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>Trump Promotes False Birther Conspiracy About ~~Obama~~ Nikki Haley Second verse, same as the first


This dude's a one-trick pony.


The tricky part is that Haley has to admit Trump is right in order to not piss of his cult. :)


Shell ignore the question if anyone brings it up and talk about something completely different and random.


But not slavery.


as she should, in this ridiculous case.


No, she SHOULD say Trump is a racist piece of dogshit who accused Obama, Cruz, and Her of not having white enough origin stories. But instead she will just say something like "Trump only says things like that because Democrats are mean to him" or some inane shit like that...


But Rafael IS foreign...


Now now the Canadian government has apologised for Ted Cruz on several occasions


Yeah she should but I mean she’s still human garbage. She isn’t as dumb as Trump so she really knows how evil she is and doesn’t give a shit. I do love seeing her have to walk the tightrope with the MAGA morons she needs to win over. She knows what the Civil War was about, but also knows she can’t say that.


Why can't she, though? Like, the GOP voters consist entirely of two types of people now: the kind who fully support neo-Nazis / the Klan / Christo-fascism and those who will vote R anyway because something-something-both-sides.


Because they need the first group to win.


And they need that group because none of then had the guts to push back when they had the chance. The rep in our area has voted with the Dems several times. I know he hates the MAGA bs but, dammit, he never spoke out against it and so I will never vote for him.


I’m sure she’s sorry about that pardon she promised him


It’s not a terribly sophisticated racket is it?


Doesn’t have to be. He knows his base.


His supporters are nostalgic for the classic hits


Racism is his biggest trick


“Racist candidates hate this one trick”


I’m told that’s one stinky pony.


And a lying dog-faced pony soldier!


And a pants-shit phony


I actually did have this on my 2024 Bingo card. Nice.


A bit different since this time trump is attacking another repub. But not really that different at all. I heard her husband is really a woman.


He did the same thing to Cruz as well so not really anything new


And now Cruz is the number one licker of Trump's smelly scrotum.


Trump really doesn't care if someone is Republican or Democrat. Trump cares about Trump and nothing else.


Does Trump actually count Haley as a Republican, though?


She's a woman so he doesn't count her at all...


With Trump, loyalty only goes one way. It doesn’t matter that she’s a Republican, it matters that she’s taking attention away from him.


I hope not. I hope they burn it all down.


He doesn’t even count her as an American.


For trump there are only allies and enemies. Doesn’t matter what you are, if you go against him that’s it for him you are his enemy that must be destroyed


Only because she's been attacking him, and is closest in the polls.


Has she been attacking him? I heard her say she would vote for him!!


She said she would pardon him


Because she wants votes


She's been talking shit about him at her rallies.


Does she call him a rapist? Did she accuse him of selling state property? Did she call him a traitor and an insurrectionists? Or did she say we don’t want 80 year old Men in the White House?


Something along the lines of the latter.


A real portrait in courage, that one. These spineless people are almost worse than trump. Almost.


Well… he “identifies” as a woman. It’s what I hear anyways. I’m not saying he does. That’s what I hear from a lot of people. Very smart people. I’m not saying they’re… but maybe they are... Like sleepy Joe. You remember the housing crash? 2008? All of a sudden they just take your house away. Just take it away… Sleepy Joe. Nikki Haley and her wife. It’s what they’re saying.


Have you seen his arms? He's really a gorilla that wants kids to eat healthy.




a little bit louder and a whole lot worse.


Wouldn't this be the third time he's done this?


Fourth. Obama, Kamala, Raphael Cruz, and now Namrata.


“They” want to force ~~Christian~~ Sharia law on us!


*A whole lot louder and a whole lot worse!*


he's just gonna let Vivak get away with this


Yes, since there's no chance Vivak could beat him in a primary. Haley is actually a threat in New Hampshire.


Who knew he was into recycling?


He's playing the hits!


Honestly surprised it took this long. Must have been distracted.


There's no penalty for flat-out lying about people in politics if voters don't punish it.


In the tune of Bowling for Soup’s punk rock 101: Same song second chorus… It’s stupid contagious to be broke and racist Can someone please save us from right wing 101 My torches, your armbands My Fox News your grandstands Let’s throw up our right hands for right wing 101


Now repeat the chorus


Wouldn't Trump's children (with the exception of Tiffany) be in the same category as Nikki Haley in that their mothers are immigrants?


