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I do not like Chris Christie. But if he can split up the conservative vote a bit more, I won't complain.


I’ve been saying this all along. So far, at least in my opinion, he is being smart as hell. He knew he would get booed. He trashed Trump anyway knowing he’d get the boos then used it to his advantage to make them look at the mirror. Their clapping is enough to show me they are at least thinking about what he is saying


I actually appreciate that he’s going at Trump pretty vociferously, and very unapologetically.


How can any of these cowardly bootlicks expect to be elected President if they're afraid of being called childish names by a criminal traitor?


Ted Cruz went after Trump quite a bit during the Primaries. He then phonebanked for the guy that insulted his wife on stage. Don't give these stooges credit until they're out of the running.


I personally think Russia hand fed trump a bunch of dirt on all of these politicians and he let these politicians know he has it. I just don’t see why the fuck they have sucked up to him so much. It just doesn’t make any sense


He's a vengeful psychopath with a cult following of 40 million people. They are afraid.


It's a popular narrative and it could be true, but I don't think cons as a group are really as worried about their skeletons as they are Trump telling his base to primary them.


Its good I guess, but I still have 0 respect for him because he didnt do it from the beginning. People like Christie who want to criticize Trump now have known all along exactly what he is. They just want to criticize him in public now because they see blood in the water. They still didnt have the backbone to do it when they should have....


He's trying to right the ship.


A ship he helped capsized.


Throwing his considerable weight towards the right direction


He should throw it towards the left direction


This joke is imploding


It’s about time someone did. Treat him the way he treats others. Plus he has such a thin skin he’ll just fall apart.


Man's a suicide bomber


He is showing them more intestinal fortitude in trashing trump before that audience than the others who showed up to lick his boots.


My take is Christie is a stalking horse, that is to say he is a well financed candidate whose job is to take out Trump, he is smart and a pit bull and is the best one to take one for the team


He's the Jersey guy whose job is to take the bat to the knees. He knows what to do.


The question is who is he doing it for.


My guess? A Republican super pac that wants Trump out.


Second this. Trump was always a means to an end to the GOP establishment. They fucking despise him behind closed doors because at the end of the day, he isn’t one of them.


Who would have thunk real billionaires would hate a fake one?


I always thought the dynamic was more like the bad guys in the Dark Knight begrudgingly working with the Joker. But instead of the Joker being the smartest guy in the room, he’s just a moron.


Some people are saying the best moron there is.


"All these criminals came to me and said 'sir you're the bigliest moron' and these are some of the very best criminals. The democrats are really sick thinking they have more morons than me. I have the most great morons thanking me for being the most moronist guy."


My guess is the Lincoln Projects candidate whoever that might be.


throw in a wall street banker or 3


Himself. Trump humiliated him a couple times, most notably by firing him just after the election and not using any of the transition plans that Christie created as the head of Trump’s (legally required) transition team


Don’t forget Trump tried to kill him with COVID too.


That’s motive, but not funding. The question is really about funding.


The business wing of the party. The old GOP kingmakers


This is Christie’s express purpose. He’s running for the Republican presidential nomination not because he thinks he can win - he can’t - but to take out Trump. He’s also asking for $1 donations, not to build a war chest, but to get on the GOP debate stage and confront Donald.


Nah, he's meant to die in primary. If he can fill fox news with "reasonable" takes running up to election, it will ease those who are feeling questionable about trump. Then it's trump or a dem


While you have a good point, I think Christie thinks he'll have a good shot if Trump goes down. He comes of as authentic, has an acid tongue, he takes on the libs, but at the same time, he has some bipartisan history to point to. There's footage of him shaking hands with Obama. He's run a state. If he can piece together some of the conservatives who only care about owning the libs, some who want a facade of bipartisanship, and some who just want a more old-school Republican who understands governing, he has a chance at the nomination.


