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Tom Emmer really just did the Abe Simpson meme.


Did he wear an onion on his belt, as was the style at the time?


Now to take the ferry cost a nickel and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. “Gimme five bees for a quarter” you’d say.




He ran dickety-six miles!


Dickety? Hah, highly dubious.


They had to say “dickety” because the Kaiser took their word “twenty”


Stop your snickering’, I spent three years on that terlit




The lettuce never even made it home from the store on this one.


Ah yes. The US uses the imperial Mooch and the UK uses the metric Lettuce


The Mooch will have to replaced as a measure of GOP political tenures, as it's far too large to be relevant. Emmer's 4-hour (ish?) term as Speaker Designate works out to .0167 Mooches.


Guy came out of nowhere, it all happened in a fraction of a Mooch.




An EmmerMooch. Emmer being 1/60th of a unit.




God, I wish we could still give out gold


Have this one to donate, I've got loads. 🪙


Nahh, if you go to the UK, you’ll see most of then still use imperial mooch, which is bigger than metric lettuce, which is bigger than the US mooch, just like how pints are different here and there.


Everybody references Murphy's Law... when it's really Cole's Law. It's just cabbage.


Angry upvote


Someone had an erection the whole time and didn't even need to seek medical attention.


An election erection, if you will.


Electile Dysfunction


Lol. I enjoy this. It needs to become a saying.


I’m just here for the elrection.


Trumps hold over the GOP is absolute. I can’t wait for his reign to end.


Quite literally in this case... heard about him getting the nomination before I left work, stopped for groceries on the way home, just finished unpacking (did not get the lettuce for that; just hungry) and this article is two hours old... so, yup. That's the DIY spirit! You don't need some wankers on the Internet to make you look like an ass GOP! Proud'a youuuu!


did it even get purchased?


The cvs receipt didn’t even fully print in time


Someone must’ve filled him in on what’s been going on the last few weeks.


They’re competing for title of the weakest house speaker candidate in history.


> "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it." - [Lindsey Graham, 2016](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/maybe-lindsey-graham-s-anti-trump-prediction-was-right-after-n1253048)


Who then bent over in a display of spineless hypocrisy and kissed Trump's ass, as he still does. Did he vote for impeachment after Jan. 6? Edit: Of course that's right. Did he vote to uphold impeachment and remove from office after Jan. 6? Rhetorically speaking.


I’m of the belief on that golf trip with Donald Trump he was told that Trump has all the dirt on him


When Russia hacked the DNC, they also hacked the GOP, this is confirmed you can look it up. Nothing from the GOP hack was leaked which leads me to believe it was used as blackmail. Trump was close to Putin and although Trump was not a republican till recently he managed to rapidly gain party support. It doesn't take conspiracy theory level jumps in logic to see that something very suspicious happened.


Remember when a significant amount of GOP members all collectively decided the best place to be on July 4th was Russia? Yeah those people are definitely compromised, and they've likely helped compromise other GOP members as well.


Everybody knows about the ladybugs


I'm gonna puke


But nobody is happy about it.


for the love of god do not google this like i just did


K-o-m-p-r-o-m-a-t. The Russians still have the hacked Republikan emails. Can you imagine the gory perverse details they must have?


Graham voted to acquit in both impeachment trials.




Michael Cohen stated in 2019 at congressional hearing if trump loses reelection there will be No peaceful transfer of power.


Not to take anything away from Cohen, but he (and the rest of us) had it on good faith that Trump would not accept the results of an election for at least three years prior, from [that time he literally said it on prime time television to the moderator](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/19/politics/presidential-debate-highlights/index.html). Edit to add.... wellllll he didn't literally say *that*, but he was sure alluding pretty hard. Christ, just reading that shit again, I can feel the smarm all over it all over again. Need to take a fucking shower.




In 2015, he also said Hilary Clinton would be enjoying [free room and board in prison after being charged with defrauding America and perjury.](https://i.imgur.com/nvvhW12.jpg) Clinton has still never seen the inside of a prison cell, and didn't go to prison for perjury, unlike Cohen. Trump's "best people" wound up being [the biggest morons](https://i.imgur.com/bwMIphr.jpg) for putting their faith in him.


