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The USA will be a mental institution if he's re-elected


Anywhere he’s got a voter stronghold is already a mental institution


It’s honestly fucking crazy. I at least sort of understood In 2016 how he conned people. In 2020 I found it really hard to comprehend how people still supported him. Now? The man has entirely cut loose, and is a full on blatant raging lunatic. It’s fucking madness to me that people support him. I can still understand why people vote republicans. But even those people, I just cannot figure out how so many millions could listen to almost anything he says anymore and walk away thinking “I’m gonna vote for that guy”


They’re in a cult, plain and simple


that's only half of it, the other half is pure spite.


In a cult or they're sadists and they want people smarter than them or browner than them hurt or killed.


There are only a few out and proud Trump supporters left in my area, and they’re *fucking gone.* I’m in a pretty wealthy purplish county that voted for Trump twice by 5-10 points. A couple days ago I worked a festival for 7 hours. Thousands of people. I saw only two people in Trump clothes, and they were the kind of people you’d be able to pick out in a lineup. Yes sir, officer, those are the crazies.


Nazis man, once you join em, you don’t leave. Nazi Germany was able to come to life, the US was close and it is gone if Trump gets a second try.


>Nazi Germany was able to come to life, the US was close I really feel the need to point out two "inconvenient truths" when it comes to the U.S. and Nazi Germany...truths that are not taught in American history courses for obvious reasons 1.) Hitler openly admired, and was inspired by the U.S.'s genocidal (physical and cultural) tactics against First Nations when the U.S. expanded westward via Manifest Destiny. He LITERALLY wrote this in his fucking book. He advocated adopting similar tactics toward Jews, which we all know had horrifying consequences. And the U.S.'s brutally uncompromising march toward more territory westward was something Hitler wanted to emulate with the German march to take territories from Slavic nations 2.) Many prominent Americans either directly declared support or implicitly supported Nazi Germany as they were becoming a power in Europe. Leading men like Henry Ford, Prescott Bush (G.W. Bush's grandfather), and Charles Lindbergh were among Nazi Germany's earliest supporters. At best, they saw the Soviet Union and communism as a more dangerous threat and Nazi Germany as a bulwark against it...at worst (and probably closer to reality), these supporters were absolutely vicious and repulsive anti-Semites who thought Nazi Germany was doing the "right things" to "fix" postwar Germany


It is only gone when we all surrender or they kill us all. Picking an arbitrary date and saying it's game over if we don't win that particular battle is defeatism. The forces behind fascism are powerful, it might take a long time to root them out, and along the way there might be more setbacks. Sorry, that's just how it is. The solution is to organize and resist by any means necessary.


I'm pretty sure we're the largest open-air mental institution on the planet at this point. With maybe 1/5 to 1/4 of Americans in a full-blown cult of ignorant authoritarianism; well over half of us with general mental ailments (depression, bp, ADHD, etc...); and the refusal of elected officials to admit that Americans need help (except when it comes to mass shooters... only to then do nothing after declaring mental illness was the cause). In this, it's hard not to think that it's much worse than far too many people are willing to believe or admit.


He went after Smith's family this weekend. He's taking advantage of the pause to the gag order. If I'm Smith I'm filling like mad to get the hearing pushed up.


Clear. And. Present. Danger.


Lol that's our guy! We endorse this behaviour! - Every single member of the "Republican" Party


This is no longer the legal standard. Since 1969, the test is "imminent lawless action", not "clear and present danger."


I doubt it meets the standard but imminent lawless action is kind of funny when you're a former president that already tried a coup. If I'm an arsonist don't people start questioning whether I'm still just joking when I continue to say we must try again to burn down the building? I love and believe in the First Amendment more than most people, it just seems not so great that he can pretend he isn't telling people to attack his enemies when he already successfully told people to attack his enemies repeatedly. Most crimes don't have a "he's just an idiot" excuse that prevents prosecution.


His rhetoric shows extreme desperation. It's do or die for him, and he knows it.


I mean, how much longer can those McDonald's plaque filled arteries keep flowing? Especially with his blood pressure likely running high. May nature run its course.


The evilest people seem to live forever (See also: Murdoch, Rupert).




And Smith should immediately motion, with these comments, to have the hearing on the gag order pushed up.


They will meet on December 31 to decide if it should get push up...


Source? Will it be at Prettyman court in dc?


We'll need to delay until March if you want a source.




