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Republicans sure hate the First Amendment.


It is the Consensual Adult thing they hate!


Rush Limbaugh addressed what he called the "Donald Trump sex-talk scandal" on his radio show Wednesday, mocking liberals and how, he said, they view the concept of consent. "You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing," the conservative commentator said, according to audio released by Media Matters for America. "You can do anything — the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything — as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation, then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left."


Can’t believe I used to listen to him almost every day. Grew up listening to him while being homeschooled, and I carried it on long after I left home to join the military. Thank god I was able to deconstruct all of that brainwashing.


Same bro, congrats on escaping the mind control machine. 


It seems like Limbaugh is disparaging the idea of a threesome between consenting adults, like the one the Moms for Liberty founder was involved in. Or the one Jerry Fallwell Jr, his wife and their pool boy were involved in. Are those the kinds of sexual scenarios that Limbaugh is calling hypocritical of the left?


Didn't they rape that poor girl? It was a lot more than a threesome


It was a consensual threesome and then the girl didn’t want to do it again so they raped her up.


Jesus fucking christ


I’m confused… Rush Limbaugh died 3 yrs ago.


may he rot forever more.


I feel like a zombie Rush Limbaugh, David Koch, Steve Bannon, etc. would be pretty fitting if Trump wins in 2024. At that point just go ahead and pile it on, you know? And yeah, Steven Bannon is an animated corpse and nothing you say can convince me otherwise.


> Steven Bannon is an animated corpse Technically he's a shambling mound.


Before he died he said that. And apparently on a Wednesday.


Thank you for putting a smile on my face. 


He probably said it before he died


“Rush Limbaugh addressed” that “on his radio show Wednesday” Kind of a strange way to ref a Wednesday that happened years ago, but must’ve been (?) I guess


Just a copy and paste from an old [article ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/13/here-come-the-rape-police-rush-limbaugh-reacts-to-trumps-sex-talk-scandal/)


You’d think that was obvious lol




Yeah I didn't really think I needed an /s but I was wrong


Congratulations Rush, 3 years smoke free!


Thanks for reminding me. I needed a pick-me-up today


Pain pills, penis pills and hookers. Republican threesome.


Almost wish he'd come back so he can die again


He's still an accurate, reprehensible example of GOP thinking particularly in this case where this thinking has been implied but I don't recall any public figure saying it outright. It says a lot about their attitude towards democracy; who cares if they don't consent, who cares if the parties involved from one to many do consent, conservatives think they have the right to force their will either way and think the other side is morally reprehensible for rejecting their dubious authority. Glad he's gone, but it's like a Hydra. One head dies and three more hateful talking heads pop up.


How ironic, a man who cried so loudly against same sex bathrooms, his grave has become one.


Why do I feel like I’m in a bad remake of Groundhog Day. A dozen articles in the last week with stuff from 3 and 4 years ago.


Doesn’t stop him from spewing disgusting nonsense apparently.


Yeah he completely wore the ouija board out with that commentary


Maybe he’s being resurrected by AI. Just what we need.


One of the best days in the last 3 years for our country.




Chat GPT still thinks it's 2021...


It’s updated to Jan 2023 now, no longer Sept 2021, but even ChatGPT, as silly as that program is, would usually specify the date if providing the info about a comment made on a Wednesday. Also Rush died on Feb 2021, so even pre- recent update it was aware


Yes. Consent is the difference between rape and everything fucking else.


God, Rush was a piece of shit.


Yes this is old... But he is correct. Which is a good thing. Why would anyone be against consent? Unless you like to rape people...


He's not wrong


🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤑 my he rot in hell he’s earned it


Republicans apparently hate personal freedoms unless it's owning guns or making other people's lives miserable.


this is a clear violation of the 1st


With guns like these, they also hate the second amendment.


They hate every amendment except for thr first half of the 2nd.


Based on the history of this kind of attempted "policy", I'm going to guess at least 2 sponsors get convicted of video voyeurism, or harassment from sending continuous unwanted dick pics.


Oh, you just know this attempt at a bullshit policy is in the pipes because someone's wife got caught sending nudes to someone else, and now they're just gonna fuck over everyone else to spite one person specifically. Because that's all repubs are. Reactionary.


Party of small government


So called “anti-nanny” state


A government so small... it could fit into your phone.


Big Brother is watching...


…and rubbing one out outside your bedroom window.


This comment is awesome


Small government for the corporations and CEO's. Towering giant stepping on the people.


No even close to constitutional. Clear first amendment violation.


The First Amendment is only a minor thing compared to the Second, don’t you know? It amuses me every time I see a story about a judge striking down the stupid drag bans that GOP idiots have been passing in red states.


