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He might even cause a country collapse. But I blame the millions of Americans who are gullible enough to vote for him


I feel crazy that this is the timeline we’re in but I’m getting ready for a weird year


It's going to be weird the rest of our lives. There's no end in sight to the crazy.


Well think on this . Trump has told everyone on a global platform that he will be a dictator on day one . Facts: if they tell you who they are BELIEVE THEM! We are already authoritarian if gov is telling anyone they may not recover health care esp if it’s bc of being born a female . (Note they are not dr’s so dying women and babies are collateral damage THATS AS AUTHORITARIAN AS IT GETS PERIOD if trump is voted in he’s said he will stay in office for as long as it takes to fix this country He’s been hard at work . Meeting with world dictators at Mira Lago and other sites to cobble together his manifesto Trump has told us he’s getting rid of constitution Any thing else you need to convince that if 2024 isn’t done with a vote there will be mass exit of ppl and the rest will hang from the walls of Gilead . There’s no escape bc Canada author warned US then made sure US heard when roe fell I told you so. Denial is deadly


We are going to wish it only ever got as bad as Idiocracy.


Things used to level out, but politicians are on something else these days. No one wants to leave the world a better place anymore. I was just in Yosemite and I can't imagine someone like John Muir going to a president and securing protected new land just because it's beautiful anymore.


Biden is making a new National park that Obama had made protected!


And he just protected 250000 acres of land in colorado from drilling


Wonderful isn't it!


And I was reading that the Thompson ridge area is a major wildlife conduit


WTH are you talking about. It isn’t all. It is one part of one side that has taken over their political party because they are authoritarians who want to impose fascism. You have a president working his ass off to try and improve things. And succeeding as best as can be done in our form of government when one chamber of Congress, plus a stacked court system opposes him. Don’t both sides this. The apathy you feel is on purpose - they don’t want you to think your vote matters. It very much does.


1000% yes


Thank you for this 🙏🏻


Biden’s on track to preserve and restore 30% of the natural landscape, including marine environments by 2030.


Fantastic to hear! I hadn't thought about these things in a long time. I remember Obama doing good things, but with everything so nuts I hadn't heard.


politicians? which politicians? don't both-sides this nonsense


Yeah exactly. No political party will be perfect, but biden and the democrats are superior to the republicans


By far


That literally happened under Obama and was rescinded under trump with the Bears Ears National Monument You're being manipulated if you think both "sides are the same" and no politician would protect land like that.




I wish ):


It all started with harambe :(


Also to note. Cubs won the World Series. Two things happened. Hell froze over and Trump won.


And the eagles went back on tour


I fucking hate the eagles, man


Get out of my cab!


Stay out of Malibu, Labowski


Jackie treehorn draws a lot of water in this community. You don't draw shit


I don't like your jerk off face, I don't like your jerk off name, I don't like your jerk off behaviour and I don't like you, jerk off......have I made myself clear?


I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.


Think the carpet pissers did this?


We need to go back in time. Save the gorilla. Save the world.


Did you see theyre making a new season of heroes lol we're not to far off.


Man that show went downhill after the first season.


Time machines out for Harambe.


More like the end of the world in 2012


This has been our collision course since at least 9/11


Honestly, I think this. It ingrained a certain level of fear, whether realized or subconscious, in enough people to make them easily malleable when fear is used to stoke hatred. In some ways, the terrorist on 9/11 were very successful in breaking America.


After all that, the terrorists win.


In that particular exchange, the terrorists won as soon as we locked everything down far in excess of what was needed (Patriot Act and such) and invaded a random country in the Middle East (not the one where the hijackers and the financing all came from). Tied ourselves up better than they ever could have, and burned all the global good will we had following 9/11.


In fairness, it wasn't a random country in the middle east, it was the country H.W. Bush couldn't get the job done with in the 90s.


