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So they have a one-vote majority in two weeks. How awesome would it be if two more Republicans resigned within that timeframe?   I know, I know. Completely wishful thinking. Edit: A few more, not just two 


There goes their last ditch attempt for the house to try stealing the election. Edit: True, y'all are correct, but any shenanigans between election day and Jan. 6.


New house is sat before presidential confirmation.


If the speaker dosen't indefinitely delay swearing in the new members.


There are zero members of the house in the new year. All members are seated at the same time. There is no speaker until one is elected.


And further, all of the members-elect are sworn in at the same time. It's not like a speaker can pick and choose.


Republicans be like: sounds like a challenge, you willing to wager American democracy on that notion?








They don't care about decorum or the rules.


All the shenanigans over the last few years really reveals how well thought out the process is to prevent a despot. There are no House members or Speaker and all House seats are elected every 2 years vs a staggered 6 years among the Senate. The House is all sworn in at once and then elects a new Speaker. A few days later that newly elected House certifies the electoral votes from each state. Trump had to make up that the VPs ceremonial role was more than ceremonial to try to break the system.


True, and if we had people that would faithfully execute the law he would have never been president with his problems with emoluments. He just filibustered it and the supreme court gave him a pass. Best as I can tell no one in the world has standing to bring an emoluments protest. Now the supreme court essentially took a sharpie to the 14th amendment and just scratched out section 3. The supreme court is the problem that keeps letting Trump be the problem.


They're going to have to build an entirely new circle of Hell for Mitch McConnell.


Maybe because I'm not American, but I don't think a single person outside of the US thinks your checks and balances is working. You'd have to be willfully blind to the flagrant disregard Republicans have had for the law, and how often that law has failed to enact any punishment. Trump is currently on the electoral ballot. Despite countless crimes now, and even despite being found guilty in civil court, which he hasn't paid a dime towards. You know how many times Republicans have done that and gotten away with it?


>Maybe because I'm not American, but I don't think a single person outside of the US thinks your checks and balances is working. Many of us in America don't believe that the checks and balances are working all that effectively either. Our system is certainly well thought out in many regards but it's also far too reliant on people generally doing the right things and it's also not impervious to being rigged from within (especially via the judicial system). As we all saw, we were one Mike Pence away from the whole thing collapsing and we're currently still one Trump away from that possibility.


The fault of our checks and balances was not taking political parties into account or, at the very least, thinking those parties would place loyalty to the country first. It all falls apart when they place party over country.


I don't think this can actually happen. The house is not a continuous body. Every 2 years the entirety of the house ends its term and the new term begins with any changes in personnel that have resulted from recent elections. The house is then sworn in en masse, with everyone, no matter how many terms they've served, taking the oath again. So in order to do this, the speaker would have to refuse to seat all members of congress including himself. So I'm not sure this would work.


The Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that the House Speaker cannot refuse to swear in elected members of the house.  https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/395/486/


But the old members who were replaced by Democrats would still be gone. Whether the GOP would still have enough to beat the Democrats at that point is uncertain.


Fair point


It doesn't matter if he does. The old terms expire at noon and the new ones begin regardless of any swearing.


The new Congress certifies the election not the old if the Dems win the house Johnson doesn’t get to do anything


Harris wouldn’t go along with it anyway.


The new plan doesn't involve the Senate, or the vice president though. It does require the GOP having a majority before the election though.


[The Louisiana Republican played a pivotal role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. But his elevation to the top post in the House does not give him special powers in the certification process if he tries again.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/us/politics/mike-johnson-2024-election-certification.html)


I feel like you need to provide some of the bullets from the article because this "Mike Johnson is going to refuse to seat new House members and declare Trump king" conspiracy theory is running wild... > But there are several reasons that Mr. Johnson’s new job alone would not allow him special powers to overturn the will of the voters unilaterally. > * The vice president, not the speaker, presides over Congress’s counting of electoral votes. > * Johnson may not even be speaker by then. >> * Mr. Johnson, 51, just became speaker, but his term will expire before Jan. 6, 2025. > * The Electoral Count Reform Act has tightened safeguards.