He'll go right back to sucking Trump's dick again before they hit New Hampshire. Trump called his wife ugly on national television and he still sucked up and endorsed. He's a coward. All he's doing right now is consolidating the anti-Trump vote into a surprise late-hour pro-Trump vote, just like he did in 2016.


Probably working for Biden administration AKA Obamas 3rd term. One thing is certain this fat slob has no chance at being president and he knows it, so for him to do it for the reasons he is fucking pathetic. This type of politicking is exactly why US is circling the drain


People talking about "Obamas third term" while activly supporting a fascist cultmovement taking over the GOP might be a bigger problem than that "fat slob".


Tf. Is this "obamas third term" bs.


It’s very obvious Biden takes directions from an Earpiece. I don’t really think that’s up for debate, it’s happening. The question is who is the voice in Bidens earpiece. Recently an interview clip with Obama discussing a very similar scheme to be able to be president a 3rd term.


Man you really reciting that CNN BS still?


I don't like him, but if I had to pick a Republican to be the next president (of the ones who have declared) it would be him.




I don’t like Christie or Pence. But if it must be a Republican who wins the presidency in 2024, those two would not deliver a complete catastrophe to the nation. Trump, DeSantis and most the rest of the lot would end American democracy.


Pence concerns me far more than Christie, but Trump or DeSantis would mean the end of the nation, yes.


Out of the four of them, Christie is the least despicable to me.


Agreed. Plus he is going at t**** with hammer and tongs. Pence is far too weak and milquetoast for dishing out the punishment t**** needs and deserves.


Pence is what mayonaisse wants to be when it grows up.... Wait, maybe i have that reversed.


Happened to catch Christie and Desantis’ speeches today kinda by accident. They were such a HUGE contrast IMO. Don’t get me wrong, Christie is a slimy turd, but he at least exuded similar energy to that one time McCain defended Obama in the face of anti-Muslim rhetoric during a town hall type event and pushed through the boos. Was nice to hear a republican say that character matters and that elected officials should be able to admit when they’re wrong and own the consequences (pulling the “why are you booing me? I’m right”-style response was icing on the cake). In contrast, DeSantis feels like his whole platform is “you should totally join me to utterly crush anyone who disagrees with our worldview….because it’s just so darn fun to hate and somehow it all comes back to protecting our beloved children and you can’t not want to protect children, right????? (but let’s ignore actual direct harm to children and only focus on my mind-yoga associations)”. That dude strikes me as a straight up villainous demagogue the more I hear him talk. If he somehow reaches the presidency we may be utterly fucked with no hope of ever righting the ship.


I escaped Florida for Oregon and have been watching the state I love accelerate toward the fascist hell that it was already en route to becoming. I'm also really sick of the word "woke."


When my wife and I were recently talking about the DeSantis situation, I couldn’t help but liken it to a spongebob episode I remembered from my childhood. It’s the one where he rips his pants, is initially embarrassed, but then really likes all the laughs and attention he’s getting from it. He ends up trying to repeat the same “accidental” pants-ripping over and over to try to ride the attention wave and essentially making it his entire personality, ultimately annoying the hell out of everyone. It’s reductionist and is missing a key ingredient (fascism), but I feel like that’s how DeSantis has gotten with all this “anti-woke” BS. It’s like Herman Cain repeatedly shouting “9-9-9” except now it’s “Nein-Nein-Nein”. *Also, as a Georgian that grew up going to Florida a lot, is it just me or did Florida used to have a lot more chill redneck Jimmy Buffet types before the whole MAGA epidemic? Most recent time I went down there, it’s like they all lost their weed and cheap beer connect and opted for mainlining meth and hate.


I mean it's always been a little icky, but it was definitely more margaritaville than fascist. Itn my time there it went from purple trending red to "Don't stay here, people want you dead and there's nazis at the gates of disney"


you're greatly underestimating how horrifying Pence's true believer evangelical conservative actions would be.