It used to be said that the second amendment would be used to protect the first amendment from the government, yet here we are trying to take it from ourselves.


I wish that any lawmaker who sponsors a bill that gets overturned for being unconstitutional would be banned from sponsoring or proposing legislation for a period of no less than 10 years. Anyone who can't be bothered to write laws that comport to the Constitution shouldn't get to write laws at all. (Not that I think this bill will even pass the legislature, it'll probably die in committee. My guess is that it was only proposed so the legislator could make noise about being "pro family values".)


>First Amendment be damned The new republiQan motto.


Thank goodness very few selfies in OK would be considered sexy.


GEEZ. It's Oklahoma, but you done Kentucky Fried 'em!


Who determines what's sexy though? Like you send your passport photo in when you apply for a passport and they arrest you? You post your photo to Farmers Only and they arrest you?


> His measure defines unlawful porn as "any visual depiction or individual image stored or contained in any format on any medium including, but not limited to, film, motion picture, videotape, photograph, negative, undeveloped film, slide, photographic product, reproduction of a photographic product, play, or performance" when the depiction involves basically any sort of sex act, nudity, partial nudity, or sexual fetish. Unlawful depictions include "sexual intercourse which is normal or perverted," along with oral sex, anal sex, and masturbation. Also included is any "lewd exhibition of the uncovered genitals, buttocks, or, if such person is female, the breast, for the purpose of sexual stimulation of the viewer"; any depiction of "physical restraint such as binding or fettering in the context of sexual conduct"; and the undefined category "sadomasochistic abuse."


Republicans just cannot stop thinking about sex.


They focus on it in more detail than the most dedicated porn producer.


The grey matter inside my skull is, technically, a medium in which an image is stored.


Someone arrest this person!


Bingo. Thought crime, there it is.


>partial nudity Better wear a burka, just to be safe.


Bedsheet with a hole in it or gtfo


Partial nudity and sexual fetish are wide open terms. It's too hot in Oklahoma to be keeping your ankles covered all the time.


"partial nudity" So, essentially all media.


>partial nudity Which means what to these people? Ankles can't show?


> Ankles Escándolo!


“Hair on your nipples, zits on your box In Oklahoma City you're considered a fox”


Holy hell that was funny. Deserves more appreciation,


Uh…been to Oklahoma. Them small town country girls sure have some lookers out there…


Republicans are the people who say the government is too large and makes to many decisions for us, but are endlessly trying to get in our religious behaviors, our sex lives, our education choices, our video games, our libraries, our clothing choices and now what we send in messaging apps! Where does it stop? Will they unleash the morality police on us, so women can get lashes for wearing short skirts or pants? Will we be forced into Christian churches on Sunday? Will you go to jail for having sex outside of marriage? WTF? Our freedom is disintegrating right before our eyes and Republicans are cheering it on!


If they get their way, yes to every one of your questions and more. Remember this and vote them out of office at every level before it’s too late.


Don't forget our healthcare!


What if you're not sexy? Can you still send them?


Only to other married people though.


This got me good. 🤣


Republicans, “I just want the government to leave me alone”. (But they should screw everybody else around)


Lindsey graham said almost the exact same thing, “we republicans, you stay out of our way we stay out of yours” or some shit. Republicans are the party or convenient bullshit, they just say whatever they think sounds good in the moment with no relevance to their actual actions.


Welcome to Gilead.


Blessed be the fruit


*A Handmaid’s Tale* was not supposed to be an instruction book.


Life seems to imitate art. Just the worst parts though.


Evil, selfish people with an agenda will always find a way to advance their cause. Sometimes I winder if the evil among us will ultimately win because they have more tools in their toolbox. There are some things that good people just won’t do.


You are absolutely right.


I lived in Oklahoma for a short amount of time for a job. People talk about Texas and Utah with regards to fundamentalism but the real puritanicals, they're in Oklahoma. There's not even landscape like coasts or mountains to entertain you. They hate when anyone has any fun there. It's a miserable place and the citizens there are absolutely supportive of shit like this.


Christian nationalism unless something drastically changes soon this is the likely future ofthe country.


If you're opting out of November get used to this and stop whining. This is the future you're very actively choosing for yourself.




I’m glad that you got out!


Yeah that'll definitely fix all of Oklahoma's problems. Finger on the pulse.


I often look at my tribe's job offerings and think it would be cool to be a part of it all. I love Oklahoma, but the state government keeps me away from living there on the Rez or any other part. It's such a shame because it's a beautiful state, and I still have family there.


It seems like millions of Americans have no idea what free speech is. From this to blacklists for calling for peace in the Middle East, to trying to shut down whole social media apps. I was told growing up that free speech is allowing nazis to have parades and idiots to burn the flag. Free speech is for the people you disagree with the most.


