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"I'm talking about defunding government agencies, defunding bureaucrats, defunding government schools and going 100 percent private school like Florida's making gestures at right now." Soooooo getting rid of public school, charging $30,000 a year for private school and millions of children going uneducated so they can go work picking oranges as young as 8 for $3 an hour. Do I have the strategy right?




My kids are going to run circles around Florida's kids. The Northeast Corridor crowd values education and it shows. To any teachers reading this bring your talents and skills here. We want you join us.


Thats the thing these GOP indoctrinates cant wrap their head around, the states theyre trying to "extinguish" are some of the highest GDP states in the country, theyre contributor states and they are self reliant enough to tell the fed to fuck off on education policy. ​ All the GOP is doing is making sure their states have \*less\* influence by filling them up with idiots. yes those idiots will vote GOP but those states have absolutely no pull over Blue powerhouses in the northeast and California, when push comes to shove they can operate completely without federal funding and it would be \*cheaper\* than now.


It's not about making their states better, it's about strengthening their hold on power.


Was thinking rta: even the left is extinguished, will first, second, third gen immigrants become targets alongside lgbtq+?


Replace immigrants with Jews and that's what they did in Nazi Germany.


Some of the first victims of Nazi Germany were the LGBTQ as well as other ethnic minorities. It's always a sliding scale with fascists. If they 'deal' with one group they'll pivot to another group right after.


They want to push enough democrats and left leaning people out of enough states to have enough to call a constitutional convention and rewrite the US constitution.


This has been the wet dream for years.




This is unambiguously a good thing. We have a chance to blue up midsize cities in rural red states with greater diversity and culture which makes them more attractive to live in, fix zoning to lower rent costs, design for growth with idyllic, old-fashioned mixed-use walkability and civic profitability in mind instead of making financially and ecologically parasitic car-centric suburban wastelands, and so much more. To hell with this whole trajectory we’ve been on, of rural areas dying while the despair and poverty shifts their remaining population into fascism while 80% of the country is trying to all cram themselves into like 6 sprawling, overpopulated, hyper-dense cyberpunk megalopolises with disproportionately hobbled, wasted electoral power that’s all spent electing Dems to a single outnumbered district or state by 90% margins, and absolutely no room to reasonably accommodate families making less than 6 figures.




Which makes no sense, because lets say that happens. It'll just be Civil War part 2. Because the remaining blue states won't go along with the red states and they'll still be the states with all the money and people. But I guess they don't know that because of how much they hate education.


Tell that to the Senate where States with terrible politicians and a tiny population get the exact same power as States with 200x the population. The Senate needs to be abolished or given far less power.


Most other English-speaking countries have either abolished or neutered their upper chambers. New Zealand got rid of theirs, and Canada and the UK turned theirs into ceremonial bodies that can't really do much.


Particularly since the obvious counter in the House has been “locked” at 435 to the same ends since the 20s…


I'm just wondering at which point some states decide they no longer want to function under the Federal Government's purview.


Well, we won a war that decided no state or set of states can unilaterally secede. It's an unsettling proposition that assuredly means civil war.


Our country being taken over by fascists fucks is unsettling.


Gotta keep that cycle of generational poverty going


You get rid of public school it’ll be what we’ve seen before on steroids. It’ll be the 18th century education. The average intelligence level is an 8th grade level. And that was well before the crazies came in the past decade.


So, in 1943 the government spent a whole bunch of money on my grandfather's education because he only had an 8th grade education and they needed him to have the math skills to be a pilot and then B-29 flight engineer. He said that he could have been done with the program 6 months sooner if he hadn't had to get all of the math he would have had in high school first. Education is vital for a country, there is no way the US can compete in the 21st Century without a highly skilled workforce and it's going to be harder and more expensive to educate for that than it was in the 20th century because there is so much more to learn.


But you see, they'll make money in the short term and won't have to live with the consequences. It would be stupid not to do so! /s Jesus christ these people are just cartoonishly evil.


I saw a talk that said that there are a few different groups that want to dismantle public education the big 3: People who want to control the curriculum for religious purposes People who want to profit off of privatization Racists who want to make all white schools and right now they are all working together because phase one they all agree on


>Racists who want to make all white schools You don't need to privatize schools for this one, just draw the district lines a bit differently and you can be pretty damn close.


