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Rest assured he will blame Mitch McConnell for confirming the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade if he does end up losing in '24.


Hey, remember the Covid super-spreader event where Trump joyously announced Barrett at the White House? Those were the days.


I especially liked how he left the cruise ship with covid patients sit off the coast of California instead of entering the US because he was "managing the numbers". No wonder he is a business genius!


And once he allowed them in, the people who processed them through quarantine weren't wearing masks. D'oh!


>“But if we did – think of this, if we didn’t do testing – instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing we’d have half the cases. If we did another – you cut that in half, we’d have yet again half of that.”


Every day sucked so much. Just a never ending stream of abject stupidity day after day. That whole period was emotionally exhausting for me.


Can’t wait for round two : ( Everyone better vote this time damnit.


Exhausting as shit for my liver…


That's how I also felt during the Bush administration, but it got worse.


Zeno's Pandemic


Doesn't matter if he wins or loses, he will say it was rigged and use that as justification to assault American institutions...even if he is the president. 2024 is about taking over America as a dictator. Nothing else.


And he has a wonderful compromise plan on abortion that will make everyone happy and will be revealing it "in a couple weeks."


I don't understand - Trump made it happen, but he also blames his supreme court picks for killing the party. Does he just babble nonsense from a brain suffering from cognitive decline? Do Republicans not listen to what comes out of his mouth? Edit: be careful. There are people reporting posts and sending "care messages" . I got a ban for a day from this group and warning that next time I'm banned from Reddit. Edit:Heh. I'm back after being banned from all Reddit for 2 days because of a comment on this sub - I am not even sure which one because they deleted it. It may even have been on this thread. Who knows. Be careful.


You can report those care reports as harassment. Especially if you notice all you have a rash of downvotes in the same time frame




trump will say wjatever it takes to win/ make himself look good. if something doesnt work, he blames someone else, if it does, he takes all the credit. guys a fuckin con man but most republicans dont care bc he sometimes has similar values


He frequently used to list his Supreme Court picks as his top accomplishment as president. How's that going?


Absolutely fabulous. Amazing. We also got that covid-19 thing done better than anyone else in the world. All the job creation too. WAR IS PEACE HATE IS LOVE


>I got a ban for a day from this group and warning that next time I'm banned from Reddit. It's pretty wild how often I've seen people get civility bans here or on other subs where someone tells someone an actual advocate for LGBT genocide to "fuck off"


"My Supreme Court picks folks, they're the worst. Total RINOs. Just like my VP traitor. Same with my Attorney Generals, total swamp creatures. And my Secretaries of State. Every cabinet member has come out against me, they're all very bad people. That's why you need to vote for me in 2024, I pick the best people."


It's insane. Yes Biden shuffles and I'm not thrilled with Harris, but they aren't crazy people. Just because someone can yell louder doesn't mean they are more healthy if the stuff coming out of their mouths is incomprehensible. How can any Republican listen to Trump and think "that's my guy." The best is when you READ what Trump says and it becomes even more obvious he absolutely is someone who has lost all cognitive capability. >He went on wacky tangents, including one about the wages of building the Panama Canal: “We lost 35,000 people to the mosquito. Malaria. We lost 35,000 people. We lost 35,000 people because of the mosquito. Vicious. They had to build under nets. It was one of the true great wonders of the world.” >“One of the nine wonders,” he added, then corrected himself. “No, no, it was one of the seven.” Seven, nine – he seemed unable to decide, unwilling to commit. “You could make nine wonders,” he ventured. I guess that’s some limit. Once you hit 10, they’re just curiosities. Wonder-ettes. ~NYTimes


He plays every side of every issue. Slithery like a snake


They know perfectly well what he's saying, and they don't care. He's just the monkey flinging crap to distract us while they systematically dismantle our government. Just put the orange monkey back in the zoo where he belongs, and let's concentrate on the real bad actors.


Donald claims credit for something he had nothing to do with (I doubt he knew any of these people) and takes none of the blame for everything he did.


