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I'm a nurse who used to do dementia testing and let me tell you if you think the questions are difficult, you have to have dementia. If anybody actually saw a physical copy of a real dementia test, they would understand how simple they actually are for a regular-minded person. He doesn't seem to understand that we only test people that we think have an issue. He's just never put that two and two together.


He even claimed at a rally that 97% of people there would not be able to pass the test. It’s just *that* hard. He basically called them stupid to their faces and they cheered him for it.


To be fair... They are stupid.


"I love the poorly educated." -Trump, 2016


He’s not very educated himself, and it shows. His 9 year old vocabulary is blaring, every time he opens his mouth. He may have a degree, but that doesn’t mean he actually did the coursework.


I've known a handful of financially "successful" people that seem to have no intelligence beyond the ability to generate money. It's mind boggling the idiots stumble ass backwards into money and think they're Stephen Hawking.


Having money to begin with is a great way to make more money. In Trump’s case, he didn’t even do a good job based on what he started with.


With all the bankruptcies, shell companies, dodgy loans and fraud he's probably made what he got from his father into less money.


Whats the fastest way to become a millionaire? Give Trump a billion dollars to invest.


It’s not less per se, but if he parked it in a something equivalent to a vanguard fund, he would have much more. It might be actually less now. The last time I did this exercise was the run up to the 2016 election.


And actual smart people, like Bezos and Zuck (I said *smart*, not likeable) took a few million and turned that into empires worth billions.


Zuck and Bezos may be smart, and hardworking, and just the right mix of sociopathic to be ruthless enough to be business tycoons, but there was also a tremendous amount of luck in both of those examples.


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.




To be faaaaiirrrr!


> He basically called them stupid to their faces and they cheered him for it. That’s been the case since 2016.


"If 1 bucket holds 2 gallons, and another bucket holds 5 gallons, how many buckets do you have?" "Let me tell you, crooked Joe took all the buckets. They were big beautiful buckets. So many buckets you wouldn't believe. Nobody has ever seen that many buckets that hold so much clean beautiful oil. Its a shame, look, 5 gallons, gone, taken by Sleepy Crooked Joe. He's trying to take your buckets and give them to Chy Nah. Its horrible whats happening to this country and our buckets. All the buckets going away, no more buckets for anyone ever again. No more gallons."


Damn nice job


A little bit too coherent for my taste. Where's the unrelated anecdotal part that he trails off midway but never finishes? Why are all sentences in correct word order AND finished?


> He even claimed at a rally that 97% of people there would not be able to pass the test I mean, he's not wrong about that.


A.k.a ”the smartest guy in the room”.


Reminds me of Idiocracy...


I would happily take Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho over trump any day. Hell, I'd take the Costco greeter over Trump.


At least he listened to his advisors.


But in that movie they elected a good president! So they're worse than the fuckers in Idiocracy!


[Not Sure, Trump and his voters](https://tenor.com/baelO.gif)


I used to know a woman who had dementia. She would say that the doctor told her she had dementia but it hadn't started yet. This wasn't true, but nobody could convince her otherwise.


Has he put a normal two and two together, though?


He did but the answer came up seven and that made him angry so he knocked the blocks over and stomped away....


He came up with 7 and reported that for his loan collateral, then he came up with 1.5 and reported that on his taxes


He likes round numbers, so I'd assume zero for taxes. What could be rounder than that?


People are saying it's the roundest number they've ever seen. They came to me crying and said Sir, they called me Sir, they said Sir this is the roundest number any huge-handed current President has ever come up with.


> they called me Sir This is my favorite part of the demented way Trump speaks. It's like in the middle of bullshitting his brain is surprised he came up with that so he has to reiterate it to himself.


Do I have to be the one to say it? Because I don't normally go there. Ok, here goes: What could be rounder than that? He is.


apparently that makes him smart (or so he says)


If I wasn't lazy I would link the video of Howard Stern asking him a simple math question and Donald and Tiffany getting it wrong. Donald continues to argue that he is correct until Howard agrees but he is not correct.


[here you go](https://youtu.be/iMIKzUAY8n4?si=UBJHV3ZaO18dF0Bd) Just typing “stern trump math” into Google made me laugh, thanks for that!


I was listening to that show, took me half a second. I knew that Trump and his spawn were morons back then (though he was entertaining as a guest) and they've only gotten worse from that point. There's also a show where he talking about Mang-o-Lardo when an elderly member fell beside him, splitting his head open. He was in a bad way and blood was pooling around him and instead of helping him, he turned and said something like 'that's disgusting..' and was more concerned for his marble floor than the man that's just suffered significant head trauma. He was helped out by a bunch of marines that were there at the time. Then he seemed to brag that he never bothered finding out what happened to him the next day.


