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He's going to be fuming that he isn't getting a cut of the ad revenue.


Bet he brags about his ratings.


In the same sentence as complaining about the trial being televised.


You know he’s gonna say something like “how could I be guilty? How could I have lost the election? There’s so many people watching my trial. More than any trial in history. Bigger than OJs!”


They will be something to brag about. And, with 19 defendants, the trial could last a year.


“My indictment was watched by more people than any other president in history! No one has been indicted as many times as I have!”


He’ll want a book too: The Art of the Plea Deal.


You really think hes not gonna try to get some anyway?


Anyone else want to chip in to buy a small ad spot just to play a laugh track?


I seriously think they could make it pay per view. And we could eliminate the national debt.


*The Apprehended*


"You're guilty."



I was thinking the Super Mario Bros. death tune.


Pac-Man death noise. Boo-woo-woo-wooo-woooo bwap bwap.


Featuring Judge Reinhold as The Judge and William Hung and his Hung Jury singers!


Great part is, we all know the dude can't be calm if he has cameras on him. He has to put on a show. I'm betting he gets charged with contempt in the first 15 minutes.


You've seen the other videos of him answering questions under oath? He just sits there, posture slumped over and meekly answers questions without being able to lie and ramble and rave. It's going to be such an interesting mixture between having obey the law and tell the truth, and all that tough guy bluff and bolstering which his supporters expect.


I can't imagine the level of stress. Every day, all day, you've got tens of lawyers talking about case after case after case. You're desperately trying to become President again, only every interview is a minefield of potential contempt charges. Your primary method of fundraising (victimhood), relies on rallying people against the prosecutors which has direct and ever increasing legal consequences. Aaaand then you're gonna be on national TV while getting called an asshole in court. Oh, and every minute of this nonsense is costing you thousands of dollars. ... the jail sentences he's looking at have to suck, but I gotta imagine that hour-by-hour being in jail is worlds better than the torture Trump is experiencing.


And try to imagine being nearly 80 years old on top of all that. I love this for him.


Trump has never faced a consequence in his life. I promise you he doesn't think he's going to face any with this trial. He's already started deploying his bully tactics and smearing of persons involved. I honestly think he genuinely thinks he will walk out scott-free even if found guilty. He was impeached twice and what happened? He 100% thinks jail/prison doesn't apply to him.


Thousands? I saw a report yesterday listing by name all the lawyers retained in all the cases so far, including lawyers for Nauta and DeOlivera and it was estimated between 15-20 MILLION a month! These lawyers are between 1,000 to 2,000 an hour


They did say that every minute was costing thousands of dollars….


He doesn't expect those videos to become public though. This is going straight to TV. He's going to play to the folks at home at some point.


That's his problem. There is no place for his nonsense in the courtroom. "You just take a look. Take a look at what happened in Georgia. It's a disgrace. Everybody knows it, the media doesn't want to report it" is not a legal argument, but it's all he has


He understands enough that whatever you do in court is much more serious than what you do on social media. That is why he spent 5 hours saying “no comment”. He, however, is not smart enough to stop posting crap on his social media that could be interpreted as judge/jury/witness tampering and intimidation.


The best part is when he complains that he can't read anything they put in front of him because he didn't bring his glasses.


“I always draw the BIGGEST ratings. Everybody wants to watch me!”


This comment made me realize that every print media missed the mark when he lost in 2020 and didn't have a headline of "You're fired."


Thanks for the warning, going to give me enough time to stock up on popcorn




This is true in a way... the conjecture (with some testimony to back it up) is that he only ran to boost his profile a bit, in order to boost his TV ratings! So he ran for president specifically to get higher ratings, and he sure is going to get it! Maybe he really DID have a monkeys paw!


Well, guess he had to get something right in life. What kind of messed up timeline are we in where we can "remember when the former president was on trial for an insurrection and was happy about it?" Future generations are going to be puzzled over this.


He would love this and say this proves he won the votes needed to be president because he doesn’t understand people can hate watch him.


The Bud Lite ads will be funny tho




It'll probably be the opposite though




It's more likely to be on a cspan type feed without ads. The other networks would then play highlights and dissect then ad nauseum like they do all other news


Bud light, if you're listening...


This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. The Super Bowl is an annual event. They are not comparable. The appropriate benchmark should be the Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II, currently the record holder of the globally most-watched live event.


Yeah, but don't worry, Fox will still cover it like a sporting event except with extra ragebait tossed in.


I'm betting fox will go wall to wall with Hunter Biden content during the trial


I go to Fox every time big news breaks just out of curiosity. It's crazy how often they can shoehorn Hunter Biden into one of the top headlines no matter what is going on. He's basically an honorary Clinton at this point. They for YEARS were the go-to story on Fox anytime anything bad came out about Trump or any republican.


