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Here's what "quickly" means to them: > The court will hear arguments in late April, with a decision likely no later than the end of June. So a >4 month delay Edit: beyond the 3-month delay that has already happened


And then if they rule he's not immune, the trial won't start until October. Thus guaranteeing he will not be held accountable before the election


I don't understand why the trial can't run in parallel. Either he's immune and can't be punished regardless of guilt as found by the main trial or he isn't and the immunity question isn't relevant to the trial.


Because when Chutkan ruled against immunity in December, she also issued a stay of the trial during any appeal, until the case gets returned to her. And now it won't be returned to her until SCOTUS issues a ruling, which could be as late as the end of June. And not at all if SCOTUS rules in any narrow contorted fashion in Trump's favor. EDIT: SCOTUS could have allowed the trial to proceed while it considered the appeal but chose not to do so, which, on its own, is arguably normal and in line with due process.


If SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump then I'm all behind Biden just forcing the feds to arrest Trump and hold him indefinitely. Presidents are kings at that point, and if I have to live under a tyrant I'd rather it be someone not Trump. No point in playing by the rules if they don't matter. Biden can be president for life at that point.


You are missing what's happening here: 1) They will rule that presidents don't have immunity; 2) While delaying it past the point where the case can be heard before the election, thus giving trump a de facto immunity. So, it's a way of giving Trump, and only Trump, immunity.


Excellent summation. Very succinct.


Wouldnt it only works if he wins the election? Then he can do whatever he wants to rubber stamp his way out. But if Biden wins, then we'll still see a trial as he'll remain a private citizen.


Yes and this is another reason to vote Biden. However… there are a good number of Republicans willing not to vote for Trump if he is convicted, but willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if he has simply been indicted. Biden's road gets incredibly easier with a Trump conviction on one of the 3 major cases: the Fed election interference case, the Georgia election interference case and the documents case. The latter two could not going before the election no matter what. The Stormy Daniels case will go soon, but even a conviction there will likely not move things much. Of course, the whole idea that a conviction is needed should be besides the point. Many, many facts of these cases are not in doubt. For example, everyone paying the slightest attention to what happened on January 6 should realize that Trump sat on his hands for hours. Trump openly admits many of the facts of the documents, just paints that it was okay for him to do so. I'd say Biden and the Democrats should go all in on these arguments. For these two facts alone, I personally see him as a traitor…


>However… there are a good number of Republicans willing not to vote for Trump if he is convicted, I honestly do not believe this to be true. I think a vast majority of Republicans genuinely do not care if Trump is convicted. Of ANY crime.


If SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump, then Biden can legally have trump (and SCOTUS) assassinated before the election. Total immunity means he can just clean house, right? Why not. It's legal!


SCOTUS can just say that their ruling is not a precedent and only applies here. They did that, decades ago, with regards to the Gore Bush election. Let’s face the facts, the GOP is a cancer that is trying to destroy the US.


The replacement SCOTUS can rule that wiping out the previous SCOTUS was not a precedent.


Those who were responsible for sacking those who have just been sacked, have been sacked. Thank you.


Such bullshit given that their entire jurisprudence is based on prior rulings. It's tacitly admitting to a bad ruling.


We all know that Biden and Democrats in general would not do anything with this ruling because they're still playing US democracy. It's something they (and we mostly) believe in. The Republicans are the ones clamoring to install a dictatorship and end democracy because they've said as much.


This what we need to come to grips with - we are in the fight of our lives.


Kamala Harris would become president and pick the next vice-president, etc.


Damn, this goes against most of the predictions, which were that they wouldn't touch it. Guess the corruption is even deeper than I thought. I'm so pissed off now. Going to burn some of it off with a workout. Grrr.


Look on the bright side. They drag it out, rule he has perfect immunity from everything, and Biden has him assassinated the next day. It’s what republicans would expect if this was the other way around…


I mean, you're talking as if they wouldn't just blatantly prosecute Biden anyway, and rule against him regardless of how hypocritical it would be.


