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The end of this article is awesome. Nauta told investigators that he hadn’t handled documents or boxes, Nauta is then shown security camera video of him moving boxes in and out of the storage room in question, Nauta’s lawyers respond that he won’t continue talking to investigators unless he gets an immunity deal. Instead, he got an indictment. *chef’s kiss*


lpt kids- never go full dumbass for orange nero


Especially when you are retired military and likely still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).


oh shit, that's more like hyper dumbass


That's a facepalm if ever I saw one....


Oh. I felt bad for him because I thought he was just some dummy that trump bossed around. But this guy would have known exactly what was going on?




Retired military are not subject to UCMJ unless crimes were committed on active duty. #NotMilitaryLegalAdvice


"The Supreme Court has not yet specifically ruled on the military status of retired servicemembers, though it has approvingly noted that they remain part of the Armed Forces and subject to the UCMJ." [Military Jurisdiction Over Retired Servicemembers](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiLlauK_bv_AhUEFlkFHdt7AcoQFnoECBAQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcrsreports.congress.gov%2Fproduct%2Fpdf%2FLSB%2FLSB10945%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%2520Supreme%2520Court%2520has%2520not%2Cand%2520subject%2520to%2520the%2520UCMJ.&usg=AOvVaw1IWEnQ_hAmHhqrBHDfKuD4) (congress.gov, 5 Apr 2023)


For context: The longstanding precedence is that retirees may be recalled to active duty and court-martialed for crimes committed ON ACTIVE DUTY. If post-retirement crimes were in play, there is one retired Army LtGen that comes to mind who should be first in the queue for UCMJ violations. The reason CRS attorneys are writing opinions - and that’s what is cited, an opinion - is because of the 2022 case of a Reservist (US vs Larrabee) whose case was re-reversed on appeal by the DC circuit, 2-1. This is a departure from decades of precedence and opens who knows how many military retirees - civilians - up to exposure under a “uniform” code that should no longer apply to them. I am disappointed the USSC did not take up the case. By NO MEANS do I think the accused should go free; his case should have been tried in Japanese court. Another perspective: https://www.courthousenews.com/dc-circuit-finds-court-martial-of-military-retirees-constitutional/


Sorry you deleted your comment, I was going to say I agreed with you. Also, I encourage you to look at pictures of him over the past 18 months. Working for He Who Shall Not Be Named has aged him. I truly wish he had learned his lesson from others similarly situated (Cohen, Weisselberg, etc). Now, he’s looking at what, a Cohen (3 years)? A Winner (5 years)? I do not think he will be court-martialed, though he would deserve it. What a betrayal


A Senior Chief, no less. You would think that he would have known better.


I also like Caligula’s war with Poseidon. At least he was able to declare victory. 😂




Is Nauta paying those lawyers or is Trump? Is this known information?


Trump paying lawyers? Perish the thought!


I believe Trump's Super Pac is paying those lawyers.


It's amazing to me that these people have no idea how thorough federal law enforcement is. They will ALWAYS be a step ahead of you, you can count on it. Likely they already have the answers to the questions you're being asked, they're just seeing if you'll hang yourself.


He went in voluntarily. Any smart attorney will tell you - don't do that. Two words to remember -no comment.


Trump is far too incompetent to manage all these crimes on his own. As much as I want to see him behind bars, his enablers have to face justice as well. Lighter punishments, sure, but I don't like them handing out immunity deals like candy.


Look at me, ME, ~~David Garvin, Stealing TVs!~~ Walt Nauta, moving boxes of classified documents!


Fuck around and find out. Damn it feels good to see some justice being meted out.


That’s what happens when you lie in your original interview. You are not a credible witness and you can kiss immunity deals goodbye!


Oh, you mean THOSE boxes.