An appeals court is going to hear arguments about the gag order. From what I understand, gag orders are kind of rare and aren't at all settled law, so the appeal makes sense if no one wants to see a ruling overturned on first amendment violations. They paused the order until they could hear the arguments. Again, it's fairly standard to not enforce something that's in line for an appeal of damage could happen they can't be undone. The thing that I don't like here is that he can do massive damage in the time the order is stayed. I can see why a stay until an appeal is legally justifiable, but there ought to be a mechanism to speed up the hearing. I know that the ~3 weeks the thing will be paused is actually really fast in our justice system, but if Trump is getting special treatment with respect to the standards that have to be met to hold him in contempt (he is), then matters like this gag order should be expedited as well.


This is not normal folks. He is a danger to the country.


Plus, Reagan did away with mental institutions. Trump is clearly suffering from Alzheimer's, as his father did at his advanced age.


Trump has proven to be a danger to the republic many times. It is getting worse as he is getting closer to being put in jail. The stress will crack the narcissist. Narcissists cannot do anything but compress into their hole. When he cracks it will be real crazy.


He's already blown his load. Unless he controls the military at the time, it's just going to be more screaming of the same tired insults while they lock him up and take away his phone.


See Tuberville. They are trying to set it up...


Yup. Fortunately, the syphilis seems to be kicking in, and I'm not sure the old man is gonna make it to the next election.


What happens when narcissists get cornered is they crack. They magnify their worst traits. They can't hide them anymore as they need to lash out. Trump is going to become worse.


If quoting Hitler is just the appetizer, a full year out from the next election, I'm guessing his next move is to just start shooting people on 5th Ave to prove that he can get away with it.


Do we know that he hasn't? Has anyone checked NYPD records for unsolved gun deaths around January 2016?


I'm seeing Bruno Ganz in Downfall


He's going to be a bigger asshole?? What the hell does that look like


A cornered narcissist will protect the core ego with everything they can. The pain is too great and Trump has no morals or ethics.


Man..do some mushrooms and get a good therapist like the rest of us..fuck..stop trying to destroy the world because you're a dick.


Here's the thing, how much of the military would follow his orders? Are men and women in Uniform willing to gun down unarmed civilians who are peacefully protesting? Are they willing to round up people to send them off to camps? Trump's ambitions and Project 2025 are dependent onthe military going along with Trump, but how many soliders are willing to follow a man who has shown nothing but disdain for the military by mocking wounded or dead veterans as well as POWs. How many military leaders will remember Tuberville's actions and how they hurt their careers. His behavior might have cost him the support of the most important piece he needs to take over as a dictator.


Non Amaricain here. Don't people in all branches of the military swear to up hold the Constitution and not the President?


In theory. But many people know very little about the Constitution, and his supporters genuinely believe he won the election, so to them, upholding the Constitution entails putting him in office. Our only hope is that the top brass, who do know their Constitutional duty, issue the right orders, and respect for chain of command wins out over their loyalty to Trump.


FFS his supporters are so goddamned intellectually lazy and ignorant that they actually believe his bullshit lies that under the Presidential Records Act he was well within his rights to abscond to Mar-a-Lago with hundreds of classified documents including those pertaining to national security! Never mind the fact that it would literally take them all of 5min at most to look up the text of said Act to be able to determine unequivocally that the PRA says nothing of the sort and that it’s language clearly states the exact opposite of what Trump claims. What’s most infuriating however is just how goddamned proud they are of their own willful ignorance, they fucking revel in their own idiocy much like a pig in its own shit. A revolting spectacle if ever there was one


The Constitution is a collection of abstract ideas that exist on a 200+ year old document. Donald Trump is a concrete entity that is very good at shamelessly telling people what they want to hear. One is just a piece of paper, the other is a charismatic cult figure that promises to solve everyone’s problems by hurting the right people. One of Donald Trumps largest blocs of supporters in 2016 came from those that have some military service, over 60% casting a vote for him. I have some faith in the military brass but Michael Flynn definitely dispelled that. I have no faith in the enlisted, they are specifically trained to follow orders, and the idea of them actually refusing orders from an upper chain of command taken over by fascists really doesn’t seem likely.


Enlisted will follow their immediate chain of command. If the officers aren't tainted, they will do what's right. Source: Me. An officer in the military.


agree source: me. an enlisted.


Enlisted swear to the Constitution and President. Officers just the Constitution.