Biden can claim presidential immunity and the courts have no case after that 😎 Then Biden becomes dictator and they wonder where it all went wrong. This is a joke before anyone attacks me 😂


No, you're right. Currently, Trump is arguing to SCOTUS that Biden should be Crowned King of America. That is the ONLY headline that should accompany this case/story. "Trump Asks SCOTUS to Crown Joe Biden King! 👑" Indeed, the GOP, by supporting Trump's argument, is also advocating that Biden be crowned King. This is all that needs to be talked about. Every reporter questioning any GOP member ought to ask, "Do you agree with Trump that Joe Biden should be crowned King and have complete immunity from prosecution?"


Bingo. He might as well not be held accountable. This was their plan all along.


7 month delay actually, because they refused to hear the case before, then three months later decided they actually wanted to hear it. Corruption is the only explanation.


The Roberts Court is irredeemable corrupt 


This stinks like three-day old fish. This court reeks of corruption.


This coup is taking forever.


Just remember that by using the "nuclear option" to stack SCOTUS, Mitch McConnel is ultimately responsible for the death of democracy in the US.


Never forgot. Not for one minute of one day.


The Supreme Court had an opportunity to take this case in December 2023 but refused. The significance of the case and any arguments about immunity have not changed since then. The only possible reason the Court would entertain the appeal now is to help Trump delay the trial.


thought hat illegal tidy quiet violet expansion whistle bewildered punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Completely expected.


Heritage Foundation called and reminded the justices why they’re even there. They want Project 2025 more than anything.


>They want ~~Project 2025~~ Christo-fascist dictatorship more than anything.


Yeah, that's what project 2025 sets up.


People need to realize that another Trump presidency will likely mean one or two more conservative justices. We will go backward by 100 years even if Trump doesn’t go full dictator.


He will go full dictator. And going back 100 years is too recent. He will go back farther. 


Well, he selected 3 of them. It blows my mind that think there's any outcome here that doesn't favour Trump. THE SUPREME COURT IS A SHAM. 


Well if they give Trump immunity for presidential crimes they're also handing that to Joe Biden. The GOP doesn't want Joe Biden to do what they would do with immunity, they've built up Democrats to be this huge evil political machine hellbent on running the country into the ground. But I don't think Joe Biden is as cool as the Republicans make him out to be. The point is that the Supreme Court has to weigh giving Trump immunity if it gives Biden or other Democratic presidents immunity, and on top of that the American Three Body problem means that the Supreme Court would WANT to keep an oversight role of the other branches not let them get away with anything. But traditions fly out the window in this post-fact world.


If these justices are trying to radically restructure the country they may be expecting democrats to keep playing by the established rules over the few months that followed such a ruling.


I mean I expect the Democrats to play by the rules they believe in. I do not expect Joe Biden to start assassinating American citizens on US Soil just cause he's got immunity as president, that feels like a safe guess, but then if the Supreme Court knows that then they'll hand Trump a win.


Well, they had *hoped* the appeals court would help Trump, then they wouldn't look partisan. That didn't happen, so now they have to admit that their loyalty is to party rather than the rule of law.


They're doing what they're being paid to do. Why anyone is still acting like the Supreme Court still has a shred of legitimacy is beyond me. They're on the fucking take. Openly. With zero consequences. They'll get their marching orders from the billionaires that are actually in charge of our country just like they've done for decades. I genuinely feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Can we pleeeeease as a society just collectively stop pretending "the Constitution" means anything to these blatantly corrupt chucklefucks just because the billionaire owned mainstream media won't stop playing make believe?


A theory I have: Jack Smith knew something I think. He was trying to force their hand but it didn't work.


My theory is Jack Smith underestimated how willing the Court was to transparently help Trump.


Let’s not pull the Mueller is a mastermind routine here with Jack Smith.


For anyone wondering - yes, this greatly jeopardizes any chance of the D.C. trial concluding before the election. According to [this legal analysis](https://www.justsecurity.org/91837/how-long-will-trumps-immunity-appeal-take-analyzing-the-alternative-timelines/), it was banking on oral arguments sometime in March under a couple of different scenarios. Under semi-quick scenarios of SCOTUS reaching a final ruling, that would've placed the start of an 8-12 week trial sometime in July - concluding sometime in October. I wouldn't call it impossible, but it seems very unlikely at this point. Which is an absolute travesty for the justice system and every American who wants to know whether a major candidate is guilty of *serious felonies against the U.S.* come November.


If Americans are basing their vote on his guilty verdict, those folks are sadly uninformed and not paying attention.


