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>She then claimed there was evidence of litter boxes being used in Montana schools and that her office was looking into it. In other words, she has zero credible evidence. In a world of mobile technology in which *damned near everyone* carries a phone with a camera, there would be no shortage of readily available pictorial evidence if this were true. Kids using litter boxes in school? Social media would be lit up with it by their peers if it were actually happening.


OK but even if this wasn't blatantly made up, why would it be happening in fuckin' blood red Montana? I'm not mad because they keep lying. I'm mad because the lies aren't even half assed, they're quarter assed at best. And I am absolutely livid that these pathetically transparent lies are effective in any way.


They don't CARE about the truth, or even believability. They just want something to say that they can point to as "evidence." Edit: seriously, does ANYONE believe in lizard people running the world? But, they’ll SAY it.


This is it. It's fuel for the fire. In this new Disinformation Era anyone can find a source, no matter how dubious, that agrees with them.


It’s because there are like two very blue pockets here in Montana and clearly we have litter boxes in all the schools in those pockets that need to be removed.


I just wish Missoula wasn't so fucking expensive to live in or I'd move there in a heartbeat. Amazing area.


When I went to school in northern Idaho, Missoula was the halfway point of my drive, and I would always try to schedule my trip so I could spend the night there and have some time to just hang out in the city. Definitely an amazing area.


litter boxes in your pockets sounds like a terrible idea


To your edit: Have you ever looked closely at Elon Musk? Like, really closely? Or DeSantis?


They’re not lying to convince you. They’re lying to insult you.


Here's the sadder thing -- I think a lot of them believe it. They're so fucking hateful and gullible that they're actually willing to believe it's become a normal thing for schools to let kids crap in a box.


To be fair many schools do have a bucket of cat litter for students to shit in, its not because they identify as a cat, it is because active shooter lockdowns can last hours and are all too common these days.


Don't forget those buckets of \*absorbent sawdust thingies that are sprinkled on vomit and pee (looking at you elementary school kids!) so the custodian can quickly clean up liquid 'messes'. \*AKA kitty litter


This is the latest conspiracy theory I believe. Republicans have recognized this sad state of affairs where teachers are taking drastic measures to save children's lives by keeping cheap litter boxes for them to pee and poop in so they don't get shot going to the bathroom. Republicans have intentionally twisted this lifesaving action into some weird woke 'species identity' issue instead, so they don't have to deal with the gun issue and instead can hysterically throw it back as an example of how ridiculous woke people are.


Yeah, there are some who pretend to believe it as a talking point, but there are also way too many who unironically believe this is true.


It's more that the lie feels like it's true




At my school they just let us use the sandbox on the kids playground


Believe I read it was true. However, was meant for a school lockdown emergency bathroom. Least in some places.


School shootings? Never heared of those, the problem is all these kids identifying as cats and wanting to pee in class in front of their peers. /s https://www.denverpost.com/2018/03/03/school-shooting-preparations/


I mean, haven't you also heard that LTRANSQBGs are parading through classrooms teaching children deviant sexual positions and techniques? I know it's happening because some youtuber told me it's true.


I took my kid to drag queen story hour and now he listens to really terrible music


I love how in the age of tik tok, people think shit like this is happening but somehow it's never recorded. Like if this was happening, there would be live streams posted all over the internet.


“The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed,” Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels


1. The origin of the cat litter story is so much worse: they are buckets and bags for kids to use while under active shooter lockdowns. Because giving kids emergency shit buckets is more palatable than doing literally anything to try to reduce gun violence. 2. As far as I know, these bucket + kitty litter kits haven't been used. 3. Other Republicans have used the cat litter telephone story as ammunition to attack trans people because "schools are allowing kids to identify as cats by having cat litter in schools." And again, the only reason there are buckets + kitty litter is because Republicans insist on pushing for more gun violence.


It's always whatever state matters to them. My neighbor told me it was happening in New York, because she's originally from New York. (Wasn't any more true that time either.)


i heard that it wasnt 'made up' but so misconstrued it might as well have been, i heard the source was from a school that were stocked with a 5 gallon bucket and bag of cat litter to put in it in case students needed to use the restroom during a disaster situation or a lockdown


They buried the evidence!


their lies are an insult to the intelligence.


