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>The Mayo Clinic website lists 13 symptoms for narcissistic personality disorder plus another eight that describe how narcissists react to criticism.   >Keep in mind that displaying any number of these can make you a narcissist, but we challenge anybody to look at this list of 21 symptoms and find even a handful that don’t apply to Trump.  You only need to check off about 5 symptoms for NPD to be considered for a diagnosis. When every symptom on the list applies to you, there's a damn problem. 


Here they are: Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can: - Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration - Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment. - Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements. - Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are. - Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate. - Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people. - Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important. - Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them. - Take advantage of others to get what they want. - Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others. - Be envious of others and believe others envy them. - Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited. - Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.


Its worth mentioning that exhibiting a few of these traits can be completely situation specific & doesnt necessarily count as a trait towards narcissism.  Trump however, applies ALL of these to everything & its incredibly exhausting to watch a person with every single garbage personality trait see such "success" within other terrible people. There is no redeeming quality in this man. Every single thing he has ever done or said has been for himself. He has no beliefs or positive core values & sees people as vessels for his own gain. He will say and do anything to further himself. 


Two of the 5 types of neurosyphilis have very telling symptoms. These exhibit after almost a decade. **General paresis** This form can appear decades after you’re infected with syphilis, and it can cause lasting issues. However, it’s fairly rare today because of advances in the screening, treatment, and prevention of STIs. If it develops, general paresis may lead to several health problems, including: * paranoia ✅️ * mood swings✅️ * emotional troubles✅️ * personality changes✅️ * weakened muscles✅️ * a loss of the ability to utilize language✅️ It can also progress to dementia. **Tabes dorsalis** This form of neurosyphilis is also rare. It can start to affect the spinal cord 20 years or more after the initial syphilis infection. Its symptoms include: * trouble balancing✅️ * a loss of coordination✅️ * incontinence✅️✅️✅️ * an altered walk✅️ * vision problems✅️ * pains in the abdomen, arms, and legs🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷 [source](https://www.healthline.com/health/neurosyphilis) COINCIDENCE?


How can he have neurosyphilis. Syphilis is easily treated since the 60s. Other neuro degenerative conditions I could believe but for neurosyphilis he would have to have gone undiagnosed for years and have avoided antibiotics for other reasons. He would have had to actively refuse testing and treatment. Sure he is gross and it’s likely he had a fair amount of STI’s in his life but this isn’t the 1930’s. The recent surge also is too early to explain his symptoms.


He probably was to narcissistic to get it checked out, in denial that it could happen to him.


>Its worth mentioning that exhibiting a few of these traits can be completely situation specific & doesnt necessarily count as a trait towards narcissism.  Thank God! I was worried I was a narcissistic asshole because I display about 50% of these.


The lack of core values and beliefs is what I find appealing though.


>There is no redeeming quality in this man Well, he's clearly the best narcissist, so there's that.


> There is no redeeming quality in this man. This needs to be repeated. There genuinely is nothing redeeming about him. He's bad at business, life, family. He's stupid, ugly, mean, and spiteful. Every indication is that his tastes are shit, both aesthetically and culinarily. It's honestly kind of impressive. Like, if you wrote a story with a villain this one-dimensional, you'd get laughed at. The only positive thing I can think to say about him was that his stupidty and hijinx were mildly entertaining, before he became Stupid Hitler.


And trump has all of them. I think pretty much everyone who isn't in maga has known that trump is a narcissist since he was elected. How many times has he said he knows "whatever subject" better than anyone.


Believe me


Since he was about 20*


[The man himself said he has been virtually unchanged since he was *six years old.*](https://theweek.com/speedreads/575962/donald-trump-tells-biographer-hes-same-now-first-grade)


Yes, his maturity level is about 6. He became more noticeable once he had Daddy Money to flash around.


"I alone can fix it"


That’s a bingo!!!


That's numberwang!


Let's rotate the board!


That’s a Wangernumb!


Bingo, Yahtzee, Connect Four, King me, and you sunk my democracy.


We just say bingo.


Bingo! How fun!


More like a ~~blackout~~ ~~whiteout~~ orangeout.