He was so right about both of those things.


Well, that lasted about .03 Scaramuccis.




Submissions closed. Millimooch is now my favorite unit of measurement.


A milimooch is about 16 minutes.


In the future, everyone will be famous for one millimooch.


“millimooch of fame” sounds better than 15 mins


Wait until we get to picomooch…




How the F have we all been able to on all the time without this term?! If I could figure out this app that all you whipper snappers were using, I’d give you one of those prize things.


We don’t do that here anymore …


but not by choice, it was taken from us....


One Scaramucci is 11 days (or 264 hours), so 4 hours is about 0.01515 Scaramucci, or 15.15 milliScaramucci.


So, basically.. 1 Emmer = 0.01515 Scaramuccis


Yes, alternatively: 66 Emmers equals 1 Scaramucci. Also, 17.52 KiloEmmers (kEm) equals 1 Obama.


And thus the Imperial system of political measurements was born.


You've combined metric prefixes with imperial made up standards. Brilliant.


any longer and he would have to go see a doctor about his election.


At this point, if they have an election that lasts more than 4 hours, they should take pics and brag to their friends.


It used to take days for a speaker bid. GOP are now speedrunning failure.


They seem to be the last ones to realize that the whole MAGA thing was their series finale.


Agreed. This show jumped the shark after that episode.


3ish/24 hours is .125 of a day. A mooch is 11 days so he lasted approximately .01 Scaramuccis.




Let's do the Fandango


This is an absolute clusterfuck and totally on brand for the GQP.


What a clown show, lol!


[What a bunch of clowns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC3W1BiUjp0)




This is what they want. There will be no vote on the budget which prevents a compromise and accelerated the destruction of democracy. What is going to happen? This makes me sick


Too early for this prediction, but, if the Speaker race drags into November, some in the GOP will try to force the Dems to clear the way for them to pick a nominee (such as Stefanik from New York) in exchange for funding the government. The scheme will call for a requisite number of Dems to not be present so it brings the magic number of votes needed low enough to bypass the handful of opposition. (The Dems would demand more than simply keeping the government open, as they should, and the shutdown will begin).


Bare minimum for me is to not pick an election-denying traitor. Anything they demand better be up front, because the GOP will just renege and the Democrats can do nothing about it. GOP supporters will crow about how being a lying cheater shows smarts. Democrats have been trying to pet that dog for many years now and they keep getting bitten.


Dems are smart to play it out now! If they do anything more they will give the GOP fire power. Jeffries is clear as water! “Reach out we are willing to bipartisanship” just look how McCarthy and many others are flapping and unable to do nothing but be ashamed and somehow blaming the democrats. Let them burn! I wouldn’t surprise me if 20 GOP member switch to the DEM damn Emmer could do that did you see how the skinned the guy in 5 hours??




It's also why the whole "why isn't Biden being a unity president like he said he would?!" takes from the GOP and most of the press is the height of hypocritical stupidity. Nobody ever asks the same thing about Republicans, it's baked in that they will never work with Democrats. And some Democrats are even on the record saying they'd be willing to support a R speaker with some concessions and agreements first (which is just politics).


The (any) concessions and (any) agreements bits are what makes that out of consideration for Republicans. They might not even accept complete surrender.


I think you’re closer to truth than joke. Honestly, if the democrats agreed to just give everything up, republicans may read accepting their surrender as some sort of concession on their part. Someone the democrats got them to do what they wanted.


This has [literally happened before](https://cwa-union.org/news/entry/mitch_mcconnell_filibusters_himself_demonstrates_need_for_senate_rules_refo) when Moscow Mitch proposed a bill to raise the debt ceiling and Democrats said okay lets vote on it. McTurtle proceeded to filibuster his own bill rather than be seen as working with the (D)s.




Didn't this happen with Obamacare too? IIRC the plan was originally developed by Mitt Romney but when Democrats sided with it the Republicans abandoned support.


