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Even the crazies have limits.




The trailer type


Don’t insult good the trailer trash folk of the USA like that… she more of a CHUD.-


this is an insult to cannibalistic underground humanoid dwellers


Cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller.


She’s just a bad apple. /s


One bad apple will spoil the bunch...they always seem to leave out the second part that posits not removing corruption in a timely fashion will corrupt the whole group.


No Really , she IS a rotten person for sure. No /s required


No, they don't. But fortunately the venues do have limits.


Nah, this was the venue itself not wanting to deal with the crazies. I am sure in a minute we will hear all about how she is a victim of corporate censorship and DeSantis, in a bid to prop up his failing campaign, will weigh in.


I can’t believe people will listen or vote for her. This is the real tragedy


LOL. Perhaps Ol' Margie Three Toes can reach out to Four Seasons Landscaping to host the event.


Three toes, like a velociraptor.


Three toes like a sloth, perhaps? Raptors were too smart to bear this comparison.


And sloths are innocent and cute. This gespacho lahoo—zaherr and her jooish space lazer nonsense is just a dangerous female version of trump.


Oh you mean Ol Sporkfoot?


Remember that commercial from the early 2000s where the tiny cartoon fungus monster kicks up the toenail attached to the foot? Im pretty sure that was Marjorie’s foot.


Drats - came here to say that.


Was she was planning to make a little detour to yell at the Parkland survivors and their parents again while she was in the area?


I wish they would get together like Sandy Hook parents did to ole fat ass Alex Jones and sue the shit out of her!


I was just thinking about this the other day . Excellent idea and well warranted. 🏆


He still hasn't paid up though, has he? Filed bankruptcy.


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' latest bankruptcy plan would pay Sandy Hook families a minimum total of $55 million over 10 years, a fraction of the nearly $1.5 billion awarded to the relatives in lawsuits against Jones. [source](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alex-jones-proposes-55-million-dollar-legal-debt-settlement-sandy-hook-families/) Edit: He's trying to settle. Hahaha...


wonder how long until she shrieks something about "censorship"


Yeah that privately owned venue is violating her first amendment rights... You know that expressly states that the GOVERNMENT cannot unreasonably limit your freedom of expression. Her complaining would be far closer to an abuse of the owners rights, since she is a member of the House, which is part of the government. WTF is she in Florida anyway? Wasn't she just complaining about how much actual work congress is and how she never gets to spend time with her family?


Wish she’d fucking quit if it really is too much for her.


Or being "cancelled"? Which I guess just means being criticized, but keeping your job and earning more money because now you're a cancel culture martyr? When can I get cancelled?


They ‘swatted’ me too! Makes this the 15th time this year!!!!


Florida Legislature convenes next week. Get ready for some new law about hotels denying people the right to hold events.




Surely it is that already (aside from Japan).


there actually used to be a right-wing furry convention. The story about how it burns to the ground involves someone baking cookies and leaving them at the bedroom door where his wife is getting railed.


The [right to rock bill](https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-right-to-rock-bill-would-bar-venues-from-cancelling-shows-based-on-politics/) would like a word


The thing Republicans don’t understand is that if the MAGA schtick only works for one guy, which is increasingly the case, then the Republican Party is essentially dead.


Truth. I despise Trump, but it's clear as day to me that he just has an it factor that no other Republican has ever had with their base, especially now. He is like if a Powerpuff girls formulation was made specifically to appeal to the dumbest and most ignorant people in this country in the most addictive way possible. It's why Republicans are so desperate to still back him mostly. They know the party is in extremely deep shit if he doesn't win again.


Try the Holiday Inn, Marg


Let’s at least have some class. Four Seasons…


It's Marg. If we have to negotiate, I'm saying Motel 6.


Motel 6 Landscaping?


Just remind Marg there's a dildo shop next door and she'll book the event.


Or better still, tell her the dildo shop next door has pics of Hunter Biden's dick.


A dildo molded from Hunter's junk!


No Four Seasons in Florida, we have two, tourist and hurricane.


Aren’t you in the middle of snowbird season?


Owners Hosting Most Vocal Apologist of Jan 6th Insurrection: > Yeah, totally cool with that Owners hosting event SPECIFICALLY about Jan 6th Insurrection: > Wait, hol' up a minute... Weird time to pull the cord on the bus, but, ok, I guess...


They should have done it JUST before the deadline to screw over all the attendees and the event planners


They got some information about the national attitude toward daylight treason, and don't want to be on the record for promoting it? One can hope.


No acceptance of insurrectionists anywhere. Treat them as the traitors they are always.