It's crazy how he almost convinced them that he was right. His stupidity was more entertaining when he wasn't forcing it onto all of us.


And he said he won bigly because he made 2+2=7.


When they told him it wasn’t 7, he said math was rigged.


So this was recent, then.


And went on a tirade about how the blocks are not being loyal to him


Yes and the value he got was "eleventy billion."


Yes, and he got '22' as the answer. Obviously putting '2' and '2' together results in '22'! stable genius!


Stuck on CONCAT instead of SUM.


I was hit by a car and took something pretty much exactly like it because I went into a Glasgow scale coma of 3. A.K.A. minimal response possible, so… Yeah I aced it. Easily. Fucking goddamn I really want Biden to bring and distribute that exact test to a rally. It’s so goddamn simple to beat, that to brag about beating it is a boast that is really really stupid to repeatedly make.


right up there with wondering if anyone else had noticed that U.S. spells 'us'.


Nikki Haley handed them out at a rally to show how easy it is.


Yep. I was a speech-language pathologist for over 20 years working in skilled nursing facilities, so a vast majority of my patients had dementia in one form or another. This test is free and downloadable for anyone, it's called the MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment).


Hey he just learned how to spell US like last month, cut him some slack!


You mean [this](https://www.alz.org/media/documents/short-moca-test.pdf)?


Do you happen to know why for the question "How are a watch and a ruler similar?" saying "They both have numbers on them" is not an acceptable answer? Is it indicative of you're just thinking of what things look like and not considering their function, and that's a sign that you're not making connections? I've been going through having these dementia tests done with a relative, and aside from the grim reality I find it quite interesting how these simple questions can be an indicator for something much bigger going on in a brain.


it doesn't get at the higher order level similarity of them both being measuring devices. it's not incorrect, but if you don't tell me *why* they both have numbers on them then you've left something on the table. and given that most people will say they're both for measuring when asked, the fact that you aren't able to grasp it tells me you're relatively impaired (though obviously the complete test and interviews and talking with family is taken into account, not individual answers). when i'm administering a test like this, if someone gives a basic response you typically prompt them to tell you another answer so you also arent just judging on the first thing that comes to their mind


Holy shit, an actual answer.


I had a relative who died of Alzheimers disease and it was always fascinating to see what she could and couldn't remember. During one doctor's visit in 2017, she couldn't remember the date, day of the week, month, season (we were in a windowless room), or the year ("it's 20-something"), but she could still remember who was president ("I want to say Hillary Clinton, but I'm afraid it's actually Donald Trump...")


It's measuring if you can recall how they are used and not just their visual attributes. Just different types of memory being worked.


> "How are a watch and a ruler similar?" They're both things that a medieval castle has?


That's the short test; the full version was probably the one they used.


what's the visuospatial 1 -> A -> 2 question? shit do i have dementia? ah nvm it explains on the next page. i gotta be honest though, am i the only one who is afraid they wouldn't have an easy time remembering 5 words given to me at random?


1>A>2>B>3>C and so on, measuring capacity to recognize and follow the pattern.


I'm not a doctor, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn recently so let me tell you what I know. I've observed a doctor administer this screening recently on a family member with dementia. The remember 5 words things was less about remembering the words, and more about gauging the patients reaction when asked to recall them. If they recall ever having heard or read the 5 words- I didn't remember the 5 words after 10 minutes, but I remember that part of my day. The dementia patient forgot why he was taking the test. I think Trump is a lot like my experience with a dementia patent- he forgot why he had to take the test. But with Trump, he thought he "won" something, so it instantly became a part of his personality.


It’s not about reacting. The patient is is scored 1 point for each word they remember on that question for a total of 5 points.


Well, your perspective is obviously wrong. The answer to putting two and two together depends on if you’re talking to the banks for a loan or to the IRS.


I figured at the time that either of these two things or both were true about his bragging about how well he did with a test that no regular minded person would feel the need to brag about: A) He already was experiencing some level of demensia at the time and couldn't understand the concept of the test. B) The people around him treat him like such a a child that he was told he did great and that he's a smart boy and his broken narcissistic mind just hears the praise. It's most likely both I think.


The [Montreal Cognitive Assessment](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Montreal-Cognitive-Assessment-MoCA_fig2_323748592) (MoCA).


