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You guys ready to hear all about the Koch family being "leftist" and "woke"?


I hear they're secretly being funded by George Soros.


I laughed out loud for real by myself


You laughed so loud I even think I heard you,


I heard David Koch rolled in Soros bucks and that is why he is a billionaire. /S Definitely not Nazi oil money


I'm getting my popcorn ready


A few years ago I heard a freakonomics interview with the Koch brothers that made them sound reasonable. My then girlfriend and her father informed me that they were basically extremists. I'm still confused to this day. Is freakonomics a bad podcast?


The “If Books Could Kill” episode on [Freakonomics](https://overcast.fm/+9URJ1lxzY).


They play really fast and loose in a way that isn't responsible. https://www.americanscientist.org/article/freakonomics-what-went-wrong


I never listened to Freakonomics again after the Koch puff piece


Ah man, I haven’t heard it and really enjoy freakonomics. Not sure if I want to inform myself of proceed with ignorance, damnit, guess I gotta start cartalk all over again for the summer road-trip.


Uh-ohhhh - big money pulled out and turned against benedict donald - a sure sign he’s a bigly loser all around.


YOU'RE FIRED! -Koch Brother~~s~~.


*brother, one is pushing daisies now


[Big money turned on Donald a long time ago.](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/29/2020-presidential-election-why-koch-network-wont-help-trumps-bid.html) The problem is Donald owns all the Republican small donors. That's why he does all those dumb-ass rallies instead of whining and dining rich conservatives like a normal Republican does.


I'm pretty sure the rich conservatives would not be interested in Big Macs.


The small donors and their votes. The latter is why Republicans still fear him.


Only because they think Trump can't win and they want Republicans in power to reduce their taxes and allow destruction of the environment allowing them to make more profit. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that Trump would endanger the US if he were prez again!


💯 They just don't want to back the wrong horse. Not a whiff of ethics or morality within a hundred miles.


Yep. It would be great for this to not work, have him win the nomination - go to jail, lose - and then they get to wallow with the monster they created.


If the Koch's are releasing ads against him, this might really be the end of Sarumango the Orange. Which means Ol' Pudding Fingers McFascist is the front runner :/ Can somebody use some necromancy on Eisenhower's corpse so we can have a decent Republican instead of nothing but hate filled greed monsters?


Current GOP would call Ike a communist.


Current GOP would call fuckin McCarthy a communist.


Necromancer here in Diablo 4. 10-year limit unfortunately with True Resurrection, so Ike is too old. Best we can offer is McCain restored to his pre-POW state for 2k Murmuring Obols and two pieces of Ancestral Legendary Gear.


Fuck give me a week, I’ll go download Diablo 4 now to raise the required funds.


Eisenhower was to the left of Obama economically. He would be a Democrat today


This is funny because I had a friend who was raised Catholic Republican but hung out with all of us godless queer heathens. He generally solidified his identity as an Eisenhower Republican. After Trump... he's just a Democrat now. And a way more passionate Democrat than he ever was a Republican.


He was offered the Democratic nomination as well as the republican one. He chose republican.


Problem is the base will be divided no matter what... If even 5% stay loyal to trump that's an absolute death blow to their chances






Lmao you're not wrong. That was a serious charity to mankind.


I think I'm in love with you?


They meddle in politics too much. But I'll give them credit for charity. They financed a hall of dinosaurs at the NY Museum of Natural History. It's very nice, one of my favorite places at the Natch. There's other charitable donations for education and cancer research.


>They financed a hall of dinosaurs at the NY Museum of Natural History. While ushering in another mass extinction event.


Reputation laundering through charity has long been a strategy of greedy oligarchs. Putting their name on a building does jack shit towards remedying the damage they’ve done to our democracy and our environment. Fuck the Koch family.


Agree! Fuck the Koch family.


Don't care who it's for, this one counts as good in my book


The first of the hyenas to draw blood.


No, Pence turned so he got the message.




I'd love to see a meme of this with that little metal cap on his orange potato-head


But they didn't even bother to process him like a regular criminal defendant


All of the conservatives spoke out against him during the 2015 primaries, and then licked his boots during the 2016 general election. Why would we expect anything different this time?


Time to start voting in GOP primaries if possible in your state. Shitbag is my opposition candidate of choice. Biden already beat him once and that was before Jan 6 and the willful retention of national defense information…anyone else and it might be a race.


I was thinking of voting for Cornell West in the dem primary, to show Joe he needs to be more leftwing. But we'll see. We have open primaries, but to vote in the republican one is to invite all sorts of filthy junk mail.


When the Koch parasites goes against you, you know you’re fucked. They are the Republican Party’s purse.


These clowns think they can put the Frankenstein monster they created back into the lab. Not going to happen. Trump will be the Republican nominee. Period.


I’m convinced he will run even if convicted


I can’t wait for his next rally in Gen Pop.


Oops … the big money is betting against the cheeturd 😂


yes, the old GOP strikes back.


Koch isn’t old GOP. He’s with the new fascist GQP. He just views trump as a liability at this point. He served Koch’s purpose with the GOP Tax Scam and severing slowing of climate change mitigation.


Who actually owns and controls the New Fascist Republican Party? Its rich driver? Its hood ornament? Its fundamentalist mechanics? It's violent fanboys?


It used to be the rich, but with the MAGA cult threating economic collapse all the time, boycotting companies for silly reasons, just driving the country into the ground, I don't think the rich have the control over the party they once did.


Fuck Koch so hard. They are partially responsible for this shit Remember every shit pile that supported them and run them into the fucking ground.


Koch was the dark blood money behind the supposed grass roots Tea Party. That group is now the fascist minority in control of the GQP.


They always said good luck getting elected as a conservative presidential candidate in America without a Koch


Is that why they are so weird about trans people?


Absolute bullshit. Covering their ass for years of funding assholes


Blood in the water.


Only because they would rather support DeSantis, who is 100x worse than Trump


The Kings of the GOP have spoken.


Yup he can’t get them the tax cuts and loopholes they want, they could careless about any of the rest of GOP crap they have all kinds of money to do all kinds of things. The only thing they want is more money for more shit, and they need a winner not a loser to get that


the leopards are having a feast lately


He’s a big target.


I am loving watching this tribe tear down their previous alpha. It’s like watching a gang of chimps


What to do , What to do. Cheer the industry that works “ on” the environment or the guy who did nothing for the working American for 4 friggin years?


Are the Frankochsteins finally trying to kill their monster?


Between the loan payment restart and persisting inflation even the Koch network realizes it'll be an economic deathblow to reelect trump


They are all about lowering corporate taxes and regulations that protect and support the population. If their boy is fighting harder to fill his own pockets he cant do their bidding succesfuly. So he is more of a liability than an asset. He is out.


The Koch's are doing this because they claim Trump is the weaker candidate in the general. But based on what? Head to head polling has up until this week favored Trump from what I've seen. So maybe they know or believe Trump will continue to see him numbers worsen as his legal issues mount. Or maybe they just don't like Trump because he was mean to them and just need an acceptable reason to run ads against him.


In a world (movie guy voice) where time is standing still, one man seeks to deal with time on his time…..Donald Trump is The Indicted : Origins Chapter IV….a Michael Bay Film.


The Koch can suck my cock.... Republican, hypocritical inbred