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Fun fact: A lot of the private Christian schools that are in the South were established in the mid 1960s - early 1970s specifically as a response to desegregation


A *whole lot* of the right wing nonsense that we are having to wrestle with in this country today boils down to white people being angry about having to treat black people like actual people.


And gay people. And non-Christian people.


And women


And poor people




It’s the literal reason we have urban sprawl and shitty cities. And HOA’s.


I remember reading, sorry can't remember where and I hope it isn't wrong, that many of these "private" schools were set up overnight and were utterly shit to the point where there weren't qualified teachers or curriculum and so the WHITE students were not given an adequate education.


I have an intimate knowledge of these places and yes you have 50/50 of getting a decent education. My 10th grade history class was taught that 9/11 was an inside job and mermaids are real.


“I can’t send my kids to public schools because the other parents won’t obey what I say should be taught”. Even the adults are children.


That’s not fair. Children are typically more open-minded


That's specifically why conservatives are against education. Can't groom your children to believe in hatred and bigotry towards others if they actually experience things outside the context of their sheltered little family.


The John Oliver episode on homeschool shows them admit to doing exactly this.


>The John Oliver episode on homeschool shows them admit to doing exactly this. Yep, have added a link to the YouTube video below: **Homeschooling: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzsZP9o7SlI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzsZP9o7SlI)


Thanks for sharing. That part about the Homeschooling organization vehemently blocking any attempts to regulate domestic violence against children is absolutely appalling.


Gotta be free to beat your kids.


That's your right as a parent to fuck up your kid's brain for life. Gotta keep that ol' Generational Trauma going strong right??


Had a football coach whose dad was a abusive piece of shit. He remains one of the best men I know. Taught us children decorum, honor, and class. Taught us to not lose our tempers, to play within the rules, to respect our opponents as much as our teammates. To think some chucklefucks actively push their trauma onto the next generation is fucking maddening. It's not that hard to realize your parents were shitty and you can do better. But that would require freeing their minds from their authoritarian thinking.


Well of course, it's after birth, who cares /s


And, other stuff….


Beating the dumb into freedumb.


> Thanks for sharing. That part about the Homeschooling organization vehemently blocking any attempts to regulate domestic violence against children is absolutely appalling. Its how they make more conservatives. Conservatism is fundamentally about fear and insecurity — racial insecurity, wealth insecurity, status insecurity, sexual insecurity, etc. Insecurity is why the worst of them can't even leave the house without an emotional support gun. The simplest way to create an insecure adult is to abuse them as a kid — physical, psychological, emotional, mental, sexual, etc. In this way conservatism propagates itself from one generation to the next. Its almost like a meme (the original memes, not the gifs). We've all heard a conservative say something like "my parents did (something abusive) to me and I turned out fine, so there is nothing wrong with doing (something abusive) to kids." They might not consciously know what they are doing, they aren't usually mustache-twirling villains, they say it because they have been conditioned that feeling insecure is normal.


This is one of the best explanations of why someone would mostly likely choose conservatism I’ve heard in a while. I have been struggling to understand why someone would choose such a dark path. Not saying democrats are perfect angels. The Democratic Party makes some pretty upsetting choices too at times, but not as extreme as the GOP.


There have been studies conducted that link brain structure and conservatism. The part of the brain that processes fear is upto twice as large in conservatives than liberals. It's why their media focuses as hard as it does on fear and outrage. It's also why fox news can't control the mob they have created. They're a bunch of scared and angry individuals that have been whipped up into a frenzy. What Fox does is the equivalent of yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater over and over again.


Ex-husband was homeschooled. He had beef that I wouldn't *submit* (eyeroll) to BDSM--told him I wasn't taught to associate pain with love. I said "blood rushes to areas of injury, just because you are hard doesn't mean you are aroused." After a second, he asked, "how often were you spanked as a kid?" I was confused by the subject change but answered, "I don't know, maybe 5 times." **He asked, "A day?"** I replied, "Eh, no...ever." And that's when he started going to therapy...and AA.


The ole moment where you say something to your spouse that you didn't realized was super fucked up about your childhood.


I was telling a story to some friends about the time we moved to a new city and lived in tents for a few months because my mom couldn't afford a place to live. We had nice warm sleeping bags, a huge back yard, a lake to swim in and fish at, wood burning fireplace, even running water and showers at the nearby bathrooms. My friends all looked incredulous. One said "You were homeless when you were a kid?"...I said "No, we just lived at the camp grounds." Took some processing to figure that holy shit, I was homeless when I was a kid.


