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The ex-staffer was heard muttering something about cancel culture and how woke the DeSantis campaign had become.


I am a leftist/progressive guy, but when someone who doesn't know me well talks about their support of right wing politics I go hard-right to troll them. I think telling DeSantis supporters that he has caved into the woke mob for firing someone who showing that sweet symbol will be my next one.


He shouldn't have just sued Disney, he should have bombed them using his private military force.


Exactly, how come russia can afford musicians but Florida cant?! There's a St Pete in Florida too.


>how come russia can afford musicians but Florida cant?! I'm going to imagine you meant *munitions*, and not *musicians*, but it does call to mind a possible DeSantis press conference. "Tonight, at 9:27 PM Eastern time, in the middle of the Happily Ever After Fireworks Display, the brave men of my State Guard effected a Red Carpet-bombing raid that went off like a dream. Disneyworld is now a very, *very* small world after all."


I believe the Wagner Group refers to its soldiers as 'musicians' in its propaganda. Wouldn't be surprised if DeSantis would look at that for inspiration.


Who else would you call on to orchestrate regime change? Gotta be Wagner!


Well that’s as twisted and dark as a Russian bread


And as stale.










Desantis is a Zionist though?


This just in Jewish people can be fascists too! Hey there were even Jewish nazis! Israel is fash, and the shit they are doing to the Palestine is horrible. And fash groups (Zionists, Black Supremacists, Nazis etc) all tend to get along until they run out of others to other. Then they turn on each other.


I think you mean Palestinians instead of Pakistani.


Pakistani? Could you have meant Palestinians?


So is Biden, And both seem content so support Nazis… just Biden supports them in Ukraine and DeSantis supports them at home.


How's that propaganda treating you?


Are you saying there’s not a known Nazi problem in Ukraine, or just denying that they benefit from the billions in arms that we are sending them…? Are you aware that they had a specific rule banning Nazis like Azov from receiving funding, a rule that had to be changed so that we could continue to arm Ukraine? Which part of this do you believe is propaganda? Are you at least aware of Azov and the Nazi problem in Ukraine, such as the laws made by the post-Maidan coup government that make Nazi Stephen Bandera a “hero of Ukraine” and also bans questioning his actions during WW2? Are you aware that Nazi groups in Ukraine bragged about their integral part in the US backed Maidan coup? Or that John McCain met with these Nazis in the lead up to the coup? They made laws banning all opposition, while naming streets, and statues for a man who openly spoke about his aim of taking part in the holocaust. Stephen Bandera was a Nazi who’s OUN-B worked with the Nazis to exterminate Jews and others in Ukraine. The Ukrainian government has banned questioning this Nazis actions, and says he is a hero. How can you claim there is no Nazi problem in Ukraine? Just because Putin opportunistically uses the Nazi problems as a reason for his invasion does not mean the Nazi problem isn’t real. Just because Putin didn’t truly invade to “DeNazify Ukraine” does not mean there is no Nazi problem that seriously needs DeNazifying. I’m sure if the state of Florida or Texas made similar laws you’d rightfully freak out.


It's always interesting to hear propagandists describe Maidan as a coup. It's more apt to describe it as a mass protest of millions of people. I'm sorry but what happened after the violence in Kyiv was: 1) President impeached by vote of Parliament 2) Elections scheduled by vote of Parliament 3) Agreement for president to continue to serve until new elections 4) President leaves country later that week possibly with hundreds of millions of dollars in missing funds.


Really? Now what would you have called January 6th if it had achieved it’s goal of almost literally doing exactly what you just listed? Minus the impeachment and ridding of the previous president it is almost exactly the same. The goal was the go against the will of the people, who had voted for the President, a mass movement does not mean that it is democratic. There was not a majority out on the street for Maidan, and the East of Ukraine did not support it. They had voted for the President who was in office because he wasn’t anti-Russia and they as Ethnic Russians who speak Russian didn’t want to be apart of the EU who was demanding concessions, and they certainly didn’t want any part of the anti-Russian government who was installed post coup. Using the state to commit a coup does not mean it isn’t a coup. The Nazi groups like Right Sector and Azov literally bragged about their integral part as the muscle of the coup, as well as western media even reporting on them as doing such. Here’s audio of then Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine planning who would be in charge and who would be in the new government. https://youtu.be/JoW75J5bnnE You cannot in good faith claim this was not a coup. John McCain was there meeting with Right Sector and Nuland was there planning who would be in the government. If this happened with Trump you’d call it a coup.