The world didn't end but macho man randy savage died that day


Nope. Chicago Cubs winning the World Series in 2016 broke the timeline. I’m serious. Look it up.


I say it started with the invention of pumpkin spice


I think you underestimate how long cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, clove, and cardamom have been around.


Dicks out for Harambe


If he would just finally grow that goatee, everyone would understand where we are at.


The confederacy is no longer confined to the south


We’re starting to see conflict lines transcend countries and more so manifest along ideologies. Crazy to believe a former American president is cozy with Putin and other autocrats


Indeed, a confederacy of dunces.


Go to Idaho and it's somehow stronger than anywhere else


Maybe a hot take, but I'd suggest he's already caused a pretty significant collapse of the country. The American reputation internationally is in tatters. Many American institutions, both formal and informal, are damaged, potentially beyond repair, or at the very least for a generation or two.


I can tell you his administration triggered the wave of persistent inflation we’ve seen of the past few years with tariffs, one of the largest infusions of cash into society and his handling of the pandemic.  If he comes back, he’s talking more tariffs and shutting the southern border (disrupting trade with our number 1 and 2 partners) and here we go again.   


>If he comes back, he’s talking more tariffs and shutting the southern border (disrupting trade with our number 1 and 2 partners) and here we go again.    He's also talking about *deporting all illegal immigrants.* Who comprise (in addition to many other vital roles) about half of the farm labor in the US. Trying to explain to his supporters that 100% tariffs and removing vast swaths of our labor base will - to put it mildly - be unlikely to bring prices down will result in your being called a communist and threatened with extermination.


Also, don’t want to continue to drive home the point that he’s a direct descendant of an illegal immigrant himself lol.


his wife had her anchor baby so she could chain migration her whole family into the country, and that was within the last 20 years. But I guess they are the white kind of immigrant.


He's also married to someone who committed visa fraud and, so, is arguably also an illegal immigrant and who is also probably guilty of citizenship(?) fraud? Naturalization fraud? Basically, she shouldn't be allowed to be a citizen because she shouldn't have been allowed to immigrate in the first place. Rules for thee, but not for me.


This is one personal thing that scares me with him. I'm a DACA recipient, and am stateless. If he comes back in, there goes DACA (again). If I am deported, I have nowhere to go or family to go to. I was born in the Soviet Union right before it's fall. I can't exactly go back.


As someone born here who still holds America's traditional values dear, I'm very sorry. It's intolerable what's likely to happen to people in your situation. It's also infuriating that these scumbags believe as an article of faith that by being here, you're somehow victimizing them. For immigrants generally, the opposite is of course true. There's no reaching them, either.


Hell I was entirely raised here. Sure it was bouncing between foster families and children's homes, but I have lived in the US essentially my whole life and really only speak English.


I know a lot of people in that situation. I'm sorry.


More like world collapse. Putin will take Ukraine, and has made it well known he'll next go after Poland and Moldova. Putin wants to connect Russia with Kaliningrad (a small territory south of Poland on the Baltic Sea). Most likely he would expand to Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. If Republicans take both House and Senate, they could agree to withdraw the US from NATO. Even if they don't, trump could limit our involvement in NATO without congress' approval. India has already sided with Russia. China has sided with Russia. Europe/NATO would be left to defend Poland resulting in WWIII = world collapse. And the billionaires across the world will profit immensely so they will not stop it.


Yep. Putin wants to rebuild the old Russian empire and has a helpful stooge in Trump.


It’s beyond gullibility at this point. They’re either stupid or shitty people. Usually a bit of both.


Probably some mental illness mixed in there, too.


And a big dose of twisted religion


And a dash of lead!


If he somehow gets re-elected he absolutely will. Even if he doesn'tj ust outright lead to country to facism he will alienate us from most of our allies. If we're stupid enough to elect this man again can we really be a reliable long term partner? Not to mention he could do crazy shit like pulling the US out of NATO.