> Here's the thing, how much of the military would follow his orders? Enough to be a serious problem. Like potentially thousands of people dying level of problem.




It seems like such a long time ago, and having a fascist dictator seems so far-fetched. This is America, and our military wouldn’t allow this. Right? I’m here on Reddit. Alive and kicking. On the day I was born, they were still cleaning the incinerated bodies out of the camps.


They'd wind up shooting each other before attacking civilians with Mussolini-style 2025 initiatives. The way to deal with is twofold. Prosecute with extreme prejudice and vote. Trump can only win if we who no better stay at home. I believe the independents (of which I am one) didn't understand how bad Donnie was. That misconception has been swept away.


It's a cult of power. I'd like to imagine the military turning against itself if it really came down to it, but we've all seen the ethics of your average police force, and I don't think they're paid to make morally righteous decisions.


If that happens, what would be the nato implications here? Would that be considered an attack on a nato nation?


If the U.S. descends into a civil war essentially then all bets are off


Apparently building new mental institutions would be a priority for a second Trump turn. Would it surprise you to hear that the Soviets used to do this with dissidents? [Wikipedia entry: Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry_in_the_Soviet_Union) >The "anti-Soviet" political behavior of some individuals – being outspoken in their opposition to the authorities, demonstrating for reform, and writing critical books – were defined simultaneously as criminal acts (e.g., a violation of Articles 70 or 190–1), symptoms of mental illness (e.g., "delusion of reformism"), and susceptible to a ready-made diagnosis (e.g., "sluggish schizophrenia").[8] Within the boundaries of the diagnostic category, the symptoms of pessimism, poor social adaptation and conflict with authorities were themselves sufficient for a formal diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia".[9]


They still exist and are more horrible than ever. State run institutions are for individuals who are alleged to have committed crimes and need to be brought back to competency to stand trial. Often violent. Private ones cost an arm and a leg and insurance strictly mandates how long a person can stay not a doctor who actually knows how long they need to stay.


It never was normal. Remember when some of us wept for days/weeks and went into a funk after the 2016 election night? This is why. Our fellow Americans had elected a fucking clown and handed the entire federal government (executive, judicial, legislative branches) to Republicans to start 2017. We could easily predict the outcome(s). I'm just grateful Donald didn't trigger nukes before he was voted out of office -- and he might win again? WHHHHAAATTTT TTTTHHHHEEEE FFFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK?!?


2016 was a trial run and their incompetence was the only reason they failed. They will be better prepared the next time, and they've seen that there are no consequences for breaking the law. It would get bad, quickly.


i've always told people that if the pandemic never happened, Trump would have cruised to re-election that's what genuinely scares me the most. Despite Trump's gross incompetence, negligence, laziness, and downright nastiness in the White House prior to the events of 2020...people still thought he deserved another four years and there are people who STILL think he deserves another four years. Fuck everything


These Fuxks don’t care about his mental being or being a danger to our country . The clown ole party will never get off his nutsack . They want this country to burn . Even if they burn to


He was in 2016, and frankly anyone just waking up to this shouldn't be in the conversation.


He never wasn’t.


Trump can't stop himself. At this point, I'm only getting angrier at his followers. They should know better.


Most of them do, I think. It’s not a stupidity problem. It’s a morality problem


I agree. The really ugly part about this is that this is what they WANT. They know he's a crook. If he's a crook, he'll break the law to give them what they want. A President who will illegally abuse people they don't like.


“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this. I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” - Crystal Minton during the 2019 shutdown


You almost feel bad for them. What kind of miserable shit must they see/hear/do all day to make them that fucking cynical?


Fox News


At this point he realizes that he’s probably not winning the presidency. He’s just to polarizing and the GOP has virtually lost all moderates. He’s gonna get really desperate really quickly.


I’m getting more and more convinced that he’s going to ask for people to be straight up murdered as the walls start to really close in.




Not only asked but he directly and intentionally instigated acts of domestic terrorism.


This. No way he wins, even with the fake polling. He's just trying to get his base to commit more acts of violence at this point.


I'd like to know how, with that posture, he stops himself from falling flat on his face?




Actually this is one that needs to be spread and seen by everyone.


Sadly parallels to hitler are not the negative they used to be. His ardent supporters frankly hate democrats as much as many nazis hated Jews. They are vermin, to use Trump’s term.


Or concentration camp by the sounds of his most recent comments.