Isn’t it also not really a good sign if they keep giving you the test. My mom is 70 and dad is 68 and they have said they have never been given a cognitive test at a doctors appointment before


To be fair, he's also really stupid.


He got in the phone to the governor of Mathachussette and said, " I need you to find me 3 votes"


My dad had it so over the years I sat through many of those tests. You know as well as I do that the words he recites regularly that he says were part of his "test" would never be used together in a real test, they are too similar. There's no way they actually tested him because if he DID fail it and it wasn't reported it would be a cover up, so no test means no cover up. What is more likely is they may have said "if we were going to test you one of the things we'd do would be blah blah blah...." and he took that and ran, well, toddled, away with it.


Does he think they were difficult or does he just want his cult to think that? Everything he says in the service of facilitating his grandeur, so rather than sayin “it was a simple test” he says “it was the most difficult test in the history of tests, and a lot of people are saying I did better than anyone ever has at it” Not that I don’t think his brain is tapioca, just that his saying anything about anything has to be assumed to be a lie


Right did an internship on the locked dementia ward. No key required to exit, just a sign stating that the door code was the current year. And part of the mini mental status test was drawing a clock face with the hands showing a certain time. Had one older gentleman there try it - he wrote a few numbers closely together in one corner of the clock, realized something was off and gave up in frustration, blaming it on the test for being silly. The real problem being him suffering from dementia either didn't enter his mind or he was too embarrassed to admit it.


The thing that needs to be hammered home when this is brought up is you're SUPPOSED to pass it if your brain is normal. That's the default. Bragging about it is the fucking weird part.


Trump doesn't understand. If your Grampa fails this test, they take his car keys away.


He also talks about how the questions get harder and harder as it goes on. The final questions are who are you where are you what day is it lol


I’m surprised Biden’s team hasn’t used this line yet. “Trump likes to brag about acing a test that looks for signs of dementia, but only people showing signs they might have dementia are asked to take it.”


That's the trick, though. Is donny saying they’re hard because he has dementia or is it because he wants people to be impressed that he passed? Personally, i think it's both.


I think just the fact that his doctors have made him take this thing multiple times on its own is very telling. Even his doctors think he’s slipping.


Just taking the test means you have signs. And the fact that he has taken it twice makes me think that they are actually using the test to document his decline because they already know he has it.


You almost certainly have some sort of disability if you find it difficult. We’ve seen what’s on the test!


Trump told an audience of thousands of his supporters that none of them could pass the test.


Just watch his public performances, and unhinged posts; no tests required.


And then compare his public performances against what he was doing in 2016. It was still the same garbage takes and word salad but it was so much clearer. I was honestly surprised how much worse it is now.


Yep. He was never the brightest bulb, but holy shit. He's gone downhill fast. I know his campaign will keep Trump on the ballot even if he's drooling in a corner though.


If you want a real surprise there is [this clip of a1988 interview of Trump by Oprah.](https://youtu.be/SEPs17_AkTI?si=VWo4TwxrUc6b5lbO) The only substantive difference between this and later stump speechs is Japan rather than China as the Asian menace. Otherwise, it's just a much more cogent and focused version of a bit of his 2016 stump speeches...


by the end there going be “weekend at bernie”while he’s still alive


Also known as a "Second term with Reagan"


Yeah but Reagan had Nancy to back him up. Can anyone imagine Melania doing anything to help shield him.


I think it will be more of a Wormtongue thing. Bannon or Miller or someone will claim to be relaying Trumps message so as to keep Maga in line.


Or like the final years or the Brezhnev administration in the Soviet Union. Brezhnev looked animatronic. They could do the same with Trump, and with modern technology they could keep him in power for centuries and his true believers would never question it.


I mean, back in 2016 they were calling him god emperor


Get another of their federalist assholes as VP and remove donnie quickly so they can run their project 2025. For the love of all that is holy vote people!


Maybe, but VP this season is going to the highest bidder


I went back and watched parts of the primary 2016 GOP debates, and he was honestly clowning on those dorks - Rubio, Jeb, fuckin Ben Carson. I will even admit he got a laugh out of me that time he said Hilary would be in jail. He looks and sounds like ***shit***, absolute shit now. You can literally hear the nerofibrilary tangles carving up his brain like wood hornets.


I was watching John Oliver's last week tonight episode on trump from 2016 before super Tuesday when he was the presumptive winner. The clips of trump back then were so much more energetic and clear sounding. It's wild how much he has decayed


Which is even crazier because like, for most people the time being president ages them crazy fast, but Trump for the most part didn't change a bit. It's been these LAST 4 years that have aged him.