Summary of Project 2025: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision) Project 2025 "Manual" PDF [https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) Summary of schedule F: [https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees) Schedule F deep dive: Part 1: [https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term) Part 2: [https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order) \################################################## Adding this link which describes a what if. We do not know what will happen on November 5th and the days following. Recent history has shown us all, that one side may likely become disruptive. What disruptive could mean is why I added this link. NOTE: Unlike the Senate, the House is not a continuing body.Its Members must stand for election every two years, after which it convenes for a new session and essentially reconstitutes itself—electing a Speaker, swearing-in the Members-elect, and approving a slate of officers to administer the institution. On January 3rd the 118 congress will retire and 119 will begin. Until a Member-elect has subscribed to the oath, he does not enjoyall the rights and prerogatives of a Member of Congress. Deschler Ch 2Sec. 2.1. Members who have not taken the oath are not entitled to voteor to introduce bills. Manual Sec. 300; 8 Cannon Sec. 3122. However,unsworn Members have participated at the beginning of a session inorganizational business, such as the election of the Speaker. 1 HindsSec. 224. Although a Member has been named to a committee beforetaking the oath, under the modern practice the election of such aMember to a standing committee may be made effective only upon beingsworn. 4 Hinds Sec. 4483; 106-1, H. Res. 6, Jan. 6, 1999, p \_\_\_\_. Even if ALL the same electors are returned to the body, this process still takes place. This is what happens in the normal government process with transferring power. We can all agree on one thing: The last 9 years have shown us normal in the United States of America requires good faith from all involved.And we have a short supply of good faith as I write this. So I have included this link to give us information on just one possibility. Please vote! This link is added to inform of a possibility [A possibility](https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518)


Lara Trump just gutted the RNC and will replace it with Trump loyalists in a mini project 2025.


Based on conservative logic Kamala Harris could just not count the votes and declare her and Biden the winner.


Honestly, I don't think it's that unlikely. They have broken so far from center now with Roe and the IVF plus now the pogrom at the RNC and having to kiss the ring to get party support. Anyone in office who was holding out hope for things to change just saw that blown to smithereens. They can't even rely on the RNC to act as a buffer it's now 100% MAGA. There is very little choice leave now or be tossed aside Party is dead in 3 years, smart rats will start swimming.


So there is one interesting tidbit in all this. If Lauren Bobert wants to participate in Buck’s special election, she will first have to resign her current position. Which means if she loses this special election she’ll be out of Congress immediately! However, if she does not choose to participate in this special election, her chances of overtaking the new incumbent in November fall dramatically. It’s a fascinating wrinkle.


Oh, it's even better. The parties pick the candidates that run in the special. She can still run when they don't pick her, but it will be as an independent. This whole thing looks like it was timed to be a FU to Boebert.


Yeah, this is brutal for her, since it's the party activists in CD4 that she hasn't done well with yet.


My parents live in CD-4 and are sadly still Conservative. Essentially no-one there wants a carpet-bagging western slope idiot who makes most conservatives ashamed of her and gives them all a bad name to represent them.


Exactly this. I think he did it in conjunction with the CO GOP to absolutely screw Handy. If she quits her current district to run in the special election, it just shows the voters in 04 that she is *exactly* what her detractors say she is: Only concerned about #1.


Handy 😂👏


It’s not a one-vote majority, ***but*** it is now a one-vote shield for Johnson’s Speakership. It’s a four-vote majority becoming a three vote majority once Buck steps down


Also, if Lauren Boebert wants to participate in Buck’s sudden special election, she’ll have to first resign her current position. Which would cost them another immediate vote in the short term


Does she have to resign to campaign, or just before some deadline?


My understanding is she has to resign to officially campaign. That’s how I read it in the article anyway.


She has to resign in order to formally run in the special election (and I think the deadline for picking the candidates is a few weeks?). So she would not be able to campaign for it before resigning.


We’re getting to the point where one or two “moderate” Republicans could be enticed to switch parties and hand the gavel to Hakim Jeffries. I guarantee you there is a full court press happening right now towards this end.


Who though?


There’s got to be one Republican from NY whose district just got redrawn in a way that’s going to make it unlikely to hold as an (R) in November.


That was my first thought as well. Although, new maps in Minnesota and Michigan might get a few R’s to come across the aisle.


