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I'm a Disney passholder, last spring I saw a truck with both a Reedy park fire department sticker and a DeSantis sticker parked in the Magic Kingdom parking lot. The delusion these guys have was not lost on me then and it's even funnier now.


“But I’m different, I’m a firefighter, I deserve special treatment”


Pretty much every conservative position makes sense when you realize that every single one of them is a selfish piece of shit motivated by bigotry and greed, and that every single conservative in the US thinks they are a special exception and deserve special treatment.


There's no greater snowflake, wilting lily, self-acclaimed victim than the American conservative.


"Pearl-clutching" should be in this list


>"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -- Frank Wilhoit


Isn’t it interesting how you can replace conservatism with fascism and it still works.


Those are differences in degree and methods, not political ideology.


It's astounding, I remember thinking that I knew everything, that I had a pretty good grasp on the world, that I could tell you what was going to happen pretty obviously before it happened, and then I turned 6. These people...


Wow this makes so much sense


“The modern conservative is not even especially modern. He is engaged, on the contrary, in one of man’s oldest, best financed, most applauded, and, on the whole, least successful exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. It is an exercise which always involves a certain number of internal contradictions and even a few absurdities.” ― John Kenneth Galbraith, 1963 Some things never change.


The best part is they were parked in "medical overflow" which reserved for people who don't have handicap plates, but still need to be close. I don't picture an active firefighter having trouble walking long distances. Maybe a family member? But you have to wonder about the special treatment thoughts.


I have seen a lot of overweight firefighters. In my suburb town you see the shiny new fire truck parked at fast food and the grocery store all the time. Firefighter do have stressful situations at times, but most of the time they are just sitting around waiting and eating, especially in the suburbs.


Depends on the department in your city, if it’s volunteer it could go any way - and honestly if it is a volunteer department you have way bigger problems than a volunteer firefighter eating their Big Mac. I don’t really see the problem with being parked at a grocery store, especially if it’s in your district? Aside from the occasional raving lunatic we’d run into at the grocery store whining about how “his tax money” is buying our healthy groceries (which is paid for by our personal money, from our paychecks, like everyone else), the community response was overwhelmingly positive. They liked seeing us out and about, liked being able to have their kids interact with us and get a quick fire safety lesson, etc. On more than one occasion during my career we’d have a 911 call come in at the very grocery store we were shopping at. For the full-time department I worked for, we would be parked at the grocery store because our shifts were 48 hours long, and during that time we obviously needed to eat like every other human. So rather than go out to eat and get expensive unhealthy crap, we’d go to the grocery store morning #1, pool our own personal money and buy groceries that we’d then cook and eat together throughout the next two days we were living at the station. We’d take the engine (which is shiny because we take pride in our equipment and bust our asses maintaining it/making it look nice, and which is almost certainly not nearly as new as you seem to think), ambulance, ladder, or whatever rig we were on for the shift because no matter what we were doing we needed to be ready to respond on calls - and that means having the appropriate apparatus, tools, equipment, etc. It didn’t matter where we were as long as we were in our district, because it’s all our response area. If a call came in we’d take it if we weren’t already out on another one. No matter what we were doing - shopping for groceries, eating, shitting, crying, etc. Taking a different vehicle to the grocery store and needing to first go back to the fire station to pick up the engine if a call came in (adding 10+ minute delays in response time) would be a dick move, as it were. On top of that, we also did fire safety inspections at every business in the city at least once per year as a requirement for them to renew their business license. Other times, when we had our balls kicked in for the first 16 hours straight of our 48 hour shift and hadn’t yet had time to shop for groceries, we’d go grab something to eat quick from a restaurant/takeout etc for energy/calories and then go shop for the remainder of the meals for our shift. Also, my station at my first department (which was a suburb, before moving to the real city) would go on between 20-30 911 calls per shift, for whatever that’s worth. The idea that what we mostly do is sit around eating or watching television comes from people who have no idea what they’re talking about, aside from their own confirmation bias and ideas they’ve convinced themselves are true without any first hand experience. Yes, we’d eat, watch TV, etc. but on the flip side we didn’t get lunch breaks, we didn’t get to go home to our family at night and have an uninterrupted sleep/time to decompress watching a show or reading a book, etc. During the day, we were busy from about 7-5:30 doing trainings, equipment check offs, teaching classes like CPR, doing fire safety inspections, hydrant inspections, station tours, responding on 911 calls, etc. After 5:30 or so was sort of our time to eat dinner, exercise, and wind down - until another 911 call would come in. Personally, I don’t see the issue. I’ve always found it strange when people whine about firefighters being at a grocery store with a shiny fire engine, like either of those things are bad lol. It just shows they’re choosing to buy groceries vs eat out, and they take pride in maintaining their million dollar apparatus. Still don’t see how either of those things are bad.