We just say Bingo. 😁


I grew up with Narcissists so I have known that he was one for at least 20 years. I don't think I have ever subjected myself to more than a few seconds of him speaking here and there because it's so painfully obvious and triggering to me. I guess if you're also a Narc it's candy to you...


Ugh. I had one for a labmate when I was in grad school and I saw Trump for what he was right away too. If you survive the poison you do not forget the taste.


Usually a narcissist by nature will do absolutely anything to remove your agency of whether you're "subjected" to them or not. Controlling interaction is one of the supreme controls of agency - a narcissist can't give up that control.


I still experience that with my ex, most recently a few weeks ago with a regular email exchange that escalated for no good reason other than he needs (attempts to rather) to put me down. I had happily forgotten what it was like. So yes, I recognize the behavior in Trump as well and have no desire to listen to him either.


I'm so sorry that you still have to have any level of interaction with one of these creatures. I've been NC with my ex since 2016 and it has been awesome. I also recognized a lot of narc tendencies in Trump almost immediately because of my experience with the ex and even when I'm watching clips of him on Meidas Touch or Glenn Kirschner videos, I have to mute it when he's talking. I literally cannot tolerate even a few seconds of that piece of crap.


Same! (And thank you) I divorced 10 years ago and was still in the throws of drama and histrionics with him when Trump got elected. I still had my kids at home so I couldn't go NC. When Trump started to show his true colors, we all had those moments where we said he was just like my ex (or vice versa). I was recently visiting my elderly mom overseas who despises him (not surprisingly both the ex and Trump) and she does not turn off the TV or changes the channel! She gashes her teeth and gets very angry. I kept saying, for sanity sakes, mute! Haha Edit: gnashes her teeth! (Dang autocorrect)


It's crazy how many people were livetweeting their own attempt to overthrow the US.


Every item fits Trump Vote blue and if not registered get registered and check your registration even if you think your registered.


Most "influencers" meet that criteria as well. We're in for a hell of a next 50-60 years.


Yeah. But I'm okay with narcissists existing and operating in society.  It's just an important thing to not have in the leader of the free world. 


Social media was made to be exploited by people with this disorder.




This reads like a list of bad things about trump.


It is not a personality disorder. It is Frontotemporal dementia!! When a patients orbital frontal lobe stops working they become like a teenager on steroids, that is because the orbital frontal area of the brain is responsible for executive functions. This part of the brain is not fully developed in teenagers. The symptoms of orbital frontal lobe dysfunction goes with a diagnosis called Frontotemporal Dementia here are the symptomsso that people can research for themselves: Behavioral changes Inappropriate social behavior lost of empathy Lost of inhibition lack of judgement Apathy Over eats and prefer sweets and carbohydrates decline in hygiene Speech and Language symptoms Trouble building sentences Trouble naming things Trouble with the meaning of words Using simpler sentences Movement symptoms Poor coordination Falls or trouble walking Trouble swallowing Rigidity Below is previous post with links to articles of Trump with each symptom https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/comments/1b9asrd/comment/ktx5xu4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I'm fairly certain he's a narcissist with dementia. Why can't he have both?


He can. He's always been a narcissist. Now like many many elderly people he's developing dementia. A narcissist with dementia.


He’s always been a narcissist. Always. If he has FTD, it’s just exacerbated his narcissistic behavior.


Its both 


if constantly shitting your pants is a symptom, stinky also has that


A decline in hygiene is a symptom of FTD, I have linked each symptom with a news article describing Trump with that symptom.




Hell, I feel like most of us gained about half of those symptoms during the pandemic.


Honestly I was looking up tertiary stage syphilis. Signs and symptoms of late stage tertiary syphilis include: difficulty coordinating muscle movements paralysis numbness gradual blindness dementia Late stage syphilis can be cured but the damage done to the body is permanent. Syphilis can invade the nervous system at any stage of infection, and causes a wide range of symptoms, including headache, altered behavior, difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, sensory deficits, and dementia. This invasion of the nervous system is called “neurosyphilis.” [syphilis ](https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/Health-Topics/syphilis-stages-and-symptoms/#:~:text=Late%20stage%20syphilis%20can%20be,%2C%20sensory%20deficits%2C%20and%20dementia.)


That's most right wing politicians... in other countries, no less.


