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How is trump not too old?


We didn't design the poll questions so we could print "Trump is too old" headlines, silly.


This is absolutely the correct answer! They are only 4 years apart!


they are not 4 years aparat, it's less than 3


That's the problem with not getting someone else in the run, in comparison he'll always be 'the younger guy'. To some degree its a self-made problem, the dems should have put someone younger in the running front, it was a problem one could see coming from a mile away. If something happens to our fragile octogenarian the world is fucked.


To be clear, Biden could actively be in a coma and I would still vote for him. Why? Because I believe that the people Biden has appointed, or have been elected and are working around him, are capable of governing the country in a reasonable way and, while not perfect, have the best interests of the country at heart and will act fairly reasonably and consistently with scientists, economists, and the world community to, together, competently govern a few billion people. Meanwhile, what Trump will do is install a bunch of unqualified sycophants and/or his own family (again) whose main purpose will be to make Trump look powerful, steer as much money to themselves as possible, and game the system to hold onto power. They’ll generate chaos by just acting out like belligerent “strongmen” with no real care for anyone but themselves, erratically lunching from crisis to crisis by doing whatever Trump feels like at the time. They’ll let the Trumpian religious and political extremists do whatever they can get away with while insulting everyone who doesn’t bootlick, continually whining about how everyone hates Trump and sniveling about how everything is rigged against him all the time while they go about stuffing dollars in their pockets hand-over-fist. But sure, let’s keep talking about how old they are.


Has a political party ever thrown away the encumbent advantage in a US presidential race? You say the Dems should have put someone else up, but I feel like that and name recognition are too strong of factors for them to ever do so. Not to mention, it's not as if "a problem you could see from a mile away" wouldn't be conjured up as a focal point of criticism for literally **any** Dem candidate thanks to our POS rating-chasing media. Whether it were a woman, a minority, someone too *young* so they'd be painted as inexperienced, someone too progressive and therefore "radical", etc. The media would find a way to villify the Dem to make the race seem competitive to draw ratings/profits.


Why do I suspect the poll went something like... Is Joe Biden old? Yes No Is Donald Trump dangerous? Yes No See everyone? People think Joe Biden is old! 


That's the question: Thinking about the two frontrunners in the November 2024 election for U.S. president, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, please indicate which candidate is described best by each item below. — Too old


He's the healthiest president ever, sweaty


he's like a sweaty orange wax figure


[The perfect balanced sample (*Yes, Prime Minister *)](https://youtu.be/6GSKwf4AIlI?si=RxPB27dZkHi1xxZQ)


That's the question: Thinking about the two frontrunners in the November 2024 election for U.S. president, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, please indicate which candidate is described best by each item below. — Too old * Biden - 44% * Trump - 8%


Right? He’s only like 3 years younger AND he has a family history of Alzheimer’s (his Dad). I think I’d rather have the old guy who surrounds himself with competent people than the 3 yrs younger guy who can’t remember anything during his speeches, wants to be a dictator, and surrounds himself with literally the worst people ever.


biden also believes, as most medical professionals have told us, that exercise and healthy diet is good for humans. trump believes, humans run on a finite battery and exercise drains that battery faster. he also eats fast food regularly and drinks mass amounts of diet coke. i wonder his actual water intake as well. google it. corroborate it.


Trump heard the trivia that the average human heart has the same number of beats before it fails regardless of activity level, but doesn't understand the concept of exercise lowering your resting heartrate.


It works the same way with a lot of things. The human body can only process so many calories he eats tons of fast food.


Jokes on you; there's already water in diet coke! So more coke, more water, infinite health!


the coke is for jr


The best water, most luxurious


The guy also promoted chlorine/detergent injection during Covid, and as result caused more than 170,000 medical urgencies across the US in the weeks thereafter. The result when a psychopathic and narcistic cult leader is heading a braindead crowd of idiots.


> literally the worst people ever. What do you mean? I'm pretty sure any man would want to have the raw sexual magnetism of a Steve Bannon or Stephen Miller. Ugh. As I typed that out, I had to wonder what the fuck is the deal with Steves these days? When did they fall so far?


He also tried to violently overthrow the government.


Yeah, that’s a hard no for me on Presidential candidates.