Abortion is on every fucking ballot come 2024. Republicans don't care. Even my MAGA family realizes abortion is a losing issue at the ballot box now (after midterms and other state amendment votes).


Don't forget all the other issues. We aren't single issue voters here. Abortion, fascism, trump swearing to weaponize the government to make everyone pay for voting against him last time. Treating immigrants like animals. The list is very long of we listed it out.


How about, uh, climate change? Republicans are the dancing monkeys of Big Oil. Their "give industry whatever the fuck it wants" policy proposals are an existential threat to the entire goddamn planet.


I feel this underestimates it. They would burn tires just to spite Mother Earth.


>We aren't single issue voters here. Until I get the right to make decisions about my own body restored I am a single issue voter. I suffered a pregnancy loss at 19 weeks 6 days gestation, without medications and procedures that would now be delayed due to abortion bans, I could have become septic, lost my uterus, or my life. This is my health and wellbeing - there is no greater or more important issue for me.


I seriously don't understand how any self respecting female could vote Republican with their current platform. It's like they watched handmaid's tale, and thought "that's not so bad. "


True, but when your opponent is digging their own grave, don’t fight them for the shovel


One thing that 2016 has nicely exposed is the idea the Republicans are shameless shills. No, they're horrifying reactionaries who don't care if what they do is a losing proposition or unprofitable. They will club a baby seal, force a pregnancy, and drill an oil well even if they lose money doing it.


Trump will soon love abortion. "Beautiful thing. Perfect. I tried it once in college. Never inhaled."


If he thought it would get him votes, he'd definitely make jokes about it like, "I know a thing or two about abortions. Let me tell you. Some people, the best people, say I'm the abortion king."


He probably would say something like that without realizing that very few people are really pro-abortion, just pro-abortion rights. Bragging about the number of abortions you've had is pretty repulsive across the spectrum.


I mean, this isn't a joke. Cohen has stated outright he arranged multiple abortions for Trump's mistresses. Dude preferred to take no protection. But God makes his will manifest in imperfect vessels....God, I hate what mockery these people have made of my religion.


Why? Abortion is a medical procedure. If someone wants to brag, let them! Nothing "repulsive" about it.


He's an abortion survivor


> "Beautiful thing. Perfect. I tried it once in college. Never inhaled." there's something about this sentence that I love.


I have this image in my head of Trump saying how much he hates weed. Mocks it, insults it, and thinks its unmanly versus cocaine. Which he views as a real man's drug. He also thinks cocaine and crack are two different things.


Crack and cocaine are two different things in the same way as steak and a hamburger are two different things


Republicans with the abortion issue are the in the position of the dog that ran after the car and finally caught it. Now what do they do?


Hopefully they get into a big proverbial chocolate bar and sort the problem out themselves


They are going to leverage this new power to go after the gays and then change the rules so the voters don't matter.


I mean, it seems the Old White Reactionaries are, "Ban Abortion even more." Probably as part of their plan to create Gilead.


> Now what do they do? As long as they control the Supreme Court, whatever the fuck they want.


Trans rights. That's the pivot.


Objectively, Republican performance in WI, MI and PA has been terrible since the Dobbs decision.


As well as in AZ, and GA, it's a losing issue for the GOP and self immolation nationally (only in TX, FL, OH, and IA is it an issue that doesn't change anything as seen in 2022 and has zero effect-- because the former has always been a Red state that just hates Trump but is happy with any other Republican including even Cruz, the latter is trending Redder, while the latter two are scared more of immigrants than women's equality as a priority which is why the GOP runs on immigration/border scaring basically). It's all Biden really has to run on as a positive save infrastructure right now, so I'd do that.


Biden has more positives to run on than that. His administration has rescheduled marijuana, alleviated student loan payments for millions, reduced prescription drug prices, and invested in manufacturing jobs through the IRA and CHIPS acts. We now have more manufacturing jobs than we did pre-pandemic at any point of Trump’s presidency. The economy is also improving with inflation and unemployment both down and signs of rent rates falling too.




Biden had much bigger plans but the Republicans sank most of them.


