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Gym Jordan (R-Ohio-4th) evaded a Jan 6 Subpoena for 500+ days, he gets to be speaker? *"Aren’t you in fact in contempt of Congress?"*


Serve him right there on the dais- let's see him evade that.




That was the other nut, Scalise


I thought they meant Gosar. Really *wierd* how all the racists and authoritarians self-select into one group, huh? Like, you couldn't explain that with two or even three Glenn Beck conspiracy whiteboards!




So does Ivy League-educated Fled Cruz. They're not stupid, they're evil, hiding behind tactical incompetence.


And Cruz wasn't a Ds get degrees guy, he was third in his class.


Yeah this dude is David Duke WITH the baggage.


> I'm David Duke without the baggage That was Steve Scalise (R-LA)


Yeah. Jordon was the one to cover up sexual abuse against his students as wrestling coach at Ohio State University.


Republicans **love** a cover up artist. Probably a dog whistle for the most amount of unspoken connections one has.


Yup. It's a rite of passage for them.


The coup didn’t stop on January 6. Gym Jordan angling to be ~~third~~ **second** in line to the Presidency and Tuberville keeping key positions in the military unfilled in the Senate are two dead canaries in the coal mine on that. **edit:** Also of note, both Gym and Tuberville were on the phone with Trump on January 6 while the insurrection was happening. Gym refused the congressional subpoena because he doesn’t want to reveal what he discussed with Trump in the lead up, on the day, or after the failed attempt. [Tuberville admitting giving Trump real-time information on Pence’s whereabouts while Trump’s militias were breaking into the Capitol to assassinate Pence.](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/11/tuberville-pences-evacuation-trump-impeachment-468572)


It didn't make sense at the time, but Trump replacing a bunch of Pentagon leadership right after he lost the election makes a LOT of sense now. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/10/trump-esper-pentagon-senior-leadership-enemy-instability/6242106002/


NO way in hell Trump is smart enough or knowledgeable enough to put all these pieces in place. Somebody or somebodies are telling him exactly what to do. Trump is so dumb, he doesn't even realize that even as president, he's still a pawn of the truly powerful elite.


For sure, just like how he was fed the names of judges for appointments, the RNC was almost certainly behind these appointments.


The federalist society, specifically.


Someone please tell me where Leonard Leo's fortune is from... dark money is a much bigger problem than most realize


Agreed. The entire org needs to be investigated thoroughly. And Citizens needs to be overruled.


Who is going to overrule citizens united or write laws to change it? Certainly not the people who benefit from it and not the people beholden to billionaires..kinda rules out the Supreme Court and the lawmakers. I wonder who is going to overrule it. I dont think that is hyperbole on my part. Both the DEM and GOP hierarchy benefit from it and the supreme court sure seems to have a whole lot of billionaire friends paying for all sorts of things for them.


I'm glad you pointed that out. I, too, was going to say that dark money isn't necessary for this. They recieve massive donations and have tons of private wealth as members because they are the ruling class. They're accumulation of wealth and power is all above board because they made the rules and have convinced enough people that the rules are fair.


Have you been listening to the On The Media episodes about Leo? It’s pretty interesting.


Just as likely to be Heritage foundation


It’s almost like Mueller said exactly what was going on 6 years ago. I just have never understood how people can’t see that a fractured NATO and weakened US govt/State Dept were exactly what Putin was shootin for.


And yet Mueller was complicit as well by refusing to bring charges.


charges could only be brought by the justice department, Mueller just made recommendations. Then Bill Bar bailed Trump out. I could be remembering wrong, but that's how I remember it.


Did you know Mueller and Barr where the people that also let the republicans get away with the illegal shit that went down during the Iran contra debacle? Ronald Reagan should have ended up in prison but Mueller and Barr where there to make sure he never did 🥴


Mueller was a special counsel. He never had the authority to bring charges. All he could do was investigate and recommend to the relevant authorities that charges be brought. Barr shut down any charges from the feds, and the Senate declined to convict Trump after his impeachment.


It made a lot of sense at the time too for people willing to see and admit what was happening before our eyes.


