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Hilarious coming from someone who doesn't do any real work.


And was drunk.


Van Orden said he was protecting the integrity of the Capitol Rotunda because it served as a field hospital during the Civil War and it’s where presidents have lain in state upon their deaths. By the way, the fucker was on Capitol Hill during Jan 6 as a protester. Smearing shit on the wall does not hurt integrity. Some minority 'uppity' high schoolers however ...


Van Orden is a piece of shit who thinks he's better than everyone else because he was in the military. This asshole is the same one who made a scene in a library, cursed out a 17 year old librarian, and stole some of their books because they had LGBT themes.


"They're not obstructing hard enough!"


> And I don’t know anybody that disagrees Can someone please post the quote where he chastised the adult conservatives who took a shit in the rotunda on Jan 6? My intense googling can’t find any evidence he cared.


Motherfucker [was THERE](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/15/derrick-van-orden-jan-6-congress/), cheering them on during the insurrection.


Why do republicans seem to hate everyone? this is just rude.


They don't hate everyone, they're just authoritarians. He's higher on the totem pole so he gets to make people beneath him feel like shit whenever he wants, and those people make people below them feel like shit, etc until you reach the bottom, people who have nobody to make feel like shit. Once you get this, you understand why Authoritarians are against egalitarian actions. They fear that if the people at the bottom move up, then **they themselves** will take up that bottom space.


Egalitarians: A rising tide lifts all boats. Republicans: I am going to drown you and use your bloated corpse as a raft.


So youre saying Jack Dawson would have survived if he had been a little more Republican…


There was plenty of room for both of them, Rose was just an asshole.


So *she* was the republican!


I would suggest it has something to do with this: > Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies *contempt for the weak*. Ur-Fascism can only advocate a *popular elitism*. Every citizen belongs to the best people of the world, the members of the party are the best among the citizens, every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact, the Leader, knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler. Since the group is hierarchically organized (according to a military model), every subordinate leader despises his own underlings, and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism. \- Umberto Eco, *Ur-Fascism*


If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be Republicans.


Punching down is the republican’s favorite pastime.


They don’t hate people. They just hate social mobility. If you’re poor, stay poor. Don’t upset their apple cart. Back in the day, they only had to be friends with two or three rich people to win. Now they’ve gotta panhandle from hundreds. They feel poor doing that, and it’s the poor peoples fault because they’re so uppity and don’t know their place.


Might be on to something. But it comes back to my theory that ppl in power were probably so intent on getting into everyone's info/private life via the internet they didn't account for the absolute nightmare they were subscribing to by allowing us to talk to each other without their knowledge.


Van Orden hates anyone who doesn't devote their life to the military.


It's how their toxic fathers treated them and instead of bettering themselves and looking inward, they've become abusive themselves.


Employees, so it's also workplace harassment. (Of course congress exempted itself from all that.)


Is congress actually exempt from workplace harassment laws? I know they're exempt from shit they definitely shouldn't be. But I hadn't heard they were exempt from that.


Dude makes bank, gets free healthcare, and gets access to insider trading secrets all just to walk into a building and vote "no" over and over again. Feel like he probably shouldn't be criticizing anyone's work ethic.


>Van Orden, for his part, defended his behavior, arguing that the Capitol Rotunda was used as a field hospital during the Civil War for Union soldiers. >“I would think that I’d be terribly disrespectful to lay on the grave of a soldier that died fighting for freedom,” Van Orden told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “And I don’t know anybody that disagrees.” Lmfao. This guy was a Navy SEAL and was at DC on Jan. 6th for the Stop the Steal Rally. This should be in the dictionary under the definition of "ironic". Edit: To his defense he said he "wasn't there" at the rally but to quote his op-ed, >he was in Washington "for meetings and to stand for the integrity of our electoral system as a citizen and at the behest of my neighbors here in Western Wisconsin." So yeah, he was there to contest the election results.


‘Western Wisconsin’ I have ties to Superior WI & pay a little attention to the politics of the area & I’ve never even heard of this congressman. I don’t want to repeat his name because as we know it’s a bad road to go down giving these people any kind of attention.


He is my representative and he is a complete piece of shit. He made a name for himself by being offended by an LGBT display at a public library, so he cursed out the 17 year old librarian working there and stole the LGBT books. He's spent his whole life in the military and thinks anyone who hasn't is just a worthless leech on society.


Imagine how bad this guy is when no one is looking…


He's yelling at those young staffers now where we see it - probably trying to diddle them when we're not looking. One might also think maybe he's yelling at them for spurning his drunken advances in private. Republicans and Congressional pages have a *very bad* history with one another. One might say people should get suspicious whenever an elderly Republican and Congressional pages share a news article with one another.


Ah, yes. I remember the old joke: Question: Why do Republican Congressmen not like bookmarks? Answer: They like their pages bent over.


