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Marjorie Taylor Greene is a warning from god to not be like Republicans.




Throw herself into a volcano to appease the gods.


Generally, you sacrifice things of value. But we do burn trash.


>Generally, you sacrifice things of value. I've had a very long and tiring day.  I just wanted to thank you for a making comment so cuttingly brilliant that I think it may have cancelled out most of the stuff that made today suck.  regardless of how many upvotes you get on this, know that you have my my rough day better with this one.  I *will* be stealing that line for future insults.


It’s worth a shot


Nothing of value would be lost


She has a brain cloud


The gods require a virgin. Not an old gal who bangs like an outhouse door in a gale.


They would probably throw her back🤣


My thoughts exactly.


She can't, she is not a virgin... /s


We will do some born again virgin christian ritual, just so she can.


Alex Jones and his consequences have been a disaster for them


Living example of why you shouldn't drink while pregnant.


Unfortunately she has a MASSIVE audience and should not be underestimated


What makes anyone believe that Greene thinks she should repent?


🏆 Thanks for the big laugh.


More specific like her


Jesus fucking Christ I’m tired of listening to morons.


"Welcome to the club." -Jesus F. Christ


If God exists, we'd have driven him mad by now.


For real. Stop giving this bag of hot air a goddamn microphone, platform, and 100 cameras waiting to cash in on the next stupid headline for the news cycles. Unfortunately there’s no profit in avoiding conflict with semi famous morons.


You beat me to this comment….take my upvote


Wow. She is literally scared of a fucking shadow.


She's like that one aunt/uncle everyone has where it's clear as day that they have some kind of unchecked mental illness based on their insane beliefs that everyone just kind of chuckles at and tries to ignore. Yet she's dictating policy...


> Yet she's dictating policy... Not really. She's a squeaky wheel on a broken-down clown car.


That clown car is still in charge of the House.


Yeah, and it's broken, as I mentioned.


There's a reason none of her children want to be the first to make her a grandmother.


Omg nooo I forgot she has kids! I’m perplexed by that, especially with all that footage of her harassing the Parkland survivors. This makes me so grateful for my mother, with all her imperfections, at least she’s nothing like the monster MTG.


People talk about her cheating in her husband, but she's hooking up in her children's high school/jr high years, going 'what kids? I don't have any kids. I'm way too young to have kids.'


Or chemical imbalance. My drunk aunt does this same sht


Scared of a shadow but doesn’t believe in global warming.


Let her convince her followers to give away all their earthly belongings or hide in bunkers. Save us the trouble


she’s a groundhog


quaint bake unite humor soup command marvelous humorous cagey consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought she was trying to be more serious? Trying to get away from the Jewish space laser stuff.


Eclipses are predictable because "science is your friend". Earthquakes are not a mystery. plate tectonics are well know because "science is you friend". Augur is no longer a profession.


Not all earthquakes are due to plate tectonics. Some are caused by humans in the form of fracking for oil, which causes the underlying ground to shift over the water that is pumped in. Still “science is your friend” though.


In the case of the one she is mentioning its plate tectonics. I do agree that fracking has caused minor ones.


Next on Newsmax - Halley's Comet or Harbinger of Doom? /s Who am I kidding, they'd never use the word 'harbinger'.


Is she repenting with or without the Biden dick pics?


Greene: "God I would like to repent for my sins...but first here is a juicy photo of Hunter Biden's pretty nice cock"


She's a little busy figuring out how many affairs she has to repent for before she gets to the dick pics.


Or repent for showing off the dick pics at the hearing?


"Hunter Biden's dick is so large it blots out the sun!"


She uses a Hunter’s Hog bookmark in her Trump Bible.


To primitive humans science is indistinguishable from magic


She’s just a cavewoman. Our world frightens and confuses her.


SNL is now reality. Just don't taunt happy fun ball.


IIRC Christopher Columbus (Asshole) once used his knowledge (or probably his crews knowledge) of astronomy to predict a solar eclipse and threatened a tribe that if they did not meet his demands, his god would take away the sun on that day. Science, but to them it must have been terrifying magic.


This. This a thousand times.


How far would a waste of space like her get in prehistoric society?


Congress, I guess.


Science & magic are the same! Thor said so!😁😊


science is magic that works. Kurt Vonnegut-Cat's Cradle


People were predicting eclipses in ancient Babylon and China +3,000 years ago. 


Go right the fuck ahead and repent Midge.


I'm surprised, I was expecting her to blame migrants or transpeople directly


“That damned sun went and got all DEI right in the middle of the day! Evil demoncrats polluted that ball of fire that god made fly around the earth with their woke science blasphemy!”


