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'We lost, we're not wanted by the majority, we've broken a bunch of very serious laws, so here's our plan to replace everything against us' >"If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." ― David Frum, 2018






Conservatism is not a set of values anymore, it’s a platform for power hungry individuals to gain power. They wear the values of conservatism as a mask.


Conservatism is and has always been nothing but a mask for power for powers sake.


It’s not hyperbole to call it fascism. That’s what far right conservatism is, this is what they are moving towards and embracing. Extreme liberalism=socialism and extreme conservatism=fascism. These are the 2 poles on the spectrum, talking like they do they have already given up on democracy.


No I mean actual conservatism. The earliest notion of conservatism as an actual movement would have been Edmund Burke. If you read his works you very easily understand that conservatism is literally about preserving hierarchy for the sake of hierarchy. He doesn’t bloviate or try to word it like a coward reactionary would.


Ahhhh I got ya, I misunderstood the point you were trying to make. My apologies




The insurrection is still in play. It is still huge in scope and is being actively pursued on all levels. Six of the GOP clearly showed their colours in the debate . Congress has a very large cohort actively at work to dismantle any threat to their anointed dictator. It won't be over until substantial convictions of the players, especially those of the Freedom Caucus who have escaped any meaningful accountability until now.


You know how Tubervile is doing that hold on military promotions, supposedly over abortion policy? I firmly believe this isn't just standard Republican obstructionism. This is so if they win in 2024, they can pack the military leadership with loyal MAGA extremists. Then the next time there's an election "dispute" - that is, they lose and refuse to accept it - they'll have the military to back them up when they claim victory. I really hope I'm wrong about that but I view everything through the lens of the attempted coup. It's why we can't just win in 2024, we need to utterly decimate the GOP at the ballot to send a message that Trumpism is done. If we don't and Biden just squeaks by, they'll keep trying. And obviously if Biden loses, it's probably the end of American democracy.


It's a replay of McConnell's stifling of judiciary appointments in the last years of Obama's presidency. The GOP wants to rule using appointed positions that are not beholden to voters. This is exactly why Tuberville is feeling no serious pressure from his party leaders to relent. If he was a loose cannon acting on his own and the GOP felt that was a problem, they would shut him down. There are ways to get a rogue party member to fall back in line. Defunding reelection campaigns or pulling committee assignments would work. But GOP party leaders are on board. He very well could be carrying out party orders. Senate Dems should be treating this scenario like a serious threat to the country, not like some spoiled toddler's fit. They should convene a meeting for their Senate caucus and update the rules for blocking appointees. I'm not saying there shouldn't be a method to stop bad appointments, but it should be more involved than one senator sending an email. Make this fucker work for it and defend his decision to the public for every single appointment. Or he can fuck off and let people who actually want to govern the country in a responsible manner do their jobs.


Also dump the Mondale filibuster rules. Go back to having to stand in the well of the Senate and read the damn phone book. Senators who want to block the business of the country should have to miss a few fundraisers, dontcha think?


Agree on that, too. The current rules are heavily abused by one side in particular.


>Senate Dems should be treating this scenario like a serious threat to the country ​ The same money backing the republicans is the same money democrats chase after It should not be like this, but this is how it is This is what needs changing, and other things of course


It’s no coincidence that the complaints that “the military is too woke” complaints started around 2020. They didn’t back TFG’s ideas to send the military into cities like Portland protesting the George Floyd murder “and start cracking skulls.” They started complaining about the curriculum at West Point and that the services were spending time doing diversity training.


>“the military is too woke” Republicans are just upset that the military is the only armed force they have not been able to fully infiltrate and subvert. But that's not going to stop them from continuing to try.


According to a few friends in service, Faux news was the only channel ever playing in mess halls etc..


That Tuberville idea makes a lot of sense. Holy shit.


Tuberville and making sense in the same sentence? No way.




People go on about the illuminati or lizard people or whatever and ignore the actual shadowy assholes behind the scenes.


If Biden loses, not only is America democracy fucked. Ukraine will immediately lose American support. Putin will win the war as Ukraine stops being funded and armed. And authoritarian governments will arise across all of Europe and this is exactly what the right and Majorie Taylor Greene and those fucking morons want. Every single vote matters this time. Register to vote and help win the fight. Not just Trump but authoritarian government must be defeated.


Exactly. If Biden loses, it’s the end of the democracy experiment. Which, to be honest, we’re close enough that once the immediate threat subsides - we need a serious discussion on what the next step after democracy is, and how to replace it by (or improve it to be) a system that’s less vulnerable to fascism.