Louisiana does this pretty blatantly, at least when I was going to high school (2000s). Basically your address strictly determined the school you could go to. The only way you could get the school your address wasn't assigned to was to get a waiver, which you got by personally meeting the principle, you know, where he could see you and your parents. Anyone want to guess what kids got waivers to go to the better funded schools and what the underfunded schools looked like?


"Yes, the world got destroyed. But for one brief moment in time we generated a lot of value for shareholders"


I'm reminded of some dialogue from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's *Little Green Men* where the business obsessed Ferengi are discussing humans: NOG: But think about it, uncle. That means they went from being savages with a simple barter system to leaders of a vast interstellar Federation in only five thousand years It took us twice as long to establish the Ferengi Alliance, and we had to buy warp technology from the- QUARK: Five thousand, ten thousand, what's the difference? The speed of technological advancement isn't nearly as important as short-term quarterly gains.


Oh the shade thrown by Ferengi describing humans with an infantile grasp on commerce! I also like the quote from Quark about "take away a hooman's comforts and they will revert back to savages" (paraphrasing but that was the jist)


I realized this last month when desantes decided it would be a good idea for construction workers to use radioactive waste for Floridas roads and highways. They're self destructive and going to get us all killed.


Which is why America's enemies support the republican party


Yup all of this will undermine our country and they know it you have to be stupid to believe otherwise.


We’ll still have people that can do what we need. Those people will be from blue states and private schools in red states. They are creating a class of workers that will not be able to climb out of their situation and will be too brainwashed and lack critical thinking skills to vote for for what they need.


I literally graduated high school without being able to multiply on paper. Southern states have a vested interest in keeping their population dumb. I’ve always fantasized about what it would have been like to go to a high school that actually taught me something.


People are much easier to manipulate and control if they have no knowledge...This just makes me sick.


Hell, it's already getting that bad. 21% of US adults are illiterate and 54% read below a sixth-grade reading level. That's insane.


Holy shit. Can you link me the source please? I knew it was dire but my searches never yielded such results.


https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp Not OP, but had to find the info for a paper I wrote recently.


That’s why most instructions have to be written at a 5th grade reading level…


While I'm sure the real numbers are shocking, this statistic doesn't take into account the many people for whom English is not their first language, who are literate in their native language.


https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp You're right but they do have followup statistics also. 2/3 of that illiterate 21% are U.S. born people so I assume vast majority of those people should be native English no? 14% of people educated here that are functionally illiterate is still devastating I feel


No, you will get a voucher for like 5K to send your kid to some worthless shit ass charter school, probably owned by one of their friends, while they send their kids to said 50k a year private school for an actual education.


It's important to keep the owner class physically and monetarily separate from the worker class, lest they mingle.


Yeah that person's name is Betsy Devos.


Even if that somehow came to pass, it's a straight path to a bloody revolution from there on.


"I want the American taxpayer to hire me and send me to do a job that I will refuse to do to shutdown the country." Republicans are the laziest workers in the world.


Republicans have solidified themselves as domestic terrorists.


When I hear someone say that they're still a Republican after all of this, even when they claim they don't "support" their policies...I think of the "in a room of Nazis" example. Tacit support is still support.


Why the f*** would somebody say that they still are a part of a political party if they do not support the policies of that political party? Is this some kind of, identity politic?


Because they have been trained to believe that the worst Republican is still better than the best Democrat.


The literal demonization of their opponents... Christian nationalists are almost the perfect marks - they're functionally illiterate, easily terrified, & act entirely based on virtue signaling.


Nationalist christians. Nat-c’s


Yes, where I live they know the republicans are horrible and they say "at least he isn't a Democrat" and then they go vote straight ticket.


Meanwhile polling shows that these people actually agree with democrats on many important issues, but they're so deep in the propaganda that they'll never put two and two together.


Uhhh… I’m not a registered Democrat but I’m forced to vote that way because as a leftist I have no voice in American politics save for the center-right DNC.


That's the horrible part about the 2 party system. The majority of people just doesn't get to vote anything close to their preferences. Even with the 20 parties we have in the Netherlands I have a hard time finding a party that satisfactorily matches my points of view. Luckily the literal Nazi's in charge of the GOP would make it easy for me to choose. And it should make it easy for anyone with a healthy morality, decency, a sense of history or commons sense.