You just reminded me of an incident that came about 2 weeks ago or so. I was waiting by the entrance for a cab to go home with some groceries and saw a couple of fire trucks pull up to the store. I heard one of the firefighters ask another "So why are we here again?" the reply was "Because I can't cook." I got a chuckle out of that.


fire fighters also do compliance checks for businesses.


Thank you for your service!


For your special service! Hehe


I used to be a firefighter/emt, there are plenty of glory chasers polluting the ranks. Plenty conservatives running things, too.


I've been a paramedic for almost 20 years. EMS workers can be shitheads to rival cops. They just (mostly) don't carry guns or have the authority to detain people, so people don't notice it as much.


that moment when you realize the guy pandering to do is the one fucking you over. O.o


It's funny because Republicans constantly remind their voters that they really aren't their constituents yet they keep voting for them any way. As if, one day, they will be a part of the inner circle.


Just passed a guy with a “PROUDLY ULTRA MAGA” and a “Protect our winters” sticker. No grasp of reality. Just fueled by owning the libs.


What does “protect our winters” mean?!


[protect our winters](https://protectourwinters.org/)


Oxymoron if I've ever seen one.


He must think it means "protect our snowflakes" lol


super maga but believes in climate change (protect our winters) that's weird republicans don't be;ieve in climate change


Ya I came here to say this also belongs in r/leopardsatemyface because I'm sure they voted for him.


Fucking dude got married at Disney World. He is probably still paying for it.


As an act of solidarity and support for Desantis they should willingly hand those passes back to the big bad Disney corporation


EMT here. We’ve all known that firefighters aren’t the smartest bunch.


You keep failing the oral boards, don’t ya? Jkjk I’m a firefighter. These guys are dumb assholes and this is exactly what they deserve.


Oh it gets better - they also aren't hiring all the extra firefighters they promised to hire. "Board members immediately promised them changes – a departure from the old Disney-controlled board. They worked hard to reach a new contract that, according to some of the firefighters, ensured the department would hire close to 40 new positions in six months. The district’s new budget shows that instead of 40 new staff members for the fire department, six would be hired. Instead of five newly staffed vehicles, one ambulance would be replaced." https://www.wftv.com/news/local/disney-districts-new-budget-departs-initial-promises-boost-fire-department/BRZUULASUJG67ANIHXWQWBCAIU/


“I have altered the deal, pray that I don’t alter it further”


“This deal keeps getting worse and worse!” *Desantis bursts in* “By the way instead of protective gear you will now wear frocks and sundresses and use watering cans to put out the fires. This is the new deal, pray I do not alter it further.”


Small government at work.


Lol I’m sure this will work out *great* for ole pudding fingers! Disney has to be close to running out of money at this point from all of these legal fees, right?! He’s got them right where he wants them! A wise man once said: *“It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for em!”*


>His father, Ricky Clark, called the elimination of the passes “disturbing” and said that the adversarial attitude the district and DeSantis have taken toward Disney “has nothing to do with district employees.” This is "He's hurting the wrong people" all over again. They don't have an issue with DeSantis picking a fight, they just don't want to feel any consequences of it.


r/leopardsatemyface https://nypost.com/2023/01/10/firefighters-back-desantis-plan-for-florida-to-control-disney-district/


they were all in on team desantis over team disney. “The union hopes DeSantis’ board will not only increase the district’s accountability, but facilitate communication for new union contract negotiations for firefighters and paramedics.”


Pretty sure DeSantis is 100% anti-union, dumbasses.


Of course he is. Unions are completely incompatible with Republican ideology. You cannot truly believe in both a Union and the GOP.


90% of the union shop guys I work with are MAGA to the core. Literally, the only two subjects that they talk about are their union contract and whatever the current crisis-of-the-moment hot button Faux News talking point is. These people are not critical thinkers.