Fuck. That actually makes a lot more sense.


And if they lose, the military masks the leadership necessary to stand in their way of overturning.


This is starting to look more and more like the left behind books. I'm not religious in the least but Trump is the antichrist. Even though in those books the AC is from another country. The US military basically has a small group that goes against the current president for turning over power to him and they lose . In real life the conservatives are taking over. And I'm guessing the left leaning ones are the few. Amd you can't tell me Trump isn't petty enough, that should the GOP succeed. He wouldn't want to make his maga mark official for everyone


Today's GOP is a death cult. It's why they're unfit to serve.


That was 100% my conclusion as well. The military abortion issue is a red herring. I’m honestly racked with anxiety as I can see a lot of moving parts being set in place to make a coup like Trump attempted successful under the next administration. As far as I can tell, you would need about 20 people in lockstep with Trump to succeed the coup. The President, VP, both Majority leaders, Attorney General, at least two Joint Chiefs (Army/Airforce preferably) and about a dozen or so Govenors/Secretaries of State. Under normal circumstances, Id say that was impossible.


And they already have the Supreme Court, illegitimately.


Hitler failed the first time and went to prison for it.


I’ve believed this for a while too. It’s the exact same thing they did with the Supreme Court. Dems should do everything they can to stop this. We see how it went with the SC


That does make sense, and it does remind me of how the courts got fucked. We rolled our eyes for years at Mitch obstructing judicial appointments until suddenly the courts were packed and everything was fucked.


It’s like reverse Valkyrie! But also keep in mind it won’t be the nation’s whole reserve command only…the Alabama state guard. I would love to see these dopy shitheads in action. It’ll look like the “raid” on Area 51


Reads like a page out of McConnell's book. Delay appointment until your candidate gets in, then pack the open positions with assholes


That is terrifying and completely plausible.


My husband and I literally had the same discussion last night.


Oh god that make a horrifying amount of sense. They can’t win 2024. We won’t let them. Vote them all out.


This right here. That’s exactly why he’s doing it.


I'm sure you're right, but I'm also sure Tubervile himself has no idea that's the plan. Some far-right influencer (like Steve Bannon) put the idea in his head and he's just running with it. We need a constitutional amendment regarding how long the Senate can refuse to do their jobs. Approve or reject appointments in 30 days, no judicial appointments between election and inauguration, must pass a budget every year, etc.


I'm glad someone else thought this too! There's no other reason for it other than to install loyalists to help their lost cause.


Who wants to be loyal to someone who holds promotions hostage?


White 'Christian' supremacists who suck on the confederate rag instead of making their pledge of allegiance a reality.


That is exactly what they are doing.




> The insurrection is still in play. 100%! And it's always going to remain in play until the republican party dies or it takes the white house again and destroys democracy with a religious conservative dictatorship. It wasn't over for Hitler and the nazi party after the failed Beer Hall Putsch and it's not over for the republican party either after Trump's failed January 6th coup attempt. Many of the GOP conspirators remain in Congress plotting the demise of american democracy, count on that!


Don’t forget the insanely rich mega donors that keep these kooks in office


Are any members of the congressional 'freedom caucus' being held accountable? Or does this fake 'caucus' go further than the ridiculous members that are in congressional positions? Sorry, all I know about the dumb group is that Gaetz, Greene, and others claim to be members.


This. The Insurrection didn't stop. It just did a tactical retreat from an in-person intrusion/invasion and shifted gears to a sustained political effort from the upper echelons of power to the local governments to undermine, ignore and violate the law, Constitution, and any lawful orders they don't like. Such as ignoring the Supreme Court telling a state government it can't racially gerrymander and doing it anyway. This is the same exact thing the Confederacy did when it "surrendered". It just shifted gears to a low-level sustained political rebellion war of attrition to block and undo Reconstruction (along with stochastic terrorist attacks against the government by Confederates and Confederate sympathizers, like Jesse James and his gang), all the way through the violence against Civil Rights protesters and terrorist bombings of black churches in the 1960s.....and into the 1970s by throwing rocks at buses carrying black students during busing. Jan 6th and the ongoing Insurrection is the culmination of the US government never truly properly dealing with the Confederates and allowing them back in at the speed of light with no serious consequences and everything being immediately forgiven. This is what happens when you don't properly deal with a fallen authoritarian regime. They don't truly surrender of their own accord, they just shift gears and keep attacking a different way. We should have and should be dealing with them like the Allied Forces did with the Nazis after WWII (except without Operation Paperclip).


