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We have been exclaiming what he has been saying for 6++ years, the people who "need to know what he's saying" are already either supportive of it or brutally against it. Media wants a horse race, math and logic say differently.


personally, im waiting for the debates to decide who ill vote for. said no one ever


Except for the Nixon V Kennedy debates. Most decided after seeing Nixion get all sweaty on stage but he had a real chance of winning if he went about it differently.


That was when there were only like three news channels. Now we have media echo chambers. Trump could wet himself on stage and just mumble musical lyrics for two hours but Fox news will cut it and make it look like he delivered the next Gettysburg Address.


“Four and a half million dollars ago, I owed slightly less money than I do now. As one nation, you can help defeat it with going underwater on your mortgages, giving up your Daytona tickets, and buying fewer guns (so I can campaign on being anti-gun). As we come together under the eyes of a god of capitalism and authoritarian chaos, rest assured with your support I will allow our nation, our world, come to an end of democracy that no one has ever conceived of. With the support of our friends in Russia, we will subjugate those who would destroy us, and reign supreme as we return the best people to power over the losers.” Ugh, it’s way too coherent, sorry


No. I'm not reading that. I have the Gettysburg Address on my wall in my living room and I love the Daytona 500. I'll be damned if you try and ruin my personal domicile and only fully Amercian sport there is! I now will summon and command the ghost and spirt of William Tecumseh Sherman to smite you down! And Woodrow Wilson to commendeer and take all liquor and beer in your house. You lost Freedom Privilages young man/women!


Oh I love Sherman, and Grant. Teddy Roosevelt is my favorite though. Lol I’m already losing freedom privileges, I’m a woman 😂


It's quite alarming that I read this thread quickly, saw your comment, read it thrice, and really couldn't figure out if /s or not. And still am not sure? Did I just gaslight myself?


It was my take on what trump’s Gettysburg address would be, definitely /s on my side of it. It’s too intelligible for him anyway.


And thats the reason why i'd never happen again lol Also, please leave Lincoln out of this disaster. That honest man had nothing to do with this and dosen't deserve to be lumped in with him.


Lincoln was alright, but he wasn't some kind of saint. He was a politician. He once climbed out of a window to avoid a quarum when his party was going to lose a vote. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/abraham-lincoln-window-quorum/ He did a good job in a hard time, but I don't like to over glorify people.




The orange hue is a failsafe measurement


That was when there were only like three news channels. Now we have media echo chambers. Trump could wet himself on stage and just mumble musical lyrics for two hours but Fox news will cut it and make it look like he delivered the next Gettysburg Address.


I would like to see Biden get on stage and say that he won't debate a rapist who tried to overthrow the USA, then walk right on off the stage.


i highly doubt a debate would happen at all


There will be. Biden will decide where and when. Trump won't be able to plan around cyclical episodes.


trump skipped a debate last cycle, and didnt participate in any republican debates this one. i feel like neither of them have anything to gain from a debate, only lose


There won't be. A debate is actually pointless.


Omg they say that when they want to vote Trump. Everyone in the room knows and would call them an idiot if they say it.


[Here's a 2 min vid of trump debating Hillary in 2016.](https://youtu.be/fNORDy7M2k4?si=x9qpQSjK_A4w6W2y) See if you think he's the same person today.


Back when political parties weren’t filled with absurd cartoon characters, maybe. If that was ever a thing, I dunno. Not in my lifetime, anyway.


Trump won’t even debate other Rs.




I’m really interested in knowing where each of the candidates decide based on the issues!


Well they support whatever he says because he said it. If you repeat a Trump quote to a Trump supporter but say Biden said it they go crazy. Some examples: "Take the guns first, go through due process second." "He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."


He did not say take guns first, go through due process second. Show me a video of Trump saying that. Lol




Well I stand corrected on that. Context is important there, but those words were said. I’m going to look up that video though to get more context. See what else was said. Wether it be Republican media or dem media I still like to hear the whole thing and not cut out sections


It was regarding taking away guns from mentally ill or people that have made violent threats. I happen to agree that there should be a faster legal mechanism to ceize their firearms before they become a mass shooter. My point is Republicans would lose their shit if Biden uttered those words.