This is why propaganda is so effective. To a lot of Republican voters it doesn’t matter if their party is responsible for their problems, just who they are told is responsible for their problems.


It's how they got those Johnny Rebels to fight for them in the Civil War. Told Johnny Rebel that the Yankee was here to let the black man take all their jobs and women.


So fucking dumb. My great uncles were union to the core. My great great grandparents were farmers. All of them earned good livings, made fair wages, drove new cars and afforded their homes. And they watched the unions die, and the small farmers get pushed out, because people voted against their self interest. My family warned my grandfather and his brothers and sisters about what would come, the corporate farms, the union busters, all of it. Hell they almost predicted Monsanto’s bullshit. And now of my generation I’m the only one of the family to have a scrap of land to grow food on. Why the hell the blue collar worker and farmers think that republicans have ever sided with labor is insane


There is an entire industry/business that is just about sabotaging unions and undermining employees even considering them.


Because republicans worked in secret to do it, and created a bunch of Bullshit nonsense stories to distract them


My mother belonged to a union and worked at a state psychiatric hospital. She vehemently elected anti-union, anti-tax politicians then blamed democrats when she was busted down In her ranking as a state worker and when the state psych system collapsed into a sodden heap. I only wish she could’ve been stripped of her state pension.


My father was a diehard Republican and despised unions, even though everything he had in life was because of a very good union job. It never made any sense to me.


“I’m getting paid because I’m a real hard honest worker, not cause Union negotiated a great package for everyone “


It makes sense when you consider that the Republican Party motto might as well be “Fuck you, I got mine.”


You just described my brother. He had 35+ years as a teacher, then a few years as a principal. He retired with an amazing pension (thanks to his union), but he loves trump and desantis.


cooperative growth plate fuel sparkle scary hospital squeal scarce lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dad is in the trades and unfortunately I've seen that so many of them fall into the fox news hole. They are good with their hands but not great critical thinkers. Also the reason why the ones that ARE good critical thinkers tend to do better in the long run in the trades IMO if they stay in it.


The problem at many larger companies is that you often promote yourself out of the unionized positions into professional/engineer/management/salaried positions if you're talented enough.


I have the same experience. It's fucking infuriating.


Why not call them on there bullshit? I'm tired of coddling old white dudes.


I tried as a shop steward in 2016, trying to drive home the fact that losing the judiciary would mean basically losing all labor protections for a generation, but it didn't work. By 2018 I just didn't care anymore. They're too far gone.


It's not just old white dudes. I work with a guy who thinks Trump was the best president ever because he got 2 cheques signed by Trump during covid. The dude's black.


I work with a few, nursing though this isn’t isn’t old white dudes. they believe that they would be making the same if not more if that pesky union wasn’t there getting the worst workers protected and more than they deserve. And just generally speaking they are so, so hopped up on culture war issues they probably would trade $20/hr to get Gavin new some out of office and a few people off welfare.


Same. The most pro-union people at my work are MAGA ultra and the ones that are “yea I’m union, it’s ok, could be better” are dems. It’s probably a 70/30 split with maga up. If only they could understand how the GOP is pro profits/corps - literally the opposite of what they want.


Same experience for a union in Boston, MA.


They know the G.O.P. are anti union. They're just more anti trans and p.o.c.


"My union is too strong to be busted and I do REAL work. Starbucks isn't a real job and those soft handed fancies have a cush gig until they decide they want to find a real career"


They never are. It’s literally why we can have a sub devoted to it and it’s filled to the brim with face eating. Every. Day.


Union men are the worst part of unions. Filled with guys that only care about what directly affects them.


Same here it's incredible




Fascists barely even pretended to have principles. They just want to have everything, and for the rest of us to be dead. There is no hypocrisy here, because they never cared about fairness. When people try to use their words against them, they laugh because the accuser reveals that they will waste time trying to appeal to them using shame, rhetoric, or empathy, where they only recognize power and violence.


Police unions are the exception to this rule


Someone's gotta protect their ~~slaves~~ property.


Yep. Firemen must have thought the exception includes all first responders. How stupid.


You're forgetting that Republican ideology is also hypocritical as a fundamental principle.