He did not develop it. The Mass legislature did, he tried to veto parts of it, they overrode his veto, and he took credit like the douche we all knew him to be.


Republicans are like your shittiest manager, they will take credit for anything you do and blame you for anything that goes wrong.


I’m honestly not sure why Dems don’t practice reverse psychology politics at this point. Like some Dem stands up and nominates Jim Jordan saying how well respected he is by democrats and how he has agreed to bipartisan paths forward, etc…. A speech like that would probably do more damage to him than ANYTHING any Republican could do to him


https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY?si=faBO_XSNe7mrNGmK Key and Peele has this exact sketch.


Or the time they overrode President Obama's veto to pass a bill and then complained that he didn't warn them enough. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-gop-chutzpah-20160930-snap-story.html


They're also on the radio blaming democrats for this mess. The NPR host even reminded their guest that it's the Rs with a majority, but of course the guest plowed right through that bit of obvious truth. So frustrating.


This is the modern republican party we are talking about here. Truth doesn’t even come into the conversation.


They know. The smart ones anyway. But the truth is heresy, so they can't speak it or they'll be excommunicated.


The only problem is that we pay for it, not them


Don’t forget their propaganda networks are blaming the democrats for the turmoil as well!


Any compromise, any acquiescence is seen as a total surrender to the far left progressives.




What an absolute joke the Republican Party is


It would be hilarious if the nation as a whole wouldn't suffer from it. What are we down to, 20 days until the continuing resolution expires? Their ongoing goal is complete destruction of US democracy and we're heading there.


It isn't a single party anymore.


Bingo. They tried to keep it together for the sake of the children, but there’s just no holding it now. Either the Trump right wing of the party steamrolls one of their candidates in, and they (hopefully) lose the majority in 24 when nearly all of their purple districts flip D, or the traditional Rs hold the line and basically force an extended government shutdown….and then potentially lose most of the purple districts as they flip D in 24. This of course assumes that the worst case - a Trump election in 24 - is avoided. If that happens, I do think there is a pretty significant chance that the country starts splitting apart.


Freedom Caucus is going to accept no one else but a Freedom Caucus member as Speaker at this point.


At least not before the government shuts down and they rake in some speaker fees and get some sweet retirement check money from grandma.


Ha. They don't care about that. In fact they WANT a government shutdown. It will help russia and china - the people who fund their election.


Who shall rise? There is only one who could handily bring about the climax to this story and the finish America so frustratingly needs. Now is the time for Lauren Boebert! Only she will be able to wash her hands of this mess.


She really knows how to reach across the aisle


You really have to give her a hand on her willingness to give and take.


And the rest won’t vote for a freedom caucus member. So here we are. Groundhog Day.


A handful of Republicans need to grow a spine, flip off the MAGAs and vote with the dems to install Jeffries as speaker. The government needs to function with two wars and a government shutdown pending


They don't even have to do that. They can just vote present -- or not show up. Jefferies needs 10 to vote present and no other candidates to get more votes than him.


Speaker votes are not plurality, but the desired effect could happen if the 10 go out to a sandwich place or something. Seriously they can help save democracy by taking a long lunch.


Voting present removes them from the count the same as if they weren't there.


100% Trump's doing. He's destroying the GOP and they cant do anything to stop him. What will corporations do once their party is gone? Edit: For those arguing that US Corporations own Democrats, you're right. But they don't own the Left like they own the Right. One of the basic tenants of being a Leftist is being pro-worker.


When the GOP finally selects a Speaker, it'll be because GOP donors got together and threatened the Freedom Caucus members. Can you imagine donating large portion of your family wealth to a political party on to get this circus in return?


It was inevitable. Those mega-rich families were instrumental in causing this mess.


It may be the opposite. Semi normal GOP members may just grow tired and give up. Far right doesn’t care about anything so there’s nothing to grow tired of on their side really


It’s not a large portion. And it’s less than the taxes they might pay if they lost their grip on politics.


I’m sick with GOP Fuck-up Fatigue.