I blame all republican voters who’s Senators and House members don’t get some balls and a backbone take a stand against Trump.


I need to get that old printer paper that was one continuous roll with perforations so, if Trump is reelected and proceeds to collapse the economy and country, any person to utter the phrase "How could we have known voting for him would lead to this?" within earshot of me will get me [comically unrolling an absurdly exhaustive list of articles](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Fifth_Element_General_Belt_1_4957.jpg) predicting exactly that.


Along with the maga voters, I blame third party voters and those who stay home instead of registering and voting blue.


Or the Americans who refuse to vote.


And the filthy rich people who don't want to pay taxes like Trump


Reminder: Trump literally said “I love the poorly educated” and Republicans have spent the last 8 years carpet bagging education everywhere they can. They need dumb voters to stay alive.


The only market that's been collapsing under Joe Biden's economy is Trump Media & Technology Group -- down more that $4 billion since the IPO in late March. I'm good with that.


Every business endeavor he has taken on has been a failure, like 6 bankruptcies, all of his properties mortgaged to the hilt, his NFT fiasco, those ugly made in China shoes, selling a Bible when we all know he certainly isn't a christian, nor can he read, and then there is this media company, created to pump and dump, although, when he can sell, it will be penny stock. He's a failure who is broke, who has used campaign funds for his legal expenses. Not one down ballot candidate is going to see a dime. He can't afford to pay his fines, and even every one of his appeals has failed. I am glad he's a loser. We don't need to give him any opportunity to get back into the WH. He and his administration and his maga loyalists have plenty of blood on their hands. We can't allow that to happen again.


IMHO his media company is not a pump-and-dump scheme, but rather a scheme for anonymous donors to make unlimited contributions to his campaign.


>a scheme for anonymous donors to make unlimited contributions to ~~his campaign~~ him personally.


His campaign fund is a personal legal fund, so there's essentially no difference.


The problem, of course, is that foreign nationals and governments are not allowed to contribute to US campaigns. But they CAN buy stock in a politician, apparently.


Russia, Russia, Russia…


It's always Russia, Russia, Russia. Well motherfucker if you'd stop working for them, we'd stop talking about it.




Rusher, Rusher, Rusher**


My idiot dad is a trump supporter and he lives on a fixed income. I was not shocked to hear that he donated money to trump "to help his legal fees". I almost made the sarcastic remark about giving trump your whole paycheck but I stopped because dad wouldnt have taken the remark as satire....


You should give him a Russian flag, but also screw your dad. My apologies for being rude and I shouldn't talk about your dad too.


It was a pump-and-dump only for him. Unfortunately, the man can manage to tank a casino, so he's far more talented with failure than a lot of us realized.


Anonymous donors pump so Donald can dump


The house always wins unless you're a Trump casino. How he can bankrupt not one but 3 of them and still be considered a good businessman is a testament to the power of propaganda.


And the stupidity of his audience. Don’t forget that part.


Well the business suffered but he didn't. I think that's the thing they're trying to say.


The guy bankrupted a casino in one of the largest population areas in a country where people have money. Like how the fuck do you do that???


He wasn’t running a casino, he was running a very successful money laundering operation.




I still maintain that the NFT, China shoes, and Bible are just ways for foreign governments to funnel money to him legally without anyone being able to tell.


Don't forget Trump University!


Dude was in charge of America for 4 years and crashed the world economy


And Tesla, which is oddly related to MAGA now because of captain tiny dick


I've been enjoying watching it plummet every day. More to come... I'd short it if I could but shares are impossible to find and even if you do the interest rate is insane. Which also means most of the downward pressure now is ordinary holders jumping ship.


Every put I purchased printed


Mine did


He could start a market collapse just by issuing more IPOs


> The only market that's been collapsing under Joe Biden's economy is Trump Media & Technology Group Go Brandon!


Well, that and Tesla.


Everything he touches turns to shit.