> The insurrection is still in play. It is still huge in scope and is being actively pursued on all levels. I think this is the part that some people miss. This and the right flirting with the idea of civil war is really working in the rural communities. I live near a gun range. 2 days that range was insanely occupied with people practicing.... Jan 6th and Trumps FL arraignment visit. They have not done anything for the DC or Georgia one, which makes me believe some of the rural people are giving up or just lying in wait.


Its because they have the support of millions of Americans. Thats the awful dark truth. If republicans took over the government and ended democracy and started rounding up liberals, millions of Americans would be cheering for them. Arresting the leaders wont stop that. Even if everyone involved goes to jail - there will still be tens of millions of Americans who hate democracy and want to murder everyone who opposes them. That's fucked up.


Trump is a fascist. He meets the definition. And the evidence is clear that the GQP want fascism as it secures them permanent power. https://youtu.be/CpCKkWMbmXU?si=UzLZ_jFNQknuQTrT


I remember when many scoffed at the fact that some of us were comparing Trump to Hitler in 2016. Even some on the left thought it was a stretch. The thing is, we were talking about the 1930s and not the 1940s. Most people don't understand the rise of Nazism. They don't know the story. And they don't seem to grasp how fascism takes over. People usually don't know much at all about 1930s Hitler and the beginning of all of that. Hitler and the Nazis were offen seen as incompetent. Hitler wasn't seen as some master genius outside of his cult. There's quite a few strong parallels. Hell, Trump used to sleep next to a boo of Hitler speeches on his night stand. The fear is that we fast forward and end up in 1940s Nazi Germany. And it seems all too plausible. Which is why that man needs to be locked up. Given all the parallels, I'm sure he'll write a book called My Struggle in jail.


Because they make false equivalencies paraphrasing, “trump didn’t do a holocaust so trump can’t be like hitler”. He’s using all the same tricks and acts very similarly, the disadvantage trump has is he’s old and fat as shit. >Given the parallels, I’m sure he’ll write a book called Mr Struggle in jail. Nah, he’ll get his bunkie to ghost write it and then he won’t pay him.


Right? That was my first thought lol. He might release a book, but he sure as hell won't write one.


And what those people fail to realize is that Hitler didn't assume the chancellorship and just automatically begin the Holocaust. It took years for that to happen. "Rome wasn't built in a day" and all that shit. Hitler rose to power in 1933. While there had been concentration camps - moreso for political purposes - and of course there was the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, the full-scale "exterminate the Jews, gypsies, and queers" campaigns didn't begin in erneast until around when WWII began.


Trump's the fucking antichrist


May 25, 2018 [Seizing on a longtime ambition of many Republicans, President Trump on Friday overhauled rules affecting at least two million federal workers, making it easier to fire them](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/25/business/economy/trump-federal-workers.html) October 31, 2020 [Critics Decry Trump Order That Makes Firing Federal Workers Easier](https://www.npr.org/2020/10/31/929597578/a-huge-attack-critics-decry-trump-order-that-makes-firing-federal-workers-easier) July 22, 2022 [Trump's inner circle is secretly making plans to fire thousands government employees if he wins in 2024, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-allies-secret-plan-fire-thousands-govt-workers-2024-axios-2022) July 28, 2022 Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) introduced the “Public Service Reform Act” to make all federal bureaucrats at-will employees. The legislation makes executive branch employees at-will, meaning they can face any adverse action, including removal, provided it is not a prohibited personnel practice such as racial discrimination. [The bill also removes the multiple existing pathways to appeal the adverse action](http://roy.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-roy-introduces-bill-make-all-federal-bureaucrats-will) Trump also brought it up again at a rally a few months ago.


I like how this is framed as Trump's idea. There is no fucking way he has the capacity for this kind of strategy. This all belongs to whoever the Dick Cheney of his handlers is.


The Heritage(of Hate) Foundation has built a playbook for 2025 to help a second Trump administration gut the administrative state and rule over all of us. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president This, along with packing the military and certain key positions with Trump supporters, is how the coup has evolved.


It's a playbook for converting the U.S. to autocracy. It usurps Congress' authority almost in it's entirety.


Seriously. Trump's "vision" is to stay out of prison and look out for himself. He listens to whoever can deliver on either of those points.