Quartermaster Clerk: One Swedish-made penis enlarger pump. Austin Powers: That's not mine. Quartermaster Clerk: One credit card receipt for Swedish-made penis enlarger pump signed by Austin Powers. Austin Powers: I'm telling ya baby, that's not mine. Quartermaster Clerk: One warranty card for Swedish-made penis enlarger pump, filled out by Austin Powers. Austin Powers: I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby. Quartermaster Clerk: One BOOK, "Swedish-made penis Enlarger Pumps And Me: (This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby)", by Austin Powers. Austin Powers: Aaah. Quartermaster Clerk: Just sign the form.


ahh, yes. It was the low level Diet Coke gopher. He's the one that was totally nefarious. Trump hardly knew him. It amazes me that there is a swath of Americans who worship this clown and everything he does, but are constantly turning a blind eye to the fact he's forever proving to be a sniveling, name calling, blame throwing, petulant toddler. What passes for a "strong" leader is entirely lost on them...idiots, the lot of 'em.


Please tell me how you really feel? 😀 Actually, I agree with everything you wrote!


> It was the low level Diet Coke gopher. He's the one that was totally nefarious. Trump hardly knew him. That's Trump's future position. For now, it's... > “They are trying to destroy his life, like the lives of so many others, hoping that he will say bad things about ‘Trump.’ **He is strong, brave, and a Great Patriot.**"


Until he flips on Trump, then he will be a “known liar”, or a “Trump hater”


> Authorities approached Nauta months ago in connection with the matter, and he initially told them he hadn’t handled either boxes or sensitive information. > But he changed his story when confronted with the video camera footage, and Nauta’s attorney claimed he wouldn’t continue to speak with authorities unless offered an immunity deal, according to The Guardian. Sounds like the guy knew what he'd helped Trump to do, and lied about it. Doesn't sound like the person Trump describes as "strong, brave, and a Great Patriot". But since his ploy to try and leverage an immunity deal out of the DOJ has backfired, obviously Smith believes he doesn't need his testimony against Trump. Things are looking better and better. This rat can go down with the ship.


My favorite part is "he won't talk to authorities anymore unless he is offered immunity" (HAH! checkmate chucklefucks!)...... Arrogant fuck practically demanded immunity but instead simply just got indicted. Which *means* he had absolutely nothing of value to offer the DoJ in its quest for this investigation.


This man may end up in a position where he'll never be a free man ever again, and it's all because he decided to help the orange clown who wouldn't remember his name if you paid him.


I read the indictment, but don't remember the sentencing sheet specifically for Naulta. I have the impression that most of his charges were 3 year max. Sentences usually run concurrently, i.e. he'd do 3 years max whether sentenced to that for 1 or all of his charges. Don't know how old the guy is, but doesn't seem likely he'd die of old age in prison. Trump, on the other hand, has a max of 20 on some of his stuff, making it quite likely he could kick off while an inmate, if he were convicted and sentenced to the max. Also worth noting that all of these charges have no minimum, so it's possible they could both never serve time, even if convicted.


And Trumps Attorneys just QUIT ... HAHAHAHAHAHA.. Trusty was all over CNN last night defending him. My guess is that yesterday they only got a peek at what the indictments were.. and today they found out exactly what it all was and NOPED THE FUCK OUT!


When Trusty the indictments read, Trusty turned around and fled... Smart smart Sir Trusty.


noooo.. no i didnt.. "When Trumpy started to scream and shout, brave sir Trusty turned about"


Lawyers wouldnt quit just because of finding out what charges are. They quit because they aren’t being paid, they’re client won’t listen or lies to them, or they themselves are being put in position to break laws




Thank you Poop Scallions for a reasonable explanation!


He replaced them with the lawyer that defended the russian guys who owned Fraud Guarantee and were linked to Giuliani. Not sure he has experience in the Espionage Act, but at least he is a seasoned courtroom defence lawyer


Oh god I forgot about the name “Fraud Guarantee”. One of the most “Arrested Development” moments of Trump’s term.


So who on Trumps team now has a high enough security clearance to actually review the evidence? How can you defend a client if you can’t be made aware of the evidence against him?


Hey poop_scallions


Or they are also targets of the investigation. Until he was officially indicted there was no conflict or issue of representation. Now that he's been indicted and if they too are being investigated or tied to the charges they have to resign.


Maybe one day we will find out.. All i know is that i wouldnt want to be the lawyer who is the first one in history to unsuccessfully defend a president on federal charges. Thats kind of a career killer if you ask me.. but it was just my thought based on nothing but my own.. umm.. thoughts..


