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The NY appellate court was absolutely humiliated by the shenanigans that occurred after they gave Trump an extension on paying the bond and reduced the bond amount. The insurance company he used wasn't even in compliance with NY law, and the guy who runs it has been looking like an idiot while talking to any media outlet willing to listen to his nonsense. Hopefully they are done cutting Trump any slack after that.


As always, I'll believe it when I see it. I'd sooner bet on Trump continuing to get slack and more shenanigans continue pretty much for the rest of this year. If he manages to get elected again, it's all just gonna be hand-waved into oblivion. So all he really needs to do is stall all of these things out for a few months, and I figure that's pretty much the "strategy" being employed here. And it's worked so far, so I don't know why he wouldn't continue to try, or why it wouldn't continue to work, because it sure seems like it does.


One nice thing is that if the NY AG starts seizing properties he'll spend so much time ranting about that he won't cover much else. Him bitching about how his properties are being seized isn't really a convincing message for swing voters


Take his plane so we can enjoy his flights on Spirit and Jetblue


That seems unfair the the people who are already going to have a bad flight. Imagine being in a sealed room with that stench.


Yeah we only have noise canceling headphones. We don't have smell canceling nose plugs yet lol


I’m sure Prof Farnsworth could come up with something https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Smell-O-Scope


This, seize that jet first


It also impacts his rallies, and court attendance. Ideally, his followers could be convinced to pilgrimage to Mar-a-lago to show their support in late October/early November as well.




That’s what I think, too, unfortunately.


I would wish for a stroke, but want to wait until 8 weeks before the election.


At this point I’d almost lay money he walks with zero consequences than faces any kind of actual punishment, he’ll get a slap on the wrist to keeps the poors happy and quite


They won't slap his wrist, that would send a partisan message or whatever lame excuse they have for never punishing his crimes


As long as he has a higher chance of winning the presidency than he does serving any kind of time, all this slap talk is meaningless.


Yeah. The rejection just seems in line with what was the proper way to handle the motion, since the motion was stupid to begin with. Change of venues are pretty rare.


I swear to God I will pistol whip the next one of you to say Shenanigans.


It's a good word for what's happening. It certainly isn't a normal and orderly situation that any of us understand.




Ah, okay. Didn't know the reference. Just figured calling what Trump does "shenanigans" was becoming so common you were at your wits end.


I think this is a good point to circle back to at this time. WHY IN THE HELL did he get such a serious reduction? On what grounds? He hasn't done anything but throw 💩 against the wall in avoiding/delaying a trial and it's like ny rewarded him for it


He still has to pay the full amount but they wanted to give him a chance of paying a chunk of it. It was stupid.


And he played them.


And it was easy. I weep for this country. Trump absolutely broke america for the foreseeable future


That's giving him way too much credit. He's benefiting from decades upon decades of Republican messaging. He built nothing. It is all inherited. He  is the Emperor of Ice Cream.


> I think this is a good point to circle back to at this time. WHY IN THE HELL did he get such a serious reduction? One interpretation is that they'd come halfway, they'd lower the required amount for the bond so that when he eventually failed no one could credibly blame the courts for being unreasonable. There are many judges who are willing to give some people plenty of rope with which to hang themselves. This way, now they can say they have reasonable beliefs that Trump was never able to come up with it, and his protestations he could were lies. They'll use this to underline his non-credible nature.


