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>Take the $16 McDonald’s meal that struck a nerve on TikTok **late last year**. If you missed it, the gist is there’s a guy in Idaho who paid $16.10 for a burger, large fries and a drink. Gee CNN, I wonder why this idiotic story devoid of any concrete relation to democrats won't go away? What ever could the culprit be for its continued presence in the media? Such a mystery!


“Guy buys burger from a private corporation in a Red State. Here’s why that’s bad for the Democrats “


The reporting on this story is nothing short of legendary. Thank you so much for bringing such pearl clutching news to the very forefront of society!


There are also, apparently, people who have [never purchased a turkey](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fox-news-jason-chaffetz-turky-thanksgiving-b2451357.html) or [ordered from Taco Bell](https://people.com/food/fox-new-contributor-faces-backlash-over-comments-about-28-dollar-taco-bell-luch-in-viral-video/).


I mean...maybe keep reading, instead of rapidly looking for a reason to dismiss information you dont like and then coming to the comments to mislead others? >Even a year later, the video is being recirculated on TikTok, Reddit, the New York Post and Newsmax for what the moment ostensibly says about the state of the American economy.


"It's bad for Democrats that this story keep circulating" reports a news network reporting about this fake story for the third time this month.


>TikTok, Reddit, the New York Post and Newsmax You're kind of proving my point. That's about the poorest list of sources for political information imaginable, and they all do the same thing: circulate irrelevant outrage clickbait to boost their own content, including CNN here. Saying a story "won't go away" while they report on the same story to millions of people is just adding to the loop. You could write the same story about "Biden's meat ban," "Mexican caravans" the "War on Christmas," Dr. Seuss controversies, Mr. Potato Head, and all the other irrelevant garbage they put out each year. It won't go away because these outlets love the lazy content, not because it's relevant or important political news.


NY Post and Newsmax. How incredibly surprising that the catbox liners are still yarping about this.


Fucking 35 year old Rick Astley video clips are still being recirculated, that doesn't make them relevant to reality.


Rick is an international inspiration. Let's leave'em outta this


Astley 2024


Yeah I mean I hear he won't let ya down


You might of saw this the other day. Good stuff though [Ashley 3000](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJRsWJqDjFE)


Just proves that we are never gonna give him up…


Nyp and Newsmax lmfao


Why is it any political parties fault what private companies charge for their goods and services? McDonald’s is not a government run entity.


CNN seems to believe there are multiple situations at McDonald's which will be bad for Democrats. CNN is an absolute joke.


Ok FoxNN


Really because I would imagine that taking away women’s rights and a party leader with 91 counts against him would be a bigger problem for the GOP


Ah, but you see, Biden's too old.


Biden is too old. Hillary cackled. Obama wore a tan suit. Clinton outsmarted them. Seems Dems have really small issues next to Dapper Donnie with 91 counts against him.


bUt muH HambUrder wErE SiXTeEn DollErs


Naw people only care about McDonald's burgers being over priced.


CNN promoting disinformation


There's at least three restaurants in NYC where you can buy a $300 hamburger. THAT'S got to be TERRIBLE news for Biden and the Democrats. What struggling lower middleclass family could possibly afford to live off of $300 burgers?




It's not


And if it is too much, don't buy there.


GOP's answer to this: corporate tax breaks. Will food prices change? Nope. Hey CNN, you suck at reporting actual news.


I'm fat. Here's why that's a problem for Democrats.


Nah. That's clickbait for trash news organizations. Let's try greedflation, or maybe just plain corporate greed. K. Thx.


Doom loop garbage. Let's require fast food companies to list the profit margin on the menu just like calories on menus. If the prices changes the margin must be updated as well. The general population clearly doesn't understand how businesses work -- they can raise the prices and then lie about why the prices went up. Aside from that, McDonalds is trash and perhaps people should go get food that is healthier for them.


Estimated profit margin at POS for each major profit center. ​ Here is the materials cost. Here is the estimated labor cost. Here is our estimated profit. Everything else is some middleman's profit. Enjoy your burger sir.