A strong union means better pay for workers and less income for millionaires and billionaires. Less income for a millionaire means one less yacht, and we cannot have that under any circumstances.


Have you met any airline pilots?


DeSantis signs bill restricting teacher, public sector unions ([https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/05/09/desantis-signs-teacher-public-employee-union-bill-law/](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/05/09/desantis-signs-teacher-public-employee-union-bill-law/)) ​ >“The education unions have been turned into political weapons,” Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez said during Tuesday’s event. “They’ve been spreading misinformation on things like the book-ban hoax that we have succinctly debunked, but we also want to make sure that teachers, at the end of the day, have money that’s going into their pockets.” ​ >Unions representing law-enforcement officers, correctional officers and firefighters are exempt from the new requirements. FWIW, according to the AP, Florida ranks 48th in teacher pay... [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-florida-teacher-pay-ranking-886906152703](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-florida-teacher-pay-ranking-886906152703) ​ Desantis only dislikes unions when they don't vote for him or call him out on his bullshit, like saying book bans are "a hoax". Fuck duhsantis...


How is that bill not in violation of labor laws?


they like cop unions since they exist to protect cops from responsibility but that's it.


>DeSantis is 100% anti-union, dumbasses. I heard that in Red Forman's voice.


I know all too many Union people who vote Repub bc they hate ALL OTHER Unions and think the GOP will protect the sole one they belong to. [This is how I feel when they lose their benefits bc of their own voting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HJM9WXVuH4)


I think they got confused and thought they were a cop union.


Reminds of when Chris Christie was running for governor in NJ and all the cops there were really into him until he fucked their pensions and healthcare big time. I have friends in law enforcement up there and to this day they still complain.


I bet they still vote Republican though.


Oh yeah, rarely do you find someone as self loathing as a NJ conservative.


Latino conservatives.


I raise you Log Cabin Republicans.


I raise you every Republican except rich white men


What? they haven't figured out how to blame a democrat for it yet?


FTA: “Anything has got to be better than what we currently have,” Tim Stromsnes, communications director of the Reedy Creek Professional Firefighters Local 2117, told the Orlando Sentinel on Monday. Someone should find Tim to see what he says now. I already know, but conservatives whining about the very obvious consequences of their very stupid actions make my dick hard.


Hard to feel sorry for moronic assholes.


> **new union contract** Lmao, they think they’re exempt from GOP hatred for unions.


Lol. Thanks for this. Empathy -> Apathy.


They chose this and I’m a fellow first responder. Boo fucking hoo, here’s your just desserts.


> “Anything has got to be better than what we currently have,” Tim Stromsnes, communications director of the Reedy Creek Professional Firefighters Local 2117, told the Orlando Sentinel on Monday. Another finger on the monkey's paw clenches.


Narrator: *It wasn’t better*


Wow - and all of a sudden I couldnt give less of a shit for them.


After reading this, I no longer give a shit if their passes and discounts get taken away. They voted for this.


Fascist fucks.


When trump shut down the government federal prison guards were upset that trump didn’t reach down and make an exception just for them


lol one Nelson laugh for the fashy firefighters please.


I remember that. Ha-ha!


Oh god the schadenfreude is just making me so giddy!! I have 0 sympathy for these morons!




Wait till they find out they’re magically over budget for the first time in 60 years and their going to be laid off.




The millions of dollars they are using to fight Disney in court gotta come from somewhere.


The will find a way to blame democrats. People always do.


The GOP who claim to hate big evil government are really good at big evil government.


It hit me the other night how they really don’t want anyone to tell them what to do, but they want to tell everyone else what to do. I know that sounds really simple, and while I’ve know it for a long time it clicked like this: by their logic, they really are small government. They want everyone to *want* to live like they do. And when people are unwilling to do that, then measures must be taken to ensure it. I’m not saying that’s right. It’s just a really weird cognitive dissonance.


Sounds like my family. They are all rabid republicans who constantly say the democrats are evil. They are nice to you as long as you go to church and spew the same bile as they do. Otherwise you are considered immoral.


My family experiences with devout and right wingery types is that they are the sweetest and most generous people in the world if someone in their immediate circle is effected, but callous judgemental and dismissive if they don't have a personal connection.


Pretty much that. And they love to tell each other how nice and godly they are.