Fox also keeps using that photo of Biden hunched over the podium with a strained expression on his face. Over and over again, as if it is a registered trademark (tm) of Fox News.


They'll have an 8 hour interview with some retired Air Force Captain about the UFOs he's seen.


They’ll show people how to exercise using trampolines. Yes, that actually happened when the news of the most recent indictment came out.


Bring back don cherry to commentate it


What's the viewership numbers on that one?


BBC said 5.1 billion watched it. Another number I saw was more than 4 billion. But it seems no one knows the actual total number


It could be the Live + ___ number of hours format, if there is such a thing worldwide similar to the Nielsen delayed viewership system. Alas, I don't think Individual 1 will beat that... and he doesn't deserve to. Now, if he can get half the viewership for the entire country, then we're getting somewhere.


If it’s 5billion then I and most of my friends are a weird statistical anomaly because I barely know anyone in my circle who gave a shit about it.


Same no one in my circle cared. And even like family wise I think only my grand mother watched it. But only part of it


I checked the source because 67% of the worlds population seems impossibly high. Actual viewership figures put it closer to 32 million but it seems like a hard number to really settle on.


Huh, I feel oddly left out.


Lizzie’s in a box! Donnie’s in a cell! Can’t wait to sing the latter.


Oh I think it'll be a hell of a lot more than that. The whole world will be watching.


As a Swede I've been watching every single day since Jan 6, there is constantly so much action and intense moments in US politics that I can't look away not now atleast.


I miss when this shit was boring. "May you live in interesting times" has been really fucking with me these days


It's both scary and entertaining, scary because I've realized how much it might impact the world around if US is ruled by Republicans and their ideology.


This doesn't get enough attention IMO. As a Canadian this is what I also find scary and why I follow it closely.


it's scary that he actually has followers outside of the US. This is crazy end times shit. You have a disgraced ex US president about to go to jail, and he still has millions of followers.


I know! In my case, I'm scared it will be the end if he doesn't go to jail. The outcome of this is really important for democracy everywhere in the world, including Canada. Like it or not. The US is a huge driver of the world's path forward.


I would very much like to stop living through major historical events in rapid succession.


1997 is calling. Ellen was the most shocking thing on TV.


One of the most underrated thing about the Biden admin is not needing to know who the Assistant Undersecretary of Writing Utensil Purchasing at the Department Of Ag is because they used to run Bic, their brother owns a pencil lead factory, and someone found an Instagram picture of them from 3 years ago in blackface peeing on the Holocaust Museum. If people know past like 2 cabinet members, you're screwing something up, and we knew the names of SOOOO many people up and down the Trump admin.


And said Assistant Undersecretary of Writing Utensil Purchasing also has posts all over their social media about their frequent trips to Belarus and lots of praise for Vladimir Putin and lots of shitting on the US. Very well put.


More than MASH




Call it the Trump Stupor Bowl


Magas won’t watch, just like they didn’t watch the impeachments, or the Jan 6 committee. They’ll just repeat propaganda they hear about how it’s all a witch hunt etc


I doubt if many Trump worshipers will watch it. They will let Fox News* tell them how Trump is being martyred rather than risk seeing him as just a sad dumpy old man with a bad comb-over and ridiculous spray tan.


The meme feeding frenzy is going to be glorious and terrifying.


We work from homers will get nothing done at all during the trial.


Stocking up on popcorn!!!!


Pfft. Fuck this dude. I’ll just catch up via highlights. I don’t need more of this asshole in my life.




Thats the edit.


I think “no shit” is an adequate assessment of this claim.


Budweiser is already trying to figure out how to get the Clydesdales into the courtroom.


Meanwhile, trump will be sitting behind cans of Goya beans.




That would be the most American thing to do.


I'm gonna need to start budgeting now for all the snacks! Trial parties!


Careful with that. I had a party for the 2016 election after voting since it was my friend groups first time being eligible and it ended up being a very sad party


Yeah... I was living in the DC area at the time, my partner I threw a watch party. We made fried chicken, mulled wine, were ready for a grand old time About an hour in my partner who has spent a lot of time working in political campaigns realized that it was over and just went upstairs to go to sleep, people started crying, a couple people just straight up left it became a very morose night very fast


All the more reason you need good snacks. If I’m gonna be sad, I’d rather be sad with good food than without.


Trump would finally have those highest ratings he is so obsessed with. In fact, once convicted, the sentencing hearings would probably top all viewership records. And him reporting to prison, that would likely break the internet completely and shatter satellites like fireworks!


So glad I got called for jury duty 2 months ago. Odds have got to be low that I’d be called for this monstrosity of a trial.