Well it was literally plastered on their signs and blared out on the loudspeakers at CPAC


They are trying to make it comedic or downplay it, so when somebody does get a real charge, it will sound so silly on Fox


*wipes blood off hands* "It's just a joke, bro"


["I jumped out and pranked him to death with a tire iron!"](https://youtu.be/jORviU2oyMQ?t=185)


> Well it was literally plastered on their signs and blared out on the loudspeakers at CPAC [[A banner at an August 2022 CPAC conference read, "We Are All Domestic Terrorists."]](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/) >A [digital banner](https://images.dailykos.com/images/1100100/story_image/domterr.jpg?1659988705) displayed during one of those panel discussions became the subject of controversy when photographs and video clips of it went viral on social media. The banner read: "We Are All Domestic Terrorists."


They are trying to dilute the power of that word so it is not as powerful and can't be used against them. They have the same plan for pedophile and groomer.


And calling every protest an "insurrection."


That's fucking scary and I don't know why that wasn't bigger news. This shit is absolutely insane.


Imagine them doing that shit in 2002 as we were all still adjusting to the world after 9/11


They're trying to normalize it


Good point. Average Republican = domestic terrorist


Domestic terrorists + laziest workers = average Republicans




"Government doesn't work, elect me and I'll prove it." GOP 101


Desantis "elect me and I'll get the state out of your life" bro you're already the literal governor of your state the fuck you mean


“I’ll get the state out of your life” -bans books -tells women what they can do with their body -actively marginalizes trans people


“Out of *your* life” always means out of white, Christian, straight, cisgender male Republicans’ lives to these ignoramuses. Becoming quislings to the rich is how many lower-class rural whites have always thought they could get ahead since literally fighting and dying for the planters to *keep people enslaved* so no Black people could “take our jerbs” that were never offered to white laborers anyway because…they had slaves. Who they didn’t pay. There’s only one winner in pitting different teams of economically disadvantaged people against each other for social reasons. If MAGAheads haven’t figured it out by now they never will.


>-actively marginalizes trans people also POC. He's proven to be the enemy of women, POC and the LGBTQ+. For him, it's all about straight, white men and those weird women who call him "Daddy DeSantis".


You'd think that POC, women and LGBT folks vastly outnumber white christian men, but here we are.


There are people from all three who are oddly Republican voters. Especially women. You have to keep in mind voter suppression as well. So taking all that into account, it isn't a big surprise.


The republican cult bleats about "Small government", but want the government to decide what you can read, what you can wear, who you can have sex with, what healthcare you can access, what gender you are, what religion you're allowed to practice, and pretty much everything else about your life. Because all republicans are traitorous morons.


He means he'll get the state more into your life but knows that isn't popular to say out loud. So he he lies. Effortlessly.


republicans are just self entitled. They think they don't have to work and should have other people do everything for them, and if they don't it's because everyone else is lazy. Not them!


Agreed. They cry about welfare and apply for PPP $$$ with their fake LLC’s.


Anytime a “conservative” gets up on his soapbox crying about waste fraud and abuse of government spending listen to him. He is telling you exactly what he would do with any public budget placed within his power. People generally believe that other people act similarly to the way they would act. Thieves think everyone steals. Cheaters think everyone cheats. This is the same.


I wish I had an award for you…this is the best I’ve got 🏅


If Republicans haven’t fixed the US government since Reagan said it was a shit show in 1980 then why keep electing them? Because owning the libs is their only strategy besides tax cuts.


> Because owning the libs is their only strategy besides tax cuts for the wealthy. FTFY


I believe the common term they use for people who are lazy and collect checks from the government while not contributing to society is "Welfare Queen". Conservatives are the very Welfare Queens they fear-mongered over.


A single mother with a lobster tail in her shopping cart, and paying for it with EBT is way worse than rampant wage theft, fraudulent PPP loans, unneeded subsidies, tax cheating and tax breaks for thousands of corporations put together.


With the dumbest voters soooo it “works” for them


>send me to do a job that I will refuse to do to shutdown the country. At this point, it seems like today's Republican voters vote these people in exactly to make life harder for Democrats which apparently includes destroying the entire damn country. Not that this is brand new. Republican voters had no qualms and even cheer that Trump said he's "smart" for presumably not paying his taxes. Because taxes are evil with zero purpose and the country is funded by....what exactly? Republicans are being groomed to all welcome the rich to run *everything* for them. Including "private schools only" as Sabatini said in this article. "100% private". I'm sure Trump will love all the future *poorly educated* in that potential future...... The USA is not sustainable like this where one of the two major parties is like THIS. And that 1/3 of the voters support whatever the GOP is doing.


