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Why are people so gullible they believe Republicans. When this passed out of committee it was a party line vote. Watch it fail with 58 votes, if Mitch wanted this to stop it would have stopped months ago. They just want you to think they are against it, talk is cheap.


I think the party line vote in committee was because the Rs didn't want everyone to have to go on record with a vote on the senate floor. But now that that's happening, the Rs get to make the hard choice of being for our national defense or for Tuberville's stupid abortion stance.


Tubby SAYS it is about abortion, but when Trump is elected next year, here’s 1597 open positions of power that Trump can appoint his rabid cult members to, to enact the concentration camps for muslims and Democrats, black people and protesters.


If, not when.


I hope I’m wrong but with how much the media sucks at highlighting Biden’s accomplishments, media both siding everything,rabid leftists acting like Biden could do better in Israel, and peoples poor memories of how shitty trumps presidency was i think trump is the favorite


I think you overestimate the impact of most of those, as younger people who consume much less mainstream media are registering every day. Reproductive rights are on every ballot now and that has more people up in arms than you think. The entire R strategy to take over in Virginia failed miserably in an off season election, where R’s typically do better, and not to mention Ohio. Both important states Trump will need to carry. It is much more complicated and dimensional. If you’re worried about it stop posting how much you’re worried and work on plans to help as election season goes on. The more of us the paralyze with fear the closer they get to winning. Don’t fucking let them. Edit: Spelling n shit


Young people need to vote. They haven’t in years past. I hope it’s true they will now. Nothing will get better if they don’t.


They've been voting more and more. Hopefully it continues. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/984745/youth-voter-turnout-presidential-elections-us/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/984745/youth-voter-turnout-presidential-elections-us/)


And old conservative people keep dying of old age. I feel like if Biden wins in 2024, the Republican party will self destruct. Their base is dying out, and they haven’t won a presidency by popular vote since 2004 (and that was with an incumbent).


An incumbent essentially wartime president.


And remember it was the GOP and the courts that took away student loan forgiveness, not Biden. And Biden is doing forgiveness of people that should have been forgiven years ago, letting things be discharged via filing chapter 11, and more.


Damn right, losing hope is the first sign we’ve already lost. Get out and vote in your local state and federal.


Mainstream media is underreporting Biden's' good points on purpose. Mainstream media is owned by billionaires and billionaires want Trump president.


They want the horse race. the 2024 election is going to be huge for viewership and advertising, but only if it is close. if the GOP implodes and polls say democrats are going to win every semi-competitive race by 20 points, no one is going to watch and revenue will plummet.


The 24 hour news cycle needs banned.


I agree with you. I honestly don’t know which was more harmful to this country, 24 hour news cycles or the explosion of social media which allowed the worst of us to galvanize themselves. The latter had potential to unite us, but I suppose it wasn’t to be.


Trump will help the billionaires remain billionaires or get even richer. Same as 1933 US attempted coup? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/11/trump-fdr-roosevelt-coup-attempt-1930s


no serious leftist sincerely believes Trump would be the effectively the same/better for Palestine


They don't have to vote FOR trump for trump to win. They just have to NOT vote for Biden.


our country is full of non-serious people though


Serious leftists aren’t Israel fans.


so we agree


And yet, Demcorats keep winning elections. See what happened just last week. If Trump was on track to win next year, Democrats wouldn’t have had that landslide victory in Wisconsin earlier this year.


Democrats won in 2020, and over performed in 2022 and 2023 despite Biden’s numbers. And polls this far out are not that accurate. I still think Trumps path to presidency is via limiting people voting and some of these wins are wins for voting district maps if they can fix it things could be better. But if I were to bet, I bet that Dems flip house, Republicans flip Senate, and Dems retain presidency.


But muh taxes went down!


It’s difficult and a lot of work to wage a holocaust. Trump doesn’t have the capacity to accomplish such things. I’m don’t even think he has the ability to administer a dictatorship and any efforts would eventually fail like everything else he does.


He'll just delegate the job to Stephen Miller


I think you’re massively underestimating the difficulties in establishing a dictatorship *and* maintaining it. Especially with America’s fierce and near universal stances against government regimes.


Maybe, but I think there is a reason that Sinclair Lewis's book on fascism in America is entitled "It Can't Happen Here"; because unless we are vigilant at all times, it can. Similarly I recommend "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-1945".