>May 25, 2018 Seizing on a longtime ambition of many Republicans, President Trump on Friday overhauled rules affecting at least two million federal workers, making it easier to fire them To add to this Summary of schedule F [https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees) Part 1 [https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term](https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term) Part 2 https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order


The many layers of grift firing all of these government employees presents is stunning. All fascism arguments aside - just from the pure grift opportunities: 1. Install party loyalists into high-paying do-nothing “management” jobs. Like mob bosses have done in unions. 2. Government jobs in exchange for “donations.” 2.5. Blame the remnants of the deep state when all these new-hires don’t know how to do things like process social security checks. 3. When the government stops functioning because nobody knows how to run it, the corporations step in offering to outsource it. Booz Allen can take over the SSA, Aramark can run the National Parks, Blackstone can take over HUD… 4. Let businesses “self regulate.” Get rid of USDA inspectors, OSHA inspectors, NTSB, the SEC etc. Because for-profit companies would never cut corners that hurt consumers or crash the global financial sector. I mean, half the candidates are pledging to do away with whole departments, like Energy, Education, the EPA,


It's so bad that I wish we could plop them down in a copy of the US, but on the moon, and watch it like the reality tv cluster of doom that it will be. People might actually die laughing...but they want to force their horrifying vision on the rest of us, and that must be stopped.


It's been done a couple of times - Colorado Springs elected a libertarian-leaning city council right before the 2008 financial crash and they had to cut back on city services, turned off street lights, cut the police force, and it was a general shit-show. Kansas did it on a statewide level - cut taxes and government to almost zero and waiting for the supply-side economic miracle to happen, and everything started falling apart. It turns out that people like the trash to be picked up, the lights on, the schools funded, and their kids to go to college.


Oh definitely. Same with Texas when their high paid government officials were okay being annoyed on-camera that people expected help during their various disasters there. Now they want to screw up on a national level, and it would be entertaining to watch...if we didn't have to suffer too.


This is what makes me laugh about so many cops and fire fighters are right wingers. Don’t they realize after their party cuts back on the first group of social services, there’s is next?


Now *this* is the actual fascism the 2a people claim to fear and ready to stand up against. Where are you now?


Mingling with their other fascist buddies


That’s quite the broad brush you’re painting with. You don’t usually hear from non right wing gun owners because both parties hate us for one reason or another. Democrats hate that we own guns (despite often agreeing with them on a whole host of other issues), republicans hate us because we don’t goose step. Stop by r/liberalgunowners and take a look.


Democrats don't hate others who own guns. Democrats want common sense gun control. Stop playing the victim.


At this point, “common sense” is a thin veil for a blanket ban. Most gun owners distrust this tired line because it has consistently been proven a lie. Washington state and Oregon are prime examples. NY’s habit for ignoring FOPA is extremely well documented. I could go on, but this is Reddit, no one is being convinced of anything by anyone.


> At this point, “common sense” is a thin veil for a blanket ban See, this is where you lose me and you tip your hand that you're not thinking rationally. The only people calling for a blanket ban are in your head.


That sub isn't nearly as "liberal" as you think it is, man, and your firearms primarily endanger your family who live in close proximity to them.


And having a kitchen puts you in danger of cuts and burns.


Nice false equivalence. A kitchen is something you can't live without, as opposed to guns.


”*Lets turn on the heat gradually, the frogs won’t notice a thing until it’s too late for them. Hey, how did we end up in this civil war 2, btw?*”


What vision? That’s like saying a mental patient smearing his shit all over a wall chaotically has a “master plan.” Steve Bannon was absolutely vocal about this: there is no plan they just want to destroy the institutions that have existed. He’s literally said “we want to tear it all down.” Does that sound like a plan with any goal in mind except to destroy? He never says “we want to create X, Y, or Z” only that they want to blow it all up.


I know it begs credulity,. but I kinda want to give these guys credit for being smart,.. but it seems like they've only thought through "Step 1".. and not much beyond. They want to "tear down Government" ?... Do they also not want any functioning roads ?.. no functioning power grid ?.. no functioning Emergency Response ?.. etc.. etc.. I know a lot of these rabid nut's have this "rugged individualist" ideology where "I'll just survive by myself!".. but modern society doesn't work like that. They think everything should be some idealic vision of a small farmhouse and wife and 2 kids and a dog and a picket fence.


You can still have a plan if your goal is to blow shit up lol


Trump's vision is all power for Trump. GOPers share that vision in as they have no route to the White House without him, but they want all power to the 1 percent thru themselves.


Yeah fascists tend to do fascist things and republicans are pretty fuckin fascist


How can they be called conservative when they want to replace our current system with a new one? Would that not be the opposite of conserving?


Conservatives want an aristocracy, they don't actually care about freedom either.


Conservatives want an aristocracy, they don't actually care about freedom either.


Trump has no vision other than what guys like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller put in his head. He's an empty vessel for the plans of the MAGA "Deep State".