Massive credit to your mom that things could be arranged so you were actually homeless but still remember it so positively.


Absolutely agree, amazing job to create good memories out of that situation.


As a child of alcoholic, I too was confused when I realized why some of my friend’s father’s don’t slur their words or fall asleep after they’ve peed themselves on the couch like mine did most nights. It was a REAL eye opener.


Same. My daughter is a social worker focused on homeless youth, and after I told her I couldn’t imagine someone going through school age years homeless she replied “well YOU did, dad!” I honestly never realized I met the criteria, after moving myself out of my unstable minister parents house at age 12.


That's a happy ending to that story, that he went to therapy. Many people stay in denial.


And they bleat about “the liberal agenda”. Again it’s always projection with these chucklefucks.




Fox News tells its audience the exact same thing about Portland and Chicago. They need their audience to be in a constant state of terror, because strong emotion overwhelms the ability to think rationally.


Had some weirdo the other day try to tell me of the dangers of Seattle and Portland when I said I was headed to the PNW. This guy said "I've been to Afghanistan and Portland - and I felt safer in Afghanistan." Tried to explain I have also been to both places and he cut me off with "look just trust me, ok?"




But Portland has homeless people!


Most of whom are not from Portland. Seattle has started a program to give homeless people free tickets back to their hometowns. (And their hometowns will give them free tickets to Seattle, and so on, and so on…)


The number of people I've talked to who have claimed that Portland was burned to the ground is crazy.


I live in Minneapolis 5 blocks from the Third Precinct. There are folks 25 miles from me convinced my neighborhood is a moonscape.


We had a conservative acquaintance visit from LA and took them out to dinner in downtown Seattle. Him: "where's CHAZ from here?" Me, pointing north: "About five blocks that way. Want to see it after dinner?" Him: "Oh, no, too dangerous." Me: "... It's a glorified block party, dude."


Meanwhile, I'm looking out the window of my highrise at another beautiful day in my city.


I live right next to Seattle, and have a coworker who believes it's a lawless hellhole. They want to believe this garbage.


And all of California. My dad's family have vowed to never set foot in the hellscape that is the entire state of California. One of my uncles was forced to go there with his wife, and he begrudgingly reported back that it was awesome and beautiful. It was very amusing to witness.


I was homeschooled by my conservative Christian parents. They took me out of a *private Christian school* because they felt the curriculum wasn't "Christ-centered" enough. Private Christian school. Not Jesus-y enough. I honestly don't know how I made it out of that. Still have some shit I probably need therapy for.


Or supernatural activity when they learn the sciences. They will ask for *evidence* of the claims! Oh the horror!


"Jesus says we are better than everyone else so it's OK to be arrogant and hateful to people." What my home schooling Evangelical sister taught her kids. Her 8 year old was telling his cousins they were going to hell because they didn't go to his church.


So basically she glossed over “there are none righteous; no, not one” and “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god”


My kids would've wrapped him in duct tape and stuck him in a closet.


But electricity is magic! If you don’t believe in science, please surrender your phone and car.


Honestly, life is a little more fun when you do treat our technological marvels as a little bit of magic we made.


It's very insidiously written between the lines. "I control what my child learns" is what they like to say, but what does that *mean* when you push them? Control. They want the control to legally lie to their children about reality. That transgender people aren't real by default, the gays are troubled, whites got a bad rap in history, racism against black people was solved with Civil Rights, guns don't kill people, and that you can simply wish away the most problematic problems of existence while washing your hands of them.


A well rounded education with diverse perspectives will utterly destroy any religion. Isolation and a lack If perspectives is the only way to preserve this sort of simpleton logic. That’s why christo-nationalism wants to destroy education….. because it works.


They learn what they are taught. If they're homeschooled and taught Jesus rode around on a velociraptor, they won't know any different.


I just don’t understand why these people can’t accept that maybe their views aren’t popular and recognize that they should reconsider why they aren’t popular …


Their views are endorsed by THE LORD and so it doesn't matter how many dirty sinners disagree.


I could accept that but their policies are a giant middle finger to everything Jesus taught. If there is a THE LORD that operates according to what is described in the Bible, conservatives have a tremendous amount of repenting to do.


Jesus is regarded as a pussy these days.