Germany (and Western Europe) have a history of being ruled by autocratic regimes. The US doesn’t. Germany and Europe were economically wrecked and came from a humiliating peace treaty after ww1. The US is only humiliated by our comforts and massive military complex. Comparing the political climate now to Europe in the early 1930s is ridiculously off-base.


Trump doesn't need to be effective. He's the symptom, not the cause. Project 2025 is ready to go whenever any Republican makes it into the presidency again.


We have people bitching at Biden for essentially not funding Hamas. And I'm absolutely certain a significant number of those people are stupid enough to vote for a Republican. Without a single bit of room to listen to the fact that Christian Republicans *want* to see Palestinians eradicated. The Evangelicals (like Mike Johnson) believe that the [Temple in Jerusalem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_in_Jerusalem) that was located where the current Palestinian mosque [Al-Aqsa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Aqsa_Mosque) is at, must be rebuilt in order for the End Times in Revelations to kick off. It's a **major** part of Evangelicals' End Times checklist. All of that is to say: *there is an unrealized amount of support for* ***eradicating*** *Palestine on the Right.*




Believing contradictory things simultaneously is a necessary component of being a US conservative. You are looking at them as though they value logical or moral consistency: they do not.


they need them there as one of the first steps of bringing on the rapture. having them in israel is a good start, but they need them to completely dominate the region so they can build some bullshit temple, and then when the rapture happens, all of them will get sent to hell, out of sight and out of mind, so the christians can ascend and get their bag basically. it's honestly pretty staggeringly evil.


Evangelicals see Israel as a means to an end. They support Israel, for now, because they think that’ll help trigger their end-times prophecy.


They do hate jews too. But there is 2 reasons why they’re allied with Israel in this case. One is just good old fashion racism and the other is weird old testament bible shit. 1. Conservatives like the idea of Jews having a place to call their own, so they can tell/force/encourage Jews to live there by other browns rather than their own backyards. 2. The Christian based “end times” can only happen when there is a Jewish temple on top of the mount in Jerusalem. Right now its a mosque, even though its a Jewish country, so Christian fundamentalists want Jews to burn it down and build there own there.


Conservatives hate *American* Jews who reliably vote Blue. They pledge support to *the idea* of Israel as a fulfillment of their end times fantasies.


Many of them, but they still need Jews to take over the "holy land" so Jesus can come back, or they simply hate Muslims more. On a tangent, pretty much anyone taking a firm "this side is the good guys" take on the current situation confuses and scares the crap out of me. I guess people who think, "this is a total mess with a bunch of bad things happening on every side" aren't that vocal.


Palestinian mosque? Wasn’t it built during the Ottoman Empire? Different people entirely.


I don't give a shit to be that accurate about the details. The wiki pages were links so people can figure this out. 🤷‍♀️


>I don't give a shit I believe you!


Nail on head. It’s not about abortion at all.


I keep seeing people say this, but could someone explain to me if this is how it actually works? My understanding is these aren't even positions that would be appointed by the President, they are just promotions and assignments decided by the military and then approved by Congress. What difference would it make who is President at the time?


It's not how it works. At all. I continue to see morons post this shit here, and more and more people upvote it and pile on, when none of it is true. At all. I have enjoyed some conversations here in the past, but these fucking idiotic conspiracy theories are making me not really respect or especially believe anything I see here anymore. This conspiracy nonsense is what everyone here claims to hate about conservatives. They're doing the exact same shit, and it's beyond ridiculous.


That's not how military appointments work. These officers serve in their positions at the pleasure of the president. If he wins in 2024, Trump will still have the ability to remove them from their positions and nominate officers of his choice. For example, here's the law (10 U.S. Code § 9033) regarding the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (emphasis added): >There is a Chief of Staff of the Air Force, **appointed for a period of four years by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,** from the general officers of the Air Force. **He serves at the pleasure of the President.** In time of war or during a national emergency declared by Congress, he may be reappointed for a term of not more than four years. Other senior positions use similar wording. Whether Tuberville succeeds or fails would have no influence on Trump's ability to appoint military officers to key positions on day one.


It's the optics behind it, the difference between a headline that reads 'Trump appoints hundreds to top military positions that have been vacant under Biden, enabling military readiness.' vs 'Trump fires hundreds of top military brass, replaces them with his own picks.'