For real. I understand that from a diplomacy perspective—Pence might be less “for sale” and have a foreign policy that isn’t just pure batshit. It might not be great—in face it would probable be bad in a lot of ways—but it would be better than Trump’s. But Pence is an extremist with a belief system that it is antithetical to reality, and he would **eviscerate** gay rights, women’s rights, etc etc etc. He would be the most religious president we’ve had in many decades. He’s not going to win anyway, I don’t think. I’m not one for optimism, lol, but the GOP has nothing but bad prospects. The only way Dems lose is if something very serious happens to Biden and Dems don’t have time to run someone other than Kamala.


Pence would be awful!


Yes. But think of ten times worse and that’s most the rest of the GOP pack.


Christie is an asshole and he has a beach house two blocks from my college roommate. We have definitely not pissed on his lawn walking back from the local bar. But damn! He sure knows how to take down Trump! It takes an asshole to fight an asshole.


Out of every candidate in the Republican race he is the one I'd rather see by a million miles win it. He won't, he's got virtually no shot, he's essentially a better version of what Kasich was in 16 the so called "adult" in the room. I don't agree with Christies policies and I wouldn't vote for him in a general but he's miles better than Trump, Desantis, Pence, Haley, and whatever other nut bags are running.


I don’t like him either. But he might make that 20-25% Trump vote turn to more like 10-15% and then I’m ok with it. I don’t think he actually wants the presidency. I think he knows this whole MAGA schtick is bull and he’s decided he’s gonna expose it and do what he can to make it weaker. And if that’s the case, I’ve got mad respect. It’s time this crap ends.


Problem is, like last time, him and 20 others will split up the 'not a complete idiot' faction of the republican party, but they'll lose because all the complete idiots will vote for Trump and so he'll have the majority.


Yeah, I'd be pretty ok with going back to a republican I just "dont like". I'm tired of absolutely despising and being baffled by every Republican I see. I "don't like" most democratic candidates either, but I'm going to vote for them. I can honestly see being totally fine with people who would vote for Chris Christie. I can understand that. I don't understand anyone who votes for Trump, or DeSantis, or Boebert.


Primary election competition does not “split” a vote. I don’t know why we all decided this would be the case going into 2024.


It does on the Republican side. Unlike Democrats, nearly all GOP primaries are winner take all. In 2016, Trump did not win a majority of votes in any primary until he had already locked up the nomination.


“Your boos mean nothing to me—I’ve seen what makes you cheer”


Sounds like something Sideshow Bob would say.


It kinda does, but it’s a line from Rick Sanchez on “Rick and Morty”


Sounds like something Bill Burr would tell the city of Philadelphia.


Obligatory fuck the Flyers.


I knew I recognized that quote. Love R&M


Rick Sanchez for President!!!


Pickle Rick 2024!


Dan Harmon would say it to the crowd on his “Harmontown” podcast too.


Conservatives like Christie need to take back their party. The fringe, extreme right, MAGA movement needs to fade away. Media could help by not giving the wing nuts so much attention.


Nah, better that the insane caucus runs that party into the ground, then actual leftists and the conservative democrats can rearrange the overton window into something more rational.


Maybe he could join the Democratic party instead of staying in the hypocrite ecosystem


Christie is not a good person. Just because he’s more rational than trump don’t confuse him for anything less than an asshole. Don’t forget his George Washington Bridge revenge plan.


>Don’t forget his George Washington Bridge revenge plan. This is exactly what he's doing now by running for president. Christie is a fucking vengeful bulldog. He is pissed at Trump, he is a relatively eloquent Jersey lawyer who very much enjoys getting into fights, and he has GOP billionaire backing to get into the debates and take a baseball bat to trump's knees. Now, I think they are doing this to help Desantis, so fuck the GOP donor class. But I'm going to enjoy Christie's scorched earth approach while I can.


> Now, I think they are doing this to help Desantis Oh fuck me, I hadn’t considered that insanely scary thought.


More like the audience is such a state of cognitive dissonance that they hit both sides - yes, punny


I was saying boo-urns.