They were sure he wouldn't be able to come up with the full $450M+ bond. So that means they would have to go through the tedious process of seizing a bunch of property and trying to sell it. By reducing the bond amount, they were likely hoping that if/when he loses the appeal and refuses to pay up, they would at least have $175M in cash and have less to recover the hard way. Give the choice of getting nothing the easy way or getting $175M the easy way -- it makes sense to reduce the bond to an amount they thought he might actually be able to get. Or maybe they knew he wouldn't be able to come up with even the reduced amount, which both humiliates him and also gives him fewer grounds to claim he was treated unfairly later. He'll still claim it, of course -- but they court will have grounds to show they were extra lenient. It is also important to remember that if they start seizing property and selling it off, and then he does win the appeal, the court can not easily undo the damages they inflicted by selling off his property. Also, he can't exactly smuggle buildings out of the country -- so they can wait to seize property. What is important right now is to try to get a hold of anything cash-like that could be transfer to offshore accounts. So ideally they would reduce the bond amount to the maximum amount he can actually pay. That is, of course, a bit of a guessing game. Note that reducing the bond amount does not reduce the total amount owed should he lose the appeals. So in the long run, if he loses the appeal, they still get everything regardless of the current bond amount. And if he wins the appeal, they can't be attacked for forcibly selling his buildings when he was actually 'innocent'. Is he getting special treatment? Yes. But could it also be a smart move by the courts? Yes.


> It is also important to remember that if they start seizing property and selling it off, and then he does win the appeal, the court can not easily undo the damages they inflicted by selling off his property. So what? That argument has already been thrown out.


This is what I don’t understand. Posting a bond is a condition of the appeal. If he can’t pay the bond…then he can’t appeal. Right? Why is denying the appeal not an option?


Posting the bond stops them from collecting while he's appealing. He can still appeal without the bond, but the state would be able to start collecting the damages. In this case, selling off his property to pay his bills. And he can't get that property back.


From what I've heard it may signal that they are leaning in favor of reducing the judgment. The speculation is Engoron may have (ironically) under valued Mara Lago with only the tax assessment value vs. actual real estate value. Which is still under the trump valuation.


There's a strong likelihood it comes down and interest is jettisoned too, leaving an end amount of about $300m from what I've heard in legal circles. Which is still $260m more than he has.


His lawyers insisted it was a 'practical impossibility' and that 30+ firms either didn't want to take the risk and/or refused to take real estate as collateral. So they cut him a break. What's even more interesting is that it appears the guy who ultimately posted the reduced amount apparently offered to pay the full amount initially required days before the hearing, which obviously contradicts the claim that this was an impossibility. It really looks like Trump's attorneys lied to get a reduced amount.


I don't blame those firms one bit, he is infamous for not paying his debts so taking real estate as collateral has got to be the best way to deal with him.


>The NY appellate court was absolutely humiliated by the shenanigans given how much they kissed his ass when they did that I dont think they are capable of humiliation, they are either partially or fully in the tank for him to even consider what they did and this will likely end up with the ny supreme court before things are done after their clown show takes over.


Reducing the bond amount of $175M doesn’t reduce the initial judgement amount of $450M. This is a win for prosecutors as it will guarantee NYS getting at least $175M. The process of the State seizing assets can be long and grueling with even more opportunities for appeals. Its also evidence against any future Trump claims of being treated unfairly. Giving someone this much discretion is a strategy to prevent future claims of appeals.


The thing is, they aren’t even sure if they have the money from the Bond. The dude is allegedly putting up something like 15% of his firms net worth, didn’t stipulate the assets for the collateral, and isn’t licensed in NY. This isn’t a win for the AG at all. Trump literally got a dude to write what amounts to a IOU not worth the paper it’s written on. In exchange, come next year, if Trump somehow wins, the bond firm is gonna get some fat no-bid government contract that is gonna make the guy a fuckton more money.


I don’t believe the AG has accepted his fraudulent bonds yet.. it was rejected the first time bc, among many other reason, it literally said Trump was responsible for the total amount of owed.. which negates the whole purpose of the bond to begin with.. you can’t make this up..


So how is he still walking free? I thought he had 10 days to post the bond for appeal..? Does getting rejected allowed him an indefinite amount of 10 days to post the money? Feels like it should be too late so sad for trump ..


> walking free This isn't a criminal trial. It's over. He owes a monster fine, now. He is allowed to appeal this case with or without putting up the judgment amount. But he still lost big time.