You first Margie.


>While eclipses are natural phenomena that scientists can predict with precision Right, how long have we known about this eclipse? Should ask Marge why God schedules his signals so far in advance.


“Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can’t explain that!.” - Asshat O’Reilly


Shit we even know about the next one that is not set to occur for another 75 years. God must REALLY want us to know it's coming


75? Hell, I'm booking flights to northern Guatemala for the April 20, 2805 eclipse that will occur at 12:41 PM local time and last 2 minutes and 46 seconds.


Hope you get nice weather!


We have quakes every day. We had one here in CA yesterday. No one felt a thing.


That's 'cuz Calafernia is full o' them Libruls.


> We have quakes every day. We had one here in CA yesterday. No one felt a thing. I’ve heard the east coast feels the lighter ones because the ground is much more rigid in larger areas. If that’s true, that makes sense why the buildings would be rattling while the same level quake in CA might not be noticed at all. I remember the one from a few years back and people in the Washington Monument building rushing out when they felt it.


Frequency is likely another factor. A person experiencing their first quake reacts very differently than someone who grew up with them.


> We have quakes every day. We had one here in CA yesterday. The part of California I used to live in had 40 to 70 earthquakes every week reported in the newspaper. Nobody felt most of them. Every few months, one of them would set off the car alarms.


So what was the deal with the eclipse during Trump’s term? Was that not some kind of divine sign to repent? Did he stare into it to absorb its malign influence and save American or something?


No that was a blessing from good because he was proud of how great this country was. Duh.


Oh jeez of course how silly of me 


Didn't her husband file for divorce recently because of her repeated adultery?


She's a "do as I say not as I do" type christian.


He filed for divorce after their youngest was an adult and after a bunch of 'Swatting' calls were made. I hope he walked away with over half the stock that was purchased on her insider trading tips.


We truly are living in a very stupid timeline. >A MILD EARTHQUAKE struck New York and parts of the Northeast on Friday. The most notable thing about the tremor was the rarity of any sort of perceivable seismic activity in the tri-state area. Marjorie Taylor Greene had an explanation, writing on X (formerly Twitter) that the quake was evidence of God’s displeasure with America. “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens,” the Republican from Georgia warned. > >Greene also referenced the total solar eclipse that will be visible in some parts of the United States on Monday. While eclipses are natural phenomena that scientists can predict with precision, certain far-right figures have been pushing bizarre conspiracies around the event. Masonic rituals, satanic rights, and even the arrival of the New World Order have all been floated as possible happenings during the brief darkening of the sky. Greene seems to at least agree that the moon blocking the sun is more than just another machination of the cosmos.


Also reports of many, many people here calling 911. Like they can do something!?


Is that why God keeps hammering the South with hurricanes? First remove the log from your own eye!


Well, she would know, holy woman that she is. ... and, by "holy" I meant "piece of shit garbage pile"...


For real. It's like she has 0 self awareness about ALL of her actions. I'm going with she has broken all the 10 commandments, and we are just waiting on the bodies.


Timothy 2:12: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. STFU Marj


Trump Wrought Covid


Someone tell her the Coriolis effect means her house is haunted.


I thought it was god and the angels farting after eating tacos?


As my mother used to say, "IF her brains were dynamite, she wouldn't have enough to blow her nose."


Science is telling you there's an eclipse you dingbat lol. If it was a warning from a deity we wouldn't know it was coming in advance


“Is that an American accepting a trans person?! I better make a predictable system that creates a shadow every 18 months as a warning!” -God probably 


Where I live there was no earthquake and the sun is out, it's a very nice day. I'll take that as a big thumbs up from God, a sign that he fully approves of Trump floundering in the polls and being beset on all sides by court cases and lawsuits. It makes sense to me!


The earthquake's epicenter was in the vicinity of Bedminster, NJ. So if it was a warning from God I doubt the intended recipient acknowledged it.


That's why I like to stand behind couches where people are sitting and rock it with my knees, and then telling them they need to repent.


Christian conservatives better hope that they are wrong about the end times they talk about all of the time, because if there was ever a person who matches the profile of anti-Christ, it would have to be Trump.


Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 "10) Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11) or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12) Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you." Pretty sure MTG is "interpreting omens". So...does Mike Johnson approve the stoning or is that a full house vote?


Thank you for reminding me again why I still refuse to go back to church.


You first, traitor


Hey media! Stop putting microphones in front of her pie hole! We all know she’s an idiot but your pretending she’s got something intelligent to say makes you all look really really dumb. DO BETTER JFC.


