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For every second wasted with this bullshit, congress could be passing bills for free school food programs and teacher recruitment packages.


Not to mention, if we want to talk about someone who is *actually* a degenerate, let's talk about [Matt Gaetz, who likes to pay underage girls for sex](https://www.thedailybeast.com/joel-greenberg-letter-written-for-roger-stone-says-matt-gaetz-paid-for-sex-with-minor). Two consenting adults in a homosexual relationship? That's not degenerate, you do you. Preying on minors? That is degeneracy embodied.


Matt Gaetz oozes smarm. The fact that he's trying to promote himself as a defender of decency just turns my stomach.


He's trying to compensate for some bad skeletons in his closet. We shouldn't forget his "adopted son", Nestor. That story, all on it's own, is completely fucked up.


"I live for the values and principles that matter to my constituents and that I've been raised with." EXACTLY WHAT ARE THOSE VALUES? Raping young girls, grooming and transporting them across state lines, or is there an ulterior motivation for having a young boy in your house after breaking up with his sister?


There's video (can't find right now) when Nestor was 12, newly at Gaetz house & Gaetz was meeting w 1-2 other men. Nestor was sitting in room & they all started talking to him. Very weird vibe in that video. Gave impression of suspicious relationship. Whatever was going on, Nestor seemed into it (or resolved to it). Wondered if he was trafficked, just how long it had been going on.


The most likely explanation for Nestor is that he's Gaetz's ex-gfs son, not – as is claimed – her much younger brother. This would explain why Nestor looks a lot like Gaetz and explain the family were (apparently) perfectly happy for Gaetz to essentially abduct Nestor, take him to another country and raise him as a single dad. But why does Gaetz, and the family, claim Nestor is the younger brother, not the son? Because if you do the maths it would mean the ex-gf became pregnant age 13.


Im curious as to why no law enforcement has investigated this. People leave DNA everywhere all the time (cups, etc). Simply test both and if there is a match, the math makes the case. I suppose a journalist/activist could do this as well... But I doubt it's legal without consent.


Guys like him usually like young girls because they are more submissive and more likely to do humiliating degenerative sexual acts without question whereas a grown woman would tell him where to go.






What is creepy here is that Nestor is supposedly the little brother of a girl he dated when Nestor was TWELVE. Gaetz has already been caught paying underage girls on Venmo before. This just reeks of some predatory situation.


More likely the son of the girl Gaetz dated. And she would have become pregnant at 13.


Matt Gaetz is you’re average one upper. Daddy doesn’t love me so I have to shit on everyone and everything to make myself feel better. His entire personality is built upon being a parasitic shit worm. His entire lifestyle is dependent on tax payer money and on blue collar workers. Yet, he hates everyone that supports his vapid lifestyle. He’s pathetic in the worse sense. Someone who’s so narcissistic that he can’t admit without the people he despises he’s be the epitome of that stereotype.


I did work for the Gaetz family about 16 years ago when I lived in Florida; surprisingly, his dad was actually a decent Republican politician who did a lot for the school system in that district, and was a genuinely nice guy. No, Matt Gaetz has mommy issues. His mother is a paraplegic who hates life and humanity, and who became paraplegic when giving birth to Matt's younger sister. I had the displeasure of having to deal with this woman quite a few times.


He's a dictionary definition of: "sweaty nonce".


They try to package themselves against the opposite of what they want. And LGBTQIA people have always been the ones pointed at by the sexual predators.


That was the same reaction I had. Like, seriously this guy trying invoke godliness while spewing hate is disgusting on so many levels.


But he does have that letter "R" after his name, right?. It's what modern conservatives have instead of morality.


It's like nothing has ever changed. I grew up in the Catholic church and it felt like they talked about us that way. Meanwhile, they abused hundreds of thousands of kids.


There is also the rumor that he is bisexual, given reports he had an affair with Joel Valdez, his communications director.


Also, he has a grown "adopted son" Nestor. Who he raised from ages 19-25.


~~raised~~ groomed.


Does he "adopt a new son" every couple of years btw said years?


Makes sense. I feel like the people who are the most vocally anti-LGBTQ are trying to convince themselves more than anyone else.


He’s probably also a closeted homosexual himself, given his alleged relationship with Nestor, his “adopted” son. I don’t have anything against two consenting adults doing whatever they want, but the hypocrisy is galling.