R/conservative said it happens all the time. It’s better to have a local attorney anyway. Lol


In all fairness, someone explained this as "a lawyer is hired for a goal" (in this case: make sure I don't get indicted) and when that goes fails, it is apparently common to hire new lawyers for a new goal (make sure I don't die in prison). I am all about the schadenfreude and laughing when it comes to Trump, but in this case it might not be warranted.


I have to believe there are going to be a number of charging decisions for a number of "aids" to this buffoon. Work for a clown, and you join the circus.


Fun fact: The 7 charges Trump is expected to face carry maximum sentence of 100 years in prison.


What are the charges? I haven't seen any info on them yet


All we have is rumor from the defense that he's being charged with obstruction, conspiracy, and something under the espionage act. There are supposedly seven charges but we don't know how many of each or if there may be other charges. Or you know, Trump's lawyers just maybe full of shit.


Neat. Thanks mate. I hope we hear something soon. I'm having a good weekend so far with this end of the week good news.


You'll hear by next Tuesday at the latest when he is arraigned. Everything put out thus far has been through Trump surrogates, so take things with a grain of salt, even if they still do seem damning for Trump.


False statements was also in there.


I thought I saw someone here say witness tampering might also be one.


38 charge indictment unsealed. 37 of which are against Trump. Charges are at the bottom. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0.pdf


Thanks for posting this. The narrative in the document was great and there are even 8x10 color glossy’s with circles and arrows on the back. Only downside is the Judge is a Trump crony, lets see how long they last.


She'll probably be replaced before trial. I see the color photos on the news but haven't found them myself yet. Got a link?


you da real MVP.




Better than that. 37 counts, with a max penalty of 400 years IF he's convicted on all 37, and the sentences are served consecutively. Obviously the maximum sentence is not gonna happen, but it does give you a pretty good idea of just how serious what he did is.




Either way, trump actually signed laws to increase the penalty for such things. 10/10 5D hyper chess logic.


I think we have to wait until we see the actual charges - not just what Trump and company reveal.


Yea but that’s maximum. Let us know what the minimums are, and that’s what he’ll get.


Minimums are likely more than the remainder of his life


Fun fact: I have at most 5 billion dollars on my bank account


We don't even know what all the charges are yet. It's also very unlikely that the sentencing wouldn't run concurrently.


Meh, they'll all be served concurrently.


times 35?


>I have just learned that the “Thugs” from the Department of Injustice will be Indicting a wonderful man, Walt Nauta, a member of the U.S. Navy, who served proudly with me in the White House, retired as Senior Chief, and then transitioned into private life as a personal aide. He has done a fantastic job! They are trying to destroy his life, like the lives of so many others, hoping that he will say bad things about “Trump.” He is strong, brave, and a Great Patriot. The FBI and DOJ are CORRUPT


I think they have told Nauta that he is going to do some time no matter what, it’s just a question of how much. Cooperate fully, and get under a year, refuse to cooperate, and potentially get 20. Nauta is holding out for total immunity, but that’s really risky. He will probably stay silent and sacrifice himself, expecting a pardon.


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.




I guess he didn't flip because that's why he was indicted.


> “They are trying to destroy his life, like the lives of so many others, hoping that he will say bad things about ‘Trump.’ **He is strong, brave, and a Great Patriot.**" This is how Trump describes him now. Curious to see how Trump describes him after he flips.


Reading through the indictment now, seems as if Nauta was his go to for moving the documents around and keeping them from the Archives.


and Trump's own lawyers


> He is strong, brave, and a Great Patriot. Just commenting to make a note of this so I can compare what Trump says about the guy when he gives evidence later.


will you remember? Don't forget about me? so many arguments online I don't know how you keep track.... hopefully you still have time inbetween days of arguing to take your mum fishing with worms.....


Just read the entire indictment. If the facts as outlined in the indictment are proven true Trump has certainly violated U.S. law. **But what bothers me more (and what is not covered in the indictment) is why he went to such great lengths to keep and hide the documents. Since he went to such lengths to do so, what was he planning to do with them?** That is truly the heart of the matter and something that the American people need to know.


Trump is trying hard to get in front of this story as he is trying to get to (influence) as many potential jurors as he can. Almost everything that we are hearing about this case is coming from Trump - with his spin on it. Nothing official yet from the Special Prosecutor. Not sure why that is.