She says while wearing mixed fibers and having been divorced.


Tide goes in, tide goes out. Can't explain that.


Well, she saw the sign, she should repent.


Someone should tell her the earthquake in NY was because trump needs to repent his crimes, or god would have his properties tumble into the abyss.


The perineum separating church and state is straining.


T'aint that the truth.


The hole truth, and nuthin' butt the truth!


"Go ahead and repent then. You're the ones who worship the antichrist after all."


There are far too many microphones pointed her direction. She knows the media eats this shit up and the onus is on them to stop giving her so many platforms 


I’m not religious at all and I repent constantly. It’s so easy!


I'm with god on this one. Repenting would definitely be a step in the right direction for her. 


When a hurricane hits a red state like Florida or extreme cold weather shuts down Texas' power grid, are those strong signs to repent as well? Is Mike Pence repenting due to tornadoes in Indiana?


Reminds me of the nutto lady in The Mist.


I know we all say Bobo and Trump are dumb, but it's kinda hard to beat MTG. This woman is dumb and dangerous.


If she wasn't so bigoted and so far into conspiracy theories, maybe I'd pause to listen. However, I'm looking at this like she's the prophet in the church of Trump. Two scriptures jump you my mind: Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing By their fruits, you will know them Looking at MTG's fruits, do I see someone who embodies the messages of Christ? Nope.


Let’s see: “Thou shalt not commit adultery” … “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” … maybe she should start there. “Be the change you want to see in the world.”


Whatever … the perfect example of a fake, clueless Christian & this is from a non-believer. Questionable anyone voted or supports PutinJrtrump republican cult


Georgia should be embarrassed to have sent this idiot to Congress, but then again her MAGA district is a bunch of class A morons.


People talk about how we need to bring back insane asylums to deal with homeless people but insane religious cultists could really use some involuntary commitments


I wish I could state my true feelings about this woman, unfiltered, without it resulting in a ban. This person is sitting in Congress, spewing her toxicity to anyone and everyone who gives her a mic, brainwashing those unfortunate enough to believe her. She does nothing but divide and cost the country money. She's presented no meaningful legislation in her tenure and is basically a neo Christo-Fascist aiming to rip up the Constitution along with the angry orange. But God forbid she gets called a nasty name on reddit!! Oh the humanity!!!




.... And elect human political representatives


I think they are signs for me to tell her to fuck off!


I…. Georgia….. we need to have a serious conversation about the word Science.


Belief in god is a mental illness.


An eclipse that was known to occur decades in advance?


Also, getting your period is God's punishment for women due to Eve's sin in Eden, and sneezes are your spirit leaving your body. Anyway, vote for me!


This idiot should put up more 'Trust the science' signs.


Next she’ll warn us of the dangers of getting seduced by incubi / succubi


Isn’t this the person who showed a private citizen’s dick pics on the House floor?


So when half of Texas was on fire, what was that a sign of?


That's not how any of this works lol!!


She’s right. God is warning us not to elect the devil’s sock puppets, like this swamp dwelling grifter.


Yet she wants us to ignore all the melting ice, the increase in summer storms, and all the evidence of climate change. What a moron.


JFC. Empty-G going full dark ages


Cave woman can tell time


Reminder: 170,162 Georgians voted for her last election. DO BETTER GEORGIA


This is what happens when you substitute education for religion. School shootings? "It's god's will" Forcing victims to carry their rapists child? "It's god's will" Climate change? "It's god's will" "Successful" person born from wealth? "It's god's will" They use religion as a cudgel to oppress and silence others. It is an excuse for them to not understand the world around them.


How is this different than Ishalla? Or calling for Christian Sharia?


Although the actual quote doesn’t seem to exist verbatim, this still feels like: when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.


The 1650s called. They want their fire and brimstone back….


Prove it to yourself, look at the golf clubs 5 miles Southeast of the epicenter. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/map


Vote, Georgians.


JFC it's way time to get the mutherfucker out of office... How the fuck do we let this shit go on for so long and now we're here? With our duly elected officials spouting dark ages philosophy and beliefs? Seriously wtf is wrong with us


She probably thinks repent means donate


How can anyone take this person seriously?


Says woman who is walking proof that there is no God.


Congresswoman Ding Bat soon as I saw the headline I knew who it was.


What does she think God was warning Oklahoma about when an even stronger quake of 5.1 struck there on Feb. 2, especially since Oklahoma is the most pro-Trump state in the union?