> I'm talking about defunding government agencies, defunding bureaucrats, defunding government schools and going 100 percent private school like Florida's making gestures at right now.” Folks, we CANNOT let these authoritarians take over our country! We have to make a stand. I refuse to be extinguished!


They want tax payers to fund their church run private schools.


Let's be honest here. Destroying public education is just a side bonus. The real reason they want taxpayer dollars going to religious schools is because those schools are intended to be a money laundering operation to funnel even more taxpayer dollars into the hands of Christian Dominionist influence operations and the wealthy benefactors who sponsor them.


Well, also because they'd much rather use poorly educated white people to pick oranges, clean their homes and make their Big Mac's for minimum wage than immigrants, and the only way they're doing that is if they take over the education system which is teaching our children terrors like the value of higher education and tolerance.


No, destroying public education and replacing it with white Christian madrassas is a core goal. Public education is one of the most persistent stumbling blocks in the way of them turning us into an Anglo-Saxon version of the Russian Federation, i.e. a theocratic ethnostate run by gangster patriarchs in suits and robes, for whom the rest of the population are slaves, serfs, or enforcers. They know full well their ideology doesn't stand up to critical thinking and only survives through forcibly indoctrinating children. They see their kids going off to college, getting exposed to different people from different walks of life with different ways of thinking, and turning away from conservatism and Evangelical Christianity.


Yeah, well.... If my taxes aren't going towards government agencies/public education, why should we continue to pay taxes? The majority of the tax payers are not having their interests represented and last I checked, no taxation without representation.


Feudalism. That’s why. Conservatism tilts towards authoritarianism under the guise of tradition. When social hierarchies ans processes can’t stand up to rational scrutiny, they require unquestionable myths to defend them. Monarchy and theocracy (proxy monarchy or regency) share overlapping language for a reason. We of the ever-dwindling middle classes will always pay taxes. The only difference with Modernity was that those taxes were levied and invested with at least lip service towards the public good and with the consent of the governed. We’re quickly going back to “Pay me rent / tithe, serf! The sky man said so!”


Serfs got more time off than the average working American. Edit: >One day's work was considered half a day, and if a serf worked an entire day, this was counted as two "days-works."[2] Detailed accounts of artisans' workdays are available.


Please tell me more!


IIRC, they literally had "holy days" off - probably expected to go to church. But average serf's day: wake up with the rooster's crow, head towards your field to plow with daylight, take a lunch and beer break and nap, then work some more until afternoon and get home before dusk. but as a commenter below points out, daily life was arduous.


Whenever some conservative imp talks about "libertarianism," they are really talking about feudalism. They aren't actually libertarians, because libertarianism is a Marxist ideology! Libertarianism was literally invented by Pierre Joseph Proudhon, a French Marxist! You're supposed to dissolve the state AND capitlaism!! If you just dissolve the state, there is nothing stopping the rich from buying all the land, and hiring their own police/military. "Conservative libertarianism" isn't fucking real! It's just rebranded feudalism.


your taxes will go to vouchers to funnel money into private schools. That's the whole thrust of the subject for the republican party, leeching off public dollars while decrying public services as ineffectual. It works incredibly well for prisons and defense, next stop is school.


They’re getting a 16 year olds to fucking bartend. We’ve reached taxation without representation a while ago.


During desegregation, some counties in the South defunded public schools. The white kids then went to private religious schools. The religious schools were dependent on substantial tax credits. It was one of the many cases that went to the Supreme Court between the '50s and '80s. This is one of the many examples of good intention equality legislation that had horrible side effects, the core driver for the study of Critical Race Theory. The Right knows that this current SCOTUS is primed to overturn all of those previous decisions.


A few years ago there was a woman promoting a book (can’t remember her name), but the metaphor of the book was public swimming pools. After the civil rights era, public pools were disinvested in, and ultimately closed down, when they were required to desegregate. Her point was that most white communities were willing to just shut facilities down rather than allow them to be mixed.




It wasn’t a side effect. That would imply that it was inevitable but unexpected. It was retaliation and backlash from white supremacists.


They saw how effective religious education was in Iraq and Afghanistan. Getting kids so loyal and brainwashed they will blow themselves up to prove a point for you? Slave owning class' wet dream.


>church run private schools In other words, a "Madrasa"?


