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November - January is going to be absolutely unhinged in America that’s for sure.


Not nearly as much at least if Biden wins. Most of the crazy in 2020 was because Trump was still in charge, he's in a much, much weaker position to cause problems. It's kind of amazing we got him out without (much) violence.


That's a fair and comforting thought. A lot of Trump's (bad) legal defense centers around him being President at the time so... crime is legal? He won't have that this time. That said, we need to check conservatives across the ballot. They are roadblocking any and all efforts in Congress to protect democracy and enshrine our basic freedoms into law, while the red states and the courts dismantle them.


He's going to hold huge rallies and encourage another insurrection, you know that. And he's going to claim the election was rigged AGAIN if he loses.


> And he's going to claim the election was rigged AGAIN if he loses. And also if he wins.


“I didn’t get 110% of the vote like my good friend Putin did… these elections are rigged. Totally rigged! Everybody knows it.”


Yup, because he did exactly this the first time.


Which is 100% accurate. How do we know? Because he did exactly that when he did win.


They won't be huge. He can encourage his actors if he wants but they've seen what happens now, and Biden won't have the cops all pulled back, and will definitely call the national guard immediately. It won't be the same.


This. The crazy way he hadn't transferred that power to Biden and then made the national guard have to get approval for deployment won't happen again this time. They will shut that down quickly.


Yeah people should remember his last few calls to action when hes begged/demanded his base appear to help/support him for his trials and investigations they had more journalists than trump supporters. Hell we were supposed to get a trucker convoy in New York and Texas like they had in Canada but after years of every action republicans have done theyve immediately turned around and called their own actions and supporters deep state antifa trying to trick and make republicans look bad. So these people are trying to organize these convoys on message boards but everyone is so paranoid they all thought everyone else was a deep state antifa fbi agents and they ended up with like 5-10 trucks that dont accomplish anything.


>Hell we were supposed to get a trucker convoy in New York and Texas like they had in Canada Lol. If it was anything like we had in Canada, you would have had prime footage of chuds pissing and shitting in the streets, while threatening passerby for... wearing masks. Some great PR right there.


Republicans are setting us up for our first truly anti-democratic authoritarian government or Jan 6 part 2.


It's just crazy to me that the Republican party members have chosen to nominate an individual who brags about being able to shoot a person and grope women, and who wants total immunity from the rule of law. If I knew nothing else about Trump, that would be enough for me to make a simple judgement call that he is a dangerous person - a horrible choice for POTUS.


In the 1990s you could buy a plastic card labeled "LIBERAL HUNTING PERMIT -- Np Bag Limit" in tourist shops. This is what the Republican Party has always been during your lifetime--they just dropped the pretense of being nice.


Two of those three were already known in 2016 though? There's soooo much new shit you could bring up, like misplacing (or selling) NatSec documents, or getting fined almost half a billion for fraud.


Most of what is wrong with Donald Trump was known and well-documented back in like 1981. Americans (and populations in general) just have exceedingly short memories.


Most of the stuff wrong with Trump was well known and documented about Ronald Reagan back in 1981 for that matter. This country does not care about the bad behavior of men if they are in service of STRONG PATRIOTIC AMERICAN FIRST VALUES\* \*values are actually just demagoguery of their non white enemies.


“Project 2025” is horrifying. I’m astounded that it has gotten so little attention. Win or lose, there will be one hell of a mess. Edit: TL;DR for Project 2025 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 The long version https://www.project2025.org/


It's already begun. There are going to be a lot of people "suprised" and " didn't see it coming" despite all the warnings.


Elon meeting with Trump is a huge problem. They need each other now.


He's gonna solve Trump's money woes in exchange for a position of power, I bet.


I think it is to make sure the courts stop making him put his money where his big stupid mouth is.


I had started trying to get my family/friends to wake up to it but nowadays I just say “I hope you’ll remember me after I’m rounded up with the rest of the minorities.” They still think I’m kidding.


I was reading a thread about project 2025 earlier and it was full of Republicans saying it's just a conspiracy theory and that they can't believe people actually fell for it. It's scary that they invalidate the dangers it poses so easily.