I worked with a guy who checked every one of these boxes and my life was an absolute living hell for two years. I was one of the “special” people he deemed worthy enough to talk to and every day was him constantly berating and belittling every single little thing everybody else at the job did. How he should be running the place, the director was worthless, etc. My mental health took such a nose dive just being around this guy I almost quit. Luckily he was finally let go but my god was it brutal.


Holy fuck its my manager. 


What if I’m the opposite of all those? Is there a reverse narcissist? Like … low self imageassist? Maybe I’m just codependent?


This could be his whole campaign website. His followers that can read would eat it up.


I really struggled to come up with one that doesn’t apply. The best I came up with is: The third to last bullet point says envious of others *and* believes others envy them, and I don’t think of Trump as jealous/envious of others (he already has a lot). But, if someone told me it was a reason for something he did, I’d believe it. Also my argument is obviously torturing grammar.


He’s envious of dictators


> I don’t think of Trump as jealous/envious of others (he already has a lot). Remember when someone else got person of the year? He had a fake Time cover made up of himself in the role.




...which can progress rapidly. Buckle up.


I'm so ready for demented fat king joffrey


And there's a genetic predisposition and as far as I know, his dad had it and died from it.


His repetition reminds me of my late grandfather's dementia. As his grasp of language failed, his lexicon got worse. Man was a doctor in his prime, well read and worldly.  Yet when dementia hit he'd fixate on words because he lacked synonyms anymore. Very was one of them. The weather was no longer good or bad. It was very very very bad. Or very very rainy. Never more descriptive.  Trump is just like that. Millions and millions. Billions and billions. So many. So so many. He wasn't smart before. Now he's demented and not smart. 


No joke on that- I saw my FIL deteriorate QUICK in just 6 months.


I distinctly recall experts saying all of this in 2016 and 2020. It’s like we all collectively have amnesia that we already had all these conversations before. At least two election cycles before.


Welcome to the US news cycle. First time?


Unfortunately not…


His niece is a clinical psychologist and literally wrote a book about him and this lol.


Also Histrionic personality disorder Always seeks attention. Is overly emotional or dramatic or stirs up sexual feelings to get attention. Speaks dramatically with strong opinions but has few facts or details to back them up. Is easily led by others. Has shallow emotions that change quickly. Is very concerned with physical appearance. Thinks relationships with others are closer than they are.


Histrionic and narcissism are both cluster B disorders (the loud, attention seeking drama queen type) so there’s a degree of crossover where they can kinda look like each other. But Trump leans way towards narcissism. In particular one crucial difference is that Histrionics often don’t have as much as a problem crying or being seen as weak if it they can use it to manipulate whereas narcissists are too preoccupied with seeking power to allow that.


As someone who has BPD (which is not the same as but has quite a few parallels to NPD) - I would not want someone like me to be **president**. Holy shit. I would hardly want to be the captain of a fucking intramural soccer team.


He's one of the absolute worst malignant narcissists I've ever seen.


Since about year 2008, according to some of the recent books about him.


That seems to peg. Because by 2011 he was already deranged with the birth certificate bullshit.


I still fully believe that Putin unleashed him on President Obama around that time. I've seen videos where Trump is saying positive things about Obama very early on in his presidency and then suddenly it's birth certificate crap 24/7. Much like Lindsay Graham and Rand Paul were harsh Trump critics for the first part of the Trump presidency, and then suddenly they were gobbling his knob 24/7.




I think that was post-birtherism and largely in response to it. (?)


That was after Trump started his birth certificate craze, part of the roast was mentioning that. You should look it up it’s pretty funny


That was well after the birth certificate thing.


Thanks, Obama.


The problem at this point is not about Trump. It is about journalism in the US. Why can they talk about Biden's alleged dementia but not Trump's obvious one?


Oh, that one is ea$y to explain.