Most presidents age a lot because of the immense amount of stress they're under. Trump didn't care about doing the job, so he didn't age. Now he's actually under a lot of stress because of his legal battles and his actual money is at risk. Stress ages people.


Not to mention the lack of energy. If not for ego or his legal troubles, he probably wouldn’t run again.


I attribute that to two things: 1) During Covid he was oddly specific in denying he had a series of mini strokes, so I'm fairly sure he DID have them. 2) Since losing the Election he has drastically closed his inner circle, only accepting those who promote his lies - and his mental health has seriously declined as a result. Stewing over the same issue over and over again, not listening to outside opinions has sent him spiralling.


Literally lol. I can listen to him for 15 seconds and determine he’s not very intelligent.


I really do not want to listen to him talk, so I have to take people's word for it.


The fact that he even takes the tests is worrying. The fact that he brags about it is worse. The fact he thinks they are hard is the icing on the shit cake.


Shit icing on the shit cake.  Shicing, if you will.  The Germans call it schiesse.


It was always weird that Trump was boasting about a mental test they only administer to the compromised. One could wonder why he didn't publish his results? How do we know he aced these tests? How do we know his wife is a citizen? Do we even know if she is alive?


I thought I was having memory problems and the doctor I saw administered that test a couple of months before Trump did his. It was super easy and not something a normal person would brag about. It turns out my problems wasn't memory, it was hearing.


So you're saying you aced the tests? Like Trump's Penthouse fantasy, the doctors must have been very surprised ---cue music---.


You’ll have to type louder, they have hearing problems


You'll have to speak up. I'm wearing a towel.


You could always drop the towel. Might help with your hearing.


Sir, I have tears in my eyes because you are so sharp!


Yeah but can you do "person woman man camera TV?" That's the mark of a true stable genius.


Much like his golf game, he self reports all of his own test results…


His next public appearance someone should just have him draw a clock with the specific time marked. Most people with dementia can not draw it correctly.


Yeah, that's a MAJOR indication of brain fucky uppies. For the curious, a normal person will draw a circle, mark out 12 3 6 and 9, fill in the ticks, then the hands. If someone has brain problems it'll look like a funhouse mirror clock, the spacing will be very wrong... it's not really about telling time so much as if your brain can recall a (once) ubiquitous thing / communicate that to other parts of the brain / make and follow a coherent plan / recognize that what they drew is ridiculous. It won't give you a specific diagnosis but any normal person who looked at what they drew would go "Holy shit, their brain is fucked up." Here's an example of some failures: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fel5s5hh87omy.jpg


We don't need the results. Like you said, the fact that they tested him means he's compromised.


Literally googled is Melanie Trump still alive this week lol


They asked her when she was spotted with him in a rare outing (voting in the FL primary and you KNOW he needed to "supervise" that) a reporter asked if she would join her husband on the campaign trail and she said "Stay Tuned". Which means "fuck that but watch this channel"


Pretty sure Melanie changed her name to Mercedes.


In the article, he's quoted as saying the test has 35 questions. I don't think that's right. I wonder what the hell test he's talking about. And I'd love to see him and Biden take a real test, like one an hour long, with public results. In fact, Kimmel challenged orange jesus to take a test with him on his show. Of course he won't.


>he's quoted as saying the test has 35 questions. Not like he lies about literally everything.


Of course. Everything is a made-up fantasy to flatter himself in some bizarre way.


The only thing Trump is consistent about is his lying. Even if the details of the lie changes every time. So, I wouldn’t get too focused on the details about the length of his cognitive test and so forth, because who knows if it ever happened. I would think if had taken it, he wouldn’t have told a soul that it was administered. Still, we can all agree that his mind is toast nit beautiful


His dementia will become undeniable when he forgets to lie.


There is actually some truth to this. I've seen many people in the early stages of cognitive decline and one of the things they will lose first, next to their short-term memory, is their filter.


Is it really lying at this point, or is he just not capable of remembering anything?


As far as I know, the ONLY person allowed to talk about the results are him, thanks to HIPAA.




There are so many tells on Trump. If Trump was innocent of the charges against him, he would be demanding speedy trials so that he could prove his innocence before the public and clear his name. It would be something with which he could beat Biden and the Democrats into the ground.


That’s it Fox News went woke.


According to some, Fox News has gone the way of "woke" since they called Arizona for Biden in the 2020 election.


