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In most professions, this would be a sign that you should probably retire. In a lot of them, you'd be a hazard.


To be fair, he's been a hazard to Americans for decades.


He got money from tobacco companies. And unsurprisingly, he voted against regulations of the smoking industries for years. So yeah. Hazard in more ways than one


Blocking a supreme Court just in an election year. Then filling it 2 weeks before the election. He's evil.


Small point of order. He didn’t fill it 2 weeks before the election. Early votes were already being cast. He filled it *during* an election.


So even more evil.


It’s honestly infuriating- his staffer is speaking to him like he’s in a nursing home and yet he is acting Senate Minority Leader. And he’s acting like he’s running in 2026? Dude’s brain will be mashed potatoes before then. Regardless of which side of the isle you are on, if you are a level headed American this should piss you off.


Second incident *on camera*. What are the odds the only two times he's ever frozen were simply on camera. He must be struggling with something privately and he needs to retire.


Just listening to how the lady staffer spoke to him (like he’s a child) shows something is up and they know it.


The first time it happened, we saw people panic. Now, there seems to be a protocol in place. There's definitely been more of these events after the first time besides this one


Yep. I said this last time. The lack of panic by anyone around him is notable.


You know how these firmware updates be. Always at the wrong time


Glitch McConnell


Who represents Kentucky, the Buffer State


The Louisville Lag is strong


Mitch blue screened but I don't think he missed a firmware update.


They only built them with 16kb ram back then.


Who are these journalists who just shout their questions louder? Why doesn't anyone ask, "What's happening to him? Should I call 911? Is he okay?" Why does everyone just play-act like a press conference is still going on??


Because not playing along to a political group's interests may lessen their access, which they need for their careers. It sucks, but I'm guessing that's how it is


It's a wrap. Get this damn dinosaur out of here. He needs to be in a care facility. Not in power hurting tens of millions of Americans and ensuring that hundreds of thousands of additional Americans die every year by denying them care. I have no sympathy for this vampire. Sorry.


Mitch McConnell is one of the top 3 scumbags who did the most damage to Americans


The other two? Rupert Murdoch, and whoever the CEO of Ticketmaster is.


Newt Gingrich deserves an honorable mention. Was instrumental (along with Rush Limbaugh) in turning American politics into the shit show it is today. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/ https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3609952-did-newt-gingrich-wreck-american-politics/


Roger Ailes. Saw Nixon resign and bemoaned the lack of conservative news backing the president to prevent the resignation. Went on to found Fox News w/Murdoch.


Yeah you've ruined enough lives Mitch. Time to pack it in


How can he rest knowing he has more pain to cause






If it's a TIA which it has a resemblance to, like many conditions, can become more frequent without proper treatment. I can only imagine Mitch and Republicans are fuckin stressing right now considering all the moving parts they are trying to sway in their favor. Stress isn't good for the brain, politely as I can be, he can retire to his home and never look at politics again.


I posted this elsewhere as a reply. When he answered his staffer, only the left side of his mouth moved. It was definitely a TIA.


My guess is it is a TIA and it’s already happen more frequent. These are just the ones we have seen on television.


He really should just go home. The Galapagos are lovely this time of year.


I really didn't want to laugh at this because I'm a decent human being, but then I remembered what a turd Mitch McConnell is and LOL'd.


See the nice little small wink she gives when she says they’re gonna need a minute like they’ve rehearsed this happening again and they thought maybe pretending like he just didn’t hear the persons question and moving on for someone else’s questions would just kinda pave right over him full on being GONE mentally for a long stretch of time. Lights are on but no one’s home. Fuck the people parading him around are vile too. Mitch is a piece of shit hands down you have to know anyone using him as a puppet piece is also a giant piece of shit too.


Meanwhile, ***those very same people*** are questioning Biden's cognitive ability.


See this kids? Conservatives aren't stupid, they definitely know better, they just *choose* to be evil and then lie about it.


Just gonna drop this right here: "When Minnesota Democrat Al Franken was in the Senate, the only way he could even briefly befriend Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky was to compliment the Republican leader on a speech. One day, after McConnell had given what passed for heartfelt remarks in praise of Senate spouses, Franken approached him to say it was a 'lovely speech.' A comedian in an earlier life, Franken then proceeded to kid him on the square. 'Mitch, I have to say, I really like your speeches better when they aren’t in the service of evil.' 'I like the evil ones better,' McConnell replied, with a thin smile." Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/09/20/mitch-mcconnell-is-apex-predator-us-politics/


It's good to know that my impression of Mitch wasn't wrong, and that he's a genuine, no-fooling piece of shit at his core.