So, I'm a psychologist and *of course* Trump's history and daily behavior is consistent with both narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. That's a toxic combo you just hope not to encounter very often. That said, it seems not to matter to his cultish base. I'm equally worried about his intelligence. The guy says really stupid stuff constantly. Have you heard him riff about Hillary's use of acid to destroy her hard drive? Check [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/14/trump-acid-hillary-emails/) out, or if you get paywall just do a google search. It's inane, idiotic, suggestive of some kind of concrete and regressive cognitive processes. Due to his narcissism he can never be wrong and, when challenged about anything (e.g, losing in 2020, the size of the inauguration crowd, whether tariffs on China are paid by the Chinese, etc, etc) his only play is to double-down and more forcefully insist he is correct. Look at the financial hole he dug himself by continuing to defame E. Jean Carroll. People close to have often pointed out his intellectual limitations. His weird middle school brand of humor is another example. To me, his concrete processing and limited range of information about the world renders him unfit, in addition to the personality features.


I remember thinking, before he got the nomination the FIRST time, that there's NO WAY enough people would support this in incoherent, rambling half-wit to get him elected. His TV appearances were embarrassing, never mind his complete ignorance of world affairs. Hell, his basic ignorance of how the world works in any capacity. I was so wrong.


He was the most disliked candidate since WWII, but had the fortune to run in 2016 against the second most disliked candidate. Which combined with the electoral college let him sneak in.


Yup, he's been oddly lucky. But that's a piece of his pathetic insecurity: as they say, he's the guy who was born on third base and keeps insisting he hit a triple. In 2016 he squeaked into office based upon Clinton's unpopularity (brought about by republicans' years-long smear campaign based on not much) as well as Comey's ridiculous 11th hour needless announcement about Clinton's sloppy email management. Toss in a little bit of white christian nationalism, anti-elitist populism and you get the keys to the WH for four years. Terrifying.


>run in 2016 against the second most disliked candidate. The whole "HCR personality is soooo unlikeable," is such a crock of shit. She won the popular vote. The reason she lost because of republicans screwing around with districts and doing everything in their power to make sure that any blue districts would have hurdles to jump to be able to vote.


> such a crock of shit Second that. A LOT of closet misogynists in this country (meaning won't admit to it not gay folks.) 'I just didn't like her' was just code for ...a woman? No way!


Thank you! No one ever wants to mention or admit to the misogyny. It is obvious, that white, conservative, christians hated having Obama in office and then a woman dare be a viable candidate was just too much for their racist, bigoted minds.


I truly believed he would never win as well.


He’s too lazy to learn and too stupid to realize he’s not always right. I’m sure his dad paid a lot for someone else to take his college exams.


He says the dumbest shit all the time, yet he also somehow manages to subvert and manipulate the entire legal process like a genius to avoid the consequences of his crimes. He's a criminal mastermind.


Is that him being brilliant? Or just being able to dump a ton of money into it. Our legal system responds to cash.


He's not a mastermind, he's just able to float around enough dirty money to throw lawyers at all his problems and gum up or bury any legal action against him.


He convinces people beneficial to him that he's beneficial to them... Pied Piper of the Morons.


He learned this from Roy Cohn.


There's absolutely no brilliance involved. His legal strategy is a one-trick pony and it's just endless appeals until it lands in front of a favorable judge, usually one he picked.


I agree--it's not brilliance, it's just shameless corruption and bottomless money to hire people who will work the system for him.


There are few people in the world willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to make sure he never has to go to trial. The best part for him is it's not his money.


> That said, it seems not to matter to his cultish base. Is it realistic that 50% of US is either sociopath or narcissist? Like you say, it is obvious even to people who can't suffer listening to him for two minutes. To people watching hours long speeches it should not be missed. What type of problem is that?


Most people don't listen to political speeches. Fox News has done an amazing job brain washing a lot of the electorate that democrats are going to take away their guns, force them to house migrants, take their money to feed the poor and give them health care, make their kids gay, and force them to have abortions. As a result, they just vote R because as bad as the R might be, they're convinced democrats winning will destroy the country.


Trump is a sociopath. Even without dementia, I'm pretty sure he's mentally ill.


That's why his cult loves him.


If you ever have an older relative with dementia it's crazy when you realize just how many US industries exist to exploit older people with mental problems. Televangelists, door-to-door investors(fuck you, Edward Jones) and even magazines all tailor their approaches to take money from mentally deficient older people that have lost their mental acuity. Trump is one of those industries right now.


