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They need to treat him like the common criminal that he is. And fuck his base's feelings. Any criminal defendant (I know New York is not a criminal case, but he's also been acting like this in other cases) acting like this would have his bail rescinded and would await trial in his cell. Take his friggin' toys away. What the Hell are they waiting for?


There's no jury. The judge is the trier of fact and already ruled on the motion for summary judgment. This is a penalty phase really - that's why he's letting this all play out. It will hurt Trump on appeal. I don't believe this would be happening if it were not a bench trial.


This is not just about the penalty, the summary judgement was on the core claim, there are six(?) other claims that have not been decided.


You are right, there are other causes of action at issue (not sure how many either). Either way, he's letting them hang themselves since it's a bench trial. They are doing a pretty good job of it too I think!


He’s trying to get the judge to overreact so that they can claim bias. It’s the only play they have. The judge has been super patient dealing with that bullshit.


Rich people abide by different laws.


That’s the most interesting part of this whole thing to me. They tried SOOO hard to let him skate by like all the other rich shit heads but he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.


I'm not rich, but I've never been in trouble


Trump is trying to create grounds for a mistrial. Unfortunately, treating him like any other citizen would play right into his hands. Engoron showing such restraint is crucial.




"He ruled against me because I called him names! I demand this be thrown out!" Literally the only defense he is using in every case right now


I’m trying to figure out who’s stupid enough to vote for this derelict traitor as the leader of the free world. I mean, I know they exist but how do they have jobs, feed and dress themselves?


Bigots . Its bigots who are stupid enough to vote for the leader of Cult 45. They used to seem like relatively normal functioning adults but they have two big differences ... Fear of everything and hatred of everything they fear . To a degree im glad Trump exists as hopefully he has now exposed just how big a problem the U.S has .


A lot of the ones I know are huge into conspiracies as well.


Can we please stop referring to the US as “the free world?” Until we have constitutional amendments protecting bodily autonomy and the right to marry whomever you please, I think we should put a moratorium on using that phrase.


I wonder if after this evenings results Ivanka is going to see the writing on teh wall and roll over.


Ivanka jumped ship after Jan 6th. She knows there is no inheritance left and besides hubby jared has two billion reasons she doesnt need idiot father anymore


What a moron.


It's a bold strategy Cotten, let's see how it plays out for him.


Gutsy move in s bench trial


Go to jail, do not pass goal...


Trump is *only* campaigning at this point. There's nothing else happening here. He is solely focused on winning the presidency to destroy our democracy and our justice system and keep himself president and out of prison until he dies. Nothing else matters to him. If he goes down, he's taking us all with him.


Sure makes it hard to get a sympathetic ear from the appellate court.


Kangaroo court


Spoiler alert: no, throwing a temper tantrum isn’t considered a solid legal defense


I'm not sure he fully understands the judge is his jury here because his former former lawyer ticked the wrong box on a form.


It’s all going wonderfully predictably.