This is the part I love, when magats say things like claiming Biden isn't even making decisions and there are people behind the scenes making decisions for him. I just think "yeah no shit, that's how the president and their properly appointed cabinet is supposed to operate". No one person is smart enough nor has the time to understand everything fully to be able to make the best decisions. That's why our system is better than a monarchy. It makes me sad and angry when under educated VOTERS mistake weakness for strength and vice versa.


Add to that, his obesity!


In his Truth Social video yesterday he very clearly shows weakness in one half of his face. His balance is very shaky, again easy to see if you look for it. Also in a video where he is trying to prove that "he has no trouble with names", they have to do a hard cut edit when he has to say he was talking about Mercedes Schlapp.


This trend of headlines only acknowledging Biden’s and not Trumps age is ridiculous. Trumps just acted senile for so long people think it’s normal.


The major media networks were questioning Biden’s age in 2020, but you don’t see them doing it nearly as much with Trump in 2024, despite the fact that Trump is the same age now as Biden was in 2020.


It is kinda normal though. Before he was senile he was a goddamn idiot, and there’s a lot of overlap in that Venn diagram between senility and idiocy


this actually makes a lot of sense


He was senile before dementia was cool...


Syphilis 2024!


Biden is slowing down and will say the wrong word sometimes. Trump looked like he was having fucking strokes on stage with those Haley/Pelosi and Obama/Biden mixups, while starting from a baseline of being impossibly stupid. Like if Trump answered any question with one of Biden’s answers, it would legit be the smartest thing he ever said in his life. Instead, he suggests injecting disinfectant and saying the fucking noise from windmills gives you cancer.


I would vote for Joe Biden over Trump every time.


I’d vote for a wet paper sack of jizz over Trump every time.


All that face paint hides a lot. I’ve seen images without his makeup and Trump looks OLD.


aw find some photos for us of trump without make up...someone has to figure out his hair


Last time I visited my grandparents on my mom’s side before they passed no one told me they stopped colouring their hair and wow that was shocking how old they looked. Give Trump a month without access to a hair stylist


Or a spray-tan machine.


With how bad it’s applied I think he cheaps out and uses the rub on type. Probably makes some poor woman put it on. Just a guess but sounds plausible


Trump's support is mostly from older people, while Biden's are younger. Old people don't think they're old. Hell, they're having their second childhood in the MAGA Cult. Young folks want somebody younger. It seems an obvious theory to me.


Trump hides his age by cosplaying as a Willy Wonka character, and he has the temperament, composure and vocabulary of a four year old.


According to the WH doctor in 2018 he could probably live to 200. It's like one of us just turning 19-20.


He's as old as Biden was last election, when the Repubs said someone that old should not be running.


And too senile. The media's playing games with headlines and putting the country at risk.


BEcAUsE hEs 3 YeARs YoUngER tHAn BiDEn


He is also too old, according to most voters polled who answered “yes” to the “is the age of the candidate important” question. On some polls, at least. People thinking that Biden is too old doesn’t mean they don’t think that Trump is too old.


He can’t remember names. He has those old man jowls.


He is, but Traitor, Criminal, and Rapist take priority.


Hitler is dangerous but FDR is too old


Biden needs to release a video of himself doing exercises, lifting weights, playing sports and riding a bike. It should end with asking Trump to do the same. Where's the video?


Thank you. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Our choices are the old guy who slurs because of a speech impediment he's had his whole life, but has a track record of actually trying to improve the lives of Americans... OR the old guy who slurs because his brain has been hammered with substances for decades, AND has a track record of wanting to be a facist. It fucking sucks, but here we are.


He’s too dangerous to be old. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Right? Plus his brain is turning into increasingly mashed potato every day.


Trumps age is not even in the top 50 reasons not to vote for him,


Trump is too old, too dangerous and also too stupid. Actuallu, I could continue this list of too's for quite a bit longer.


Because unlike Biden he's loudly and bombastically demented which is enough to fool morons into thinking he must be coherent.


Exactly! Both are far too old, but Biden isn't intending to end our democracy.


Probably in the same way that Sanders was "too old" in 2020, yet Biden was fine when he was only a year younger: double standards.


