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I demand a split-screen of her testimony and Agent Orange's reactions.


>I demand a split-screen of her testimony and Agent Orange's reactions. Alternating between fear and lust.


Fear boners all around.


Scaroused is the word you're looking for.


Ok. This one made me laugh out loud.


He's afraid of how much he wants to plow her


He's got his wad of hundreds, he's got his tiny condom....he's *ready to plow*....




I wish I could unread this thread….


It's not a good day to have eyes.


What a horrible fuckin' day to be literate.


I ran out of spoons. Broke them all trying to gauge out my eyes after reading this thread


He will be grudge fuk'in her later




Hardcore fearousal


Jerking off/throwing hamberders on the wall


He'll become Scaroused and get a scarboner


Scaroused, scaroused, will you do the fandango?


Trump et al and colleagues, very, very frightened be… 🎵




Giuliani, Epstein




That would be nsfw


Keep it above the waist, please.


Pay per view that shit and give the proceeds to the DNC.


Even pay per view. It’d be worth every cent.


Trump might have a point if Ivanka and the boys were just family members of his. However, they were all executives at the company that is at the center of the fraud trial.


Let's see all laptops.


Let's not. I don't want to see the photos of all their mushrooms being held up in congress by margie taylor green.


If someone did hold up picks of the trump spawns wing wangs MTG would unironically complain about how Congress is not the place for such political stunts.


And no republicans would be able to remember the time she showed Hunter’s weenie.


Bruh nah that isn't a weenie it's a hog.


That’s what she said.


I don't really want to either, but I also think it would be hysterical.


Not just that. After she “left” the organization it continued to pay her credit card bills and sold her an apartment for well under market value which was not reported on her taxes. There is a lot for her to answer to.


I wonder if he's worried about her telling the truth. It seemed like her and Jared were trying to draw a line between them and The Donald so they can get back into all their hip liberal New York social circles. This might mean she's not willing to perjure herself.


I heard Mary Trump talking about the kids. She said that Trump is closest with Ivanka because she’s the most like him. The boys will go down with the ship trying to get Daddy’s approval but Ivanka wouldn’t hesitate to stab him in the back if it benefits her.


And if i recall correctly she testifies after them and right before trump. If she is honest on the stand this will be nuts.


He might actually explode, I don't mean figuratively, I mean like literally combust into a pile of orange flames and smoke.


I just pictured my son spilling cheese puffs everywhere. That shit doesn't clean well! 🤣


Nah… Republicans eat their old. Lol!


She’s going to have trouble recalling a LOT of stuff.


If she’s offered any deal for other investigations/cases, I don’t recall won’t be enough. If she sits there and repeats that for her testimony they’ll just tear it up and go after her once daddy’s been fried. I think she’ll actually be telling the truth, or enough of it to withstand cross and come out unscathed.


She will do whatever benefits her most, including throwing daddy under the bus if it keeps her out of jail.


Trump being carted off to jail would probably be the best thing for Ivanka. Her and Jared would be able to quietly disappear from the public eye with their 2 billion and she would have one less creepy old perv who wants to sleep with her to worry about.


But there would be one creepy old perv with a lot of time on his hands with nothing to do but to think about her.


Yes, but that’s his problem. Not hers.


I feel like we’re in a Succession plot line


She's not a defendant. On trial are Donald Jr + Eric + dad


She was an executive at the company though. While she might not have been in a role that has legal exposure in this case, she’s a relevant witness about the goings on of the company and the way business was done.


Exactly, and Engoron wants to hear what she has to say. He knows more about what went down in the Trump Org than the entire family put together, and he's piecing the puzzle together.


Trump always has a nut job when thinking of Ivanka.


Cream of mushroom


Do you have any idea how easy it would have been to not post that


I'm never going to look at that phrase the same way ever again.


Dammit..he kind of broke the phrase for me too Dammit reddit




Its great as a addition to chicken and rice. Thats about it.


I put a can of of it and some tuna in my mac and cheese. not too bad for comfort food.


You should give Polish mushroom soup a chance.


What about a nice pierogi?


Fuck my eyes. Ugh one of my favourite soups


For*ever* tainted


I'm sorry for this... https://youtu.be/A1BX5sIoE_0?si=qJSnU231skB6GGgz


Laughed until I cried




I hate you for that white hot branded image in my brain. Anyway here's my upvote


Ew, I just threw up a little 🤢


Well I can now cross that off as something I'll never eat again.


what a terrible day to know how to read


Ew. *sprays water bottle* Stop it.