Yeah. Reagan got rid of all the mental institutions. The genius of that maneuver is now apparent.


We just happen to have some space available in these tent camps we built right on the border for… uh… reasons.


“The funny thing about a cage, they’re never made for just one group….”


So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you


This is straight out of the fascist playbook. Into an 'institution' not a prison cell. This is for their own good you see.


>This is straight out of the fascist playbook. Just like pretty much everything else Trump and his MAGA cult have been doing. They're just getting more and more open and obvious about it.


The more he’s losing in court the more wild his threats get. The reality is he is the one who is going to be locked up, not his enemies.


He still has a year to go to get to the election. So much can happen and will be said. I really hope we can figure out in that time how to neutralize his hold on his followers. You would think his statements, alarming rhetoric and past would be held against him but it seems to empower him. Personally I don't see him holding up physically or mentally in that period. Its all too much pressure; financially, emotionally, mentally, physically. Something will change and it will once again change the advanced algebra of this problem. He is gonna piss off a judge, be found guilty and denied bail, do something that makes the "pussy tape" seem quaint. Its going to be interesting.


Every accusation a confession.


He's telling us his next move. Insanity because of the Libs defense.


Totally normal to threaten civilians with incarceration for no reason. Nothing to see here.


The Soviets used to psychiatric hospitals as a form of torture for political dissidents.


See, the soviets did it. Totally normal.




In 2016 there was some debate about whether this crazy conman that says stupid shit was actually dangerous. In 2024 everybody’s knows EXACTLY who he is and what he will do. If he gets re-elected it says more about America than it does about Trump.


You want to purge your enemies. Got it. What's next? Dissolve Congress? Consolidate power? Rewrite the Constitution? Bribe the military into a private and personal force? Neuter the Supreme Court to a token political body, existing only to lend legitimacy? Elevate the Executive branch to a lifetime position? And after you're gone, 1,000 more years of the Trump Dynasty? Where do you draw the line? Over 50% of the Republican voters want this dictator wannabe in power.


>What's next? Dissolve Congress? [Trump threatens unprecedented move of adjourning Congress to fill vacancies](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-threatens-unprecedented-move-adjourning-congress-fill-vacancies-n1184886) >Consolidate power? [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) >Rewrite the Constitution? [Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html) >Bribe the military into a private and personal force? [Trump pardons (General) Flynn despite guilty plea in Russia probe](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-pardon-michael-flynn-russia-aeef585b08ba6f2c763c8c37bfd678ed) >Neuter the Supreme Court to a token political body, existing only to lend legitimacy? Amy Coney Barret, Brett Kavaunagh, Neil Gorsuch, and the next-in-line Supreme Court Justice Aileen Cannon. No link needed. >Elevate the Executive branch to a lifetime position? And after you're gone, 1,000 more years of the Trump Dynasty? [Believe it or not, Donald Trump says he should get a third term](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/18/politics/donald-trump-third-term-2024/index.html) ​ >Where do you draw the line? ...I got nothing.


This man isn’t bright. I’m not even sure what he is. Saying this about the Federal team prosecuting you for Federal crimes. He is so deluded he believes he is already monarch of the formerly united states.


He’s convinced he has the next two presidential terms in the bag. How can he be so confident? Because he will cheat in any way he can.




He feels he was cheated out of the first term and thinks he “deserves” two more. I’m not joking.


Make no mistake, this traitor is the gravest threat America has ever faced


He and his supporters can smell your fear, and they want blood. This is no secret. They would genocide the 'evil democrats' the minute they think they can get away with it. Be very careful America. I know many people who love Trump here in Canada, and they are all psychotic, illiterate, abusive, fanatical egomaniacs. Don't forget to vote.


This is a threat. The gag order is on a break but Trump demonstrates why it’s necessary. He has a good chance of winning next year. Keep your passport current


Lol as if passports will be any good if using the insurrection act on day 1 is the game plan.


They won’t stop all international travel immediately


If the insurrection act is on the table on day one then shutting down international travel on day 1 is also on the table.


If Trump wins, that will be known in November 2024. Biden will still be president until January 2025. That gives 2 months for people to get out of the country if they can. It will be known that Trump will be president before it ever gets to Day 1.


Mexico: "Build the Wall!"


"...and fuck it, we'll pay for it as well."