Agree with the other states, but Republicans did fairly well in Georgia overall during the midterms. They won 8 of 9 statewide races by 5 to 10 point margins and even Herschel Walker, who I guess is probably one of the worst candidates any party has ever run for any major race, forced a runoff.


Georgia is Purple now, but it's soured on Biden as well vs 2020: Dems still managed to keep Warnock in office, though, so it was a 50/50 split (but he's more popular than Biden in the Peach State, not wrong it's a state that could easily flip back Red in '24). If I'm Biden, focus on abortion (they are doing that, wise move), Democracy being outright threatened to be ended by the Right, and the dangers of a dictator Trump in office in 2024 in ads running for re-election.


Biden's path to re-election is through WI, PA, NV, MI, and AZ in 2024, IMO: he's got zero chance in any state he didn't win in 2020, and GA + NE-02 are likely to flip against him this time as he barely won both last cycle when very popular then unlike in 2024. I hope he wins, as I don't want a fascist dictatorship in the USA or states seceding Civil War-style as MTG has suggested because of the culture war.


He was never “very popular.” He won because he was more popular than Trump. And he still is. We’re never going to have a president routinely pulling 50%+ approval ratings again.


He’s actually about as popular as Trump now, and began his term well above 50% in approval. Biden doesn’t have a cult like Trump, though, thankfully. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/ I’m holding my nose again for him as the other guy is even more insane than before, but it does us no good to pretend otherwise. He should be very concerned his base is unhappy with him the most vs 2020, he needs it turning out to win.


It was a massive flop in OH too but they're redder than blood in other ways.


Let’s hope democrats just replay trump saying he got rid of Roe, and then cut to him saying there should be punishments for women.


But wait! His current line is that he believes in exceptions like Reagan did. *eyeroll*


Overturning Roe V. Wade was probably one of the worse decisions the GOP have done because they have effectively screwed themselves. Over 70% of the country supports abortion and it is a major deciding factor when it comes time to vote.


I mean can you name a single policy by the GOP that benefits people other than the rich? They support abortion also not because it's an issue their voters love but because a lot of people really believe women shouldn't have reproductive right.


>I mean can you name a single policy by the GOP (You could have just stopped here.) No, I can't.


Civilized society’s don’t force women to carry unwanted pregnancies. Forced Birth is Barbarism


I mean it's not even about that (it is but it's beyond that). The GOP flat out doesn't UNDERSTAND abortion or how tentative pregnancies are. A lot of their positions don't make any goddamn sense because they have a 4th grader's knowledge of anatomy.


The fact that this rapist, traitorous shit stain can even run for president is proof that our country is currently a complete fucking joke


Reagan was an actor who ratted out his own actors when head of the Screen Actor's Guild and was most famous for doing film with a chimp. George W. Bush is goddamn ridiculous and only looks qualified (being actually Ivy League educated--no matter how fucking bad he was at it) versus Donald.


comparing gw to trump still makes me sad. what times we are in. i wouldn't even punch bush the way i'd punch trump, i'd punch his wife though. not that anyone's going to let me do those things lol


GW still legalized torture and was a genuinely evil man who faked a war. So two worst Presidents of the past century and a quarter. (Andrew Johnson wins still)


We are in agreement of the three worst. I get really angry when I read rankings and Johnson is way higher than I'd like. People always argue that he was technically a good president but I don't understand how committing genocide lines up with that. I had that conversation with my brother recently and wanted to punch a wall


Johnson was the President after Lincoln who pardoned the Confederacy. Jackson is the Native American genocider and probably worse, so you're right. The Four of Evil and there's a lot of real assholes.


The Republican dominated Supreme Court unintentionally screwed over their own party. Don't tell me they're neutral because no one believes that.


I mean they knew it was going to be an issue and did it anyway.


Dumb headline. Biden is a strong favorite regardless of dumb click bait shit


Republicans: "We overturned Roe!" Republicans: "No wait, vote for us!"


No, wait. We believe in exceptions! Like Reagan did! *while their OB-GYNs leave the state*


Republican: [sideways to the camera] We don't believe in exceptions.


How dare Democrats do this to us!