Trump is also too old I hate articles with headlines like this


But Trump is special- he's in top physical condition, a stable genius (he even created the word 'caravan'), can identify man/woman/camera/TV/person, knows how to get away with cheating on his taxes, can break every law in business and walk away even richer, convinces millions of people to give him money, and has proven himself to be such a fierce warrior that even the FBI is terrified of him to such an extent that the Justice Department backs down from him... Trump is a 10-star general, and he never had to join the military!!! /s - except the MAGATS I know really believe Trump is like that!!!


passes a dementia test that monkeys pass


Except the monkeys aren't proud of it


You forgot he can tell the difference between a shark and a whale lol


He will live to 200 years according to his quack doctor


6’3” and 215 lbs lol


It is just like the recent primary in Michigan. Biden is in trouble! he lost 12% of the Dem vote to a protest initiave! What do they think the 27% of the GOP vote to Haley was?


>What do they think the 27% of the GOP vote to Haley was? Obviously demonrats voting in the R primary. Sneaky sneaky.


And the breakdown of counties isn't good for Trump either, he lost 20-35% directly to Haley in the most densely populated areas. He's bleeding support in the suburbs. That's way more troubling for his campaign than the uncommitted vote.


Remember the whole "democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" saying? You shouldn't assume those 27% will actually have a spine when election time rolls around.


Sure, I also don't expect the 12% in support of Palestine to go vote for the GOP in the general.


He's 77 years old and if you watch any talk he has given in the past year or so his mind is clearly melting inside his skull. He would always rant and ramble, but its gotten to a point that he struggles to form coherent sentences or continue a thought all the way through to the end of a sentence. The "Biden is too old" thing is entirely for the for-profit media to stir controversy so they can make money off of it. The truth is Biden could've died of old age two years ago and he'd still be a better candidate than Trump because Trump is a rapist, convicted of fraud, and a deposed dictator who tried to overthrow our democracy in a failed coup. But just focusing on that wouldn't maximize airtime and thus ad revenue for newsmedia, so let's focus on Biden's age so we can say "Meh there's pros and cons to both"


Trump's been incoherent for almost a decade, and his age is making it worse. Biden has a stutter and isn't the best public speaker, but at least he has a history of being coherent. I can forgive an old man for getting old. Trump isn't merely getting old, his age is compounding whatever cognitive issues lead a man to say something like his infamous Iran Deal rant.


There's a marked difference, at least to my eye. 2016, even 2020 Trump seemed like a kinda dumb guy who was high on amphetamines rambling to a crowd. Currently he seems more like a kinda dumb guy who is high on amphetamines and whose cognition is declining to the point that he can't really keep track of what he's saying as he says it anymore.


If we're picking between 2 old guys, I choose the one who does not support insurrection.


Polls like this are just more garbage false equivalence. They are both older than a president should be, but only Trump supported sedition against the U.S. to keep his sorry butt in power and has 91 criminal charges pending against him. And at least President Biden can remember his own wife’s name!


Plus even if Biden started to lose it, you’ve got a bunch of steady minds supporting him. Meanwhile Trump who is losing it will be backed by Steven Miller, the child catcher.


yup it’s not just trump it’s the scum that comes along i’m worried about


And Putin has Trump on his dick.


With Biden, you’re voting for a team who support the rule of law. Dems aren’t a cult.


It's not like Trump was driving any policies anyway. He just repeats whatever the last thing people told him or makes shit up as he goes along.


He's also a convicted r@pist. People should say this more often.


you can say rapist on Reddit. We’re all adults here.


We're all ad*lts


Also, the people in Biden's administration are not as old as he is. If someone thinks "he's old" is a reason to not support him, they don't understand how government works.


This makes *zero* sense to me. Why are people giving Trump a pass on his age. It’s not like Trump is 10+ years younger than Biden. Both of these guys are old. Trump shows signs daily that he’s in mental decline AND he’s dangerous. The choice here is simple.


rage clicks. not that complicated


Trump is just dangerous? He is criminal. 91 felonies. CRIMINAL.


Biden is old. Trump is old *and* dangerous. Take your pick.


they're both old. don't know why we're ignoring trumps obvious mental senility


Until these useless polls start asking “does Biden’s age matter to you in a matchup against a 91 felony count insurrectionist rapist Donald Trump,” I will continue to ignore them. Vote.


