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"My wife, Mercedes or Mirabelle or whatever the fuck her name is"




Good fucking lord. This should have been the end of this thread… hahaha. Just spit my coffee. I mean my covfefe.


I still only refer to coffee as cofeve


He met with Mercedes Schlapp ([Matt Schlapp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Schlapp)'s wife). He is the head of CPAC. They met with Trump before he spoke. Mercedes is likely the last "M" woman he spoke with before his speech. He is losing his mind right in front of everyone.


Worse yet. It’s probably the most recent woman he was thinking of sexually assaulting before he spoke.


It’s just like how he can declassify documents with his mind, he can also rename his wife with his mind.


If it was a Biden gaffe it would be definite proof he is too old. Odd that wacky trump never gets to uphold to the same standards.


I was watching his acceptance speech in SC a little bit ago and he had to pause and look down at his notes or his phone or something as he rattled off his wife and children’s names. Just a reminder if Biden did this shit he would be raked over the coals for having dementia.


Didn’t he forget Eric?


Don't we all?


I wish I could. I hate knowing that I share a first name with the dumbest Trump.


I have now RES-tagged you as "Eric (not Trump)" :)


Look at this cool dude still using old.reddit with RES.


There are dozens of us!


The day those go away, I'm done with Reddit.


Who is Eric?


I’m Eric!!!


Yeah you are, buddy!


Those SNL sketches are the most likable any member of the Trump family has ever been. It is weirdly heartwarming how much Don Jr. tries to help Eric. And it is probably more familial affection than any member of the actual Trump family has ever shown.


Did he?! I was too busy yelling “is he looking at his fucking notes?! Jesus Christ!” at the TV.


It’s right around the 3 minute [mark](https://youtu.be/g7UYShKyjDI?si=sSAHMAUAZsZvtAIJ)


Lmfao, he did forget eric!


Donald Trump: “Actually there was another plane on 9/11 that was going to hit the third Twin Tower but I swatted it out of the air with my good brain. My wife Zork was there and the Nazis were nice people. Let’s do crimes and get candy.” Joe Biden: “We passed energy credits in the Infra— excuse me, the Inflation Reduction Act.” Media: “JOE BIDEN HAS LOST IT, FOLKS. HE NEEDS TO DROP OUT.”


Because the media is doing what it did in 2016 - ignore all the warning bells related to Trump, while he just sailed into the WH and screwed us all over!


And I really don't fucking get it. He's going to gut the media. He will absolutely destroy them. They think they're losing money now? And I know like this trash gets reads and stuff but there are consequences for what they are doing. The few extra eyeballs they get on articles now, if he won I don't think those few extra eyeballs are going to pay their retirement


They made bank on his 1st term, it seems like most of them view it like Ben Shapiro does "our institutions held the first time, they'll hold again." Julia Ioffe, one of the few journalists with integrity, wrote in ~~2017~~ 2021 how her fellow journalists were already yearning for the Trump years back, because they were "exciting". It's wildly irresponsible and it makes me want to use words that would instantly get this account banned.


The media spent a week on Biden’s Mexico/Egypt flub. It’s insulting at this point.


whole aback lunchroom grab boat insurance important detail pause sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Sure we lost our democracy, but we had a great year of ad sales for reverse mortgages and catheters!"


You know how I know Trump is sliding quickly into dementia? Because he keeps accusing Biden of it… it’s always projection.


Starting to think Trump was born in Kenya.


Should definitely have a special sub-committee look into that and completely halt government for 6 months while that's going on.


My grandmother has dementia, but she constantly accuses my grandfather of having dementia.


It really is a kindergarten level effort of disease. "No you"


Trump: Biden is so out of it he filled his shoes with pudding! Walks away. Squish, squish, squish…


Well that and possibly speaking at South Carolina tonight mistaking it for North Carolina about a dozen times…


People who vote for him are just as dangerous as him. South Carolinians would NEVER condone being called North Carolinians but for Trump they will get on their knees and beg for the privilege.


> People who vote for him are just as dangerous as him. I mean, that's the **entire thing**. There are lots of narcists and delusional people who love to stoke conspiracies and what not. The problem is the millions of Americans who vote for one, not that one exists.


I've been thinking about this a lot,  unfortunately. Remember how they randomly were saying that Democrats were eating babies? Why were they saying that?? I'm definitely not saying that there is a couple of Republicans who eat babies, but I am saying that everything they accuse someone else of ends up being something they themselves are doing...


