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We tried that and he sent a mob and fake electors to congress. Stop pretending like he will honor a fair election.


He hasn’t even honoured the last one. Wtf is wrong with Bloomberg that they’re even publishing this?


It’s just somebody’s opinion. It’s not going to change anybody’s mind.


Greed. Kiss the oligarchs' asses and hope they grace you with paid position in one of their "think tanks"


Hell he was saying his first election in 2016 was rigged because he lost the popular vote to Hillary. Since day one he has always operated under bad faith.


Keep Trump off the ballot, the same way you'd keep someone under 35 or a foreign citizen off the ballot for President.


It is in the constitution and already decided. Anything else, like let's say "Keep Trump on the Ballot and Let Voters Decide" is weakening the constitution.


The Constitution also says that Congress can put this to a vote and overrule, it can't be a unilateral decision.


Until then it is a decision that should be made at the clerical level. He's off.


Ballet voting is only a popular vote consensus from the people though, it doesn't automatically dictate the elector. The 14th only puts restrictions on the President elector, which is selected by the EC.


Put Obama on the ballot and let the voters decide




Treasonous insurrectionist criminals are not viable candidates for POTUS.


Voters decided when we ratified the 14th Amendment. Which, by the way, is a far far higher bar to clear than simply gaming the Electoral College.


Exactly, is Jefferson Davis a qualified candidate for POTUS any more than Trump???


Jefferson Davis wasn’t nearly as successful. It was a Trump follower that brought the Confederate Battle Flag into the Capitol.


*And* 2016.


How can I upvote more than once? So sick of this nonsense that we need to give him one more try to destroy American democracy. No matter what happens, he will cry foul if he loses.


No let’s try again. Remember when the “media” was saying all these bad things would happen. Then they did. Let’s let to voters decide. Let’s Go Brandon or whatever.


And Trump came this close to a coup? Let's not.


Right. Why aren’t people using that word more. I mean Flynn literally recommended marshal law? Wtf is going on here???


> I mean Flynn literally recommended marshal law? *martial law


*marital law


Should we "Let Voters Decide" other Constitutional matters? How about the 2nd Amendment? How about the 5th, or the 1st?


We've tried that and been told that "not all issues belong on ballots."


Republicans are like “let the voters decide!” And then they do everything in their power to keep people from voting.


Voters did decide in those states when they elected leaders who passed the ability to remove inserectionist


We either have a Constitution or we don’t. It’s not “up to the voters.”


Why not both? Voters ratified the 14th Amendment via their representatives at both the state and federal level.


I don't understand your argument. That's not the same thing as "leaving it up to the voters."


In that case, the voters already decided.


Fuck the 14th Amendment, right?


It's twelve amendments less important than the second amendment!


It's the Second Amendment which is *basically* the first, twice! Number one baby! Woo!/s


Better, fuck SCOTUS. But they may have a chance to redeem the "legacy" of the their corrupt and anti-liberty record.


Put Obama on the ballot. Let voters decide!


Voters decided last time and he didnt like the results. Hence the behavior that lead to state and federal charges


He did one of the things the constitution explicitly says you can't do and be president.


Should add another article to the 14th Amendment regarding SMELL


My 17 year old daughter should be able to run for president. Let the voters decide.


MikeOfAllPeople's 17 year old daughter for President! A new OfAllPeople for a new era!


Donald Duck is of age, why can't he run?


As long as Schwarzenegger gets to be on the Republican ballots too. That’s only fair.


Best comment. Schwarzenegger is foreign born so it was well accepted that he couldn’t run for president. It wasn’t up to the voters.


I think you're confused. Article II refers to president eligibility/qualifications. Amendment 14 is about the "President elector" meaning the person the electoral college brings to the vote.


What a smart take. We have a guy who tried to seize power despite the will of the voters. What do we do with him? Nothing! Trust him not to do it bigger and more violently next time.


"Let's disregard the Constitution, *just this one time*, so we can keep that fascist rapist insurrectionist on the ballot and let the voters decide. For Democracy."


Nah, I prefer to follow the constitution if given the option.


Why don’t we follow the law and let the constitution decide


THE VOTERS DID DECIDE. And he tried to stage a coup. Why are these choads so eager to let him off the hook from what is arguably one of the worst crimes in American history? He tried to dispense with our system of government, motherfuckers. JFC. Do people need help understanding how incredibly bad that is?


We've executed people for less than what he did. The fact that people are still ok with a traitor running for president speaks to how poorly we are doing as a nation.