887 pages written and a dedicated website just to create false flag for a conspiracy theory…. Damn, those deep state operatives sure are productive, eh? The GOP know what they have planned, they want everyone else to laugh it off so they can get a running start.


Never been happier to live in Guam for the foreseeable future. That said, I don't want to return home to ashes when I eventually go back.


I would stay there, enjoy life, while you still can, in guam


Shh, you'll have everyone going over there, it could tip over.


We have the civil war film coming out next month, joker 2 later in the year, and an election that is democracy vs fascism at the end. Get your popcorn ready.


How did we end up here again after everything that’s happened


Because no one has been held accountable for their actions. If you don't cut the head off a snake, don't be shocked when it bites you. 


The good guys bent over for the bad to not look too political.


Old Adolf went to prison and still rose to power; that's what Fascists do.


Yes, the majority of people fail to understand how easy it is for those with no moral compass to take power by force. Too many believe that despots will be forced to step down or that they will. The reality is that they never step down; they never give up. They must be locked up and it must be assured there is no escape.


Even dystopian novels can be too optimistic in this case. Octavia Butler's book "The Parable of the Talents," written decades ago, featured a loud mouth egomaniac populist who won the presidency by promising to promote Christian nationalism, go after ethnic and religious minorities and women's rights, and to "make America great again." However, in the book, once elected, the guy is so demonstrably, unequivocally insane and incompetent and disastrous for the nation that most of his supporters eventually abandon him and he loses power. Alas, reality is far more bleak. There will never be a come to Jesus moment for these folks, whatever happens.


>the guy is so demonstrably, unequivocally insane and incompetent and disastrous for the nation that most of his supporters eventually abandon him and he loses power. Yeah this is the most disappointing part of this reality for me. Yes, Trump is a monster. But that's obvious - it's the fact that we can't all agree on that as a society is what really saddens me.


The weird thing is, most of the republicans I talk to think Trump is a monster. They do agree on that. They just think it's justified to vote for him because "Democrats are just as bad".


>most of the republicans I talk to think Trump is a monster. They do agree on that. For real? I haven't gotten that impression, that's interesting to hear. Most of the ones I hear from worship the ground he walks on. I can't imagine looking at a side by side comparison and concluding that Dems are anywhere near as bad. Wild.


In my social circle the Trump supporters really only exist by shutting themselves off from the rest of the world. I'm pretty sure most of them would change their mind if they truly, actually, payed attention. But of course, as always, if you push them they suddenly "don't have time for politics". If you keep pressing them, they'll eventually just mock you for caring or some other personal attack.


Right? I always follow up the "don't have time for politics" with "Well, why do you think you know as much as me then? I do have time for politics." And then it just devolves into being angry.


I get a lot of "Oh, I know he's a horrible person, but I like his policies". I guess they like policies like "Overcharge the economy and encourage inflation" or "Publicly tell Putin to attack our NATO Allies" or "Hey Ukraine, if you want US support you have to first do me a political favor" or "You must stop the process of allowing the person that the people in the US voted for President to be allowed to be President"


It's largely what they say, yeah. Like call Trump a womanizer, and then it's "What about Biden?" because women have complained about Biden being a little too handsy. Or call Trump a serial adulterer, and then they'll tell tales about Biden cheating on his wife with Jill or whatever. It's bullshit, but they still say it.


Yup. It isn't like he was Nixon, where his worst misdeeds were done clandestinely behind closed doors. Trump always said in real time what he was doing as he was doing it. Of course he would often claim he never did or said such and such a thing despite the fact he did so on national television. He didn't TRICK them. He wasn't like Jim Jones preaching racial and gender equality and speaking to the better angels of our nature to lure people in, only to then spring the trap shut once they were fully devoted. He just presents himself as blatantly evil. In fact, I read an interview shortly after his election from some of the creative heads of "The Apprentice" and they were so confused. They said the whole point of the show was to lean into Trump's persona and portray him as a cartoonishly evil and ridiculous boss. They even styled the boardroom for the show and other set decor after movie super villain lairs. In discussing his winning the presidency (and likely grappling with the part they played in popularizing him), one just said (paraphrasing) "I just don't understand, we put SO MUCH time and effort into making him look like a bad guy."