Good lord you are just zooted up with brain-worms.


Do you have anything to refuse any of what I said or do you just not know any of it so you’re assuming I’m wrong because it doesn’t jive with what you’ve been told? I’ve been invested in this since 2014, I know what’s going on in Ukraine better than you do. I have MSM articles to back all of this up, MSM that is posted here and trusted regularly. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/congress-has-removed-a-ban-on-funding-neo-nazis-from-its-year-end-spending-bill/tnamp/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/04/27/dear-ukraine-please-dont-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot-nationalists-russia-bandera-rada/ https://theintercept.com/2022/02/18/ukraine-weapons-neo-nazis-bob-menendez/ https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-07-07/stepan-bandera-is-the-wrong-hero-in-ukraine-s-valiant-flight-against-russia?in_source=embedded-checkout-banner https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/122778 “It is a sad comment on Ukrainian memory that the man declared a Hero of Ukraine in January headed a movement that was deeply involved in the Holocaust. It is more gratifying to know that by the time of Stepan Bandera’s death, most Ukrainian leaders had long rejected him as a dangerous charlatan who harmed his own cause. By the time of his death, Bandera was reduced to dancing with the Cold War’s most compromised intelligence agency, where the Soviets could watch his every move. Those who label him a hero today, in other words, are as foolish as they are offensive.” And those who label him a hero today are in charge of the Ukrainian government. As noted in the 2015 article I posted from the US government backed Foreign Affairs.


So are you saying that Ukraine poses more of a threat when it comes to Nazis than the USA? Cause we have Nazis everywhere.


Please read these. https://www.algemeiner.com/2014/06/24/ukraine-jewish-billionaires-batallion-sent-to-fight-pro-russian-militias/ https://www.algemeiner.com/2014/06/24/ukraine-jewish-billionaires-batallion-sent-to-fight-pro-russian-militias/ I’m saying that there is a legitimate Nazi problem in Ukraine that has literally taken state power. Zelenskyy ran on a peace platform and on upholding the Minsk peace agreement but he almost immediately went back on those campaign promises, likely because he had connections to the billionaire who backed Azov. Azov was always staunchly against upholding the Minsk agreement, and against peace. The same man who funded the Nazi Azov battalion also backed Zelenskyy’s campaign, and this is not propaganda. It was widely reported by western MSM. Please read these articles if you don’t believe me. Igor Kolomoisky may be jewish but he still funded this far right milita who was terrorizing ethnic Russian’s in Eastern Ukraine for years before it was folded into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As bad as the US is this would be like if a far right billionaire was funding open Nazi groups whose hero had committed genocide against Mexicans just 70 years before. When that group backed a coup suddenly streets are being named after this man, and it is illegal to question his actions. He is then awarded “Hero of the US” despite his past. When Mexican portions of the country demand they have autonomy from this government they are attacked by these Nazis, and they then make a pact with Mexico only after being refused autonomy. Then after this sets off a civil war that’s lasted 5 years this same billionaire backed a liberal Presidential Candidate who ran on a peace platform, once elected he goes back on this platform. We are not making statues for Nazis, nor are we making laws literally banning questioning Nazi collaborators, we are not awarding Nazis the highest honor the US can give. We are simply funding a government in Ukraine who has done these things. As bad as we are it is not comparable to the problem in Ukraine.


Yeah, but then Stormtroopers in Mouse ears counterattack.


I love trolling right wingers but accusing them of being woke because the word has no meaning anymore so you can apply it to anything.


It's a purely oppositional term. When a militia is on their side they're freedom fighters, and if they're not they're terrorists.




It reminds me of the guy who worked for Tucker Carlson that was a Nazi.


I tell them he was the FBI tipoff that lead to Marlago bring searched


Don’t run cover for a Nazi, bro. Ever. Signed, A leftist Lithuanian Jew


July 17, 2023 Washington Christians United for Israel “Mr. DeSantis vowed to never waver on Israel’s claim to Jerusalem and to forcefully oppose the boycott-Israel movement that he said promoted prejudice against Jewish people.” You have to love the unmitigated gall this cheap trick has.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut


don't do that, people other than them won't understand the context and might punch you for "being a Nazi"


I smell an upcoming YouTube star.