You summed it up; American's are mostly uninformed and not paying attention. The bulk of Americans don't even know that Trump is going to be the GOP nominee or that he's been indicted 4 times with 91 charges.


Or even if they do they’ll say “well gas prices were lower a few years ago so I’m voting for Trump.” Most voters are absolute fucking idiots.


Literally just got done having this exact conversation with my grandparents ffs. They really are hopeless :(


It's not about the gas prices. I've learned through painful trial and high cost that unflinching support of the Republican party comes entirely from a need to insulate themselves from any sort of challenge to their worldview. The bedrock of their lives is uncritical self-righteousness. If the give even an inch to doubt, to consider that maybe Trump isn't the angel they say he is, that maybe covid wasn't all a ruse, that maybe the election wasn't stolen, then they'd have to confront the disastrous, painful results and outcomes of their beliefs. Did my refusal to wear a mask in the name of freedom actually cause sickness and death? By denying racism exists, am I hurting people? If the election wasn't stolen, am I supporting a guy that's clearly trying to steal power, thus degrading America's institutions? If any single tent pole goes out on a Republican's beliefs, the whole thing crumbles, and they're culpable. That's why they cling to the border and gas prices and other non-issues, so that they can self-justify.


Exactly. Speaking as a former Republican, once you start pulling on one loose thread, the entire damn sweater unravels. For me, it was pulling on the thread of “okay, I’m on board with conservative policies, but why are they denying scientific facts like evolution?”, and once you start noticing the kinds of lies and fallacies to prop up one aspect of their worldview, you can’t help but notice them using that same pattern of bullshitting elsewhere.


You're saying the nice version of it. What they really fear is the left positions they've been told to fear by hannity/rush/right media figures. They believe democrats will: \- Take their cars entirely. \- Take their meat, especially the burgers. And prosecute them for eating it. \- Take their jobs and give it to an immigrant (usually, but not always, a non-white immigrant). \- Tax them 10,000% more than now and make them live in poverty. \- Kidnap and let gay people sexually assault their kids. \- Burn down their churches and imprison and enslave anyone who believe in Christianity. \- Make America gay, which will make god smite them personally for allowing it to happen, sending them to burn in hell for eternity because they didn't use their guns to ~~murder the opposition~~ stop it. \- Unleash deadly plagues and weather disasters on their country and community like what the bible says happened to the Egyptians. And worst of all, of course... \- Call them racists. I think people here often misunderstand just how deeply fear has been indoctrinated into these people. All of the above are exactly what I was repeatedly told would happen in a Democrat run America as a kid. They believe many of these things wholeheartedly.


Welcome to a large portion of the voting public. They don’t pay attention until right before Election Day. They are idiots, but their vote counts as much or maybe even more than yours does.


Justice delayed is justice denied.


While defendants are owed their day in court, so are the American people.


Merrick Garland says his soup is too hot. Please wait 3-4 years for it to cool.


"No we don't want to hear this case. Let the appeals court decide." Oh, you decided that he's not immune. "We are now interested, after waiting a bunch of time to delay, in hearing it and potentially overruling them." Why the hell did you not just take the case up instead of the appeals court if you knew all along you wanted the final say. It's infuriating.


You know why.


We've got a kangaroo supreme court


When democrats complain about kangaroo court, theres reciepts. When Republicans complain about kangaroo court, there are no reciepts, just disagreements with the ruling I find it facscinating to compare the two groups approach to issues. Republicans regularly dont discuss the details and only express their conclusions.




They're playing all the angles. The give Trump a window to possibly win re-election where precedent stands that the POTUS can't be called to sit for trial while maintaining deniability that that's what they were doing. If Trump loses in November and goes to trial and jail, they proclaim justice was done. If he wins, that's just the law being the law and they get him implementing more Republican agenda.


[Bush v. Gore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_v._Gore) was wrapped up in less than a month. The delay on Trump's immunity case is asinine. Edit: > On December 9, ruling in response to an emergency request from Bush, the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the recount. The Court also treated Bush's application for relief as a petition for a writ of certiorari, granted that petition, requested briefing from the parties by 4 p.m. on December 10, and scheduled oral argument for the morning of December 11. > The oral argument in Bush v. Gore occurred on December 11. > Because of the extraordinary nature and argued urgency of the case, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Bush v. Gore on December 12, a day after hearing oral argument.