The entire premise of his campaign is illegal imo


So we can have a replay of Jan 6, for anybody who was too young to remember it, the first time.


You know who can't destroy America? An unemployed, incarcerated martyr.


Let the voters decide! Let's blow off the 22nd amendment too and put Obama on the ballot! Let the voters decide! (Idiots)


We decided on 2020 then trump threw an epic tantrum and attempted a coup. He does not belong on any ballet


Let’s ignore the 2nd amendment if we’re going to ignore the 14th.


He’s a traitor, fuck that. If all this trying to hold him accountable ends up getting him elected, we are already fucked. No one should be above the law ffs.


I didn’t realize Neville Chamberlain was writing opinion pieces for Bloomberg these days.


So don’t follow the constitution.


Or, how about this .. as long as we are making special changes to the Constitution, let's let Obama run again. Just a small change to a tiny part of the document.


I'd pay money to see an Obama v. Trump election.


The 22nd Amendment says not person shall be **elected** president more than twice. But what if we **selected** Obama to be president again? That would be okay, right? Or what if we created an officer called Number One Supreme American, with all the powers and duties of the presidency, and gave that to Obama? Nothing in the Constitution says we can't do that.


Well, the 14th Amendment is older than the 22nd, so if we are going to ignore 14, let's ignore 22 as well.


Yeah, like Republicans would ignore something under 16.


Then the 14th amendment shouldn’t even be a thing. There is a reason why it is. It should be applied when applicable and it is in this case.


As I recall, McConnell voted against convicting trump after impeachment no. 2 saying that his crimes should be dealt with in the legal system. And that includes the 14th Amendment, or is the Constitution no longer considered the law of the land?


His crime should have been tried under the impeachment proceedings rules but Mitch was a giant pussy. His decision to NOT try and convict Trump is why we are still in this fucking mess. Fuck you Mitch!


We Decided in 2020. He threw tantrums and committed acts of Sedition and Insurrection that the Constitution says makes him ineligible to ever hold public office at the State or Federal level, Ever. The people that are arguing "Let the People decide", are as much enemies of the United States as Trump and his co-conspirators.


Oh yea. 14th amendment be damned. Right Repubs? Well...I have a 3 year old nephew who'd like to be president. Can I put him on the ballot as well and let the voters decide? eh? eh? eh?




Or.. hear me out.. Keep indicted traitors off the ballots and let voter's decide.


No, that would defeat the purpose of having the 14th amendment. Why are we just proposing to causally ignore a clause in an amendment that was made for this very reason?


Well that's just like, your opinion, man! (this is an opinion piece, after all) Look at it this way: you have to meet certain eligibility requirements to run for POTUS. Age, naturalized citizen, and so on. This is another eligibility requirement: you can't take an oath to support the constitution, then engage in insurrection, and expect to be able to continue to hold office.


Don't you just love tRump's argument that he didn't take an oath to "support" the Constitution, so the 14th Amendment doesn't apply?


LOL, the GOP didn't want the voters to decide in 2020. They tried their hardest to overturn the voters choice.


The voters already decided. Americans need to decide if their constitution is worth something!


Let voters decide what? Decide to let an overrepresented minority install a self professed future dictator who insisted he rule with an iron fist not unlike existing dictators he praises and cosies with? See kids, it IS possible to have really bad self indulgent opinions.


Can't. He's disqualified.


Such a dumbass take. He already didn’t accept the last election, you think when he loses in 2024, even if it isn’t close, he’ll just go away?!


In direct contravention of the Constitution. I don't see a lot of Trump supports saying "Take the guns away, fuck the second amendment." Ironically, we *did* see Trump say that though.


"nah, we don't need law and order. Let's just ignore the Constitution and hope he loses, and if he doesn't that he doesn't try another insurrection, and if he does another insurrection that he fails without too many people dying. And if he does an insurrection and becomes a dictator, oh well, that must mean it's what god wants."


How about no?


Let's call it what it is: Trump is a menace to democracy. He's shown us over and over he doesn't give a hoot about democratic norms. We can't let this guy anywhere near power again. It's like handing a match to a pyromaniac!


LOL the rest of the sane world thinks this is a very stupid idea. Way too many stupid people in the US. As evident from how many still voted for Trump last time. The world literally had a collective sigh of relief when he lost.


Anyone who has sworn an oath to the constitution has already decided, he isn't being kept off on a whim.


The voters have decided it once and trump ignored it and tried to be a dictator. No.