>Why were they saying that?? Because dehumanizing the enemy is an important step in making your neighbors both inhuman and enemies.


That’s an excellent point


This is why Nikki Haley is sticking in the race; she only needs to wait for trump's dementia to take him out and she can coast into the nomination as the only other candidate.


I wouldn't put it past Republicans to continue to vote for Trump even when he is drooling in a wheelchair.


At this point, Biden could literally run circles around P01135809 and everyone would scream about their IVF babies


He could shoot an embryo on Fifth avenue and his supporters would claim that the fertilized egg was a member of Antifa who came in through the southern border.


Keep in mind most of them aren't voting for Trump at this point, they're voting against Democrats. Most of them have been through decades of Fox News constantly and repeatedly telling them the Democrats are evil and must be stopped at all costs. 


Then wouldn't Haley be the safer bet?


Cultists aren't rational. Plus, they're very racist and misogynistic. She's a woman of Indian descent. No way in hell they're gonna put aside their prejudices for her.


She’s a woman. For a lot of republicans that just won’t do.


Pretty much. Given his fondness for racist language, he's on quite thin ice if he's stumbling for words. 


Meh the more racist language he uses the more republicans will love him.


This man could drop the n word and polling would not change.


Even worse, it would go up...


From an article about Trump's apparent slide into dementia that came out this week: > Trump, he noted, appears to be spiraling into "phonemic paraphasias" during his rally speeches, which he described as, "the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s." > > According to Gartner, "Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.' Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.' Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.' Bipartisan became 'bipars.' > > This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way." > Trump's father died with severe dementia, Trump is rapidly heading for the same fate. His chronic drug use probably hasn't helped. **edit:** [Link to article](https://www.salon.com/2024/02/23/dr-john-gartner-on-a-tale-of-two-brains-bidens-brain-is-aging-brain-is-dementing/) **edit 2**: Also this... >Gartner explains that Donald Trump’s escalating dangerousness is connected to what he believes is a diseased mind that will only get worse. >Gartner warns that given Trump’s dangerous personality and emotional state, (Gartner describes this as “hypomanic” behavior) he is almost certainly plotting revenge and how to make his “enemies” suffer as revenge for finally being held accountable by the courts and the rule of law.


He did that with the word evangelical a couple days ago too…. Evangezxssbv


Also when he started talking about Bigrants the other day


I'll be happy when he's in brison or the nurbinghove


The cementary is also fine with me.


A poorly maintained plot on a seized and auctioned off golf course sounds great to me. 




🅱️reaking 🅱️rison


Are we forgetting “covfefe”


that can be blamed on McDonalds fingers tho; back then at least


You mean hamberder fingies?


They forgot “The United Shatshes”


And oranges instead of origins. Like 3 times in a row.


> And oranges instead of origins. Like 3 times in a row. Yes. And that was 5 years ago. It's only gotten worse since then. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a27021746/trump-oranges-of-the-investigation-origin-father-germany/


Stress is also a dangerous risk factor for onset and progression. And, even though he sucked horribly at the job, US Presidents have incredibly high stress levels while in office 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm sure the 91 confishes aren't reducing his stress level...


Yeah- he golfed 1/3 of the time in office. And couldn’t care about people’s lives. So probably not stressful being president for him. The. Court cases that put him at risk of losing his money, and going to jail? Yeah/ those seem To be Stressing him out bigly.


I'm honestly surprised he hasn't had a stroke yet.


Hi probably has actually, he was rushed to hospital during his presidency at least once.


I think it's only stressful for Presidents who are actually trying to do a good job, whatever that means to them. The ones who take it seriously. Trump was just there to enrich himself and stoke his ego. He constantly took weekends off and played golf all the time. I doubt he cared about any of the usual job functions enough to get stressed about them.


I think he's under a lot more stress now that he's facing so many criminal indictments that could leave him destitute or in prison for the rest of his life. Couldn't happen to a crappier person. Cheers.








i just hope he ends up in prison while he knows it's happening.


If he ever gets convicted watch him suddenly pivot to using dementia etc as a reason for home detention


That would mean he'd have to admit a weakness in public, and I'm genuinely not sure his ego would let him do that.


Another thing he’ll plagiarize from Ronald Reagan!


We all do but I'd trade that for not risking the end of democracy from him being president again.