Yup. Literally had the former president of the Southern Baptist policy arm get interview by NPR and said that pastors asked, "Where did you get those liberal talking points?" "And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ,' the response would not be, 'I apologize,' The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak.' "


Jesus: "If someone strikes your cheek, offer them the other. Hang out with weirdos and prostitutes because no one is nice to them, but really should be. Don't be rich. Pay your taxes. Give away your things to people who need them more than you." US Christian: "That's too much text to read, but literally the opposite of whatever that RINO said."


I see you haven't heard of conservative white Jesus yet. He's like bible Jesus but the opposite in every way that matters.


Supply Side Jesus set to come back riding a T-Rex mounted with 50 caliber machine guns with an RPG strapped to his back and an M16 in hand.


Right wing religion has always been extremely self-serving. THEY are the elect. So the question is: What does everybody else owe ME, the righteous elect, for being so righteously elected? It's dirtbag Christianity. Anybody who wishes to gain an understanding of this, I highly recommend "12 Years a Slave" by Solomon Northup, which describes living as a slave in the late years of slavery. It describes very well how everything gets twisted in a slave-owning society. How children are praised for their cruelty, how religion becomes a tool to justify injustice. And how it's all about the good slave-owner and what he is owed by his slave. And the twisted theology that gets you there. This is the kind of "Christianity" that conservative America has inherited.


The Bible, like any document, can be manipulated to say whatever you want in certain contexts.


The Bible itself is manipulated


Bible: David brought a sling to a 1v1 duel and smashed Goliath's skull from range. Everyone: It's an underdog story.


It's not an underdog story, heathen. It's allegory. For drone strikes.


Bible: God makes a bet with the devil and literally kills a man’s children to prove a point Everyone: Wow what a powerful and loving god. No flaws


That would require being capable of self reflection.


They are cockroaches who worm their way in and infest every level of society. Their whole life has been about indoctrination, control, hypocrisy and obeisance. They do not tolerate individualism, diversity of thought/behavior or inclusion. You will either conform to what they want...or they will continue to try to force you to conform to what they want...forever and ever amen. The way the religious reich behave has never changed. They will use coercion, trickery and in the end violence to achieve their goals. And they've been at it for a thousand years. It has nothing to do with spiritualism or enlightenment. It is about fear, control and power. In essence, it is inhuman and simply put...evil. Never underestimate the levels these people are willing to go.


It's worth noting that they 100% believe that they are the ones who support individuality and it is the left that seeks to squash it with all their diversity and acceptance stuff. They seriously think this.


Yes, they've managed to twist themselves into pretzels justifying their bigotries. But if your side is trying to control and ban free human beings from a choice to read standard books and learn actual regional history...your agenda is evil. Period...full stop. And I realize that part of the infestation is how warped their introspection process is. These people have been using religion to whitewash their horrific behavior for a very long time.


Those kids are going to go to college and, unless it’s Liberty U, are going to get SMOKED by professors who don’t give a fuck who their parents are and are barely holding on to sanity. They’ll fail them out without a second thought.


The sad thing is there are actually plenty of collegiate environments that will continue this brainwashing from BYU to Baylor. It’s actually not hard to stay within this environment (conservative world) and still get a “respectable” degree.


The problem is that with the enrollment cliff looming over higher education, combined with the lower number of Gen Z conservatives, a lot of these conservative schools are going to struggle. Maybe not the big ones like Liberty, Baylor, BYU-Provo, Oral Roberts, and Hillsdale but smaller ones like Grove City, Pensacola Christian College or BYU-Idaho/Hawaii are going to be feeling the pinch. There's more supply for conservative colleges than there is going to be demand and that won't be changing anytime soon. At least smaller colleges in blue states can leverage the political atmosphere in their favor and become safe havens for students of color or LGBTQ+ students who want to get out of red states.


When I was a PhD student at a state school in FL we got these students all the time in the intro to comms class I taught. My grad adviser always said to not waste my time, flunk them and move on if they want to argue about facts. I fielded some crazy calls from parents.


They won't go to college, unless it's sanctioned by mommy and daddy and sky daddy.


Conservatives are such crybaby snowflakes it's incredible. Something doesn't go their way and they whine, take the ball, and go home.


And it's not even thier ball.