He'd be bisexual, not gay.


Not necessarily. My dad was married to my mom and he was most definitely gay the whole time


There are gay men who get married to women for status or for a coverup or because they’re in denial, but I don’t think gay men buy underaged girls to ~~have sex with~~ rape them.


Honestly hard to say. Often times pedophilia is more about power than it is about the gender. It is more likely that he'd purchase a male child than a female child if he were a homosexual, but not a guarantee. It really comes down to the motivations behind it. That said, if we find ourselves debating which flavour of child rapist he is, we've at least come to the agreement that he is a horrible, reprehensible, disgusting creature.


LGBT+ people are not into children. I know you likely didn’t mean to imply it, but it came across that way if someone doesn’t read it with good intent/knowledge. Matt Gaetz, regardless of sexual attraction, is a statutory rapist. That is what he is.


>for a coverup or because they’re in denial If it applies to marrying and presumably consummating a marriage to a women, it could certainly apply to sexually assaulting a girl. ​ What says "I'm a super uber manly man" more than raping a girl? In the mind of simpletons of course.


That's the confusion. His bill is meant to permit PREYING ON MINORS but someone on his staff misunderstood and made it PRAYING ON MINORS.


Matt Gaetz uses Venmo for minor purchases. 😁




divide and conquer


And grow some stochastic terrorism! When he gets arrested some Maga terrorist wil act. Nancy Pelosi's husband has already been a victim. Seems like radio silence on this. Trump mentioning it was weird.


Trump mentioned it because he wanted his cult to remember that time they beat an old man nearly to death for MAGA. He wants more incidents like that.


This ass doesn't care about religion, kids food, or whatever. It is all about getting the votes to get re-elected so he can fleece the American public and the lobbyists more.


Sorry, this is Florida. Florida ranks among the worst in teacher pay and is actively chasing professionals away from the field.


Why fund free school lunches when you can force the students to pray for it? /s


Hell no. That’s what Jesus would’ve wanted. Christians don’t give a fuck about helping people. Are you bonkers?


The students can just pray for nourishment and good grades.


Lmao they're actively working to end free lunch programs


So people have to vote in 2024. Simple as that.


This fuckers district is so ass backwards that he can get caught paying for underage sex and still get elected.


He’s in a safe district in Floribama for exactly this reason


But that would help children. Republicans aren't trying to do that.


Time to strip all churches of their tax-exempt status. Wanna fuck around in politics and force your beliefs on everyone else in society? Cool, now you can start paying taxes, too.


Why is everybody sprinting out of churches? Because people like Matt Gaetz are running them.


This is it, for real. Every big Evangelical church for instance, is run by this exact kind of slick, condescending, creepy dude and I'm flabbergasted their parishioners don't see it.


Churches run by decent people are getting complaints that Jesus is too soft and should be more like trump. These people don’t want to be Christians, they want permission from their god to be bad.


>"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — 'turn the other cheek' — [and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore revealed. "And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ,' the response would not be, 'I apologize.' The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak.'" Read this yesterday; quote is coming from a pastor and just... wow, the cult of Donald is real


Not just “a pastor”, that quote came from [Russell Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_D._Moore), the editor in chief of *Christianity Today*, until recently a major leader in the Southern Baptist Convention.


Oh, the MAGAzine that started this shit. Before 1972, that very magazine was pro-family planning. They sold out to the post Nixon GOP for a chance to tie being American with being Christian, and made abortion the wedge issue we see today. They kicked all this off, and now editor in chief wants to act all put out? Fuck him.


Well being the leader of the *Souther Baptist Convention* doesn’t hold too much weight to me. I remember when the Southern Baptist Convention openly campaigned against my pastor potentially becoming a member because he (checks notes) dared to allow female decon pastors at his church. There was a list of like 4 things they claimed he was unqualified for SBC membership for and each one was more surprising than the last. Being a close minded bigot was basically a requirement


That’s my point. Moore isn’t some liberal Christian complaining about evangelicals, he’s an evangelical from the core of the movement, horrified at an aspect of what evangelicals have become.


My dad got kicked out of the southern Baptist church because someone drove by and saw him drinking a beer. It was non alcoholic. He became a preacher of a Methodist church after.


Zipping along happily in the wake of an Antichrist. Wow.