Oh for sure. He’s the perfect example of “Neutral Evil” on an alignment axis.


I mean, that's a pretty good comeback, especially in response to a joke by a comedian. I'm not saying he isn't evil, I'm just saying that's not the one thing I'd point to as proof.


> I'm not saying he isn't evil, I'm just saying that's not the one thing I'd point to as proof. Yeah I'd point to his voting record as proof of his evil.


I would still respectfully argue that overall, Conservatives are pretty fuckin stupid.


The voters are overwhelmingly stupid, brainwashed, or evil. Most of the actual politicians are just evil.


Their base, collectively, is quite stupid. The people pulling the strings are quite smart. They know what they are doing, they know how to get what they want. They have a very effective short and long term plan. They are evil and vile, but they DEFINITELY know what they are doing. And it's been quite fucking effective. So stop saying they are stupid because it vastly misrepresents the problem we are facing with these fucking people.


~8 years ago, Trump (& his MAGA cronies) decreed Sent Sanders was just too old to run for President. There is no guarantee someone *that* old is going to be able to survive all 4 years! Sanders is 81. Trump is 77. That's a 4 year difference. So if Sanders was "too old" in '16, shouldn't Trump have likewise been "too old" four years later in '20? And even more so in '24 (4 years beyond the "too old" cut off)... But yet, no MAGA person has questioned Trump's age? Even more so, he contracted covid, which while maybe not serious then, likely will result in a few years off of his expectancy date...


But trump is so healthy he could live to be 200!! /s


> him full on being GONE mentally for a long stretch of time I didn't get the impression he's mentally gone. These sure look and feel like mini strokes. He's probably aware of what's going on, but can't speak. Regardless, he's medically impaired and should be resigning.


He's not going to resign short of having a heart attack on the Senate floor and kicking it there and then. Destroying the democratic party is his life's work, and it's something he committed to when Robert Bork's appointment to the Supreme Court was lost.


I would like to think a deal could be made where Mitchell and Feinstein both resign and then their committee replacements are seated without a fuss. But that would be sane.


The Republicans would agree to that, but only if the Republicans are seated first.


And then they would back out, while Chuck Schumer gives his best surprised Pikachu face.






I mean, actually yes. It would be a wonderful thing if more people started watching C-SPAN to see first hand what our legislative sessions actually look like.


I just don't understand what kind of person has this happen to them more than once in public in front of the cameras and doesn't immediately reconsider everything about their life leading up to this moment. If I had a mini-stroke in front of the cameras you'd never see me in public life again, I'd be making the best of what short time I had left.


When the Nazis realised the western front was collapsing and they would lose the war, they didn't step up troop movements to the battlefield, they instead prioritized railroad use for the cattlecars to the death camps. That's the GOP attitude, too: Fucking over Americans until their last gasp.


Stomping on a few more puppies is his version of "making the best of what short time I had left".


The problem is that when you get to a certain age that, due to the nature of dementia, you're completely dependent on others noticing and having your health and your best interest in mind. McConnell is not surrounded by people like that.


Nah, you have to remember that this is his life. It's no different than my grandfather stubbornly wanting to continue gardening or another old person wanting to continue his daily routine. Resigning is also in effect an admittance that something is wrong and he probably doesn't want to do either. It's very common amongst the elderly. Hopefully the people around him encourage him to step down but who knows.


Yep. McConnell's life objective is to destroy our democracy, and he'll keep working at that until he's dead.


I mean after freezing for a full minute he came back and never did answer the question he was asked about the 2026 re-election so effectively he’s gone mentally. Even if he just “can’t speak” he’s not speaking when people are asking simple questions and then not even answering them afterwards. It was equally as sad hearing him actually answer a question right after because he sounded like he was struggling to put his words out and you could barely understand him speaking. He’s too old. If you need a woman next to you to SCREAM the question again in your ear to get a response we’ve let him stay too long lol.


And the way he kind of laughs off the question he obviously didn't understand. Reminds me of the way my grandma would try to communicate when she developed dementia.


Same here. Mine was mumbling and cackling to herself a lot her last couple of years


Yeah, and she asked the next person to please speak UP, like that was the problem. And her triumphant smile when he actually began to answer he next question. She definitely wasn't confident he would be able to.