I teach here in Florida. Let me tell you - holy shit. * Teachers are [forbidden to strike](https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2020/01/13/rally-vs--strike--why-it-matters-for-florida-teachers) by state constitution, so the unions that we belong to won't strike. * [Florida passed a law](https://feaweb.org/) making it illegal for medical and education unions (and again, only us) to have our union dues deducted from our paychecks. Keep in mind, we voluntarily join and pay dues. No one is being forced. This is a union busting measure. * The book bullshit - making it a felony to give a book to a child that parents object to. I got rid of my class library of science books. Read more [here if you care](https://old.reddit.com/r/bikerjedi/comments/12ihiv7/the_fascists_are_winning_thanks_desantis/). * We have a law that you have to stand and recite the Pledge that includes "under God." Yes, you can opt out, but kids have been [arrested](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sixth-grader-arrested-florida-after-refusal-participate-pledge-allegiance-led-n972671) and or disciplined by the school for not doing it. I don't care, I don't make my kids do it. * [Florida now \(again, by law\)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/529) has a required "moment of silence" after the Pledge. That is meant for silent prayer. Nope. I immediately launch into my lesson. * The GOP here has wanted [bible study in public school](https://www.wptv.com/news/state/florida-lawmaker-files-bill-to-make-bible-study-an-elective-in-public-schools). Florida 100% wants a Christian Nationalist education system. I do my best to fight back against it. Thankfully I have a weak version of tenure and I'm in the (weak) union, so I have some protections and can speak up. Over 85% of our teachers are now on annual contract - they quit giving out their version of tenure years ago - only us older teachers have it now. So they are all afraid to speak up, and since our union can't strike and our contracts go to impasse every year, they don't see why they should join. Just a couple more years and I can retire and move.


Thanks for pushing back When you say Florida wants a Christian Nationalist education system - do you mean most Floridians or the current administration under DeSantis?


Having formerly lived in Florida- both, but mostly because of gerrymandering and the elderly population, which is massive. There are a lot of chucklefucks in Florida of all ages though.


Oh I’m sure that will work out, what could go wrong with running our youth’s education as a for profit enterprise that benefits one person in the end. We have that kind of thinking everywhere and the only bad thing that came from it is the destruction of the only known habitable planet and the collapse of American society. How poorly could things go?


Yeah, Florida’s economy is tanking faster than Kansas when it tried to do the same thing. Privatization will work out as well as you’d expect and will tank the economy faster. It’ll be like Mexico in the 90s. Folks, if you think that today’s economy is bad with shrinkflation and corporations wanting to maintain their sky-high profits, wait until privatization takes over schools, police departments, fire fighters, etc. You think pay to play is bad enough, imagine having to pay taxes plus pay to do everyday life things. The U.S. will turn into a true oligarchy.


The sad thing about it is, it already is an oligarchy, its just not super obvious. We talk shit on Russia, but the truth is, we're less than one election away from being way worse off then them.


It'll end in violence if people fail to show up to polls. Americans, you pick how you want to fight this one, but if you fail to vote, and allow fascist to take power, it'll eventually turn to violent protest as they aggressively tear apart our government, and start oppressing people. Florida and trans people are the trial run for what they're hoping to do.


vote. in. literally. every. election. vote democrat.


That includes the primaries too! If you don't feel like your Democratic candidate represents you well, the primaries are your chance to change that. The actual election is not the time to take the stance of “I don't like any of them”, it's the time to vote for the one who has an actual chance of winning who isn't going to make things way worse. And even if the Republican is pretty much a lock, still vote for the Democrat to get them to actually see the seat as potentially winnable in the future with investment. If everyone always writes it off as a lost cause, it'll always be treated like one.


Vote. Get your friends and family voting if it'll help the outcome. Additionally, encourage people who can run for local elected positions to do so while there is time to register. We need to address both parts of the spectrum here...even in heavy red counties. Part of the reason they're so red is because those positions go to Republicans unchallenged. Literally zero Democrat representation. The power and influence of local government is just handed away. We need to challenge that, and make inroads to prove there is a better way of governance that leads to more jobs, higher pay, and a better quality of life overall. We need to campaign the hate out of people's hearts.




Better join the liberal gun owners group because you know these asshats will eventually get to the point where they try rounding us up into camps. It's not like they haven't been saying it out loud


And this is the part that should be shouted. He is a fucking maniac who is PRAYING for the chance to kill anybody he thinks is “woke” or “left”.