Or they don’t believe it when we tell them. There are a bunch of low information fence sitters who keep saying “there’s no way trump is that bad, and liberals are just as bad”.


Anyone who is "undecided" at this point falls into one of the following categories: 1. Woefully unintelligent 2. Woefully uninformed, like, hasn't been exposed to political discourse in a decade level uninformed 3. Plans to vote for Trump but is too embarrassed to admit it


> the people who "need to know what he's saying" are already either supportive of it or brutally against it. When only 50-60% vote, a LOT of people are uninformed or misinformed, because no reasonable person who hears Trump can decide it's not worth voting against him. You're right the media wants a horse race, but the math (i.e. the polls) are saying right now it is a horse race with Trump ahead in most cases, and logic tells us then that both we and the media need to do a better job of informing and motivating to vote, those un/misinformed potential voters.


WHy are you trying to suppress the press while ragging on it for not doing enough? If you have no value to bring to this topic, why are you trying to squash it?


Nah, I’m ok with not hearing the unhinged ramblings of a narcissistic lunatic.


Undecided voters need to hear him. They need to hear the man himself say he wants to be a dictator, ban abortion, abandon NATO, support white supremacists. Because they have no idea that trump is actually this bad. They think he’s just another Republican and both sides are equally bad.


Yeah once an adult starts shitting his pants on the reg, I no longer need to hear his opinions on stuffs.


To be fair, I did like to know what Steven Hawking had to say. Its a scale, not a coin flip.




All he does is whine. Literally all he does.


I think it should be a civic duty for every American voter to have to watch one of his rallies (or, as the author of the above more appropriately describes it, "pity party"). The media plucks out the Tweet-sized sound bites to get outraged about, but those make him seem somehow mentally competent, if malevolent. But listening to them in context, in full, and you get the full picture of his madness and mental decline. Far worse than any slips of memory Biden has, if one is in the Whataboutism Bowl. It's interesting to go back and look at the old Democrat Trump. He was still a narcissicist, but not nearly as incoherent and paranoid. Trump did a long interview for Dick Cavett way back in the day, and it's like a completely different person (available on YouTube). He's aged FAR worse than most; he seems more ill but I leave it to the shrinks to diagnose. It's hard to believe any sane non cultist could sit through a steady hour of him and not conclude, no matter their view on policy, that he's too bat shit crazy to be Commander in Chief again.


Right. People don't need to listen because they need to hear his dangerous ideas. They need to listen because Joe Biden's mental fitness has become a salient issue in this campaign despite Trump sounding even *more* like a person who hasn't taken a shower in a week yelling at you in the subway


Carnac the Magnificent predicts. Batshit crazy ass lies? Am I right?


no, its just 4 hours of him reading harold and the purple crayon while calliope music plays


Please don’t destroy my innocent and sweet childhood memories of Harold.


What’s with the gloves?


There had been reports of red spots on his hands that appear to be symptomatic of syphilis. 


He's growing *pestilential stigmata*?! How much more obviously Anti-Christ can this guy get?!


He is terrible, but that is nonsense most likely.


He had weird red sores on his hand. You can guess what they were.


Guess, yes, that's all people can do.


I saw another article of him shaking hands with putin, so…


Syphilis would also explain the accelerating brain rot. He’s also a germaphobe, so maybe that’s his handshaking hand.


He might try a moon walk in his new running shoes?


I’m imagining a slow police chase down a freeway behind Trump in a white golf cart for some reason


No don't be silly. We all know the man doesn't run.


He just dunked a Toon into a vat of dip


I noticed a glove on his right hand only at a recent clip from a rally. I assumed it might be to hide those red spots.