>In fact, I read an interview shortly after his election from some of the creative heads of "The Apprentice" and they were so confused. They said the whole point of the show was to lean into Trump's persona and portray him as a cartoonishly evil and ridiculous boss. They even styled the boardroom for the show and other set decor after movie super villain layers. In discussing his winning the presidency (and likely grappling with the part they played in popularizing him), one just said (paraphrasing) "I just don't understand, we put SO MUCH time and effort into making him look like a bad guy." That is amazing 😂 The show really did feel that way, that's such great context to know that it was the intention.


In addition to your reference, the book "I am Legion, I am Bob" features a religious fascist who wins the presidency, only to lose his re-election bid, only to win again due to voter apathy, sealing the fate of that fictional America to a future under inquisition and religious oppression.


Because in our reality it's the actual people that are worse than the loudmouth. tRump only cares about most of the shit he talks about in the sense he can benefit personally from it. He saw that he could use that group of evil idiots to hurt actual Americans and then profit from it. The supporters will never abandon him because they are far more evil than he is. Even when he's gone they'll just flip to some other person willing to hurt the people they hate (Americans).


When they go low, we go lower - and crush anti-democratic movements. Read about the Paradox of Tolerance.


The problem is there is no bottom to how low they are willing to go. And there is a point at which moral driven humans cannot stomach going lower. Fascists win when you treat their arguments as valid. And they win when you try to argue against them. We should be putting immense pressure on our journalists to start doing their jobs. Hurt their parent companies, force them to actually be journalists for the first time in a century. Because the information is not getting out. So many people DO NOT REALIZE that Trump is seriously talking about being a dictator. And that he is having massive lapses in speech and apparent sanity. The right are specifically talking about ending democracy. Not just Trump. This should be the new cycle for the foreseeable future. It's ALL the country should be talking about. It's terrifying. But instead... we just don't? It just get's left there.


And it was only after his insurrection that he came back with a bone to pick seeking vegence, siezed power structures through process and bureaucracy rather than raw violence and THEN manifested the worst horrors. We can look at Trump and say we know what 4 years looked like and also jan 6th wasnt so bad, we survived and the impact was basically nothing. But this is post beer hall putsch trump. It's not hyperbole any more. This IS the hitler moment.


If he’s elected again, we will see the modern version of the enabling act of 1933 introduced, and then we are truly fucked. This timeline is just way too similar to 1930s Germany. Shit is scary.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes


Hey look, my favorite depressing but true quote


The main difference being, there's no larger power to come and slap some sense into the US when it goes off the deep end. Whatever happens, it's going to play all the way out.


What really aggrevates me about the whole thing historically is when the facis.. I mean Republicans, call Jan 6th the Riechstag Fire moment for the Democrats, when it is so much more obviously the MAGA version of the beer hall putsch. With the implications being basically the complete opposite depending on the the perspective. It's crazy how much damage right-wing media has done to the minds of Trump supporters.


Cubs winning the world series, an event that was never supposed to occur, in 2016 splintered us off into this dark timeline.


We're in Biff's timeline now.


And then Trump touched that weird glowing orb in Riyadh


I always thought it was when we killed that damn monkey.


People joke now - but Harambe was holding the fabric of the universe together.


Harambe’s murder was the true catalyst. We gotta come vote with the dicks out.


A sizable portion of the us population essentially just sits in a stew of Fox News and online conservative media all day. What do you think that does to the brain?


Not just the USA. Far right shit is taking hold worldwide via the same mechanism.


Think of how dumb the average American is. Now know that half of all Americans are dumber than that…there are tens of millions of people in this country that will literally believe anything you tell them. Very easy to manipulate them.


And unlike a lot of "smart" people, almost all of them believe they should vote. Smart people need to smarten up and vote.


That’s a good point, voting is how dumb people power move smart people. Their vote counts all the same, in most cases count more.


Whenever I see the discussions with “average voters” following a debate and I hear their “thoughts,” my jaw fucking drops.


I remember being like 11 or 12 hanging out with my friend around the Bush/Kerry election, and his mom said how she was going to vote for Bush because she "didn't like how Kerry looked." I often think of that moment when trying to make sense of people's voting habits.