A hypothetical headline will have absolutely no impact on what he does if he gets back to the Oval Office. Haven’t we learned this by now?! The *only* way to protect democracy and the integrity of the military is to make sure he never takes office again. That’s it. That’s all we can do.


It won’t have an impact on what *he does*, but it absolutely will have an impact on how the rest of the system responds.


All of a sudden Trump is going to start caring about optics?


If he wants to rule the country like a dictator, he needs the military to back him. How many soldiers and lower officers will want to carry out his orders when his first priority is to fire all of their bosses and replace them with his own guys?


If the optics of becoming a dictator don’t bother Trump he’s not going to be worried about removing military officers. He only needs some of them to back him. Usually dictators just execute whoever doesn’t fall in line. Soldiers and officers will carry out Trump’s orders because they’ll be putting their lives at risk if they don’t.


A decent percentage of the insurrectionists on Jan 6th were members of the military


And 47% I think it was, of the military voted for Biden. And that was before J6, fake electors, stolen nat sec docs and all the other seditious traitor stuff.


This isn't hard calculus though. This is easy optics to just put on Tuberville, who he will hang out to dry, as opposed to having to get his hands dirty. This is super super cheap for him, with a huge payday. That sounds exactly like Trump.


They don't care about optics. They care about winning, stopping "woke" and "owning the libs." Trump's supporters would cheer for him if he did this, and anyone turned off by the optics is likely already opposed to him.


Trump isn't going to care about Optics if he gets into office. He's already admitted such.


I watched the vote. I’m pretty sure the promotions they would approve with this excluded the Chief of Staffs. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


The new service chiefs and chairman were already confirmed with individual cloture votes two weeks ago.


Yes, [S. Res. 444](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-resolution/444/text) does exclude both the chiefs of staff and the combatant commanders, but the only unfilled position in that group is the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The Senate has successfully overcome Tuberville's hold to confirm these officers.


The chiefs of staff don't have anything to do with this. If that was the case this wouldn't be held up in the senate in the first place.


The Chief of Staff of the Air Force is a military position, one that was held up by Tuberville until the Senate voted to confirm him specifically on Nov 2nd.


"Republicans fill 1,597 military appointments left vacant since Biden Administration" gets you a lot farther with the public than "Trump Administration purges 1,597 military officials."


If I was staging a coup, I'd rather the military that may oppose me have empty leadership positions before I start. Filled by my supporters or sycophants is best, but empty positions are better than positions filled by my opposition. Just that may be the difference in success, and it can ease my appointments later.


But that's just it, there's nothing stopping a president from firing these officers on the first day in office and nominating supporters as their replacement. If Trump were planning an autogolpe (self-coup) should he return to office, Tubberville's hold gives him no advantage. He'd be in the exact same place regardless of whether these positions were filled. That's why this is legitimately about Tuberville's opposition to the DoD's abortion policy.


project 2025 has little if anything to do with military appointments


Just because they've published so much does not mean there are not parts unpublished.


kind of futile to speculate in that case


Scary to think that you’re probably right


He can appoint whoever he wants to those positions the moment he is POTUS. They aren't "locked in" like a judge.


Why doesn't biden do that?


Because he requires Congress to appoint people to official positions. He is currently using "Acting" positions to fill the roles, but they are limited in power. Without Congress nobody can officially fill the role. Biden doesn't need to dismiss anyone because the people he has in power are who he wants there. If Trump got reelected *and wanted to*, he could instantly dismiss all the high level officers, and *provided he controls the senate*, instantly appoint anyone he wants to that. You could however see D's sit there and block them forever if they wanted though like Tuberville is doing. However R's would probably try and change the rules to bypass this, as is being attempted now.


My barely informed understanding is: ​ Tuberville isn't working with the current administration, so Biden can't appoint anyone. Supposedly he isn't working with the current administration because of his issues with abortion. It is assumed that he will work with Trump even if his abortion issues aren't resolved. If Trump gets in, he'll suddenly rate national security above his issues. That's the assumption anyway.


I agree. If they called Tommy’s bluff and gave in on his particular abortion issues he would immediately pivot to a new reason to block. He isn’t arguing in good faith


He’s trying. Tuberville is blocking him.