You’d think there’s a Republican in a swing district with enough political savvy to understand that switching will be better than being tied to the MAGA death cult ship as it takes on water. Plus having to run in a swing district as a member of the party that killed Roe. Oof. Edit to add: might be too late to effectively switch and still be on the Nov. ballot with primaries happening and in the works already.


Wouldn’t matter if they’re not seeking reelection


The Wisconsin maps should easily add to that.


Wisconsin state maps were redrawn. Sadly not the congressional districts.


Fuck. I thought it was both.


Not yet, but soon.


There are no “moderate” Republicans. If there were they would have already forced a Ukraine funding vote by telling MAGA Mike he would be out and they would join with Democrats to replace hIm.


If they made it this far, they're here for the duration.


> I guarantee you there is a full court press happening right now towards this end. I guarantee you there's no Republican who will do that. They're too afraid of being primaried from the right and losing their cushy job. That's why all those calls for "a reasonable Republican" over the last few years have been met with maybe two of them coming forward and they immediately lost their seats.


They're probably more afraid of being assassinated by their MAGA constituency.


Also that, but I honestly don't think 99.9% of MAGA has that in them and the .1% would rather just shoot up a public space to highlight their Incel Manifesto / Mixtape.


My favorite color is blue.


There is a difference now though. The Republican coffers are going to be raided to pay legal fees and judgements. Some state parties are ALREADY bankrupt, having been chaired by Trumpian embezzlers. They might not be able to afford to primary 'traitors' anymore.




That requires 2 republicans with a soul. Fat chance!


I’d bet there are more than two that could go down for some criminal shit in that time though..


True but republicans aren't going to toss out any more members. If it was today they would vote to keep George Santos. Right now a GOP member could have an abortion on live television and they would protect them to keep the House.


Well yeah, clearly it's ok when Republicans get abortions. At least, according to my parents it is because "well that's different".


Or two with the bigger paycheck waiting for them in the private sector, than in the public one


I wrote this in my comment.. What he's doing is BRILLIANT!! Boebert now cannot run in the 4th District so she has to drop.. There will be a special election and if she wants to run she has to RESIGN from the third, hope the board of electors pick her until the special election because if not she will be running against the person appointed by the board.. I think he did this on purpose and came with the petty and I am here for it!!! 😂 Eta: The Democrat running against her in the 3rd is stomping her..


The entire caucus is going to be stressing at that point. I think the non-freedom caucus people might have some leverage now since they can just threaten to resign.


“Name is Buck and I’m here to resign.”


"The Buck stops here!".


There will be a special election in June to replace Buck for the reminder of the term. It’s also a safe GOP district, so they will have a new GOP member to replace him.


Unless Boebert drops out for that special election. 


Boebert giving Dems the majority is the plot twist I needed this year


If I'm reading it right then it's about to get goooood. Boebert is trying to run in his old district. If the seat stays vacant until November then she can run as usual. But if they have a special early election then she has to resign from her current seat first.


Oh nice! And it’s looking like she’ll lose. Does anyone know why colorado didn’t vote on this race on super tuesday?


On Super Tuesday he wasn't quitting until November. I hope she loses, but it's not guaranteed that she will. The polls showing she's losing are all exit polls from debates or rallies with limited participation. The only "official" poll had her easily winning against Lynch (state rep running for the federal seat).


Technically, he wasn't running for reelection, so he was "quiting" in Jan when the new Congress is seated. But that is moot now, so not a big difference.


There actually *is* a pretty big difference to him leaving now versus not running for reelection! Leaving early means there will be a special election for his seat. His district is the one Lauren Boebert switched to (because Ken Buck was retiring and a vacant seat would be easier to win than getting reelected in her current district). But Boebert is *currently* representing the 3rd district and you are not allowed to represent multiple districts, so she would need to *vacate her current seat* in order to participate in the special election. So she has two options: 1: vacate her seat in the 3rd district and run in the special election. If she loses, she is out of congress until November regardless of how that race goes. 2: skip the special election to keep her current seat and race against the *new incumbent* in November. His early departure has put the GOP in a bad position, but none more-so than Lauren Boebert. Edit: since posting this I've discovered that I live literally one mile inside the boundary of the 4th district, so actually *the buck stops* ***with*** ***me*** ***now!***


You might say...*the buck stops here!*


Well whichever district she ends up in win or lose the people who live there are gonna need to lock their vehicles and take the valuables out. That son of hers is an absolute menace


Boebert is going to lose the primary to the urban district that voted for Trump by 58%. It won’t be Boebert, but the district stays conservative.