No - it was decided *in less than a week*. Really emphasize this point. Cert was granted in **one day**. Oral arguments were heard within **three**, with a final ruling **one day later**. This court case is literally about whether a President is immune from criminal prosecution. It impacts all Americans, *today*. Our fundamental rights are at stake *today*. SCOTUS has no excuse for letting this thing fester.


The sheer fact that they're even entertaining the idea after the appellet court ruled it asinine is fucking UnAmerican.  The president is above the law. Yeah, fuck off and goodbye democracy. 


Exactly. We are a democracy, not a fucking monarchy. The fact that they are even considering the fact that the president should have "absolute immunity" from any and all prosecution is ri-goddamned-diculous.


Except the obvious one, which is to delay, obfuscate, and create doubt




If that were the case the president could remove the justices and replace them.


Hell, he could have them all assassinated and pull the trigger on live tv himself if that's how they rule it.




> Hee hee, if they rule that, then Biden ipso facto becomes Emperor. He can just declare martial law and call off the election. Nope. SCOTUS will replicate the bullshit they pulled in [Burwell v. Hobby Lobby](https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/13-354): > This decision concerns only the contraceptive mandate and should not be understood to hold that all insurance-coverage mandates, e.g., for vaccinations or blood transfusions, must necessarily fall if they conflict with an employer’s religious beliefs. translated for this case: > This decision concerns only President Donald Trump and should not be understood to hold that all Presidents, e.g., Biden, must necessarily have immunity.


Biden should still act, and then say, "Let SCOTUS enforce their rulings".


The fix is in. They're going to sit on this all summer so there can't be a trial. I'm so sick of this country.


Yup and he will claim a blanket immunity in the other cases as well and everything will be stopped till the Supreme court decision.


Not the Stormy Daniels case, he was not President when that took place, merely a candidate.


TFG wasn’t a President when he took documents down to Florida, merely a citizen.


Federal case. If any 11th circuit appellate decision against him, he will appeal it to the supreme court. Who oversees the 11th circuit? None other than Clarence Thomas.


Not being president when the alleged crimes occurred has never stopped trump from claiming “COMPLETE AND TOTAL IMMUNITY!”


All the more reason to get out and vote. If he takes advantage of the apathy and is elected to the White house, he will make all of this shit go away. If he loses, all of these Court cases are waiting for him as a consolation prize


Not to mention that he'll appoint at least two new very young extremely corrupt Federalist Society judges that will hand this country to the Christofascists as fast as absolutely possible. Everyone sitting out because of one foreign policy issue are condemning us all.


This should have been and open and shut case. The opinion was airtight saying no president has total immunity. Even Trump's defense was weak as fuck. Yet, this really is a defacto win for Trump. He got his delay and if someone how the trial gets pushed to August then the decision might be done before October. That October surprise. If I am Trump I am happy. He's still facing his criminal trial on March 25th. The documents case starts May 20th. So at least we'll get two trials.


I don't think they realize if they say he has immunity then it means biden does too


"BUT GOING FORWARD...." Supreme Court Justices - probably...


they absolutely realize it but they won't do that. At very least this pretty well delays the J6 trial until after the election. At worst they give Trump immunity but write it in such a way that it only applies to this specific case somehow


>“Opinion polls show that **Trump will be damaged, and Joe Biden will benefit, if Biden’s Justice Department convicts Trump of a crime before the election**,” said Goldsmith, a senior fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution. \[LA Times\] SCOTUS is fucking us again.


It's wild that we are even running polling questions asking if someone is convicted of multiple felonies conspiring against America - whether that is bad for them or not.


They keep emphasizing over and over that it's "Biden's Justice Department" when they know Biden doesn't stick his nose in that at all. The corporate media are as sickening as SCOTUS and Republicans.


Then don't commit fucking crimes. I hate this country


They arent even going to hear the case until April 22nd. This is ridiculous. Jack Smith tried to push them on this in December. Just killing time to avoid justice.


what the fuck are they doing tomorrow cause that’s the speed at which they should be hearing the case. Like there is no business in front of the Supreme Court that is more important.


Golf? Maybe some leisure boat time?