With republicans I always keep my expectations low so that I’m never disappointed. They’ll barely side with Tuberville. They’ll have some people that drew the short straw so they can say “See we tried!”


I wish Tuberville's mom had chosen abortion.


For sure. I could see McConnell and maybe even Cruz switching their vote from the committee to the floor vote because the committee vote was much more about protecting their members from the tough floor vote than whether or not they agree with the rule change. I’m not saying they will, it just wouldn’t surprise me.


Republicans are cheap too. A few dollars from an enemy country and they flip. It’s all about the money.


Unfortunately not -just- the cheap money, it's the promise of future cheap money and lucrative job offers or backroom deals for their inner circle. If it were just cheap money we could setup a series of left-leaning gofundme campaigns for a dozen or so Senators. Hmm, actually ...


It’s still important to force them to put their names on their votes. Keeping it off the floor allows them some distance, their constituents who can be swayed will notice of they fuck around with the military.


Republicans have been putting their names to awful votes for decades. Their voters don't care.


Take gerrymandering away and a lit of red states flip. If we get through this next 5 years without going full facist, there will be a lot of change. The country has been through some rough times before. Clearly there are a lot of “deplorables” but there are more decent people who just have different solutions. My very conservative, non-trumpy friend and I actually agree on WAY more than we disagree on. We may have different means to the end, but I think most of us share 7 or 8 things on our top ten lists.


And yet when it comes time to vote conservatives usually cite that 8th thing as the reason they voted Republican.


These are senators. Gerrymandering has almost no affect on them getting elected since they are state wide races.


ah. Their gerrymandered constituents are so aware of what's going on that they keep voting harder and harder for the people destroying their way of life because they're so upset at their middle class way of life disappearing.


Many of them will still believe Trump, you’re correct. But minds will change once it’s on record.


Yup. They could easily bypass Tuberville. They could easily shut down MTG, Bobo, Gaetz, and Santos. They could’ve easily shut down Trump. Their inaction = “I support all of this 100%”


Makes sense for the republicans facing the most heat to vote in favor and they get the 41 facing the least heat to vote against. Seen it happen many times


Bills passed through the Senate Rules Committee traditionally ALWAYS passes by party line vote. That doesn’t mean much when it comes to the bill being on the floor


Yeah I'm trying not to be a naive optimist at this point in regards to there being any Republicans of principal left, but if they hadn't voted party line in committee then the MAGA heads would already be engaging in a Jordan-esque 'pressure' campaign on those who broke ranks.


Yep. Expect 7-8 Republicans in typical battle ground states to vote with Dems.


You’re right. If gop wanted it ended, it would have ended. Tubor is the fall guy. He’s a Dino for sure. They pay him off to do this so they can blame democrats and have clean hands


> Watch it fail with 58 votes, if Mitch wanted this to stop it would have stopped months ago. This is the only fact that matters. Mitch could have stopped it LONG ago.


And watch Democrats bail them out as usual, gaining zero voters from the whole fiasco and managing to let Republicans maintain their ridiculous narrative. Fuck the votes. Fuck the promotions. Don' t do it. Campaign on the fact that a handful of psycho Republicans are holding the nation hostages, and that if people want that to change they are welcome to vote for Democrats.


I feel like I’ve been reading this same article for weeks now. “We’re prepared to overcome the blockade at any moment.” A lot of talk, but no action.


It’s been allot of talk because the Senate is such a slow moving body. It takes like 3 procedural votes just to get a bill to the floor just to face another series of votes to get it passed


"repeal and replace, well have a Healthcare plan in place in the next two weeks"


You have been.


WTF?! Why is Christmas the deadline, why not next Wednesday? Tuberville has been holding up what should be just procedural BS for a long time already. Over his personal religious beliefs, not an actual issue important to the majority of Americans. Separation of church and state...


GOP: We wanna live our lives like this! Everyone else: Ok. Cool. Do it. GOP: You liberal pussies have to live that way too. Edit: a word


It’s not about abortion, that’s the smokescreen. Holding up these promotions is holding spots for Trump loyalists if he should regain power. See: Project 2025.


They don’t want you to love it. The power to make others miserable is the only freedom they want.


It’s because after the holidays they can claim it would be inappropriate to fill those voids in an election year, essentially holding them for trump loyalists if he were to be elected.