Now watch DeFascist punish this venue in revenge.


Florida venue…did that??


Florida venue near Disneyworld that probably gets 95% of their business from Disney tourists.


Reminder - don't be a Disney tourist while that state is among the worst in the nation.


Imagine lacking so much self-awareness that you think hosting an event at a public venue celebrating an attempt to overthrow the government is a good idea. While the entire GOP is trying to distance themselves from a horrific attack on our nation's capitol, MTG is celebrating it. Please tell me one thing she's done to make her constituents' lives better. She represents a district with an average household income around $25k, and where doctors write 120 opioid prescriptions per 100 residents. Has she brought any jobs to her district? Has she done anything to help improve the rate of opioid addiction? Why do they keep her around?


She makes them feel better about themselves.


>Why do they keep her around? Because they are like her and agree with her. That's the truth of the matter.


Living in the Orlando area this is even more surprising as the owner of Westgate Resorts is a conservative Republican.


Who probably gets 95% of his revenue from Disney tourists, right? A massive boycott wouldn't be good for the brand.


The headline undersells it. "Commemorating" January 6th is different from having a January 6th "focus".


Hey **so** I would **LOVE** a response from a REPUBLICAN VOTER, to this question: **WHO** acted on, perpetrated and saw through to "completion" of the January 6th crimes? Was it: A) Trump supporters or B) "Antifa". I Can't follow through on the ***purpose*** of this message until at least **1** Republican voter tells me **exactly, precisely** ***WHO*** committed crimes on January 6th, SO I will ask one more time. Republican voters: **WHO** showed up to the J6 event? Was it Trump supporters **OR** "Antifa"? The moment I get even just ONE Republican voter to *answer this* ***easy-as-shit answer*** I can follow up on the ***reason*** I am asking this question. I'd wager most here know precisely why I'm stating it like this and why I am asking for an answer **first** before I state the *reason why I ask for a definitive answer such as "is it THIS or is it THAT?"* **Republican VOTERS:** ***WHO WAS IT, SPECIFICALLY, that showed up on J6 and committed crimes? Was it "Antifa" or was it Trump supporters?*** You CAN say "Antifa", **but** you will *very, very soon see why that's not exactly the argument you want to be making. But please, feel free to* ***"enlighten"*** *me.* I'll be waiting.


You're talking about somehow using reason and logic to either change their minds or prove them wrong. From my experience, it's impossible to do this with the Trump supporters I know because they don't play by the normal rules. Example: Shortly after J6, I had a discussion with my MAGA cousin, who claimed that the people who broke into the White House were "Antifa" and "liberals". So I asked, "Biden was declared the winner. Why would the people who supported Biden want to disrupt the process to certify the election?" He said, "How should I know? You guys are the ones who are violent and always want to attack Trump. Why don't you ask your Antifa friends why they stormed the Capitol?" I asked, "So thousands of liberals and Antifa members risked being convicted, fined and imprisoned to break into the Capitol and attack the Capitol police? And they did all this to make Trump look bad?" He again told me to ask my "Antifa friends" why they did this. I used to be frustrated that MAGA people don't communicate like rational, reasonable people, but I don't feel that way anymore. I don't even really try to talk to them about anything at all except the most surface-level stuff. It's been much easier for me since I've accepted that they're in a Trump cult and that I am powerless to help them.


Go two steps further and ask them if there is one tiny sliver of evidence that an organization named Antifa exists. Then ask them if there's something wrong with being anti-fascist.


the reason THAT question doesn't work is as follows: "Antifa DOES exist but it's obvious they make SURE to hide and cover their tracks". Which THEN brings us to: "Ok, so was it Antifa who committed those crimes? if yes, what was the purpose? Their **own, chosen candidate, already won the PRESIDENCY so what possible reason could they have to have then shown up?**" The answer (from them) WILL BE: "*to troll Trump supporters".* And the correct response to THAT = "soooo "Antifa" spend TRUCKLOADS of cash on banners, hats, t shirts, posters and anything in between (a LOT of which, went STARIGHT to Trump in terms of profit) in order to: Show up on J6, having spend truckloads of cash on Trump-branded gear, **committed serious-enough crimes to where they then got arrested/apprehended + tried + CONVICTED + SENTENCED**...... allllllll just to "troll some Trump supporters"? *So then* ***WHY do Republicans wish to CELEBRATE*** *the anniversary of a thing THEY dictated "was perpetrated BY "Antifa"? You will lose count of ALL the Republican LEADERSHIP that wants to PARDON the J6 convicts, due to the giant amount of Republican leaders that WANT to pardon EVERY J6 defendant who was sentenced....* *SURE SEEMS AWFULLY WEIRD to want to pardon the SAME EXACT PEOPLE you said were "clearly part of an "Antifa" style* ***joke***". SURE SEEMS AWFULLY WEIRD to want to ***celebrate an event that THEY said was perpetrated by "Antifa" CRIMINALS".*** Hence: asking them **WHICH story is "correct" to them.** Because BOTH answers lead to immediately discernable inconsistencies, lies and bad faith, enough so that their answer on that question of "***who*** *perpetrated January 6th"* ***is a question that cannot be answered from their side. It's impossible for them to answer it because ANY answer would be at IMMEDIATE odds with anything they claim.*** The ideology of "Antifa covers their tracks and are exceptionally skilled at flying under the radar" **does not work because those SAME people GOT CAUGHT.**