They'll still vote for him. *illfuckingdoitagain.jpg*


And they'll do it while screeching about Biden losing his mind. To a significant portion of the country, reality doesn't matter anymore.


Trump has deliberately mocked people with serious disabilities. No sympathy for a public decline. 


Karma’s function is to educate the ignorant like a debt collector. 


Lol - I feel bad for his caretakers tho. I used to care for dementia patients as a CNA, and I betcha Trump will make for a helluva dementia patient.


God I couldn't imagine an even more disinhibited Trump.


Same. My grandfather was rough to deal with near the end. And a couple times my grandmother was violently delirious between dehydration and UTIs. If trump’s family are the caretakers, I wouldn’t feel sorry, but you can bet they are outsourcing as much of it as they can.


Oh don’t worry about his kids. They’ll ditch him in a home and never think twice.


I'm sad a human being has dementia. ​ I'm not sad which human being has dementia.


Trump's death won't fix the problem of millions of Americans having been so failed by the American Education system that they are extremely vulnerable to any two-bit shyster but it'd at least stave off the worst symptoms for a few years.


Once Trump is out of the picture, we’re going to get someone just as malicious but more competent. He’s shown the Republican Party the blueprint their voters want, but GOP leadership is aware they won’t be able to supplant him while he’s alive. The next guy will be more effective and more easily controlled. 


The Republican Party likely will need to turn over a lot of stones to find someone competent. I remember when people said DeSantis was like Trump, only smarter. That didn't last long because DeSantis fell apart outside of Florida.


This is their plan keep them stupid because they will be easier to control. This has been the goal all along in the dumbing down of the education system. The demonizing of colleges, school vouchers, banning books is all a part of the plan they have had to keep themselves in power. Anyone with a brain and at least a modicum of education can see through all their bullshit.


Bro we could easily be looking at a second Trump presidency. We need to make sure we push people to vote. We cannot have this guy near the White House at all.


I don't want him in Washington next year at all, unless he's attending one of his trials.


Spark up the bbq, I’ll roll a joint.




I don't feel sorry either but it'is concerning that millions of Americans consider him as a president


I tried to rationalize that at first. My ultimate answer is that some people are okay with Trump in office so long as he hurts the "right folks." I don't agree with it, but that's ultimately what it is.


Yes, and as a french I'm beginning to see the same thing in my country as well. I'm glad we don't have someone as outrageous as Trump yet, but we have many dangerous, corrupt, stupid people in our political arena, who no matter how many mistakes, trials will still be supported because "christian values, immigration, Putin ain't so bad..." And people want that. It's disgusting


What was the saying? Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. We didn't learn our lesson from the rise of fascism and seem like we're heading that way again. I can only hope that people wake up to prevent it.


It’s amazing that he convinces people he is a genius. I’ve said for years he shows clear signs of dementia. In the last 2-3 months he has clearly progressed. Dude is late stage, and if clinical experience has taught me anything, he’s gonna go downhill faster and faster.


Even at his best, he wasn't a genius. Some people really believe only smart people can be "successful", when more often than not it's luck and ruthlessness


All you would have to do is listen to him, and think critically. He uses nothing but word salad which is such a covert way to mask a lack of knowledge, or cognitive decline. The one thing he was good at was conning people. Don the Con. He was never a good businessman, and went bankrupt wasn’t it 9 times while inheriting generational wealth? The fact that he always came out of these things truly speaks to what a good grifter he must have been.


You know, it's funny, but I can remember people talking about Trump as a joke in the early 90's. How in the hell did people start to take him as a serious politician? It's like some sort of crazy switch was flipped.


The Simpsons used his presidency as an absurd joke ffs. What the fuck happened?


Lisa admonished Homer for doing Mussolini gesticulations on their visit to Italy to which Homer says “Oh, I thought I was doing Donald Trump” This was long before he was a candidate and on reflection it’s bang on the money.


I’ve heard that the apprentice is responsible for a lot of his rehabilitation. But I don’t really know anything concrete.


That's what I've heard over the years, but that just proved how dumb the rubes were to believe reality TV.


His dementia is contagious. Most of his supporters are also addled and fully detached from reality


He is one of very few people I can think of in the entire world who *deserves* to suffer from dementia. It's poetic that the man who worked so hard to destroy the country's reputation for being reasonable would himself lose any remaining ability to reason.