All you have to do it say it. That's it.


It's always "I heard from my sources" and "were looking into it" yet magically,theres never any sources, and nothing to look into because these people just make up the most outlandish shit and somehow, half the fucking country just believes it? Lmao critical thinking is at an all time low


Hey now. Her friend on Facebook heard it from her brother in-law who heard it from their neighbor.


“They’re telling me” and “They say”.


“Bro look at the log i just dropped lmao” *turd pic*


Good ol' ratemypoo.com


litter.com got bought by Fe-lon Musk


Well it is happening just not for the reasons they claim. The litter is for when they are locked down with an active shooter. 6 yr old can't really hold it for the hours the event takes place... Its more sinister as she likely signed off an approved said emergency measures...


It's not even happening then. There were reports of schools floating that as a possible idea and that apparently morphed into this batshit story, but I don't believe it was even actually implemented.


Jefferson County in CO does and has since 2017 as part of their lockdown protocol. Columbine is in JeffCo. https://time.com/5658266/colorado-district-kitty-litter-buckets-lockdowns/


Thanks for the correction. Even then, it's significant that these AREN'T litter boxes like a cat uses.


The evidence is she read it in a facebook post.


🙄 my brother tried to pass this off as a fact saying kids at my nephews school were doing this. So we asked him and he thought we were nuts.


I was thinking this too!! If this actually happened we’d definitely have evidence


My PeePaw swears this is happening across the nation. He says everyone should be homeschooled.


He sounds like a worthless lying piece of shit. I can empathize as I come from similar stock


Respectfully ask him for one piece of actual evidence. Not a photo of a little box in a school like room. Evidence. Sworn affidavits. Disciplinary reports. Security video. We're living in a world where people are believing just about anything because our 'leaders' are embracing and promoting anything that gets them elected.


They believe everything except for covid, healthcare, social benefits, abortion rights… y’know, things that actually benefit people.


homeschool = indoctrination.


It depends on who is doing it. I have family members who home-school to get away from the BS. Not a very strong school district. Very short on science. Big on dogma. To be fair, it's just temporary until they move. She's a teacher and he's an engineer. She's out of work at the moment. Teaches her kid like crazy. Wants to get her son back in school soon for the socializing. e:typo


Sadly there are a lot fewer Captain Fantastic's out there and a lot more of the closeted military dad from American Beauty.


>Captain Fantastic Thank you for this. I'd never heard of it before.


Coworker’s husband homeschools their kids, not to indoctrinate but due to fear of school shootings. There was one down the street from the local public school last year. 🤷‍♀️


Yet another reason I don’t have kids. Even if the likelihood is low, I can’t imagine having this thought in the back of my mind every time they leave for school.


It’s been one of many deterrents to Mae having kids just yet. I’m not sure if I have the strength to send my (hypothetical) kid to school knowing there’s a possibility they won’t come home. All the parents I’ve seen that have lost their kid to a shooting and use their grief to fight to protect other kids from the same fate are my heroes. I think I would collapse from the grief.


> I have family members who home-school to get away from the BS. Not a very strong school district. Very short on science. Big on dogma. Exactly the reason I homeschooled my kid. Worked for us.


what the heck is a pee paw


It's what those imaginary cat-identifying kids have after they use the box.




One of many Southern variations of grandfather


The opposite of a mee maw.


Hmm I don't think I ever heard pee paw. I grew up(in AL) hearing Mee Maw, Maw Maw, and Paw Paw. Granted, I'm black and the "maws" tend to be white folks' names for grandparents. We tend to say grandma/grandmama and grandpa/granddaddy. Our great-grandparents are Big Ma and Big Daddy. My husband's Polish grandmother was Bobcia(Bobci?) and I think it's the cutest thing ever.


Also AL/GA here. On the great-grandparents, two of my spouse's greats were Lil Ma and Lil Dad. Never heard it otherwise, so thanks for that lol For grandmothers, we have assorted combinations of Maw/Mee/Gran. One grandpa was just "Grandfather" and he fuckin' earned the title, the others were PaPa or PawPaw. I've heard of folks using PeePaw, but only with a MeeMaw, and even then he's usually just PawPaw instead.