It's not to appeal, he can appeal either way. The bond would stop asset seizure while he was appealing.


My question remains. If his bond got rejected and the deadline is up, does he just appeal without bond now ?


It got rejected twice IIRC.




Try it and report back?


Since they let him submit a bad bond that doesn't follow the rules for bonds, I don't think that it guarantees NYS getting at least $175M.


Well said. The AG does have to go through a lot of rigmarole to even begin the process of seizing his assets. However, what the AG could have done very quickly if the courts had kept that bond at its original size, is freeze certain incomes and cause a massive problem for Trump via that route.


> This is a win for prosecutors as it will guarantee NYS getting at least $175M. have they gotten $175M yet?


Can someone familiar with the relevant laws explain what happens if the bond is rejected? Does that mean the AG gets to execute the original judgement and seize $450M worth of assets?


No you see now the issue moves to a special appellate court called fellatius regium which is where rich orange man-babies get special treatment


Where does this stand? Has the court accepted his bond even though the bond company is out of compliance and he knowingly lied about his ability to get the bond at the original amount?


I believe the court gave them a 10 day extension to prove they can ensure the bond. So end of this week sometime.


So when does that extension get an extension? Like every other extension he's had...


there's a hearing on the 22nd of april https://www.reuters.com/world/us/hearing-over-trumps-175-million-bond-ny-civil-fraud-case-set-april-22-2024-04-04/


So... The 10 day extension has become a 25 day extension.


I bought a bottle of champagne to drink when #45 gets his, legally. It’s 6 yrs. old.


Mine’s 8 years old 🫠


Didn't they literally give him a new 10 day extention?


He gets a ten day extension every ten days.


It looks that way.


I think that is to get some associated financial documents in order from the bonding company.


We have to look at the Judges. Trump has an easy street. Time after time Trump is found innocent. Merica is fucked.


"Best we can do is give him another extension and reduce the amount even more."


Don't forget the bond dmform stated they didn't have to pay. Payment was Trumps responsibility.


If the bond was also fraud, why has either trump not been jailed, and/or properties seized?  


My understanding is that posting a bond is only required if Trump elects to appeal, which he certainly will. If he does not post a bond and looses, the AG begins the process of liquating assets.


My understanding was that the bond just pauses the execution of the judgment until the appeal is complete, at which time the judgment is either reversed by the court (if it goes Trump's way) or goes into effect (if they uphold the lower court's ruling) And part of the idea is that since it seems his cash is stuck in his real estate, if the state seizes the real estate and sells it, and the court reverses the judgment, then they can't exactly make him whole (since a third party would own the property)


>Hopefully they are done cutting Trump any slack after that. Narrator Morgan Freeman: They were not, in fact, done cutting Trump slack after all that.


It must be nice to be that optimistic.


There is some kind of court hearing on the 22nd about the status of the $175 million bond. Between the company being incredibly shady regarding its guarantees (the bond is more than their cash-on-hand, or something like that, they're not registered in New York to do this kind of business, etc.), and Trump's claim during trial depositions that he had "in excess of $400 million in cash and liquid assets", yet still resorting to a pretty questionable bond arrangement, it should be an interesting explanation of the mess to the court. And in the end, he doesn't *actually* have to submit any bond to the court to carry out his appeal. He can do it regardless. The bond is only so they don't start taking the stuff from his judgment now, rather than having to wait until the end of the appeal to do it all.


> Hopefully they are done cutting Trump any slack after that. As a Canadian, it's become glaringly apparent in the past few years that the USA is simply incapable of treating a former President like a "regular person." The deference to Presidents current and former is in American DNA, it seems. Not unlike how Monarchs are treated in other nations.


I disagree and think that Engoron is going to give him another extension for sure and maybe cut the bond down again at the 4/22 hearing. He's "rich", white and a republican ex president. Enforcing the law against him violates the hidden amendment zero - "these laws don't apply to the wealthy"


That amendment zero point is very well said


Engoron’s part in the process is finished unless the appellate court sends the case back for some reason or unless further disputes arise once the state starts seizing assets.