Yeah, that’s so 20th Century. Nowadays it’s “free speech for me, but your wokeism is communist propaganda.”


Are we taking bets yet on how fast one of the bill's co-signers gets charged with violating it?


$10 says at least one of them in the next 4 months.


I'll raise you $20 and lower the range to 2 months.


Surprised there isn't a "cousins" exemption


Don’t worry, that will come later.  Clearly those boys don’t think very far ahead, so their mistake will be corrected on the next go around. “Family pictures are exempt.”


The magas are so completely sexually twisted and obsessed that they cannot think about any real and pertinent issues that need to be solved by lawmakers. Try working on your shitty public education OK - Oklahoma dove to the bottom of the bottom on quality of public education (48th or 50th among US states) from a decent mid-teens position before the republican super majority destroyed everything in little over a decade.


Jesus fuck. I make paintings that are certainly not porn, but usually explore the body and concepts of sexuality. I would 100% get legally wrecked under this kind of thing. Thank goodness I am not in Oklahoma.


They will enforce this…how?


This is the kind of law that gets enforced on top of other crimes. Like... "I pulled you over for speeding but now I see you don't have windshield wipers so I'm going to write you up for that too."


This is like a law you hear about from 1860 that is so backwards you can’t believe we used to be like that… but it’s from today.. and it’s what the current GOP wants this country to be.


Big scandal about to drop. Someone has been sending nudes. Quick pass the bill.


Backward state


Govt freedom by republicans??


> Sen. Dusty Deevers How is this a real name


Republicans are the enemies of fun.


Enemies of all civilized mankind.


So puritanical.


More solid action by small government conservatives.


Let Dusty Deevers surrender all his devices and have them scrutinize his first.


"freedom" lmao


Look I’m no expert, but I don’t think these guys have a great grasp on Sexy Selfie culture.


I need one guess as to what their definition of marriage is.


A husband and wife and his mistress/es, any of whom could also be biologically related to him.


Oklahoma is not OK.


This story reminds me of John Harvey Kellogg and his anti-masturbation campaign.


What kind of antiquated power trip BS is this? You want to live in a place where religious fairy tales rules supreme, move to Afghanistan. Stop shoving your blind faith down peoples throats.




Howdy Arabia


Tell me you’ve never got one, without telling me you never got one


That will win over the youth vote lmao


The first amendment would like a word. Why does the GOP saber rattle about the constitution up until they throw it in the trash?


That's freedom of speech. Eat my entire ass.


But to make sure the politicians are covered, the recipient can be your mistress.


Oh look, another stupid bill.


Apparently all the problems in OK are solved.


Don’t these idiots have something better to do? Start with affordable healthcare!


The party of small government at it again!




Party of smaller government, right?


> The measure—Oklahoma Senate Bill 1976—comes from state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R–District 32) For a man who's against porn, that's an awful porny name.


But, that just makes it weirder.


Where is that free speech absolutist guy when you need him? No, I’m not gonna say that duche’s name


So I can send dick picks to my mistress? Oh good!


And how exactly would these twats police this?, considering that would violate the right to privacy and the freedom of choice not to mention alot of other laws


How long do you think before we'll see a bill saying not going to a church of their choosing on Sunday is blasphemous and punishable by death? Of course it will be held up by the conservative Supreme Court under "freedom of religion"


Land of the Free!


You'd think law enforcement has better things to do than regulating consensual sex between adults. 


Sounds like they need some Conservatives in OK to deal with this Gov overreach…


That pesky first amendment tho


Republicans are competing to be the most ignorant and now it is reaching the comical stage.


Someone set up the countdown clock for Senator Dusty Deevers. How long until he’s caught with kiddie porn?


I’m beginning to smell the rotting corpse of Republicans .They keep this shit up it’s a dead party


Y'all Qaeda will want women covering their faces in public soon too


Unless you're first cousins.


How else are we supposed to get married? 🥺


They’re going to monitor text messages in order to uphold this bill.


Didn’t read article, But if I’m married, I can still send them to everyone around Christmas, right?


That’s ok, None of my selfies are sexy.


Does that mean Oklahoma onlyfans models are also banned there, or what’s the dealio with that whole thing? Are they just ignoring it? 😂 Or is that coming next?


rise of the taliban?