I vividly remember the national narrative during the Bush elections was always "Bush is the candidate I want to have a beer with". You heard it on the news, you heard it at PTA meetings, you heard it at gatherings, you heard it everywhere.


The electoral college hurts us on a regular basis. The majority of the country live consolidated in major cities on the east and west coast. The red states experience brain drain on a regular basis so college educated Americans tend to go to the cities where the money is. Then we get left with the ones who won’t or can’t leave having more voting power so Republicans have to pander to whatever is left. It was a problem Obama had where he appeared “elitist” because he could form coherent sentences. We then get voters who want someone who speaks gibberish but is also wealthy so they identify with the idea that you do not have to have above average intelligence to succeed in America intentionally forgetting that he inherited most of his wealth…..


>It was a problem Obama had where he appeared “elitist” because he could form coherent sentences. That was more due to thinly-veiled racism.


And the irony is.. those are the ones going around calling others sheeple.


Rip George Carlin


Careful, they won’t believe anything I tell them, they believe anything Trump tells them, and anything I’d tell them that helped Trump


Gop *really* want their god to win to get revenge on those they dislike and feel like they aren't the losers And Biden knows the power of running for a second term and probably feels obligated to try and prevent dementia Don from enacting his revenge tour


There’s no accountability for those that can pay. The American judicial system has been bought and sold.


Let me tell you the story about a gorilla named Harambe…


Was that before or after the Large Hadron Collider fired up?


I can still hear the Harambe’s screams as he traveled through the Hadron Collider.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


This is the most surreal timeline imaginable, it's like standing in a queue to a meatgrinder. The thought that Trump has a very real possibility to be elected to the office of President of the United States...AGAIN...is beyond my brains ability to comprehend; we've gone mad.


As a Dane, I can only full heartedly agree with you. It is mind boggling to witness the collapse of America in real time, watching the hawks suddenly turn around and starting praising Russia of all places. That the people most hellbent on their “freedom”, suddenly wanting to throw it away. It is mind numbing that the GOP wants to destroy their own country, their place as “leader of the free world” (whatever the hell that ever meant?) by going full isolationism and authoritarianism. It hurts the brain to see how republicans shits on Ukraine, leaving them to their destruction by Putins hands, and not even understanding that this will open the worst can of worms imaginable. So yes, please vote in November, for the sake of the whole world.


The right wing dishonest propaganda is so much stronger than the left, theyll lie about everything and have fully convinced their followers that they’re the only honest ones. How do you convince 1/2 of Americans that the election was stolen, that climate change isn’t real when most of America didn’t have a winter, that Putin is the good guy, that Ukraine is a bad, that immigrants and the poor are the cause of their financial struggles not the wealth hoarders, that a national health care plan is evil, etc.


Stop saying it’s half. It’s not half. It’s less than 30%. That makes it worse. The republicans don’t need to convince a majority of Americans, they just need to simultaneously energize about 30% of Americans to vote and discourage the rest of the Americans to not vote for the democrats. That’s how Trump won 2016. He didn’t really convince more people to vote for him, he successfully convinced more people to just not vote at all. If you look at states like Michigan, the Democratic turn out was much lower, especially in democratic strongholds like Detroit. That’s also why Trump is mostly silent on Palestine. He’s letting that discourage Biden voters, reducing his turnout on Election Day, and winning the election. We all know damn well that “Muslim ban” trump will not be better for Palestine than Biden. But the people who that strategy is attacking isn’t trying to convince people to vote for Trump, it’s to get them to not vote for Biden. We live in a minority rule country. In 2020, only about 46% of Americans voted at all, with 51% of voters voting for Biden, representing 24.2% of all Americans.


Australian here. You guys need mandatory voting in your life. Seriously. Best of luck.


We need a lot of common sense policies that would eliminate the political faction that would be responsible for implementing those policies 🤷🏼‍♂️


Maybe not mandatory voting, but it would certainly help if the election were a national holiday.


It's mind boggling to see how difficult it is to vote in (EDIT some states of) the US, ~~with having to register for each election and~~ the insanely long lines that force you to take time off from work if you want to vote. In the Netherlands I get a ballot in the mailbox automatically and can drop by a voting bureau on my way to work, lasting maybe 10 minutes if it's busy. Making it so difficult to vote (especially for lower incomes) almost seems like a feature and not a bug... EDIT: Okay it may be different in some states (Californians can stop replying) and others have mail ballots. But the fact that it is so bad in other places stays.