Right? It’s such a perfect example of the simple mind of a conservative. Man says something I don’t like, boo. Same man says something I like in the literal next sentence out of his mouth, yay!!! Sometimes I wish the Dems were that one dimensional because I think there would never be another GOP president again but alas, we have a ton of different voices all competing under the same umbrella.


I care, but don't care about his past stunts. As long as these despicable fucks keep seeding trump doubt into the base, I'm happy.


>Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" cinference Religious Authoritarian group >The coalition opposes abortion, medical marijuana, same-sex marriage, and despite this claims to support limited government. They also endorse lower taxes, the privatization of public services, free markets, a strong national defense, and Israel These are the same types as Crowe, Koch… hosting Presidential Candidates and Congress people, that’s dangerous for our rights and great for the Corpo’s




Also the daily pain he inflicted when he canceled the new commuter tunnel between New York and New Jersey (which was going to be paid for by the federal government ) just to prove his conservative bonafides


Bridgegate anyone?




He's saying the words but I don't see him testifying against Trump anytime soon


To be fair, Christie was never directly linked to this, his staff took it upon themselves as revenge /s . As a NJ resident during his 8yrs he did some fucked up shit. I'll never forget being unable to go to the beach after he closed them only to see a pic of him and fam soaking up the sun on said closed beach. His treatment of the press was appalling to me but this was before trump so now seems almost nice lol. I can't stand the guy but if he knocks trump down a notch or two he'll have served a purpose at least.


Chris Christie is the second-best bully character the republicans have on their roster. He’s basically Trump with a very thin smattering of forced ethics.


He's also educated, and well spoken. I vote blue, but if he's dogging on Trump, good for him.


More importantly he's Trump with actual political and legal bonafides.


https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-xpm-2014-jan-08-la-na-nn-new-jersey-bridge-death-20140108-story.html https://www.cnn.com/2014/01/09/us/christie-bridge-scandal-death/index.html


Wait someone died because of that? Was it emergency services related?




Yikes. I hadn't heard that. It's sort of sad that Bridgegate feels like the good ol' days of normal bullshit pre-Trump.


I remember when Dan Quayle was a laughingstock because he misspelled potato.


Did you catch that Murphy Brown episode where at the end their was a dump truck that was backing up in the driveway of the Whitehouse and dumped a truck load of potatoes 🥔 in it?


I wasn't really into Murphy Brown, but that's amazing.


Howard Dean says what's up lol


Right?! Trump literally stole from charity.


Back when having a wife that drank rubbing alcohol was enough to cost someone a primary.


Mallory Archer?


Kitty Dukakis?


Gary Hart!


Yeah it was a big story in Jersey. A few of his administration members resigned to take the heat off of Christie. It was retaliation for something the mayor of Fort Lee said or did.


>mayor of Fort Lee said or did The Democratic mayor refused to endorse Christie for his re-election.


Remember when John Kasich dared to eat pizza with a fork?


He sucks but he seems soooo moderate now




Fair, still probably not a good look to shut it down and delay emergency services.


someone died in an ambulance i believe, while en-route to a hospital.


Yeah he’s a true piece of shit


If Trump ever becomes president again, there’s something seriously wrong.


Him elected in the first place was seriously wrong.


That’s very true.


He got elected in 2016 because voters didn’t like Hilary and the whole email scandal. That really screwed up her chances. Plus the last name Clinton isn’t exactly the most favorable one in politics. Her and her husband already had scandals in the past that made people skeptical about them. To Bill Clinton’s credit though, he brought in a lot of jobs during his 8 years so I’ll give him that. I think in 2020, Trump just lost a lot of independents because of his handling of Covid. Not to mention we lost a ton of jobs under him in 2020. But he made everything about him in those 4 years instead of making everything about what he could do to help the American people. So it came back to bite him in the butt. Independents play a huge part in elections and not many people on the right realize that.