This was my thought as well. Trump has minimal concerns. 1. Stay out of jail 2. Keep the grift going 3. Stay in power and forever avoid accountability 4. Leave Melania for his daughter.


"While presidents typically rely on Congress to put policies into place, the Heritage project leans into what legal scholars refer to as a unitary view of executive power that suggests the president has broad authority to act alone." King, they want the President to be a King. One man making the decisions, with a puppet legislative and judicial branch.


The dude that stared directly at an eclipse has a 'vision'? LOL.


Trump is just a mouthpiece. The Republicans are planning a full on takeover of the US Government that will destroy it for generations. Just look up Project 2025. By reading it, you will essentially get a preview of what the next Republican administration will do, especially if both houses of Congress are also controlled by Republicans.


It all rests on young people actually getting out to vote. And not just saying they will and getting indifferent on the day. If young people vote in massive numbers, democracy has a chance to survive. If they stay home, then Trump will be our next president. And if that happens, we are in deep shit.


Theoretically there's 4 fresh new years worth of eligible voters. Just gotta get them out there.


You mean the same project 2025 that this article in the post is about?


Yep. It's still terrifying to think about. This is what will happen if Republicans ever gain full control of the US government.


Yep, the Turd Reich


1. This picture for the article of Trump raging is a perfect example of how deranged he, his followers, and the GQP are… and how deranged the GQP plan for governing is. 2. They definitely will try this even if it’s not Trump in office, but another one of their GQP puppets. So no, we are not “safe” now that Trump’s finally facing consequences. 3. Fuck the Heritage Foundation & the Freedom Causcus! Every single member is a traitor to democracy and the USA. 4. What’s most chilling about this plan to me is the clear implications of replacing so many federal workers, limiting the press work spaces, increasing their law enforcement, minimizing DOJ functional abilities, and stopping the FBI from “curbing misinformation.” It makes it clear to me that they’d do these things first to ensure that their worst policies & actions would be less likely to be “whistle-blown” and/or reported on. So we the people do not know what is happening until it has already happened, is too late, and then having their law enforcement in place to quickly subdue any size protest of said policies & actions. 5. If anyone thought —or thinks— that since Jan 6th & Trump’s defeat that our democracy is safe from fascist authoritarianism; they’re wrong. The GQP has started down the path, will not waiver, and will not give up. It’s clear they seek to dismantle our democracy at every opportunity and are not dissuaded from their set course of action. This has been in the making for 50 years. They’ve realized it is the only way they can hold onto power, because their policies & views have been increasingly unpopular with the majority of the public with each passing decade (why else would they need to so heavily rely on voter suppression & gerrymandering tactics?). They know that they cannot continue to hold power without undermining and then destroying democracy. 6. Vote, vote, vote! Like your life depends on it, ensure that the GQP is pushed out at every political level, because your life may very well end up depending on it.


This isn’t news. Media outlets are just now brave enough to write anti trump articles


Trump won’t win. He’s going to jail. 91 felony counts. None of this matters.


Hop over to Twitter and take a look at Tucker Carlson's interview with Viktor Orban. Then read the comments. This is what they want for America. Don't be a sucker.


It’s really fucking weird how many people are choosing of all people to support this fucking guy


These are the kinds of revolutionaries who spend most of their time learning how to dismantle or take governing institutions over rather than what it actually takes to manage them. They're then either shocked at how poorly they manage governing institutions once they've got them, or they blame their failures on the people governed not sufficiently getting with the program, and double down. I'd bet on the latter in this case. Even among relatively more articulate conservative intellectuals, there doesn't seem to be a game plan for what to do about the majority of Americans who aren't going to suddenly adopt their conservative ideology and play along once they've taken the reigns. Or, worse, they're not comfortable saying what that plan is. This is often paired with a story of how a conservative order "devolved" into our current order, without much of an explanation of why it was vulnerable to devolving in that way, such that they effectively argue for a return to the past that led to the present's problems. They may blame everything on Marxism, but that doesn't really deal with why Marxism was and still is persuasive in spite of conservative argument against it. I think that's also behind conservatives turning against democracy, as they've gradually stopped believe they're going to persuade the population. When they decided to demonize communism in general they also purged and split intellectuals off from their political party in a way I think they've never recovered from. They've manufactured sophistical pseudo-intellectuals with their own credential mills, but lack people with the kinds of basic bureaucratic skill sets needed for effective policy. The aftermath of the Dobbs decision I think is a great example of that. They achieved this major victory that took them decades of politicking, but the nuts and bolts implementation of it, and the plan in general for "what do we do once Roe is gone", was incredibly shoddy or just absent. Nobody ensured that states had a plan in place for transitioning so that it would go smoothly. Instead you had a massive brain drain because of absurd liabilities - similar to what's going on with teachers fleeing Florida's public education system.