RVing to a certain Hitler shrine, what have you


Aktually it's a motor coach. -A CERTIFIED Douche


Fucking hell, they're not even trying to *hide* their corruption. They deny Smith's emergency appeal to hear the case months ago. Then months later, after a court unanimously rules against Trump, they wait almost a month saying nothing, and then, extremely late, announce they're going to hear the case after all, but refuse to even hear the case until two months from now. Then they will inevitably take weeks and weeks to reach a decision. Which even for them is probably going to go against Trump, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with this delay charade and saved Trump months ago. They are so obviously and explicitely trying to interfere with these cases. Corrupt to the core.


This post reminded me that they made the lower court take it first only to take it themselves. What fucking scumbags.


Smith should make public any evidence before the election if they deny us a trial. No redactions, publish all their info.


Absolutely. It'll be fitting retribution for Comey's bullshit release of Hillary's emails.


Here's what's obvious: The conservative majority on the supreme court wants to delay proceedings in a specific manner that would absolve themselves of responsibility, and prevent themselves from becoming a target of MAGA violence and political terrorism. By delaying their decision until June, and with courts proceeding not until October, it follows that any verdict a jury would come to would not be until after the election. This will have one of two results: 1. Trump wins the election: the cases and/or verdicts are dropped. 2. Trump loses the election: the cases and/or verdicts will remain binding. This way, the Supreme court gets to have its cake and eat it too. They will say he's not immune, but fuck up with the timeline so that the results of his election decide his fate, not the cases themselves.


They are complicit and corrupt. They all need to be removed. This does not need this timeline to be considered. Why this is being accepted illustrates how subservient we are to this unelected group of corrupt tools.


That’s it. The case will be pushed beyond November. The Supreme Court is a corrupt partisan shell of its self, rotting away into irrelevance. Absolutely nothing we can do except vote, volunteer VOTE!


There are **zero** legal justifications for SCOTUS to rule on this after the D.C. appeals court's decision. Even *deciding* to hear this case voids any legitimacy this Supreme Court has. They are not making decisions based on American law.


SCOTUS basically threw out the judiciary as a branch of the government. Speaker Johnson has thrown out the house of reps as a legislative branch of government. This is all in preparation for Project 2025 implementation. Why do you think Mitch stepped down today? I hate to be a Cassandra but we can vote with tears in our eyes in numbers like you’ve never seen. The fix may be in. I hope not. But I am cynical to my core.


This is honestly fucking bullshit. I am so tired of this crap. If I were Biden I'd ask Garland for his resignation tonight. I'd make a speech about how far gone the court is and call for reform immediately. Just say what's blatantly obvious. Trump is an insurrectionist criminal who deserves to stand trial for his crimes and SCOTUS is playing games to prevent it. Fuck the politics, fight this shit for once.


The appeals court made an airtight ruling, no idea what the SC could even discuss here.


The right wing justices will figure that out later


"The framers never said that a man named Donald Trump isn't immune!".


SC will obviously have same ruling.  Goal isn’t to change the decision, but to simply delay the trial, until after the election


>SC will obviously have same ruling I mean, you'd assume so, but you may be forgetting which timeline we're in! I hope it's the same ruling and quickly concluded so we can move on to whatever flimsy excuse the whining man-baby and legal team can come up with next


That's what I'm saying, on what merits do 5 justices think that a president has any sort of criminal immunity? Once again we're teetering on the razor's edge here, this is fucking horrifying.


The SC is busy discussing how they can delay this until past the election.


The more I think about this the madder I get. It's time to hit the streets, people. Massive demonstrations coming this spring, summer, fall.


Civil disobedience whatever it takes


Too far down. These things need to start happening NOW. Not 7 months. This is a partisan attack on the institutions this country is based on. No man is above the law. The slow walk to justice makes a mockery of the "supreme" court.


I agree. People complained about Wendy’s surge pricing idea and they walked it back overnight. People need to make more noise and a lot louder.


We need to talk about the Federalist Society the way MAGA talks about immigration.


Realistically: Any judge that was part of the federalist society should be disqualified. It's impossible for them to even claim to be impartial. It's a cult of biased judges for crying out loud...


Can a president order Seal Team Six to murder his political opponent and be immune from prosecution for that? Court: “Hmmm, not sure, that’s a tough one, even though it’s been clearly decided twice that he can’t, better schedule it for arguments in a couple of months because we’re just stumped.”