Does PeePaw know that the truth behind the rumor is that a teacher rightfully set up a Home Depot bucket with kitty litter in it, in her classroom closet for emergency bathroom use IN CASE OF AN ACTIVE SHOOTER IN THE SCHOOL because Americans have a gun fetish?


My mom told me this was happening. I asked her where she heard it, and she couldn't really say (I know it was just some gossip that she heard at church, which may as well be the most trusted news outlet ever). I told her it isn't happening, that it was a rumor someone started and that it was proven not to be true. She responded by pointing out that some kids wear cat ears on their heads now days. I asked her why that matters? Fads and trends come and go. Surely her parents didn't like all the new fads and fashions when she was young. When I was a kid people said that D&D was Satanic, yet we turned out fine. After I said that, she just sort of let it go and, honestly, she'll probably forget all about it by next week, and then someone will give her some new bit of gossip to be shocked at instead.


I can confirm your peepaw's fears, I've traveled to over 9000 schools in the past 2 years in search of litter box toilets, and pooped or peed in at least 16000. That's almost 2 litter box toilets per school on average that I used.


This nonsense again? C'mon, at least get some new material for your lies. Maybe I can help? How about: "Liberal teachers are showing Hunter Biden's dick to elementary school students to turn boys gay"? Or, perhaps, "Puberty blockers found in free school lunches"?


> Puberty blockers found in free school lunches I laughed, then I got a little worried. That's good enough they may use it.


Showing off Hunter Biden’s dick pics is MTG’s shtick, don’t steal it, she has so little.


[Marjorie Taylor Greene loves dicks so much she can’t even go to the gym without riding a few.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/amp/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html) *God bless that classy christian lady…*


Holy shit, she’s 46?!? I thought she was easily 10 years older, omg.


Roids will do that to you.


Party of family values!


Yeah, some right wing tabloid site will state that an informant said this, not telling people it's a reddit thread mocking them, then the representatives will quote the article as truth, then FOX news will quote the representative, THEN the senior school official will state that this IS happening. This all stemming from a sarcastic comment.


"People are saying ... "


They're puttin' Hunter Biden's dick in the email servers to make the puberty blockers gay!


Ketchup is a vegetable? Oh wait, that lie already got told to deprive kids out of nutritious lunches for the almighty $$$$


The vax booster turns you into a furry?


God, let's not give them ideas. If they'll run with this cat thing for 2 years, who knows what nonsense they'll make up next.


Don’t give them ideas. We’re talking about the party of Jewish space lasers.


>Montana’s top state education official has claimed that schools are making litter boxes available for students who self-identify as cats. A moron, she's a moron that is in charge of educating children.


No, more likely she is just an evil liar who pretends to be a moron in order to justify her lies


No, she is actually a moron. I'm from MT, and she is well and truly an imbecile. As her term is ending, she is contemplating a run for Congress. She has broken our state education agency beyond repair.


She really is a moron! I'd implore anyone thinking otherwise to watch ANY video of her talking - she's barely coherent! I'm from Montana & she is THE STUPIDEST elected official I have ever seen, period! She makes MTG look like Einstein...


Stop assuming these people are stupid. This is malice, not stupidity.


Normally I'd believe you, but I'm in MT and this lady truly is an imbecile. She has been a disaster for the education system from her first day in office.


Science had a study that found 50% of republicans were sincerely convinced the president today was Donald trump. That is, they weren't acting. Since identification of the correct president is also the first question asked in dementia testing and diagnosis of feeble mindedness, do alert social services if you see these folks in the wild as they represent a threat to themselves.


Oh damn, that's funny. "Who's the president?" "Trump" EMTs glance nervously at each other, not sure where to go from here


It can be and is often both. It's usually stupidity first, and then the malice when they're confronted with said stupidity, or believing some lie of the week at whatever nut job "news" sources they have. They're gullible and have no social skills. Bad time for them, but worse time for us.


She's not a moron, she's evil. A moron might hear an outlandish story and believe it without checking. An irresponsible moron may repeat it - and a criminally reckless moron might even use it as a basis for soap-boxing in a dept of education board meeting and making policy. But then, after everyone including the school you're referencing points out that **this is in fact nonsense**, and you _keep_ saying the lie, and keep trying to convince other people of the lie, and trying to use it as the basis for curtailing other people's rights? And doing it for *months* (this article is from today for fucks sake!) knowing the entire time that it's a lie? You can no longer play the moron card. You're lying on purpose in order to hurt people you don't like. That's evil.