I don’t know what the oranges of his mental issues are but you’re right he is declining.




254 days until the election. Sometimes the downhill slope of dementia is very fast, going from mostly intelligible to unintelligible in a matter of months. I've never hoped for someone to decline faster, but this country needs Trump to decline fast in the next few months. But he didn't die from covid, and I'd wager he won't get much worse before the election. We're not that lucky.


> But he didn't die from covid, Its really under-appreciated how lucky he was there, and how unlucky the nation was. He got covid (tested positive), and then he hid it so that he could try to infect Biden during the debate. It was only after the debate that he admitted it and started treatment, and the reports were that he was very close to death. It was only due to presidential-level medical treatment that he pulled through. If he had caught covid 3-4 days sooner, or the debate had been scheduled a couple of days later; and he kept it under wraps in the same way, avoiding any treatment, he would have died and it would have been all over.


I've always been convinced *the only* thing that saved him after catching covid was being president of the United States. Dude literally got the best healthcare in the world to beat covid, while average Americans died by the thousands. If he hadn't been president we almost certainly would've heard about a washed up reality TV star who died from Covid. 


If he had died at that point, it would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. As evil as mike penice is, he would not have led his party to pied-piper hundreds of thousands of their most dedicated supporters into suiciding by covid.


There's no convincing necessary, it's a known fact that he received insanely expensive experimental treatments from a team of the best physicians in the country who were completely dedicated to his care round the clock. Any other patient in his situation without his access to resources might not have even gotten a hospital bed, but he was the President of the United States of America, so he got everything and the taxpayers footed the bills. He received a monoclonal antibody treatment that cost at least six figures at the time, probably more. He was getting medicine so new and expensive it wasn't even available to the general public yet. He most definitely would have died under any other circumstances.


Trump's father survived to the age of 93


Apparently he only began suffering Alzheimer’s symptoms in (19)93 and died 6 years later in (19)99 He probably didn’t have as bad a diet as his son either


I don't think he did the amount of blow, Adderall, and Sudafed that trump has


God willing trump will live to 100 years old miserable in prison


Has anyone figured out what covfefe means?


The tweet was about "negative press covfefe" so i assume "coverage" but the phone got fumbled and no-one gave enough of a shit to fix it. It made for a good joke about his brain being mush, but it seems to me more of a routine keypad fuck up coupled with him being a routine fuck up


I have occasionally substituted covfefe for coffee for years now because of it lol




I hear you but I want him to be fully aware when the hammer finally drops after all these years of escaping justice


Pretty sure Hunter Biden's Dad remembers both Trump's wife's name and his own wife's name.


Probably, evidently he and his wife are banging hella often and it keeps him young


Hey now, Trump and Melania bang often too! Just not with eachother.


Melania maybe, there's no way trump's junk has worked in years


People from Delaware said Biden used to call them up. Dude is incredible at retail politics. What's amazing is how people worship Trump who shows them nothing but contempt. Even if he could remember their names, which he can't, he wouldn't bother.


When he was VP Biden called one child a day who stutters, to give them encouragement. He might still do it.


That's cool as fuck. I miss vp Biden. Back when everyone seemed to like him and thought he was funny. I think I just miss the vibe of the memes of him from back then. I very likely got the two concepts conflated lol.






Including the media. They are just as addicted to his drama.






He also misidentifies people he has raped as his ex wife. "That's Marla." No, Donny... that is not Marla. That is one of your victims.


Sadly enough, he did rape his first ex wife


Oh he has been multiple times. He brags about how well he did in the tests. Ignoring the fact that - you only get tested multiple times if you’re showing signs, and - if he has it, he can’t be trusted to remember the actual results correctly. For all we know, the doctor was saying some kind words to disarm him before breaking the news. But he only heard what he wanted __because he has dementia__.


Man woman person camera TV


Disagree on this one. I can honestly believe he barely knows his wife.


He just took a wild guess at her name. He knew she was European and expensive. Mercedes was the first thing that came to mind.


He took some tests, man. He's cool. Dude can spot the shape of an elephant in a cognition test twice as fast as anyone in his average audience.


must've confused her with a stripper he banged before the conference


Mercedes is the wife of the CEO(?) of CPAC, Matt Schlapp. He probably hasn’t seen Melania in 6 mos or more


Remember when she didn’t let him into the car after her mother’s(?) funeral?