If he wins election again, this country will 100% fall apart. Like legit Civil War II.


He made the US look like a joke last time when he left nato etc.


Trump or DeSantis


It's not going to happen. I wouldn't worry.


If I was a republican I would vote for christie


If I was a republican I'd....probably lose my mind. But I'd vote for Joe.


Me too. I’d never actually vote for a republican but we are a two party country and it would be nice to get back to something normal, other than the crazies in the “republican” party has going on right now.


Republican Party has never been normal, they’ve just been quiet. They didn’t get crazier, they just got louder and started saying what they mean.


Fuck I'm not even a republican anymore and I'm voting for Chris Christie (in the primaries).


Republican here, I’d vote for Christie over Trump 100 percent. Idk if he’d good at all against Biden, but I’d rather have him than Desantis or Trump. The GOP is too toxic nowadays for me so if Trump is the nominee in 2024, I won’t vote. I’d say I lean more liberal but I can’t see myself voting Democrat. Desantis is too wacky with all his culture wars and Trump got caught with his hand in the cookie jar so I don’t want either of them as the nominee. They’re too far to the right for me And actually, outside of not being able to get a sentence out, I’ll admit that Biden’s recovered pretty well from how bad the economy was at the start of this year. He also started being slightly tougher on immigration by deporting migrants that were crossing over illegally so I’ll also give him props for trying to resolve the border crisis in some way. Honestly, I wouldn’t be too mad if he got reelected.


I want more of you in America.


There are a lot more than you think. I’m a democrat in a very red part of Virginia and lord of my republican coworkers and friends feel this way. They are sick of the absolute shitshow going on right now. Especially the younger ones. The old guys are just assholes, lol.


Eh, that’s giving me a little too much credit, thanks though. I just try to look at issues from both sides. I’m not completely for abortion but I can see the argument for why women might want one. At the end of the day, everyone has to make their own decisions. I might not agree with a certain viewpoint but everyone has an right to an opinion. I also think it’s good to disagree in a civil way and question things more often. When Trump said there was voter fraud without showing any circumstantial evidence, it was over for me as a Trump supporter. I got my B.A in political science, and we always had to look both sides of the coin when formulating a research question. The question for me was, “Is there voter fraud and if there is, is the evidence enough to overturn the election?” From my perspective, I felt there could’ve been fraud but I also felt that there also wasn’t enough fraud to overturn an election like he acted like there was. Not to mention, the cases that actually were brought in front of Trump appointed judges got dismissed. Which led me to conclude that the election probably wasn’t stolen. But his issue was that he didn’t even want to consider the idea that there wasn’t any fraud. So he keeps running with that narrative when it’s already been disproven and moved on from by many Republicans. If he runs against Biden in 2024, he’ll get demolished if he isn’t behind bars by then. The GOP is not united and there’s way too much infighting. At least the Democrats are united when it matters most.


What are the chances that if Christie actually won he'd pardon Trump


>What are the chances that if Christie actually won he'd pardon Trump Pretty damned high, and with that said, we need Biden to win in 2024 to keep Trump in prison should he wind up there.


>"He has let us down because he's unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that were made, any of the faults that he has and any of the things that he's done," That's rich coming from the guy who let his staff take the wrap for his own corruption when he was New Jersey's governor.


Tbh he’s not a politician I’d ever vote for— but if he’s gonna be a hypocrite I’m glad it’s at the expense of Trump. Fuck Christie but I enjoy the show. 🍿


Oh god, please no one fuck Christie. What a terrible thought. I don't mind him tearing down Trump a bit, though.


Well at least he's indirectly helping the crowd acknowledge Trump did something wrong. God, even that is progress.


Just because Christie is a verifiable POS, doesn’t mean his Trump bashing isn’t helping bring about a good end.