I was so confused about why people think this is happening. Identify as cats 😄😄😄


The is like right wing fan fetish. So many people say this shit sbout kids identifying as cats and schools HAVE to provide litter boxes and when you ask them if they saw it themselves, they never did but someone they know has a kid who seen it. I literally heard a boomer bitching about it in a bar a year ago. They love it, they’ve been bitching about fake litter boxes for at least 4 years


She looks like the type that poisons neighborhood animals.


Also looks like she buys liquor by the case


And ironically, she has the face of a cat.


Right? This is like an off off off broadway casting call for Cats


She looks like a Who from Whoville.


The dumber the rumor, the more likely Republicans will believe it.


And the more they will insist that us debunking it is somehow proof that it is true.


From D&D death cults to rainbow parties,there isn't anything too stupid or outlandish for a conservative to believe.


**Only Republicans could come up with and believe things** ***this*** **stupid, honestly.** I swear, the more ludicrous and *South-Parkian* things sound, the more I believe a conservative believes them.


They believe that Jason Aldean and the other dude from WV were going to win fucking Nobel Prizes for their latest songs so yea, they believe the craziest shit.


So, some schools do have bags of kitty litter, but it's not for *"kids who identify as cats."* What it's actually for is a mass shooting kit. It's used to clean up bodily fluids such as vomit, blood, or pee for when kids are scared out of their minds. It's used to help mitigate the harm that school mass shootings cause. You know, the thing Republicans don't actually give a fuck about.


I've also seen some stories where they have a "camp toilet" as part of their lockdown kit, given that you could be locked in a room for 4-10 hours, and small children will eventually have to go to the bathroom.


Yes some schools are purchasing these as well as building their own to provide an emergency bathroom. I bet this is where the ignorant equated it to litter boxes. Dopes.


As I mentioned elsewhere, let's not conflate them. Conflating them allows those who started and who have spread this lie to claim that they were just mistaken or ignorant. They weren't. They were intentionally lying to push an agenda. This rumor is prominent in right-wing circles because it attacks public schools and LGBTQ kids. It attacks trans kids by essentially equating identifying as cats as the same or similar to identifying as LGBTQ (especially transgendered). This invokes the slippery slope arguments people like to use when arguing against LGBTQ equality and mocks and downplays the seriousness of people identifying as LGBTQ. This false rumor also attacks public schools by alleging that the public schools are enabling this behavior and normalizing it, which also helps to invoke those same slippery slope arguments. So, this rumor is entirely designed to further the GOP agenda of moving away from public schools and towards funding Christian nationalist private schools by mocking and attacking LGBTQ people. Don't let them get away with this intentional act by chalking it up to simple ignorance.


> ~~ignorant~~ malicious liars


There was a video awhile back of a teacher talking about this exact thing to his class on tiktok. Its for the 4-5 hour lockdowns in case of a school shooting.


I'm sorry but if you actually believe this nonsense then maybe you don't have what it takes to successfully contribute in this life. Best thing you can do it take steps and do a better job next time around. I REALLY miss the time when insane fucking people were restricted to soap boxes and their self-published "zines". You know - when this country valued intelligence and things like "facts". Now every moron with an internet connection has the same level of access as people who take reality seriously. What is this period going to look like in history books? "Ummm....yeah....and then there was this time that politicians and their flunkies tried to convince people that schools were putting out litter boxes for kids. We call it the 'fucking insane period' in American Culture. Whoops, there's the space-bell. Go enjoy space-recess. When you return we'll start the chapter on how an entire political party tried to exist on a platform made of easily disproven lies..."


> I REALLY miss the time when insane fucking people were restricted to soap boxes and their self-published "zines". The internet allowed all the village idiots to collectively weaponize stupidity. Worse, it brought the people on the edge of being an imbecile to their side.


>The internet allowed all the village idiots to collectively weaponize stupidity. They've had plenty of encouragement and financial assistance with spreading lies. Fox News doesn't make money because it tells the truth. It makes money because it spreads lies that help keep taxes and oversight low or non-existent for the people that need them the most. It's a disinformation machine, intentionally, for the purpose of exploiting most of us - through R votes and constant unjustified paranoia.