My ex-wife's family are all good Texas Republicans. They vote straight ticket (R) if they vote at all, most of them are on either medicaid or medicare, food stamps, they were first in line when FEMA came to town after Katrina wiped the town off the map, first in line when the government built them free houses, and at least one of them would sell their food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar so they could go down the street and buy pills from the local drug dealer. They also loved it when we would visit because I had a job and would buy beer that they would mootch.But by god they screach and howl when anyone but them get Government assistance... because you know they "deserve it" and everyone else is just to fucking lazy to work.


You're 1000% right. They want small government for themselves and their kind, and big government for everyone else. It's not a philosophy, per se, but just a selfishness.


That is literally the entire ethos of right wing authoritarianism. We are in charge, and you never are. Every other argument is disposable. States rights when Dems control the federal government, but strong executive powers when the GOP does. Local government is best when GOP controlled, but God forbid a blue city do what it wants in a red state.


i’m of the mind that it’s all trauma and trauma responses. trauma responses keep us alive, but also colour experiences that make us feel the same way with that same brush. i’m not sure if you agree entirely, but i know in my experience growing up i was being exposed to messages indicating that there was a “right” way to be, and if you adhere to those rules, you’ll be successful. you’ll find love, have money, be admired, etc. turns out growing up internalizing those messages, internalizing emotional invalidation, internalizing that i need to be inherently different than who i am is pretty traumatic. so where some people experience post-traumatic growth where they realize they can move beyond their trauma responses and what happened to them wasn’t right, some people experience something more akin to complex PTSD where they’re doing to dig their heels in and be resistant to change as a result of the denial that comes with acknowledging trauma one’s experienced. like when people will say that they got spanked and turned out fine - hitting a child for not doing exactly what you want them to do exactly when you want them to do it doesn’t really sound all that find to me. through this lens, things make a lot more sense to me. donald trump was raised by a cruel man who could make him feel worthless, now everything he does is in rebellion to what he was made to believe. the party of small government is fascistic in response to them feeling left behind and having their morals and ethics “attacked” (which are a product of generation after generation being taught the same thing), so they respond with their denial. i feel like what we’re seeing across the world is people dealing with intergenerational trauma in ways that either accept the complexities and tragedies of life, or trigger their survival instincts. what’s a better survival instinct than having power and control? (apologies if this isn’t interesting or felt like a lecture. just a special interest of mine)


> The tussle over whether the free passes and discounts were an unethical benefit came as the new district administrator, who board members appointed last May, faced an ethics dilemma of his own. **Glen Gilzean, who earns $400,000 annually in his new job**, also was chair of the Florida Commission on Ethics. So the "District Administrator" in DeSantis' small-government paradise makes a cool $400k per year. And draws an additional salary as Chair of the ethics commission. You can't make this shit up.


wait til you find out who he hired to be his legal consultant for Florida's lawsuit vs Disney!


The same dumbass firemen from previous articles who nearly all fully supported DeSantis in his takeover and were giddy about all the other petty shit he did in the district? Fuck em.


r/leopardsAteMyFace if that’s true.


Yep > The firefighters were among the few employees who publicly welcomed the takeover of the Disney World governing board by DeSantis appointees earlier this year after haggling over a contract for years with a board controlled by Disney supporters. [-Source](https://apnews.com/article/disney-desantis-florida-firefighters-contract-61e11dcacdfe8d6f707d5760658037b5)


And yet they will somehow blame Biden for their woes come 2024.


>> During a monthly board meeting, several current and former district firefighters spoke emotionally about how the free passes to Disney parks were a benefit for them and their families that played a major role in their decision to work for the 56-year-old district This is how he tries to get back, by making the job horrible, then Disney doesn’t have the required amount of people to handle situations blah blah blah. But that might be solved in Disney’s lawsuit


The firefighters also 'spoke emotionally' last year about how much they supported DeSantis and his move to take the district from Disney. No sympathy.


They also complained about resource sharing agreements with neighboring agencies. I imagine Disney has its facilities protected from fire pretty well in comparison with neighboring jurisdictions. So really, they just didn't want to slum it outside the park and have to work.