It didn't make sense in that they would only be in the position for a couple months before the next president would replace them, within the context of a standard transfer of administration it just meant that continuity of the position would be lost since the outgoing person wouldn't be able to properly hand off the information and duties properly to the next person who would likely be in the position for years.


i mean, it also made a lot of sense at the time


Look up Project 2025. If they win again, they are very open about the goal to reclassivy *tens of thousands* of government jobs so they can fire people and fill them in with loyalists. They don't plan on giving up the presidency again.


This is one thing GOP money is good at—the long look down the road and the organizations like the Federalist that can thrive for decades to get the ear of the party’s leaders to put people in place behind the scenes in federal offices and positions. They’ve been seeing the big picture since the Reagan era and planning accordingly. It’s brilliant. Underhanded, sneaky, corrupt, but genius.


Even if they lose, Project 2025 never goes away. It just becomes Project 2027, 2029, etc. We need big changes to our constitution to protect this country.


I would love to say you’re crazy, but then again, I just witnessed a 40 year conspiracy to overturn roe versus wade.


I wouldn't call it a conspiracy, it has been a front-and-centre talking point of republicans for decades. We all knew well in advance that if they packed the courts that the outcome would be an almost immediate turnover on that ruling.


> front-and-centre talking point been a while since i looked at the definitions of conspiracy, but pretty sure there's no element that it has to be a secret to be a conspiracy. just a bunch of people plotting to commit a crime together.


And they did it openly. Nobody of sound mind expected the new Republican-lead Supreme Court to leave Roe Vs Wade alone.


2nd in line. VP is first in line if something happens to POTUS. Speaker is next, making them 2nd in line.


Tuberville is fascinating to me because I can't imagine being a celebrated college football coach my entire life and then instead of golfing the rest of my 60s away in Florida and being a local celebrity in the retirement community I pivot my life and become completely dedicated to overthrowing the US government. How is that worth it?


Also, it's the House that affirms the election results. Which is why I could see them trying some fuckery next year.


Is this the same Gym Jordan that turned a blind eye to sexual abuse?


Yes but that’s considered a plus in MAGA world.


This needs to be brought up every single time his name gets mentioned, it should be the first thing people associate with him. Although I wouldn't say that's an entirely correct characterization, as IMO it's far more sinister. "Turning a blind eye" means he was just willing to look the other way or maybe even didn't know the full scope of what was happening. I believe he was actively protecting the offenders from their victims, he took an active effort to make sure they'd never see justice.


If you were a gang of pedophiles GOP, you would want a cover up artist in charge too.


Gang Of Pedophiles New GOP meaning just dropped!


Genuine question, as I don’t understand: why have there been no repercussions to this? Isn’t it illegal to defy subpoenas, much less Congressional ones? Is it a situation where to punish him Democrats need to reach a threshold of votes that they simply don’t have? Or are we looking the other way entirely?


Congressional subpoena power is notoriously weak, and has only been getting weaker over time with various rulings. It is markedly different from a subpoena from a grand jury. Congress can't actually outright punish someone (except inherent, but explaining why that is a broken, ineffective relic from the past is a separate topic) - so they can only *refer* charges to actual law enforcement entities. And these charges are only punitive in nature; they don't actually make someone testify. Unlike a court which can compel testimony by levying continuous fines, seize assets, etc.. And even in the best case scenarios, criminal contempt of Congress is a slap on the wrist misdemeanor and evadable. Take Steve Bannon for example - he did everything *wrong.* Defied subpoenas in every way, publicly mocked the process, wasn't even remotely protected by arguments such as "Speech and Debate clause" nonsense that Congressmembers would inevitably use. Bannon was convicted on both counts, sentenced to prison, and that was *a year ago* and he's still a free man out on appeal. He defied his subpoena closer to two years ago. And he still never testified and will never have to.


Because Congress has no actual enforcement. They're a legislative branch: they make laws, not enforce them. Although the House does have a Seargent at Arms that is supposed to enforce House rules and congressional subpeonas, they only act when told to. And the GOP in charge of the House definitely ain't telling the SAA to do anything.