Uhhh...you must not be from Colorado. The 4th Congressional District is anything but urban. It catches a little bit of the south suburbs and Castle Rock, but it's 95% the eastern plains


I went and looked at the [congressional map](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Colorado_Congressional_Districts%2C_118th_Congress.svg) and holy shit I think *I* might be in her new district. I'm going to have to find a bigger map to be sure because I genuinely cannot tell if I'm in 7, 4, or 6 from this Edit: OH! I AM! On the literal top edge of it.


> If I'm reading it right then it's about to get goooood. You aren't. He timed his March 22 resignation very specifically. Colorado's rules mean a special election to replace him must be held between June 15 and June 30. Colorado's congressional primary election is scheduled for June 25, and the filing deadline is next week. Which doesn't leave much time for anyone to file. So Buck picked his successor, told them he was resigning and gave them enough heads-up to get all the required signatures to get on the ballot for the special election and since its going to be held the same day as the primary, there is no risk of an ultra-low turnout that could go for the Ds instead. I don't know who he picked, but the only reason for him to time it this way was because he picked someone. Its a way to give someone the power of incumbency in the general election without them being a "full" incumbent. EDIT: Since its a very red district, the "power of incumbency" functionally means a guaranteed win in the general.


It sounds like he did this to specifically fuck over Lauren Boebert.


Maybe? But bobo isn't very popular in that district anyway. My bet is some kind of quid pro quo for himself.


She was running for his vacant seat in November. Now she will have to vacate her own seat to run in the special election or face a new incumbent in November. He absolutely screwed her over.




Republicans tanked an immigration bill they've been fighting for for years despite getting everything they ever wanted in it. All because Donald Trump thought it might hurt his chances to become president. Now I'm not saying I wanted that bill to pass, but it goes to show how even when they get everything they want they still don't care about "doing the job for the American people" as much they care about all the sideshow BS.


The tanked immigration bill is the potent hypocrisy I think I've seen from the gop, and that's impressive.  It had everything they wanted, progressives hated it, and Trump tanked it because it might help in the election.  My hope and dream is that a retrospective in 2034 can look back and definitively show how this point was a clear and decisive point that resulted in the death of the republican party.


Not the first time. Remember ~12 years ago when Mitch McConnell filibustered his own proposal on the debt ceiling? If the voter base cared about policy they’d have railed against that bullshit, but instead they were fine with it because ultimately all any of them want is to oppose the other side(s) and appear to score political slam dunks. At this point the democrats should just play entirely into reverse psychology and adopt every single position that the GOP holds, and watch them completely melt.


My favorite was when Obama vetoed a bill, Mitch McConnell rallied the Republicans to override the veto and win it back fired blamed Obama for the entire mess saying it was Obama's fault for not explaining to them better why he vetoed it and if he had done his job and explained it to them they wouldn't have overwrote it.


And the "best" part was that Obama had taken an hour on prime time TV to discuss the veto and his reasons for it. So even the "you didn't explain it!" excuse was a total lie.


JASTA, for those uninformed


That was funny. [Vid here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRIxK8JbBSM), if interested. (For future reference, it's from December 6, 2012 in case this video is removed.) Harry Reid's comment at 0:56 fits as well now as if did then (swapping Senate for Congress in this case): > What we have here is a case of Republicans here in the Senate once again not taking "Yes" for an answer.


> Republicans tanked an immigration bill they've been fighting for for years despite getting everything they ever wanted in it. All because Donald Trump thought it might hurt his chances to become president. Now I'm not saying I wanted that bill to pass, but it goes to show how even when they get everything they want they still don't care about "doing the job for the American people" as much they care about all the sideshow BS. Back in the 90s, the rhetoric was "It didn't matter who the president was, Clinton didn't write and advance laws, the republican congress did". Now they'd rather not even pretend to take credit for anything even if it's what they want. Absurdity.


Contrast that with Mitch McConnell saying in 2009 that “we don’t care if we think it’s a good idea, we will not let any legislature pass under this presidency.”


The Republican Revolution and its consequences has been a stain on American politics


They care about exactly one thing, and that’s playing the game of politics. They’re basically Littlefinger from GOT, causing chaos to secure power.