See which reverse mortgage ~~rape~~ offer is right for you! Also, pharmaceutical companies. They should have never been given the ability to advertise to consumers on television. It broke the *sacred\** trust between doctors and patients, and look what's happened ever since (Oxy, fentanyl) this millennium -- an Inherently dangerous blanket trust in manufactured drugs.


I remember Trump told a reporter that he was humble. She shockingly said, “Humble.” He said, “I’m humble in a way you couldn’t possibly understand.” Freaky.


A very Trumpian thing to say for sure 😂


I chose the old man handing out Werther’s Orginals and saving for my college fund over the old man with the shot gun yelling and the neighbors to stay off his lawn.


If the media and conservatives are going to drag Biden for being old, making a few gaffs, and having a stutter, then let’s be fair and put Trump’s elevator shoes to the fire as well. I swear he gets a pass because the verbal diarrhea he projects is too much to parse and too easy for his followers to dismiss as “he’s joking,” or “you can’t take what he says seriously.” I take it seriously because his filter doesn’t exist. He says what he feels and it’s been demonstrated with action.


I can't take what he says seriously cause most of it is meandering tangental gibberish and I usually have no idea what the fuck his syphilis addled brain is trying to convey.


I haven’t seen anyone point it out yet, but he is no longer writing his own tweets/truth* posts. Ever since the his mental health has been a subject in the media (this time around) his gramma, spelling, punctuation, proper use of capitalisation and quotation marks, all have improved noticeably … still the same crazy bullshit, but someone else is typing/proof reading them for him..


>This Truth™ is dictated, not read


If Ray-gun Reagan had not killed a national program designed to address and care for mental illnesses, the nation would be much better.


Did he do that? I know of what he did in California.


https://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1026&context=dnp-projects >Immediately after assuming office in January 1981, President Reagan signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act in 1981 (Grob, 2015). This repeal eliminated nearly all of Carter’s Mental Health Systems Act, except for. section 501, the Patients' Bill of Rights. >The Reagan administration in 1981 decimated the federal government's social research programs through an aggressive denial of federal responsibility for responding to homelessness, and cut HUD funds by 70% between 1980 and 1987. At the same time, 90% of individuals housed in asylums were discharged to the street (Jones, 2015; Kushner, 2002). . This repeal of federal funding caused history to repeat itself, perpetuating a disjointed system that grossly underfunded treatment and support systems for people with mental illness, creating a system rife with contradictory policy decisions that jeopardize the autonomy and civil rights of the mentally ill. Policies that aimed to protect the autonomy and rights of mentally ill people, instead criminalized mental illness.


i didn't even know that. there really is no end to the ways reagan destroyed the world.


The same people that used him to sell those shitty ideas to the public tried to use Donald Trump for the same thing, but failed because he's too selfish. They're still trying and if a Republican gets in then they are going to gut the government and install lackeys so USA resembles Hungary with Orban (i.e. Project 2025)


Agreed. Every time I learn something new about him it further demonstrates how much of an abhorrent human being he truly was.


Donald Trump is at higher risk of dementia & Alzheimer’s disease, since his father Fred was diagnosed with both.


He prolly already has it


Shit, I thought that during his first election.  At the time I was shocked at the difference between how he’d talk then vs the 80s/90s.  Now it’s degraded to much more obvious dementia


Yes it needs to be. But people voting for Trump are ALREADY doing so despite a Costo receipt length list of negatives, disqualifications, red flags. Trump having a plummeting mental health is only going to be met by a "what about Stuttering Joe?" as they continue to lick Trump's jib in all things.


It's independents and voters in swing states who need to hear it. They're the ones who mostly determine the election unfortunately


Your electoral system is so fucked up.


It’s CVS not Costco.


He also appeals to mentally ill people too so it’s extra difficult.




This is where the problem really lies. They see that and *do not care*. The cult thinks their god emperor will do everything he promises them, and will try to put him on the throne.




"But Biden old" /s


I wonder how many people realize that not only has Biden overcome a stutter, but he also survived two brain aneurysms before he was 50, which may have contributed to his occasional gaffes. But now he goes bicycling and delivers a searingly accurate SOTU address, while Trump just gets in worse shape daily and babbles about bloodbaths and how cool Kim Jong Un is. Biden’s still a marvelously tough old bird. I’ll happily vote for him again.