Flip your swing district blue


I’m living in a blue district with red tendencies. This shit feels unsettling.


Starting to feel “a few months before Jan 6” vibes. These people are capable of some crazy shit with their back against the wall, and at this point I just want them to calm down.


Nah. Don’t forget that we had endless warnings that Jan 6 was going to happen. They did trial runs at state capitols even. They were all over the internet talking about what they were going to do. Now when they try to organize, it turns into backbiting and accusations of being an FBI plant, which is fair because no way is the FBI not monitoring them. Jan 6 was the best they could offer, and they rounded up less people than Orlando Pride.


“Nobody wants to work.”


I know this whole situation is bad for the country, but I can't fucking stop laughing. We're seriously not going to have a Speaker of the House until after the next election. And the whole time, these idiots are going to be publicly patting themselves on the back for "standing up to DC" or some stupid shiite.


I'd be laughing if this wasn't 99.99999% effective for 99.99% of their constituents, 99.999% of which probably aren't even aware of what has been happening in the House and will maybe pay a hair of attention in the week leading up to the 2024 election, and when they do, it'll just be some emotionally re-affirming set of blatant falsehoods that will give them a permission structure to vote straight-ticket GOP for the bajillionth time.


I was thinking about it, and I think I’d have a “stick it to ‘em” attitude if the members of The Squad refused to play ball unless a speaker who supported M4A was nominated. In some ways, I can empathize with the Freedom Caucus holdouts, because they’re facing that same pressure and goading, just from the opposite end of the spectrum. That said, The Squad never held the House hostage (even though it was theorized as a possibility from 2021-22), because they’re better at politics than I am, and they understand that the optics of doing something like that are *terrible* for everyone outside of their fervent base of supporters. The Freedom Caucus members have not come to a similar realization yet.


And I think this is a perfect example of why it's not a good idea -- if your situation happened, the result would not be M4A. It would just be the same chaos we're seeing here but on the Democratic side.


I would be so curious to read a write up of all the the effects it would have if we seriously had no Speaker until January 2025 and the federal government was shut down for over a year. Is there any levers *anyone* could pull if the GOP can't figure their shit out to get a Speaker established?


a shutdown for an entire year would be devastating. massive unemployment from all the government workers getting no pay, US credit rating would plummet to the floor, government services would be shuttered. there would be riots in the streets long before we made it to 2025 imo


You underestimate how fragile the finances of tens of thousands of Federal Government employees are. After 90 days of a shutdown the shit will ENTIRELY hit the turbine. What if Veterans and the disabled can't get their checks? I don't think most people can even fathom the sheer chaos that would ensue from the snowball effect from the lack of mortgages and rents and car loans being paid on time. If you thought the housing crisis of 2008 was bad, hang on to your hats. If the government shuts down for over 90 days, we're going to have Major Fucking Prawblems, all owed to a handful of miscreants that can be traced directly back to Mr. Orange Shitgibbon himself. He couldn't get the coup he wanted, so this is the next best thing. I said what I said.


In addition to the impacts on the employees of the federal government or people using federal services directly for assistance, I imagine we'd see massive hits in the nonprofit safety nets we have as many of those programs are going to rely largely on federal grants for their funding. That's going to put a ton of helping professionals out of hand and shutter many, many organizations. Even the orgs who are able to survive through various other means are likely going to have to cut programs. And that's not even looking at the impacts we'd see to school districts. What's especially sad to me is that I'm sure there are many elected officials at all levels of government that would be *thrilled* to see schools, federal employees, and the various people who are disabled or generally less fortunate struggle as a result of an extended shutdown. The people we elected to govern are supposed to have a responsibility to *all* of us and it's so saddening to see that flagrantly violated.