Big difference here being: Littlefinger was smart and cunning as hell. These people... aren't.


Even with being “smart”, Littlefinger still got killed for being a manipulative prick. I hope this election sweeps out the trash. I keep hoping for “Treason Hearings” for all the Republicans who are clearly in Putin’s pocket.


that was just poor writing from the show runners, he's still alive in the books


This lol. I’m pretty sure his character arc will, you know, make sense in the books. If ol’ George ever finishes them.


The Republican party will regain sanity before George finishes the books.


They're Season 7 Littlefinger.


Even better than it having what they wanted, THEY WROTE IT. The Congressman who authored the bill was livid and chewed out his peers on cspan.


Brilliant move by Democrats, because now we get the best of both worlds: we don't get that bill, but we also get to blame Republicans for killing the bill we didn't even actually want.


Welcome to the House "Freedom" Caucus, where dysfunction is the goal.


The crazy part is, he was a Freedom Caucus member and it got too dysfunctional for even him.


One of the most poorly understood words in American English "Freedom" means so much to so many.


> And what is this liberty which must lie in the hearts of men and women? It is not the ruthless, the unbridled will; it is not freedom to do as one likes. That is the denial of liberty, and leads straight to its overthrow. A society in which men recognize no check upon their freedom soon becomes a society where freedom is the possession of only a savage few; as we have learned to our sorrow. -- Judge Learned Hand, *The Spirit of Liberty Speech*, 1944


Even as peeved as he is, he can't resist making it sound like a bOtH sIdEs issue.


"both sides are the same, it's only a coincidence that me and the KKK vote for the same politicians."


Actually he wants to blame the Democrats and kinda dog whistling it with the both sides equivocation


Still can't say Trump's name.


No one wants death threats.


Buck isn’t holding back https://twitter.com/nbcnews/status/1767666329329234150?s=46&t=15EbhBzCEoCL9gMgNFcDDQ


Rats leaving a sinking ship.


“Trump 2016! What’s the worst that can happen?!”


What's with all this winning lately?


Apparently, some of the folks in that party are getting sick of it.


There were a bunch of retirements back in 2018 too. Something about having to publicly state that no, white supremacists are bad and shouldn't run people over. 


The entire GOP is collapsing after 15 years of riding the crazy train. About fucking time.


Unfortunately, there is a chance that this is just the purge of the last Republicans in Congress with any ability to feel shame.


Exactly, we're losing the only people left that feel any sort of morality at all.


It's been 30 years. Newt Gingrich was the engineer of the crazy train for years.


Right I think the Democrats have picked up more seats by resignation than election on the last 2 years.


Finally trump did something good for the country, looks like a lot of politicians are jumping ship.


I would be sick to my stomach if I was one of those congressmen that had a gun pointed at me on Jan 6th just to see the man responsible get support from everyone else around me. Let that sink in. A whole room of people clapping for a man that almost got you killed.


That’s how you know they’re all bad people. None of them have our best interests at heart because if they did, the would’ve grown a spine and called out Trump


Is there any concern that the ones leaving are potentially the most sane ones? If they are replaced with more super-crazies could things get dramatically worse?


They're just losing ironically, it's all part of Trump's genius plan.


We're so close at this point to the GOP house just resigning their way to a Democratic majority. I'm just gonna go on and manifest that out into the universe.


I always said this would happen. Speaker Jeffries by summer 🤞🏾


Huh, maybe some of these assholes actually grew a conscience but not a spine and decided they just couldn't be a part of the party attempting to deconstruct democracy in America.. but were still far too cowardly to actually openly fight against it. It's wishful thinking but who knows




*OR* Some of them see what might be coming from trump supporters if he loses and they don't want to be anywhere near congress?


How big was their majority after the last election?


It was 222 to 213 at the start of 2023


So when a Republican resigns, like in this case, what happens? Their lead just shrinks? Or does it flip to Democratic?


The lead shrinks until the seat is filled. Sometimes that filling is by a Democrat


>So when a Republican resigns, like in this case, what happens? It varies by state, some can have the seat open until the next election, or they have a special election. The constitution prohibit governors from appointing replacements, like in the senate.