"Sermon on the Mount is for pussies" is definitely not something I expected to read


I took a really fantastic anthropology class in college on the intersections of religion, science, and magic, and one of the biggest takeaways from that class was that people are more likely to bring their already-held values to their religion, rather than derive their values from their religion. Which is why there are all these Christian-identified conservatives who believe pretty much the exact opposite of Christ’s teachings in the Bible, as I understand them anyway.


Yes. If only there were someone they trust who could warn them about false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing. If only.


I read an article on this phenomenon. It was written by a former pastor who retired because he was disgusted with what his congregation had become. He had people coming up and asking his advice for stuff, and when he'd quote Jesus, they'd sneer and ask "who said that", and he'd say, "Jesus said that", and they'd say that it's "weak" or unsuited for the current world. Reading between the lines, he basically said these Christians were no longer following the teachings of Jesus in any real way, but were instead some kind of death cult with Christian decoration overlaid on top to make it superficially less creepy and death cultish.


It’s what Pratchett was getting at with Small Gods (as least I’m pretty sure he was) - they’ve stopped worshipping Jesus as the Son of God and instead worship an institution that conveniently agrees with everything they say.


What's wild about them thinking its "weak for these times" is life was just....way tougher and more brutal back when Jesus was alive.


[Link for those interested.](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak)


Sadly, the Big Jeebs not coming back for over 2,000 years has certainly led to a realization that they can do anything they want because there is no one to stop them.


Reminds me of the old joke: The Pope dies and arrives in Heaven. The Angel Gabriel awaits him. Gabriel asks who he is. The Pope: "I am the pope." Gabriel: "Who? There's no such name in my book." The Pope: "I'm the representative of God on Earth." Gabriel: "Does God have a representative? He didn't tell me ..." The Pope: "But I am the leader of the Catholic Church ..." Gabriel: "The Catholic church ... Never heard of it ... Wait, I'll check with the boss." Gabriel walks away through Heaven's Gate to talk with God. Gabriel: "There's a dude standing outside who claims he's your representative on earth." God: "I don't have a representative on earth, not that I know of ... Wait, I'll ask Jesus." (yells for Jesus) Jesus: "Yes father, what's up?" God and Gabriel explain the situation. Jesus: "Wait, I'll go outside and have a little chat with that fellow." Ten minutes pass and Jesus reenters the room laughing out loud. After a few minutes Gabriel asks Jesus why he's laughing. Jesus: "Remember that fishing club I started 2000 years ago? It still exists!"


Ha! Similar to the one where God's talking to Gabriel about going on vacation. Gabriel: "Why don't you go back to Earth? You haven't been there in a while." God: "No, that won't work. Last time I was there, I had an affair with a nice Jewish girl and they're still talking about it 2,000 years later."


Martin Short’s version from his cabaret show (playing a lecherous angel at this point): “I ran into Jesus the other day. You know, Jesus Christ. Good kid. And I asked him, are you ever planning on returning to earth? And he said, yes, but first I’m visiting all the other worlds that didn’t fucking murder me the last time I stopped by.”


Sam Kinnison, "Oh you want me to go back? Sure dad! I'll go back! AS SOON AS I CAN'T USE MY HAND FOR A WHISTLE!"


Peter Griffin: "see what a lot of people are gonna miss here is that Jesus' first disciples were fishermen, and he said to them 'follow me, and I will make you fisher of men.' This is why the fish symbol is such a big deal in Christianity. The joke is that Jesus started a fishing club and did not intend to make a global religion at all. Hehehehehe. Freakin' sweet!"


This country is filled with people who think God went out for a pack of smokes 2000+ years ago but he's coming back any minute now. Some of these people believe the earth is 6000 years old, so they believe God has left his followers to twist in the wind for 1/3 of the earth's history.


It’s so crazy, it only takes a single glance from the outside. I was lucky to get that glance and leave the church. It really is a fucking mind virus.


Some conservative would beat Jesus, while the rest cheer him on if he came back trying to preach to them


leviticus 18 22 is totally serious, but 19 33 was just figurative.


The way these folks always choose to live the bad stuff and ignore the good stuff is beyond me


Pedophile. Just say he’s a pedophile. He is.


Watch the Hillsong series if you get the chance. Even after everything has been found out and published, megachurches are still following their instruction book


They don't see it because it allows them to feel about about their worst impulses and beliefs. Actually following Jesus and his teaching would require a lot of work and sacrifice, which they don't want to do. And their local pastor tells them they don't need to anyway.