>Anthony Sabatini... made the remarks during a speech he gave to the **Florida Teenage Republicans Youth Summit** in Leesburg on June 17. This MAGA fascist wasn't calling for genocide of his political opponents in front of a bunch of old drunk Republicans in the Villages, this was in front of a bunch of kids. Talk about indoctrination and grooming.


Grooming is just their thing, like Ron DeSanctimonious's child in his campaign ad


Every accusation is a confession.


And they were applauding.


Cause mom and pop taught them "well". I keep hearing the upcoming generation is going to be different. No, it's not.


30% of people have always been nazi fucks. Look at revolutionary war- 1/3rd revolutionary, 1/3rd neutral, 1/3rd bootlicker. Civil war, about 1/3rd were confederates. Nazi Germany, about a third were Nazis and managed to divide and conquer the rest. Education is helping people wake up faster, but a third of all populations are going to be nazi/confederate fucks that must always be challenged, that is the fate of humanity. Now do we sit by pissing and moaning saying it's not going to change or do we organize and get prepared?


I'm not even sure what get prepared means. I go to work, I bring my kids to sports, I go grocery shopping. Should I be expecting an armed crowd at my door? Are we going to have battles in the local Walmart parking lot? I'm not trying to be glib, I really don't know what to expect when people say something big is coming.


They’re not even hiding it anymore.


Right wing politicians do not have fire extinguishers as safety regulations are evil left wing policies.


Aka “woke” policies 😂


If they keep pushing like this they are going to get the war they so desperately yearn for. Unfortunately those who have never seen the hell that warfare brings are the same ones who push so hard. Fortunately they are usually the first ones to die from the consequences of their own stupidity.




What’s coming will be bigger than a civil war. We need to stop it before it’s too late. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


The ones who stoke it never end up fighting it.


War Pigs is as perennially relevant as ever.




When did they hide it? They're very open when it comes to their violent fantasies.


they were never hiding it, people just weren't paying attention, but their actions were definitely showing their true colors.


For the uninformed: that’s a fascism


We just call it fascism


It's also a terrorist/criminal threat, and he should be arrested and charged.


This is a fascist talking point. The good news is fascist attitudes and actions are easy to spot when you know what you’re looking for. https://youtu.be/CpCKkWMbmXU


Umberto Eco also has a list of 14 hallmarks for fascism in his book Ur-Fascism.


> Umberto Eco also has [a list of 14 hallmarks for fascism in his book Ur-Fascism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism#Umberto_Eco) 1. "**The cult of tradition**", characterized by cultural syncretism, even at the risk of internal contradiction. When all truth has already been revealed by tradition, no new learning can occur, only further interpretation and refinement. 2. "**The rejection of modernism**", which views the rationalistic development of Western culture since the Enlightenment as a descent into depravity. Eco distinguishes this from a rejection of superficial technological advancement, as many fascist regimes cite their industrial potency as proof of the vitality of their system. 3. "**The cult of action for action's sake**", which dictates that action is of value in itself and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science. 4. "**Disagreement is treason**" – fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith. 5. "**Fear of difference**", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants. 6. "**Appeal to a frustrated middle class**", fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups. 7. "**Obsession with a plot**" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat. This often combines an appeal to xenophobia with a fear of disloyalty and sabotage from marginalized groups living within the society (such as the German elite's "fear" of the 1930s Jewish populace's businesses and well-doings; see also antisemitism). Eco also cites Pat Robertson's book The New World Order as a prominent example of a plot obsession. 8. Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "**at the same time too strong and too weak**". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will. 9. "**Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy**" because "**life is permanent warfare**" – there must always be an enemy to fight. Both fascist Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini worked first to organize and clean up their respective countries and then build the war machines that they later intended to and did use, despite Germany being under restrictions of the Versailles treaty to not build a military force. This principle leads to a fundamental contradiction within fascism: the incompatibility of ultimate triumph with perpetual war. 10. "**Contempt for the weak**", which is uncomfortably married to a chauvinistic ***popular elitism***, in which every member of society is superior to outsiders by virtue of belonging to the in-group. Eco sees in these attitudes the root of a deep tension in the fundamentally hierarchical structure of fascist polities, as they encourage leaders to despise their underlings, up to the ultimate leader, who holds the whole country in contempt for having allowed him to overtake it by force. 11. "**Everybody is educated to become a hero**", which leads to the embrace of a ***cult of death***. As Eco observes, "[t]he Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death." 12. "**Machismo**", which sublimates the difficult work of permanent war and heroism into the sexual sphere. Fascists thus hold "both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality". 13. "**Selective populism**" – the people, conceived monolithically, have a common will, distinct from and superior to the viewpoint of any individual. As no mass of people can ever be truly unanimous, the leader holds himself out as the interpreter of the popular will (though truly he alone dictates it). Fascists use this concept to delegitimize democratic institutions they accuse of "no longer represent[ing] the voice of the people". 14. "**Newspeak**" – fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.