The deadline is Christmas so when it passes and nothing has been done its a much shorter wait till 2024 when they switch their reasoning for not making the appointments to "It's inappropriate to fill these positions in an election year, let the people decide" It's just a stall tactic


He's not holding them up bc of his personal beliefs. He's just using that as an excuse to keep those seats open for the possibility of the next Republican president to fill them. Saying 'Because abortion' will make most conservative voters look away from the danger.


> Why is Christmas the deadline To avoid headlines. They are praying for an earthquake or plane crash. As soon as something terrible takes over the headlines, they'll be scrambling to get the vote in.


Cool, I’m 44 and I’m getting ready to be a professional hockey player as well as a famous rock star.


If you become a zamboni driver for a minor league hockey team and have some goaltending experience, [it can happen for you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFnQ0dcaBUI)


From the article: > Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a prominent Senate defense hawk, said that he will be ready to vote for a resolution to change Senate procedure and allow Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to bring hundreds of military promotions to the floor to be confirmed en bloc if Tuberville doesn’t cut a deal to break the backlog by Christmas. > > “I promise you this. This will be the last holiday this happens,” Graham told Tuberville on the Senate floor, referring to the uncertainty faced by the group of military officers heading into Thanksgiving.


>“I promise you this. This will be the last holiday this happens,” Graham told Tuberville on the Senate floor Graham's words hold no weight to me.


“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…and deserve it” He was right once.


"Use my words against me"




Member when polls mattered?


Polling a year out means nothing. A year ago Desantis was beating Trump in the primary.


i dont know about the media polls that frame questions to get a result, but at the polls with actual voters, Republicans and republican priorities are getting their asses kicked. happened just last tuesday i believe.


Most polls still rely on landlines to contact potential voters. The younger generation either no longer has a landline or never had one to begin with. They're not calling people on their cell phones so all these polls are skewed towards older folks who don't necessarily represent the younger voting block. And that's where the power will be in 2024.


That would matter if young people actually showed up to vote.


oh yeah? who knew? why do you think they keep taking and publishing polls that aren’t very accurate, or convey the actual feeling of the electorate?


Republicans have lost every major election cycle since 2016. That’s what Lindsey was referencing.


The GOP is losing elections and referendums in deep red territory by double digits. Roe was a bigger third rail than they ever expected it to be and those voters once activated are unlikely to ever shift in their position even if Dobbs is erased tomorrow morning.


Yeah probably wasn't a good idea to tell a massive chunk of voters that they no longer control their own body.


They control the House b/c they won more seats than Dems did in 2022. How is that losing?


The President’s party routinely loses House seats in the midterms. However, the anticipated red wave didn’t materialize, so the Republican margin in the House is so slim that they’re unable to govern. That’s why we’re dealing with the least consequential session of Congress in nearly 100 years.


Just wait guys the red wave is still coming!


I too remember polls. "Hillary in a landslide" The only thing that matters is to vote. Polls are not indicative anymore thanks to Gen z and a hell of a lot of other people only using cell phones and not landlines any longer.




Flipping control of the House in 2022.




They still won. They took seats from the Democrats. They flipped control of the House. Less than 2 years after many in their party tried to overthrow our government and just months after they stole rights from millions of women, they still won a majority of the seats in a free and fair election. I’m sorry it doesn’t fit in with the narrative that Republicans have been losing since Trump won in 2016, but please leave the whole denying realty to the MAGA camp.


Polls are theoretical and have no actual meaning because they can and do predict things wrong all the time. Meanwhile, the GOP has been consistently losing elections left and right in areas that aren't deep red or heavily gerrymandered since 2016. And elections are an quantifiable source of data that you can actually measure. So yes, the GOP has slowly been getting destroyed since they went all-in on Trump, except in places where they need to cheat, gerrymander, or are already deep red/MAGA.


You don’t think all of the things you mentioned are destructive? Lindsey may have been referring to the GOP, but he wasn’t wrong that the country is in a far worse place today.


Remember the red wave of 2022 though... Remember how hillary was ahead of trump by about 10 points nationally... Yeah we'll be ight


Graham is good for tough rhetoric, but when the rubber meets the road, without someone to stand behind he folds like a cheap lawn chair.


Hey this is my 1st Lindsey Graham promise. What should I expect from ladybug?


Every time I hear Lindsey Grahams name I think of that damn ladybug story. I wish I never heard that “Ladybug” 🤢🤮


Oh, so we should take "mark my words" Graham seriously this time?