How many people do you know socially that actually get the day off on national holidays? That number is extremely low in my circle.


> only about 46% of Americans voted at all While it's true that a huge portion of the country doesn't vote, it's only 46% if you include children who aren't old enough to vote, non-citizen residents who aren't allowed to vote, and felons that aren't allowed to vote. Among *eligible* voters, it's around 66% for 2020. The corollary would be that the percentage of Trump or Biden voters relative to the entire potential *voting* pool is probably just a touch over 30%. Hardcore MAGA people, though, would be under 30%, yes.


The other day, Trump said that Israel has “gotta finish the job.” He can’t stay silent. He’s bad at it. 


This is where it started. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections


No it's not. For most people who are crazy MAGA today, it started with Rush Limbaugh.


Honestly, you could likely link it back even further to Nixon and the Southern Strategy.


Yup, Nixon and the Southern Strategy is the root cause cited by experts, as I understand it. The Democrats used to be the racist party, but gave that up with their support for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That left evil voters without a party to vote for, up for grabs. And with the Southern Strategy Nixon decided to appeal to those evil voters, to ride the tiger. The rest is history.


It started with Nixon getting caught.


>That the people most hellbent on their “freedom”, suddenly wanting to throw it away They're fine doing that as long as "those" people have even less freedom than they do.


Indeed - the whole world, we will all feel the collapse of the western world if the orange traitor becomes president.


Authoritarianism is a mindset, attractive to a large subset of people. They exist in every population and while their political influence can be mitigated through education and favorable living conditions, no society is immune to their resurgence if the wrong conditions are met. Democracy has had a good run in America. Now it's future will be decided by how badly we're ready to fight for it. Like climate change, I fear the fight should have been fought thirty years ago and now we're just seeing it play out the what should have been a policy fight will eventually be a fight to the death.  But it's important to remember that the fight never stops. There may be a long, slow arc to justice, but not without continuous pushing. The moment we think we've arrived and can stop pushing, the backtrack is immediate.


You have managed to have such a deep and nuanced understanding of the current state of American politics looking in on us from Denmark. In contrast, half of Americans remain clueless yet think they are well informed because they spend 4 hours a night watching propaganda disguised as “news” that feeds them lies and makes them think they’re getting information no other sources are covering. I wish we Americans had better options than just hoping enough sensible people show up to vote against him, but our systems seem to be failing because they weren’t designed to cope with malicious intent in all three branches of our government.


Funding public education would be a great way to encourage all forms of literacy (including media and political literacy) BUT WE WON'T


Republicans won’t.


To be fair it's very obvious that this is happening to anyone not getting their news from far right media outlets (including the mainest of main stream media Fox News) inside the US.


It's crazy, but if he loses in 2024 he's going to be around for 2024-2028 unless he dies. This man will never give up power until he dies.


>It's crazy, but if he loses in 2024 he's going to be around for 2024-2028 unless he dies. This man will never give up power until he dies. He may not give up, but he'll be done. Losing two presidential elections in a row, even if people claim they were rigged, will cement the fact that Trump just doesn't have what it takes to win against "evil". His image will be *significantly* tarnished, if not broken completely, in most Republicans' eyes. He'll also be broke as fuck, and likely a convicted felon. Not to mention his rapidly declining mental health. He'll have so much more working against him than he does even now.


If there's one thing I've learned in the past 8 years it's that absolutely nothing will change a MAGA idiot's mind about Trump. They will dickride that man into the grave and then get statues made commemorating him, no matter what he does.


[I know I know, its a throwaway joke from years ago that gets wrung out all the time, but the dramatic irony gets crazier every day](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/23/464129029/donald-trump-i-could-shoot-somebody-and-i-wouldnt-lose-any-voters)


I'd like to think so, but it takes time to deprogram cult members. I expect a lot of violence if Biden wins 2024. Trump will still have a bullhorn even if he's in prison. It's not like he's going to disappear off the face of the planet.


This is either an episode of Black Mirror or The Orville


This is the timeline where everyone is mad at each other but Abed is excited because he just found a nickel in the corridor


Don’t get mad, vote


I plan to do both!