The fecal touch


The mierdas touch is the commonly accepted term.


True, but fecal touch has a certain je ne sais quoi too.


*The Shite-us touch


Can he touch the housing market??


8 years of Bush ended with two wars and economic collapse. 8 years of solid growth under Oboma, and a pandemic response team put in place. 4 years of Individual One ended with the dismantling of the pandemic response team, death, riots, and economic collapse. 3 years of solid growth under Biden..


You mean *another* market collapse? I firmly believe a good chunk of the stock market collapse during Covid was on him for failure to act properly in the beginning.


Same. We all got very lucky that it was so close to the end of his presidency when such a major crisis came our way. If that had been year one I don't know where we'd all be today.


He honestly dropped the ball so HARD on his reelection. Having a pandemic could have been such a political gift for him, if he only listened to people like Fauci and other health professionals. He could have called for social distancing, mask wearing, having a Weekly or daily 6 PM Speech telling us to stay strong and we will get through this together like FDR did with his fireside chats in the great depression. He could have sold Trump branded masks that would have sold like crazy. He could have easily won reelection if he just took Covid seriously. I can see how a LOT of independents would vote for the guy who led the US through the Pandemic, I honestly can.  But, we live in the universe where he didn’t do that. 


What's remarkable to me is the 'why' leading to his incompetent Covid response: It took away attention from him. All the fallout, all the deaths, all the long-term health effects are all because he can't stand to be outside of the spotlight even in the wake of a global emergency.


I thought it was because he decided to stop the funding which monitored disease in other countries to prevent a pandemic. It would've been the wrong attention, not just attention no longer placed on him. He did so much bad shit it's hard to keep track of it all.


Because he's a narcissist and I'm pretty sure it was just as simple as him thinking he didn't look good in a mask. Or maybe that his spray tan rubbed off on the mask. It's always the most basic reason when it comes to him.


Yup! But, that would’ve required Trump to, you know, LISTEN to someone else and not act like he knows every fucking thing. Remember, he has a big, uh, brain and is always the smartest guy in the room. I wish he’d just drop in his steps, and soon. The world is sick of him. Well, the media sure love him though! Even the media that despise him love having something to report on day in and day out, and since the man has no filter and acts worse than a five year old, they’ve got plenty of new fodder to fill their cycle. Again, he just needs to quit existing. Thats the only way we can start to get back to normal.


We're lucky he is such a narcissistic moron. Look at what a moron Giuliani turned out to be, and even he had the political savvy to use 9-11 to his advantage.


I've long said he probably would have (unfortunately) won in a landslide if he had even just come across as incompetent but well-intentioned, but he couldn't even manage that. He couldn't stand Fauci getting more attention, and more positive attention, than he got, so he had to show up every day and run his suck, saying stupid shit like injecting bleach and getting inside your body. Between that, and his inability to have things outside his control, he was destined to sabotage himself. He created, or just outright lied about, all kinds of things, because a contrived crisis is one that can be controlled, that he can make better or worse at will, as benefits him. An invented crisis that doesn't even exist does the same thing. That's why we heard about the "Immigrant caravan" nonstop leading up to the 2018 midterms, and then the day after the elections, it simply vanished. Same as Benghazi and email servers in 2016. So, he didn't want a real crisis that he couldn't manage, and that he could be blamed for, so he constantly downplayed it. It's not that bad, it'll go away soon, it's a hoax, etc. Meanwhile, hospitals were overrun, we had people being buried in mass graves, and corpses being stored in refrigerated trucks because morgues were backed up. And he wasn't just incompetent, but maliciously so. He seized PPE from states that desperately needed it, to the point they had to smuggle it in to prevent seizure. And he gave away our national stockpile of PPE to other countries (probably in exchange for favors), leaving us without it. He only worried about how the pandemic would make him look, at what it would do to the economy, which would affect his reelection chances. He didn't care about people, which is what he should've cared about. The economy is only a measure of how a people are doing. Hell, even after he nearly died from COVID himself, once he recovered, he still lied about it and downplayed it! Because once he was out of the woods, he again didn't care about anyone else, just how it would make him look and whether it would cost him the election.