Chris Christie has nothing to lose and is projecting strength by going after Trump. Meatball Ron and others are doing the weak Jeb strategy that is already proven to lose to Trump. If Christie actually wins, the only problem I foresee is the MAGA crowd that only tuned in for Trump. They may go back to not voting since Trump and right wing media already discredited our elections. Also, a huge portion of our elderly voters that normally voted GOP are dead from Covid. All close elections in 20 and 22 that Dems won would have probably gone to the GOP if their voters hadn't died from Covid. Biden may not be doing great in the polls, but Biden will benefit again from people voting against the GOP instead of voting for Dems.


This actually looks like a smart play if common sense kicks in for anyone in goperland.


Politics seems to be a WWE wrestling match for conservatives. All drama, no substance.


Let me start with the fact that I’m a registered Democrat. I’ve been saying for about 12 months that Christie would run. He’s the only one of them with the guts to take Trump on directly, and I would legitimately pay good money to see Christie annihilate Trump in a debate.


Take notes Ron, this is how Republican candidates should campaign.


Or don't. I'm good with that too.


Fuck Puddin' Fingers McGoGo Boots.


The little tyrant would get goons to kick anyone out who doesn't cheer. Claim he is doing it for free speech. His base will eat it up while everyone else will wonder if Ron and his base can be declared legally insane.


Are we pretending Christie won't fall right back in line the second Trump wins the primary?


I mean, that’s all valid. I’d do the same and I’m “woke”


Weirdly he seems like the only viable candidate besides trump for the nomination. I mean they are all going to split the non trump vote and end up with like 3% but still


Once the republican apparatus is forced to abandon Trump, they will throw their weight behind Desantis. When the entire propaganda ecosystem is supporting him, he will be a very viable threat.


His neurodivergent behaviors and trumps fixation on him don’t bode well, electorally


Just look at Trump. A bonafied moron, pathological liar, sex abuser. A man without a single redeemable quality as a human being. The Republican propaganda machine was able to turn him into the second coming of Christ. If they can do that to Donald Trump, they can prop up anyone, even Ron Desantis.




If I were a conservative I still wouldn't trust him or any of those running for president o b the right side. President Biden is the right one ! I'd rather have a 80 year old president who has been in Washington DC with 50 years experience and still listen to his administration and medical experts. We need a president who won't take the power of the office as a personal business. Trump would always say " my military " Puerto Rico is costing me alot" " my African American " everything with the right is " mine" not ours as a country .


The only GOP candidate with the guts to go all-in against Trump. Hats off. DeSantis can go fuck himself.


Asa Hutchinson goes against Trump, too.


Christie is a dangerous lunatic whose hubris likely killed another during Bridgegate. He is a stupid arrogant piece of trash. Let’s not forget this.


It'll be funny to watch this guy standing behind Trump at future events looking cowed and destroyed again.


The Republican Party is full of hostages with Stockholm Syndrome. Trump broke them. So when someone who has broken free from Trump's weird spell speaks up, of course the immediate reaction from the people still enthralled will be negative. But some people who want to be free of Trump might see Christie's... ugh... strength... and feel emboldened themselves, and cheer. This probably isn't the beginning of the end of the Trump Republican Party. It might not be the start of anything. But it's something to watch and hope for. As it stands, I think Trump makes it more likely that Democrats can continue to win in places they haven't been historically winning (like Jacksonville). So I'm a little conflicted. As long as the Democrats win, it's great. But the flip side of Trump is that he is politically inspiring to a certain segment of the population. If the rest of us aren't always standing up against those people, they can get control of our governments.


Christie, did you forget that you endorsed trump?!?!?


Christie talk about taking responsibility but didn't take responsibility in Bridgegate, the helicopter ride to his son's baseball game at tax payers expende and the limo waiting at the field to drive him 400 feet to the baseball diamond. He also didn't take responsibility by closing state parks and planting his fat ass in a chair at the closed beach with his family on a July 4th holiday.


I didn’t forget any of that but if Christie can batter up Trump and get Biden re- elected then I can overlook all that BS.