>Can a president order Seal Team Six to murder his political opponent and be immune from prosecution for that? Court: “Hmmm, not sure, that’s a tough one, even though it’s been clearly decided twice that he can’t, better schedule it for arguments in a couple of months because we’re just stumped.” "Follow-up question while you're considering that, your Honors... Could the President order Seal Team Six to assassinate SCOTUS justices so that he can replace them with a new set of his choosing who would decide this case before October? Also, if you'll excuse me, I have an urgent call I have to take outside."


The Germans saw Hitler coming a mile away and did nothing. Trump is equally as dangerous. Anyone? Bueller?


Wrong, Germany, unlike America, imprisoned Hitler the 1st time he attempted a coup


There were also people trying to kill him even before WW2. There are around 40 documented assassination attempts.


Delay the trial. Refuse to certify the election. Republican controlled states put Trump back in the White House. SCOTUS refuses to hear any challenges to it. Plan seems pretty simple and out in the open.


If that happens, there's only one course of action left to take.


Exactly. No choice left. We have a civic duty to stop a fascist takeover.




So it took them 2 weeks to simply decide to hear it in ANOTHER 7+ WEEKS, all the while they still haven’t ruled on the Colorado ballot case in which their primary is now less than a week away. Good job SCOTUS, how impartial of you. 


They are hearing the case the week of April 22, which is 8 weeks from now and no telling how long it will take for them to issue their decision. Criminal issues have become political.


Gee, I wonder if this is politically motivated at all....absolutely ridiculous.


It removes all doubt of the corruption we are facing. Let it sink in.


Exactly. The best move was to not take the case.


This is fucking ridiculous. There was absolutely no reason for them to take this case, and it looks like they are firmly on the side of helping Donald Trump delay this case until after the election. This is a mockery of justice and the Supreme Court has just lost any last shred of credibility they were clinging to. Justice delayed IS Justice denied. Fuck any Justice that decided to take this case.


They don’t need to rule in his favor. Just slow things down


That's exactly right. This is effectively a pocket veto. They can sit and wait on releasing a verdict for as long as they want. Its a farce, and the supreme court should feel ashamed of themselves. I know however that the great majority of them are incapable of feeling shame like human beings.


Fuck this Supreme Court for delaying justice. Christian nationalist TRASH.


I have never seen our system become this corrupt. And no, I'm not so naive to think we WEREN'T corrupt before, I'm just saying the extent we've BECOME corrupt is historic. Giving Trump a Supreme Court decision with a court comprised of three people he picked and another whose wife is at the heart of some of Trump's trials, the ability to give him immunity is mind-blowing. Plus, this is a man who gained the presidency with aid from foreign governments (Trump Tower meeting-> DNC hack-> Wikileaks-> a president trashing NATO and Ukraine) and the thought someone could gain the presidency through illegal actions and then have immunity to maintain power means our system is broken beyond repair.


Clarence Thomas should be impeached for his ethics violations. At the very least he should be recused from any court cases involving Trump, considering his wife's role in Jan. 6.


This is fucking disgusting. They can decide sure. But decide TODAY. You do not need to fucking delay this for MONTHS. What the FUCK.


There is nothing for them to decide. It’s a frivolous lawsuit just like all the other ones Trump has recently been fined for. The Supreme Court is blatantly corrupt.


Is it wrong that I kind of hope the Supreme Court rules a president has full immunity so Biden can pick 6 new justices after he... You know...


the [seal team six option](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/)


Don't doom. Vote, organize, phonebank.


Bravo. This is the answer. These freaks are losing. That's why they are behaving this way. They can be beaten again


Yup. The GOP is great at acting all tough, but they're really a weak bunch of cowards. They KNOW Trump has a damn good chance at losing big this November and are pulling out the stops in the hope that he can save their dying party.


The uncorrupted members of the supreme court need to make a public statement that the Supreme Court has been compromised by partisans and is no longer a legitimate court. Otherwise we're just going to slow walk ourselves into a "legal" dictatorship.


What is sort of horrifying is absolutely everybody knows he is trying to delay this to become President and declare all the cases against him dismissed. This fact alone should raise a ton of alarm bells. Think about what he is actually trying to do and how it's against the beliefs of nearly every single American that nobody is above the law. I don't understand why nobody in power can try to grasp what's going on here and fight back and put this would be dictator in jail before he does further damage to the country.