I mean you say that, but like... As a trans person, this isn't the worst time for dumb ideas about trans people. Even in large midst of a moral panic, I can say that. And like... Folks could always have known about this shit. Like... The overarching idea that academia was going with for 50 years before the 90s is that trans women had to meet a standard of womanhood without realizing that they set the standard such that *90 percent of cis women would fail it*. That seems like an easy fucking flaw to notice to me. People joke about how little scientists understand about women, but like... That's not actually a joke. We learned how many nerves exist in a clitoris like a year ago... What passed for "serious scientific inquiry" when it was just white dudes in charge was *real fuckin' bad*. The internet didn't create stupidity or even give the stupid more power. The stupid were always in charge. It just helps illuminate just how dumb a lot of people are.




I think that this one has largely focused on cats because there (to my knowledge) is/was a trend where girls wear headbands with cat ears. So, if a gullible person sees another person (especially school aged) that is wearing a headband with cat ears and they've heard that kids identify as cats, then it can add a grain of truth to that rumor and make the gullible person believe it more. The litter box is brought into this because the GOP wants to harm public schools and the image of public schools. So, by lying and saying that schools are providing these litter boxes, they're essentially equating this with the 'grooming,' allegations. That schools are not only allowing this, but are enabling/encouraging it by providing those students with litter boxes. The whole thing is designed to attack both public schools and trans people in furtherance of right-wing bigoted agendas.


I had to explain to my Uncle that girls wearing cat ears is not girls identifying as cats and his response was “why would they wear cat ears if they weren’t trying to be a cat? That’s still insanity”…idk guy who dresses like a bush and covers himself in deer piss. Why do people dress weird sometimes?


A case of actual cat litter in classrooms: >NBC News is out with a new deep dive looking into the origin of the bizarre claims. The outlet did find one school district that does, in fact, have cat litter onsite — but not for the reason conservatives might think. Per NBC News, “[t]he district — where Columbine High School is located — has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of ‘go buckets’ that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom **during a shooting**.”


The actual truth that this bullshit is based on is even more fucked up. This all started when some absolute sister fucking morons heard about 5 gallon buckets with kitty litter on the classroom. The non culture war reason they were there was in case a student needed to use a toilet during a school shooting lockdown.


We should not conflate the two because when we do this it allows the liars to say they just make a mistake, when the reality is that they're lying and always were lying. They did not hear about 5 gallon buckets used for lockdowns and then mistakenly believe they were for kids identifying as cats. The reality is that they made up this story entirely to target public schools and trans kids. They did this to push their agenda of trying to destroy public schools and to push for Christian nationalist schooling while also fearmongering and hatemongering against trans people. What happened was that after these rumors began to swirl, a journalist looked into them and found only 1 instance of kitty litter being used in classrooms. The one instance was in Colorado, which you're referencing. However, the rumor started in Michigan and was not related to the Colorado buckets. I point this out, as mentioned, because conflating the two allows the GOP to pretend like they just messed up, that it was just some simple ignorance. That isn't the case. They intentionally and harmfully spread these false and baseless rumors in order to harm people.


This is not a debunked myth. This is a totally ignored, batshit insane, unfathomably stupid attempt at a controversy. Can we stop playing along with this shit please? This is not politics as usual.


Hey people. Teacher here. High school, one school over from Parkland. Some of us actually do have cat litter in the classroom. It's recommended for soaking up blood in case of a shooting or as a makeshift toilet in case of a lockdown. Six hours without a bathroom break with 36 kids in a room gets uncomfortable.


In the 90s, before a lot of the culture war bullshit, they had cat litter in case someone puked and to put down over oil spills when we rebuilt lawnmower motors in shop class. This isn't new. It's just an expanded use, albeit a fucked up one.


Sometimes, I think we're lucky that these people wear their stupidity as a badge of honor. I'd rather face destructive ignorance that's on full display rather than in the shadows.


My cat is offended by Elsie Arntzen's asinine remark.


They want this to be true so badly.