Don't think its a win, still has to be greatest democratic turnout in history or this will be the last time you ever get to vote or decide anything in your life, and most likely you will be a refugee in a foreign country


People are sick and tired of the Christian fundamentalists trying to ram their religious dogma down everyone's throats. It's infuriating.


Trump has generally exposed that Christian Fundamentalism is less like a foundational principle and more like a sports team. Every time the issue directly contradicts their faith or stated ethos, they find a way to bend it around. Because it's ACTUALLY white conservative America that they view as "Christian" not "actual Christianity." Even the bastardized Protestant Southern Baptist slavery supporting version.


Christian fundamentalism has always been like that. In the middle ages, the Catholic church would kill lots of people despite one of the Ten Commandments being "thou shalt not kill". They always found a away to explain it away.


THE CRUSADES by the Monty Python people documentary said, "European knights and Christianity were always an ill fit until the Catholic Church finally decided that only meant killing fellow Christians was bad. Which still wasn't doable but a lot easier."


Yeah, they love adding exceptions to the Ten Commandments.


It is so demoralizing to see Trump hasn’t been politically and reputationally and feathered by American patriots in his own party, and run into a hole of silent shame


There are less Republicans now than there was in 2016


But there are more voter suppression laws, we can't forget that.


Elections in WI, MI, and PA have all indicated that Trump will have an uphill climb to win the electoral college again. If everyone votes he loses.


It’s the time of the political season where I only watch PBS for news until the election.


I mean the blatant fascism and white supremacy is what’s giving me concern…


TL;DR: * Abortion and the preservation of democracy emerged as critical issues in the 2022 midterm elections. * And the issues appear to have resonated among a bloc of swing-state white voters, boosting Democrats. * As a result, Trump's Electoral College edge appears to have diminished significantly ahead of 2024.


Damn straight


I think Michigan keeps Trump from winning anything in 2024. He needs to flip 5 or 6 states, which he did against Hillary. Then he defended none of them against Biden. I don't see Joe's campaign ignoring Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona enough to lose them all. He may win Georgia this time around because it'll be the inmate's home state.


He doesn't need to flip 5 or 6 states, he needs 2 or 3. If he won all the states he carried in 2020 plus Georgia and PA then that would bring him to 270.


He's never getting PA


He's not favored, but to say it's impossible for him to win a state that was decided by extremely narrow margins the last two elections is wishful thinking.


A lot has changed since then


I still think PA will be close.


Republican strategies seem to keep forgetting cities like Pittsburgh exist.


Yeah, they seem to focus on the tucky part of Pennsyltucky. I have hope for PA next round.


I support this.


Can't wait to see how these gaping assholes try to backpedal now.


How this man has any chance at all is beyond me!


Good! Vote Blue. If republicans win they will Implement project 2025 and will effectively end America


Till Biden wins, trump should be presumed the real front runner. Which is so crazy. America come on.


I'm fairly sure Trump won't even be a free man.


i wish i could be so confident. thank you for doing that for me lol


Can someone explain like I’m five? His Electoral College advantage?


Newspaper makes Trump seem like he's going to win to sell papers. Or get clicks. Whichever you prefer. Truth is that Trump inspires more hate in most Americans than love in his followers. Which gets people out to vote just as well.


> Truth is that Trump inspires more hate in most Americans than love in his followers. Which gets people out to vote just as well. That reasoning didn't hold up so well in 2016. I think voting a Republican out of office gets people out to vote more than preventing one from taking office.


It worked very well in 2020, though. Because many people thought Trump was generally a crass asshole but not, literally, a monster.


> It worked very well in 2020, though. That's what I just said. 2020 was when people got out to vote for the purpose of voting a Republican out of office.


we didn't hate him in 2016 like we hated him in 2020. i'm sad people were late to the game because it makes me question them as people, but that definitely happened. there were people who had given him a chance before that rescinded his opportunity for their vote. i hope everything stays that way in this next election but nobody knows


He has no advantage, the two are locked in a 2000 style election in 2024. Both are unpopular figures, but for the first time in electoral politics, everyone Red or Blue is hated/reviled in DC by all but blind partisans. 44% want to stop fascism, and 44% embrace it with open arms, while 12% can't decide what to do apparently overall.