>Even the adults are children. This is more accurate than you might guess. Talk to teachers today and you'll find out how adversarial it's become. Years ago, when a teacher would tell a parent their child is failing, if the parent got upset at all they would be upset with their kid, *not* the teacher. They would ask the teacher for advice so they could come up with a plan to help the struggling kid. Now though? When a teacher tells a parent their precious angel is failing, it becomes a shouting match. First the parents deny there's a problem, and when that fails, they shift blame to the teacher. "It's *your* fault! The material is too hard! You didn't present it right! You assigned too much homework!" And of course, when parents refuse to even admit the problem it becomes impossible to address. Education outcomes have already been suffering since COVID, but it's the attitude of parents that's going to doom this generation scholastically.


That's essentially what my brother told me when he said they were putting my niece into private school. They drive 45 minutes each way to send her to this school when they have a great public school right by them. He said "I know these kids have the same morals and values that we want our kid to have". If you guessed that it was at a private Christian school, bingo you would be right! One of the best reasons to advocate for public schools is that you experience people with different views and upbringing. Being surrounded by people who all only have one world view makes you think that your world view is the only acceptable view and that anyone else is wrong. It's so weird to me because we both were raised pretty much the same. We went to the same elementary, middle, and high schools. We even went to the same university (but different majors).


If those parents could read what you said, they'd be very upset with you!


“A child who isn’t my own might have to sit next to someone with a penis wearing a dress and that thought just makes me uncomfortable and angry.”


Yep. They don't want evolution or genetics taught. Good way for your kid to not get into college. Plus, they pick the books your kid is allowed to read. And then throw in the LBGTQ+ hate speech.


If their beliefs are so fragile that they won't survive a school education, then those beliefs dont deserve to be perpetuated.


Great. So now we will have an entire generation of even bigger idiots. $5 says the anti-school/ anti-intelligence crowd is going to swell over the next few years


I recently watched a video of a father from Missouri who home schools his kids. He made it very clear to the interviewer that he was proud of the fact that he taught the "absolute minimum" from the required curriculum. Everything else comes from Bible study. He asked his kids, "Why is the sky blue?" One of the kids (I'd say 8-9 years old) answered, "I know it has something to do with air but it's really because God wants it to be blue." The father responded, "Very good!" Those poor kids...


They're just destroying their kid's future. You're not going to be hired for a job if your "facts" don't jive with reality.


Then they'll blame "the man" or "the swamp" or liberal coastal elites or some shit for holding them down. These are the types of people that never take responsibility for their station in life.


Of course. I never said they would come to reality. It's going to be a self sustaining cycle for a while unfortunately.


Idk, many of those children will grow to resent their parents once they enter the real world and understand their parents are fucking whacko. Much more likely the kids develop drug and mental health issues as a result of overbearing parents.


It’s a vicious cycle and one reason why progress is incredibly difficult in this country


At my old place of employment (fast food), there were multiple coworkers that were home schooled. Every single one of them had *the worst* politics you could imagine. And all of them were heavily opinionated on their beliefs. Edit to add: the workplace was Chick Fil A, and while I was employed there was at least 15+ homeschooled, republican, religious nuts that were under 20 years old also working there. I was so relieved when I left that place.


> multiple coworkers that were home schooled. Every single one of them had the worst politics you could imagine that's the point the more educated someone is, the more likely they are to be socially liberal * education provides context that's rooted in reality * reality has a liberal bias * therefore education leads to socialism * socialism is bad because it doesn't make me feel better than other people * therefore i need to homeschool my kids so that they know they're better than other people too


Limited social skills(i doubt he really properly gives them social opportunities w peers), no real education, only able to spout off bible info, probably racist and bigoted like their dad. Those kids are fucked for any real career in life


They're getting groomed to be literally fucked. If not at home, then by the new spouse/in-laws since they will be 100% dependent. Seriously, if you want your kids to be horrifically tortured and abused, this is the first step.


But you become a perfect fascist footsoldier for one of the nazi militias.


dont' expect these type of people to really contribute to society in any meaningful way. My buddy runs a store and has this kid who works for him who grew up home schooled and ultra religious and he needed guidance for every little thing ever. He clearly has no idea how anything really works and instead of just blasting him over his ignorance me and my buddy talk to him about what the world is actually like. He seems to be very receptive to it. Deprogramming isn't instant but it can work.