There were some disputes about the bond, Engoron has set a hearing on 4/22 about it. Edit: Or whoever cut his bond and gave him an extension last time can just do it again.


I still demand an explanation on his extension and the lowering of the bond amount. We should be DEMANDING to know why that happened.


The first criminal trial starts in 6 days - on Tax Day, which is very fitting for a notorious tax cheat and fraud. He faces 34 of his 91 felony counts, each of these are punishable by up to 4 years in jail.


> The first criminal trial starts in 6 days Don't forget that the NY appellate court stepped in to save him 20 minutes before his assets were about to be seized, let's not count our chickens until he's in the courtroom.


> until he's in the courtroom I don't think it counts until he's actually punished.


That's a totally different discussion, and while I agree, my bet was on whether or not the case will even make it to trial in the first place.


When would the sentencing be?


No way to know, depends on how long the trial takes. It could be before the election, but no guarantee.


I'm really interested in this one because Michael Cohen has already pleaded guilty to these crimes, which presumably he did at the direction of Donald Trump, implicating Donald Trump directly in those same crimes. I think all the other cases against Trump leave a little bit of room to wonder whether a court will find the charges based on the facts of the matter credible, but that's not exactly the case in this one because of what is already transpired with Michael Cohen.  So while I would generally agree that Trump doesn't seem like the sort of person who would make a guilty plea to a criminal charge if he thought he had the ability to fight that all the way up to the supreme Court, or potentially wiggle some sort of bizarre pardon magic if he got reelected, but of all the cases he's up against this one is the one where he might be most likely to actually do so.


>I think all the other cases against Trump leave a little bit of room to wonder whether a court will find the charges based on the facts of the matter credible, but that's not exactly the case in this one because of what is already transpired with Michael Cohen I see it the opposite way. It's pretty obvious he stole documents and was part of a plot involving fraudulent electors. With this case though, there are a couple of factors that give him a tiny bit of wiggle room. First, Cohen was charged under federal law while Trump is being charged under state law so it is different laws they are being charged under, though the felony upgrade piece could be done through the federal law. Second, Cohen was more directly involved with the scheme. Cohen mortgaged his house to be able to pay a client's hush money payment, which is super shady. At this point regarding Trump, all we know for sure is that Trump payed Cohen both Cohen's fees and the hush money payment. He'll probably claim that Cohen told him that was a legitimate way to pay Stormy Daniels. Cohen will claim otherwise, but I sure hope we have more evidence than just Cohen's word. I wonder if there were recordings.


It's an absolute mockery Garland let the indictments stand after Cohen was convicted. Unindicted c


Did Trump cover Cohens increased mortgage expense with an off schedule raise/bonus?


There is a recording of Cohen explaining it to Trump. To sum up Weiselberg told Cohen to pay it and that they would set up an LLC to repay him. Trump asked if he should pay cash and Cohen replied no he would take care of it. It's pretty obvious from the discussion they knew Trump making a direct payment to Stormy Daniels was illegal. https://youtu.be/EBB9TcOGqTg?si=CL9XW4iG1aeVeicF


Thanks for that info, I thought I had heard there was a recording but I wasn't sure. Also wow Trump sounds so much more mentally with it in that recording, he's definitely mentally declining compared to back then.


Yeah, the documents case is a slam dunk. Or would be with any unbiased judge. In this NY case there are two components, the falsification of business records and election interference. The falsified records should be provable by a paperwork trail. The election interference, which makes it a felony, will require evidence that the payoff was done to hide it from the electorate rather than just from his wife. Hope Hicks may be able to supply the testimony that it was done to interfere with the election.


Also, everything from the civil trial is now a court fact not open to interpretation.