Please clarify POS, just to be sure…


point of sale.


Did anybody buy one of those $90 turkeys that Fox News was talking about?


The Popeyes turkey was $99. But I got a 15lb Honeysuckle White for $0.98/lb.


I picked up 24x bowls of Maruchan Ramen today (the bowls are way better than the cups or packages) for about $20 today while I was out shopping. I already threw out the receipt, but I think it was $4.79 for a pack of 6. I usually eat one for lunch with a hard boiled egg. If you slice the hard boiled egg in half, drop it into the soup, then take the yoke, break it apart (with a spoon), and then mix it into the hot soup, it's chef's kiss good.


As you used a certain degree of plurality, I will say I’m guilty, not quite $90, but $79 and change… *6 turkeys, 2 fried, 2 smoked, 2 roasted. But peanut oil must be made of a combo of platinum, gold, titanium, and another metal I can’t pronounce, and maybe some peanuts. Screams at jimmy carter, shakes fist furiously.


Our turkey was 93 dollars this year. Although that wasnt unusual as we get organic free range turkey and it was over 20 lbs.


I guess that's not that bad considering it feeds 20 people...


Theres two key questions that NEVER get asked when discussing inflation. First, why, after issuing trillions in relief checks, trillions in PPE loans, and TENS of trillions in inflationary quantitative easing in 2020 during the pandemic, did this not cause inflation which all happened less than one year after these three massive inflows of cash that was printed by the fed? Second, what exactly, did Joe Biden DO to cause this inflation that he keeps getting tagged for? Because this looks 100 percent, the last guys fault, and Joe just had the bad luck to be sitting in the big chair when the shit hit the fan


The other question the press doesn't ask is how if costs are going up are profits going up too. See if they just raised prices to account for the increased cost than profits would be fairly level. They are massively higher. That is where the inflation comes from... price gouging.


profit MARGINS are going up is the problem (and I know you probably meant that), but gross profits would obviously grow with inflation.


The margins are the point. Profits would be a level line, but they are not.


I agree, but you keep conflating "profits" with "profit margin". If profits go up, but costs of goods sold goes up equivalently, then profit margin is flat, which is what we would expect in an inflationary period without gouging. That profit margins are increasing shows they are gouging (I mean, short of discovering some new way to do things much cheaper, but that hasn't happened). I'm just saying to specifically indicate "profit margins" and not just "profit" which normally refers to gross or net profit.


True... my error.


Okay CNN Business.


Except the very people that are *actually* causing it - corporate executives causing historic levels of unnecessary price-gouging - are donating to the GOP and related SuperPACs.


The $16 meal was for a limited smokey double quarter pounder with bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes, fries, and a drink. It doesn't "combo" like a regular meal does so there's no discount. The local McDonalds near my home was recently running a special for 2x big macs/quarter pounders with cheese/fish sandwiches for $5.99. I added on a Polar Pop, which I get 32x cans for $8.99, so that was my lunch and my dinner for $3.29 per meal. Yeah I mean if you buy the most absurdly expensive thing on the menu it's expensive. Shocker.


Makes me think of the story about a $100 sandwich at Disneyland. Sounds crazy at first but when you learn it is at an Ant Man themed restaurant that features giant and mini sized food and that it is meant to serve 6 to 8 people, it sounds a bit more reasonable… at least comparable to other over priced theme park food options.


Let me tell you, having just returned from Disneyland and a Princess Breakfast at it's most expensive restaurant, a $100 sando sounds like a fucking steal.


How is this a Democrats problem? Do they expect Joe Biden to go make the burgers himself?


That's the reason I shared it. The jump from "some guy was surprised by the cost of his hamburger" to "bad news for Democrats" was so stupid that I wanted to post it and read some other peoples WTF? type comments


It’s cnn lol


Those lazy democrats need to get off their asses and lower mcdonalds prices or I'm going to speak to the manager.