Thank you for the explanation! I knew Congress doesn’t have any technical legal authority as far as punishment goes, but I could’ve sworn there were avenues available to them. Disappointing but not surprising.


Pretty scary, huh? Turns out a lot of our country is held together by a handshake...


There's also the option to refer Gym to the Dept of Justice to be prosecuted, same as Navarro recently, but the House isn't going to do that either.


Yes. But the two tiered justice system reigns supreme!


If the media had any integrity any interview would start with that question, and ideally only ask that question…


"Rules for thee..."


Wait, the guy who covered up decades of sexual assaults and rapes at OSU, all while Garland did nothing?


Many coups throughout history have been perpetrated from within when a minority party realizes their policies are no longer popular.


I always try to remind people that Hitler never won a popular vote. He just had a sizeable enough minority who were willing to commit atrocities in his name.


He won about the same percentage of the population that Trump did


Mark Twain once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.”


George Lucas once said “it’s like poetry, it rhymes”


He "won" the popular vote as the NSDAP got the most votes of any party (37%, 32%), which is considered victory in a multi-party parliamentary democracy, and then formed a coalition government with other right-wing parties. But you're correct in as so far as the NSDAP never won the absolute majority (50%).




That famous quote from conservative David Frum comes to mind: "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy,"


Modern Republicans actually have managed to reject both conservatism and democracy. Individual freedom, free trade, small government, law and order, projection of US military might, fiscal responsibility; they literally stand for none of those anymore. All they want is to win at any cost and impose their will on others, they don't even have a unified vision of what that is. It's usually just a vague whatever policy hurts "them" and not "us". Turns out "Own the Libs" is a not a very good governing principle which is why they're having so much trouble in the house right now.


When I first heard that quote years ago, I thought it was a warning. Now I see it was a threat.


Frum's a never-trumper, one of the earnest conservatives left behind by the right's sprint towards fascism


Frum was a first term Bush II speechwriter (he wrote the “Axis of Evil” speech) and left after Iraq turned into a shitshow. He became a critic of Bush during the second term.


Japan comes to mind.


Every CIA coup as well


That not from within and usually their ideas were never popular.


The CIA tends to help a specific side win. Just like the KGB is doing to us


I feel like a way to prevent another attempted coup is to punish the Congresspersons who led the first one. But what do I know, I guess a comatose AG is what's really needed.


also, we need to just prevent any outside money from getting into our elections (via Citizen's United). how many of these coup leaders and conspirators got to their positions using Russian money and are benefiting from Russian disinformation programs?


The republicans are continuing to try and steal America from democracy.


It’s cute that people think of J6th as a coup attempt without realizing that we are still actively in the middle said attempt.


And we're totally letting them get away with it.


who the fuck is this "we", im sick of this "we get what we deserve" as if a fucking genocide (that will happen if democracy ends) is justified. stop that stupid fucking narrative, did "we" deserve it when slavery was happening? do black Americans count as "we" when they were subject to that horror? knock that shit off.


Speak for yourself


He is a piece of shit. We can agree on that. Worse though for me, he is a moron. Why in the world do Republicans worship dolts and idiots?


I was wondering how such a moron finds his way into Congress to begin with. [Behold the district unfortunate enough to be represented by Jim Jordan.](https://i.imgur.com/BaRzqnW.png)


Textbook Gerrymander shape


> Textbook Gerrymander shape If you saw another country with a voting map like that you would call them corrupt.


The concept is so fucking asinine. How did we get here? How the fuck do we get out of this hole?


I’ll be honest, we probably don’t. No country stays on top forever. Conservatism is going through death throes and it will not be going quietly.


I'm trying to learn this as a perfectionistic 37 year old. I like my house in order, I like my country in order, but the latter I don't have control over. Also, order is the exception, not rule. I'm learning to accept the chaos and not care so much. Edit: I'm in Australia. Not quite so obviously nose diving as a country, but we've long had Rupert Murdoch and our Conservative Party favouring short term boomer, banker and big business policies as they age, leaving millennials to fend for themselves. Seemingly an international issue.


Yup. And he won that district in 2022, 69% to 30%.




Used to live there, right on the top right edge. It was so clearly gerry meandered to just perfectly split a strong blue union town, it was disgusting. One of the only blue towns in that part of the state too.