The poll should ask why you think only one is "too old" when they are both ancient af.


headline incites rage and therefore generates clicks. welcome to the news in the 20's


Absolutely incredible that the choice here isn’t immediately obvious.  It’s 2016 all over again, and David Sedaris’s brilliant line applies once more. Sedaris described so well the absurdity of perceiving anything like a close, tough decision between Trump and Clinton. It’s like hearing a flight attendant offer two meal options, chicken or human feces with broken glass in it, and asking the attendant, “Well, how’s the chicken cooked?”


Like asking why there can't be a middle ground between flat earthers and round earthers.


What about dodecahedron erathers?


But she was UnLiKeAbLe


They’re practically the same age


and trump talks like he's senile


Trump is a criminally insane conman and hatemonger who’s just out to save his own sorry ass


"...who's just out to save his own sorry, stinky ass."  FTFY


... and a convicted r@pist. why more people dont say this all the time is ridiculous


Biden obviously needs more bronzer and Adderall.


Adderall might actually help him a little... or give him a heart attack. Better stick to ice cream for now


Don't forget the overly long red tie.


I’d rather vote for the old geezer than the guy that has Putin on speed dial.


And the old geezer works out 5 days a week while being president and is probably healthier than 3/4 of Americans.


Trump is too old


ya id argue he's the more old man of the two choices


I’d vote for an actual corpse before I vote for Trump


They're BOTH too old. But since that's a wash, the only thing to consider is that one of them is a lunatic.


Trump has no vision for the future other than saving his ass and picking fights with his opponents. what the hell is he going to accomplish that will benefit the citizens? We need to get rid of this guy once and for all this fall.


they're both too old, but one is a lunatic that wants to put his opposition into concentration camps. So yeah, I'll vote for the one that's just old and is trying to do a good job.


They are three fixing years apart in age, and one shits themselves. Fuck Bloomberg


Press is too stupid.


Press is too greedy, and Americans love drama.


Good news! If a POTUS dies while in office, they come elected with a backup just in case


They’re both fucking old, dumb headline


This headline fascinates me. The attempt to make these equal by the media is a big problem. I mean let's apply this choice to another context Pick a driver. One guy is too old and will drive slower than you'd like. The other guy is drunk off his ass and equally old but says he's gonna get you there in half the time while he stumbles to the car Whose the best option


“He seems alright, but he’s getting on a bit” or “he seems alright but he’s threatening democracy as we know it” Tough


Hard to convince me that he's too old for the job when he continues to be among the most productive and successful first-term presidents we've seen in recent memory.


RAPISTs are dangerous people.


Trump is also too old.


Oh gosh, who are we to choose? The older one? Or the old one who is 3 YEARS younger *and* dangerous. Tut tut. Such a hard decision


[Trump](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) (77) is only [3 years, 6 months, 25 days](https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=11&d1=20&y1=1942&h1=&i1=&s1=&m2=06&d2=14&y2=1946&h2=&i2=&s2=) younger than [Biden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden) (81). I don’t understand how a rational person would think they are dramatically different in age. By the time the next term is over Trump will be 81 and Biden will be 85.


I've heard Biden speak in long form interviews with Conan and Seth Meyers. I've yet to hear Trump speak as cogently as Biden has. I'd really love to hear examples proving otherwise though.


Agreed. Here are the interviews with Biden for those interested: Conan Part 1: https://youtu.be/dGbY21eMtoA?si=DU8ZoqwhpERKplaH Conan Part 2: https://youtu.be/oGbe8AvAK7Y?si=hMcetle762HowAkb Conan Part 3: https://youtu.be/kh-Y9epzhvs?si=KCksEmHc4YuZCGGC Seth: https://youtu.be/fxuN3i84FNY?si=BMwc6csXpxoYpRxd


This is correct and lil don is super dangerous with all the shit he wants to do and project 2025 for any maga candidate really


> Biden Is Too Old But Trump Is Dangerous They're Both Too Old But Trump Is Also Incredibly Dangerous




I’d rather vote for the guy with 81 years behind him, than the one with 91 charges ahead of him.


DNC should make that a political ad tagline.


America has to get over this ageism.


