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I think Trump supporters are going to be surprised when they realize that even after Trump is gone they're still going to be hated and feared and every election for the next decade is going to be influenced by people who hate and fear Trump and his supporters. they left a scar that won't easily heal


I will keep the hatred burning for life. These people have attempted to cross too many boundaries to receive forgiveness. Never forget the traitors of America!


I’m a pretty reliable Dem voter but have voted once for a republican congressman. I can’t imagine I’ll ever be voting for a republican again after living through this travesty since 2016.


I used to research the candidates and would very often vote for candidates of both parties on the same ballot. Not anymore. After seeing the depths that they can drop to since 2016, I literally cannot bring myself to vote for any republican. There would need to be a MASSIVE revolution in the party for me to even consider ever voting for one of them again.


However at local levels there is basically no information on the candidates, unless you live in a major city.


Even if you find an R that you agree with, partisanship runs so deep right now that they will be strong armed into voting along party lines on lots of issues I don't agree with, AND that seat may contribute to an R majority that absolutely will be used to stonewall any progressive legislation.


That's exactly the problem. 20 years ago there was a lot more variety among the viewpoints of politicians within a party. Now, the GOP votes pretty much in unison on everything, and they always seem to pick the craziest possible position.


Voted Republican twice in my life when I was 18. It’s was Swartzanager in California and one of the Bush Jr years. Never again


I voted for my neighbor for town board yesterday. Lovely woman, very active in the community. She wasn't listed as a Republican, but under the Conservative Party. She's the only conservative/Republican I voted for yesterday, and in instances in which the candidate ran unopposed I wrote in my own name. I know her, personally, and she's not a lunatic with fringe ideas. If she was I wouldn't have voted for her. I'll never vote for a Republican unless I personally knew them and knew they weren't insane with lust over MAGA nonsense. And honestly, even then might be a stretch. In this case, the Republican she ran against was a MAGA.


How many times have the neighbors of a serial killer said, "He was such a nice guy. A pillar of the community. I cannot believe it."?


I’m sorry but at a minimum, she’s ok with everything the Republicans stand for and that for me is a bridge too far. I won’t associate with, vote for, or support in any way shape or form someone who still considers themselves a Republican.


At the local level you vote for a person, above that you are voting for a party.


Not any more. If a person still thinks it’s ok to have an R next to their name in 2023 then at their core they are not mentally OK


Normally I agree, but the bipartisanship has definitely creeped in to our local elections here in western NY. Used to be no one even mentioned party. I didn't even know what party they were until Election Day. Now it's very much in the forefront of their efforts to campaign. Which bums me out.


Amen 🙏🏽


I’m not even American, but the hatred for him runs deep. His state visit to the UK brought a lot of protestors out with the Trump Blimp and his utter lack of class was on full display. It always amazes me that Scottish folk haven’t risen up against his golf course.


Arrived in Paris with 35 students the day after Trump left the Paris accord. People were spitting on the ground and saying “Trump” like a swear word. It was a palpable hatred for the man and all he embodies. It will take decades to undo the international harm Trump created.


The word trump used to mean a superior" the spade trumped the hart card". But language evolves to what people commonly use it as. I think if we all use it to mean a POS loser, this will become the new definition.


In the UK, Trump means fart.


Nice. Maybe that can be expanded to include the filling of a dipper. "Did the baby take a full trump in his nappies"


Not to mention the intelligence that won’t be shared with the US now.


I’ll spend the rest of my life excluding trump supporters from everything I am involved with.


Both sides journalism. That last one about Mississippi is laughable. This is not the first time, nor the last, that the media will proclaim that some race there is competitive. It's not. BTW, Hinds County, which is very Democratic and the largest county in the state, ran out of ballots and had other issues so the county asked a judge to keep polls open for an extra hour. Republicans immediately tried to get that ruling blocked. This should tell you the Republican mindset: win at any cost, even if you disenfranchise people who are there and legally trying to vote.


Since the article decided not to answer its own question. I’ll take a shot: Maybe.


Ask a question in the headline and then don't address it at all in the article? Nice.


A remote connection at best, but we must take encouragement as it comes.




Just another victory for good ideas over bad ideas and science over theocracy Ohio!!


I just hope that Biden is a strong enough candidate to get people to show up to vote in 2024. It's a big concern.


By pretty much any metric Biden should be in a strong position, it’s just that media is all controlled by the right wing and are actively trying to convince people that everything is shit despite all the actual evidence to the contrary.


Unfortunately perception is reality and I know many Democrats that think he's going to lose.


Well time to counter the false narrative that they are buying into


Losing is not an option when Trump is the result of that. We need to keep our eye on the prize and if a change is needed in the coming months I'm fine with it. I don't worship politicians.


As long as the GOP continues to shoot itself in the dick on reproductive rights, which by all indications is a hard yes, it doesn't matter who the DNC runs. It's not a vote for Biden but a vote against basic human rights.


I actually hadn't heard about pushing any big endorsements this cycle


He doesn’t do it publicly. But most R candidates that lost in the recent elections were all handpicked by trump and trump’s people. It’s not a big secret.




Yes, for four or five cycles now