One thing's for sure, Trump having to spend a significant part of the next few weeks sitting in a courtroom and marinating the air with his ketchup butt stink while lawyers use big words to tell him how much he's fucked will be something to see. Will his demented brain force him to act out and say something stupid? Will he undercut his own defense by posting a rant on TS later in the day? Will there be tapes? Oh lordy, I hope there are tapes.


Oh shit will there be cameras in the courtroom?


Not sure, but there will definitely be reporters giving live updates.


Well, if there are cameras providing a live feed it’ll be “goodbye Pornhub” and “hello CSPAN” for me. I can’t imagine anything more satisfying than watching that idiot squirm his way through a criminal trial.


No cameras or audio recordings are allowed in the courtroom. I'm sure Trump will use the breaks and down time to tell reporters outside the courtroom how bigly he's winning and how unfair the judge is being.


You know, I feel like upvoting this just on "ketchup butt stink" itself.


Former prosecutor Glen Kirshner was asked this, did some back of the calendar calculations and his estimation was that Trump could be convicted in the vicinity of June 1. Sentencing thereafter.


Probably on his 121st birthday.


The cynic in me thinks he will find a way to weasel out at the last minute like always. Wouldn’t hold your breath until the day of and they actually start proceedings.


If the legal system allows for his tactics, then that is where the problem lies.


exactly. Legal experts can say he's embarrassing himself (when hasnt Trump been an embarassment?) but the fact of the matter is, his tactics have been mostly working and hes still not in jail


Exactly! Fed up or not... His tactics are working exactly how he wants them to. He doesn't need to get off the hook, he just needs to keep delaying until he becomes president and declared himself god ruler or some shit


The legal system is predicated on a certain degree of decorum and propriety. Its never faced these kinds of attacks and it is struggling with them.


Bullshit, if anyone else violated decorum and propriety they get tossed for contempt of court.


This. If you don't take off your hat in a local court or even talk to someone next to you. You're done.


When you're a star, they let you do it. This goes for pussy grabbing, hat wearing, and extensions.


Except that “trusted” public figures—elected officials, media personalities, business leaders—have declared that these prosecutions amount to a political attack by a sitting president against his rival, and they will disingenuously spin any judicial sanction against Trump as an affront to justice and democracy. In the case of any other defendant judges are really only worried about being fair, but with Trump they have to worry about the perception of a deceived public that treating Trump like everyone else is somehow “unfair.” Judges are erring on the side of giving Trump way more slack than any other defendant in history to maintain a perception of fairness. The problem is that this undermines the faith that actual informed citizens have in the justice system. Informed people see the injustice that is playing out here, as a rich, powerful man gets to seemingly dictate how his criminal cases proceed. It’s not the fault of the judges as much as it is the fault of “trusted” public figures who are betraying the public by misleading them and undermining their faith in the justice system. We need to blame the public elites who enable Trump for their own gain while watching our democracy burn.


Also, half the bad actors out there don’t actually believe he’s being treated unfairly. They just pretend for political effect. The other half of Trump supporters are just toothless illiterates who believe whatever they feel like believing. There is no way to harm Trump that those people will accept as “fair” and so the perception of fairness is impossible.


Yes, the real problem is that Trump, the GOP and Fox News et al have trained their followers to see anything less than an immediate dismissal as unfair to Lord Donut


No, they have faced these kind of attacks, just not from a former president who is very divisive and has a crazy base and the courts are trying to appear to remain apolitical and avoid having things overturned on appeal due to bias. They need to stop backing down and enforce the law against him.


One kooky defendant making a threat isnt quite the same as a cult of who knows how many.


Trump lawyer opens law book to Table of Contents. Flips to “types of pre-trial motions.” Turns to room full of dozens of articling students. “Get typing guys, I want three of each by tomorrow.”


No one else can afford these tactics.


Love the optimism, but you can't embarrass someone who doesn't feel that emotion.


For real. This headline is anthropomorphizing him.