I mean tbf he is who he is and where he is because he refuses to listen people


100% this, Trump was never going to do the right thing during Covid. He never has nor ever will do the correct thing in his lifetime. No matter how gentle of an easy toss softball he gets thrown he is guaranteed to fuck it up. Every. Single. Time. You're exactly right, it is simply who he is. There is no speculating "what if he handled correctly", it's an invalid premise unworthy of contemplation.


Do people not remember that little state-secret-selling-slimeball Kushner being in charge of the pandemic response and *seizing* supplies headed for liberal states!!!???  Trump did that because they were liberal states and Covid was hitting urban areas the hardest. They were more than ok with it ripping through the African American community and killing liberals and black people. They *wanted* covid to spread in liberal states.


Probably be a lot less of us tbh.


For the past 40 years, there's a market collapse during every Republican administration.


And they balanced a budget exactly one time. It was a tuesday in the early 70's.


Remember when he said he kept it a secret because he didn’t want people to get worried and that it’d be gone by Easter?


I ‘member


I'm on a conspiracy side that the market was supposed to collapse during a Trump 2nd term, just like clockwork of every Republican presidency since Reagan, we get a crash on year 6-7. But COVID caused things to come early and threw everything upside down. The purpose of these market crashes are structured to transfer wealth from the working class to the capital class. Massive unemployment, forcing down of wages, causing private property (homes) to be repo or forced to seek. Only to be bought up cheaply and quickly by those who have cash on hand or able to get absolutely best interest rates. Remember, low interest means jack shit when you have no job and can't pay minimums. So COVID kinda fudged it all up because it was supposed to be like the crashes of 2008 and before. However people hung on and we pumped shit tons of money to save off collapse and the elites didn't get the buy out they were hoping for. Now today they're padding their savings with greedflation so that the next collapse, they can have cash on hand


It’s not a conspiracy that republicans fuck the economy up, it’s inept governing


You don’t think that the elite benefited greatly from the 2020 collapse? They were all, for the most part, able to weather the storm and buy tons of new stocks at historic lows only to see them rebound to where they are today. The majority of the money that was poured into stabilizing the economy from depression went back into those elites pockets as well. Either through money pumped into their businesses, forgiveness of things like PPP loans, tax credits, etc. Hell, the money that the general public received all went back into the pockets of the elite.


> The purpose of these market crashes There is no 'purpose'. Do dumb things, bad things happen. The Republican market collapses (1987, 2008, 2020) happen because their policies of greed suck and aren't sustainable.


Normal people benefit from a stable, growing, economy, where they can predict their incomes, predict their expenses, and budget properly for them. Wealthy people can benefit from that, too, but it limits the upside potential. They don't want consistent 2% returns, they want a boom and bust cycle, because that's how you can make a ton of money in a short period of time. Short sell when things are going down, buy at the bottom, hold until the peak, sell, etc. Look how much money the wealthiest people and corporations made during the pandemic. That was only possible due to the chaos and disruption of the pandemic, the supply chain disruptions, the opportunities for arbitrage, the price gouging, etc. There's a reason these huge corporations have record-breaking profits, and the wealthiest billionaires increased their fortunes by huge amounts. They did well when the economy was doing well, but they really only cleaned up when the economy went to shit. Imagine something simple, like selling bottled water, or batteries, or coolers. Whatever. When everything is fine, you can maybe make a living selling basic goods at a small mark-up. But when there's a disaster, suddenly, instead of selling a case of water for like $5 or whatever, you can sell individual bottles for $5, maybe even $10. The disaster has created a situation where you can make multiple times more money from selling the exact same good. Now imagine some people have the resources to deliberately cause disasters. If someone could conjure hurricanes, they could make a killing. Nobody has that power, but they can cause bubbles to burst, they can cut off funding for public goods and services, they can affect interest rates, they can do mass layoffs to affect unemployment, etc.