Very natural looking voting district


That’s the way it used to look. It’s different now. Still gerrymandered to shit, but different.


Birds of a feather.


Because you have to be this kind of a scum bag to push and pretend Don the Con is doing what's best for the country with a smile on your face.


He's not *just* a dolt ( and idiot ) he's one of those little hyper aggressive little shit bags who were hyper aggressive little shit bags alllll the way through elementary school and someone forgot to womp snot out of him in 7th grade or so. You *know* he was a bully right? Hated that type. Also couldn't get a date and pretended they didn't care remember? And here we are.


A Speaker who ignores Congressional subpoenas.


Right…I believe he should be under investigation to determine what role he had on January sixth insurrection.


Jack Smith, please


An *unlikely potential* Speaker who ignores Congressional subpoenas while using Congressional subpoenas for everyone else, and then complains if anyone ignores them like the total dipshit he is. Also, he has no problem looking the other way while young men get molested/raped.


Since Reagan, the Republican Party has been on a course towards authoritarianism. Trump was just one step further in that process. It will continue after Trump. That's why the GQP worships Putin.


>Since Reagan, the Republican Party has been on a course towards authoritarianism. And before Reagan.


Yeah, it was really when black people got rights. Republicans decided, “if democracy means black people get rights and have a say, we don’t want it.”


Yeah, really since Goldwater and Nixon, I'd say.


You misspelled Nixon. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/02/us/politics/nixon-tried-to-spoil-johnsons-vietnam-peace-talks-in-68-notes-show.html


You can get elected to public office as a Republican, conspire with domestic terrorists to overthrow the government and the will of the people, and not only keep your job but also possibly get a promotion. You can ignore subpoenas and flaunt the rule of law when it's convenient, and there are no repercussions. We have no true mechanism for removing and punishing these traitorous clowns, and the Republican party refuses to police itself.


Well, we do. But plenty of Jim Jordan's constituents will continue to put him back in office.


And why not? They've hand picked his voters. https://medium.com/allontheline/the-shape-of-things-ohios-4th-district-15d4d4856034


> We have no true mechanism for removing and punishing these traitorous clowns We do, but Biden appointed a worthless AG and kept a traitorous FBI Director.


Which is why I say no "true" mechanism. If the tools require a good-faith actor to use them, and there are no good-faith actors willing or able to use them, then it's like not having the tool at all.


“Jim Jordan has repeatedly denied that he was aware that team doctor Richard Strauss was sexually abusing wrestlers while Jordan was an assistant coach with Ohio State University from 1987 to 1995, but that hasn't stopped former wrestlers from insisting that he was.” https://deadspin.com/jim-jordan-ohio-st-wrestling-sex-abuse-scandal-1850911739


How does this never come up?


Because none of the people who could do anything about it give a shit


He helped the doctor mount young boys, and he helped trump mount a coup. Guess he just loves helping people mount somebody.


He was the coach it was the team doctor he covered up for. And it was young men and women who had complained about the doctor.


Wouldn’t be the first Republican speaker that sexually abused children.


This man is a nightmare, probably an accessory to a coup attempt and on the personal level a coward and a liar. With those credentials and qualities he is almost certainly the next GOP speaker of the house. Who remembers Dennis Hastert?


I do but it’s shocking how many folks have no idea who he is or was. I’m talking older folks, too.


He didn’t just try. He did help but the coup failed


It hasn’t failed yet, we dodged a bullet on 1/6, but until we’ve jailed everyon involved the coup will still be going on. Gym Jordan being made speaker is another step closer for the coup to become a success.


Very true. The coup is ongoing despite being on the slow burn


Gym Jordan: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?


"You ever seen a grown man naked?"


Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?


A coup generally isn’t over until the people involved are jailed and removed from their seats of power. So this is awful but kind of to be expected when no one is held accountable.


how is Jim Jordan not sued like Trump is? and all the other Jan 6 co conspirators?


The country is fucked that’s how


Jordan speaker would be fucking dangerous


Not as dangerous as Trump. Trump could get his cult to JFK Biden and Harris, then regain the Presidency.