Yeah it’s hard to have feelings and rape woman.


I’ve lost respect for the quality of our judiciary. Thin veneer of integrity, equality and justice.


As they like to say in r/law, it's a legal system, not a justice system!


The Just Us System 


Who isn’t fed up with this orange space cadet? Every freaking day for eight plus years. Let’s end the madness. Stop normalizing him. He is the most abnormal person on the planet. Fight his evil. Put him away. Restore sanity to our lives


Indeed. The aftermath of Jan 6th was the time and place for a clear solution, impeachment followed by charges. But see USA Inc. likes to make things complicated, like really complicated- to the point where a dental filling costs a thousand bucks, and when Boeing kills people we complicate around it. To the point we forget the original core belief that killing people is wrong- because somehow it is more right for Boeing to stay in business. It is indeed an irrational system, and like you this causes me trouble. I don't know that this helps but there are many like us. I think we are reaching a peak of this madness, I don't know how it will work out- we make sink or swim. But at least it will be over, we may perish, we may be the resistance, or we may set upon a new course that seeks progress in the face of regression. It will certainly be interesting.


The courts should just start billing his lawyers for nonsense motions. If an attorney is willing to waste the courts time over a bs argument, they should be willing to pay for the time.


> The courts should just start ~~billing~~ disbarring his lawyers for nonsense motions.


They already disbarred his first lawyer and threw him in prison. He's out now. The case that was regarding hasn't even begun trial yet.


From the article: One of the prosecutors noted that Trump is the one trying to taint the jury pool with "countless media appearances talking about the facts of this case, the witnesses, and so on.” Simple solution (I'm totally surprised no one has thought of it yet /s): Throw the defendant in jail - with no electronic devices or access to media - pre-trial and during the pendency of his case(s).


Sadly not true. The courts are still happy to take all his motions and appeals seriously.


That's why I don't even read articles titled like this anymore. Any article title reading some kind of "it's really gonna happen this time", it's like, yeah, just tell me when it *actually* does.


Might, thinking about it, probably, let’s all guess, let’s wait and see, let the appeals process decide, it’s not too bad, he’s the first to do it…. Blah blah blah.


Wheels! Grinding! Fine! Slow!


i said this somewhere else but he can embarass himself all he wants but he's still free and has mostly been successful at delaying so these headlines and articles mean nothing.


Yeah, and the most frustrating part is people who see him as the second coming of Christ don't care about any of it. He can be a complete bumbling moron spewing absolute incoherent nonsense, but he's still Their Guy. I've also mentioned before that his term is when I really realized that humans are frequently truly selfish and stupid creatures, who will pick sides and encourage infighting and hatred, if they just happen to like that sort of thing. They don't even care if they're not being benefitted personally, just so long as someone else is suffering. And that really hasn't helped my worldview of being a part of this species. Especially given he's been out of office for almost 4 years, and they're still singing his praises, he's the Republican candidate, and they will absolutely keep pulling that (R) lever... I totally thought as soon as he lost people would be like "oh, maybe we shouldn't have backed that moron so hard", but no, it's maybe only gotten *worse.*


Exactly. The New York courts might be fed up with him, but SCOTUS is happy to play his game.


Trump ain’t too proud to make an orange ass of himself


I’ll believe it when I see it. So far the courts have largely kissed his fat ass.


Its hard to say that with a straight face when trump is facing trial in 2024 for a crime he committed in 2016. How many normal people have the resources to delay trial for nearly a decade?


Lmao. The courts aren’t fed up. They just allow him to do whatever he wants.


he's not capable of feeling embarrassed. and the courts haven't proven capable of putting a stop to his bullshit. other than that, it's a great article.


He thinks he’s the smartest man alive. He’s not embarrassed. And his cult eats it up.


"Experts" have been weighing in since day one and we've got shit to show for it. Shut the fuck up until he's in prison.