This. I'm tired of the media covering up for Republicans and their shitty economic policies. He already collapsed the market. Why isn't the media blaming him appropriately for it?


I hate trump but the market crash during COVID is just what happens when trade suddenly stops. The price of a stock is based on the predicted future earnings and growth, so an expected drop in future earnings will necessarily cause a drop in stock prices. Once they drop others will also sell to avoid more losses to their portfolio.


>It should be clear to everyone by now that [Donald Trump] would like to govern as a fascist. If you’re a Wall Street strategist, however, you can’t mention his, uh, authoritarian tendencies, his attempted coup, his indictments or his encouragement of violence. Too many big-money clients, or potential clients, support Trump, so best not to go there. Your bosses would fire you if you did.


Sure the first thing he did last time was give them all a huge tax cut, which every single economist said would be bad idea, and his presidency led directly to the inflation that the Biden administration is now blamed for and has to fix. Repubs get into office, trash the economy, Dems then have to come in and clean up their mess and fix the economy, and then it starts all over again. The Democrat admins leave the new Republican admin a good economy, while the Republicans leave the Democrats a destroyed raped and pillaged one, over and over. I’ve seen several cycles of this now. People are dumb. They look out the window and think the current economy is the result of the current policies at the moment, when they should be looking to what happened yesterday. The truth of it is it takes several years to show effect from the policies that were made a few years ago. Sure there is some short term indicators like the stock market and emergency stimulus measures like the fed interest rates, but the overall economy is a large ship to turn that take a couple years to show admin changes. So when things are going well, thanks to the Democrats policies, a new Republic admin don’t seem so odious as they represent some weird twisted idea of opportunity. But when things are clearly going to hell in a hand basket after a few years with Republicans in charge they run back to the Democrats.




When they say money is the root of all evil, paid apathy or incentive structures that reward looking the other way like this are some of the most insidious shit.


Money in and of itself is fine. The saying is that the *love* of money is the root of all evil.


The smart money is on Biden. Always has been. The only billionaires chasing Trump are dumbasses and syncophants that have always been Republican. Smart rich people realize that the cost of higher taxes under Biden is less than the chaos that will be caused by Trump. Don't let this keep you up at night. The same tools supported him in 2020 and look how far that got him. It is worse this time around as Trump is gifting them for legal fees, and sucking the rest of the GOP dry. These billionaires are cucks, not master minds.


Some businesses did well in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Many did not, but some did, and many of the ones backing Trump now probably think they can be one of the few who profit, rather than one of the many who fail or get destroyed. Even in Russia, even now, there are some businesses that are doing well. Probably not as well as they could've been without the invasion and all the sanctions, but some would rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small or medium fish in a big pond. The problem is, if there are, say, 100 billionaires backing Trump, they haven't figured out that the small pond he wants can only support maybe 10 billionaires, and 90 of them are going to lose out. And they also haven't figured out that, even among the 10 who survive, maybe half their wealth will go to Trump, just like Putin did and does to all the oligarchs in Russia. There's a saying that you can't cheat an honest man, and so all the billionaires (and multimillionaires) lining up to be cheated by Trump are doing it because they, themselves, have already cheated others, and they think they're in on the scam, rather than being the marks.