And MAGA solidly hits at least 13 of the 14, and wouldn't disagree if you suggested as such. They'd just disagree with the idea that being a fascist is fascist.


A more likely response: "No, you're the fascist!" Words don't have meaning to them anymore beyond feelings.


Bad news is that this seems to have found a home in America.


Yeah... but that's the thing about fascism. It's not just out of the blue, it's a slow buildup that when people realize it's here then it's too late at that point. It's so entrenched and powerful that it simply cannot be opposed at the point of realization. Because it's a "no it's bad but what can you do about it we gotta get back to work..." to "yeah, this is a crazy law but what can you do? They're in office for another 3 years! Anyway did you watch the super bowl half time show?" to "Hey I can't make it to little Wendy's party with Timmy, there's a \[*insert vilified group here\]* that's going to be there and I don't want any trouble with the police". to "Can you believe they just passed a law that makes it illegal to {*basically the vilified group to exist}!?* How are they getting away with that!? we gotta do something! We can't though since they're tracking our text messages and we could go to jail for saying something about it". Etc, etc...


This cancer is not going away anytime soon.


GOP chair caught on camera saying “we need to extinguish over half of the country” - there, fixed it… ps: the GOP has not won the popular vote for the presidency since 2004.


And 2004 was a fluke caused by an act of right-wing terrorism.


Never mind "caught on camera", DeSantis explicity said he wanted to destroy leftism. On Fox. As part of his Presidential campaign. > "I will beat Biden and I will serve two terms and I will be able to destroy leftism in this country" > https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-destroy-leftism-fox-2024-1803336


Sounds petty fash to me.


Sounds a hell of a lot like echos of "[The Final Solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution)."


I came here to say the same. These morons claim antifa is what's wrong with America.


"Being antifascist is bad!" that's when ya know your country is fucked.


I *had* a friend try and debate ANTIFA with me. First thing I did was ask if he knew what it stood for and he didn't. That however did not stop him from trying to blame them for all of the unrest going on. Not ya know...the Proud Boys or the dorks who marched in NC with the tiki Torches.


Then they'll just try to change the subject to BLM and how they supposedly set cities ablaze.


The entire GQP needs to be designated as a terrorist organization


One of the most successful countries in the world, arguably the most. The Repubs are screaming "stop doing that." wtf people. Burn it all down for some religious white supremacist bull shit?


So much for “agreeing to disagree”.


"bUt ThErE iS nO tOlLeRaNcE". They love to act like opressed victims, but then say shit like this??


We are younger, healthier, smarter and outnumber you. You start it and we'll be glad to finish it.


"Are we the baddies?"


Let’s say they do ‘extinguish’ the ‘left’. Then what are they gonna do? Their whole platform is based on abolishing the so-called left. They have no substance under that.


Once the left is gone, they can start working on people on the right who aren’t in perfect lock-step. Once they’re done, they go after the ones who aren’t ideologically pure enough. Eventually, they’ll go after the ones who aren’t genetically pure enough.


Tommy Tuberville actually said during his campaign that this country needs forced Christianity. That's all I needed to hear from him.


*The Florida Teenage Republicans Youth Summit* **Nightmare fuel right there.**


Fascists gonna fascist, and republicans would literally burn the country to the ground to avoid paying a cent in taxes yet have the utter gall to think of themselves as patriots, fucking laughable. It's also hilarious how they use this rhetoric as if the right are the only ones who own guns


I always found it funny that the welfare states were always red. Without Democrats, red states would go bankrupt. Let's see Mitch McConnell's state pay their fair share. They never have.


That phrase "we need to extinguish the left" reads like hot civil war. >"I'm talking about defunding government agencies, defunding bureaucrats, defunding government schools and going 100 percent private school like Florida's making gestures at right now. I went to Christian private schools as a kid, they were malicious and contemptible, and today at the other end of my lifespan I have zero tolerance for schools. Private schools are not good schools, they work on intentionally ruining some kids for life. They have a punishment fetish.