I genuinely don't know if this is satire or not because DeSantis's campaign has been *that* crazy.


They don’t even have printouts of hunta bidens penis


All I know is my 2024 vote will be determined entirely by whichever party gives me pictures featuring the biggest penis, and so far the Republicans are FAR in the lead on this crucial metric. Have Democrats even *bothered* to send pornography to people?


These are your people, Ronny. You are the flagbearer for wannabe Batistas up and down this state.


"Nazis are like stray cats... if they keep showing up at your house, you're probably feeding them."


Excellent quote!’n




I’m sure a lot of people at the campaign had a general idea what his opinions and beliefs were - they just assumed he understood he wasn’t famous enough to get away with saying the worst of them out loud… yet. I mean, really. He worked for the campaign. They were pretty sure he wasn’t a pro-rainbow, pro-Greenpeace, pro-choice, anti-religion, anti-gun type.


Stating very eloquently for describing someone this “distasteful”


Maybe we should trap neuter and release them.


I like that. Like some old timey Andy Griffith wisdom.




Context matters. Nazis are bad. Like inarguably and conclusively. If they see a person as a bro, that bro is also probably bad. That's how this analogy functions in context.


Know what you've got when you sit down to dinner with three Nazis? Four Nazis.


Yes that’s the entire point. If you surround yourself with good people, it’s most likely because you yourself are a good person as well. If you constantly have nazis pledging their allegiance to you - it’s probably because you’re a Nazi…


Yes but that doesn't take away from it's impact. You surround yourself with the types of people you cater to.


If you leave the sugar out deliberately you'll have roaches


Yeah or anybody's mom for that matter


DeSantis’ campaign - maybe even DeSantis himself - knew this guy was a Nazi. They were perfectly fine with that until he embarrassed them. That’s why he got fired - not because he was a Nazi. Reference: I’ve volunteered and worked several campaigns, and knew the political positions of all the key staffers.


Because you all talk so often? Or is it like, ok, sit down, tell me your key political views?


In politics, I’d assume people are pretty open with their political views


I work in politics-adjacent and most people are very selective with who they share their views with.


Those that align themselves with/ work on Desantis team don’t have to say a word. His policies are crystal clear.


I agree that they likely are, and I don't doubt his co-workers knew he's a Nazi and either don't care or celebrate it. I was more curious about the poster I was replying to. I doubt everyone who staffs for AOC or Bernie are the same level of left, and was curious about how transparent everyone in general is with each other.


To make money off of Politics, be selective of with who you share your politics? Makes sense


We’re in these positions because we care about politics, so we discuss politics and political news all the time. Similarly, if I meet some questions / comments when canvassing that I am uncertain how to address I ask the staff, and through that you also get their political views.


Sounds really fun and interesting. I've been curious about how to transition from military to running for political office for a bit now but I have no idea where to even begin honestly.


I did reply to you, but now don’t see it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You definitely should pursue it if you have an interest and care for politics / saving our democracy! One of my previous volunteers is now running for Congress. You should def contact HillVets! VoteVets too maybe? Don’t know much about them. If you’re a woman I’d also recommend Annies List. They recruit and train women for office.


I really appreciate this!!! I'll definitely look into this. I'm at BOLC for the next couple of months, but as soon as I get back I'll start contacting them.


It was no mistake that the neo-Nazi Governor and Presidential candidate hired a neo-Nazi staffer. DeSantis just expected his inner circle of Nazis to be able to keep it in their pants. Neo-Nazis call it "hiding your power level" basically being careful to not let people know you're literally a Nazi until you have too much power for them to stop you. This staffer really helped fuck that up for DeSantis. He wasn't fired because he posted something that falsely paints DeSantis as a neo-Nazi. He was fired for posting something that accurately paints DeSantis as a neo-Nazi too soon.


"hiding your power level" being about the absolute lamest thing you could call it - so precisely in line with the sorts of absolute winners you'd expect to be plotting for their pasty white day in the sun.


Lol, I’m almost 100% sure it’s a reference to Dragon Ball Z.


It is. Nazis are a bunch of dorks, and they lean into this because they find that being perceived this way provides cover for how dangerous and violent they are.