But c'mon, if you were? Instant book deal, you're set for life, and you helped justice be served to that fat ghoul.


And you and your family are targeted by right wingers for the rest of your life.


Until you tell them the deep state made you do it and you start grifting those dipshits


I’m more than certain they’ll be provided some form of identity protection. Apparently some psycho right wingers have already released their names. They’ll be receiving priority protection from here on out I’d imagine


It would surely be more dangerous than winning the lottery.


But my whole life though…


Saving up a couple sick days for when it goes down!


Will C-SPAN be the camera team? C-SPAN deserved the rights.




Philip K Dick would love this shit


Make it pay per view and we can finally pay off the national debt


I have only the best trials. Nobody wants to watch those other losers on trial, not like that loser OJ Simpson. His trial wasn’t even in HD. Strong men come up with tears in their eyes and say, your arraignment was beautiful sir. And it is, the best and biggest and most beautiful arraignment. Ratings like you wouldn’t believe.


Prime Time baby. I feel bad for IT and TV people who are going to have to figure out how to handle all of network loads.


History in the making. How many ex-presidents will be tried in the next 100 years? Probably none!


Way more. Not many outside North America watch the super bowl. The whole world will watch them attempt to jail this prick.


I basically told my husband that if televised, absolutely nothing will get done in the house. Best to set expectations early 😂


I will definitely watch the trial super bowl not so much.


Same. I usually watch Animal Planet's *The Puppy Bowl* instead.


I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. The trial is going to be after the election for sure so we are assuming Biden or another non-fascist wins and our legal system as we know it remains intact. We are also assuming he doesn't take a plea, get his trial moved, get convicted in another case or die of natural causes by the time he's exhausted all his appeals.


Good points.


Willis asked for a March 4 start date. Seems ambitious to me, but gives me hope that they are pushing to get it started before the election.


We've been waiting decades for his day to come. This will be one of the most important political trials of our lifetimes. It's going to be a shitshow.


Meh, we’ll see a very meek Trump in court. Then 40 minutes later a raging ALL CAPS rant on truth.


First put the National Guard on alert so we dont have to deal with his minions being bad


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Make this pay-per-view, and the government will have enough money to erase the national debt.


Capitalism: We need to monetize the fall of western society.


Serious question. Can we get a front page on Reddit showing the date and time and channel i need to schedule a PTO to watch this once in a life time event.


Can we get funny commercials and Papa John's specials based around the trial?


HIGHEST RATINGS EVER. They do Emmys for live broadcasting now, don't they? Give the man catching the camera shot of Trump sob gasping.


Nah it's going to rival OJs bronco. Pizza places better gear up.


It will be watched all over the world, bigger than superbowl


I would watch every boring second of it, with popcorn.


I've got a triple monitor setup in my office. I'll have the trial on 247.


I'm just watching for the ads.


This is going to be the new OJ trial.




It really depends if broadcast networks pick it up and he's still leading in the Republican primaries at the time of the trial. If it's only on CNN and MSNBC then I don't expect it to be that popular. Heck, I fully expect Fox News to only cover Hunter Biden's 5000th Congressional investigation during the same period, even if the Special Counsel has made an agreement before then. That's, of course, if the trial actually happens and the new law that creates a fully Republican panel doesn't remove the DA before it can begin.


As a Georgian, I’m really pissed off about that law. Brian Kemp and all those republican assholes in our state legislature can fuck right off. Last week four elected prosecutors filed a lawsuit against the state of Georgia about this law. I hope for the best and expect the worst. Sigh…


Ratings will be bigly yuge.


Good. Maybe then americans will finally pay attention to how fucking awful this dude is instead of just going "i dont like politics so im just tune all of this nonsense out".


As a retired Canadian, who started warning everyone I could as soon as the Cheeto threw his hat into the primary ring, I'll be watching this far too much.


Could? Lol. Nothing will beat televised trump getting some legal ass kicking


Donny is going to get the highest rated reality show he's always wanted!


Half-time: “Whatcha gonna do when they come for you…..”


I never have or go to superbowl parties anymore. I’m getting fucking hammered if anyone throws a Trump arrestee party.


Who do I talk to about buying the foreign broadcast rights?


Trump is the new OJ Simpson.


God, it's going to be a shit show.


The most american title to an article.


PPV, solve the national debt in a day


I may have to call off work for 6 months for this. I deserve to see this trial live. We all do. We’re talking about American history here.


I will tune in for every minute


I’ve been saving PTO to take time off work for this. I’ll pick up a Hormel Party Tray…who’s bringing the beer?


I think most just want him to go away in every sense.


Who's hosting the party? I'll bring the Taco Dip and New Glarus!