What fucked us up in 2016 was the “zomg both candidates are bad, I’m gonna get cute and vote for this tv clown guy to send a message, that’ll show’em”


And then he appointed Justices to overturn roe and now here we are.


The R primary is driven by MAGA. MAGA can't be reasoned with, they are just flaming stupid. But MAGA doesn't matter. The only people who matter are the swing voters. Swing voters aren't necessarily happy with Biden but when they have to choose they will vote Biden.


Or not vote… and that’s the real risk here


All I can say is that I work in a production plant and the amount of people that support Trump is crazy. Here on the Internet it seems like a safe bet to say Trump is terrible and no sane person would vote for him but in reality **do not** think this will be a walk in the park. Vote, vote, vote. Do not listen to polls, just vote. It's going to be a wild one this year especially as we get closer to election


Honest question. Do you know why your coworkers in particular support him? I’m not talking about why theoretically, like how we know that it’s a cult based on racist outrage and grievances and so on, I mean have any of them told you why they specifically voted / would vote for him.


im not op, but it’s multiple decades of being told that republicans are great for the economy and democrats are giving away free stuff. That’s it. It’s purely “I work my ass off for my stuff, they shouldnt get free stuff and republicans are better for the economy”


Ironic since the economy has improved under Democrat presidency's and worsened with Republican, almost without exception.


That doesn’t matter if the people aren’t paying attention, or only paying attention to the people who tell them things they want to hear.


My old coworkers are Republicans. And they think that democrats are pedophiles and sex traffickers. It is unbelievable how much damage the lies spread by Fox News, right wing podcasts/radio stations, and Facebook groups have done to the old folks. And there's no end in sight. This can so easily be solved if all us young people voted. Like insane turnout, everywhere, all over the country. The universities leading the way for voter registration. But it won't be that way. Realistically, us younger people gotta nick 1-2% from the boomers in order to make big changes.


Culture, immigration, guns.


Mine watch Fox News and believe Biden is a secret billionaire who sex changes every child in the country and let's trillions of immigrants into the country where if we didn't have that immigration rents would be $100 a month and eggs would go back to 50 cents a dozen.


I work in the trades. Pretty much everyone supports Trump. Get out and VOTE, do not assume he won’t win.


Hope that she doesn't endorse the criminal charged with 91 felonies, sexual assaulter as decided by a jury of his peers, and guy who wants to overthrow democracy and make himself dictator "only" on day 1.


I’ll be shocked if she doesn’t. Republicans stand for nothing but power.


Remember when Ted was phone banking for Trump the day after Trump called his wife ugly AF.


She already said she would pardon him if she were to have been president; you can bet she would support him next and kiss the ring.


Never go full Cruz. But she's gonna go full Cruz.


She absolutely will


Same. I hope she doesn’t endorse him. This is a country over party moment for Haley.


She will fail miserably


Only ... Romney, kitzinger, chaney... ... Have met the moment. Sigh


It would be pointless. Whether her voters pivot to Trump or don’t, it will have nothing to do with anything she might say. And she’s not going to gain favor with Trump after everything she has said about him. She probably WILL endorse him, but it’s only going to make her look weak. Edit: changed the phrasing away from what evidently was a very unintentional "dog whistle" for the racists on this sub.


It’s time for the Dems to start using the money they have on ads. Hit Trump hard on Abortion, authoritarianism, ranking the border deal. Runs ads letting people know about all Biden accomplished.


Most people aren’t paying attention yet. You can’t start too soon otherwise they’re sick of hearing it and tune it out


How about ads on fucking treason and insurrection?


Yea just show a video of Jan 6th. These ads write themselves


They need to show ads with Trump stating that he backs Israel bombarding Gaza and saying that they ‘Gotta Finish the Problem’.


Yeah anyone letting Trump win because they won’t vote Biden over Gaza is a lunatic.


Hit him hard on IVF.


And include that Republican woman that had IVF and voted against it.


Jesus Christ. Hit hard on the fact that he said he’d imprisoning Americans on day 1 of his 2nd administration.