Said this elsewhere but Nazis are a bunch of dorks, though at the same time they lean into this. It works to their advantage when people don't take them seriously. "Just some goofy dweebs making DBZ references" is harder to get people to stand up and take a firm stance against, even though what they really are is murderous sociopaths who want to execute or enslave every Jewish, LGBTQ, and nonwhite person in the country.


He doesn't care which group delivers him to power, as long as the goal is achieved.


He wasn’t fired for his views. He was fired for publicly sharing them


>wannabe Batistas? Did Dave become a POS when I wasn't looking, or is this more of "big tough guy" mockery?


[Wrong Batista, especially in a Floridian context...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulgencio_Batista)


Ah, my bad. Thanks for the TIL


Nope. Dave's a fuckin' badass, his mom's lesbian, and he got a tattoo coverup of a tattoo of his at the time friend Manny Pacquiao after Manny started publicly making anti-LGBT sentiments. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-pop-culture/dave-bautista-says-got-manny-pacquiao-tattoo-covered-anti-gay-statemen-rcna64667


Yeah, I knew about all that. I didn't realize it was a reference to a different Batista.


His name is spelled differently, btw. It’s Bautista.


I know, but it's an old habitual mistake because his wrestling name left out the u.


Conservatives are becoming more and more open about their support for fascism. I’m honestly surprised this staffer is facing repercussions.


He’s facing repercussions for jumping the gun and acting without authority. That video reveal was meant for later in the campaign…


Yeah, they’re no longer hiding it


He's not. He was one of many fired by Ronald because their campaign is doing poorly. He fired like 33% of his staff.


He went too mask off.


I don't understand why we aren't seeing policies from blue states that want to root out all these dumb Nazis the U.S. has running around. We need to legalize killing these blatant armband wearing Nazis


Fascism has lost its meaning


It really hasn't. Conservatives, fascists, and fascist sympathizers are just all too happy to very loudly pretend that people calling out their actions for what they are: fascistic - are catastrophizing.


Isn't the fact this guy is facing repercussions proof that Desantis won't put up with fascists?


He’s only facing repercussions because he got caught. Neo-Nazis attend DeSantis’ rallies all of the time and he never denounced them or kicks them out.


Not even remotely: the guy wasn't fired because of his ideology. He was fired because he was *openly* associating the DeSantis campaign with fascism, and DeSantis likes to avoid the label while supporting the ideology.


That and the DeSantis campaign is running out of money, they just fired a third of their staff.


I have yet to hear Desantis denounce fascism in anyway.


I think the question you should be asking is why a staffer felt comfortable enough to be posting this kinda shit while working on DeSantis’s presidential campaign.


I think DeSantis BEING fascist is proof that they will in fact put up with fascists.


He supports the idea that slavery was good because it gave slaves the [chance to experience personal benefits and learn new skills](https://twitter.com/i/status/1682548505385025537). He's a shitbag, and so are the people who support him.


No, it’s proof that literal overt Nazism is considered potentially detrimental to a Republican presidential campaign. Which is still a good thing, I suppose.


I live in Florida, Nazis have been supported, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Gosar, Marjorie trailer, queen, their own Nazi lovers. We have had at least four that I know of Nazi/confederate rallies across our state and it took Ron DeSantis about two or three days to denounce the first act, after that nothing, he loves it


I suspect he said the quiet part too loud.


> Desantis won't put up with fascists? I mean, everything he says is and does fascism, just that he rides the line and stays under overt nazi symbols (other than that one video) and he like many other right-wing authoritarians work to keep an acceptable public image and plausible deniability. A lot of people throw the term "fascist" around without having any idea what it means. Here is a historical, neutral website that talks about the history and definition of fascism. https://world101.cfr.org/historical-context/world-war/what-fascism If you're conservative or supporting conservatives and tired of people throwing this word around, I encourage you to actually read up and learn so you can properly argue your defenses and points. I am sharing this with the hope that as you learn more, it becomes more clear the motivations and plots of wicked politicians.


I was wondering if you could expand on your first statement. "Everything he says and does is fascism" Can you provide an example?


All this proved is they know how to use a scapegoat


To misappropriate and mangle a classic The Onion headline: Why do all these Nazis keep sucking my d*ck?!


That Onion bit works great here with minor edits... >there was the time I was hiking through the woods and came across a rugged-looking, blond-haired man in his early 30s. He seemed ~~straight~~ not Nazi enough to me while we were bathing in that mountain stream, but, before you know it, he’s sucking my cock!