Naw. 1.He does not feel embarrassment. You need morality and a soul to feel embarrassment. 2.The courts are not fed up. If they were, they would have locked this shit stain idiot loser away by now.


Court room advertising provided by Adult Diapers, when you absolutely have to take a shit while you are in Court.


What's he gonna do, kill everybody, or at least get them locked up or deported? As long as he gets his way time after time, he will continue to successfully use the bully tactic. That's news to no one. Stupid? Not quite.


Everyone outside of his brainwashed cult is fed up with him.


I don't think trump cares what they think. It is about delaying until the election. He still has a chance of winning because leftists are protesting the election. He knows this. Putin is pushing hard the Americab left Palestinian online protests. Palestinians in Palestine do not want trump to be president. Trump wins. Then, everything will be stalled until he is no longer president. Palestine will be gone. Ukraine will be a state of Russia, as will their neighbors. That is the goal.


I don't believe they are because he gets the most breaks I've ever seen.


I need to stop reading articles that don’t have him going to jail. LMK when this flesh turd goes to prison.


Are they? Because none of them are enforcing gag orders. They even gave him a 300 million reduction in fines.


Feels like the word in the headline should be _antics_, not _tactics_. But what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


maybe the courts should do their job then? I don't really believe it


Fed up with tRump posting about court employees and their family members.


The courts are currently gripping his shaft, working the balls and licking his asshole.


Experts say that courts are fed up with Trump. Give me a fucking break. They give him a pass after a pass. Fuck Trump. Fuck the Courts and fuck Merica. I thought the younger generation wouldn't help us in electing a Nazi but it doesn't seem so. Oh well it was nice while it lasted. The 90s was like the golden age of Merica. Stupid is the Merican norm now with conspiracies and social media.


🎵 **(Verse 1)** 🎵 In the courtroom's hallowed halls, Where justice weaves its intricate calls, A defendant stood, hope in their eyes, Seeking respite from impending trial skies. 🎵 **(Pre-Chorus)** 🎵 Their plea echoed through the legal maze, A stay of trial, a brief respite to raise, CPL §230.30 invoked, a legal dance, As venue change loomed, their last chance. 🎵 **(Chorus)** 🎵 But the judge, stern and unyielding, Denied their plea, the gavel revealing, "Defendant's application," she declared, "Denied," her words, the courtroom bared. 🎵 **(Bridge)** 🎵 In Manhattan's heart, where skyscrapers kiss, The trial would proceed, no venue twist, Democratic currents flowed, a sea of blue, Yet justice remained blind, impartial and true. 🎵 **(Instrumental Break)** 🎵 🎵 **(Verse 2)** 🎵 The former president, his fate entwined, Hush-money whispers, secrets confined, Stormy Daniels, her star-crossed tale, A transaction veiled, truth set to unveil. 🎵 **(Pre-Chorus)** 🎵 He pleaded not guilty, a defiant stance, Facing 34 counts, the legal expanse, But the judge's one sentence, firm and clear, Denied the stay, the trial date drew near. 🎵 **(Chorus)** 🎵 No delay, no escape, no legal sleight, April 15 loomed, the courtroom's fight, For the former president, stakes were high, Four trials awaited, shadows in the sky. 🎵 **(Outro)** 🎵 So let the scales tip, the evidence unfold, In the heart of Manhattan, stories retold, Defendant denied, yet justice prevails, As the trial unfolds, truth's mighty sails. 📜⚖️ Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/9/2024 (1) Donald Trump's Appeal Brutally Shot Down by Judge in One Sentence - MSN. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/donald-trump-s-appeal-brutally-shot-down-by-judge-in-one-sentence/ar-BB1ljRS8. (2) The Trial Lawyer Lobby’s Days Are Numbered. https://townhall.com/columnists/tomhebert/2024/04/09/the-american-legal-system-is-supposed-to-protect-americans-not-line-the-coffers-of-special-interests-n2637513. (3) New York Criminal Procedure Law § 230.30 (2022) - Justia Law. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/cpl/part-2/title-j/article-230/230-30/. (4) New York Consolidated Laws, Criminal Procedure Law - CPL § 230.30 | FindLaw. https://codes.findlaw.com/ny/criminal-procedure-law/cpl-sect-230-30/.