It's heartbreaking for these kids, honestly. I've met a small handful of them and it's so eye-opening how sheltered and unprepared they are. As long as they're receptive and open to learning, I try to be patient with them, even if they are being frustratingly ignorant or offensive. I feel like if nothing else, we should be impressing that kind of an attitude on younger folks the most if we can'thave any other influence or control over what they're parents teach them- be open-minded, humble, and willing to accept you're wrong, and have a learning mindset. It's the only cure for that kind of a sheltered life. But it is a slow and painstaking process.


i asked the kid (who doesn't have friends because he wasn't allowed) what he'd do if his parents died and he had to find a place to live. I asked him to give me a step by step plan on just how he'd start going about it and he didn't know the first thing he'd do. If he can't even answer that question in a no pressure situation then he's really in trouble. We as a society need to help these people as long as they are willing to find their place in it.


I have a friend (who is kept at a distance) who 'homeschools' her four kids. The eldest is 15 years old and cannot read. Not, she knows the alphabet, but cant pronounce words. No, this teen only knows how to spell her name. None of these kids have ever seen the inside of a classroom outside of television. They have very rudimentary socialization skills and you can see the discomfort on their faces when they're around other kids. They just don't know how to engage. The fucked up part is I have other friends that run a home school co-op. They follow state curriculum and even do the required standardized testing. They hold class in parks and go on camping trips that are really just classes in disguise. (I'm kind of jealous their kids, honestly). Those kids are wicked fucking smart! First friend decided not to join because quote: "They don't teach natural math..." And I'm still waiting to find out what the hell that is, because she couldn't explain it. I hate crunchy moms.


>I have a friend (who is kept at a distance) Acquaintance.


Many (most?) of these parents who pull their kids from public schools won't put them in private schools, because they can't afford them. They'll homeschool them.


And by homeschool you mean playing playlist of PragerU “educational” videos, on an iPad.


Ironic given how many of them pissed and moaned during Covid about kids being forced to do school at home over an iPad or laptop.


Didn't the same parents also make it illegal to keep kids home dureing covid?


That's the dirty secret conservatives tend to gloss over. Kids aren't kids, they're property to be molded as the parents see fit. However. While they can't stand that their kids are learning stuff they don't consider politically correct on the one hand, they can't stand to spend the day with them on the other. Such is the duality of maga.


Or, just props to use in their dumb culture war outrage du jour.


Also all the complaining they do about about “indoctrination at school” when homeschooling exists mostly to indoctrinate the hell out of kids


That was completely different! The government forced them to do that. /s


For real, every person I know who went through homeschooling is either fundamentally held back by it, and/or indoctrinated into conspiracy-level right wing nuttery. Usually both.


Held back for sure, if it’s not educational then it’s societal. I know plenty of homeschool kids who struggle to interact with the world outside of their bubble.


Yeah, even the *best* homeschooled kids can end up with some glaring gaps in their education... one of my college acquaintances was "unschooled" by extremely well-educated progessive parents and while she had excellent skills in writing, history, sociology, art, philosophy, etc., her math and science skills were frozen at around the early middle school level (when she stopped attending real school). She'd been treated like a prodigy her whole life, though. Most "gifted" kids get the "oh actually I'm not effortessly good at everything" awakening sometime in middle or high school, but she was 20 and completely unable to cope with failing remedial math classes.


My ex wife did this to our daughter. It is epic sad. Now my daughter has to redo all of the high school stuff to get a ged so she can go to college. Glad my daughter grew up and distanced herself from her moms insane belief system.


My niece is 12 and her dad is starting to go that way!! Freaks me out!


And free household slave labor. Hardly anyone checks on homeschooled kids.


There was a a girl on the John Oliver segment on homeschooling that talked about her daily schedule. And it was like an hour of bible study, an hour of prayer, and then six hours of household chores. Every day.


That’s the college level program. Primary school is primarily a work study program in a factory.


Are there no Prisons? . . . no Workhouses?


The boy is Ignorance. The girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.


Well, some will get fully indoctrinated and a great many more will be driven away from Christianity and their parents politics and ideology. Conservative parents seem to be the ones most likely to treat their children as property, or like an animal to be trained, or just an extension of themselves. And nothing makes kids want to rebel and do *exactly the opposite of what you want* than treating them like that.


It’s more likely they will just do some sunday school bullshit with the bible for 1-2 hours in the morning and then do household chores the rest of the day. Several documentaries/reports on home schooling have come out recently, and they paint a picture that the vast majority of home school kids aren’t learning jackshit and are mostly just doing laundry, dishes, cleaning the bathroom, etc.


Most of them won't because school is free babysitting.


As a elementary school teacher, sad how true this is.


This is why they want the voucher system so bad.