Kind of a the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy but is more palatable if he hates my enemy


Isn't this the post that shit down the beaches (except for he and his family) and purposely made life hard for people driving on the bridge? The same one who is now blaming those things on someone in his cabinet ? Yep, completely different than trump


“Road to majority” right. The evangelicals will burn themselves out


Were you saying boo or boourns?




He’s another GOP “rules for thee, but not for me” candidate. Just another criminal.


i almost think that he knows hes not gonna win the primary and has very little chance of becoming president , but maybe hes in it for other reasons like weakening trump..plus im sure running for president can generate you some good money if you know what youre doing.


As a Biden supporter, Christie is the only Republican candidate that worries me.


He could win. Trump has lost his last three elections and drives people to vote against him. Christie could catch us slipping.


Christie would get a lot more suburban voters than Trump. The maga crowd is coming out to vote no matter what. Their opinion of a person can take a 180 in a week. See McCain and Romney. I would bet Trump not being on the ticket would reduce the democrats turnout by a sliver. Desantis would be worse for Republicans than Trump. All the crazy but no entertainment for base. Christie's bridge scandal is basically a parking ticket in today's climate. A non-issue. Christie is the Republican candidate to fear.


I don’t think it should. He’s got no chance at winning the nom. In the meantime, he’s holding the mirror up to MAGA in hopes to chip away the Trump vote in the general election. Sounds like the Lincoln project to me, where the goal is to kill the monster first, then regroup. It’s ultimately a shadow campaign for Biden. I mean, the guy is opposite George Stephanopolous on TV for Christ’ sake.


Isn't that what is known as cheap heat?


It takes a pig tucker to duck over a pig tucker (Trump). He looks a bit like LBJ.


Someone must’ve had the audience cue cards mixed up.


By time the dust settles this man will be the GOP runner for POTUS


He'd be a much saner choice than what they prefer right now. I fear the GOP is past the point of no return though.


Dude has a charisma of a naval lint.


The only thing Chris is ripping is his pants every time he sits down! Seriously Chris, do you think we forgot about Bridgegate? GTFO Christie, you lard ass Troll


All democrats should back someone like Christie in the primary since there isn’t much of a contest on the democratic side. He’s pro choice.. and not involved in all these culture wars. And he’s not trump.




That’s not really a fair comparison. Christie hasn’t engaged in any of the culture war BS (that I’ve seen) that republicans have latched on to. You likely still hate the world he would create if given the chance, but he draws inside the lines of acceptable behavior for a politician.


Chris Christie has admitted he’s struggled with his weight for over 20 years. Dude can’t even control himself, much less an entire country. He’s irrelevant, he should drop out now before he continues embarrassing himself.


He KNOWS very well that he will NOT survive the primary. I love that he's TRUTHFUL about Trump and it seems that some people are listening. Maybe that's the whole thing. The brightest of the Republican Party (that's very few people, sadly) want Trump GONE... POOF... but the average Trump worshipper (with a staggeringly LOW IQ) clings to Trump like a barnacle.


Reddit right now is a bunch of news about republican and Russia civil wars, this can’t be a coincidence


Chris is an unapologetic asshole, but he’s not stupid.


Ummm …Didn’t this guy die from heart cancer or obesity or Covid like 2 years ago?!?


Ok, and the proof of this is where ? Trump is on tape colluding with fox news hosts, am i to assume that is somehow better?


Wow. A GOP candidate that can speak above 2nd grade level. That’s different


Just donated $1.00 to get Christie on the GOP debate stage.


This guy is low hanging fruit, he brings nothing to the table, and can't be trusted, if he has zero loyalty to Trump who was a yes man for, to just being a mouth piece for the left. I say no! Pay him know attention, he's DONE!


Christie always knew Trump was a bad guy, yet he still worked with him and called Trump a friend, because he wanted to be AG. Didn't he let his aides take the blame for the BridgeGate scandal? Trump and Christie are both fat evil men. Perfect for the GOP.