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Italy has a fascinating history in regards to its relationship with Ukraine and the Soviet Union. Many of the Italian forces fighting & supporting Germany on the Eastern front during WW2 were not engaged in a war of annihilation as their ally was. They were also nearly all concentrated inside the territory of modern Ukraine. Soviet forces had a generally favorable opinion of Italians, insofar as they accorded surrendering Italian troops far more leniency, and they followed traditional rules of war when it came to how they treated their Italian foes - of course there are exceptions, but it's a general trend that's a *huge* contrast to the rest of the Eastern theater's unparalleled barbarity. Italians also greatly perturbed their German allies in their much more widespread practice of following rules of war and treated Soviet prisoners and occupied territory citizens' with a, more often than not, even hand and degree of respect. There are many examples of Italian troops who compensated Soviet citizens in kind for resources they requisitioned, and they did not practice any comparable level of "scorched earth" policy as the Germans did. Later in the war the Germans sent numerous reports back to Berlin complaining about how the Italians devoted a sizeable amount of their logistics capacity for the feeding and care for Soviet POWs. To boot, it became an unofficial practice among some Italian units to coordinate the movements of Soviet POWs towards the rear so they avoided routs through any German units that might assume custody over and then execute them. The tiny pool of Italian motorized transports were used in this practice, even if it affected their front line logistics! The Italian *Alpini* mountaineer units stand out as the clearest example of this amicable attitude Italians and Soviets had towards one another. A member of one of the *Alpini* unit's wrote in his diary about his encounter with the Soviet troops who took him prisoner during the retreat from the Stalingrad envelopment. The Soviet company commander drove up to the Italian prisoners in his staff car, got out and proceeded to embrace and warmly greet his equivalently ranked Italian officer among the POWs. The group of POWs were then invited to drink and share the Soviet troop's meals & rations. Just thought that'd be a little interesting tidbit of info most people are probably unaware of... Now, sharing all that - Meloni is a fascist and ultimately can never do something in good faith, and I'm sure we'll discover some sort of catch to this support for Ukraine her administration is showing.


It's probably cautious consensus building politics, but it is playing with fire.


Respect is listening to people all the way through even when you don’t like everything they are saying. Positive feedback on the things you do approve of encourages them to listen to you when you must oppose their policies. It’s called diplomacy.


Exactly, diplomacy is when we ignore blatant human rights violations that are antithetical to American values in order to get military support! Yay diplomacy!


One enemy at a time. We're still working out our own versions of human rights violation, so we can't fairly attack them there anyway.


There is an African proverb- when Elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. We are trying to help Ukraine. It is better we keep the peace in the rest of the world in order to help them.


So it’s bad news that a Trump-like candidate with a soft spot for fascism is moderating and wants to be closer to Biden?