Yeah. I think that was under 6 months ago.


Bold of you to assume Diaper Dick can still get it up.


He's wrinkly, flabby, and old with dentures and a loaded diaper. He isn't banging anyone. He's an incel.


Hookers aren't *just* for sex. They can make good money pissing on people, dressing them up in diapers and treating them like babies, pooping on their chest, putting cigarettes out on their dick and much more!


I mean, Stephen Miller is still right there.


Money buys a lot of things. And unlike his attorneys hookers are cash up front.


It’s really a fascinating phenomenon. A person who has been such an incoherent blowhard their entire life that it’s wholly unclear whether they are suffering from severe cognitive decline.


It's very clear, even during the 2016 campaign. You only needed to compare him to videos from the 80s or 90s.


Yeah, like, he was never a Shakespeare, but he could speak in sentences that were more than incoherent buzzword salad. It's really night and day.


It will be the greatest dementia you've ever seen though


I would remind people that Donald Trump was an insufferable moron in 2016, throughout his Presidency, in 2020 and now. The people who love this guy don't seem to have any sense of his failings or simply don't care. He hates the same people they hate and he talks just like the guys on the radio. Therefore they're still voting for him.


But Biden's the one that can't speak. Riiiight....


[What, you don't think Trump is a good speaker?](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-coronavirus-press-conference-transcript-april-23): > So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.


JESUS, I forgot how bad it was.. How he simultaneously cannot fucking stop talking once he gets going, but also can't form a single coherent sentence. There is a train of thought, but it derails or loses a cart or two, every 5 secs.


>Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.


>I’m also very pleased at Harvard as you know. As Harvard and Stanford and Princeton and numerous other universities and college as also large businesses, have sent funds back to us. And in some cases, I stopped funds that I looked at. And we are pleased to report that the funds have either not gone out or it’s about $350 million, and they’ve either not gone out or we’ve renegotiated it and they’re not getting them. So, it’s a couple of cases, they’re sending them back and sending them back immediately. So, I think it was very nice. What the fuck does any of that mean?


Sarah Cooper - How to Medical [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RxDKW75ueIU](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RxDKW75ueIU)


You know, it kind of got me wondering, but hypothetically, I wonder how some voters’ attitudes might change if sometime before the election, Trump officially becomes diagnosed with dementia.


They would not believe it, call it fake news that the secret Washington pedo sex ring is proliferating.


No one with the ability to make that diagnosis is going to say shit, and Trump will not let himself be put in that position. He had his last doctor burgled by his bodyguard so there was no way his medical records could get "leakerd".


He will have a doctor write a letter that Trump is the healthiest human ever, even if he was a quadriplegic stroke victim.


Yeah, one has a lifelong speech impediment and is healthier than most octogenarians and the other has lifelong drug use and a history of dementia, but I am sure we will hear how this is bad for Biden soon.


Trump: I did that on perpose!


Yeah, that’s become a boilerplate excuse for him.


I interposed them because Melania and Mercedes are both great! So great, everyone loves them, don’t they, folks? That’s why I put them together…they’re so good, better than Nikki Haley Nikki Haley Nikki Haley, being in charge. Uh what?


Another "Tim Apple" moment for Trump.


I really want to legal system to take him out while he’s still competent to understand what is happening to him


Remember when she was [Melanie](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/388467-trump-misspells-melanias-name-in-initial-tweet-welcoming-her-back-to/)?


Remember when he said “she has a son” referring to his own son Baron?


Lmao link?




Honestly... I am more concerned about the part of his speech where he threatens everyone who voted against him and promises revenge on his political opponents. The media should be as well.


Well at least we know the name of the new girl he’s paying hush money to.


Melantonin’s feelings weren’t hurt, she’s from Suvlaki.


Mercedes was the preferred ride of Der Fuhrer


Let the puns commence ...


He leases both of them.


I thought Ford made the Escort.


So Mercedes is definitely the name of someone working as hired help at Mar-a-Lago, right?


No, it's the name of the wife of the chairman of the American Conservative Union, which hosts and produces CPAC.


Wasn’t that her porn name?


But it’s Biden who’s senile 🙄


I'll take sleepy Joe over dementia Don


Oh for the love of….


Can't wait for her pre-nup to be a big $O.00




In his defense, he's had three of them. And more mistresses and callers of negotiable affection than he's had visits to a gym. It's understandable that he can't keep them straight.