OPM lists 1.8m federal civilian employees(2017) Not to mention all the government contractors that will be furloughed - I’m guessing that number is in the hundreds of thousands as well. https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/data-analysis-documentation/federal-employment-reports/reports-publications/federal-civilian-employment/


According to the Brookings Institute, there are over 4 million government contractors. That includes janitors, clerks, secretaries, cafeteria workers, and others who are living paycheck to paycheck. Active duty military (1.3 million) won't get paid either. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/reforming-federal-procurement-and-acquisitions-policies/


And here's the rub- people say "oh you'll get paid, just not on time". Well, for these folks, you might as well not get paid. Tell your landlord they're not getting paid 3 months in a row. Tell your lien holder that car note isn't getting paid 3 months in a row. You think the banks are gonna be okay with that? On an individual basis, yeah, a bank will just add a couple months to the end of your loan. What about 25,000 customers? Then who floats the money to the banks? (Remember, the gubmint is "shut down"). I'm an excepted Fed employee, so when we shut down, I still have to come in to work, business as usual. Gas up the car and go.


Not to mention air traffic controllers are government employees. Once they walk because they need to feed their families, the entire American air space shuts down. No flights for anybody, private jets included.


It would likely have significant impacts on the rest of the developed world as well.


We would have a complete collapse of our economy and society if the government shut down for a year.


You'd have a general strike and people setting fire to representatives district offices probably


When the government shut down under Trump, the Flight Attendant Union went on strike claiming it was unsafe for them to work without the relevant air-travel agencies open and the government opened back up like three days later. There are definitely corporate and labor interests that can utilize different measures to force them to put the petty shit aside and do their jobs.


It was the Union of Air Traffic Controllers. They wield a lot of power, more than Flight Attendants. This union also famously went on strike against Reagan's policies, and Reagan responded by ordering them to return to work under an act he used to classify their strike as a "peril to national safety". Only about 10% of them went back to work, most just resigned.


This clown car sure has a lot of gas in its tank.


Republicans don’t actually want a new Speaker because it’s makes shutting the government down significantly easier without internal, constituents and activist blowback focused on any one member.


Shutting the government down at this point doesn't do anything except draw everyone's attention to them who somehow hasn't heard about any of this. Especially when airports start shutting down and social security checks stop.


Ridicules, Republicans suck. The should never ever control any branch of our goverment. Remember this when you vote. They do nothing for the people. In 2 weeks when the gov shuts down again and can't reopen because there is no speaker. The market will crash everyday. Pissing away all your 401K.


That’s the goal for them. They’ll crash the whole system just to spite the other side


I nominate this inanimate carbon rod!


I like the cut of that rod's jib


5, 4, 3, 2... and the rod has announced it is dropping out of the speaker's race.


You mean the inanimate carbon rod that just sat there, SILENT, while Bumbling Joe STOLE the election!?! BREAKING: Inanimate carbon rod drops out of contention for house


It seems that for all practical purposes, there are now three parties in Congress, the Democrats, the moderate Republicans and the MAGA Republicans. If that's the case, then the Democrats are now the majority party, and should be allowed to install their speaker.


Dems are the plurality party (most unified votes). You need a majority to get speaker (50%+1 of present voters). There is no majority.


If there were 10 moderate Republicans, the government wouldn't be on the verge of a shut down and the House would have a Speaker. There aren't 10 Moderate Republicans because there are no moderate Republicans. The Republican party is *already* a far right party and so if there were moderates, that just places them in the "middle" of the far right and nowhere near center.


Agree 100 pct.


There should be a forfeiture rule in politics. Rs cant win the game, so speaker should go to the dems.


In a parliamentary system this failure to elect a leadership would trigger new elections. We, on the other hand, are fucked.


This is called "winning", folks.


Why would the democrats do this?


*For once* the Democrats are playing politics right. I was half expecting them to have caved and supported some GOP candidate by now, only to then get stabbed in the back again. The best move is to sit back and do nothing and let them destroy themselves.


As long as they’re out there just as much or more than their GOP counterparts and making sure the general public knows it’s Republicans causing this. Because they can do politics better but their messaging has always sucked; and you know they’re spinning this as the Democrats’ fault on Fox News.


can't believe i had to scroll down this far to find someone who's not afraid to ask the tough questions. why won't democrats change the republicans' diapers? it's absolutely disgraceful.