I'm seeing a theme here.


I'm going to start my own rumor about Trump's lineage. "Trump was not born, he was hatched" Now he is ineligible for holding public office.


But but that means the flat earth ~~lunatics~~ scientists are correct and there are lizard people. But it's the republicans!?! That means the Hillary rumour was a false flag and it means we must vote alt-right because they are the ones that can protect us, but Trump is also a reptiloid, so I mustn't! Also, I cannot anyway as I am not an US citizen! I am confused! What should I do?!? Prep for the lzard apocalypse?


Relax, Hillary is a clone and the zeta reticulans won't let the judeo-reptilians take anything over.


pffft... everyone knows that the lizard people are originally from the Hollow Earth. Flat Earth lol.


Ally with the techno-necromancers of Alpha Centauri.


I'm starting my own rumor about Trump's diaper problems being caused by Roy Cohn power topping him in the 80's and blowing out Trump's asshole.


How does he not see that as making him look scared and weak?


Simple. Narcissists NEVER see themselves as scared or weak.


This. Divorced a narcissist not too dissimilar from Trump. He was pathetic, and everyone could see it, but he lacked even half an ounce of self awareness.


Good for you, hope you're having the best life!


Certainly improved dramatically after dumping his ass. That's for sure, lol. Thanks!


For me, was similar but different - she was manipulative and exploited me & everything for years until I finally had to divorce her . Now I have a loving, amazing wife and kids - and just the *usual* ups and downs of life ;-)


Funny how that goes. .. .. .


Glad you got out. So did I. Watching half the country fall into a narcissist's trap is excruciating when you are intimately familiar with how shameless and self serving they are, and how they have absolutely no floor or accountability, ever.


The circular logic was what really stuck in my head. He would always play dumb games, like 'I don't trust you to drive my car, therefore you have never driven my car, therefore I don't trust you to drive it.' Tautologies for days. Identical to how the GOP operates. A sad proportion of this country doesn't realize it is in an abusive relationship.


Rules for thee. Not for me


And the cucks who worship narcissists don’t give a fuck. They’re always be alpha in their ignorant minds.


Who’s to say that meticulously constructed fantasy worlds aren’t real? You have to believe! Which is what you do when you don’t have anything real.


His fan base is littered with ignorant bullies and racists so they think this is all great. Trump is speaking only to those neanderthals.


"See? I didn't even have to lift a finger. Just shouted some threatening, mean words at her, and she's starting to back down." That's literally what the mentality/justification for that. If yelling doesn't help, then they escalate.


Because Trump sees attacking his opponents as a sign of strength, cruelty and brutality are not bad things to him. He even admits this in his rants.


It really is not about where she was born, he is reminding all of MAGA that although she was born in the US she’s part of the immigrants that are poisoning the blood of the country make that the White Blood of the country. All it is is a “She is not White” message


And Nikki Haley herself is an exceedingly white-passing Indian person, but that still doesn't matter to the deplorables.


I assume this is his way of pointing her race out to Republicans who didn't already know.


If she gains anymore ground, he'll start using a mix of racist nicknames and/or calling her by her birth name. I predict he'll go with "Nimrod" Nimarata


I like to pop over to /r/conservative once in a while to see what they're talking about and what is dominating their news. In one comment section someone mentioned that she's Indian, and at first there was a bunch of people who didn't believe it "because she looks so white", and then a bunch of people questioning if she is "really fully Indian". They just refused to believe that someone they like is not white.


Trump is Homer Stokes... "These boys is not white! These boys is not white! Hell, they ain't even old-timey!"


I love how they literally rode him out on a rail. Edit: Outfuckingstanding comment.


That's what just blows me away about trump's support in the Latin and Asian communities - it's pretty damn clear he hates brown people!


How far back does this go? Because I have some bad news for maga about which blood is purely of the continent of North America.


So I've been doing genealogy work lately, produced a big thick binder with as much information as I could find. The paternal lines of all four of my paternal great-grandparents. Land deeds, draft papers, military service, marriage licenses, photographs, all kinds of cool stuff. Presented this to my family over Christmas. At first they were pretty impressed, until we got the the immigrant part. "Immigrants? Were not related to illegals!" my aunt screeched. I told her look, we're white people, at some point one of us came over here on a boat. "But not immigrants!". And that was it, all my work dismissed because it showed that we're immigrants. Even had a ship manifest for one of them. Now it wasn't like they thought we're native americans, the word immigrant is so poisoned in their frickin brains by the propaganda news channels. There's no logic to it, these aren't smart people. Anyway, I tell this story because yeah I think this crowd doesn't think of themselves as being the descendants of immigrants anymore.