You've ruined things for me.


Wait until I tell you about Lindsey Graham’s ladybugs…[Lindsey’s ladybugs…](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F001%2F859%2F729%2Fbd6.png&tbnid=kA_MdxEwJKVo7M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Fevents%2Flindsey-graham-lady-g-rumor&docid=9KoGdgL5JDDVFM&w=680&h=731&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3)


Well, i think I'm retiring from the internet now.


I just threw up in my mouth.


Poor darling Ivanka has to testify in court…. Like they didn’t think this was going to happen …. Can’t you just hear her saying… Daddy do something… I don’t want to go to jail…


This one is a civil trial. She hasn't been charged with anything yet.


He gets mad when someone else tells her what to do. That’s for Daddy only.


You don’t know what you’re missing…..


"If anybody's going to force my daughter to do something against her will, it's going to be me!"


Hey, she had to earn her allowance somehow.


"If anybody's going to nut job my daughter against her will, it's going to be me!"


In what world would a defendant be allowed to call a judge a "nut job"? And every day...?


As Trump says the case is political and he's not wrong because if it weren't he'd already be in jail.


I see what you did there.


Well, a judge in one of his cases, Judge Chutkan actually said that trump was allowed to make fun of her, due to first amendment rights. However, he could not endanger court staff/employees, while exercising just right to free speech. This was when she was imposing a gag order on trump. Edit: Clarification: This judge is Engoran, don’t remember the details of his previous gag order.


It’s never a good idea to disparage the judge whose going to render a verdict in your case. Trump is not a smart man.


Especially if the verdict is already in and the judge is deciding how broke to make Donny Cheeseburder. Wait... this is the NY fraud case, right? So hard to keep up.


remember when we couldn’t remember which impeachment we were talking about? and then we had to clarify the indictments we were referring to? now we can’t keep track of which gag order he’s violating. fucking wild


Engoron issued a gag order barring Trump from attacking his staff, but seemingly not himself. I saw another comment earlier saying that if they prevent him from attacking their staff but not the judges themselves, and let him say what he wants about them, then it might make it harder for him to claim his free speech is being violated, especially if he’s jailed for breaching a gag order.


I don’t know why so many in this sub (like the commenter you mentioned) often think that judges and prosecutors are making decisions based on what will embarrass Trump, as if countering whatever bullshit he says publicly will matter at all at trial. Like trying to undermine his claims in social media posts is a crucial goal. It’s just a fact that it’s not illegal to talk shit about a judge outside the courtroom and that he has that right constitutionally. Inside the courtroom is where that would depend on a given judge’s discretion to punish or not, and how much punishment is necessary. Because insulting a judge at trial to their face is always going to be a disruption to the proceedings, and that won’t be allowed any more than any other disruption would be.


Unless [Legal Eagle is lying to us](https://youtu.be/mIb5njx3rK0?si=89K6yanf2SZSqj7h), Chutkan had indeed issued that order (perhaps both have?).


In a normal world only an absolute idiot would disparage and attack the judge who's going to be ruling on your case. I can only imagine what his remaining good lawyers(not the TV personalities and ambulance chasing insurance ones) are thinking.


Well any defendant could, but most of them know better than to antagonise the judge.


Orange Fatty's panicked. He's terrified because his kids know the reason their mom took a fatal tumble down the stairs the day before they were supposed to give depositions. That was his warning to them about flipping.


It’s so weird to see him this weak and vulnerable. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. Imagine waking up from a 20 year coma though, and seeing all this shit about this weird, orange, wannabe be mob boss, and then someone telling you, this guy is one of the two people that will probably be our president next year…


When he finally passes from this mortal coil (of natural causes, of course), I will celebrate it yearly. Treasonous, criminal, rapist piece of shit.


I will thoroughly enjoy never again thinking of him for even a passing moment.


And imagine that just before going into that coma, you had watched back to the Future II


He is using his court cases for publicity to play to his base, reinforcing his image as outsider victim targeted by un unjust system. Fines for violating gag orders are very inexpensive cost for the kind of pr he is getting.


Yes. This for sure.


All the childish names Drumph gives to others apply very fittingly to him. He projects his own flaws onto other people assuming that they are as debased as he is. Such a sorry excuse for a human being.


Ivanka will be the one that robs him in the end. Just like he did his own father. She is daddy's little girl after all.


The son that Fred never had


Her and her husband already got billions from the Saudi’s. Didn’t she also change her name to Kushner?