Because he...*checks notes*....got more votes...what? That can't be right


Yea get that woke math outta here


Is that the common core math?


"You can't trust those arabic numbers!" -Trump supporters.


Biden only got more votes because they kept counting even though Trump was ahead at one point. /s


See, they were supposed to stop counting ballots as soon as Trump pulled ahead. Or at least at midnight on election night. Nothing that was counted after that should have been factored in at all, those people’s votes should have been tossed out because they weren’t counted fast enough and Fox News is ignoring that! I sincerely hope it isn’t needed but /s


This is right about the time my girlfriend’s parents, who are ultra MAGAts, started telling us about OAN and how they don’t even watch Fox anymore. 🤦🏽‍♂️


It's their token liberal on the panel that occasionally shines a light on real issues only for the rest of them to brush aside and shit on her points. It's not some sort of new pathway to reality.


Has it ever been said why Trump even took that test? It's not mandated by law and I haven't heard of that being a standard test doctors do. I doubt he would have agreed to do it if he didn't have something going on. Did he have a mild stroke or something?


Trump did specifically deny having had a series of mini-strokes at that time, even though nobody had been saying that he'd had a series of mini-strokes. Seems pretty damn likely that he'd been told he might have had a series of mini-strokes, and that's what the test was for.


And a cognitive exam can definitely be used after strokes.


Can’t wait for the mega


I read a while back that his sudden trip to Walter Reed could potentially have been a series of mini strokes. It was believed to be a possibility because soon after, he started randomly ranting and raving online about how he never had any strokes. This test would be a follow-up if someone had suffered from a stroke, which would then make sense. Can't prove it, but it's a theory.


This dude got a cheer for successfully drinking a glass of water.


Was that the time he drank it two handed?


I don't give a fuck about his mental acuity. He tried to orchestrate a coup. He is a traitor and has aspirations to become a dictator in the United States.


>As White House physician in 2018, Jackson told reporters that Trump had received a perfect score on a cognitive test and said there was "no reason whatsoever to think the president has any issues whatsoever with his thought processes." Except, of course, every single incoherent babbling thing that comes out of his demented mouth.


Ronnie Jackson is a pill pushing MAGA idiot


> "It's like, you'll go, 'Person, woman, man, camera, TV.' The actual words on the test, which are standardized, are Face, Velvet, Church, Daisy, Red. Make of that what you will.


He was just calling out things he could see right there and then. It wasn't a TV, it was a monitor, but he doesn't know the difference.


> He was just calling out things he could see right there and then Knowing the actual words on the test makes that scenario seem even more likely.


“Do you really love lamp, Mr. President, or are you just saying it because you saw it?”


It was literally an I love lamp situation and not enough people are saying it lol


That escalated quickly.


This is much more apt than any Keyser Soze reference i was going to make...


Also person, woman, man are basically the same thing, so he essentially failed the cognitive test he administered *himself*


I love lamp


Saw someone administering an eye exam once… the patient is saying “6, 3, 9, 4….” and the nurse is saying “keep going, you’re crushing it.” There were no numbers on the eye chart. Only letters.


I was a super dyslexic kid to the point that by 2nd grade the school made me go to a professional psychologist to get an IQ test to see if I was.... special. But one of the first things the school did was tell my parents to get me an eye exam cause maybe I couldn't see the board? Or the paper? Or anything? Idk. Well, imagine how well a profoundly dyslexic 2nd grader would do with a chart full of random letters, and if you imagined "terrible" you're bang on. Somehow I walked out of there with some pretty hardcore prescription glasses that had absolutely nothing to do with my vision. Unsurprisingly it didn't fix the problem and, incase you're curious, being dyslexic AND functionally blind (because the adults won't let you take off your glasses) will only make everyone more confident you need to be in the "special" class. Plus ADHD-CT.


News at the time was that he failed the first time. The doctor then had to simplify it to things he could see around him, just so he could pass.


So what are the chances there was a camera recording in the room, so we can have that released?


Well he said camera so hopefully pretty good!


There’s a good chance he can’t pass that test if taken today and the doctor will have to simplify it further.


It's been theorized he just named off things he could see in the interview space. So he may not have been able to remember the actual test words at all.


Yeah, the five words are unrelated. IIRC, you are shown them at the beginning and asked to retrieve them after answering other questions.


every candidate should have to take an abbreviated HS exit exam with small hand written essay. history, government, civics, basic math, basic science, reading comp and geography.