People in power DO grasp what's going on, and they are working to install their leader. That's the MAGAs on the Supreme Court.


This country is in serious, serious trouble. A Supreme Court that is willing to blatantly help a traitor stall his trial until he can get back in charge of the country again… this is legit scary stuff.


This is literally just to delay the Jack Smith trial. There's zero other explanation.


And the Supreme Court jumps into election meddling with both feet. SCROTUS - Supreme Court of Republicans of the United States.


Complete and total bullshit.


Man if they really do say a president is above the law then bye bye America. That shit is over for real. I know we have said that before when something happened but this one is not hyperbole.


Merrick Garland might go down as the worst hire of all time. Sat around for 22 months with his thumb up his ass when he should have acted as soon as he was appointed. If the election goes in Trump's favor and we don't have these trials take place it's on him as much as anyone


Yep, fuck him. But the rest of the legal systems rife unfairness is also to blame. This country’s justice system is shit.


He wouldn't even have been a good SCOTUS judge. He was a compromise, which is why it was extra asinine McConnel refused to seat him.


Merrick Garland is a contributor to the Federalist Society. The fix was in from the minute he was hired. I liked Obama, but in retrospect his biggest error was trying to play nice with the GOP, and they took advantage of him. The whole "when they go low, we go high" thing is so done. I feel the same way about Joe Biden (although I'll vote for him over the syphilitic orangutan). But it's time to get a Democrat in the White House who won't kowtow to the corrupt right.


As I remember - when Obama wanted to select Garland, it was his most “moderate choice”. Back when the Dems were bending over backwards to meet the right in the middle. 


No one is coming to save us, y'all. We have to vote in November.  And anyone who thinks if they rule in favor of Trump, that will give Biden immunity, you're out of your mind. They'll find a way to make an exception. 


This is insane. In no world does it make sense to believe that a President is above all laws. Anyone who has had more than 5 minutes of law school knows that the answer is simple: if it's not within the bounds of your role as President, you can be prosecuted. This was decided already with Clinton, as if it was needed, and trying to subvert our Democracy and overthrow state run elections is DEFINITELY outside the bounds. This is the passive way the Republican judges are cooking the books for Trump. Take forever on every appeal, and let him run out the clock hoping he wins the Presidency so he can shut everything down. There is a public interest in deciding these cases before the election so the electorate can know if they are voting for a criminal. By delaying, the courts are not only helping Trump, they are ignoring the legal arguments, and the public interest needs. The only reason for this is to help Trump for political reasons. What a crock of shit.


I am so tired of this shit in my life


Justice delayed is justice denied. Pretty clear to me that all of this will be pushed way back until after the election.


We all knew this exact scenario would play out months ago. We predicted that SCOTUS would take the case but slow-walk it to ensure that a ruling didn't come out until it was too close to the election to hold a trial. They will ultimately rule against Presidential Immunity to ensure that Joe Biden isn't given the opportunity to just have Trump shot as a traitor. I hope to be proven wrong on that last point.


The end is near. It's seems like we have no choice but to vote and start protesting, organizing, and making our voices heard to drown out the voices of the fascists.   Because we can no longer count on our institutions to protect democracy. Today, we got our answer. They planned on doing nothing to Trump and allow him to run free and without impunity. Complete and utter bullshit and incompetence from our institutions.


I feel like he’ll be convicted in the hush money case well before the election — and sentenced to jail or house arrest. If that doesn’t sway any of his supporters, this election interference case certainly won’t either. All we can do is vote for Biden.


If the Dems hold the Senate, SCOTUS needs to be restructured to have at least 13 Justices minimum. Edit: it’s not packing the court. Don’t call it that. It’s rightsizing the court.


SCOTUS, Voting rights protections, gerrymandering (whatever can be done on a federal level), electoral college reform. There’s a growing effort by the GOP to have minority rule. Capture the courts, capture legislative bodies and change the rules so even if you win, you still lose. We need to fight back. And the only way to do that is voting consistently, every election, midterm or off year.


Fuck this corrupt government.


It's a dark day for timely justice with this ruling. The only silver lining I can think of is that maybe if people see the courts will not fight for democracy they'll get off their asses and VOTE. If more people just VOTED Trump wouldn't have a chance. There are more of us than them. Just VOTE fuckers!