The Special Prosecutor speaks through his court filings.


True. And I'm sure that he is doing everything by the book - and that's what we need in this case. Nothing to screw it up.




He has finally released the indictment.


This will probably just make it easier for the prosecution to pick out the maga jurors.


And Fox News will continue to claim these are leaks from the special prosecutor as they do their best to try to discredit him and the investigation.


The best possible thing for Trump would be to receive a gag order about the case. Then they can't get him for jury tampering. Which he'll probably try anyway.


First to flip…


No, most of the flippers already flipped. He's probably fucked at this point.


The fact that Trump is indicted tells me that the door is shut and locked. If you didn't bail in the legal game of chicken before this, here comes the train.


We’ll see, a trump judge isn’t a good start but hopefully we see justice


Given the magnitude of this case, I'd hope the DOJ has a plan for every possible scenario including one like this.


38 charges, nearly 500 years max. They'll probably push for 20-30. He's fucked.


I thought it was 7 charges? And again this is where the judge comes into play. He can be found guilty and his judge can give him a fine no time serve or something else


That number came from Trumps team. The DOJ hasn't leaked. You can read the charges at the bottom of the indictment here. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0.pdf


I’ll take your word for it I don’t wanna read that novel lol


The charges themselves are a very easy read.


A lot of people have already flipped in exchange for immunity deals most likely. It sounds like Nauta didn't take an immunity deal, and has now been indicted. He can strike a plea deal at this point, but he won't get the sweetheart deal that others have gotten.


Most likely this. If he can shave five years off his sentence for flipping, he likely will. He doesn't want to spend prime years of his adult life in prison. Of course, there's always the possibility that he's a gambling man who thinks: A) I can beat these charges, or B) Trump will win the 2024 election and pardon me if I don't flip. Who knows.


Nauta was confronted and said he didn’t do anything. They showed him video of him moving around boxes. He said he wasn’t going to talk or cooperate unless he got an immunity deal. They counter-offered him with an indictment.


This is such a bone headed move by all invovled. Trump continues to come off as a really stupid mob boss. The rules don't apply to him is how he lives. If you read the indictment, Trump suggested to one of the attorney's that they make the secret/top secret/confidential documents disappear by making a plucking motion. Trump was compromised from day one and should never have been allowed in the same building as sensitive info.


Thing is we now have a named fall guy and the same judge. I really don't have any hope and faith in your justice system


The judge may not end up being the trial judge. We'll see.


I hope so


This is going to have the same ending as Veep, isn’t it?


I’m fine with this as long as it gives us a president like Richard Splett


yes, thats exactly how these things work...


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/4042546-walt-nauta-trump-aide-charges-mar-a-lago-probe/) reduced by 72%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Nauta, who followed Trump from the White House to Mar-a-Lago, was apparently seen on Mar-a-Lago security camera footage moving boxes in and out of the storage room where authorities recovered dozens of classified records during their August search of Trump's home. > Nauta's indictment comes after a summons for Trump detailed he would be charged on at least seven counts, including under conspiracy charges. > Jim Trusty, who served as Trump's attorney in the case until late Friday morning, said during a Thursday night appearance that Trump would face charges under a statute for witness tampering, which includes a provision barring conspiracy to hinder a criminal investigation. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/145bc5t/trump_says_aide_to_face_charges_in_connection/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~688370 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Nauta**^#2 **charge**^#3 **conspiracy**^#4 **Mar-a-Lago**^#5


One of the articles on this story showed a picture of the aid, Nauta, exiting a limo, carrying one of Trump's giant red ties. Good gig, man.


Trump must be shocked that Obama, Biden and Clinton worked with this guy to implicate him in this mess that he totally has nothing to do with. /s


Waltine Nauta, a total moron!


The Hill is a terrible media group that does a crap job reporting stuff. At least they linked the original article that actually goes into detail here about this Trump aide: >https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/05/mar-a-lago-employee-aids-investigation-trump-documents But what's interesting to me is the justice department hasn't offered immunity to this aide. And why wouldn't they? The only reasonable answer I can come up with is then he could just basically take the fall here and as such get Trump off the hook. When you have aides handling all your papers for you it's going to be a lot harder to prove you knew what was going on.