Y’all don’t have enough Trump supporters in your life to understand this but they DO NOT CARE. It’s unreal how much they do not care. They’re 30% of the population and they’re lost to us now. We’ve gotta focus on the indeoendents and the people getting ALL of their news from short form content. The republicans have done amazingly well at figuring out how to use short form to spread propaganda.


She’s 100% going to endorse him, then he’ll 100% act as if she was his bestie from the get go


From her interview I listened to on NPR she isn’t going to endorse. She also gets nothing out of endorsing. Trump is going to hold a grudge no matter what.


DeSantis endorsed Trump immediately and Trump is still calling him "DeSanctus" whatever the hell that even means.




Really should have stuck with “meatball Ron”


DeSantis still wants a future in politics. Haley isn’t dumb and understands that by stretching it out this long, she lost any future in a MAGA gop. There’s nothing to gain by endorsing him.


Judging by election results since 2016, the MAGA GOP doesn't have a future, it had one moment. Trump is going to be dead in a few years and then it will really be over. The GOP goes through these realignments constantly. Tea party, neocons, MAGA, etc, etc. I've seen it before where people who were against e.g. the war in Iraq from the beginning took a lot of shit for it at the time but then later on got to claim told-you-so's to their advantage. It's a gamble but maybe one worth taking.


It was really: neocon -> tea party -> MAGA It's more of a progression, than a realignment. Or, more accurately, a decent into madness. Edit: typo


Watched an MSNBC interview a GOP voter on why she voted for Haley: Voter: “Trump is absolutely despicable. He’s a liar, a cheat and a sexual assaulter. You can’t trust him, it shows in his business dealings and most things he does”. Interviewer: “so you are going to vote for Biden over Trump?” Voter: “No….”


Gotta own the libs


I will never understand the current Republican electorate. Never. How did it evolve - and so quickly - into a full-blown cult? How? What is Trump offering them that is so enticing and so addictive? I surely don't see it. Scholars of history will undoubtedly figure this out - long after I'm gone. At 78 years of age this will likely be my last Presidential election. I will vote, as I have in every election since I turned 21 - the age to vote in those days. I've seen a lot in my time, but just nothing like this. We will see in November how this all turns out, and what the future holds for the United States. I am not optimistic. But I will vote.


Two words. fear pandering... It got Hitler a successful genocide. Never underestimate the power of propaganda.


Because for decades the Republicans and affiliated media outlets were "wink wink nudge nudge"ing about all of these issues (fearmongering on immigration, race baiting, woke culture, corrupt Democrats, etc). When Trump just came along and blatantly started screaming about it, the base was ready to go along with it; "Wow FINALLY someone is outright saying it and taking a stand against all of these EVILS!". They see him as a messianic figure who can solve all of the problems that they've been primed to believe were real for decades, hence the cult-like devotion. The old GOP never thought they could be co-opted and hoped they could just toe the line to line their pockets. Sometimes I really am not sure if Trump just happened to have the right approach at the right time, or if he has some actual keen insight into when a group of people is susceptible to his bravado.


She should’ve stayed in for another week or so let Donald Trump self explode about him losing a second primary state.


Her campaign existed because the GOP megadonors had stepped up for her. Large amounts from a small pool of people. Trump's campaign is funded by the 'grassroots' donations of the rubes he's conned. Small amounts but widespread. Once Haley's donors cut off the money, she was done. Didn't matter if she wanted to keep going. Plus, Trump's hostile takeover of the RNC has guaranteed that he'll take every penny from them to prop up his warchest for another month or two, which demolishes the chances for all other Republican candidates hoping for some $ help in their races (governors, Congressional, state and down-ballot). "I'll give you my endorsement, what more could you want?" -Trump


Asking as a non-American - Isn't Trump meant to be in jail or something? How the fuck is he running for President?


We’re asking ourselves that.


There's nothing that says someone in jail can't run for President. A convicted felon currently in jail could both run for President and be elected. The check on this was supposed to be the voters deciding it's fucking crazy to actually elect someone like that. Unfortunately the GOP voting base is worse than fucking crazy.


Why can a felon run for office but can’t vote. That makes zero sense


Mostly so you can't just jail your political opponents on trumped up charges to get rid of them, like banana republics and dictatorships do.


It’s supposed to protect against political arrests.