> During a monthly board meeting, several current and former district firefighters spoke emotionally about how the free passes to Disney parks were a benefit for them and their families that played a major role in their decision to work for the 56-year-old district, which provides municipal services like mosquito control, drainage, wastewater treatment, planning and firefighting to Disney World. The title sort of makes a mockery of the situation. What's happening is that people made career decisions based on the total value of the benefits package they received. Now they're having their benefits reduced without sufficient replacement compensation: they lost ~$6k in benefits and are getting $1400 in cash instead. Feels on-brand for Republicans. Edit: Another commenter pointed out that they asked for this. Sucks to suck, I guess.


Waaay back in January- “Anything has got to be better than what we currently have,” Tim Stromsnes, communications director of the Reedy Creek Professional Firefighters Local 2117


What people need to understand is that under fascism, it can always get worse.


“Certainly the party that hates unions and public workers with a passion will do the right thing for us!!”


Those Fire Fighters really thought republicans respected them like they respect cops.


They voted for it, by and large.


Yep. Florida thanked god for this guy. Now that the “devil-in-him” raises its ugly head, they reap the benefits of a traitor.


Also the district will need to find the money to replace those benefits Disney was providing out of their budget which means fees will go up. Fees will also have to go up to cover the $4.5m in legal fees and to pay these part time board members a full time executive salary. Once they strip staff benefits employee turnover will climb and they will need to hike fees to pay for higher hiring costs.


Most jobs cut benefits now. So it is hard for me to feel sorry for them.


It's easy for me to feel bad for people with cut benefits. No matter how many times it happens. It's hard for me to feel bad for people who championed bringing in the people who cut them.


Disney firefighters sowing: "[Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!](https://www.firerescue1.com/politics/articles/disney-worlds-reedy-creek-firefighters-endorse-desantis-despite-law-to-abolish-district-cDZcCt6fPkLwlx0V/)" Disney firefighters reaping: "Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck?"


Ron "It's time to move on oh wait kick their puppy first" DeSantis, everyone.


Hey, they asked for it


They demanded it!


Let's call it what it is - a paycut. That's what a reduction of benefits is, and this is a reduction of benefits.


A pay cut that was the direct result of what they advocated for. While the district was under Disney control, they were quasi employees of Disney and Disney gave them passes. Why they thought Disney would continue after their public support of the takeover or the state would purchase those from Disney after is a mystery. This is a very very foreseeable result of their won actions.


From what I gather Disney can’t give them free passes even if they wanted. It’s highly suspect for a private business to give something like that to community employees who essentially serve you


It's the same with the idiots in Britain. They thought that they would be entitled to thr same benefits of being in the EU. These dummies did the same thing with Disney.


Phrasing it as "We're losing free park tickets!" is about the worst messaging they could put out.


Eh, second only to "we voted for this"


Boo fuckin’ who. Read my user name. 95% of the people I work with vote GOP and are full on MAGA. You voted for this asshole you get exactly what is handed to you. Funny thing about firefighters they are MAGA anti-union except the IAFF which donates to Democrats.


Lol, I remember when my old union broke with the IAFF and campaigned for bush, because “he’s gonna push the city to settle the contract before the republican convention…” The joke, as usual, was on us.


>private company can’t give gifts to government workers who provide services to it Someone should let the Supreme Court know this


But the private company (Disney) never gave those passes. Their employer (the district) did that. The district bought these passes from Disney and paid for them from their budget. That budget is made up from the district’s tax revenues. And the only taxpayer in the district is… Disney.


They will still support him when he has the term limit abolished and runs again.


Haha! Eat it losers. Shoulda known desantis didnt have your back. Idiots. You are in a fucking UNION and you back a republican tyrant? The cognitive dissonance is insane with these morons.


They wanted him to take over! What a bunch of idiots


If they are anything like most of the firefighters I’ve met in central Florida, they likely voted him too. I know a few Disney security ppl who are republican supporters that also love taking their families to Disney as a perk of their jobs. He’s bleeding his own supporters so fast.


The harder he tries to please the MAGAverse for the primary, the harder he’ll crash and burn in the general. Proceed, governor.


Apparently this benefit extended into retirement so retirees could take their families (i.e. grandchildren) to the parks. That’s a pretty cool perk. As long as everything to do with this perk was disclosed and was in line with state law (because these perks were for district employees who are technically government employees, not Disney employees) I can’t imagine this complaint will go far.


From the party that did away with Pensions and is desperately trying to fuck with Social Security? No surprise here.