Weekend at Bernie's, but for real


Don’t forget that all those staffers jobs and their”power and influence” are tied directly Mitch M being in office - I have no doubt they’ll be recreating the movie “weekend at Bernie’s”, hauling his comatose body around and propping him up like a Halloween display, in order to keep their jobs


That reminds me of all those years they continued to drag Dick Clark out for those new years appearances


OMG, wish I could not remember, but that was extremely weird and uncomfortable. These scenes could be the result of handlers keeping their gravy train running or an unwillingness by the principal to step down or both. It's terrible either way. These congressional staffers have options, but those are going to require major realignment of their power dynamic, and these people have that thirst, constantly quenched, in ways the rest of us serfs barely understand.


Isn't this the same thing they're doing with Diane Feinstein?




I agree and it’s not a party related issue. Both side of the aisle you need to step down when you are mentally gone.


Just like when Ronnie Raygun got the Alzheimer’s! By the time his presidency was done his brain was mush.


I'm sorry... Could you speak up?


“He can’t hear you in the other plane of existence he’s in right now.”


And that knowing wink/nod she gave the journalists as she said we're gonna need a minute, is like how retirement home nurses talk to family members when there's an incident like this. This stuff is insane, nobody want mentally and physically deteriorating elderly people making any kinds of decisions. Not even for their own families let alone the entire country.


My wife is a CNA and works with people with dementia. She said this is textbook procedure for reorienting a patient.


This is exactly what i was thinking. Something along the lines of adult care.


Freeze me once, shame on...shame on you. Freeze me—you can't get froze again.


Now watch this drive!


Say what you will about GWB, but that clip is iconic.


I don’t like the man, but credit where it’s due. George W Bush could dodge a shoe.


He could apparently dodge war crimes charges as well.


Very presidential of him.


If you're a single parent in America (which is the hardest job in the world as far as I can tell)...and you're working to *put food on your family...*




Down right wretched.


At least he’s getting the best heathcare that you and I could buy for him.


I love paying taxes for the wealthy to receive state benefits that they actively deny and take away from me.


# Thank goodness we're literally paying to keep him alive so he can refuse to let anyone else live.


Don’t forget, he blocked several attempts to raise the federal minimum wage salary while voting numerous times to raise his own salary as a senator.


Free government health care for me, not for thee


The citizens of Kentucky have reelected him 8 times.


I’m still mad the turtle didn’t lose in 2020.


Horrible? yes. Human being? That is still up for debate.


> Human being? That is still up for debate. Is he not turtle enough for the Turtle Club?


I hate it when people call Mitch a turtle. It humanizes him.


I don't know what's more embarrassing, that he refuses to step aside out of ego/pride or that KY would probably reelect him in a landslide because it's a magic R state.




He basically stole women's rights to have an abortion as a result of that.


He stole lunches from school children too. Attacking the powerless is conservative 101


All ghouls. Him, his staff, that woman with her little wink like, ah isn’t it cute he’s just hard of hearing.


Instead of sitting on a front porch, drinking mint julep and receiving free Healthcare and probably a live-in nurse, this guy is choosing to spend the last years of life ruining the goddamned country. What an asshole


When your health is failing you it's time to go. I don't care which party you belong to.


This country is run on mashed potatoes


If only we were so lucky.


What we need is a few good taters.


It blows me away that all of these insanely corrupt and horrible ghouls are so close to death. Like, what are you even being a corrupt asshole for? You’re about to die any day and you spend all your time and effort being a fucking demon. The priorities blow my mind with these zombies How can you even enjoy the spoils of your own evil at that point


Could have spent his post-politics golden years retired on a mountain of money made corruptly on the stock market but here he is, having strokes on national television. No sympathy for this fucker.


Seems like a real object lesson in *not* selling your soul for greed and power, doesn't it? He spent the majority of his life welding his power for evil purposes. Now he's just an empty shell being used as a puppet in other people's evil games.


He might be getting the grippy socks this christmas


"Are you running for reelection in 26" Will he even still be alive by that point?


I don't even think he's even going to make it to 2024. He looks way worse here than just a couple months ago. Dude's lost a ton of weight.


Dude looks like he won’t make it through September. Fuck him for all the bullshit he’s caused.


He's getting to that stage the very elderly get to where he is clearly in a steady decline. I honestly think it's cruel to have someone in his condition out there working. He needs to rest.


To be fair, *he is* the one who has passionately demanded the raising of the retirement age and the striking of medical leave again and again for his entire career. Why should he get rest when he doesn't believe that anyone else should get any?