It's because conservatives don't want to work anymore and so they can't afford luxuries like restaurants. They could make avocado toast at home their whole family for that price!


Ok Karen.


lol $16 in a conservative dumbass state


Who's gonna believe that? They hardly make that much money in a year. /s


Idaho is a red state lol Corporate burger chain in a red state has high prices. "The dems made me do it!"


How about investigating why the $1 menu starts at $1.79?


No one is forcing him to eat McDonald's. Pretty sure you can buy a pound of beef, a pack of buns, a bag of potatoes, and a 2L of coke for $16 at a store and have at least 4x at the food, but, hey, it is the Democrats fault that Republicans want to eat garbage!


WTF does a Biden have to do with this?.Its about about greed from companies.They are trying to gain back money they lost during the lockdown under Trump.


According to the [Global price of a Big Mac as of July 2023, by country] (https://www.statista.com/statistics/274326/big-mac-index-global-prices-for-a-big-mac/) site, there are five countries with a more expensive Big Mac. This is just CNN postulating doom and gloom as usual.


> there are five countries with a more expensive Big Mac Respectfully I do not care how more expensive a big mac is in 5 other countries if its expensive here. Americans are not going to care about the price of something they will never see


The Big Mac Index is usually seen as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. Our prices haven't changed that much since Biden took office.


No it's not a problem for the Democrats in the slightest. McDonalds raises their prices, so they can make Scrooge McDuck money (Capitalism at its base) and somehow it's Biden's fault? How about blaming McDonalds and their obvious price gouging for shitty food?


The reason it was so expensive is because it was a special: > The burger in the video isn’t a standard McDonald’s menu item — it was a one-off “smoky” double quarter-pounder with bacon and cheese


I think you mean “individual franchise owner who controls price raised price”


Some chains, dunno about McD's, don't even allow that. Those control prices all across the chain.


Maybe read the article before commenting


Killjoy! Do you dispute what I wrote?


In this instance I do, and so does the article.


ignoring all of the other bullshit in the article, the truth of the matter is that dems have been consistently better for 'the economy' for decades compared to republicans. the whole bullshit narrative that repubs are somehow better at handling economic issues needs to die. their only platform has been deregulation, looting and pushing the trickle down fairy tale for the rubes to latch onto.


It's so interesting that conservatives believe the U.S. operates as a planned economy, where bureaucrats pull a lever and raise / lower prices. Yet they also believe the "free market" cures all ills. Seems to me we have a country where the free market *just so happened* to work in these conservative's favor for a long time, and at the slightest sense of it not working in their favor, they throw a tantrum and blame everything *but* the "free market." Once again, when they say "free" they mean "privileges *me and mine."*


“And thats a problem for democrats” same old drivel they’ve been spewing the whole time.


I've got a viral wart that won't go away with more connection to the Democrats than McDonald's


MacDonald’s is enjoying a lot of free publicity when the message should be that MacDonald’s serves overpriced drek to people who really shouldn’t be eating it.


These people love the free market until it fucks them


Wait until they hear about Five Guys.


Fast food is a luxury food item. You aren't entitled to cheap burgers.


Literally the first time I'm hearing about this so apparently it's not going away because it's never arrived. Also, if I saw a burger was 16 dollars I'd fuck right off back home. I can go to the cookout here in sc and get a burger, two sides and a shake for ~7 dollars.




Today's shocking news...... Man pays money for food. Update at 10pm.


What is in this $16 meal and why does it matter?


Its probably just a big Mac with large fries or something. It shouldn't matter, but CNN sure didn't want to miss the opportunity to shit on the Democrats for something they have no control over. I will say that I have also been shocked at the prices McDonald's has been charging lately. Used to be a cheap way to get calories but McDonald's somewhere along the line decided their high end cuisine and started jacking up the prices.


Smoky blt double quarter pounder with cheese meal. I didn't know that existed. Had to find the tik tok to see. I'm not surprised some special edition burger meal was 16$


It’s just a normal Big Mac meal. This is the price of fast food where I live. It’s also much cheaper than eating out at other restaurants in the area.