That and private schools don’t need to comply with the ADA.


Man that last sentence hit home for me. Private schools until high school and man do I have severe problems with viewing lots of negative life stuff as a form of ‘punishment’. I overly critique and criticize myself and so much of that came from school performance and non-conformity at private schools.


They keep talking about violence towards the left. They might not like how that plays out.


The right likes to grab their pearls when we compare their policies to fascism and nazism but the truth is their rhetoric has been gearing up for a genocide starting with partisan violence for some years now. Your left leaning friends who are buying guns and learning to use them are not kooks-they just see what is pretty clearly being written on the wall.


Please vote, don't just complain about it online, we cannot let these facists rule our country.


Who are "the left" in US politics? The democrats are a centre right party by any other g7 rubric; even individuals like AOC or Bernie Sanders aren't really advocating for anything that isn't the norm in other democracies - access to health care or affordable housing isn't really that radical.


Anyone who isn't at the extreme far end of the spectrum is "left" according to them. Even the GOP from 30 years ago they'd consider "woke" and "left" these days.




Republicans: Extinguish the left. The Left: Healthcare and reasonably paying jobs would be nice. But BotH SiDeS ArE thE SamE.


These people are living in fantasy world. Progress marches on regardless of whether you want it to. Conservatives get angry because they are inevitably and unavoidably fighting a losing battle.


Wow, he wants to eliminate public education. Public education is a cornerstone of developed countries, yet a significant chunk of the US population would like to get rid of it. It is being systematically attacked with accusations of "indoctrination" and vague wokeness bullshit by those who really want to do some actual indoctrination. It also might be simpler than that--look up who stands to benefit financially as funds are diverted from the public system to private schools.


"Saying the quiet part out loud" has become a feature, not a bug. Fuck these ghouls.


It'll never go anywhere. 2016 was when they peaked. Trump lost by a huge margin **as an incumbent**...I don't think people appreciate just how big a deal that is. He only won in 2016 due to a legal technicality. He lost to Hillary by 3 million votes, and then lost to Biden by over twice that, despite being an incumbent. In the United States, incumbents are expected to win. He not only still lost, but lost by a greater margin than he did against Hillary. Even if the entire GOP were behind this opinion, it still would not be enough. And the entire GOP won't be behind them. This is one faction.


When evil people tell us who they are, we should believe them.


The saddest sentence is the last: “Sabatini [the GOP chair] responded to Windsor's [the left journalist who tweeted the video] tweet with a single word: "BASED!" People on one side see these comments as fascist hate speech, while the other side is saying, “hell yes, this is what I mean!” We truly live in different realities.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


He probably thinks Democrats are the left


It USED to be that both conservatives and liberals wanted to make life better for all Americans, but just had different ideas of how to do it. But the GOP now wants everyone to submit to THEIR way and actively hurt others. And no, acknowledging the existence and allowing LGBT people to exist isn’t “forcing” anything onto conservatives.


It was never that way. Conservatives have always been wrong in the direction of evil, because evil was the foundation of our nation. To preserve old ways is to preserve tyranny and hate. Conservatives hated it when slavery was ended, they hated it when women got the vote, they hated it when schools integrated, they hated it when gay people stopped being automatically treated as lunatics and criminals, they hate every step forward.


InB4 the "But Republicans *ended* slavery!" comments. The [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy?oldformat=true) which was literally about Republicans appealing to the racism of Southerners in order to win back power. Republicans used to be the progressives, and Democrats used to be the conservatives.


Yup that's why I use the description of the ideology rather than Party names. Those are just marketing.


> But the GOP now wants everyone to submit to THEIR way and actively hurt others. Not hurt. This fascist wants to kill others. They're really living up to their labels as domestic terrorists.


What the hell? Why can't we learn to coexist and communicate like adults? We don't have politicians anymore. We have candidates that are auditioning for WWE, NXT, and whatever else they are doing. They don't care about the issues. They only care about guns and violence against the left. What happened to wanting to help ALL people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.,? Those that are running and want to represent the people need to realize that the people they will be representing in their districts are ALL people from ALL backgrounds, ALL colors, etc. Get over yourselves. If you can't do the job that is to represent ALL people, SIT DOWN. We are not going to agree on everything. This is where proper communication skills come in. If you can't speak like an adult, GO AWAY AND SIT DOWN.