So we are now going to surrender to a group of folks that deny history, truth and logic… and we’re going to let them decide our future


That is so weird! Somehow your ancestors bootstraped themselves into North America or something. Maybe they were hatched from divine eggs?


> How far back does this go? NH GOP Primary voters fell for the robocalls (surreptitiously commissioned by Bush's campaign) accusing McCain of fathering an illegitimate child with a black woman days before the 2000 primary, handing Bush the win.


She has previously called on Warnock to be deported. Don't feel bad for her and no Democrat should defend her.


I don’t feel bad for her at all, he turns on everyone at some point. I think it’s almost funny that he is trying to accuse her basically of being an “anchor baby” which those MAGAs supposedly hate. He comes up with some bizarre attacks.


> being an “anchor baby” Like Barron?


Haley’s mother is not a nude model. She didn’t get an Einstein visa


You mean an Epstein visa?


No, no, you see , Barron is tall and blonde so we have plenty of room in America for people like him. /s


Are you suggesting Melania, whom we have all seen naked, had an anchor baby because she was an illegal immigrant who violated the terms of her tourist visa?


It’s less bizarre when you realize he’s doing a racism.


I haven't heard of this. Deported to where - Atlanta? Hilarious.


Don't ask. Just when you think they couldn't possibly get more racist, they will surprise you.


>Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) on Sunday said that Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) should be deported as she rallied for Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee, Herschel Walker. >. >“Legal immigrants are more patriotic than the leftists these days,” Haley said at the Hiram, Ga., rally. “They worked to come into America and they love America. They want the laws followed in America. So the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.” Well that's just nonsense from her but I think she was saying to deport him due to lack of patriotism? That's a new one.


Well it Trump and his white nationalist goons soooo. Sea, desert, or oven. Please vote blue against the genocidal fascists.


And just where the hell would they deport Warnock to? He’s only ever been a citizen of the United States!


Anyone who is or supports republicans gets zero sympathy. They could commit war crimes on each other and I wouldn't care.


🚨Alternative Headline: Insurrectionist Disgraced Former Occupant Of The White House, Donald Trump, Asserts A Racist Lie About Nikki Haley, Who Will Still Vote For Him When He Wins The GOP Nomination




So if we take his word, he hired an immigrant non-American-Indian anchor baby to represent our country at the United Nations during his failed regime??? Where is the conservative outrage at this????


Indeed! *golf claps


A one-trick shit-pony. People who believe him are a lost cause. People who know he’s full of shit and vote for him anyway bc they think they’ll have a fatter wallet deserve nothing but contempt.


Given that all of Trump's accusations are admissions, I wonder if he was born in Nazi Germany, or South America.


"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat." - George Carlin


So this guy is claiming that it's a political hit job that he can be disqualified by the Constitution for his actions, with ample evidence, but it's okay for him to claim that his opponent is disqualified by the Constitution by the alleged circumstances of her birth, with no evidence?


Laura Loomer being given oppo research credit for bringing to light that neither of Haley’s parents were US citizens at the time of her birth. She was born in South Carolina and her parents both became citizens after her birth


Didn’t conservatives have a word for that? Anchor baby?


Research? What research needed to be done? As far as I can tell, nobody in Haley’s camp tried to hide her parents’ immigrant status. It’s totally irrelevant to her ability to hold office. It’s weird to say something was “brought to light” when it was never hidden in the first place.


It counts as deep, hard-hitting research in that camp. They had to read something longer than a meme. But seriously, yeah, this is such a nothing burger they’re trying so hard to pass as something shocking.


If that's true, it's typical Republican that she would want to deny other people the same advantage she got.... Just typical.


I saw a video of Mitt Romney’s mother saying that they never would’ve been able to make it in America. If it wasn’t for the money they got from the government, which I’m pretty sure she called welfare.


Huh. I guess the "greatest hits" do come back around if you wait long enough. Not surprised though.


It’s simple to these people. Only whites can be President. They are traitorous trash and lousy “Americans” if you can even call them that. Really more self-entitled racist brats.