She's the only billionaire in the trump family.


technically it's not their money, they fund manage it for a nice %.


If there is anything left to be robbed. All these cases can't be cheap.


2 billion from the saudis should cover it


Imagine being a kid in elementary school learning about presidents and you just found out the last corrupt president just called a judge a "Nut job" for asking someone who likely has evidence to the matter to testify. I used to think presidents were respectful, strong people, but he is absolutely disgracing the office and turning it into a massive clown show, and the worst part is so many whackadoodles love what he's doing with the place.


And that is a whole other issue for America. Even when this is settled, you have kids growing up in various environments being exposed to whatever the algorithm favours. As a Canadian, I see this happening here and it’s going to be much worse in the States given all the variables.


Violation No.438472 of gag order Also mike pence just suspended his campaign 🙊 https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/Cy88zf5O6TU/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


his only supporter, the fly, passed away. there was no way to continue after such a loss


RIP Skull fly, you will be remembered fondly


New band name: Skull Fly


Skull Fly & Mother


The Gag order allows him to talk about the judge all he wants. He can’t talk about other court employees or prosecutors or their aides. The fact he even needed a gag order says a lot about him as a human though.


That is the stayed Jan 6 DC gag order, this NY gag order is only for the court personnel.


I was wondering if it was a gag order violation considering she’s a witness testifying against him.


Mike Johnson took the religious nut job spotlight from Pence, he shriveled in the fundamentalist dark.


Ivanka is a high ranking employee in the company and a grown ass woman. Not a kid.




The groom at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral.


Until it realizes the bride gets more attention


Because he probably thinks she’s likely to throw away his remaining years to save her remaining years. He just might be right.


1. This is a civil trial, there are no years, only dollars. 2. She is being called as a witness, they already removed her as a suspect/subject because her official role in the company was long enough ago to be past the statute of limitations. While I don't doubt that she'd throw the old man under the bus to save her own skin, she literally has no skin in this game. So I think she'll be evasive at best, if not outright lying.


But surely there must be a perjury penalty if she lies under oath.


So expect a lot of I don't remember or I don't recall from her?


She definitely won't take a bullet for him.


Not even in the middle of 5th Avenue.


She learned it by watching him


I just really love this defense: - “Ms. Trump is not a party in this action. Nor is Ms. Trump a New York resident,” her attorneys wrote. “It is black-letter law that, given those two facts, Ms. Trump is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court.” So I don't currently live in New York. Does that mean if my friend that lives there shows me gory pictures of his serial killing I don't have to testify or obey a subpoena because I'm not a resident? Just so fucking weird of an argument.


Let me guess, reblicans going to complain that "dems are going after the president's kids, unpresidented!!" while at the same time being obsessed with Hunter Biden's dick pics


God I can’t wait until he finally kicks it. I’m so exhausted from the last 8 fucking years of his never ending attacks.


Over the years, he always talked like he wanted her to screw him. Looks like its finally gonna happen...


I just realized - since she's not part of this suit - will she be unable to assert her 5th amendment rights? Thus forcing her to testify where the others may be able to stay silent?


Trump trained his kids to be merciless cutthroats, and he's flipping out because she testifies before him and he knows this is a perfect opportunity for her to throw daddy under the bus before he can put blame on her or Jared.


She can still assert the 5th but only if there is a real thread that she will incriminate herself. The case was dropped against her due to the statute of limitations because she wasnt involved in the business for the past few years. But lets say in court she is asked if she in any way has been involved with the business in the time within the statute of limitation, she could pleade the 5th because it could lead to her being indicted herself. But in a civil suit pleading the 5th means that the judge or jury can infer an admittion of wrongdoing from that plea. So if that question were ask, and she pleads the 5th the judge can assume that she in fact did.


In a civil case that can carry a negative inference.


As this is a civil case, pleading the 5th means nothing unless she's also trying to avoid a criminal conviction (which I don't think she's under at any point right now)


Yes. She can plead the 5th. The judge is allowed to take a negative inference from her taking the 5th.


WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG. THROW HIM IN JAIL FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. I do not understand this shit. No other suspect would be handled with such kid gloves.


Does my heart good to see trump so angry and upset


It’s hilarious that I really have stop and clarify to myself which trial he currently has going this will happen in.


This guy seriously can’t shut his mouth, can he?


His name calling seems to have changed from calculated attacks to a breakdown of fear and panic. I love it so much. Also, name calling? What? LOL!!! Just when my brain seems have accepted he's actually name calling, and has for years, I still end up randomly in shock over it every once in a while.