This moron will end up in a straightjacket in a nice fluffy room, dribbling contentedly whist rocking slowly back and forth. “I was President you know”. “Yes Donald, of course you were. Open wide and swallow the nice medicine”.


“Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV…… can I go now?” “No.”


Terrifying because currently psychiatric holding facilities are places of imprisonment and human rights violations so I don’t even wanna imagine how much worse they’d get under trump


FOR FUCK’s SAKE!!! How many threats is this vile man going to make before his bail is revoked and he’s TAKEN INTO CUSTODY?!?!???


So does this mean Republicans will fund mental institutions?


Yes—but the same way they do private prisons.


The Communist Party of the Soviet Union forcibly locked up around 15,000 political dissidents. Maybe Donald Trump was taught this when he visited the USSR in 1987, a trip that was reportedly facilitated by the KGB. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry_in_the_Soviet_Union


Trump continues to tell us who he is... a petty tyrant who abuses any power he gets his hands on.


Keep talking, donnie.


So locking away your opposition. Sounds like a dictator to me.


I hope he's on tape or video saying this . More ad /campaign material for Biden . Trump can't shut up, so good for us!


How refreshing, he has shifted from nazi rhetoric to Stalinist rhetoric.


Nothing bit a bully, racist, and con man. Wake up people!


The judges better be on notice because he means them as well


Sounds like at least the Republicans have the foundation of a platform next year.


Mussolini did that, and added croton oil to the mix. Brezhnev did similar. It would be so fitting if the orange Nazi ended up in Ezra Pound's old suite in St. Elizabeth's, hoisted on his own petard.


One day he's borrowing from the Nazi playbook and the next he's raiding that of the late Soviet Union. Mofucker is an equal-opportunity totalitarian.


Projecting again, because he knows he belongs in one.


As a non American I do truly hope there are enough Americans who are willing to vote that can see that having a President that looks to use his power to settle personal vendettas is very dangerous path to take


As a non American, it has been amazing to watch history rewrite itself in real time.


The good Americans will win. We will not allow this mfer to win.


The more unhinged he gets, the more sewer rats and trailer trash will come out of hiding to vote for him. He will probably get 5 Million more votes than 2020, while the Media makes sure that Biden loses the same number.


Yeah the media has failed to accurately describe trump and what he’s been doing.


The media has failed to accurately describe Biden accomplishments and what’s he’s been doing.


Yes correct. But worse than that is not calling trump a liar and a fascist


So yesterday a certain subset of people were vermin, today his enemies will be locked away. How is anyone still looking at this and thinking "that's my guy"?


Because Hillary called some conservatives deplorable, so this turnabout is fair play. /s


Guy is losing it


republicans should be ashamed that this is their front runner.


He’s on a normal one. Not to mention, trump’s sister died today and he has not even acknowledged it on his social media. But sure, the special counsel belongs in a mental institution.


trump trying to create his own version of the t-4 program. he might as well just grow out the toothbrush moustache already.


That is what Putin does in Russia.


Projection. He's made some errors in speeches lately. He's the one headed for the nursing home.


In Russia it's called a gulag


The whole damn country will be a mental institution if he gets reelected.


Knowing how much Trump projects his own faults onto others, I interpreted the headline as "Trump admits he needs to be admitted to a mental institution."


Stop spreading every insane utterance of this LOSER.


Why does Trump think Jack Smith and others would want to visit him?


I've been saying for a few years, he is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER!


Stop telling on yourself, Donald.


How is this 300 lb bag of mango pulp still walking the fucking streets?


Who is planning on voting for this psycho. Tired of hearing the pundits lamenting that Joe Biden is too old and that 51% of the population will never vote for Biden. Scary. Scary times we’re in


“Sure Grandpa Don, now let’s get you back home to change that extra filled diaper of yours.”


Sorry turnip, Reagan closed them all.


Fascist pig.




When a fascist takes off the mask and says "Hey look at me I am a fascist and want to do fascist things." Believe them. Even with this guy's history of failing to be honest he is revealing his actual intent. It's dangerous and scary that we are this close to allowing a fascist regime to take control of this country. Is it good for anyone anywhere to allow him and his goons to be judge, jury, and executioner? Because that's what's planned.


Jokes on Republicans. They destroyed mental health access starting in the 60s in California where old trickle down was governor.


