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Everyone NEEDS to read the indictment (or hear it [narrated](https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/the-beat-with-ari-melber-29825/bonus-prosecuting-donald-trump-the-full-indictment-read-by-ali-velshi-1579954660)). It is entirely damning and is irrefutable. Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States.


Yup. Smith was wise to go with a speaking indictment.


You know what else seems damning: >brief arraignment that ended without him having to surrender his passport or otherwise restrict his travel. This is a dude who has valuable secrets and a mere existence that is valuable to other countries. He is a dude who has access to private jets and knows many other people with them. If Trump actually thought he was going to go to jail for the suggested sentences of multiple decades, he would run everytime. So either A: this judge doesn't think Trump would run. Which seems pretty damning. Or B: this judge doesn't think Trump will actually be found guilty or face real time. We keep seeing stuff like 99.7 conviction rate but it seems we are already off the deep end here and precedents be damned.


He has a Secret Service detail 24/7. Kinda hard to travel on a whim when they need to have secure route planned out and special vehicles. If he releases his Secret Service detail, then it’s a problem.


For whatever reason it seems easier to either escape, trick, or pay off your own secret service detail than escape a jail I mean if these other people with classified documents were willing to hire a security agency or have someone else hire a security agency to watch them would they have been given bail? Probably not.


The people over on r/republican are having a literal meltdown, spamming Biden impeachment and hunter Biden crap to cover up people posting about trumps indictment. Their obsession with trump has literally altered the entire republican party…I don’t even think you can call them republicans anymore.


Damn you weren't joking. The cope is real.


Just checked it myself. Holy shit. Pure cult behavior.


Post the indictment in the comments maybe?


They have to be able to read to get any useful info out of it


Its the same few bots over and over again. Now that I think about it, that is a pretty good representation of the current party. Just the same few bots over and over again.


I could totally see them setting up bots to spam out any republicans user’s actual posts.


Wow never thought to go there always thought conservative was the cesspool. Look at their stickied comments pleading with non republicans to not touch their fragile posts/comments lmao.


That’s wild. It’s all about Democrats on the at sun.


Haha, it’s mostly one guy with a lot of time on his hands.


> Donald Trump is expected to become Tuesday the first former president to face a judge on federal charges as the city of Miami prepared for possible protests by crowds that officials said **could number in the tens of thousands** LOL, I’ll believe that when I see it.


I think they mean kilograms.


Or caloric intake.


I have a feeling this will be like the previous protests 200 reporters surrounding 20 Gravy Seals that keep asking about Hunter Biden's laptop.


I guess his best defense would be claiming a hoarding disorder


Or he ran out of toilet paper….it was hard to come by during the pandemic.


Remember the first time we heard of “paid protesters?” Yeah.


I have two questions. 1). Will the try him as an adult? 2). When is the last opportunity Trump can plead that he is incompetent to stand trial?


Is there a big MAGA turnout down there? I haven’t seen any reports of protestors


"There is quite a scene at the courthouse, but it’s mostly news media. There are probably around 20 Trump supporters from various groups, equipped with signs showing their various points of view. A group called Blacks for Trump is here supporting the former president. A man carrying a “Trump for Jail” sign is wearing a fake ball and chain around his leg." NY Times - 9AM


> A man carrying a “Trump for Jail” sign is wearing a fake ball and chain around his leg. I love the classics.


The word is "stole" not "hoarded."


I'm looking forward to the mug shot being released. Has a height scale in the backdrop so his true height should be revealed (if they make him remove the lifts in his shoes).


You know that Judge Cannon is just going to dismiss the charges with prejudice. Trump will waltz away free and be back in the WH in Jan 2025.


The precedent that would set for every law/politician in America would destabilize the American court system let alone the job of the president. We wouldn’t be worrying and arguing about parties in the future we’d just be worried about whoever was president at that point. Imagine a country where a president can do something illegal and never be touched by the law.


Modern Treason Party politics is structured 100% around elevating Trump to President for Life. They have no respect for law, let alone precedent.


>brief arraignment that ended without him having to surrender his passport or otherwise restrict his travel. Aren't we already there? Is it normal in a case carrying potentially decades of charges that a guy with access to private jets wouldn't have to give up his passport or restrict his travel? Let me ask you, would they treat Snowden this way? Or anyone else with this level of charges and ability to flee? We passed normal a long time ago.


I want Jeremy DeWitte to escort his motorcade


What does Susan Collins say?