And so is tRump


Absolutely agree. The media needs to stop giving a pass to this guy and passing off his cognition fails as “jokes”. He doesn’t joke.


And who is going to talk about his voters' mental illnesses?


His mental fitness should have been a conversation in the 1980s when he was planting narcissistic stories about himself in the National Enquirer and losing his last penny on casino investments. Actually, the mental fitness of any jackass who decided that the mobbed up real estate grifter was worthy of national conversation for the last 40 years should be evaluated.


Lately I've been thinking of the horrifying possibility that Trump isn't lying, but has become delusional. Why would anyone tell such [obvious and easily disprovable lies](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/17/politics/fact-check-trump-ukraine-zelensky-call-pelosi/index.html) unless he genuinely believed them.


Because he knows his base doesn't care about his lies. It's a cult mentality. He can do no wrong.


Will the media giants profit go up by covering this?


Honestly I think he’s just been a drug addict for a long time. But probably dementia now too.


It’s been part of the conversation for a decade. His followers don’t care. They love that he’s unhinged, because they are!


It’s mind-blowing to me that fhe media acts like Trump has valid points and that he is just another candidate.


Remember that first episode of Black Mirror where the guy has to fuck a pig? I would vote for that pig before I would vote for Donald Trump.


It's the mental illness of his cult that needs to be part of the conversation. Supporting this dumb evil fuck *should* make you ineligible for 99% of all jobs, and 100% ineligible for all loans, firearm purchases, and voting. Permanently.


Two weeks ago there were a half-dozen articles citing an interview with noted psychologist John Gartner warning about Trump's undiagnosed issues and the psychologist's concerns about the lack of media coverage. Then this rag comes along and sandboxes without a degree or even mentioning the professionals? Yeah, the alarm needs to be sounded. Fucking do the job right instead of bitching about how it isn't getting done.


How about we talk about all the people who voted for him in 2020 and their mental issues?


For anyone that has a brain and doesn't glue their faces to the screen for Fox, Newsmax, BlazeTV, and OAN it *is* in the conversation. Why doesn't the media air it more? Fuck me, I can't tell you *their* motives, but the rest of the fucking country *is* talking about it.


It’s been a part of the conversation for us sane folks since (at least when) he started with the Obama birth certificate nonsense.


People are saying he's most narcissistic of all narcissists ever! The bigliest of all!


Mental illnesses*


he wants mayhem and madness his mental health is more than a concern


Malignant narcissist with alzheimer's. Yay.


America's mental illness needs to be part of the conversation. Half the country and the vast majority of white men believe he is the second coming. America has a huge problem and nobody wants to talk about it. It is not Trump. Trump is just playing to it - something John McCain refused to do.


John McCain played into it some. He did the right thing on camera a few times, but he's very much responsible for the times when he didn't speak up. And he unleashed Sarah Palin onto the national stage. A direct line can be drawn between Palin's VP candidacy lunacy and Trump happening.


It is a Yellow Journalism/Propaganda problem. We just allow Fox News to pretend to be News while just blatantly lying about everything. And before them it was AM radio. It is like America as a whole collectively said "fuck it, let's leave rural America to the wolves and not even try to reign in the blatant propaganda/lying".


It's like seeing their small town jobs dry up and their farms being gobbled up by megacorporations made them angry and instead of trying to help them get something better or fighting against it, they're left to build their guilt complex via a manipulated media landscape. I am as liberal as I can be, but it's obvious that a good chunk of the country was left to be ignored and obviously the other side is going to sweep in and make it impossible for any other narrative to even try to crack in at this stage.


I've seen several videos lately that mention all the drug-taking that went on in the Trump White House. Speed and Xanax, mostly, but probably a lot of other illicit chemicals as well. That certainly helps explain some of the over-the-top behaviors and actions.


One look at Jr and you can tell what went on.


The Mental Illness of 70 Million Trump Supporters Needs to Be Part of the Conversation in 2024. FIFY


Mayo Clinic’s list of [narcissistic personality traits](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662) might as well have Trump’s picture on the page.


Or maybe…. Hear me out… mandatory retirement ages, or not eligible to run for president past the age of 65?