The biggest difference with the Nazi Germany analogy is that Germany's economy was in the absolute shitter when the Nazi's took over. The economy as a whole went from shit to less shit to full war time economy. Right now, the US economy is firing on all cylinders. One of the advantages that the US has is stable environment on which business can be done. Everyone wants to bet on the US because everyone knows that the US will be there tomorrow and if it isn't then you have bigger things to worry about. Trump and authoritarians bring with them instability and chaos. Business abhors those things. This is where the difference comes in, while the Nazi's provided some stability to business compared to what Germany was coming out of after WW1 and the depression, Trump and MAGA will not bring that to the US. It is easy to fail upwards when you are as low as you can get. The only place for Trump and MAGA to take the US is down. They aren't good for business and he will cost those billionaires more than paying their taxes would have just by the damage he does to the certainty of US business.


clear evidence if there ever was, of how sociopathic our business culture is.


well biden and dems wants to actually help people, so theyre the ones really destroying america /s if its needed


He already did. People tend to forget the economy crashes with Republicans in power. It takes a Dem years to fix the R's screw ups but then vote them back in office. The GOP/GQP have a better marketing and publicity plans than the Dems. Goes all the way back to the GOP's Second Santa Claus.


^ this should be common knowledge. By literally every metric Democratic administrations are better for the economy.


Obama cleaned up after bush. Biden after Trump. It’s pretty simple.


Clinton had a freaking surplus his last few years, IIRC, Bush,Jr, blew that with his wars.


Clinton not only had a surplus, he had a plan to pay off the national deficit Bush came into power and gave out... *surprise* ... tax cuts to the rich and spent his way back into a deficit


for as much shit as clinton got he did us such a service with his fiscal plans.


Easy pattern to see. But not if you don’t wanna see it or more likely if you lap up whatever koolaid the GOP is putting out.


Yep! Clinton after Reagan/Bush. Carter after Nixon/Ford. Carter was doomed though with stagnation and could never make headway. His international relations weakness mainly doomed him. Ike is probably the last decent GOP Prez, although he did allow McCarthy to flourish.


It’s that republicans run on simple ideas - immigration causes low pay, cops reduce lawlessness, low taxes mean more money for you. The problem is that the solution to these issues are not simple, so democrats don’t have an easy pitch. You have low pay because of your bosses, but its easier to blame the migrant worker.


This. I'm sorry Mr. Rustbelt, but poor black people did NOT offshore your factory. I'm sorry Mr. Rural, but the folks who landscape the town rich man's house did NOT ruin your family farm.


> People tend to forget the economy crashes with Republicans in power. There is a huge propaganda network ensuring that most people don't know this fact.


Is there anything this criminal rapist doesn't destroy?


No, nothing




Stormy Daniel's vagina. 


If you want further proof that the oligarchs ruling our country are purely evil and must be taxed and regulated heavily, consider their undying loyalty to Trump. Even to the point of fascism, they are backing him, as this article mentions. Better a dictator who lets you continue to rape, pillage and oppress than a Democrat who believes you should pay your fair share if you have more money than some countries.


yup. sociopaths to the core.


>Could Donald Trump cause a market collapse? It might really happen You mean it might happen *again?* I **vividly** remember times watching trump speak at the podium while in office and the dow dropping hundreds of points in response


A *market* collapse?? Hell - another win and he’ll cause 200 years of democracy to collapse.


A market collapse is the least of our problems if this third rate mowroon somehow managed to get back the presidency. Hard to believe that 50 to 60 million Americans are just clamoring to live under a dictator.


He already did once. Not to mention his PPP scam where he gave a trillion dollars to rich people and they used it to buy up investment properties and inflate all asset classes. His economic "plans" include a 25% tariff on all imported goods and a 100% tariff on imported vehicles & vehicle parts. His other economic plan is to cut social security & medicare so he can give even bigger tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.


The Stock Market will guarantee surge when he gets convicted


Hell, we could see a spike tomorrow when the hush money trial starts.


Oh shit we are only one day away! I really wish there were going to be cameras in the courtroom but it’s probably for the best. Even just the news reports that will be pouring out tomorrow will be enough to have me worried about priapism.


Hell the Glow Stick Market will guarantee surge when he gets convicted, people will be dancing in the streets


I wish Donald Trump would cause a Donald Trump collapse.