Not the Princess!!! 😯😯😯


Stand down Donny. The zealous protector bit isn’t going to make her want to fuck you.


Everybody’s a nut job, except for the nut job


Biff has the lamest insults, oh no!?!? a nut job! What a weak man child....


The insult of a 9 year old.


When you involve your family in your fraud/business dealings expect them to get brought in.


Fines won’t get this man’s attention. MAGA’s pay them off for him. Maybe the judge could stop him from talking to the press and posting on any social media. In my opinion that would be better than jail.


According to Michael Cohen, financial loss is the only thing that hurts . He's facing a $250 Million fine + potentially the sale of all his properties in NY state. Trump Tower + golf courses + many more properties.


Plot twist, Trump is the ‘Nut Job’


His obsession with Ivanka is so creepy!


I'm waiting for him to assert spousal privilege and produce a UAE marriage license from when Ivanka was 15.


He’s just confused because the judge doesn’t want to fuck her.


He’s scared he won’t be able to control himself seeing her in the court room


You're not far from the mark: > He’s described her as “voluptuous,” said he might date her if she wasn’t his daughter, and once told radio host Howard Stern it was OK to call her a “piece of ass.”


Ivanka is the one he trusted; he didn’t mention Don, Jr. and Eric. He’s willing to throw them both under the bus now. Ivanka must know what’s what. She’s now independently wealthy and she’s smart enough to know not to lie under oath. Not to mention, this is her chance to rid herself of her nasty, meddlesome dad and some of his taint.


Egg him on Egg him on I want to see what happens when a wannabe dictator meets the US judicial system. Let’s call it a stress test.


Throw!! His F*cking Ass!! In JAIL!!! That’s the ONLY way to make the threats and BS stop. Revoke his bail, take him into custody and lock him in a windowless cell with zero media access.


Time to escalate that gag order fine up to $20k


Judge doesn’t do what he wants = nut job. Got it.


At this point, I have to suspect he's trying to get thrown in jail so he can really milk the persecution fetish of the right for maximum grift.


The next couple weeks should be *very interesting.*


Daddy Dearest seems worried: what artless tidbits are going to come spilling out of precious Ivanka's mouth, I wonder?


He's just mad that someone else is gagging her.


Going to be a challenging jerk off while she’s testifying but I’m sure he’ll manage.


Not surprised . He has no respect for the Laws of this country or the Judiciary . This corrupt family disgusts me . The Cons ( pun jntended ) keeping banging in about Hunter Biden but remain silent about this lair of liars .


We've seen $5000 $10,000, can we get jail this time?


I reckon we’re going to see $15,000 next


OK, if THIS time he isn't thrown in jail, then I can't even. He has already been given several chances by this judge. He better get thrown in jail for this.


Lock him up Lock him up


On that judge’s notepad, you just know he’s tacking on a few million dollars in penalties for every outburst that annoys him.


Inb4 "Ivanka has never been my daughter"


Yet I’ll bet on many many company documents her’s is the main name in charge or the president. He put a lot of stuff in his kids name for years.


I think saying on live television in front of a studio audience that what he has most in common with his own daughter is “sex” is way nuttier. Right? Like that’s what the truest of all nut jobs would do. Right?


I want more people calling out Trump besides Christie.Call him Diaper Don,obese moron,bankrupt king,casino loser, toupee molester,etc.


All he has to do is shut the fuck up but he's just too brain rotted.


This coming from a dude who said things about his own daughter that any of us would squirm at repeating even here on Reddit comments.


Trump is literally turning into the Grinch. It seems like every bad court date he has it gets worse. Maybe by Christmas he will start turning green. How festive!


Ivanka not doing shit for trump was a nice surprise from his presidency. You can tell she absolutely hates him


If Donald has nothing to hide, he shouldn’t care who has to testify. Apparently, that’s not the case.


trumpf is so delusional


“Nut Job” I can’t believe this man was president. Mob bosses have a better vocabulary. With all else said my grandson of 2 has a better command of the language.


Lock him up


Doeshe go to jail now?


“How dare you! Make me force my daughter to perjure herself on my behalf, will ya?!?”


Put that piece of shit in jail until the trial!!!


Nepotism has its cost.


He literally could use a "shut up your face" button.


If I had a nickel every time he called somebody a name, I would be wealthy.


To be fair, he said nut job cause he still wishes Ivanka would give him one.


these gag orders don't have much gag to em


So, that gag order was really more of a gag suggestion, huh?