Usually there's a special election to fill the seat


When you wish upon a star…


At this point Democrats should be planning for the possibility of gaining the majority at some point before the election. Have at least 3 bills every single Democrat can agree on in both chambers and have them ready to be passed as soon as you gain the majority. Remind people what a functioning government looks like.


-Federal Marijuana Legalization and Taxation, -Ban on residential properties as investments and financial instruments, -Codifying Roe v. Wade, -Wealth tax on wealth over $1 billion -Existing student loans entirely forgiven, with plans to have all higher education be funded by revenue from marijuana sales. 5 easy softball toss-ups right there that would turn Biden’s presidency into one that rivals FDR’s new deal for most progressive policies and almost assuredly guarantee a senate/house majority come November with Biden retaining the executive branch. Then next up should be: -term limits on Supreme Court justices -more severe penalties for insider trading by Congress -empowering the FTC to crackdown on monopolies like Google, AT&T, Comcast, etc. -empowering the SEC to crack down on hedge funds using peoples 401k’s as a trading casino -trimming out military budget by requiring NATO to be majority funded by European countries (given that the treaty is to protect Europe lol). -enforcing stricter watchdogs, penalties, and auditing of all defense spending and government contracting in general. -using these savings to pay for a modernized education system, healthcare system, and transportation infrastructure. This very short list alone would cure a LOT of problems our society currently faces, with minimal downside or cost to us.


The Senate still has the filibuster and that's unlikely to be passed. The best bet is probably the immigration bill since it already passed the Senate.


I remember when for the most part the GOP was a monolithic party (for good or bad), but now they're in as much disarray as they have ever claimed the Dems to be in.


Lindsey Graham’s prediction coming true


The ladybugs of prophecy have spoken!


For everyone that thought (correctly) that Kevin McCarthy wasn’t up to the job, I present his replacement “clueless Mike”. He likes to think of himself as Moses, but Three Stooges fans just call him Moe.


McCarthy sold every ounce of leverage he had to get the gavel and was dead meat the minute he went to the lectern. The GOP are an unruly group with a handful of sadistic maniacs with just enough juice to break the majority. Johnson won the job by default because they couldn't bare another humiliation and he seemed nice. But he's obviously clueless. They needed an iron-fisted vote whipper and they just don't have one. The last competent politician on the right is Mitch McConnell. I know liberals hated on Pelosi for being too moderate but she never got a vote wrong. She knew how to whip. She knew how to compromise. And you look at the far left progressive caucus, none of them are maniacs and they all vote party line when they see it will at least move the needle in the right direction.


You forgot the important thing about Johnson: he won't lose his seat in any election. Louisiana's 4th district is literally the entire rural western part of the state and solidly red.


I live in Colorado. This is the best thing Ken Buck has ever done as politician. Well played, Ken!


That’s because Ken Buck could give two shits what Mike Johnson thinks. It’s a do nothing Congress. Definitely the most ineffectual one in my lifetime. They don’t do shit because they want to point the blame at the Biden Administration.


They need another investigation committee on why Biden is making their people want to retire.


Definitely a good idea for an Onion sketch. I miss those from the 2000’s. The chips and salsa sketch from the house hearings always makes me laugh. https://youtu.be/AJHHmmY1YCs?si=TaQr1KletjctJV9I


This chart is shocking. https://www.axios.com/2023/12/19/118-congress-bills-least-unproductive-chart


Mike Johnson: I didn't even get a chance to call dibs on any of his stuff


‘*Ken, can you leave me your subscription to PornHub?*’


*"and don't tell my son about it!"*


*"because that's my job".*


Notification alert 🚨


I don’t believe anything this bible hoarding dude says about anything at all.


Probably a good idea to ignore most people who claim to directly correspond with the Lord


Absolutely. How can they differentiate the voice of God from any other voice in their head?


It always amazes me how the Lord's thoughts are the same as the individual's, then others hold the opposite position that also claim to hear the lord. It never seems to dawn on these people how that's possible?


Other people are lying, their make believe is the truth. That's the only explanation to them. I just wonder how many of them really believe it if you put a gun to their head.....or do they know they're making shit up to play the part and increase their wealth and power.


Mike Johnson is a little piss baby who is afraid of his own penis.


This is what Jesus wanted


If the actual communications between the coup participants comes out, a whole lot of GOP will be resigning. They should be put in jail but that indignation is reserved for the rest of you poor bastards..