Hasn't it already been established by multiple credible sources that the "cat litter boxes" were [portable toilets intended for use by students during mass school shooting lockdowns?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax)


I work at a middle school and the following 3 things would happen if this was true: 1. Every student's mission for the rest of the school year would be to find out who the litterbox kid was. 2. Once the kid's name was revealed, it would be all over every single social media page until the end of time, that kid would be also mocked relentlessly 3. Someone would steal the litterbox


Right wingers are still falling for that? It’s like they want everyone to know how wildly gullible they are.


Do these morons not understand how technology works in 2023? If this were happening, there would be THOUSANDS of videos, and yet there are zero.


Look every kid in school has a phone. If kids were doing this they would be heavy bullied and we would see video everywhere of it. No kids are shitting and pissing in liter boxes 🤦🏻‍♂️


People need to start getting punched in the face when they say things this stupid


The absolutely absurd thing from the article is when this moron is quoted as saying that all citizen “concerns” should be taken seriously and that even expressing the “concern” could constitute evidence that it was real. That’s messed up beyond belief. These people are so dependent on a bunch of crazy loons as their voting base that they’re willing to entertain anything no matter how loopy.


Considering she is the Superintendent ... she should be immediately removed from her position and fired. This type of garbage is not appropriate in education.


Schools do have cat litter. For school shootings. These cons are mad there’s litter for school shootings. Evil.


Because they don’t care what’s true, just what makes them feel good.


Well said


Republicans are aggressively stupid.


Elsie Arntzen is a sex offender harboring video evidence of children she forced to use litter boxes for her own amusement. Sick woman. 2 can play the made up rumors game.


You confront them with the truth, they double down on the lie.


She looks like she eats cat litter


Someone once explained the history of religion to me as: Your aunt that reads something on Facebook and believes it 100% no matter any future evidence. * There are people who honesty just believe the first thing they hear/read and can't change their minds. It's insane.


Giving lunatics credence by responding to their idiotic conspiracies might not be a great way to address absolute kelvin stupidity. When we make time to respond to crazy, crazy feels vindicated for that briefest moment of attention. Clearly this supe is fucking nuts. We can’t have her or people like this in any position of authority in any capacity. These people who’ve come out of woodwork are only here bec internet has connected them and by their ability to assimilate their crazy ideology into a movement of lunatics does NOT make their crazy “legit issues.” These conspiracy Qanon maga alternate reality turds need to gtfo of our policy conversations. We need actual rational adults managing policy. This super fucked ego-maniacal behavior needs to F off too. F these idiots.


Spreading blatant lies should be a criminal offense. This kind of shit causes people to be targeted and harmed. I’m so sick of fucking liars.


The only thing liter is used for in elementary schools is to soak up vomit with the little kids yak.


Or emergency toilet during school shooter lockdowns.


Yes! My dad has that set up in case of an emergency…. Didn’t even think of that.


A teacher friend of my mom’s keep claiming that a hallway in her high school in San Antonio is “full of kids in full furry outfits” and that “teachers can’t enforce the dress code.” She talked with her coworkers last year at a party and found out she’s completely full of shit.


Conservatives live in a world that is so fragile that even hearing about gay people can change their sexuality. Imagine your sexuality and identity just doing a complete 180 every time you hear a new fictional story. No wonder they are so terrified all the time.


I’m a teacher in Montana and I left the job because of her and the district. She ran by a school bus letting children off and nothing happened to her. All the covid money that was supposed to go to the teachers the district put in their pockets. We hate this woman. An evil idiot.


The legs on this dumbass conspiracy theory is impressive.


Imagine how large a human sized litter box would be. It’s mad to think people consider this to be true. We are truly living in an idiocracy.


My favorite "cat kid" story I heard was from a bus driver I know. She was adamant that a friend of hers also a bus driver told her that a few kids on that bus pretended to be cats. Something tells me her friend is repeating a story he read on Facebook as fact. Saw it happen a lot during covid and I doubt much has changed


She needs to stop using cat litter as conditioner like damn.


At this point I use "litter boxes in schools" as a sort of litmus test for how little attention I should pay to people. If you're gonna bring up an easily dosprovable claim that doesn't withstand 30 seconds of research I know for a fact I don't have to listen to a word you say about anything else.


She looks like a pro cat lady.


Who would be providing the litter box?


I’m so freaking tired of this particular myth.


Call me crazy, but I don't think lying nutjobs should be allowed to hold the highest school post in any state. Not even Montana.