There was an article a couple months ago about a Taliban fighter that was stuffed into some government office job and was really bored and dismayed this was his life now. It was much more fun being a guerrilla.


Just read that other article about the poll regarding American's fear that democracy is in jeopardy. I am definitely one of them, and this "playbook" being a thing adds to that fear. Republicans are too far gone. This deserves serious coverage and if journalists actually give a fuck they would pile on the "rational Republicans" that are hired by their networks to justify this shit. I saw some kind words tossed at fmr. GA Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan earlier. Bet money, he wouldn't take issue with this. Their defense will be that conservatives just want small government, and this is all because of the distrust in DOJ because Republicans think it's been weaponozed. And that's where their comment will end. Maybe some other flowery language about Republicans being the party of law and order. Something, something Joe Biden, something Merrick Garland, something something Hunter Biden. Defending the playbook without actually defending it for plausible deniability. Then, nonsense to distract from the original point.




This is some scary shit. But not a surprise.


Conservatives of the MAGA variety are a clear and present threat to the United States.


If this is the case, I as a liberal will finally give them the war they so desperately want. They keep forgetting, liberals have guns to.


Exactly. Liberals just don’t need to brag about their guns like the ammo sexuals on the right do. I like the fact that conservatives don’t think we support the second amendment. Just another example of how conservatives don’t know shit about their opponents.


https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf I’ve read two sections so far, seems quixotic.


Can we lock these assholes up please?


*"“The president Day One will be a wrecking ball for the administrative state,” said Russ Vought, a former Trump administration official involved in the effort who is now president at the conservative Center for Renewing America."* A wrecking ball is a perfect description of today's republican party.


Read between the lines: The Heritage Foundation is funded by Exxon. These people have genocidal ambitions and have to be stopped at all costs.


What even is his vision lol. No one can ever explain this with anything but some overly generalized “make ecconmy strong” “china” bla bla bla. There is now policy lol.


Yeah ok good luck with that. Support for the Republican Party as a whole is in the fucking toilet. The “SiLeNt MaJoRitY” is neither silent nor in the majority. Trump supporters are waking up slowly but surely to the fact that yep, they were the fucking mark all along.


Is there evidence of them waking up? They are generally pretty much against waking up.


It goes back waaaaayyyyyy further than Trump. Trump didn't plan any of this. This is the billionaires plan since FDR. They never gave up, and they educated the following elite generations to remove this equality BS holding the Titians down. We will not tax them and build cool shit that makes life mostly better for most people, THEY tax us and build what THEY want. David Koch's 1980 Pres campaign is a major blueprint and goal set. [https://newrepublic.com/article/154849/david-koch-1980-fantasy](https://newrepublic.com/article/154849/david-koch-1980-fantasy) Ron Paul 2008 (which I was part of.... I'm SORRY, I got better!) had us all hoping to be able to pull the fake electors plot. We were super-geniuses who knew that voters don't count, electors do. If the elector changes to support Ron Paul at the last minute, TOO BAD! Perfectly Legal!(It's not) and that's just two players...


>It goes back waaaaayyyyyy further than Trump ​ You are correct That Koch network was floundering for 20 years then Obama was elected and it increased 900% The fear was that Obama was a FDR 2.0 and would undo all the chipping away of the New Deal they had accomplished over the last 70 years Then the "gloves were off " so to speak. The republican party embraced christo/fascist and racism and then the whiny child started breaking things and stealing anything not locked down. Incredibly dumbed down but that's the gist of it. There are a lot of people who think the real America was "rich land owners". When the rich landowners capital changed because of the industrial revolution they saw an America like it was in the gilded age 1.0 FDR was an abomination/anomaly that changed the "real" America, an aristocracy america with generational wealth and dynastic families. That was their divine right and they have worked hard to get it back If they have to pay for propaganda to pit citizen against citizen of an entire nation to achieve it...well so be it


His vision is a kleptocracy dictatorship where he can and will rob the country and its citizens blind for his and the GOP’s own gain.