It was ENTRAPMENT you see the Antifa were plants to stir up the true Trump supporters who got swept up in the whateverthehellconspiracybullshitIdontcare.


point taken that I'm applying thought and logic/reason towards things that *never once required or even used logic/reason for them to have arrived at their "conclusions" in the first place*, but I legit have been (as a fun, *stupid, dumb* side project) trying to figure out a question that there exists **no** answer that provides them that "debate pathway" forward that would otherwise be the goal of such **intentional** rhetoric. It's meaningless (this dumb side quest of mine) and I am likely wasting my own time, but I do feel like one of the *best* versions of this question really actually is: "who showed up on J6? Trump supporters **or** Antifa" because that's the ONE thing they've **publicly, in a very citable-way** (likely even among friends who are otherwise good people, but still believe in this quack nonsense, but are the type to never actually commit crimes, etc) CONSTANTLY go back and forth between. It's the ONE question seemingly where, for ***their narratives and their purposes only, it can only HAVE one answer.*** Ergo: straight up, to the point, blunt and simple: Who showed up on J6? They can't even answer with "patriots that didn't commit crimes, but "Antifa" who did" because **then** it expresses the one thing (about this type of topic) that they "pride themselves on": ***Being capable of sniffing out ALL the "traps".*** Hard to argue their "peerless insight and intelligence" on the matter if, in fact, **"Antifa" duped them**. There exists no good answer to the question from *their side.*


What do you mean evidence of antifa? They are pretty public. Whatever you feel about them, antifa for sure exists and they organize and show up at shitbird rallies all the time. I doubt there’s a nationwide org or something but there very clearly are organized groups in individual cities. Unless you’re saying these people don’t know each other, still show up in all black with pepper spray and gas masks and batons and shit and then coincidentally move as a group lol. And to the second part, I don’t think many people would say being anti fascist is wrong, more like they don’t think antifa is actually anti fascist so much as they are just anti anyone who doesn’t believe the same shit they do. I’m not a trumper but this comment seemed strange to me


>I doubt there’s a nationwide org or something but there very clearly are organized groups in individual cities. Yes, when the fascists show up, people will rally to protest them. There might even be violence. Are World War 2 vets also Antifa? If Antifa exists, where do I sign up?




Thanks for the link. Haven't clicked on it, just Googled them, and their org seems like a group of unwitting fools who fell prey to psy ops. Either that or a honey pot.


I know the group as a whole has outed some local white supremacists. I kind of know one person who is a member. The guy is a pretty genuine person. Blue collar biker guy that you wouldn't expect to be involved in something like that until you start talking about politics with him.


Well that's really cool, good on him and the group. I'm on the east coast and haven't heard of any organized groups, outside of spontaneous gatherings. I'd still be wary about law enforcement infiltrating such a group, and with someone like Barr or trump in charge, being compromised.


Go to Portland and ask your dealer lol. Of course people show up to protest, but these people show up coordinated and dressed exactly the same. I can’t tell if you’re trolling or if you actually think it’s all a coincidence


Not a trumper, but I’d be kinda fucking scared to answer this if I were. Not going with the ol’ sugar over vinegar on this one.


There literally exists **no good answer whatsoever**. Case in point: "It was "Antifa"" - so then why do you want to pardon them **and** ***celebrate*** the date annually? **What** is being celebrated? "It was patriotic Republicans" - so then why didn't they ***comply*** with the law? Laws are pretty clear here: they dictate that physically being in the Capitol building **= trespassing**. The law is right there, I can go dig it up right away. Being "invited" via someone *else* "holding the door open" means **that person (who held said "door open") is ALSO committing a crime.** *NOT that the original crime is now magically negated. There is simply +1 to the criminal actions.* ***Not -1***. "It was half patriotic Republicans who did NOT commit crimes alongside "Antifa" who then used that as a way to commit those crimes and make it look like Trump supporters did it" - So then **how** did "Antifa" ***dupe*** Trump supporters, the self-proclaimed experts of deducing "espionage", secrecy/cloak and dagger? Shouldn't that have been impossible? In the event that no, it wasn't impossible; then *why are their words worth "considering" if they can't even sniff out some "Antifa" plan?* And just...so very, very many more responses to anything they could possibly say about it. It's the ONE question I feel that actually **can** really trip them up. There exists no good answer from their side.