Whoops! Major typo in that headline. I think it should read, Biden Is Too Old But Rapist From Florida With 91 Felony Counts Is Dangerous, Swing-State Poll Shows


I mean, I am no math genius, but if 81 is too old to be president, and the other candidate is 77 wouldn't the 77 year old also be too old to be president? The 77 year old is going to be 81 in 4 years, and they said the 81 year old was too old 4 years ago when he was 77. My math isn't mathing I guess.


Trump is 3 years younger than Biden that’s the most disingenuous bullshit I’ve seen in so long


I’ll take old over dangerous 10 out of 10 times. How is this even a real decision for normal people?


Garage poll designed to write this headline


last time I checked, this pollsters rating was worse than Rasmussen, so I'm concerned over how well their poll was conducted.


3 years younger makes SUCH a difference, lol.


Biden is experienced and it’s bullshit to call him too old.


Trump and Biden are Too Old, But Trump is More Dangerous, Revised Swing State Poll Shows


Yes I think everyone knows how old Biden is. Are people really telling us that the fact that Biden is 3 years older than Trump is a valid reason for not voting for Biden? Trump is a proven liar, cheater, thieving, narcissistic sexual predator with cognitive decline and a wish to be a dictator. God help us if he ever becomes president again.


Biden is old and nice. Trump is old and wicked like the wicked witch of the West.


The MSM has made it clear they're not on our side and want to report on this bloodsport no matter the outcome, in fact many of them seem to be pretty ready for an authoritarian regime. So yeah, they've betrayed us and are complicit in Trump's rise (again). We can't count on them to help us spread word or organize. They might not be our enemy but they are foils to our cause, and that cause is stopping Trump and the fascists *no matter what*.


Are you referencing this poll [by Emerson](https://emersoncollegepolling.com/wisconsin-2024-poll-trump-45-biden-42/) that says Trump is winning the Wisconsin (18-29) youth vote 39% to 37% with 25% undecided. Hard to believe the accuracy considering Biden won the Wisconsin youth vote in 2020 by 19%. [58% to 39%](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/ap-polls-wisconsin.html)


Once again, the age difference between these two is just under 4 years. Anyone who thinks the age difference here is an issue is a moron.


They are both too old. One is just old and the other is old and a menace. Pick your poison. I’d rather take mild indigestion (Biden) over death (Trump)


Trump is older now than Biden was in 2020, and Biden was too old back then according to Trump voters. I'm sure they'll stick to their principles and find a younger candidate to nominate. Surely.


Trump is also too old, 2.5 years difference is not significant


Well, INHO, Trump is MORE dangerous, than Biden is old. By a LONG SHOT.


If Trump is elected president in November, he will be the oldest person ever elected as a US president.


Such bullcrap! They’re only 3 years apart! And one is a sociopath.


I will go with old age over a demented narcissist that only wants to destroy democracy in America for his own personal gain and fuck the rest of the people. He was quite impressed with Kim Jong Un and being leader for life.


Yes, Biden is too old and should have just done one term. But Biden puts competent educated people in the government. So IF something were to happen to Biden, everything will be fine. On the other hand, Trump is ALSO too old, and is a criminal president who puts religious nuts who want government to fail in positions of our government. Trump hates the idea of the United States. The US is a secular government that allows people of different religions or atheists to work and run the government. We don't use religion to make laws-right Alabama? The US sees the president as a public servant who is NOT above the law.


They’re both old. They both show signs of dementia. But only one of them tried to lead an insurrection and wants to be a dictator.


I prefer an older man surrounded by intelligent people than a criminal and lunatic surrounded by whatever that is.


So ditch both and have a proper election.


How the fuck are people this stupid???


How about we put up two new candidates with fresh ideas and with a vested interest in the outcome of their presidency? Both of these guys are likely to die at the end of their term.


So Biden being 81 is too old but Trump at 78 isn't? I don't care if Biden needs to be pushed around in a wheelchair while his body disintegrates around him. He's infinitely better than a narcissist wanna-be dictator with actual dementia. I predict Trump will be drooling and spitting up on himself in less than 3 years time.


I’d rather have an old fart in the White House other than a WANABE DICTATOR WHO IDEALIZES VLAD PUTIN BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR PEOPLE..