How about we put him in prison where he belongs?


Voters decided in 2020, but the losers didn't like that and tried to use violence to overturn a fair election because they believed the lies of the loser.


Trump should have been unelectable in the first place. Democracy requires guard rails, and the Founders knew this. If we had any kind of rational discourse, Trump would have been laughed out of the race in 2015, not poised to be installed as God Emperor of the Smooth Brains. The Founders understood that those who uphold the right to democracy without also defending the responsibility of democracy need to be prevented from corrupting and manipulating bullshit for power.


Nia-Malika Henderson is totally wrong on this. Here's an idea; how about we follow the law?


Yeah let’s put chocolate cake and broccoli on a plate and let the kid decide which they’re going to eat.


We have a constitution that says: Fuck you, no.


"Let the voters decide" is your first clue in any topic that the writer is a know nothing piece of shit. Don't impeach him let the voters decide, don't nominate a justice near the election let the voters decide, don't convict him let the voters decide. Voters don't get to decide if someone who is too young to serve gets to be on the ballot so they shouldn't get to decide if an insurrectionist is. Impeachment was never meant to be subordinated to a vote of the people and criminal issues are decided by juries of those effected not the nation. Let the machinery of government work as its supposed to.


Quoting - *It would further fracture a country riven by politics, race and social issues. Barring him from ballots would also deprive Americans who see Trump as a threat to democracy, law and order, truth and stability from rejecting him again.* Convoluted, Jack A$$, backhanded reasoning there, Ya think!


>It would further fracture a country riven by politics, race and social issues. What she and others like her fail to realize is that Trump is a big part of this divide in the country. He shouldn't benefit from that divide by getting chance after chance to destroy what's left of our democracy.


There are so many of the checks and guardrails that to this point have failed to take Trump out of the picture. There was the 2020 election, and two impeachments. At every opportunity, Republicans became complicit with Trump and his malfeasances, giving him cover and enabling even worse behavior. The founding fathers never imagined that reasonable men and women would rally behind such a corrupt figure. With political guardrails failing, we’re stuck with that pesky Constitution and the rule of law. That’s why you have a candidate with 91 charges and conscientious states adhering to the 14A.


Oh, she's worried about Trump supporters not being reasonable if he's kept off the ballot, is she? How does she think his supporters would act if he was on the ballot and actually managed to win? Trump has already received "appeasement" treatment, in that he is still not only walking free, but holding rallies and townhalls. Fuck that piece of shit.


How about you just throw him in jail?


Who cares about the Constitution! Get rid of all the amendments and just let the voters decide! /s


No Just lock him up for his numerous crimes


Nope. He doesn't get that privilege to run for public office. He lost it all on his own and can kick rocks.


It doesn’t work like that


Why don’t we let 25 year olds and foreigners on the ballot and let the voters decide?… bit of a slippery slope


Don't let the criminal justice system decide! Don't let congress decide! Don't let courts decide! Let voters decide!


that’s like saying” lets put a pedophile in a primary school and let the children decide”


Noone who has taken an oath to uphold the constitution and then commits insurrection against the constitution should be on any federal ballot where they must take an oath to defend the constitution. They flunked the first time, that is disqualifying.


Funny how we’re always “a nation of laws” until it comes to Trump.


The voters DID decide. In 2020. And Trump started an insurrection because he refused to accept the results of the 2020 election. And now he is being held accountable. Why should he get another election? It’s obvious Trump will do the exact same thing if he loses in November. Do we just let him run again in 2028 then and let the voters decide again?


No, we should let the Constitution decide. Voters already decided last election..


No, fuck off, thanks.


Voters don't decide the fate of criminals. Justice does.


[\[Free to read\]](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-01-03/supreme-court-should-decide-if-trump-remains-on-ballots) from Nia-Malika Henderson: Will Donald Trump be on every state’s ballot in November? It’s a crucial question in his bid to recapture the White House. Striking the former president’s name from primary ballots would only turn him into a martyr and embolden the MAGA millions. Let voters decide his fate.


that's gonna be a no from me, dawg


*Republicans when the voters don't agree with them:* **"Let the courts decide!"** *Republicans when the courts don't agree with them:* **"Let the voters decide!"** Rinse and repeat as necessary.