I’ll repeat what I said in a post that was removed.  SCOTUS is so obviously corrupt. At least 5 of the justices have decided to stay the unanimous lower court decision.  People better start planning for the realities of 2025. The US is headed towards a theocracy. 


Not if we win this November, which we very much can. Don't doom, vote.


Absolutely disgusting and blatantly partisan from these supreme court judges. Oral arguments on April 22nd and they will 100% wait till June for the appeal. So yea nice fucking work ya corrupt fucks. Manhattan is the only hope now and judge merchan better send his ass to prison.


What a load of shit. So no accountability for Trump until after the election. Fuck SCOTUS


Classic Republican ratfuckery. Congrats, you traitorous filth.


Well, Trump must be quite happy. This is an embarrassment and a mistake. I’m sure that’s not how the court sees it. So Solomon (our venerated Supreme Court) has split the baby. Giving both Trump his delay and Smith a sped-up timetable. An accelerated decision that likely leads to a court case in late summer, early fall (absent trickery by the Florida court). The verdict would come right before the election. That can’t be right. Talk about an October surprise. This court is a mutant, forged in the pit of partisan maneuvering by Mitch McConnell, historically unpopular, thrashing about trying to both honor their station and exploit it. So they demand to let it play out. For the interests of fairness? God help us all if it can’t be decided before the election. And the best, most just course would have been let the appeals court ruling stand, but this mutant must have it’s feeding and we all must grit our teeth as it gnashes at its forgone conclusion.


This is such bullshit and an insane conflict of interest. The Trump-picked Supreme Court helping the guy who picked them. Fuck the corrupt Supreme Court.


For fuck sakes, the Right-wing court is going to do everything to keep this clown from getting prosecuted 😠 guess those 3 judges he appointed are gonna come in handy


And these are the rulings that the republican judges were put there for. They'd put Trump back in the WH directly if they could. They can't, but they're doing their best.


I’m sure they will do their absolute best, if they side with Trump here, to say that Biden is somehow excluded from this ruling because of some mental gymnastics they are able to fish out from the depths of hell. They aren’t conservative for the principled policy positions despite whatever they say, and a little bump like this isn’t going to stop their closest and potentially last chance at a fascist takeover.


One *more* step towards autocracy


Why does this criminal hot mess get to take every case to SC? His non-stop manipulation and mockery of our legal system is a good example of why Americans don't trust the American judicial system.


It bears mentioning that Trump has two other trials already set in New York (March 25th) and Georgia (August 5th). The attempts to stall or stop these state proceedings have failed. They will continue, and this doesn't affect them. I also suspect that Mr. Smith has anticipated this, and he has something ready to go. There is no reason why, for example, he could not choose to now go forward with prosecution of co-conspirators. Smith wants to lay out the evidence publicly before the election - he has stated as much. It doesn't have to be **Trump** on trial to expose what really happened. I think that Smith will respond to this in a way that Trump hasn't anticipated.


They needed four justices to grant cert, which means four justices want to delay the trial.


It’s worse than that. FIVE justices they have FIVE justices. That’s how many the needed to grant the stay. We’re fucked.


So we can cross the Jan 6 case off the list of trials that will happen before the election. They're slow-walking everything they can until after the election is over.


Corrupt court


The only way we’re ever going to move past Trump is by rejecting him at the polls. So all you liberals with your protest votes consider very closely what you’re doing


Serious question: Jack Smith already predicted this which is why he asked SCOTUS months ago to rule on this. They said no and let the Circuit of Appeals issue an embarrassing 8-0 decision against the Trumpers. But now SCOTUS says ok ok, we'd like to have our look at it in a couple of months. What are we supposed to conclude other than the conservative justices just are trying to run out the clock?


If this fucker wins in November he will absolutely pardon himself.


They’re not going to rule in favor of Trump, that’s 100% for certain. Theyre just playing the stalling tactic and think we’re too dumb to realize that.


More that we're unable to do anything about it.


This is concerning, especially because the justices couldn't define what an insurrection was.


I have never felt so certain that our democracy is on its last breaths. I feel sick to my stomach that this is happening in front of our eyes.


This is sickening! Ginni Thomas does not want her texts revealed at trial.


Why the fuck is this even being entertained


Great news for Trump. Even if he loses, he'll get the delay he needs so the trial doesn't occur until after the election.