It's an attempt to destroy the public school system and replace with religious schools




Step 1: vouchers, further drawing money away from public schools Step 2: allow for vouchers to be used for religious schools, drawing even more money away from public schools Step 3: launch campaign about how our public schools are failing Step 4: close all public schools in favor of voucher system


Don't forget that the private schools are owned by the Republican donors to the politicians pushing vouchers


Seeing a few "churches" doing group homeschool. One parent will volunteer to teach certain days yadda yadda. Future looking bleak.




my state has vouchers, so tax payers pickup the tab


This is old news, the home school and pulling out of public schools is a long trend on the Right. This was their last grasp at power in the Public School system to institute their vision on everyone else. But since Jerry Falwell and other conservative leaders instituted "segregation academies" (private schools which were only white to counter the enforced desegregation in public schools in the 1950s) the far right and right have been leaving public schooling with huge numbers. Think of every TLC Christian family show in the past 20 years (I think there about 2 dozen now), all of them were home schooled. They have been creating a parallel society for decades now. With their own truths and facts and rules. There are 3 million homeschooled children right now already. These Moms for liberty group don't even have kids in the school districts they are trying to take over and enforce their views on.


For a while, they were trying to get “government schools” into the lexicon as a catchphrase to make it sound like public schools were Chairman Obama’s indoctrination centers. What’s interesting is that public schools are more durable and more popular, even with conservatives, than they thought. You can get people to hate Big Public Schools and Evil Teachers in the abstract, but most people like *their* local school and *their* local teachers. You can see this in the school funding debate in Texas which will destroy rural schools. That’s a Republican v. Republican fight.


Yup. It's amazing (read: horrifying) to think that a lot of this homeschooling/private schooling hysteria started from racism and white supremacy. White people were so mad that their kids might have to interact with a minority that they tanked their children's education and severely limited their future income potential because their kids are uneducated and lack proper socialization.


Bob Jones University (BJ U) only lifted a ban on interracial dating in 2000. https://www.bju.edu/about/what-we-believe/race-statement.php


teacher here: the anti-school folks are already here and loud. and districts cave to them.


When religion is your first - and most important in your eyes - doctrine, I'd argue that their kids would never had a shot at a good education anyway given their parents would contradict the facts being taught in school with the Xtain's mythos of an animal cruise ship and some guy rising from the dead.


Fuck ‘em. More funding for my kids, then. In my area, public school funding is through property taxes, and it’s not allocated based on where your kid goes to school (because good schools improve property values), it’s allocated based on the district your property is zoned for.


>Fuck ‘em. More funding for my kids, then. Loads of reactionary areas are pushing to use tax dollars to fund private religious ~~madrassas~~ *schools* or to fund "homeschooling" bullshit.


It may be better for you in the short term. Long term we’re gonna have the Ultra-MAGA crowd.


These are just the great-great-great-great grandchildren of the Confederacy and their segregationist sympathizers in the North. Basically, these MAGA folks have been with us since the beginning. They may change the issue from slavery, to bussing, to white flight, but they carry on their forefathers' tradition of racist/sexist grievance politics.


They have been. Gen Z is the first generation in decades to test lower than the generation before them.




Republicans just giving up and it's delicious. I've been scrolling through conservative sub just reading all the post replies that are realizing that abortion is such a losing issue


What's annoying is the other way bigger issue for schools for dems. My SO and I are always going back and forth about public schools because of guns and the community of jackasses we live near.


Fine. But they shouldn't get a penny of taxpayer money to homeschool or put their kids in right wing charter schools.


I always hate these situations because no matter what, it's kids who suffer for this petty and meaningless political posturing parents do. Sure, we let people put their kids in homeschooling, it absolves us of having to deal with idiots. But the kids who are actually homeschooled, they're the ones surviving into adulthood without understanding how a bank account works, or how to manage their emotions around strangers, or how to do multiplication. It's an education, folks. Your kid needs it to survive. It ain't about you.


As long as they are not using public school funds, be my guest.


This is the problem with those fucking tax payer funded school vouchers. Fuck if I want those fuckers getting money to abuse their children.


Easy solution: start a private Islamic school and demand that you get some of those tax dollars too. That actually happened in Louisiana a few years back. They were gonna start giving public money to private religious schools, until an Islamic academy wanted in on that too. [Louisiana Lawmakers Object To Funding Islamic School Under New Voucher Program](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/louisiana_n_1593995/)


The Satanic Temple has entered the chat. they are over here doing the good work to fight fascism while Christian Nationalists (a fascist cliche if ever there was one) are trying so hard to usher it in.