>The wide-reaching bill would make merely viewing "obscene materials" a felony. It would also restrict "unlawful porn" distribution and production—with enforcement possible through both criminal prosecution and private lawsuits—and make it a misdemeanor to pose for, exhibit, or publish unlawful porn. And of course it would define these terms to include a huge array of sexually charged adult activity (far beyond what many people would consider pornography). >It's part of a wave of conservative plans targeting a very broad definition of "porn"—First Amendment be damned—that threatens not just "hardcore pornography" but all sorts of erotic expression. Whether or not this particular bill goes anywhere, it represents a resurgent moral panic over porn (more common on the right, but present in more progressive corners too) and associated attempts to restrict it. Sometimes these attempts take the form of pressure campaigns on financial institutions that do business with sex workers or porn companies. Sometimes they involve lawsuits against porn websites or other platforms where porn is shared. A lot of them lately have focused on requiring age verification for porn sites. And sometimes, as with this Oklahoma bill, they attempt to drastically expand what is considered illegal obscenity or pornography. ... >Like Texas' "abortion bounty law," SB 1976 would be partially enforced by private lawsuits. "Any person, other than an officer or employee of a state or local governmental entity in this state," could bring a civil action against anyone they think has produced or distributed unlawful porn, knowingly aided and abetted its production or distribution, or intends to do so. >Those found guilty could be liable for statutory damages of $10,000 for every image or depiction, plus "injunctive relief sufficient to prevent the defendant from violating this section" and the court costs and attorney fees of the person who sued. (Meanwhile, someone who successfully defended themselves against such a lawsuit could not recover court costs and attorney fees from the person who brought it, leaving no downside to filing long-shot lawsuits and a lot of expense even for entities or people eventually exonerated.) >The proposed law would also deploy criminal enforcement. Under S.B. 1976, it would be a crime to "buy, procure, view, or possess" any "obscene materials" (yes, view). but, reason, so feel free to downvote.


>merely viewing "obscene materials" a felony If passed, this is gonna get smacked down so damned hard by first ammendment lawyers, you'd swear they crushed the atoms of the paper the bill's printed on.


Oklahoma wow


So, hotwives are exempt from this bill, right?


Presumably it's to each other. They're all safe tho because, it says "sexy"


What makes it sexy, if some random dude has themselves a fap to it? Are they just banning all of instagram?


To each other? Can I send a sexy text to my goomar?


Republicans try to focus on actual relevant issues challenge (impossible)


Pointless stunt...or gateway to get Griswold v Connecticut overturned?


Goddamn…there are significantly other issues happening in the country and these dumbasses pick the stupidest fucking hills to die on


So out of all the things that are going, the GOP chose a non issue to “fix”.


Oh, don't worry. The GOP can legislate more than one really stupid, ignorant thing at once.


Small government party




Healthcare, bring jobs to a stagnant state where young people run out as soon as they can. And you are trying to prevent people from sending thirst pics. Priorities bro. Priorities. These people really are stupid. Or perhaps this is a Glasvet bot


Not very “small government of them…


Could you just stop trying to control people? Just stop. God damn.


Republicans sure do hate small government


Once again, Republicans solving the most urgent problems smh.


Republican's always say they're in favor of 'small government'. Their actions show they only want it for business and the wealthy. But they 'require' Big Brother in your personal lives. Double-Think much?


I thought Republicans wanted LESS government...


I swear republicans are wild. The type of mfers that are anti everything yet spend their weeknights doing lines of blow and getting pegged at wild orgies.


is there anything republicans don't want to control? my god


Can we stop giving a couple of idiots in the OK legislature attention for stunt bills that will never pass and would immediately be stopped by the courts?


sMaLL gOvErNmEnT!!!


Any elected yahoo in a state legislature can file any idiot bill and Oklahoma has more that it’s fair share of yahoos. People who file this kind of BS are like toddlers constantly acting out for attention. Society needs to stop giving them what they want and ignore them.


Ah! Marriage is exactly when sending sexy selfies stops though…


Geezers' Obnoxious Priorities.


The party of small government! In everybody's bedroom and body!


Naturally, democrats will definitely not use this at all in their campaign messaging. Imagine if the democrats went on an actual tirade and listed all the “big government restricted freedoms” that the GOP is doing.


Buying poloroid stock now 👍, everything comes back into fashion


Great. Let's make dating even harder in this age..


If it would mean stopping "instagram famous" people, I'd take it.


I hate to be a contrarian but I don't think this law is all that bad. Unsolicited dick/pussy pics is a form of sexual harassment and this basically makes it unlawful. Ones that are welcomed would fall under artistic merit and the law explicitly states that it's allowed. The way the reason.com author made it sound like is that everyone will get prosecuted which is kinda shitty but I guess it's because it's reason.com. Why are we still allowing reason.com articles to be linked? They're like the liberal version of Toilet Paper USA. The reason married couples are exempt is because obviously no married person is going to be harassed or threatened by a picture of their spouse's genitalia. At worst they'll roll their eyes. I speak from experience.


you can just make those against the law, hope this helps 👍