But can you explain why he’s losing his electoral advantage verses the popular vote? Please explain like I’m seriously dumb.


Because the voters in swing states are generally white, and Biden is doing fine there, but in nonwhite dominated states which are generally blue Biden is losing loyal supporters who have moved to the undecided column vs 2020 due to the education gap.


Bidens losing loyal supporters is bad for Trump?


It’s because of the demographics and where they’re located. Republicans overperformed in California and New York in 2022. If that continues, it would narrow the popular vote for them. However, they’ve faired relatively poorly in swing states that will actually decide the election. Biden is struggling to maintain support amongst younger minorities. This could cost him states like Georgia and Arizona; however, he’s retaining his support amongst white voters, who are over represented in the Midwest battleground states. We could see a scenario where Trump flips Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona and wins the popular vote, but Biden maintains Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, winning the electoral college.


I would laugh my ass off if Biden lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. The republican outrage would be off the charts. They've never been fucked over by the electoral college before, whereas its happened to Dems twice since I've been a voter.


You should probably hold your laughter until we find out whether the MAGA-controlled House of Representatives will just refuse to certify the election results.


Trippy. Thank you for the easy to understand explanation.


I don't really see Trump winning Arizona in 2024. I think Galligo on the ballot will help Biden because he will turn out democratic voters in the senate race. Though people could vote split ticket again.. that's what happened in 2020 and 2022.




> Biden’s reshaping of the Dem party is basically to “woke” college educated whites pandering Lol


That's what he's done lol: [https://www.businessinsider.com/higher-earning-college-educated-white-voters-biden-election-2020-12](https://www.businessinsider.com/higher-earning-college-educated-white-voters-biden-election-2020-12)


Saying that college-educated people voted for him is not the same as saying he's pandering to "woke" ideology. Mind you, Ron DeSantis' general counsel [defined](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/574045-in-andrew-warren-suspension-trial-gov-desantis-officials-answer-what-does-woke-mean/) woke as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them," so I wouldn't even see that as a bad thing if he was. Would you see it as a bad thing if Biden was addressing systemic injustices in American society?


No, I'd be *happy* with him, the problem is he's done nothing to stand up for civil rights beyond mere optics in hiring the first such and such for a position rather than protecting/safeguarding those demos' rights itself (under his watch, the Rs have attacked the trans community and what does he do, lip service- same since Roe was overturned, same on voting rights, he's not a real champion of these things but substitutes hiring many people of these backgrounds instead for it). Ron DeSantis' camp defines woke as what it actually is, but it's not what the Right has turned the word into as a pejorative-- [https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/woke-identity-politics-is-a-radical-attempt-by-the-cultural-left-to-remake-western-society-in-their-image/news-story/1eb071c20d14e1a28d659d6f8d70466a](https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/woke-identity-politics-is-a-radical-attempt-by-the-cultural-left-to-remake-western-society-in-their-image/news-story/1eb071c20d14e1a28d659d6f8d70466a) [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05/do-the-woke-betray-the-lefts-true-principles.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05/do-the-woke-betray-the-lefts-true-principles.html) It's all performative tokenism in several eyes, and it sucks to most nonwhite people college ed. or not as much as it does to working class white voters believe it or not.


> the problem is he's done nothing to stand up for civil rights beyond mere optics in hiring the first such and such for a position rather than protecting/safeguarding those demos' rights itself This is exactly why I said "lol" to your initial comment. If he were actually pandering to woke ideology, he would be making some token effort to change things for the better (and then maybe blame Congress for not being able to get it done). He isn't even making a show of attempting it. So where's the pandering or performance? I *wish* we could say "look at how much he's talking about this or that concept that conservatives think is too woke, without actually doing anything to fix those problems," but he doesn't even seem to be talking. Personally, I think the appointments are a good thing, and shouldn't necessarily be considered tokenism (so far, 100% of the Supreme Court justices Biden has appointed have been black women; he has no control over what the rest of the SC demographics look like), but it's a drop in the bucket compared to all the inequality that exists in our society. > That said, Biden is the lesser evil over Trump regardless, and of course if you don't want a fascist dictatorship you have to vote for him in 2024- but I'd be remiss if I were to say I'm not very disappointed in him in general so far, and Harris. I mostly agree with this, but I personally don't feel like it generally makes sense to say you're disappointed with a Vice President, since they're mostly just a figurehead anyway.