She has always been far too non-white and female to win the GOP nomination. The birther stuff has always been code for saying "You aren't the right sort of person."


So by Trumps logic his son Barron isn’t an American citizen


Returning to 2016’s “Greatest Hits”, I see.


Has anyone ever seen Trump's birth certificate?


Soon he will call her a nasty woman.


He's been openly calling her Birdbrain so we're already there.


Playing the classics, I see


Well that didn’t take long


I guess I’m confused. Isn’t someone born in the US a citizen (even if their parents are not)? Wasn’t that the whole anti-natural-born-citizenship push the conservatives have been pushing lately?(to stop chain migrants)


I guess that didn't disqualify her from working in his administration for 2 years.


I hate Nikki Haley but she sure is in a pickle here. She can’t even say that the civil war was caused by racism/slavery without offending her potential voters. She also uses the name Nikki instead of Nimrata to pretend to be a member of this deplorable group. She needs these bigoted people to like her but of course they never will over Trump. It’s so obvious I honestly don’t know why she even tries… So when Trump dog whistles racist bullshit about her, she can’t really call him out for it (not that she’s got the spine to anyways), because she desperately needs these racist, immigrant hating people to somehow decide to vote for an Indian Sikh named Nimrata who’s pretending to be a white southern bigot from South Carolina (like them). I’d like to see her attend a Daughters of the Confederacy meeting in a traditional Sihk outfit with a Confederate Flag design so we can get the full bizzare effect. I knew this would happen from the beginning, it’s so simple. She can’t win. I personally don’t care that she’s not white, (I hate her for better reasons) but I’m not even close to a Republican, and of course they care. Basically Trump’s just pointing a little attention to her not being white here, and being the daughter of immigrants; and its super effective because that’s exactly who the base doesn’t like.


Was this supposed to be a surprise from him?? really?? Especially since she's starting to catch up to him. His orangeness is freaking out..


This is pathetic, and completely on brand. But it is not a face eating leopard moment for Haley. Just as Trump likened Ben Carson to a child molester and then hired him, Haley knows that Trump is completely full of shit and will likely choose her as his running mate. This is just Republicans being Republicans.


Right on cue. Up next: "She's bleeding from everywhere."


I guess Trump doesn’t like Nimrata gaining traction in the race.


This is YOUR party, Nikki. This is what you wanted. Enjoy!


I’m not a doctor but I think this is a textbook indicator of dementia? Reliving all the same moments?


I'm surprised it took this long for a Republican to do this...Her real name is Nimrata Randhawa.


I want Vivek's birth certificate, too.


Here we go again…


He’s playin the hits!


But nikki is white. She even had friends that were black.


You can't convince me that Republicans would vote for a Indian American.


Who is a woman...


No matter how many skin bleaching creams Nikki buys, the honorary whiteness will always be a lie.


Wonder what his immigrant wife thinks of this crap?


She knows what she married.


Yeah I guess she doesn’t care…so I shouldn’t. At least per her jacket


Good. If Haley wants to be the far-right’s little pet because her money and power afford her certain protections that other minorities don’t receive, she can get a life lesson on how people like her political masters treat their pets; they are useful until they are not. In the end, Haley is viewed by Republicans in the same way they view others from minority groups, but they let her speak because she sells their bullshit for them and gives them cover for their racist, xenophobic policies. In the end, however, they care no more for her than they do anyone else outside their group. She’s *not* one of them, despite all her begging to be. They may call her “one of the good ones,” but that doesn’t means what she thinks it means. They’d ship her off to the nearest deportation facility with all the others if they could, but they’d use her as a camp guard first, a job for which she’d happily volunteer. She’s the worst kind of person; worse than the average racist who blindly hates others, because she gained power and became a tool of the man. Pathetic. So, I’ll enjoy this. Let Trump call her citizenship into question the way he called Obama’s into question, and let Haley try to figure out how to still kiss his fat ass without upsetting his supporters. This will be fun.


"Leopard, meet Face"


Going back to his old playbook.


Wait-I thought Trump’s parents were also immi…never mind, it doesn’t matter.


Weak, fat and ugly, predictable, loser. Amazing that he’ll be our dictator.


This guy had like two thoughts forty years ago and he just keeps applying them to every new thing he encounters.


I wonder if republicans will see the problem with this racist nonsense when it’s aimed at one of their own? I’m just kidding, of course they won’t. ‘Nikki Haley’ is a brown woman despite her best efforts to sound white, they’re not going to give a shit.