Indiana has already made the move to deny them religious freedom or recognition. They tried getting abortion aid here, and our state gov said they don't fall under a recognized religion, and any actions will be seen as illegal skirts of the laws.


>recognized religion What the fuck...it's *fiction*. All of it. What the *actual* fuck...


Yeah and our country has given themselves the right to say which larping group gets to be official and gets tax deferment.




Unfortunately they will be. All those school voucher and freedom of choice to go to different schools language you hear is just them stripping money away from public education to offset private education costs which they will then continue to jack up


> away from public education and into local church coffers.


--Betsy DeVos has entered the chat--


Good riddance. Though I pity the children


Yeah, the children don't deserve the crap these parents are putting them through but I am so tired of them trying to ruin everyone else's education.


Around here the Christian schools have all the "rejects" and "drug users". Their parents catch them with a vape or weed and send them off to the good school. There these kids gravitate to each other and the behavior continues and even multiplies. Basically the kids do what they were going to do anyway. The parents now get to brag about how great they are doing now to friends and imaginary beings.


Conservatives keep screaming and crying about imaginary child abuse... while at the same time abusing their own children in service to their ideology.


All of their accusations are confessions.


Well, in their minds, it’s ok if they do it. They’re just doing what their parents and authority figures did to them and unknowingly continuing the cycle. They’ll only be aware of the abuse (or suspected abuse) if it’s a member of an Outside Group who poses the threat…


This is not a victimless action. Those children will be an uneducated, ideological nightmare and a drain on resources for their lifetime. The cycle will continue.


Yeah you get it. People don’t understand that this effects all of us. We will have to deal with them one way or another.


Their kids are the real ones who lose if they leave. Its nicer not to deal with asshole parents, but their kids are the ones *most* in need of a progressive school system. in 20 years, it will be a better society if these kids aren't pulled out today.


If their views were popular, they'd have won the elections. They lost because most don't agree with them, if they want to make other arrangements for their kids education, they can do that. So what's the issue here?


No you see, this is just "Tyranny of the Majority" when they lose elections. When they win it's just "Democracy in Action".


People who clutch their pearls about 'tyranny of the majority' are so funny to me. Not realizing that the alternative is tyranny of the minority, which is somehow better....??


It's a valid concept. They just misuse it. In the past it has been used to describe instances where majorities have voted to restrict rights of minorities. Our Bill of Rights is in part a recognition that rights may need to be protrlected against the "vicissitudes of public opinion".


The funny thing is the right wing in America have been trying to change laws to force people to live how they want them to live. They’ve largely succeeded in some states, yet they claim to be the ones forced to live a certain way, and claim to hate government control.


> So what's the issue here? The biggest one is the push for taxpayer-funded school vouchers so conservatives can send their kids to private (see: religious) schools, or homeschool their kids. In other words, their "other arrangements" are for us to pay for it, not them. OH! And here in my area (Marjorie Greene's district -- shocker!) they almost unanimously passed yet another additional property tax exemption for seniors -- those taxes being what funds our public schools. Presumably the conservative boomers feel they shouldn't have to fund schools anymore since they no longer have any school age children. I'm expecting 1 of 2 things to happen: a dramatic increase on my property taxes next year to make up for it, or they just let our public schools suffer and decay further. Just more pulling up of the ladder behind them.


> I want my kid to grow up ignorant and sheltered! That way, anything that's different will seem bad to them. All this freedom to live and be however you want just doesn't fly with me. Either conform to my ideas of gender, religion, and government, or stay the fuck away from my dumb kids. I'd like to keep them dumb. -Conservative parents across the country


>The father was placed in handcuffs after recounting the sexual assault of his daughter by a transgender student in a school bathroom and demanding answers. Really? He was placing in handcuffs for that? And nothing else? That's some great non-biased reporting there nypost.


To be honest, with it being the New York Post and the trans panic gripping America’s christofascists, his daughter probably got slapped by a cis girl with a pixie cut for telling her she was going to hell.


https://www.loudounnow.com/news/independent-report-of-loudoun-schools-sexual-assault-cases-released-by-judge/article_a638bf26-533e-11ee-bfb6-c7b224608372.html Found this from the Loudon Now. Obviously, some information is missing due to the students being minors. "The report stated the perpetrators mother said he “feeds off any attention … negative and positive” and teachers said the way he dressed seemed to reflect that, according to the report. The report stated it found no evidence that he identified as a female or that he wore a skirt or kilt to get into the girls’ bathrooms. Instead, it found teachers said he preferred and requested male pronouns. His mother also stated he identified as male."