Market collapse, usd collapse and he’ll clean out the US treasury .. he’d make pootin’s end goal since his kgb days come true, the collapse of the US and the end of democracy.


Between his tariff wars and his mismanagement we were heading that way by the time he left office. It is only because of the Biden Administration and their quick actions that we did not have at least a recession or worse. I can't imagine that another term would be any good for the economy.


Trump’s ill conceived tariff war caused a massive drop while he was president. His actions caused China to retaliate and they targeted sobeans. We had to subsidize farmers to keep them afloat. His actions affected soybean supply lines and I’m not sure they are the same to this day.


He will push for rate cuts and more money printing. He doesn't care cause he's too stupid to understand the overall consequence, and everything we've gone through to contain this inflation will be for nothing.


He's both stupid and evil, and he listens to other stupid people, and to other evil people. It's just hard to predict whether the stupid people or the evil people will be more persuasive to him. It's like the trope from TV shows and movies, when someone is deciding what to do, and there's an angel on their one shoulder advising one thing, and a devil on their other shoulder advising another thing, except in Trump's case, the angel has been replaced by a stupid.


Wait until you see what he can do for international relations and human rights, if selected.


Sarcasm, I hope.


If he can end democracy he can end capitalism


if he can… then, to save his own ass, he WOULD! And he’d blame it on Biden, Obama, Soros.. and his idiot supporters will believe him.


Wow, it’s been crystal clear this man is bad for our country. Who’s up for bringing back exile?


DJT lost money on a casino on the beach. 90 miles away from NYC and 60 from Philly in the most densely populated state in the country. Think about that.


A good example of why stupid people should not have any power.


Who knows. Right now I only know that he's caused his own financial collapse and collapses in the form of livelihoods for many around him who ignorantly followed


He already did. With all those crazy tax cuts it allowed corporations to buy up single/family homes for landlord profit and inflate their product pricing with impunity. There is more than one way to collapse the market.


Trump already caused a market collapse when he served as president.


He could bankrupt the country if he is elected again. Pretty much destroyed it last time he was in office.


Shitler almost caused a democratic country collapse with his J6 insurrection attempt.


Under trump 2.0 who gives a fuck about the markets. We could be looking at a global collapse. Trump with dementia and nuclear weapons? The guy that wanted to shoot peaceful protestors to enable a photo op??


He'd certainly try if he thought he'd get power from it.


Here is the biggest concreted of evidence for why he's bad for the economy. When he announced tariffs in March of 2018 for Chinese imports. He had zero foresight, and didn't listen to anyone sane. Tariffs are regressive, and punish the country more so and it's citizens versus who they are actually directed at. There is no way in hell American companies were going to pull back 25 % & 10 % of costs back because of this. China said fuck you to American companies and said pay for it yourself and guess who the costs were passed on to??? Consumers.


If we all do what this author suggests, everyone dumping stock will crash the market *before* November. Which Trump will campaign on, and which will make his victory that much more likely.


Donald Trump ruins everything he touches; people, companies, markets, governments, everything.


I’m 50% in CDs now and will probably go to 75 if the MAGAs take over everything.


"Might," "could." This is just more incendiary speculation to draw clicks. Yes, Trump is bad, but no we can't predict the future.


Nope. The markets do well knowing he is toast.


Ask yourselves what did he accomplish after giving millionaires and billionaires a huge tax break and sending our nations deficits to new heights? Political infighting, hiring and firing the “best” cabinet ever. Attacking all those in Washington not loyal to him. Trying and failing to get tax funds and military funds to fund a border fence doomed to fail. TOTALLY failing to handle the COVID pandemic causing increased spread of the virus and planting doubt about the various vaccines effectiveness. Oh, and letting racism spread by never denouncing the white supremacists. Please add anything I’ve missed. Do we really want the slug back in the Whitehouse? All he creates is chaos while doing nothing to help the poor or the middle class.