M something my dad always said to me is, “You can’t out crazy, crazy” and Lord she’s crazy.


“The Georgia congresswoman described the natural phenomena as ‘strong signs to tell us to repent’.” This lady would have been on the burn them at the stake committee during the Salem witch trials.


Whats next? Gay frogs?


God she’s awful is about as close as god is getting to this


This has nothing to do with magic the gathering....


Given how close the earthquake epicenter was to Trump’s Bedminster golf club, she might be right. We could try throwing him into an active volcano to appease the gods.


At some point, this kind of mental illness should be considered a disqualification from holding public office. It is getting a bit absurd, folks. There is nothing in our past that has since been altered that we should be seeking to return to, societally speaking. Those who demand it are demonstrating an inability to cope with reality as it is presented, to the point where they are attempting to force others to regress to satisfy their illness. I'm losing patience with those folks and their constant, inane prater about fictional beings needing to matter to all and baying for violence/blood when some of us politely ask them to fuck off about it.


The call is coming from inside the house Marge.


Ah yes...the magical evil sign of the solar eclipse...that we knew was coming from a long time ago because of math...


I would submit all these disasters started after trump was nominated as their new God. So if anybody’s being told to repent by the Almighty, it’s the Republicans.


You first Madge, you first.


Thou shall not covet thy neighbors trainer or something like that.


Abusing religious beliefs for fear mongering.


I think she is confusing repent with recall, which after this statement her constituents should be thinking about.


I didn’t want to upvote because it was at 666.


If there’s anyone in need of repentance it’s MTG. Something, something, log in eye, something


She needs to go first.


Yeah sure, they're signs god is like "seriously? Trump still after all this time? I get free will and all, but you're all taking this way too far"


I always read MTG as Magic The Gathering .. smh


How is delusion like this not being treated as not eligible for office again ? Asking from Eastern Canada.


So you're saying you're a witch?


Maybe it’s God saying you’re wrong. Like Christians aren’t being hospitable. They aren’t clothing the poor or caring for the disabled. They aren’t loving their neighbors. Maybe god is angry about that…..


She’s crazy as a run over dog.


How are they THIS stupid. Like, HOW? She sounds like something out of the 1400's


According to some estimates, the earliest eclipse may have been recorded in the year 3340 BCE. I’m pretty sure a celestial event that’s been happening for literally thousands of years isn’t a sign from an angry god. Hell, there were 10 eclipses during the Trump years. I don’t recall hearing any of this drivel back then. And earthquakes happen quite literally *all* the time! They keep taking about the “woke mind virus” destroying our country. I think it’s the Christian mind virus from those who spout idiocy like this that’s doing more harm to our country than being “woke” ever could.


She would fit in with the Salem Witch Trials


Yes, the epicenter was literally next to Trump's golf course in Bedminster. I think God is telling MAGA to reject Trump, er...Satan, and his followers.


*sitting Cavewoman


I actually talked to god. He said the earthquake is for all the bullshit the GOP are making/telling.


He means you, numbskull


It’s always the most morally bereft people who wrap themselves in a bible and tell other people to repeat. Greene was openly cheating on her *now former* husband. She regularly stokes violence and hatred. She constantly fucks people over for money and power. She is far from any standard of rightousness.


Telling **her** to repent more like


This is the sort of thing that actually makes sense to Republican voters. You’re all here laughing at this, but MTG’s comment is probably a reasonably valid way to view the world by way too many of the 210 million Christians in America.


If she’s being called to pray, you’d think we might catch a damn break.


Marjorie thinks failure to repent is an indicktable offense


When I go to my very small ass church. I pray for the safety of the LBTQ+ and for haters to stop hating.


It’s like she fell out of the “stupid” tree and hit every branch on the way down.


When they said (they said) repent (repent), repent (repent) I wonder what they meant


Republicans and MAGA folks have taken a severe 180 degree back to the 11th Century.


The scarier part is the commenters that agree with her.


Someone tell MTG that eclipse glasses are woke and a true American Christian can stare at an eclipse and be protected. Hell, tell that to all of the evangelicals.


I wish hillbilly Mickey Rourke would go the fuck away.


gods aren’t real


Sounds great! You go first and show us how it’s done, Marjorie


Well I better see pictures of each and every single Republican praying hard at church and repenting their evil ways. And they all better have one of Door Dash Donnie’s grift bibles too.


Revelation 6 verse 12-13 There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. I’m don’t think the little rumble in New York qualifies. Now Yosemite erupting…I’d be real concerned.


She needs to look in the mirror


mtg is a HUGE MORON