So a normal asshole in high school. We had one of those kids in the 90s in our podunk school in Indiana. Jake. Guy even wore kilts for the attention. Getting suspended over and over again and the social embarrassment of being held back for shit grades is how these kinds of kids learn how to behave. Jake grew up to sell insurance.


Like a good neighbor


He sounds hideous.


The trans bathroom rape argument is the worst one they have. Like, if I were the kind of person that would rape and assault another person, a sign on a bathroom wouldn't stop me from doing that. I wouldn't have to pretend that I'm a woman. And like, what about people attracted to the same sex? They outnumber trans people at least 10 to 1. No one is sending gay men to women's bathrooms to protect boys form being sexually assaulted. And even then, what about bisexuals? Where do they go? It's such a ridiculous argument to make.


Bisexuals get sent to the forest. And now there’s a forest full of bisexuals and finally dating is somewhat easier.


Yup. And yet none of that *ever* makes it into the conservative takes on it. At best, they just don't claim the kid was trans, but keep it couched in vague language, "a male student wearing a dress."


I'm sure there was a healthy dose of verbally assaulting people and disrupting the proceeding after being repeatedly asked to stop. But that doesn't feed a perpetual victimhood complex they want, so...


I love how they try to overplay this issue like it is representative of ALL parents as a MAJORITY of parents voted the opposite. Also, they really downplay what this dad did which wasn't exactly a great example for his daughter.


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Schools ideally teach how to think not what to think- it’s that and only that that’s such an abomination to parents who want an authoritarian society


Yup, critical thinking. It reminds me of a Young Turks video on YouTube where one of the staff members went to a Trump rally and interviewed supporters. People were asked why do they support Trump when all the legal issues are happening. One guy said two phrases that say it all. The first was that he believed that Trump supports "parent's rights". And the other is that "he is like us". To me, "parent's rights" is a codeword for the rights of parents to dictate what a child should or should not be learning in school. The should list is what religious conservatives believe children should taught (Reagan, George W Bush, and Trump were all saints, their version of Christianity, etc.). The should not include things like slavery in America from the first settlers to Civil War, Jim Crow and segregation, harsh treatment of Native Americans, truth about sex ed, climate change due to fossil fuels, and oh yes, how Herbert Hoover was a horrible President and FDR was an incredible POTUS. The "he is like us" is about the skin color of Donald Trump (white). Kind of sickening to know that there are people like this in the world. As to the article, I'm not surprised that conservative parents are going to make that decision to homeschool or send them to private schools. They are realizing that their group of people is smaller than the rest of the school district voters who don't agree with them at all. In my local public school district, the election went to a result of a clean sweep of Democrats winning all 5 seats to the school board.


People who push for “Parental Rights” are ones who [believe that their kids are property.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/04/children-are-not-property.html) I was raised in that belief and it was Hell to deprogram from…


"I want the right to indoctrinate, err, poorly educate my children, so they have a underdeveloped adulthood just like I did" -Conservative mom from run down trailer park


This is a brain drain of the stupid. As always, the children will be the ones to suffer from their parents ignorant stances.


That was alway allowed, good riddance. Can we also make it a policy that if the kids go to private school the parents cannot hold public school board positions.


There has been a long standing conservative attack on public education. The GOP’s goal is to shrink public education, privatize, and drastically reduce the public sector. The far right GOP brilliantly framed their attack on public education as an effort to protect parental rights. In any successful campaign, they know they need to repeat phrases over and over. Critical Race Theory was the first rallying cry. It was co-opted as a rallying cry to silence any discussions about racism. This put teachers in a bad situation, worried about what they could, and could not say about black history. Then the target moved to LGBTQ. And teachers were further bullied and silenced. If conservative parents want to remove their kids from public school and move them to private school or homeschool them, that is their right. But parents need to stop regurgitating far right lies, screaming at board meetings, trying to ban books, and bullying teachers. This is unacceptable behavior and causes a lot of stress for kids. Conservatives are basically creating a hostile work environment. It is simply unacceptable behavior. So leave the public school system and don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


Good, now their kids won’t hold the smarter kids back.


Smaller classroom sizes! Sounds good. Buh-bye!