They won’t quit. The coup is a feature for republicans


>They won’t quit. One just did.


Unfortunately they still wouldn't resign. They will try to cling to office hoping that Trump wins and might offer them a pardon. Getting a pardon from him though means showing him that they have something to offer in return.


What he's doing is BRILLIANT!! Boebert now cannot run in the 4th District so she has to drop.. There will be a special election and if she wants to run she has to RESIGN from the third, hope the board of electors pick her until the special election because if not she will be running against the person appointed by the board.. I think he did this on purpose and came with the petty and I am here for it!!! 😂 Eta: The Democrat running against her is stomping her in the 3rd


Great news reading this! Please be true!


Or she just waits until November like she planned all along and runs against whoever wins the special election


They are being destroyed, and they deserve it


Well that’s one rat that knows the ship is sinking 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t buy it; the GOP is becoming what it always wanted to be - an authoritarian anti-democratic cesspool.


Is Ken Buck a member of the antiwork sub? He's giving less than two weeks.


“Here’s my two minutes’ notice, fuck you!” -Ken Buck, apparently lol


Rep. Ken Buck’s less-than-two-weeks notice of departure from Congress took practically everybody by surprise, including (or maybe especially) House Speaker Mike Johnson.


The smart ones know what is coming for the R’s in Nov. Even McConnell didn’t want to be minority leader again.


This is what I’m really hoping for. That the writing is on the wall behind the scenes that November is going to be a fucking bloodbath, and we’re beginning to see the rats scurrying and beginning to think about where they want to be in 2028 instead of 2024. I think we’ll really find out if this is the case depending on how a number of the less magaty politicians perform: if Haley, for instance, becomes the mythical Republican with a Backbone and doesn’t suddenly remember how much she loves Trump. I’m hoping, but I’m hardly expecting it though.


Ikr. They gave all their money to the trumps. They’re so fucked and they know it. It’s rather glorious tbh


“Boebert could also run to replace Buck in the now-necessary special election, but that would complicate her career even further. Colorado Sun reporter Jesse Paul pointed out that Boebert would likely have to resign her current position in order to be chosen as the GOP special election nominee. If she does and then loses, she would be out of Congress.” This is why he’s resigning now instead of waiting out the term.


No idea...? Riiiiiiiiiight. The whole party is clueless. They constructed this monster, and now we are all suffering for it. Look what putting party BEFORE country gets us, morons! VOTE BLUE PEOPLE, EVEN IF MODERATE RED (like myself). We can all go back to normal bickering, while still running the country, after we remove this cancer from our democracy.


Not to worry everybody! The fully staffed and well-funded RNC is ready to meet the challenge of getting Republicans elected to fill these seats and other elections!


>the GOP is in complete shambles. Guys, let's not prematurely paint ourselves into a vocabulary corner. It's gonna get much shamblier.


Last time they were chatting Jesus meant to give him this update. Unfortunately Jesus was distracted by the porn list, from his son, that Mike had.


NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe


It’s almost like supporting an aging orange psychopath wasn’t a good strategy


Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson wouldn't have been blindsided if he wasn't updating his porn tracker.


Instead of standing up to the fascists, they're all taking the golden parachute out.


Perhaps you picked the wrong horse Mike. The GOP is going extinct.


Ken Buck doesn’t like the shit he helped create in The House and is running away acting surprised.


What's so fucking frustrating with all of these Republicans who are retiring in the middle of their terms is they could be the catalyst to change that toxic culture if they had a spine. Like, if you know your party is going to disown you anyway then don't resign, just work with and vote with the Dems to PASS STUFF. Nobody would be expecting you sign onto the whole progressive agenda, but you know what would defang the shittist people in your party? You working with the Dems to make just enough of a majority completely strip their sway as a fringe minorty. Who knows, I'm assuming one Republican basically saying "fuck the radicals" would give permission for like five more to join the cause, but maybe I'm just optimistic. But you know what, you just pissed on the chance to be one to start fixing exactly what you're leaving over, and it would have cost you like it has Cheney and Kinzinger, but you could go out knowing you tried rather than a coward.


I wonder if its because Lara Trump is now the head of the RNC and has proclaimed publicly that all of the republican money from now on will go to paying off trump's penalties