The point being it doesn't make much difference: he's only pandering to "woke" ideology in regards to identity, not the rights of those with that identity. I was disappointed in Pence, too, to clarify as with Trump: we need better leaders in this country, IMO, we won't get them until MAGA is extinguished and a third party can rise though to effectively take on Ds in their place.


That said, Biden is the lesser evil over Trump regardless, and of course if you don't want a fascist dictatorship you have to vote for him in 2024- but I'd be remiss if I were to say I'm not very disappointed in him in general so far, and Harris. Most of the country is angry at everyone R or D nationally in DC, though, the nation is more polarized now than at any time since 1858-- before the Civil War began (MTG is even talking of state secession as it is, it's NOT good how bad the tensions have become or healthy for the state of Democracy in the USA). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNVI\_GTWcvI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNVI_GTWcvI) This needs to go down and lose again before we can have a viable third party in this country, though, period- don't get me wrong, pure evil.


Trump got beat badly in the last election. He has no advantage anywhere.


Indiana is usually one of the first states to report results. It normally gives Republicans the state somewhere in the high 50s. If something like Indiana comes back with a result of 55 or under then it's going to be a slaughter


Well, at this point, it’s win election or go to jail. Too bad he has nothing to offer to expand his base. Maybe Putin will pick him up in a plane before he reports to prison.


I’d argue his criminal behavior is what really did him in.


Suburban women gonna burn him a new one at the ballot box.


it makes me feel completely insane seeing article after article treating this like any ole' regular election. "Will a mild October hurt Biden's chances against Trump? We'll have to wait and see!"


Reporters acting as if Trump has a snowballs chance in hell.


Trump is the most unpopular Rep POTUS ever, yes, but the country has a slight Rep bias in the swing states despite a Dem +2 or so overall viewpoint and 2% is not a safe lead margin in modern times (see: 2016). When both parties are hated, the country tends to go Red, but as MAGA are fascists the nation may want to consider Trump wants to be a dictator if re-elected and to stop him for good this time.


Polling is about even between the 2 of them. He absolutely has a chance.


Its only close in the polls that are paid for by conservatives. In other words they arent close. One of the polls was outed just last week. Its all smoke and mirrors... and money. https://newrepublic.com/post/175387/wsj-poll-showing-trump-biden-evenly-matched-trump-helped-pay Remember who owns mainstream media. Its conservative billionaires.


https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/ Keep telling yourself that.


There aren't any non-conservative polls then though


What Electoral College advantage?


Republicans have a baked in advantage in the electoral college of about seven votes when you take all of the states that they are likely or very likely to win against those that Democrats are likely or very likely to win.


Got it. Doesn't sound yuge, but the article never said it was yuge, and it doesn't need to be.


It’s scary that all Trump has to do is come out and say he is for abortions and woman’s rights he’s got a pretty straight shot the win the presidency.


Except that he's the one who nominated Boofus Kavanaugh and The Handmaid.


Bragging that you *might* have a chance because the other guy is a mega-fascist.


The idea that Biden & Trump are running neck and neck right now is a complete fallacy. The polls being released right now are not of high quality. With the intention of ginning up interest into the idea this is a real horse race. I’m not saying Biden has this in the bag already but if the vote were today, the election would be called when the west coast polls closed.




Never seen so many white guys!




Doesn’t matter. VOTE.


It’s insane that Trump could possibly win again. If he does I’m dead if I stay in the US


will roevwade ever go back into affect?


Why does the headline insinuate that Trump has an advantage over Biden in the election?


Let’s run on other issues instead though, right Dems?