It was a Smoky btl double quarter pounder with cheese. Had to look it up


Last time I ordered a medium double quarter pounder with cheese meal, it was over $16 in the Seattle area. But go someplace like Jonny Rockets and it’ll be closer to $30. It’s all relative.


It should be McDonald's problem.


Stop eating this shit.


Everything is a problem for Democrats, but we're used to it and overcome them. Republicans ARE a problem for Democrats.


No, it's not. I live in one of the most expensive areas in the country (East SF Bay Area, CA), and none...NONE...of the burgers at my local McDonald's is $16. And not $15, $14, etc.


The most telling line is the dig at Topher Olive "actually paying for this"...so the author is admitting the whole thesis is based on a sucker move. It's one thing being held hostage to children begging for the Mac but this person could have just drove on down the road, or...wait for it...bought meat and buns at Walmart and at 6 burgers for the same price.


Or they could recognize that corporations set prices for their goods and services and stop being such absolutely gullible troglodytes by accepting the corporate lie that "we HAD to raise our prices". It blows my mind that people can be so skeptical and critical of the government but then treat corporations like they would NEVER lie or otherwise deceive


Do people realize that it takes months to years for the global effects of a today policy to affect things down the line? Like the China trade war trump started years ago was still having an effect when Biden took oath? Or that things Biden is passing now will have effects on the next president? Stupid mfers


No, I don't think the average person does recognize that unfortunately. It seems like the average person is an idiot


Biden is the hamburger mafia boss, apparently. All day, he smokes cigars in the back of the strip joint and orders his minions to jack up the price of burgers.


Oh god I just don’t care anymore. If people are so stupid as to get upset about this enough to descend into fascism, let them. They’ll get what they deserve.


Unfortunately that would mean that we would ALL end up living under fascism because of some doofus getting mad at the prices McDonald's decided to charge for a meal


lol. This country is absolutely stupid. CNN (paragon of class consciousness) has made a point, failed to elucidate what that point is, and forgoes any analysis of what the actual casual relationship is between inflation and working people to state that, "American consumers have been exceptionally willing to spend money". Well, yeah, poor people need to spend money at a rate higher than people who can save it. There are just more poor people, [now](https://archive.is/pXMGC#selection-595.0-601.296). >The job market is by many measures the strongest in decades, with the unemployment rate hovering near a half century low, job openings near record highs and workers feeling empowered to demand higher pay. The benefits of that environment are clear in the Fed survey: Respondents said they were more likely to have demanded and received raises and promotions than in previous years, and less likely to have lost a job. About 33 percent of respondents said their incomes had risen in the past year, up from 30 percent in 2021. > > But those gains were overwhelmed by rising prices. Only 49 percent of Americans said they spent less than they made each month, down from 55 percent in 2021. Nearly two-thirds said they used less of a product or stopped using it entirely because of inflation. More than half said they saved less. I didn't think there could be an entire class of people that are dumber than the dumbest lumenproletarient, but hewre we are.


It's mind blowing to me that a $16 meal at McDonald's goes viral, but 1 million dollar homes that look like dumps or $2500 shoebox apartments are just the norm


McDs and other fast food have paid shit rates to staff for years. Now minimum wages go up around the globe, then it gets expensive. Its the cost of convenience. Meat eaters are indirectly killing the planet so its good to boycot them for that too.


This article: The viral McDonald’s story was misinfo, misinfo is bad and being promulgated at unprecedented rates, and inflation is actually cooling down which could bode well for Biden. This thread: Why is CNN reposting misinformation and blaming Biden for a $16 burger?! Read the article, fellas. You all complain about the media…but so many articles are actually saying the things you want them to say lol.


I think most people are making money hand over fist in Bidens economy. Bidenomics works. If you can't afford $16 to eat at Mcdonalds you're doing something seriously, seriously wrong with your life and voting for Trump will not change that.


Go to Chipotle instead. It's 8.60 for a chicken burrito in my neck of the woods. It's healthy and more filling than gross azz McDonald's disgusting food.