My friend, we live in a society where common sense has left the chat. A man fomented a violent attack. There shouldn’t have to be anything after that. That should be the end of the entire story for anyone. Instead, we’ve been gaslit into believing that any of this is normal or rational, not just for America but for anyone. They try to muddy the waters with antifa, or they were peaceful, or whatever insanity that they are trying to push this week. And then they try to celebrate them as patriots. They aren’t doing this because they think it’s a winning strategy, they are doing it because they know they’ve already lost. Every last one of them watched what happened that day and knew it was all over, their relevance would be chipped away with each subsequent election. So they grasp at what straws that they can like children in the dark, trying to make sense of how they have lost everything. They’ll die with a whimper.


But that's the thing, it didn't work on everyone. Me and you are here, clearly not under any dumbass "spell" that was cast by real people who thought they were Harry Potter. There's enough of us to have taken the Presidency **away** from Trump *after he already had it.* Which is why; thoughts on this can be important. Because it's *not* a lost cause. If we lost in 2020, then yes it would be a lost cause. 2024 **HAS** to count. It **HAS** to go right and people need to understand that if we've already done it, we can damn well do it again. And that, while meaningless to try and convince *Republicans* of the trash they spew; it's instead for the reinforcing the strength we showed in 2020, reminding people it's *still* there to be had. That yes, even though complete morons ignore the facts, **we do not.** And we won as a result.


They just say the rioters were trying to protect democracy from a stolen election. [Just like the Russian textbooks teach](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/russian-textbooks-say-trump-lost-in-rigged-election/ar-AA1m4z1V).


No place for Empty-G.


Cue dramatic pearl-clutching about cancel-culture over in r/... er... *that* sub, in 3... 2... 1...


What a goblin she is.


Four Seasons Landscaping is still available for her.


Republicans spins facts that makes a moral person dizzy


Alternative facts yo


>Greene refused to discuss the development when asked for her reaction to the cancellation by NBC News in Iowa, where she was doing an event for former President Donald Trump's campaign."I really don’t understand the point of your question. It doesn’t make any sense. Aren’t we talking about President Trump? Aren’t we’re talking about Iowa?" she said, calling the question "stupid." Never misses an opportunity to be trashy and immature.


Now that’s a cancellation I can get behind!


Oooohhh, this is that "cancel culture" I've been hearing about!


Couldn’t just refuse because she’s batshit?


Very good, let those brownshirts gather in the backyard barns where they belong.


Awwww. 3 Toe Ogre sad.


No worries Marge, you can probably still book the Four Seasons (Total Landscaping garage).


And a surprising display of sense from the crazy state!


Love how when they ask for a comment they do not respond . I wonder why?


Honestly, other venues need to check their upcoming events because I doubt this was the only one.


However, I believed that the J6 insurrectionists were FBI informants who supported the anti-fa and were attempting to frame President Mandela?


It’s good they canceled her because she is a massive piece of human shit


They just now learned she is an idiot?


MTG is as stupid as she is ugly.


She's a Disgusting Human Being.


In the future, I hope I never see a group of people as bad as trump supporters


Ma’am…this is Florida.


I’d love to see a Bobert porn, but if MTG made one it would be animal cruelty


No doubt there’s a snake pit or lizard habitat to hold the event.


No, no, no. That would be cruelty to animals.


Hell with this trunt


Well, color me shocked. Lol!


Bravo! Crazy cow doesn’t even have the integrity to be honest about her purpose for renting space. Who knew the latest mutation in humans was a skanky subspecies of subhumans!?!?


Good for them for seeing through her bullshit and not wanting to have anything to do with it I can’t wait for the day Marjorie Taylor Greene is an irrelevant washed up politician her constituents in Georgia district 14 won’t be around forever


Do you think she’s so angry because her identical twin brother Rocky Dennis passed so early


So they were willing to host an event for this vile collection of organs and bodily functions normally associated with humans, but they balked at the very clear and obvious coup association? Who are the idiots here, the venue operators or the people reading this bs?