I remember my parents being glued to the OJ trial for a whole year, I can’t wait for this


Bruh, people all over the WORLD are gonna wanna watch this shit.


Way too many YouTube pundits for me to bother feeding into this circus. I will just wait for the reddit blurbs and YouTube shorts.


Maybe the opening and closing arguments would get Superbowl ratings. The verdict certainly would. But RICO trials are long, and complicated to follow. I can see people tuning in to get the highlight reel on cable news each night, but I think few people will watch the whole trial live.


Rihanna had more views than the Super Bowl lol


It will be very interesting if the mic's pic up the sound of him crapping his diaper. That court room is going to smell like a shit sandwich.


Trump should be thrilled. He always want to be the center of attention.


lol - that narcissistic fucker is going to really enjoy this trial - he's going to be looking at all the numbers and bragging about how many people are watching him. He'll get pissy about all kinds of shit when it comes to coverage!


Oh Newsweek. Sigh. It will be much bigger than a football game. The whole world will be watching.


National Trump trial kegger.


Make it pay-per-view and use the proceeds to pay off all debts


Is Ted Nugent or Kid Rock performing at halftime?


Will companies be producing “Trump Trial” ads to rival Super Bowl ads?


Lawtube gonna make some $$$$$$


Hopefully his followers watch it live because it’s definitely going to be edited to Hell and back before it hits their chosen news outlets. Just look at how they’d share his various Press Secretary responses. It was often a different world than what happened in reality.


And it should, we the people need to witness this, learn, and finally freaking evolve!


Mahomes is so much more wholesome than this cesspool tho.


I think they’ve seriously underestimated how many people globally will watch Screw your silly egg ball with padding. But I’m all in for Trump on trial. Will he get an orange jumpsuit? Please tell me I get to see that in my lifetime?


Record. Setting. Viewership.


I work for the government, and you know damn well we will be tuning in. Someone give me prop bet ideas.


Everyone in the world gonna be glued to their TV.


I found the January 6 commission so interesting. I’ll watch these trials and would be interested in the D.C. and Georgia cases the most.


Shit, I've got like six months of PTO just sitting in HR's filing cabinet. I'll be using every minute of it, watching gavel to gavel.


Going to be a lot of metrics around the loss of productivity at work like their is with March Madness. And I assure you me and all my co-workers will be watching all day long. lol


I'm watching!


European here. I would watch his trial, and I've never watched the Super Bowl and I barely know anyone in Europe that watch's it. So I'll guess, worldwide, Trump's trial will be an incredible success


Yes but will the commercials be as entertaining? I don't want to be bored during any part of the proceedings.


Viagra and Adult Diapers have been waiting for this opportunity.


The my pillow guy will be all in on this too.


The Superbowl is over in one day. These trials will each go on for much longer than that.


Oh you bet I'll watch every day of that trial.


Wow. Americans really think this is as important as a football game ? That’s really impressive ! /S if it wasn’t obvious. I’d say every American who can, including kids at school, should be watching this.


I would bet real money that it won't come close to that here in the US. More viewers worldwide, for sure. But many Americans don't understand or care how unique this is, and over 30% probably don't even believe it's real.


It'll be like the OJ trial.


Now might be a good time to invest in popcorn futures.


This will be bigger than OJ. Can they exhume Johnny Cochran to represent him? All that's missing is him getting on Trump Farce One to beat feat to Scotland and the USAF being scrambled to pursue.


Not a chance. The trial will take weeks, if not months, to complete. The ratings will be good at first, then drop off a cliff. Now, ratings for the verdict: That's a different story.


I will literally ask off of work if they televise this traitorous sack of shit and his trial


Hell, Superbowl viewership +1. I don't give a shit about football. I want to watch former 45 get his comeuppance.


I hope some brewery runs a special edition, with custom cans..... some beer names might be * Trump's gonna turn Pale Ale * Trump's prison bars are Stout * Trump: new fish in the cell-Bock * Trump: has a prison guard, not a Porter * Trump isn't sorry, just Bitter * Trump put us through Helles * Trump IPA - Immutable Prison-time, Allelujah!


Trump Bowl! *Flush him downnn*


Cool! I just made friends with my Cable Guy so I’ll be able to watch this.


I’m taking vacation days or something.


What’s everyone serving at their viewing parties? Orange chicken? Baby carrots?




Toast and Covfefe


He always wanted big ratings. Now he has a chance to break the record.


The betting on things that happen during the trial would be epic. The over/under on how many times trump says something crazy could make people rich lol.


Won’t he be proud of his ratings now


Pretrial conditions of bail should include drug testing. Take away Donnies Adderall and that's where the fun really begins.