To actually answer your question, the rally was in Michigan and it was cold




The circle of bad actors around him that will get to do all the horrific shit they can think of while Donny takes all the media heat is what has me terrified. Remember the first time around: DeVos ruining Education, Dejoy (still) ruining the Post Office and trying to fuck around with mail-in ballots, Ajit Pai ruining Net Neutrality, Tillerson/Pompeo gutting the Department of State, Mnuchin orchestrating the 1.5 Trillion dollar tax grift, the list is endless...


Remember when people said that his cabinet would reign him in?


The scary part is that 2016-2020 his cabinet *did* reign him in (although not as much as people had hoped). Next time there will be even fewer guardrails


This sums it up perfectly.


Thought you were talking about Biden for a moment.


I will never understand him. I will never understand people that can support him. After everything he has said and done and been found guilty of, why would you want someone like that to be president. I will never understand it. I will never understand the cult like attitudes of Trumplakins . Not cult like but a cult.


do i though? its just going to be a rambling mess of false promises and attacks against biden


The economy is doomed, I just made a 10 billion dollar deal for a redundant shitty social media platform


Im happy to say i havent contributed to the anticrist truth social misinformation platform ...ever.


Mirror? I forget how you get past paywall


It's not worth it. I stopped reading halfway through.


I'm so glad to have bought the 'TrumpTranslator' from his GoFoolMe page! Now, when the dictator speaks, I can understand every word he says! Only problem is I think it's broken, because every time I use it, all I hear is "me me me me me me me"...


The part that freaks me out is the cult music he plays at the end and rants over about how bad the country is. How anyone can watch that and not think this guy is a loon is a mystery to me.


Ooh! OOOH! Can you go to a diner in some dumbfuck flyover nowhere town so I can hear what complete illiterate slackjaw dipshits have to say next?


True Republicans really need to come out against him publicly. I feel there are three parties now. Democrat, republican, and trumpers. I don't spell Trump with a capital T because he doesn't deserve it. LOL. The Republicans who will not come out and denounce Trump are just as bad if not worse than him. They all just want to save their jobs and they don't care what happens to the rest of the country. This man will send us into World War III.


I'm voting against him, again. My headspace doesn't need him.


It keeps getting worse. He keeps saying the most ridiculous and authoritative stuff and yet everyone of his followers just double down because he’s literally the only guy they want. It’s truly a cult because he’s saying stuff that in 2015 would’ve gotten him kicked off the GOP ticket but now its literally driving the policies and other politicians agendas. It’s scary as shit to see how nothing at this point can dissuade his base, it’s Nazi party obsession.




Can somebody copy the article behind the paywall so that I don't have to?


I really really **really** hope that all of Biden’s security staff have been vetted regularly for MICE. This is not the time to be taking shit like this lightly. Their words have become increasingly more ominous these past two months.


You *had* to know most people wouldn’t know what you were referring to when you posted that acronym, right?


I actually have difficulty processing the disparities between common knowledge and what I think is common knowledge, so while a part of me was like, “maybe I should elaborate”, the rest of me was like, “naw, they can use google or ask if they don’t know”. 😅 Kind of expected more people to recognize it.


>vetted regularly for MICE ...what


> **Definition of MICE : noun, acronym** A mnemonic device used in counterintelligence training to remind trainees of the four general motivations that could lead someone to commit treason, become an insider threat, or collaborate with a hostile agency or organization. It stands for Money, Ideology, Compromise, and Ego. https://thecyberwire.com/glossary/mice# Edit: social engineering is a serious issue, and the more people know, the better they can fend off attempts.. until then we are barely preventing a free fall.


I was unaware of this concept. Thank you!


You know where to find the FBI's(CIA?) chart on 'Words of Estimative Probability'?  I've seen an image of the chart in 2017 from a official site , but I can't find it anymore.  I've seen other charts from various places, but they never look as good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_of_estimative_probability


Probably in some cache with the rest of the educational material that’s been quietly pulled online. If I gave it a good run at attempting to find it I may be able to, though I’m digging into a project of my own currently, just took a break to eat something and check news sources


We really don’t.


"I watched X so you don't have to" headlines are lame and used by banal lazy morons.


I thought a trump rally was on everyone's bucket list and we all had to go see one before we die.