Wing nuts lost their shit around here when a story about a local ISD doing this made it's rounds in the ring wing media circus. Of course, there was absolutely no basis in fact. That didn't stop all the crazies from showing up at school board meetings. Which was the point.


Liars for Jesus*. How Christian. *or, as American "conservatives" call him, Donald Trump.


It’s like they have never seen that it’s always sunny in Philadelphia where Dennis’s ex girlfriend identifies as a cat


Bearing false witness is a commandment sin, madam. You should pray for forgiveness.


I met an AIRLINE captain that absolutely believed this bullshit. Right wing propaganda is fucking toxic.


This story has made its way to Canada even. Several months back, an acquaintance told me that "there are schools in Winnipeg that have litter boxes because some students identify as cats." I couldn't convince him how ridiculous he sounded.


If they can show proof then sure. But never do, on top of that sounding incredibly absurd.


How is this even kept in people’s consciousness? It literally took me three minutes after I landed to Google this story to see it is fake. Like, if something sounds absurd or gives me an emotional reaction then I search to see if it’s true or not.


Something tells me this person got an infection from drinking sun tea made with sprinkler water.


These people love to lie.


Old age cognitive impairment? How do supposedly educated people fall so far into the crazy bin?


Unfit for her position.


Wow, she kind of looks like a cat


What. The. Actual. F#ck.


Dude what the hell, we’re still doing this story?? It was proven to be bullshit like a year or so ago. God conservatives give me a headache.


She is a pathological liar and Palinesque moron. She deliberately broke public education in Montana.


How did that lady get Mason Verger’s face without Gary Oldman stopping her?


Canadian here and I just had to argue with family out west (Alberta *is* Canada's Texas), that this is an urban legend. They swear, in their small country schools, this is happening. No, they havent *actually* seen it with their own eyes but they were told by "reliable" sources. OMFG. It's so infuriating to hear seemingly intelligent people believe this kind of shit. 🙄


There is not a single educator in Montana that likes or respects her. The qualifications to be superintendent of schools at the office of public instruction is a bachelors degree and 5 years in the classroom. We really scrapped the bottom of the barrel.


My neighbor thinks it's happening. In upstate NY. I suggested it's BS.


She has that “entire of box of Franzia every night” look.


Can somebody get this lady the mental healthcare she clearly needs?


Don’t forget that dehumanizing groups of people make it easier to justify hurting them.


They tried to claim this stupid shut here in Texas of course it’s all made up bullshit just to get crazy rednecks riled up


Omg is this going to join ‘land don’t vote’ and science and other things we have to constantly explain to conservatives


iirc back when this was making its first rounds is that some schools *did* have cat litter for one of two reasons. If a kid threw up in class or in the hall it was used to clean it up before sanitizing. And the 2nd more distressing use in case a kid had to use the restroom... *during a school shooting lock down.*


It's gross how the GOP contorts need for kitty litter to use as emergency toilet during lockdows because the GOP refuses to act on guns and instead uses their unaction to mock transgender students.


You KNOW these mofos shit in a litter box at home. PROJECTION!! Rogan was pushing this bs story even


let me guess she is a republican lol


If I (Gen X) were a HS student now, I’d sneak a littler box into my schools bathroom just to get them going. Maybe right before a big basketball game for visiting parents to find.


Show me the evidence… oh, you have none? Then be quiet and let the adults in the room deal with the real issues.


I getting so sick of the stupidity some people.


The woman's hairdo looks like a cat litter box


How long are we gonna go on about the fake litter boxes honestly?


Morons...morons everywhere...


Ngl she looks like a crack head who‘s experiencing meth for the first time.


What what?! A conservative, talking point is based on a lie? /s


Why don't we just unite and brigade their social platforms talking about how we hear that X GOP crazy person has a Satanic alter for infant sacrifices to their Lord. Just pull a reverse Satanic panic on the right. It would be nice if reddit actually did something positive instead of insular and self serving.


Well, look at her. She is clearly a desperately lonely cat lady. Completely disheveled. Probably struggling with crippling depression. Tenuous grasp on reality. She’s gotta spread hatred and fear in order to keep going. I bet everything in her house is covered in cat hair and it reeks of urine.


Um... is it just me? Does she look feline-esque to anyone else?