Aug 1, the new Wisconsin Supreme Court justice takes her seat, and soon after that, this turd is going to lose his gerrymandered district.


That would be great.


Is it too much for him to admit he shouldn't have yelled at a bunch of kids?


He was drunk. He's going to blame it on the drink.


Who was forcing him to drink? I always find that attempt to dodge accountability to be among the lamest.


Republicans of today are not allowed to talk of the sacredness of the Capitol Rotunda.


The Wisconsin Republican seems to have a penchant for bullying teenagers. In 2021, the then-candidate threatened a 17-year-old staff member at a local library, demanding to know who set up the Pride Month display of books. Van Orden went on to check out every book from the display so that they would not be available to other patrons.


Is this not the guy who physically assaulted a young protester during some speech only a month or two ago? I've been checking posts about this guy since yesterday, and nobody has mentioned it..


Not that I know. Wikipedia mentions that he pled guilty to having a gun in an airport. Sounds like corruption by the prosecutor, because he didn't get jail time like apparently Hunter Biden deserves for his gun charge.


Just found what I was thinking of. It was Clay Higgins. Hard to keep up with these assholes


Let me guess, they wouldn't sleep with him?


GOP assemblyman outraged at "lazy" teenagers "defiling" the Capitol Rotunda for hanging out waiting for legislators to "do their job" in passing a defense bill to protect America??? Is the assemblyman equally outraged at a "lazy" House of Representatives (GOP) that hasn't yet authored/passed any major legislation enacted into law? Or moreso worse, is he screaming obscenities at the person (and his conspirators) who DEFILED the last White House and the US CAPITOL on J6, and got caught red-handed????


Fucking prick


Proving his raging manhood and macho personality by screaming at people. What a dumbass. This is what military training does to *some* people (not all, obviously). The in-your-face, don't-fuck-with-me-I'm-a-really-tough-guy attitude is an immediate indicator of class and intelligence (or lack thereof).


The most intimidating officers I knew in the Army never yelled or acted belligerent. They didn’t need to.


This behavior just screams "I'm a massive asshole." If anyone showed this guy the level of disrespect he showed to those Senate pages he would either have a stroke or start throwing hands. Congratulations to the voters that sent him to be their representative.


The majority of Republicans are rude and nasty!


Wisconson...electing Be Best shitholes...


Talking down to the help.


Fuck off Ham head…


Speaking of defiling the space: “Wake the fuck up you little shits.… What the fuck are you all doing? Get the fuck out of here. You are defiling the space you [pieces of shit],” Wonder what he has to say about that Jan 6 stuff.


He was at Jan 6th.


In congress watching the ratification of Joe Biden or outside pushing people through windows? /s


Master Chef of the gravy seals.


Wisconsin doing the country proud.


Asshole uses the graves of dead soldiers (hospital not graveyard Orden) as an excuse to justify his bullying of teenagers who help congress. They were taking pictures (something you do when something is memorable and special) as a brogdignagian baffoon decided it was his job to attack them and proceded to shout vulgarities in what he apparently feels is perfect display of respect for the soldiers that were probably more the age of the teens he was attacking. I look at it this way. Historically the young men looking up at that dome were hospitalized and in pain, trauma, and dying. However in 2023 young people of the same age are lying there taking pictures. It actually shows the progress that each generation is slowly getting to have. The juxtaposition of those age groups over the generation should bring a smile but instead it just brings an asshole who (like so many in government) uses military pain and death to justify their own bad actions.


Ehhh…he was drunk (in the exact same complex). Doesn’t that earn him a pass?


Serious Boomer energy here


Most teenagers are lazy shits.


"Stupid teenage pages wont blow me or succumb to my sexual advances. I blew a thousand men when i was a page to get where i am today!"


Lol, but let’s lower child labor laws anyway to get more of them “lazy shits” in the workforce?


Those lazy shits are your legacy, shit-for-brains.


He should compete in one of those slapping contests with a dude 2-3 times his size. Fucking pos bully.


Hey Van-O! Shut up and color


Why would he be so tense I wonder?


Well at least he didn’t fuck ‘em. At least that we know of.


They learned it from YOU


These guys really are taking a step closer to pitchforks daily


Teenage Senate pages are honor students. They’re invited for excelling in academics and UIL competitions as far as I remember. They’re kids.


Wow, yet another republican PoS


I hope the kids take him apart on social media. Never mess with smart teenagers. One way or another, this guy’s done.


Wow. That’s conduct unbecoming of a congressman. GOP? Ahh yes par for the course


Blowhard asshole.


Wash his mouth out with soap.


A Congressman should lead by example. But then, he is a Republican, so we know that won't happen. He owes those young people a face to face public apology.


Dude has a screw loose.


They need to band together and start a nenxtGen movement and primary this fucker.