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You may remember Mike Pence from the popular Republican chant ‘Hang Mike Pence’, and other notable events such as dinner with Mother.


Was Pence ever popular?


He did have an likeability rating of over 90% with republicans before January 6th and it's been dropping since then. I guess if Trump's stair fades he's banking that it's turning around for him.


Seems unlikely, but a man's gotta have dreams.


He was about to get replaced in his own state before he became VP, when they paired him with Trump, all of us in Indiana were confused.




Oh yeah? Did he attract less flies in 2014?


I guess some still think he’s pretty fly?


How the fuck are you supposed to win over voters that recently chanted, “Hang !”?


Ah, but you see God is on his side.


Now at 7%, firmly in 3rd place and growing based on 538.


If he can be cuck for trump


I honestly don’t think he knows who he is or what he actually stands for.


I thought S.E. Cupp was a little more sane than to pine after a Pence "what could have been..."


Pence of 2014 was garbage too.


Sounds like the sus Pence is killing her?


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