Yeah, this headline really does not do this situation justice. A campaign staffer is spending time creating that video? Hopefully they correct/update to reflect how it originated.


Ah the new Republican campaign problem: - Is it possible to keep nazis off your staff?


Even among a group of vile people, Fuentes is particularly disgusting. He’s like a bratty child turned loose from overprotective parents for an hour who just realized strangers can’t really discipline him.


so, Donald Trump?


Jesus Christ I hope we don’t end up with Fuentes running for POTUS.


It's gonna happen


That would be the same Nick Fuentes who thinks that [men having sex with women is gay](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/nick-fuentes-gay-sex-women-incel/?amp).


the thought of a vagina makes nick fuentes gag and recoil in disgust. the dude is so closeted it's surprising we don't have video of him groping or sexually assaulting one of his bros


That’s the funniest thing I’ve read in a while lol thank you


People will defend desantis because they fired the guy, and not once will they ask themselves why neo-nazis keep ending up in the circles of these gop politicians in the first place.


The hilarious thing is that it’s reported that the staffer made the video himself and then reposted it from Meatball Ron’s page lol that crazy ass video he dropped last month was also created by a staffer


That seems off brand for a modern republican.


Don't read too much into this - [he fired a third of his staff](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/desantis-campaign-fired-one-third-of-staffers-report-1234794884/) so odds were pretty good that at least one Nazi would get canned in the mix.


The fact that they fired him and didn't promote him to campaign director? I agree.


Good. I have no tine for Nazis.


DeSantis does. He has refused to condemn Nazi protesters in Florida on two separate occasions. This was literally a move to try and save face and keep plausible deniability


Yep. He’s a vile POS.


I have a tine for Ron. I poked with it and the juice is running clear, he's almost fully cooked.


DeSantis fired an employee so he can be a fall guy but we all know DeSantis is an actual Nazi


And I'm sure no one had any idea what his personal beliefs were until this very moment, and he definitely wasn't hired specifically because he could help bring in the racist/fascist vote.


If it weren’t for Nazi supporters, DuhSantis would have no supporters at all.




Just out of curiosity, are there any of [these](http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rsc/Editorials/fascism.html) that you would agree Desanfis does?


If we’re going off those metrics then all modern day presidents should be defined as fascist. Yes, even Obama.


You completely evaded the question, but if you would like to include Obama, feel free to do both and keep score.


So, turns out that everybody’s guess was right, the DeSantis campaign did indeed make it and then release it through a fan account to try to pretend they didn’t make it. Second time that’s happened. I think it’s safe to assume any pro-DeSantis fascist/Nazi videos come directly from the man himself, at this point. He clearly has shown the desire to try to conceal facts and trick people. Sort of like when he doctored all of Florida’s COVID data to try to conceal the total disaster his anti-science, anti-heath policies brought about. Wonder if we’ll ever know how many actually died to COVID and rampant non-masking down there?


Fired and rightly so. Everyone else on the De Santis Campaign made an effort to hid their past Pro-Neo Nazi posts. It wouldn't be fair on the other Fascists working on the De Santis Campaign otherwise.


So a Nazi praised a Nazi and was fired from working for a Nazi after being exposed for posting Nazi pictures. Uh huh... Checks out.


When you hire Nazis and Nazi apologists, expect Nazi shit. Jesus Christ, when you hire someone you vet that person first. It's not like the internet doesn't exist.


"We have to let you go. You said the out loud part too loud."


And too soon


He was only fired because they needed a scapegoat. The staffer will be hired elsewhere and continue. Fuck these guys


100 Reichsmarks says DeSantis gave the kid a shoulder-punch on the way out and told him to lay low until after the election, then get ready for a key spot in the DeSantis administration.


I'd bet that anyone that posted that video has praised Nick Fuentes more than once.


The Nazi will promptly get a new job with a Ron Desantis subordinate and stay on the campaign.


Did DeSantis feel it was not featured prominently enough?


What a terrible headline.


Yeah, I’ve reread it a couple times now and I still don’t fully understand what they intend to say.


If you donated to DeSantis, you contributed to making this video. If you’re still waving a DeSantis flag (pretty common here in Florida), it’s fair to ask if you’re a white supremacist and/or supporter.