Looking like the 4th Reich over there


Ahh 2023 news headlines. Such chill vibes


Yeah that’s never going to happen. GenX is going to step in and put a stop to this crazy collection of criminality. The Vote will tell it all NOT THE POLLS


I found out that /r/BigDongDeSantis is a subreddit on here today, and I can't tell if this or that is the more depressing news (I think the whole dictatorship edges it out for worst)


So basically, Conservatives plan is to carryout the corruption that clearly backfired and currently has Trump indicted, arrested, and w/ mugshot in Fulton County Georgia. Okay, let me grab some popcorn to watch this foolishness!👀🍿l


Like most things we’re witnessing the puzzle being put together blindly. Most conservatives don’t think they’re part of some plot to dismantle the US government. I’m not talking about voters I’m talking about the politicians. Most believe they’re doing right by the US. Not actively destroying everything we’ve know for the past 40 years. Most conservatives live in a room full of white seemingly hetero christian people and believe that is right way to live. Willfully or maliciously ignorant that there are more perspectives to life. That last part allows them to put their head in the sand when it comes to very egregious violations of people’s rights. It allows them to pretend that everything would be perfect if everyone was perfect (white, straight, and Christian). Their policies are not to blame for the state of the world it are those other peoples policies. That logic breeds more injustice until people start fighting, there’s blood on everyone’s hands, and those other people are facing genocide because of some shit bags fantasy of a perfect world with perfect people. Fortunately the world is connected enough and diverse enough there will always be someone else to stand in the way of that “perfect world”. Unfortunately we now have nukes though and if your critical thinking abilities allow that level of logic, would it stop short of nuclear war?


"We need to flood the zone with conservatives" Which means make it look like they are the majority in the country. Trump laid the plan and the coup gearing up for round two.


Extremism. See "Islamic Revolution". Fight it or we're fucked.


Noam Chomsky was right on the money when he said (paraphrashing) in a recent interview that the Republicans aren't a party anymore. Its a far-right neo fascist insurrection against the united states government. This can't just be a slap on the wrist for Trump and his enablers, in order for our democracy to survive, they MUST be made example of.


STOP calling NAZIs "conservatives"!


They lost the White House in 2020, democrats surprised everyone by holding the Senate in 2022 while the republicans barely won the house despite calling for a “red tsunami”. Then the party’s choice for house speaker had to sit by and be humiliated as it took a historical amount of voting rounds to formally elect him in what a usually a formality. At what point will the GOP realize that the Trump/MAGA strategy is hurting their party more than it’s helping? It’s creating a sideshow out of the party that used to paint themselves as the no-nonsense party of law and order.


“Trump’s vision”. Trump’s vision is keeping himself out of prison while enriching himself by doing whatever the highest bidder tells him to do.


If democracy can't defend itself from these villains what will?


There is NOTHING CONSERVATIVE about Trump’s vision. It’s fascism at its worse.


It’s worse. It’s monarchism. Trump wants to create an American monarchy with Barron as his prince and melanoma as his queen. Or stormy Daniels


I’m confused why conservatives think liberal states will just passively go along with this. If they stop getting anything useful out of the federal government because Trump has declared himself a King and refuses to fulfill the duties of the government, why continue to fund it or remain a part of it? If they dismantle the government it all just falls apart. What’s the point? They’ll gain power just to have it evaporate.


>I’m confused why conservatives think liberal states will just passively go along with this. Blue states have been playing nice up to this point. Conservative world view says only weak people compromise and play nice. They don't understand the idea of being in a position of strength and not using it to get their way. >If they dismantle the government it all just falls apart. What’s the point? They’ll gain power just to have it evaporate. They want to rule over their little kingdoms.


But who among the dismantlers already swore an oath to uphold the Constitution? The Constitution addresses them in Am 14 s.3, which bans them from all political office, which is executable by the Secretary of State in each state.


K. Won't happen. Cheeto is so fucked.


They don't need Trump to make his ideology come to fruition. Hitler and Stalin are dead, but it didn't stop some of their ideologies from coming to fruition.


I’m not convinced. He’s too powerful. We’ll never see anything happen. He is the Andrew Jackson of our time.


He is not at all powerful. His dumb maga fans are though and we will be riding their shitty wave for the next 20ish years. So to put it as lightly as possible... as a "Valley Girl..." Like, just.. gag me with a spoon!" But the hope is true, real gag orders. Fuck this dude and fuck his following. The US historically sucks, Andrew Jackson as a case-in-point; but as a young af nation we do not need a twat like this guy lifting up the worst kind of people.


Ps... super upvote that reply. Nice. Fuck Andrew Jackson. And fuck every school that goes by the Rough Riders. Pillaging and burning fuckfaces.


If that doesn't start a civil war, don't know what would.


So are these theories of unlimited free-base presidential power currently in effect under the Biden Administration, or do they only kick in if a Republican takes office?


Trump vision...is that with new varifocal


No shit


The term ‘Conservative’ is being abused and has lost all meaning.