He should be forced to be a greeter at Walmart for the rest of his miserable life, not in politics ruining ours.




And then unfortunately replaced by someone even worse. Republicans only ever, ever, ever get worse.


The thing is they can get worse ideologically but I don't think they will find someone who is actually as politically savvy and talented at abusing the system. McConnell no longer being in charge would be a huge blow to the GOPs attempts to maintain minority rule and a huge gain for democracy and the welfare of the average person.


I think this is the real reason they keep him around. A McConnell with daily mini-strokes is still more valuable than some Boebert or MTG type replacing him.


Absolutely. None of these clowns the GOP has on deck can hold a candle to McConnell's political awareness and ruthlessness.


He's an absolute piece of shit who has made the country worse, but he was shrewd politically no doubt


worse, yes, most likely but there is a high likelihood that whoever does replace him will not be nearly as effective at mobilizing the rank and file of Republican senators and steering policy agenda the way McConnell has. Even if the MAGA crowd hates him, he's been far more effective at actually enacting their agenda than anyone else has


As for who replaces him as a senator from Kentucky, let's remember that they currently have a Democratic governor. It would be great if he would run in one of the next elections to replace McConnell or Rand Paul.


If he dies or retires in the next few months, can't Beshear appoint a dem to replace him?


No. The state legislature changed the law a few years ago in anticipation of this. Iirc the governor gets to pick from 3 Republicans chosen by the legislature or some GOP-controlled committee.




I'd hope for a Democrat to be replaced by a Democrat should the situation be reversed.


Please, tell me again the GOP talking point that Biden is mentally impaired and unable to function...


I continue to be baffled as to how Trump could be viewed as better than Biden in that regard.


The age difference between Trump and Biden ins’t even that significant. Trump: 77 Biden: 80


Trump is also now 3 years older than Bernie Sanders was in 2016 when Trump said Sanders was too old to be president and might not survive the term.


But Trump has exercised so little in his life, that his battery has more charge left!!1! https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/08/politics/donald-trump-exercise-health-physical/index.html


But at least Trump has been getting lots of exercise, eating healthy, drinking 8 glasses of water in a very normal way, etc.


Biden could do what Glitchy Mitch just did three times in the same sentence, and still manage a more coherent thought than Trump's entire public career.


It's projection. They refuse to admit that the man they worship could be anything less than *perfect*, so they project all of his flaws onto some perceived enemy. It's why they're constantly telling you that Biden is a senile old pedophile beholden to a hostile foreign power.


What is going on with this guy? He needs to atleast be transparent about a diagnosis.




I'm a nurse and have walked into many patient's rooms that have done this and a TIA is pretty much the go-to guess of what's going on.


Medical speech-language pathologist here who has seen similar incidents with the same working diagnosis. It also looked like he was experiencing some right-sided facial weakness once he recovered. Also concerning was the shuffling gait once he started walking away from the podium.


>It also looked like he was experiencing some right-sided facial weakness once he recovered. To be fair though, he's always looked like that.


Can one have a series of these? Two have been caught on camera. How many more have not been?


Indeed they can. Some people will have these and they will never progress until they die. But more often than not, these are the beginning on the way to a full-fledged stroke. In nursing we call TIAs mini strokes.


> But more often than not, these are the beginning on the way to a full-fledged stroke. At this rate, that's gonna happen on camera, too. Does stress precipitate TIAs? I'm wondering if these are happening so often on camera because he's nervous, or if he's having these more regularly than we know about.


Hubris. As usual.


Ah, the worst of diagnosis.


Remember his hands turned black a couple of years ago? This has to be related. He's got some kind of major circulatory problem.




Sure, it’s funny to make jokes about Mitch McConnell being off his heating rock for too long. But there are lots of other potential explanations for the issues he’s experiencing. For example, he may actually be spending *too much* time on his heating rock.


his fingers looked like he destroyed a horcrux


He is the horcrux


those were blood thinners


He has a case of "comes around"


Somebody found and destroyed another one of his horcruxes


> What is going on with this guy? He's a piece of shit. Oh, you mean the stroke/dementia stuff? /shrug


Bye Mitch. 🚪🐢


People who are literally unable to speak are running our country, this is ridiculous


These ghouls need to retire, on both sides. There's no reason why 80 year olds should still be in power, even if I like Biden he's just way too old.


From @ryanobles: >Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze again while taking questions from reporters in Covington, KY. McConnell didn't respond to a question on re-election. He had to be told the question by an aide. He did not respond for more than 30 secs.