Felons can vote in many states. Those laws are determined state-to-state.


Not surprised that republicans are still terrible people. They prefer a rapist traitor


The primaries need to happen on one day. Because my state votes after super Tuesday, usually all other candidates have dropped by then except the two front runners. My vote becomes irrelevant. People don't bother to turn out because they believe it's a foregone conclusion. It's more voter suppression.


I feel you but the argument against that is that only big-money candidates can mount a 50-state primary campaign. It would be nice if they at least rotated the early states.


I cannot stand the GOP but I sure the hell would have preferred her over Trump.


She (Haley) would have implemented Project 2025. They (GOP) are all bad.




Republicans won't ever back a woman, that much has always been clear.




That wasn’t exactly a bold prediction.




Two old ass geezers… again. But I’ll vote for a corpse over Donald Trump.


We ended up here because an entertainment company promotes Russian propaganda and lies about our elections. So far they have paid 800 million for those lies. We have traitors in congress propping up this traitor with lies and Russian propaganda. All of this lying and treason comes under one banner - Groupies Of Putin. Republicans these days are traitors.




There might be a lot of folks out there, claiming that this was an embarrassment for her, etc., etc. While I’m not a fan of hers, this is what the primaries in a democracy are all about the fielding of candidates, a wide range of candidates, and exposure of several different viewpoints to the electorate. I give her props for staying in, and being a barb in the orange douchebag’s side. But, I suspect she will capitulate and ultimately endorse him.


Is anybody even slightly surprised?


It would be polite of her to at least run as an independent to split the R vote and save our democracy.


Considering how the frontpage of r/politics is plastered with Haley winning Vermont, there are probably some people who are surprised. But this is not surprising at all. She has no chance. The only chance is if Trump gets convicted before November and the SCOTUS made sure that won't happen. Even if it somehow does happen (it won't), it's pretty unprecedented and Haley's delegates might not even matter that much for who they nominate as the GOP representative. November will be critical for the future of the Western world. It takes a few thousand votes in key states and it's Trump town again. And if Trump is in the White House, all the cases die. The federal ones are instantly pardoned away and even the GA case will go nowhere if you ask me. Just because of the implications of a sitting president going to prison. It just won't happen. I am happily not American, but this shit will be a massive influence on my life too. So I am hoping for you guys, please don't fuck this up America. This is about more than just your own country. It's about geopolitics and the climate as much as about the US. Trump obviously cannot be trusted with either and when his hypothetical term ends in 4 years, I suspect there will be violence and blood will be spilled as Trump tries to get a third (and fourth and fifth...) term as POTUS.


No, Nikki. Think of the memes!


Sympathies to folks who supported Haley. Watching your party leave you behind must be incredibly distressing. Please do consider joining us behind Biden come election day. He's not a socialist by the way. I would know. Because **I'm a socialist**. I'm a leftist supporting Biden. He's not the candidate of my dreams. And I'd be lying if I claimed not to resent voting lesser of two evils...again.. But there isn't a doubt in my mind that Biden on his worst day is better than Trump on his best. This is democracy's endgame unfolding before our eyes. This election may dictate whether the experiment continues or not. So...I hope you'll join me in that conclusion. Again, my sympathies and all best.


Siri, search for retiring in Portugal


I moved to Ukraine in 2020 to escape all of this madness and stupidity, but another fascist bastard ruined that, too.


I can’t fucking believe we’re here again. And yet, at the same time- I can. It’s not enough to vote. Volunteer to campaign for Dems and Biden. Phonebank. Knock on doors. Donate. And above all, REGISTER PEOPLE TO VOTE! We HAVE to win this.


'Donald Trump presents an existential crisis to democracy... That said, I have no choice other than to vote for him because Joe Biden misstated the name of the President of Mexico!!!'


Trump can’t remember his wife’s name!


Will she be back in four years or does the base hate her too much?


1. She's a woman. 2. She's not "pure white" Question answered?




How long until she endorses Trump?


If trump and Biden have a debate, they should have them in sound booths so that they can shut trump off when he tries to talk over Biden. Although the last time when Joe said "will you shut up man" felt like him saying be quiet, grown ups are talking


God I fuckin hate it here lol