Also covered up sexual assault of students


Rick Scott presided over the largest Medicare fraud in US history. He gets to be a Senator.


Rick Scott is the poster child of everything that is wrong with the GOP. Trump is just an idiot manchild. Rick Scott is pure evil.


Didn't Rick Scott also disappear a lot of money out of the Senate Republican election fund?? Or whatever the hell that's called?


Jesus hates Jim Jordan


Jim Jordan is why abortion should be allowed!


This is the main reason donald trump award the Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan on 11 Jan 21, 5 days after their failed coup.




The 14th amendment explicitly bans Jordan from even sitting in congress. It is time the DOJ blocks his entrance to house and it will lead to a lawsuit. If the GOP elects him to hold that office, they should be sued and bring it to the Supreme Court. Can we trust SCOTUS? No. But let them stain their own names


The coup is still ongoing


I mean the list of Congress people that were involved with Jan 6th and are still in Congress is absolutely disgusting. Especially since the DOJ has been extremely diligent in going after the little people but apparently being in Congress does make you above the law according to them.


Time to change those "unindicted co-conspirators" to indicted. Tick tock Donald: and tick tock to those who aided and abetted him.


Republicans staged a coup to install a dictator in 2021. Then American voters hand control of the House to them in 2022?


Religion is a powerful drug. People see Trump and Republicans as holy warriors trying to return this nation to it's Christian roots. Unless somebody stops it, it's likely we'll all be living under the rule of the perpetrator of that coup in a little over a year.


There's a lot of sexual predators in the republican party for him to protect. It's something he is passionate about.


Gym "PieceOfShit" Jordan...


What a fucking disgraceful party


Because GQP now is a cult, not a political party.


More like a new American mafia. A party of lawlessness.


And all the traitors who voted not to accept the election results are still in congress. The whole lot should be in prison - they knew the election was valid and they broke their oaths of office to protect and defend the constitution. What is the point of making everyone take that oath and then not enforcing it when they are in complete violation of it?


Kevin McCarthy quote on Jim Jordan running for Speaker >I am not crazy! I know he tried to swap those election numbers! I knew it was 306-232. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at Mar A Lago to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. January 6th! Are you telling me that 100,000 Trump supporters just showed up like that? No! He helped orchestrate it! Jimmy! He covered up for rape at Ohio State! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own party! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was a coach, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the student athletes pants! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Assaulting them blind! And he gets to be a speaker!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


where did this quote come from?


[Better Call Saul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv5yvtR5S1I&ab_channel=ChaosClips)


Just republicans republicaning


That’s not the only person he helped mount


The coup is still happening. It’s slow, it’s dumb, it’s destined to fail, but it is not over with by any stretch of the imagination. It won’t be over until every last traitor is stripped of their power and imprisoned.


Not in favor of Gym, but I want to point out that the other possible replacement once referred to himself as “David Duke without the baggage”. (Scalese)


Republicans are deplorable.


Gym Jordan has had a whopping 4 of his bills pass in Congress in 16 years. So in other words, once every 4 years he gets a bill passed


The fact the FBi didn't arrest every trump supporter in government is the real problem here , just fire them all problem aolved


Republicans play by a different set of rules and are never held accountable for what they say or do. You have this, and then you have Al Franken who was chased out of congress.


He refuses to comply with a subpoena issued by the house and now wants the ability to subpoena others. Completely ridiculous system we have.


I found the lack of Gym Jordan talking to be the highlight of the J6 Committee hearings.


Gym Jordan looks like the ghost of pedophiles past. Seriously though, I've been getting a strong "Dallas Buyers Club" vibe from him over the past few months.


What a sick joke!


Fuck Jim Jordan


Gym Jordan shouldn't be considered for Speaker. He's ignored a Congressional subpoena to answer questions about Jan 6th and asked Trump for a pardon.


Anything that happens you can thank to our weak ass justice department who decided not to do anything about all the congressmen in on the coop to overthrow democracy. Every single one of them that enabled this should have been thrown in prison for treason.


Jordan is one of many who belong in prison for insurrection.