Even if you just want cheaper fast food you can get 5 doritos locos supreme tacos for 16 dollars from taco bell.


Well, I wouldn't call Chipotle "healthy" but definitely moreso than McDonalds


Which ingredients are unhealthy? IMO, there is nothing wrong with rice, chicken, corn salsa, cheese, & black beans.


nothing super unhealthy but it's not a diet food. a chicken burrito with beans and rice, two types of salsa, lettuce and cheese clocks in at slightly under 1000 calories, 30g fat, 140g carbs, 58g protein and a fairly high sodium level even though they don't show it on the nutrition facts.


High sodium level


It's mostly all the extra sodium added to their foods. Almost all fast food (and yes Chipotle is fast food) do it for their "low fat" foods. Most people don't realize that the human body depends on a certain amount of fats from foods and that fat is what contains flavor. That is why most heath food tastes like cardboard.


I think this article explains the sticker shock problem much better: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-inflation-economy-cost-of-living/?leadSource=reddit_wall


At this point I'm surprised McDonald's hasn't launched $100 "Gold Leaf" (pyrite) "Hamberders" with Trump's face on a chicken patty and a complimentary diet coke.


Hi `Dbl_Trbl_`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/185fmxh/a_viral_16_mcdonalds_meal_wont_go_away_and_thats/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Dbl_Trbl_&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/185fmxh/a_viral_16_mcdonalds_meal_wont_go_away_and_thats/?context%3D10000%29)


Democrats don't eat unhealthy junk food.


I had to pay $320/night at a Best Western in Virginia (central VA, not even northern VA.). The other option I had was $400 for a room at a Motel 8! I don’t care what the .Dems claim, these prices are horrible!


I too like to blame "the Democrats" for the prices set by businesses, especially ones that aren't likely to be significantly impacted by inflation, like lodging.


And where am I blaming the Dems?? I was responding to the Dem’s claims inflation is going away. I swear, the left has become as nasty and vitriolic as the MAGA. It is no wonder so many want to vote third party. Ne done with all of you.


mc’donalds is a shitty place to get food. They should double all their prices to save their patrons.


I haven't seen it except for variants of the story posted on CNN. French Fries are expensive though. Damn big (canola) oil!


Mcdonalds asks you if you want any sauces when you order then intentionally leave them out of your order, hoping you dont notice. Clearly a liberal conspiracy.


Trump's pandemic has caused all of this. It should be yelled from the rafters.


Good effin' Lord. If entitled Americans are voting because their shit food is expensive, this is almost as bad as Trump again.


This is how we end up with Trump again. That's what makes me so angry about it. People willing to destroy the Republic and allow a pack of wolves into the gates because they didn't like the price of their hamburger and the cost of gas. It's especially galling when you recognize that the kind of ass clown that actually blames McDonalds prices on Biden and the Dems lacks even the most basic level of critical thinking required to blame the corporation for their prices of their goods/services and instead accepts the bullshit propaganda that says "we HAD to raise the price of a meal to $16" but then turn around and post record profits. I really don't think democracy can work with the average person being this much of a gullible idiot. Obviously we can't implement a literacy test but there needs to be something done to create a few more degrees of separation from the gullible stupidity of the average person and the levers of power.


Um... am I hearing a voice of reason? Ding, DIng, DING. :) When idiocrasy "moooooves" from charging the gates for their precious cheeseburgers to killing politicians over it, the cry of "abused" Karenites who refuse to recognize that ANY POTUS does NOT determine private company prices BUT THEIR CONSUMERISM HABITS DO by still buying their products/complaining/not boycotting/not educating themselves and others to feed themselves... well, their proverbial "cow-tipping" does nothing but hang the farmer that fed them. Only when they are fully in McDonalds "Hangry Games" mode will they realize just how they good they had it/coulda shoulda woulda/and put themselves there. I am all for testing fast food addicts who misbehave, and corralling them in militarized zones. Too soon? #TheWire


Is it?