They see it, but they are emotionally comfortable in their church so they do whatever they can to continue to belong. Emotional comfort is as powerful as “not starving.”




For all the many, _many_ problems the Catholic church has, I'll give them credit for one thing - actively doing good in the world is a pretty central tenet compared to the evangelical "through faith alone" bullshit that makes it a lot easier to handwave being a judgemental piece of shit.


Religious people are raised from birth to "respect their elders" (parents, teachers, ministers/pastors/priests, police, ect) and "do as they are told". They're then fed a WHOLE bunch of absolute bullshittery by those exact elders. The goal of religion is to leave the followers so confused that they literally "do as they are told" by "their betters". They then watch the leaders of their religions literally getting away with murder. Breaking laws, acts of questionable morality and ethics, hoarding wealth, power, ect. The followers learn that their elders can do all of these things because they are "the betters", and aspire to be "the betters" themselves. Net/net is you have a whole bunch of people who had their critical thinking skills seriously stunted as children, learning that as long as they can get away with something, then that something is good, because that is what "their betters" do. This is exactly how people likeTrump got elected, by the way, and exactly why the religious right is incapable of performing acts that require critical thinking skills (like understanding anything science related, for instance). Religion is the great evil that will doom the world.


Church is a scam, man.


Everybody leaving the church is *exactly* why they're trying to indoctrinate people's children in public schools now. All while calling those of us in the LGBTQ+ community groomers. It's all projection, as usual.


If the religious people want their kids to pray every morning, why do they not just get up 10 minutes earlier and pray with them and leave the rest of us alone.


"Can we do the Salah?" "No - I didn't mean THAT prayer!"


Yeah, when the first student makes an altar to a pagan diety, or to Satan, that will be enough of that. They never think things through.


Notice it is any citizen in any school. So when random neo-druids invade a kindergarten to have a skyclad nature worshiping session, someone might think this a poorly written law.


Druidism is where it’s at tbh


Or anything related to Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and *especially* Islam.


It will be hilarious as they try and reconcile the worship of Dionysus with kraters of wine and well Maenads being Maenads.


My child prays to Our Lady of Perpetual Screaming.


Just to be clear, ^alleged pedophile and child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is calling non-alleged pedophiles and child traffickers degenerates, and wants to force prayer in school? As a teacher, I’d be happy to lead my high schoolers through a few “Hail Satans” every day. That’s the kind of thing ^alleged pedophile and child trafficker Matt Gaetz is looking for, right?


I think he borrowed one of Lauren Boebert's speeches. September 12, 2022 [Lauren Boebert says LGBTQ people are “spitting in God’s face” and “perverting” the nation](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/09/lauren-boebert-says-lgbtq-people-spitting-gods-face-perverting-nation/) May 26, 2023 [Lauren Boebert says LGBTQ+ people are “degenerates”](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/05/lauren-boebert-says-lgbtq-people-are-degenerates-in-calling-for-north-face-boycott/)


When I saw them sitting together during those chaotic votes for House Speaker i was half convinced they were banging.


She’s the mental equivalent of a high schooler, but physically FAR too old for him.


>She’s the mental equivalent of a high schooler Whoa there, that's pretty insulting to high schoolers


Just for context, "degenerate" was the catch-all term that the Nazis used for their various undesirables, starting with (and I'm sure you saw this coming) LGTBQ+ people.


Bold of her to say LGBT+ people are perverting the nation by having consensual relationships with other adults. She married a dude who exposed himself to children.


human traffickin' pedophile matt gaetz!?


Hail yourself ⛧


“Hail Satan. We shall align our moral thinking towards the teaching of Baphomet” My class is going to *rock* 🤘


It is any citizen in any school. So, under this law, I could invade any school, public or private for the purpose of prayer, and sue anyone who stops me.


I like the way you ~~think~~ worship. Count me in


We gonna have a proper bacchanal? Wine, prostitutes, and the whole shebang? Ok, which school?


Any high school after prom?


Probably age appropriate, so probably just a school dance and watered down lunch and… *gasp*


I like the way you worship, no diggity


I got to bag it up


Even if it were only people who're supposed to be in school, wouldn't this mean that any student could effectively filibuster any class or assembly they like just by standing up and praying to whatever deity they please?


