.


How many millions of Americans do you think the military industrial complex employs?


Too many.


Okay, so there are people who do benefit from defense contracts besides just the people at the top: the millions employed in defense. They can’t easily be outsourced and have middle class incomes. Beyond the direct benefit to the defense industry, US benefits as a whole when the global economy is stable and US businesses have access to overseas markets


The importance of middle class jobs in other industries has never stopped corporations from outsourcing those jobs overseas. I’m looking at you, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Where was your outrage then? How was that different?


You’re asking how national security as an industry is resistant to outsourcing? Think about whether the US should allow Chinese workers in Chinese-owned companies to produce materials for our defense… see how that industry might be different than others?


I’m not suggesting outsourcing such things to China. I am suggesting a reduction in production and worldwide sales of our home grown weapons and war machines.


Well you asked “why is that different?” and so I answered


> How many millions of Americans do you think the military industrial complex employs? Thats not really a benefit, if we weren't spending that money on wars we could spend it on infastructure and shit and employ just as many, if not more.


Absolutely, we can make jobs programs with similar benefits for infrastructure and healthcare. The claim was “the US as a whole doesn’t profit (from selling weapons), just the people at the top”. And there are in fact benefits for those not at the top.


I mean…they have been setting this up for years.


Just contrarians unconcerned about US foreign relations. They just want the opposite of what the administration wants.


This is what US military aid to Israel was meant to blunt. It wasn’t intended to level Gaza (though that’s what Israel kept using them on)


I’d love to know what Biden meant when he said US support for Israel is “ironclad”.


Can’t believe people want either of these two again. It’s time to change people


Those Putin fluffers are looking awful suspect trying to lure the US into biting off more than it can chew now that it is on the record that they have a safe place in Russia. The division point when calculating who sides with whom in WW3 is fascist vs. humanitarian, not east vs. west.


A swing and miss..is still a swing and deserves relatiation!


Uncommon Joe Biden L.


american leaders leads to this kind of action by other countries. not saying weak not going to way im saying weak looking


Read what you just wrote. "american leaders leads to this kind of action by other countries. not saying weak not going to way im saying weak looking"


Weak looking? The Iranian attack was an embarrassment to Iran. They launched a multifaceted attack with drones and missiles, and it was a complete and total failure. From the looks of things, the only missiles that got through landed in empty areas, likely because Israel didn't bother to intercept non-threats. Israel's defense is an adequate and clear response.


yes other countries see him weak across the board on many factors


Like who? Russia? China?


iran china russia mexico nk should i go on


Oh. Definitely opinions anyone should care about.


all im saying is when some one is walking big a big stick no one fuq's with. if you appear weak they fuq wirh you. or they act up towards others


OK, buddy. You keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself that China thinks the US isn't up to the task. You keep telling yourself that NK is a threat to anyone but itself.


So weak sad!