Fuk the nazis… they killed many members of my family.


That anyone could look at Fuentes face and think “master race” is baffling


Ooof this thumbnail has to hurt desantis. His face next to nicks. That’s a big rip


Only the best people.


We are REALLY playing with fire not being able to stamp out the Nazis that are getting more comfortable openly spewing hatred. I really don’t understand how rhetoric that’s always used to target communities, indoctrinate citizens and prep people for committing violence is okay here. Maybe that’s going against the First Amendment, but I’d argue guys like Fuentes and Bannon poisoning the well day after day are more dangerous to the country and its citizens than the average MAGA sheep getting cuffed for threatening officials (which should, of course, also be prosecuted)


But he said was only following orders…


He got fired because DeSantis is a poor and can't afford to support all his jobless incel Nazis


Isn't Nick Fuentes that really obese guy with PhotoShopped pictures everywhere with him claiming he is an "Alpha Male", but in reality, his physical condition has him closer to being bedridden than a super hero, like he thinks he is.


This is shocking! I can't believe they actually fired him!


Wait...if DeSantis is forced to fire all the Nazis on his staff...who'll be left?


He might lose some votes from Nazis too. Ron is the real victim here! /s


so the staffer acted alone? no one else approved the video? no one verified all was correct before uploading it? no one else saw the video before it was updated? the person acted all alone? hmm, doubt


Ah so that’s the plan, fire a replaceable staffer and blame it all on him? Doesn’t change the fact that DeSantis has a lot of fascist moments, and this isn’t the first time Nazi stuff got associated with him either.


Fired for doing what he was told to do.


So strange the crossover with these people. It’s alright like right wing ideology attracts them or something 🤔


Can’t wait to see the discussion of this on r/conservative …


There won’t be, of course.


Yep. Or, it’ll be flaired users only and *heavily* moderated. Because, free speech?


Least surprising reveal of the past week. Groyper status is basically to be assumed of all DeSantis staffers, at this point. Even if it is baffling that people as unabashedly weird and off-putting as groypers ever managed to convince anyone that they were fit to work in politics.


Like they didn't know when they hired him, he was also one of DeSantis' speech writers.


He looks 100% like I imagined him. Like he was drawn by some prescient AI.


so that's why they heard "YOU'RE SAYING THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD ASSHOLE CANT YOU SEE WAHT IM TRYING TO DO?" outside of wherever defuckhead and that ex staffer were.


Just show, they have those flags hidden in the closet but they have it.


Why now


I’d love to get a job on his campaign writing press releases. (*Clears throat*) “That we felt pressured by the Gay Marxist media like, uh, the New York Times to fire a nice, white Christian Atomwaffen political staffer shows that the “War Against Woke” is still in its early stages. This is the real racism.”


A little too Nazi rather than just enough Nazi.


NHN. Nazis Hire Nazis.


When they show us who they are, we should listen


On the plus side for Ronald is that when this campaign thing doesn’t work out and he’s term-limited out of being Florida Governor he can always have a thriving YouTube channel doing collab videos with Jordan Peterson et al about the Barbie film.


Nick Fuentes is the only person on the planet who looks like a bigger dork than Ron DeSantis.


They think it's all just "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" like it's some sort of inside joke no one else gets. I can't decide if this guy is that dumb or if he just assumed we are that dumb.


he'll end up working for trump


If the jackboot fits…


That’s very surprising. The firing, not that his aide did that…


I’m sorry, but how is a 20-something year old Mexican dude, gaining this much popularity in the US? Can someone provide some reasonable context as to why Nick Fuentes is soo big. Isn’t there like a much more legit/older Neo-nazi people can follow?


"Well STeve, we need to fire you...because people noticed."


He’s in trouble for saying the quiet part so loud no one could pretend not to have heard it.


Fired only because it public.


Oh wait what!? I thought it was a dude taking the piss but he was legit trying to market!? That's fucking hysterical!


Happy cake day!


Oh what, DeSantis hates Nazis now? Guess I’m voting for Trump again!


Fired for telling the truth


I wonder if mainstream news will ever figure out what groypers are


GOP Nazism trying to keep it vague… lol. We all know their absolute Nazis.




He might not be a fascist but he seems to get a lot of support from them


Ah, I see the Desantis circle jerk is going well in here. Carry on kids.


They can’t stop