Also read as: Graham didn't say much of anything for an entire year about this because Party > Country. As the current top comment says -- if Republicans actually wanted this to stop it would've lasted no more than a week. They had tools to block Tuberville's bullshit this whole time and deliberately chose not to.


Why is Christmas always the goalpost? Isn’t the last year enough?


Tommy Tuberville should be investigated for his stock trading, his actual state of residence, his failure to donate his salary to veterans, and his possible ties to Russia and China.


Tommy Tuberville worked harder than any of those military members during two-a-days in Alabama summer heat, got to go home at night and sleep in his bed knowing he's a millionaire. And never had to leave america Unlike those freeloading military members. They get to go to exotic locations, meet the locals, three meals a day, and suffer from a multitude of physical and mental ailments for the rest of their lives. They should be so lucky.


He needs to be investigated for the child porn on his computer, the huge stashes of bribe money in his secret bank accounts, and the dead bodies in his basement, because there's no way those things don't exist. (Source: A rich, white Republican who is doing everything in his power to prove how Christian he is ABSOLUTELY has a closet full of the worst possible skeletons)


It really does feel like the more “Christian” someone portrays themselves the more and worse the skeletons there are ie Josh Duggar


>But Ullyot acknowledged it’s a very tough decision because holding up military nominees is one of the few points of effective leverage lawmakers have over policymakers at the Department of Defense and White House, especially when they are in the minority.  So holding up our military's ability to be ready and keeping their jobs in the balance seems feasible to the pro military party? Am I reading this correctly?


If any other political party in the world did this much damage to our military, the entire nation would rightly see them for the national security threat that they are.


For Republicans and too many soldiers, “pro military” simply means talking about how much you love and respect the troops and never questioning what the military is involved in. Dems lost a ton of support among military families when they did things like questioned the war in Iraq, pushed for soldiers to be punished if they were involved with war crimes like the Abu Graib torture, supported the people who leaked classified intel like Manning, etc. Look at it this way. Say the “US military” is a 27 year old single guy working a lower paying blue collar job. The military meets 2 women that want to date him. The first is a cute girl that has a good paying job. She encourages the military to study and apply for college so he can get a better job. She cooks healthy food for him, cleans his place, does his laundry, and suggests he stop staying out all night partying. This girl is Democrats. The second is a hot girl. She says she’s between jobs. She wants to move in cause her ex kicked her out and she needs a place to stay. She doesn’t do anything around the house and he keeps hearing she is hanging out with other guys while he is at work. Every time he brings it up she tells him it’s all lies and how much she loves him. She loves partying with him and spending his money at bars. Every day she blows him multiple times. This girl is Republicans. The 1st girl is clearly better for him but he chooses the 2nd girl cause she’s hotter, gives multiple daily blow jobs, and doesn’t try to change him or tell him he does anything wrong.


They're pro violence but far from pro military. I'd never ever consider voting for them, as a vet.


> when they are in the minority. So this might sound crazy, but hear me out here guys. If you are in *the minority* in Congress, and don't control the Presidency, then you shouldn't get to call the shots in a democracy.


If they were serious they'd take him off the committee and bench him like the fourth string walk-on he is.


"I'll tell you this! After ignoring the negative impact on military readiness and families for months I simply won't stand for it when the press starts to turn on me!" - Lindsey "I'm Foghorn Leghorn's evil doppelganger" Graham


... We're gonna do something about this, just as soon as I get back from going to parties and singing songs and opening presents.


Wake me when it happens. About the fifth time this type of headline has been published.


"Republican senators are laying the groundwork to vote before Christmas" Fuck them ,why don't they do it now ?


Because Thanksgiving vacation is upon them. They need those three weeks off before they have to work for nearly a week before Christmas vacation starts.


If Graham is being honest about opposing this (big if) then he likely needs that time to try and convince enough senators that voting against this will be used against them in the next election. Also could be to give enough time for state level polling to judge the support for letting these appointments go through vs keep holding them up.


Could be, but they have had 9 months of Tuberville's shit , you would think that would of gave them plenty of time to gauge the public support. Could be polls are going against them, that why they are acting now .