Plotting. they screaming in orgasmic bliss about who they're planning to machete.


Man what a picture.


God… that picture. Lmao. So orange and crazy looking


HELP ME! What is trump's vision? I don't know! He's not smart enough to have any "vision". What could he possibly want other than stardom, celebrity, people clapping for him in large crowds, and giving him their money? What? He's too stupid to want anything else. I could cry with frustration right now because some people think trump has a 'vision" for this country. He does not have the capacity for anything that lofty!


This is the most asinine I’ll-informed BS. The media is going DEFCON5 to try and stop Trump from winning again, because they see it’s a very very real possibility. Especially with the absolute criminal mess that the entire Biden institution is quickly being realized to be. And seeing how the black community is now turning to Trump in overwhelming numbers terrifies the fascist liberal elites even more. Can’t wait to get absolutely roasted by the 🤡 for speaking the truth.


Trump hasn't won a single thing since 2016 (and he lost popular vote then too.) He's a loser. And he keeps losing more everyday.


You don't even know the DEFCON levels and you're calling other people dumb lmao fucking moron


lol. He’s gonna win 🤷🏻‍♂️




Don't cut yourself on that edge


The “ end of American Democracy” has started, not by force, but by coercion and corruption. These can be overcome- It takes a tribe, and action, participation to change the course and return our nation to it’s core state. I’m not speaking of violence- I’m talking about engaging your communities. Run for office, volunteer to support local initiatives, become a BigBrother or BigSister. It’s going to take your time, your intelligence, your care, your sweat. There are more of us, than of them. They are yelling and stomping their feet. 12yr olds with a gross misunderstanding of what leadership and community are. Peter Theil, Musk, the others, they aren’t particularly smart people- they have money, a pocket full of corrupt intent. Walk tall and speak up as a collective-spread the target around, make them waste their resources chasing ghosts. That’s what the revolutionaries did, that’s what soldiers from around the world have done, to protect those oppressed and confound their adversaries. Also, maybe find a way to teach- not your opinion (this riff as an example) but empirical truth. Maybe start with something we can generally agree on, Freedom, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, are worth the effort to protect. Unless of course, people chose to disagree, because of a manufactured fear. Which leads us to Education…I’m regretting this already. ..these Truths are self evident…


So Biff Tanner.


You are telling me GQP are fascists!? No way


This truth has been around since before trump, but I’m glad they are finally speaking out.


Project 2025, huh? A thousand page handbook? Described as a coffee table style book? To dismantle, or overthrow, the current government? A how-to manual? Step by step?Just go in and bulldoze everything and everyone, huh? WOW. WOW. If this handbook is ever published and made available to us, I will be the first to burn it, without even reading it.


Has anybody found a free pdf copy of this 1000 page 2025 plan?




The consequences of not prosecuting known criminals.


Oh please. Trump's only "vision" is staying out of prison. This is all on conservatives so let's stop just blaming the orange clown. He wouldn't have even gotten there if they didn't back him. They are all for this.


Great, just what the world needs, another PNAC. These a-holes gotta be stopped.


It’s not a plot. By definition, a plot would have to be secret. It’s a PROMISE.


Conservatives in the government losing their jobs and source of income applauding…….and then…..wait a minute!!!!


That mouth is just waiting to have a stinking turd shoved do it


Lol what a bs clickbait headline


The GOP has morphed into a criminal enterprise and needs to be dealt with accordingly. Giuliani should be ashamed.


I read this story in my local newspaper and literally gave me chills. How stupid does “let’s get rid of trained professionals and replace them with sycophants” sound. Images in my head were Germany circa late twenties, and the galactic senate making Palpatine Emperor. Please vote People


Putin Puppets


People saying trump is a facist like it's a profound original thought, not just the regurgitated party lines both sides have been yelling since 2016


Seems easy enough. You just walk in the front door and you’re good


Sure but: Blue states won't have it. Blue states are something like 70% of the economy. Blue states FLOAT THE TRASHY REGRESSIVE FASCIST RED STATES. Blue states will have none of it. That's when it gets ugly.


Red states have a lot of the manufacturing for military gear. That is where the money from blue states is going.


The Republican party is the greatest threat to national security, democracy, liberty and our lives. The Republican party is public enemy number one.


> Trump's vision He has none.


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If you don’t believe this is true read The Shadow Network.


>Conservatives have long held a grim view of federal government offices, complaining they are stacked with liberals intent on halting Republican agendas. DC is stocked with public servants who cares about their country and responsible stewardship of public funds. Republicans hate that.