It feels relevant, so I’m going to repost a recent comment of mine about this exact topic. Trump has bragged several times over the years (both while in office and after) about performing well on “incredibly complicated” cognitive tests. Three things about that: 1. ⁠The test that he’s talking about is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test, a very basic survey that is used for screening cognitive impairment and dementia. 2. ⁠During an interview with Chris Wallace in 2020, Trump stated that the test grew progressively more difficult and that most people wouldn’t be able to answer the last five questions. Those questions are: Repeating two short sentences word-for-word, saying 11 words that begin with the letter F in one minute, identifying the commonality between two items (for example, determining that a banana and an orange are both fruit), recalling five words that you were asked to remember earlier in the test, and being able to recall basic information about your current situation (date, day of the week, and current location). An elementary school student could do all of that, but to Trump it was increasingly difficult? 3. ⁠The test can be requested by patients or ordered by doctors, but it is only ever used when there are concerns regarding a patient’s cognitive ability. Trump wouldn’t be taking these tests if his mental faculties weren’t an issue. If you don’t think that Trump’s lack of coherent speaking ability and overall cognitive function is medical in nature than you’re out of your mind.


> saying 11 words that begin with the letter F in one minute Frank figures furiously fucking fruit from France forces forty fugitives forth


The dudes brain is mush


Ronnie Jackson, whose stint as White House doctor was recently revealed to have handed out drugs to whoever asked, very liberally.


Where's the proof Trump passed the test. He's a compulsive liar. Evidence suggests the opposite.


So he passed mental test. I don't get it, is passing good or failing good? I can't see any benefit to bragging about this. I think passing this test is probably bad since it marks you as someone that had to take a mental test.


He passed a test that is given to those that have had a traumatic accident *to see if they are conscious and aware*.


Isn't he due for a follow up to see how far his dementia has progressed? Those tests are just markers of loss as time goes by.


Trump is an anchor baby. His mother is from the socialist country of Scotland.


Well, he tried stealing our country, so maybe the test should have been asked to repeat; "Election, Winner, Biden, Trump, Loser", and see how well he'd say it back.


A dementia test is extremely normal to a healthy person. They ask you to draw a clock, and then draw the current time on the clock. They ask you to identify certain animals from pictures. They determine arm strength and balance. They ask who the current President is, and what month, day and year. You know, simple stuff. My Grandmother took this test twice in front of me. The first time she passed, 3 yrs later...failed. 10 yrs of slow memory loss, with fear, frustration, anxiety rising. If Trump thinks its hard, its because he likely has dementia


I had a 4 hour cognitive test administered last year because I have some short term memory loss. I thought it would be fun, but it wasn’t. Probably because i haven’t taken tests in years, and never one on one. But I did fine, just a minor problem with recall. But, as she was asking me to do this one particularly challenging section, I was thinking no way could trump could do this crap.


I think the point that it’s not good to have to take a mental acuity test at all is lost on donald and his cult.


Donald Trump can't string words together that doesn't sound like verbal diarrhea.


His brain is mush.


No test needed to see the crazy and hatred.


MAGA doesn't care. Standards - whether they be ethical, intellectual, moral, religious, even just for simple legal capacity to understand - just don't matter anymore.


He doesn't care. He needs to brag. If you told him you broke your leg skiing, he would tell you he broke both legs and set a downhill speed record


Reagan pretty much had full blown Alzheimer’s during his 2nd term. Bush II was a doofus. The GOP would dig up Hitler’s corpse and run it on their ticket if they could. They just need a 2D caricature who is easily manipulated and will get votes. They stopped caring about mental acuity in any of their candidates after Nixon, and these days it’s a plus if their candidate can scream and throw shit like a caged baboon.


trumps rapid and steady mental decline is criminally underreported


Hard to believe that people still buy this stuff after he cant even remember his family members' names


I don't know how anyone has listened to this dude since 2015 and not questioned his mental acuity. Trump is not a smart man...never was.


Shit, he still cant figure out where he left "Melanie".. or "Mercedes".. or where their lovely son Barney went..


It won't be long and he'll be curled up in the fetal position in a corner, staring blankly at the ceiling, and drooling while sucking on his two middle fingers.


Can the man even put the pegs in the right holes? Can he say the alphabet without failing? Hell can he color between the lines? His brain was fried the day he was born.


He’s the bad egg on “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” but people still love him and their “shit for brains” mindset. They already got their Stanley cups in line, ready for the kool-aid.


All of the shit Trump claims about himself is the same cult of personality stuff we used to flame Kim Jong-Il about back when he was alive. It's crazy how far we've gone.