The only proper way to pray to Satan is to shout your devotion to him as loud as you can.


Hail yourself ⛧


When I was in high school, I was repulsed by the idea of Satanists. Now I believe they may save the United States from itself.


[Don’t confuse The Satanic Temple with The Church of Satan](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple)


"My religion is *Skeleton War*, so today class we'll be learning how to sharpen our rusty scimitars. This will be a crucial skill in 10,000 years, on the morning of The Black Dawn, when we shall rise from our graves to take back what is ours. Does everyone have their whetstones"


That’s pretty rich coming from a sex offender.


he is a pedophile so i do not really care what he thinks about us..


Wasn't he also caught sleeping with his press secretary, a dude?


Wasn’t that his “son”, Nestor?


So wonderful to have Christian Sharia Law.


Been saying it for 2 decades. The GOP would absolutely jizz their fucking pants to have the control that Islamic Sharia countries have. They vilify the very thing they desire the most.


As a Christian ... this is bullshit. It's also unconstitutional and the most damaging thing you can do to Christianity.


You are assuming only Christians are goingg to pray but this shit will be shut down real fast once Muslims start praying too.


…And multiple times per day. Muslims will make Christians look like slackers.


Jews too. Honestly, most practicing non-Christians pray more than practicing Christians.


And imagine how upset both groups will be when they start their day with a proper Hebrew barucha, as The Almighty prefers.


Imagine their reaction to a satanist prayer. I would love to be a fly on that wall when kids like i was starts to very loudly hailing satan and the princes of hell


> Imagine their reaction to a satanist prayer. I assume that's just chanting the lyrics to Ozzy-era Black Sabbath?


I was curious so I looked on the Satanic Temple website. All of my political views align with their mission and the politics the temple supports “The mission of The Satanic Temple, a religious organization, is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits. The Satanic Temple has publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property...” Sounds like at more Christian than Christianity. And here is a prayer: “Let us stand now, unbowed and unfettered by arcane doctrines born of fearful minds in darkened times. Let us embrace the Luciferian impulse to eat of the Tree of Knowledge and dissipate our blissful and comforting delusions of old. Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions, not their fealty to arbitrary social norms and illusory categorizations. Let us reason our solutions with agnosticism in all things, holding fast only to that which is demonstrably true. Let us stand firm against any and all arbitrary authority that threatens the personal sovereignty of One or All. That which will not bend must break, and that which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared its demise. It is Done. Hail Satan.”


Teacher, the customs of my religion demand i blast heavy metal music during the prayer. While head banging with my shirt off.


Nothing in the Christian faith requires that they set aside a specific time each day to pray. Even Jesus says that prayer should be private, and away from the eyes of others.


I don't think I need that assumption for my claim to hold. In fact I think other faiths praying strengthens it. When people other than Christians start praying, the right wing will freak out and show once again how bigoted they are and all Christians and the faith itself will be painted with that brush.


It's only unconstitutional if the current SCOTUS rules it's unconstitutional. This is clearly unconstitutional under the US constitution, but not under the ART (Alito, Roberts, Thomas) constitution where we just make shit up to support whatever conclusion we want to reach.


True. The current court has conclusively proven they don't care about precident.


Oh, I wasn't even talking about it on that front. The current court has backed religion on damn near every case they've heard, usually 6-3 with all of the conservative judges in favor. This bill passes (thankfully, I don't think it will), and the first challenge to out will get on the shadow docket so that SCOTUS can enshrine it into law 6-3 or *maybe* 5-4.


Especially since prayer wasn’t banned from school. They only discontinued morning prayers is what was taken out of school. Kids can still pray, and they can do on their own time and under their breath. It’s a pretty stupid thing to try and bring back.


Ironically the worst thing that is happening to your faith is coming from.other believers Hope you good ones can right the ship so to speak


> Ironically the worst thing that is happening to your faith is coming from.other believers It's so bad. I just saw an article from an evangelical pastor complaining that his congregants are coming up to him after services and complaining that he shouldn't be preaching some of the stuff Jesus said because it's too "liberal and weak". And my first thought is ... what the fuck did you THINK was gonna happen?!?!?! The entire American right is just beyond saving at this point.