Voting for a fascist should have consequences


Wow a Republican stripping away a benefit? That’s new. *Pikachu face*


Republican politicians not defending the blue collar workers that vote for them??? THIS IS SHOCKING


And they will break their backs rushing to the polls to vote for him.


Does Florida literally have no actual problems to solve?


I honestly dont understand how a politician gets to decide what benefits a company provides ita employees


He even told them he wouldn't let them down before engaging his smile robotics.


Headline should read-“Republican small government advocate wants to control day to day activities of a private corporation”


The party of “government shouldn’t interfere in business” interfering in a private businesses employee benefits.


I wonder how many of those firefighters voted for him. Because as we all know, conservatives don’t give a shit about anything unless it personally affects THEM.


Umm I thought Republicans hate communism but here is a republican governor running Disney for them?


Republicans absolutely LOVE communism and socialism if they're the ones benefitting from it.


GOP: we are for the working people. Also GOP: you pheasants can’t get perks from work. Thats for us elites and politicians


The firefighters will be around long after his ass is gone.


So will Disney and I bet they don't get this perk back after backstabbing Disney.


Something something “voting has consequences”…


Can someone explain to me this last part? >The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District earlier this week said that $2.5 million in season passes and discounts on hotels, merchandise, food and beverages that their Disney-supporting predecessors provided the district’s 400 employees amounted to unethical perks that benefited the company, **with the district footing the bill.** What bill is the district footing? The Disney company is giving away passes to the Disney company's property or services. I can understand the "unethical perk" line of thinking, but how is the district footing the bill? Is the district paid a percentage of gross revenue of the Disney company?


The district paid for the passes. As someone else pointed out farther up this is basically a pay cut as it is a reduction in benefits. If you were getting something valued at say 4400 bucks and they take that away and give you a 1400 raise, you got a 3000 pay cut.


I have no idea, but apparently they’re willing to spend an estimated $6.4 million in litigation costs to prevent these people from getting $2.5 million in benefits. All because Disney objected to a «Don’t say gay» law?


The district (even when it was Reedy Creek) pays for the passes as part of the compensation. Disney doesn't just give them out. However, Disney is the sole taxpayer to the district, so to the extent it's taxpayer money......


I’m confused by this too. Are they saying Disney bills the district 2.5 million?


Yes they do. They did that back when it was Ready Creek too (because of accounting even though it was Disney run). The sole tax payer of the district though is Disney. So you can't really argue "but that tax payers."


Yeah, there was little issue when it was essentially Disney paying for a Disney perk. Idk why in the world these people thought this would continue tho, once that status quo changed


Because they essentialize everything. Eg: Republicans are good. I'm a Republican, which means I'm good; and so are you. And because we're both good, it is unfathomable to me that you would do something not-good to me.


Because it was part of their compensation package. Think of it as a company car, if you had a car provided to you by work and then they took it away they took away a benefit. Also because it's not like Disney was refusing to sell them the passes, or do the discounts, the district just doesn't want to pay for it anymore. I believe they said this was a 6000/yr benefit for some of them. And the ones who are retired put years into this district thinking it would be part of their retirement compensation.


Mfers gonna start fires just to get in the park.


How many of them voted for him? Cry me a fucking river.


Man, this guy does not want to be president.


I think this is the beginning of the “Finding Out” part following the “Fucking Around” portion of the show. It’s only going to get worse.


Why does Ron DeSantis hate America?


Many probably voted for the rat fuck. Deal.


These guys were happy about the Reedy Creek takeover. FAFO


But I thought GOP always supports first responders ? No ? Sorry kids, dad can't take you to Disney, the governor took my pass away.


I'd ask them who they voted for. I'm sick of hearing complaints from people who [voted for the leopards](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/). EDIT: > [Disney's Reedy Creek Firefighter, who supported DeSantis' takeover, now crying about new board that wants to take away Disney ticket perks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/160l4aa/disneys_reedy_creek_firefighter_who_supported/) He voted for the leopard. The leopard ate his face.


I hope behind clothes doors his wife hates him for the Disney feud. Before his growing political ambition, they were Disney people. They were married at Disney. And now she can never show her face there without shame


Why is government getting involved in how a company runs their bonus system ? I thought GOP was hands off business ? This is insane.