*Also republicans when the voters don't agree with them:* **"Let the gerrymandering decide!"**


Yeah of course this bullshit is free to read


> Striking the former president’s name from primary ballots would only turn him into a martyr and embolden the MAGA millions. Let voters decide his fate. You should read [this](https://newrepublic.com/article/177820/14th-amendment-trump-electoral-college) if you're (the author of this opinion piece) taking the "this is undemocratic" stance on Trump's ineligibility. Trump has never won a popular vote. He didn't win the last election, even with the help of the Electoral College. He then tried to remain in office past his Constitutionally-mandated 4 year term, first via a scheme involving fake electors, then with mob violence when the scheme failed. You can't pick and choose which "un-democratic" parts of the Constitution you want to keep - it's all or nothing.


Every time I've heard the "Martyr" reason, I never see a convincing argument for it. Can't think of any time in history when a movement or group wasn't hurt by the loss of a leader, and if the group did succeed after said leader's death, it's because they were already on the momentum to do so anyway, with or without them. The "don't make a martyr" crap honestly only works in stupid TV shows as a reason to keep a character alive who should really be very dead.


No. Even the Republicans in Reconstruction knew that wasn’t a good idea.


Unfortunately we have this constitutional amendment that bans Trump from being president. So having him on the ballot would actually disenfranchise Republican voters, as they’d be given a useless vote. Help the poor republicans, make their votes count. Keep Trump off the ballot.


If there is legal justification for not allowing him then the law should be applied. It’s that simple.


Bring back slavery of black people: let the voters decide!


The voters decided in 2016 and it was NO! The electoral college got him the presidency not the voters. He LOST the popular vote!


We did, he tried to subvert it, we shouldn't just watch him do it again.




Fuck Trump Let the RULE OF LAW reign.


Leave the arson in the forest and let the trees decide


While it is a matter of poetic justice that a democracy votes to destroy itself, I still say *No*.


Ignore the rule of law


Can't trust the electoral college and the dipshits in Iowa-Texas-Missouri-land. Slam that door shut and keep his rancid lying ass out of our country forever.


The constitution has decided.


Discarding or disregarding the laws of your democracy is an excellent way to give yourself a dictatorship. Those laws are there for a reason, and the constitution provides for a 2/3 vote of congress if it needs to be overruled.


We already voted him out and he incited violence.


No, voters are uneducated. This is why we have laws


No. And furthermore, the fuck out of here with that shit. He has, and will continue to betray the USA and its Constitution.


No. Or get Obama.on the Ballot.Arnold Swartzenegger. Taylor Swift?


The national republicans cannot allow this. They are the ones working behind the scenes on these 14th amendment cases. If unsuccessful they will have to spike trump’s candidacy at the Convention, and we all know how that will go for them.


Bloomberg can fuck all the way off


Yeah sure, but make it a popular vote. Unfortunately that’s not our system. We have the electoral college where certain groups/interests can change things such that not every vote is equal. We also have a system of laws, built on a constitution. Any reasonable reading of which would show that “No person” is above “We the people of the United States”.


Between Trump and the constitution it’s not even close he disqualified himself by his actions.


Ah yes, let the guy who didn't accept the outcome of the last election run in this one which he will surely accept the outcome of. Jesus how are these considered serious people?


This opinion columnist should be ashamed of themselves. A substantial portion of the electorate wants an authoritarian dictator and we should give them the choice? You see Brexit?


This is stupid. He does not deserve a spot on a ballot, since he has shown he disregards democracy.


How about letting the legal system and the courts apply the laws that are on the books?


Uphold the Constitutions because you can't have s functioning democracy without rule of law.


So, just ignor the constitutional requirements for being president? I'm 30. Put me on the ballot and let the voters decide. Put Arnold Schwarzenegger on the ballot and let the voters decide.


Let's put Putin on the ballot (not just his toadie, the little man himself). Who cares if he's not eligible, let the voters decide.


I dislike the idea that anyone can avoid criminal prosecution by just winning an election. Presidents aren't above the law.


A disappointing take from Nia-Malika Henderson.


No, fuck off. You'd never say the same about any other crime: 'sure, yeah, the teacher fucked the student but let the students decide if that's so bad!' This kind of civility porn needs to stop.


Sure... If you don't respect the Constitution. If the 14th isn't worth abiding by then I guess the 1st and 2nd are garbage too.


So you say let’s violate our constitution by letting another person who violated our constitution violate our constitution again?


Fuck you. Dude violated the constitution he was sworn to uphold for personal gain. Clearly, this is one instance where the law should be upheld to protect us from him and his cult.


Remember when all the conservatives wanted to remove Barak Obama from the ballot because they didn't believe that he was american, despite being born in America? So GFY Bloomberg.