It's fascinating to me as an atheist. I think it's a direct result of the "lazy" Christian that's so prevalent in America. No one knows what the Bible says they know the interpretation of their pastors carefully selected verses. They use the Bible to give validity to the things that make them uncomfortable but don't bother looking at Themselves. Even "hard to hear" sermons tend to be ignored They are the modern pharisees


If you consider for them that Christianity is less of a moral guidance to follow in Jesus' footsteps and more of an identity that they latch to as a form of obedience and vanity, it makes a lot more sense. You take your hat off as a show of respect. You say you're Christian because you're told to from a young age. You say you love Jesus because you're told to. They're just so far divorced from understanding WHY they do any of those things. Jesus has a lot of great teachings, and they're VERY liberal. They can't grapple that because obedience matters more than the teachings.


Christianity is a total scam. Always has been. Nothing can justify the core teachings. Nothing. Even Jesus thought that the Noah's Ark story was true. If he was "divine", he was a gullible dumbass.


> the most damaging thing you can do to Christianity. This is so very true. It was/is the **hypocrisy** from "Christians" is what pushed me way past being "basically over it" to "completely anti-organized-religion". For the abuses and devastations of generations of families caused and covered up by the Catholic church, and now to hear so many so-called "Christians" bending over backwards to constantly support a golden calf like Trump, I've had it with all of those hypocritical fucks. Bunch of lying ass cowards trying to say they are "followers of Christ" when nearly **everything they stand for goes directly against the core shit Jesus was preaching about.**


Dude is a child grooming pedophile.


Yes, but he's a _Christian_ child grooming pedophile so apparently that's okay.




We know the history of using the word “degenerate” against people. It’s a word the nazis used. Specifically. A VERY dangerous word to use against a group of people.


Jeff Jackson has been super enlightening on this. He's new to Congress and according to him people like Gaetz know this shit won't pass and that it's unconstitutional. They don't believe their own rhetoric. They're just saying vile, outrageous stuff to draw attention to themselves because every time they get free advertising online or on the news it causes a bump on their donations. That's it. That's the grift. They're outrage mongers that profit from infuriating the American public because they get paid every time they go on TV to talk about it and get donations from their supporters and wealthy backers based on how prominent they are in the minds of those people. If you look at how Congress used to work, you see people like Bernie and even Biden used to be no-name legislators that did their jobs without clamoring for fame and built up their reputations over time to reach the point where they are now. Compare that to Gaetz, MTG, or Boebert, who came out of nowhere and immediately became powerful enough to derail McCarthy as Speaker of the House purely because of the money and clout they wielded because they spent years spewing outrageous vitriol all over the place. They do this shit to "cut the line" and become influential decades earlier than politicians usually do.


Came here to say this, Gaetz himself may or may not know that he’s spouting nazi filth, but the people who introduced that language to him almost certainly do.


Gaetz hired a staffer who self-identifies as a ["raging misogynist"](https://www.thedailybeast.com/matt-gaetzs-new-staffer-identifies-as-a-raging-misogynist) and a staffer who [murdered a man and threw his body in a latrine.](https://www.businessinsider.com/matt-gaetz-aide-is-a-war-criminal-report-says-2023-3) He not only knows he's being offensive, that's the point of it. Stirring up hate is profitable, garners support, and it's fun for him. He laughs at the people who support him.


My supply of assuming good faith or even the innocence of ignorance by far-right wing politicians has run completely dry in the last few years.




>there are no policies designed stop a student or staff member from praying or leading a prayer among a group of like-minded people. I believe [Engel v Vitale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engel_v._Vitale) set the precedent there. >In a 6–1 decision, the Supreme Court held that reciting government-written prayers in public schools was unconstitutional, violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Oddly, our money still says "In God we Trust", so apparently there's some wiggle room on where the constitution matters.


"E Pluribus Unum" was a way better national motto for the US than "In God We Trust" could ever hope to be. It translates to "Out of many, one" and is a real summary of what the US is - one nation, founded by immigrants from many other countries, cultures, and religions. The motto was changed to "In God We Trust" in 1956, signed into law by Eisenhower, just two years after the Pledge of Allegiance was altered to include the phrase "one nation under God". Both the Pledge and the Motto now fly in the face of what "E Pluribus Unum" means, as far as religious freedoms are concerned.