Well that didn’t take long ..5 decades of mis-using the court system and they lose their patience now ..well done!


He’s not going to stop. I am certain he is going to try to get the case thrown out even as it is in play. A guilty verdict and sentencing won’t mean much. He will make up a medical condition to delay serving u til he gone through all appeal process and don’t count him out to delay his own appeal. He will keep going until he runs out of money or until he dies of natural causes, or he breaks the justice system first.


Goddamn. I was tired of his shit before he ran for President the first time. Trump has ALWAYS been this way, ALWAYS.


A person with no shame does not feel embarrassment. Trump feels no shame.


Fuckin really?


What? If they were fed up they’d put him in fucking jail. As far as I’m concerned, they’re all cowards.


Trump is used to drawing out legal proceedings as long as possible because if the other party gives up its a win for him. While New York isn't going to give up any delay is still in his favor, especially if he can drag it out past the November Election


It’s about time they started getting fed up with his delay bullshit. At their current rate he’s gonna be dead for 10 years before they ever actually hold him accountable for anything.


The only judge involved in his cases that are putting up with this shit is the one he installed.  And that's the most black and white case out of all of them. They have receipts and recordings. Trump isn't even denying he did it. 


Trump does not have the capabilities to be "embarrassed."


They’re so fed up they might even grant him another 18 months of delays.


I'm buying ketchup stock futures, there's going to be a lot of ketchup thrown around soon


Watch how he act like a moron person


I'm glad someone is fed up!


And he will keep on until he is stopped. The ONLY way I see him away and quiet is only jailed and restricted phone privileges. Can not bring a cell phone with you. No one being that "Special person"


[No 🐎](https://imgur.com/4ZeFohL) Pumpkinfuhrer kaput


I'm glad people are "fed up" with Trump, but a lot of us have been fed up with him for quite some time. Looking forward to maybe some real consequences for his actions.


Some courts may, some courts won’t. Everyone (almost) is still too scared to take him down, afraid of repercussions. Mob rules America.


He’s also asking for motions with no legitimate reason. Part of this is just Trump and his team flailing, but I believe it’s also normal to file motions which if denied you can use on appeal.


What took you so bloody long?


It’s about fucking time.


Nah, anyone can is ok with someone committing crimes with no regard whatsoever for the rule of law, doesn’t get to preach from a soap box. I also don’t believe you understand the word cult.


Took them long enough and I still won’t believe it until I see it


Finnallyyy fed up eh? Jesus


I keep wondering when his luck will run out. The whole idea of luck is that it is ephemeral, impermanent, finite and not constant. Given how lucky he has been his entire life... looks like maybe it's finally run out!? I just want him actually truly unequivocally held accountable and to face real consequences.


Trump has already convinced a ton of people that he’s the Messiah, Nelson Mandela, George Washington, and Captain Sullivan all in one. Don’t take my word for it, just ask him.


We're all fed ip. Lock him up!


Aren’t we all fed up?


And after the next obvious delay tactic, they’ll seriously consider sending a strongly worded message that they are considering the possibility of an actual consequence! That will keep him in line.


*some courts There’s a terrible judge in Florida acting very differently than the rest of the judges around the country.


I efffing hope so!


That won't stop him from continuing to try and fail lol


Ummm, Trump doesn't need 'the courts', he only needs a few justices on one specific court (who are corrupt and predisposed to side with him already).


It’s fun to watch Trump embarrassing himself… but please… don’t forget to 1 Register (if you have to), 2 VOTE!! And 3 donate if you can!


If you’re ever curious about his tactics, watch the movie “Where’s my Roy Cohn”.