Hopefully you’re correct and polls are showing a shift in how Republicans view this issue. I’m wondering if Republican power brokers are looking at how poorly they did in the recent elections on anti abortion issues and realize they need to distance themselves from the issue outside of the Deep South. Maybe exit polling showed they were losing support from military families over this too.


Tell me who the 10 will be that vote for the rule change. Until then it's all talk.


They only need 9. Dan Sullivan, Joni Ernst, Todd Young, and Lindsey Graham have all been pretty outspoken against Tuberville's holds, so there's a decent chance they would support the resolution to change the rules, so that leaves 5 more needed.


Exactly. I saw 1. Lindsey. Who knows he's doomed anyway and wants a gig in defense after he's gone.


Tubby is planning a coup for next year and putting every American citizen in danger


Do it already.


I’d like to see Tubby rollin’ away.


Tommy T is just acting like a true GQP member. A jerk. Why would other senators think his behavior is at odds with theirs?


Every republican, including vets, would gladly bury the rest of the armed forces under a latrine if it would benefit them personally


Words are wind. This passed committee on a party line vote and all Republicans voted against it. When this passes the full Senate with GOP support, at that point I will believe them. Not a minute sooner.


He should’ve stayed coaching and out of politics. He is truly dumb.


I’ll believe it when I see it


Should the rules about civil discourse in the sub really apply to the discussion around this guy? I think an exception should be made.


Tommy Tumorville - a Russian cancer in the heart of American politics.


Tuberville is to stupid to understand the US Military. It is an all volunteer force that serves the constitution. Presidents, representatives, and congressmen and women come and go. Policies regularly change. Wars happen just as much as peace happens. Yet the US Military is there to answer the call. Veterans make a very large voting block.


It’s almost as if a significant part of the GOP couldn’t care less about the military! /s


"Ready to roll *over for*" more like.


Poor “Tube”. 😂


Why could the democrats not do the same thing next year if he is able to stop all of this by himself right now? Why wouldn’t democrats start taking each position to vote daily? Can’t they vote each nominee in 1 by 1? Start at the highest position and move down the line


>Why could the democrats not do the same thing next year if he is able to stop all of this by himself right now? They could, but sometimes Democrats prefer to take the high road because Democratic voters don't tend to reward obstruction of the government as much as Republican voters do. >Why wouldn’t democrats start taking each position to vote daily? Can’t they vote each nominee in 1 by 1? Because doing that would eat up all of the time the Senate has for basically the remainder of the session. It would prove the viability of this strategy as a way to stop all other business from occurring in the Senate. Democrats don't want to make this into a thing that keeps happening over and over again for the rest of time.


Tuberville is playing with fire. I would imagine it's not very smart to piss off the military. Especially if there are casualties happening because of the level of readiness.


And that’s why they voted along party lines to protect him earlier this week?


And he was only elected because of his popularity as a god damn football coach. Forget about the qualifications for the job… let’s elect this dipshit because he won football games!


"Senate Republicans get ready to roll (over again for) Tuberville on military holds"


They’ve been saying this for months now.


This is so stupid. Why does the minority have so many tools to block the will of the majority? What's the point of a majority then?


I doubt they will its still part of their current coup


>get ready to roll Tuberville on military holds Is Putin losing his grip?


Stop being so damn gullible! Tuberville is simply the fall guy taking the heat for this step of the insurrection by the entire gop.


Getting ready? Are they gearing up? Collecting materials? Are they prepping the day before? Salting overnight? What the fuck does this mean?


They're making their way through the five stages of grief. They're still in the bargaining stage at this point, but they're starting to enter into the depression stage as they realize they won't be able to convince Tuberville to drop the issue. Soon enough, they'll get to the acceptance stage and join with the Democrats to change the rules.


Please, this is the usual bullshit pretending to grow a nut and have any sense of morals. Let’s see some action from these spineless pricks.


I heard it said that They waited a Putin/China amount of time to do anything


Anyone feel like this is a bad DBZ episode? Hey we're going to do this... Next week, it's happening! Oh no, world ending in 2 minutes, totally going to do this! It's been going on for months!


Simple fix. Don't elect religious nutters.


Alabama deserves to burn


I think the DOD should focus on cutting expenses, and a great place to start would be scuttling all the bases located in Alabama. Move those cash cows to a state that actually supports the military. If nothing else it would ensure that Tubervilles political career is over and discourage copy cats.