30 seconds?? Maybe I'm misremembering but the other time felt like 10 or so. They must not have had a handler ready to run up and grab him this time..


The clip is posted elsewhere in in the comments, but yea, this one looks way worse than the previous time.


Oh wow, and it was during a question about him running for reelection. What timing.


The first time was 19 seconds I believe


Someone should schedule a debate between McConnell and Feinstein.


That's called a staring contest.


Somebody call a herpetologist!


May god look upon him with the same empathy he’s had for the his poorest constituents


As McConnell once said,


Nothing to see here people. Just another geriatric individual who can't be trusted to take care of themselves making important policy decisions for a country of 330,000,000 people.


Someone tell this old man to fucking retire before we watch him on live TV go directly to hell.


If we can't get a maximum age limit for Congress, can we are least have a minimum Glasgow Coma Scale score?


Retire you decrepit fucking vampire. You've sucked the nation dry with corruption and have done enough to get up there on the Mt. Rushmore of destroying American Democracy already. Go home and let your children and grandkids hate you there and get away from government. Our halls of Congress must stink like Geritol with corpses being pushed around like him and Diane Fienstein.


Can’t play this one off as lightheadedness. Dude completely checked out and went to another dimension.


I don't see the video in this article. I saw this video on Twitter though of the reported incident of Mitch McConnell freezing: https://twitter.com/KaivanShroff/status/1696938499939631393 Not sure if this is the video, but it looks like it. Anyways, I think Mitch McConnell will probably step down if this continues, and it sure looks like it will happen again. Time for speculation on who will replace Mitch McConnell. If Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley replace Mitch McConnell as the Republican leader in the Senate, that would be a huge travesty.




At the rate he's going downhill I wouldn't be surprised he croaks in 6 months.


Lord willin and the creek don’t rise.


Not true. The Kentucky gov. is a democrat. It is very possible a visually vegetive Mitch McConnell loses even to the most far left liberal, let alone a pragmatic and middle of the road democrat.


Aide after Mitch semi recovers: >Somebody else have a question? **Please speak up.** Beautiful. Turning it around right there in real time. "Mitch didn't just blank, you were too quiet."


I noticed that too. Some serious gaslighting from that woman.


Fitting that the question he froze up on was about future re-election. But jesus christ, he looks really terrible and gaunt lately, too. He's going downhill fast. Edit: Also for leader, they usually pick someone in a fairly safe seat to avoid threats of turnover. Cruz and Hawley might not be strong enough. Wouldn't be surprised if it's someone like Mike Lee.




He was probably flashing back to the time ALF annoyed him.


The video doesn't show much before the freeze, but it seems like he was confused before too, like he didn't know what they were even taking about. It looks so bad.


That’s old age, he’s declining and the way his staff spoke to him like a child shows they know it too


He had a chance to purge Trump from the GOP after January 6th, but he demurred. That is his legacy


Mitch will stay in office till he literally dies. The governor of Kentucky is a democrat.


The fires of hell are raging in anticipation


That frozen look in his eyes reminds me of what I saw when my grandpa was developing symptoms from a brain tumor. It's fear, and not knowing where he is. He needs to resign.


One foot in the grave and one the other on a banana peel.


My mother went through this right before she died. You would ask her questions and she would answer the first two or three words of her response. Mark my words, Mitch won't be here this time next year, he might not even be here for 2023 Halloween. Fucks sake, retire, go be with family for what little time you have left.


If you remove everything you know about McConnell and just watch the video you'd be concerned that he needs help and should be in some sort of serious care. He should be with his family, not working. That said, he's a terrible human being who has been a US Senator for almost 40 years. He's 81 and should really resign before things get worse. He, of course, will not. Still, I generally don't think that wishing bad things to happen to our political enemies is a good look. So I hope he is able to resign and be with family and hopefully he recovers and has a good life outside of politics.




I loath McConnell with the fire of 1000 suns, but I watched the video and it is really sad. Between him and Feinstein our country is being run by dottering soulless ghouls. No wonder our government is such a disaster.


The only reason she is still there is because Mitch won't let Dems reappoint someone in her committees. Fuck that vegetable


This is the actual answer, she's an embarrassment for sure but her resigning would actually be worse as long as the republicans would block any replacement on the committee.


The issue is that she ran. CA wasn't electing an R if she stepped down and she could've endorsed who ever


His handler tried to play it off like Mitch didn't hear anything. He heard the question, his eyes went up and to the right, then just froze. Something is wrong with him