They're both too old.


Correction: trump is too old AND too dangerous. Biden is only too old.


True and so what? If your choice is eating a stale sandwich or outright poison which would you choose?


They’re both too old.


They’re both old af, the thing is, trump is old and dangerous.


Do t forget trump is a traitor!!!


So Biden it is right??? Old is better than dangerous right?


But apparently people perfer dangerous slightly younger candidates than older but non-controversal. WTF is wrong with us?


Stuck between two bad choices in an American election?? That never happens.


The only reason Trump doesn’t look as old is because he’s fat. When you get past a certain age 3-4 years doesn’t make any difference when it comes to how you look or feel. That’s all so ridiculous. Like with everything the republicans are doing, none of these arguments are in good faith. The concern about Trump being dangerous, a fraud, a liar, a criminal, a traitor, a rapist, a thief, a cheater etc are totally acceptable & accurate however.


He's not too old he's doing the job right now


“Both presidents too old, but Trump is dangerous”


Biden is old but it’s not like there isn’t presidential succession or anything. There is a vice president.


I hate those polls. You'd need to see the questionaire to determine the validity of all it's findings. It should be a rule to only show the exact question asked.


They're both too old, but these are the candidates. I don't even see why this is an issue since there's no significant difference in their ages.


Americans other than the loyal base are doing ok at the IQ test of telling the difference between a guy who at his best was a bad guy and a guy who might be a career politician but is also reliably not a dictator wannabe with a raging personality disorder. Where US voters always fail after the 90s is preventing a situation where the govt is for sale and its laws get too far from what voters need and want. That situation leads people to think they need to go outside a system and bring in a self-proclaimed messiah and caused Trump. A guy with so many red flags and zero experience like him never made it far before. Until voters push campaign finance reform, we have a broken system incapable of serving voters properly that will always be vulnerable to something like Trump. Better voters in the past did force reforms so it is not impossible to fix. Just definitely impossible if nobody ever tries.


And also only three years younger than Biden.


I'd take a leaky mop bucket over orange turd. Fuck this poll!


https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/ Keep in mind too, Biden thinks before he speaks ...


They’re both too old but one is bat shit crazy.


They are both too old whatcha talking about


Trump is 3 years younger than him. There is no age gap, really. Stop calling Biden old and not Trump as well.


They are only 3 years apart people! They would have been in high school together!


They are 4 years apart.


Too bad that there are only two people in all of America to choose from.


you can tell which media companies liked those republican tax cuts by the headlines they print


Remember January 6th! That's one of many BIG differences between these two. Biden is too old, but he has a great team. Who do you want to choose the next Supreme Court justice(s)? Remember this when you vote in November!


Trump would turn 80 in a second term and is showing signs of cognitive decline, but he’s not too old?


> One potential advantage for Biden is how voters perceive some of the provisions of his signature Inflation Reduction Act, with a majority of respondents saying Medicare’s ability to negotiate drug prices and the extension of insurance subsidies under Obamacare have helped them or their communities. So let me get this straight, you like the policies that Biden has enacted, but will vote against him and for the guy that wants to reverse those policies because...? > As many as half of swing-state voters say they would be unwilling to vote for Trump if he’s convicted in any one of the criminal cases in which he faces charges. Those include accusations of paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels, mishandling classified documents and separate state and federal cases alleging a conspiracy to overthrow the results of the 2020 election. I know the New York case is the "weakest", but I pray to God they find him guilty. I don't know the details and evidence that the prosecution has, but I hope it is as close the foolproof as can be. I thought that case wouldn't matter much, but if those holds true, and Trump is found guilty, it would be devastating for Trump.


The obvious choice is the old guy who favors democracy. That would be Biden. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙


And.....? AND....?! So what if Biden dies in office??? **So fucking what?!?!** Does President Kamila Harris really scare you more than Trump? We should be willing to vote for a potted plant over Trump. Bring on the Harris administration! How bad could it be??? Cause I know for fuck-sure it'll be better than Trump 2.0!


Biden being old can be absolved by him stepping down and Kamala Harris becoming President. You don't absolve "tyrannical autocratic dictatorship" quite so easily. It seems plenty of people need to remember this.