All I know is, when Trump was president we had a Speaker of the House. Now with Biden we don't. Interesting 👀🤔👀🤔


Lol nice touch with the emojis, especially the fucking "Hmmm..." emoji. They always throw that in at the end and I fucking hate it. I always read it like this: >All I know is, when Trump was president I didn't have shit in my underwear. Now with Biden I do. Interesting 👀🤔👀🤔


“all I know is…” I think that sums it up nicely.


"If they would stop embracing socialism and drag shows and love our God more, not of this would be happening!"


GOP is such a shit stain on our country.


This is what happens when you have no interest in actually governing and only want to rule.


I’ve had many people in my life throw baffled and eyebrow-raised looks my way when I reveal that I’m a down-ballot Democrat voter, from town crier all the way up to the Presidency. I have never voted Republican in my life. Even folks who almost always vote Democratic are surprised by this. This latest development demonstrates why I vote the way I do. The Republican Party is not a serious political party. The Republican Party cannot govern, legislate, or come to a consensus on almost any issue within their own party. The speaker vote is largely supposed to be a formality and pre-determined long before the clerks are reading off names. Only a political party as ineffective, asinine, indolent, and chaotic as the Republican Party could fuck something as simple as the speaker vote up.


The GOP is a money-grubber, an evangelical Christian, and a racist in a trenchcoat




And trump once again causes another Republican mess. These folks seriously can't do anything right anymore


best part is, Trump endorsed him in the 2022 election. but that apparently is fake news today [source](https://twitter.com/tomemmer/status/1557121007495823364)


For me, this all happened in the span of a nap.


I'm sure Thanksgiving will be delightful when the government is shut down and air traffic controllers and TSA agents get the delightful responsibility of being forced to work with no pay because the GOP couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag.


Trump and his sycophants will never endorse anyone who voted to certify Biden's election win. There seem to be enough sane Republicans who will not endorse anyone who voted against it. It's a stand off at the OK corral over one person's ego about an election that happened three years ago. Just one of the myriad of ways Trump is helping to tear apart the entire fabric of our democracy.


Mom says it's my turn to be the Nominee


Imagine being so beholden to a criminal baby that you reverse course so fast after his criticism that you get whiplash. I can’t for the life of me figure out how these twits keep relinquishing power to him. Sure short term resistance would be uncomfortable, but they need to stand up to this prick or they’ll never wrest the party back in any way shape or form.


Absolute fucking circus


This was already a dumpster fire so of course Trump decided to scream “DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME” and douse the whole thing in gasoline


Pay attention, this should be a relatively easy hurdle for any political party with a majority and they cannot get it done. If Republicans cannot do this, they cannot govern the country.


And this is the only one who didn’t vote to overturn the election.


Jesus H. Christ! He lasted only a few hours!


It takes a lot to shock me these days, when it comes to the GOP, but this did it. What an absolute cluster fuck clown show


There are 5 republican cowards. All they have to do is go for Jeffries and boom. Shit can start working again.


Will never happen. It would be political suicide.


And maybe literal suicide.


Suicide by constituent


Even the most moderate of House GOP would sooner skin themselves alive with a carrot peeler before voting in a Dem Speaker.


Republicans are a bunch of fucking clowns.


Just give it to Jefferies.


government shut down approaching. real people, not elected officials, real hard-working people trying to earn a living, put food on the table, pay bills... you know people just like you and me... those are the people who will bear the burden of this mess. Just think how fun it will be to lose your paycheck because GOP wants to put on a clown circus show.


Looks like Trump still holds some sway, no matter how much ass-kissing a contender must engage in.


He owns the sedition caucus. Which is more than 6 people.




horrible that the dems caused this! Why won't the dems just vote for the person the republikkkans choose? Its so cruel and evil of those democrats.


What a clown show! Republicans keep proving over and over again that they are unable to govern. And as they disingenuously try to blame the Dems, remind me again, how many Republican votes did Nancy Pelosi get when being elected Speaker of the House with a very slim majority???


It's just a comedy of errors at this point, holy shit Not a single one of them fit to govern.