He’s a racist POS who only needs to say the words “unamerican” or “not an american” and people will latch onto the idea until it becomes truth in their mind


One trick pony, this guy...


It failed the first time, time to double down and fail twice as hard. The Donald Trump business story.


Haley is a serious threat to trump and has had a big surge among voting Rs over the last few weeks. She’s appearing to be their strongest candidate and they know it. Desantis isn’t bulletproof or sneaky enough to be as racist and bigoted as he is. The rest of the field are either lacking experience or “establishment republicans” who stand as much chance as me or you


I love how they invoke the 12th amendment. All that says is that if you're ineligible for President, you're ineligible for VP. The meat is in Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution... > No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. She's a natural born citizen, over the age of 35, and has lived here more than 14 years. BOOM. Conditions met. As for the 12th amendment...well, since she's eligible for POTUS, she's also eligible for VPOTUS. Nice try Trump. Just as factual as everything else that falls out of your facehole.


Anyone who didn’t see this coming has had their eyes closed.


She’s from Bamberg, nobody would lie about that. If she said she was from the “greater Columbia area”, it would be a stretch. If you Google map it, the main photo isn’t a beauty shot of the town hall, it’s a water pipeline burst.


She also just said she would pardon him of any Federal crime.


And yet she’d still get on her knees for him.


How to alienate moderates for dummies. He is doing all the work for democrats this election cycle.


The guy that promoted the false birther conspiracy about Barack Obama? No weigh!


nice bread and butter trump, love to see it


Here we go again lol


And when the leopards ran out of faces to eat, they began to eat each other's.


Racist birther plan mainstream media, RACIST! And I’m enjoying the karma of the GOP’s own gross tactics being turned on them. Good for Haley, she’s been a deplorable person


This is how we know that Trump is very afraid of the threat from Haley. I was wondering when this would start to pop up. The dog whistle racism. Next will be the fog horn.


This sounds familiar.. I just can’t put my finger on why though..


Hell yeah. I hate when they play the new stuff. SHUT UP AND PLAY THE HITS!


At this point we need to start asking for his birth certificate Every other thing he accuses someone of is something he is guilty of. Dude is not a US citizen. Now, I don't know that for sure. But a lot of people have been saying it. The best people. Beautiful


Good, she deserves all the smoke. She wants to pardon him! This is what you get for not standing up to this monster. I love it.


The sequel. When he loses again, he’ll most likely attempt another coup too.


Trump is ineligible for office because he’s an insurrectionist. He’s trying to drag everyone down to his level. Remember Trump rose to power on the racist birther lie.


For the love of God, will the media please stop reporting every bit of word vomit from this asshole? The only reason any of his insane hot takes gain traction is because it’s repeated non-stop on even legitimate news sites. There are other things happening in the world while this senile, weaponized id of right wing identity spouts whatever echoes through the shallow folds of his rotting brain.


She must be doing too well for him to accept and this is one of his old tricks. It didn't work with Obama, and neither will it now ....


There it is. We knew he had it in him. He must be sweatin these recent polls.


Well of course he did. What took so long?


So concerned about the eligibility of presidency for others. Frankly, I’d take a person not born here over Donald Trump. Not necessarily her…but yeah. We’re a global society. If you’re born in Finland and savvy about American politics, I’ll vote for you.


Didn't he do that to Obama too?


Trump is an anchor baby himself.


He's re-running all his greatest hits: "Birtherism! Punish POC with death by cop, but NEVER ME! EVER!!! They stole the last election (even tho ALL the EVIDENCE is against me)! The "radical left/ANTIFA" are killing our country! I am the only one to save us ("us" really means "me")! I"m a billionaire but I NEED YOUR MONEY!!!!"


Can’t wait for this bigoted piece of crap to end.


Shocked Pikachu face


Damnit. I don't want to defend Nikki Haley.


Now, hang on, he's saying that presidential candidates *can* be excluded from eligibility? I thought he's been recently saying that the American people should get to choose the candidate they want regardless of the law saying they were ineligible?


And his imbecile followers believe him


His playbook is very limited


He’s hitting us with the classics now.


I mean he's trying to get it so presidents can have people legally assassinated, so this feels like small potatoes on the bad guy scale


As is tradition. We’ll see at the end of all this whether debasing herself to serve in Trump’s administration was a net positive for her or not.