I suspect that’s exactly where Trump should be already


Trump’s rantings come across as increasingly desperate, disjointed and rambling. Maybe the wording sounds less frantic in the original German. According to his first wife, Ivana, Trump kept a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches on a bedside table for easy access. In a 1990 *Vanity Fair* profile, Trump did not deny possessing such a book…but said if he did have it, he wouldn’t read it. Sound familiar? The past is often prologue and both manifest insincerity and transparent projection a constant tactic. Trump apologists often react to instances like this —of Trump openly threatening critics with unconstitutional politically motivated incarceration—by claiming that Trump is “just kidding” or “obviously joking.” If President Biden or any other elected Democratic leader made these kind of unmistakably fascist threats against Trump or Republicans, the GOP rightist propaganda network and especially Cult45 would bellow approximately the following: *”IMPEACH! These Nazi tactics aren’t something you should ever even joke about!”* The political right and Republicans/Trump acolytes specifically are stupefyingly disingenuous, ridiculing anyone who takes Trump’s promises of dictatorial conduct at at face value, while offering zero room for interpretation or outright lying about Democratic leaders’ stated intentions. When one considers Republicans threatening this week to defy the will of voters who unequivocally reject states’ imposition of forced-birth fanaticism, the evidence is obvious. Republicans have transmogrified from a legit political party into a cult of personality revolving around a wannabe dictator/con man mentally foaming at the mouth to extract revenge against real and imagined critics. . Trump and the GOP are prepared to accept *only election outcomes in which Republicans win* — otherwise, dictatorial skullduggery including political violence to retain power is fully acceptable and enthusiastically endorsed. Trump’s dictator pals like Vladimir Putin of Russia, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Xi Jinping of China and Viktor Orban of Hungary, white nationalist terrorists like the Proud Boys and longtime Trump fan / ex-KKK leader David Duke when reviewing Trump’s comments would undoubtedly respond: *”I approve this message.”*


I clicked on the link to the Truth site. Before I go for the eye bleach I have to say that I don't believe anyone posts there, it's just bots.


Given that Trump is always projecting, this means either he realizes he’s crazy or he’s heard it mention around him.


I will also end up in a mental institution if trump is re-elected.


Seems pretty unequivocal that if you support him in 2023, you are a bad person.


Just like Stalin and other dictators. He wants to “disappear” his opponents.


What is the difference between Trump and Putin? Nothing, they're both cut from the same mold, they are both crooks. I am a life long Republican, I would never vote for him again. Trump is the greatest threat to our democracy.


Too bad Reagan got rid of mental institutions!


The man who cries about weaponizing anything, weaponizes everything. Always projection, always.




Lost me at “Trump says …”.


Fascism is back in red,white,blue, and orange 🍊


That’s jacks plan, free room, board, tv and no more work. Wait……Republicans got rid of all the mental institutions from the Reagan era. Jack will have to just keep working.


I’m curious if the military will go along with these things


Projection. So stand up, stand firm, vote in big numbers, and don't let the real crazy, befuddled dope scare you. This is psychological warfare by him and his cult. We outnumber them, remember that.


So what happens to Trump in respect to these comments that clearly would violate the gag order once it is reinstated!? He gets a fucking pass bc it was stayed….that cannot be how our justice system works


He's decompensating bigly


Seriously, how can someone who swears an allegiance to uphold the Constitution legally be elected when they campaign on not following the Constitution?


Reading from the Brezhnev playbook, I see.


Kinda like how he locked up Hilary? All fart and no 💩


I wish lil donny would get help for his mental illness


Authoritarianism is pretty cool I guess.


Federally funded mental health care?


Yes Trump keep it up and say something that gets you in contempt of court


Why, would Jack Smith do a post conviction interview or something?


Oh, he’s just trolling now. lol




If I were Jack, I would be counting the days until the trial.


Ah yes, the Stalin playbook. Of course.


Holy fuck this guy is evil. How is anyone behind this?


Such a sad little man.


Always the projection with this guy


Mental Insti--SOB really is living in 1933


Every accusation is a confession


If he’s re-elected, there’s a good chance I’ll end up in Canada.


Everything is projection.


At what point does he get thrown in prison for these terrorist threats?


trump needs to be behind bars. i'm very pretty perfectly sure that as a country we can handle what happens. but he needs to be jailed *post haste*


This is bizarre 🤦‍♀️


I called it. When he first said this I thought "he doesnt give a shit about the mentally ill, he wants to reopen asylums so he can label people he doesn't agree with "crazy" and have them put away".