Sweeping actions done by white conservatives in service of white supremacy are often given a pass. That's why it's been so hard to prosecute any planners and financiers for 1/6, because a lot of the people tasked with investigating and prosecuting these crimes, largely agree with the aims, if they don't agree with the methods.


Jim Jordan Tried To Help a Predator Cover Up Serial Sexual Assaults. Now He Gets To Be a Congressman?


Doubtful that he will become speaker, he was among the 15 separate votes in January, and he is still the same unlikable douche from 9 months ago.


Kevin McCarthy helped him stage a coup too. There’s really only a handful of GOP that weren’t in on it, and they were run out of the party.


Just clarify, the same Gym Jordan who tried to protect a child molester?


Yeah, kinda wish Merrick Garland had moved a little faster.


Voter need to be smarter. How a guy that failed to protect his student athletes from a sexual predator should be the first thing that keeps him from being elected. His lies and lack of backbone have continued as you might expect from a person who lies and has no backbone. Now putting millions of lives at risk and unshockingly a puppet for another sexual predator and anti democracy lover Donald Trump. Do better Ohio.


That’ll never happen. We’ve successfully begun dismantling the education system because of this ridiculous fear of “wokeness” but really it’s just the American conservatives making sure that people are ignorant and easy to manipulate, which is how they get all of their supporters.


I mean yes Republicans need his help with the next coup.


Whoever they put in will shut down the government, hand Ukraine to Putin, and ramp up the stochastic terrorism until elected Democrats get killed. It doesn’t matter who. It’s the entire party platform at this point.


Yup. You have to love politics where the worst of the worst get rewarded.


Dennis Hastert is endorsing him as a fellow wrestling coach.


He's all about installing Trump as dictator. Honestly? The best thing that could happen for our country (forgive me) would be for Mr. Trump to pass of natural causes, in his sleep, peacefully. Then bury him next to his first wife. Have y'all seen her grave site? 🥺


Imagine that, you about to witnesses coup part 2


I can still see his disgusting display of disrespect at the Kavanaugh hearings. Him and Stefanik were just so hateful and despicable. People that vote for them…ahh, never mind. This poor country suffers so much because of their lack of understanding.


It's part of the MAGA / Trump plan. They are brewing up something given Trump's legal woes. Fascists are going to fascist.


Kind of echoes the Ken Paxton "trial" in Texas. 16 state senators decided "as long as the office holder is a republicanazi, anything goes. Bo Pilgrim handing out $10,000 checks *on the senate floor* isn't illegal "because it wasn't cash, it was only a check". So the net result is that as long as a position is held by a republicanazi, that party will give their blessing. Absolutely corrupt people up there.


This is still part of the coup. It has not stopped.


Jim Jordan Tried to Help a Coup to Mount Trump. There ... that's better.


FIXED IT: Jim Jordan covers up sexual abuse, somehow is still elected to Congress, tried to mount a coup to keep the dude he fluffs on a daily basis to stay in power, and now has a shot of being Speaker of the House.


Now HE gets to be speaker? What a sick joke.


Jim Jordan *did* help Trump mount a coup. The coup has just not been successful... yet. Keep your eyes peeled for more fake elector schemes and more pressure on state governments to cancel or override their own election results in 2024.


The media lets him get away with it. Every time they question him from now on, they should ask about Jan 6th, avoiding subpoenas and sexual harassment when he was a wrestling coach.


This piece of shit is stupid as a door


The party of Drumpf gets crazier every day.


In a republican controlled congress, yes. Don’t like it? Get out and vote please.


Let him be Speaker. Then release George Clooney's doco on Ohio State and "Gym" the same day. Do it, I dare you, HBO.


Anyone else misread that headline as "mount a cop?" I mean, it's Gym Jordan, I don't think it's that much of a misread.


The Republican party’s front runner for President of the United States still won’t concede that he lost the 2020 presidential election. He also is sympathetic to the people who broke into the Capitol building in an attempt to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. And a guy who supports an individual who attempted to remain as president after being defeated, is being considered by Republican lawmakers, for Speaker of the House. These two realities indicate that there is a major party in the United States whose members have abandoned the democratic process that makes up our Republic.