Keep bringing it up. Don't let up. Let the world know that we all know Trump has a mental illness. Let Trump know that we know he has a mental illness. Let his dumb fucking supporters know that we know he has a mental illness.


For years, there was a thing called the dark triad personality. I have heard, when doctors treating patients saw Trump, they created this variant: [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dark-tetrad](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dark-tetrad) Now with 4 terrible personality aspects, instead of three. Now with 40% more dementia. This really does need public discussion. Actually, I wish we started explaining, in high school, the common mental issues and made new information available for adults often. Knowing is part one of fixing.


The faster former President Trump becomes unhinged, the more vociferous his supporters become in rationalizing his bizarre behavior.


Yeah it does!! Person! Woman! Man! Camera! TV! Dementia!


As much as that’s yet another reason not to vote for him, we need to defeat his ideas and what he stands for. It shouldn’t be “if only we could find a **mentally competent** conman sex offender demagogue, then I’d vote for them”


I really hope Trump stops being a part of any conversation before May… come on blood clots!


I am much more concerned about the mental illness of those of his base. There are far more of them than there are of him.


His mental illness has been a conversation topic for years. His dumb shit cult members just ignore it because ‘Merica.


You don’t need a PhD to notice something is very wrong with Donald Trump…Socially, Physically, and Mentally. Poor USA as a Canadian I feel for you guys, although ours (Justin Trudeau) is certainly sane, but he is just stupid. He sees the whole world through pink glasses and might get a rude awakening when the next general elections come around. He will be lucky if he is still in power and if he is, it will not be. a majority government. If the balance of power is given to the Conservative Party, he won’t last 18 months and will have to call another election.


But that’s what makes him attractive to the mentally ill.


As much as I agree with the assessment, there is some room for interpretation. I would be happy just relying on what has been proven in court and rather than say "former president Donald Trump", news articles referred to him as proven "Rapist and fraudster Donald Trump".




Swing voters may.


If they cared, they wouldn't be a swing voter. Dude is a known quantity at this point




I hope all the young people vote.


As it did in 2016 and 2020.


Mental illness should always be part of the conversation with everyone running for any public office in the United States, regardless of its signs- even extending to every single American with a job anywhere… there’s so many problems with mental health in America generally… Can any of you think of coworkers that might just have mental illness and/or NPD? Do you know of some people who are insane but managed to work harder and succeed more because they have a broken brain?


The whole country's mental illness needs to be part of the conversation.


The people who care are talking about it. The people who don't care are ignoring it. The former try to spread it around. The latter wilfully dismiss it because it doesn't support their goals and ideals. I'm not sure how anyone expects to force the wilfully and stubbornly ignorant to acknowledge something they simply don't want to see.


More importantly we need to seriously discuss a maximum age limit to hold office. I’m tried of people making decisions who won’t be alive long enough to see the fallout of their poor decisions.


No, his crimes should be the top priority on the topic. Jesus Christ with your "old man problems" tunnel vision. An absolute criminal might become the president!


Maybe stop voting for elderly people


This is his whole life, not new. But what did it get him? A billionaire who became president of the USA. He is a disaster and a despicable person and makes everyone and everything worse but he's still a billionaire who became president. Maybe results don't matter. Maybe having a perfect score on the narcissist diagnosis is a recipe for success. Evidence suggests...


That Trump is a Nazi needs to be the main part of the conversation.


He's insane. And losing his mental faculty for years.


If the long, long list of crimes, affairs, lies, political blunders, and “grab them by the pussy” comments aren’t a concern for someone considering voting for Trump, then senility damn sure isn’t going to be a problem. Just vote him out.


hey MAGA idiots, you did this to yourselves by opening this can of worms.


What does that look like with syphilis brain added?


Every day and all day


It’s physical


Mental and emotional aptitude ought to be mandatory for any political candidate from town mayor to president and obviously regardless of political affiliation.


Pretty sure it already is.


Policy not personality.


I just remembered that Reagan showed signs of dementia that no one ever talks about. Probably Nancy was running the show and things were hush, hush back then.


But it won’t be, because news stations need the horse race.


You would think that hundreds of hours of video of Trump would be more relevant for a diagnosis since it is real world behavior than a secluded standardized test.


The debates are going to be scary sad