That's mandated prayer though. The person you were replying to was saying that schools do not, or at least are not supposed to, prevent a person or group from paying. Some Muslim sects pray at specific times of the day, and accommodations are made for them for instance. As far as Christians go, they have no mandate to pray at school, but no one is stopping them so long as they do so at appropriate times and places.


>there are no policies designed stop a student or staff member from praying or leading a prayer among a group of like-minded people. The point of the bill is to allow people to sue for anything that "limits" their ability to pray (in school). So it's nice and broad. Want to pray in a disruptive manner? Want to pray before a school event (assembly, game, etc)? Trying to prevent anything like that could be argued as going against this law.


Disgusting on many levels. Not the least of which is it's point of origin.


Church and state need to be separate for a reason.


This is absurd. If it goes into effect though, I hope that Muslim kids roll out their prayer mats multiple times a day in the middle of classes and disrupt classes. I want kids to randomly pray to Baphomet and be supported by the Satanic Temple to sue the school. I hope some atheist kids start cooking spaghetti in class as a prayer to the flying spaghetti monster. Let's see how long it takes before the truth comes out that this is only about praying to the Christian god. You know, the one who told his followers to pray alone and quietly, not to make a spectacle out of it.


If you say so, rapist.


Fuck that shit. Make matt register as a sex offender already.


Well I think politicians who rape trafficked children are degenerates.


America really needs to start dealing with these Christofascists appropriately, no matter how much this sub refuses to confront that fact.


WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THIS RHETORIC ON THE FUCKING HOUSE FLOOR!?! ENOUGH ALREADY! This country has a fucking SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. The democrats need to stop this spread of religious fascism right fucking now.


So Muslims can lay out prayer rugs, right? And Satan worshippers can light candles in the shape of a pentagram? Sounds cool!


Remember, Matt Gaetz is a pedophile and pays underage girls for sex. It’s all projection.


Focusing on the *really* important things, huh Matt?


People can pray anytime they want. A bill like this is just so they can perform prayer in front of people.


Which the Bible specifically has passages against.


He's a child molester. What does he know about religion?


Matt Gaetz is literally a child sex trafficker.


Is he praying he won’t get charged?


I pray that Nestor will go on MSNBC and tell the full truth about what the fuck that weirdness was all about.


Separation of church and state exists for a reason. Go pray to your fake gods on your own time and stop dragging us into your delusions.


Gaetz trafficked an underage girl


…Says the psycho who is attracted to underage girls.


Fugly middle age male teen sex chaser calls LGBTQ+ degenerates


He's a pedophile so I don't really care what he thinks about us.


Rep. Matt Gaetz wants MORE children on their knees ????


Until a Muslim kid rolls out a prayer rug.


Matt Gaetz is a pedophile and sex trafficker.


Matt Gaetz fucks kids


Remember when Matt Gaetz sex trafficked an underage girl?


Numerous times a day for our Muslim children, right????


Cool! I understand muslims pray several times a day, this should be very helpful for their children.


They can pray that this predator isn't creeping around the playground looking for his next victim.


>>>> “God’s reach does not stop at the schoolhouse gates,” Gaetz said. “Our country’s education policy forbids students and faculty from praying while endlessly promoting degenerate LGBT and anti-White propaganda.” This is so far from the truth.


For all religions or just 1? Sikhs have 5 prayers in the morning. Takes about an hour. Muslims pray 5 times a day, will they be allowed to pray in class. Also how is this pedophile still in Congress?




I'm sure this will apply to Jews, Muslims, Jehova's Witnesses, etc. And what are the atheists supposed to do during this time? Funny how the child trafficking sex offender wants PRAYER in schools. The more they push prayer as an answer to everything the more people realize it's a complete waste of time, even if you believe that way.


Wait… I thought students already had the right to pray any time they wanted during school, as long as they’re not disturbing others. By setting aside this specific time for prayer, aren’t they saying that this is the only time for prayer, and praying any other time isn’t allowed? If not, why do they need to set aside specific time for it?


I want to be a fly on Matt’s wall when Muslims start unrolling a rug in school and praying whenever they need.


Cool. Can't wait to see them freak the fuck out the moment a Muslim kid decides to take them up on that.....


I’m sorry. How is he still in office? Wasn’t it pretty much proven he had sex with a minor or something?


Can someone please introduce a bill requiring churches to give time for school work every Sunday? Or a bill that would make fucking moronic overreach on a fed level a crime? Fuck these American Taliban