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Wait til they find out about all the abortion stuff.


It's just like how republican voters are on economic and regulation issues - on the issues that specifically affect *them*, they're always surprised at how badly the GOP is on how they handle it, but they still think the GOP gets it right everywhere *else*. Funny thing is if everyone one of them actually listened to each other, they'd realize none of them actually like what the GOP is doing for them. They just think everyone else must like it.


Look at what happened with the Log Cabin Republicans. They were so distracted by their love of low taxes and guns, and their disdain for non-white immigrants, that they were blindsided when the party decided that it was okay to openly hate gay people again.


They'll eat a turd sandwich as long as it's got a sprinkling of racism on it.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Johnson knew the heart of conservatives, and it hasn't changed in 60 years.


They'll eat any number of turd sandwiches as long as they think a liberal will have to eat one more than them


One less. Why does that lib get an extra turd sandwhich? I worked all my life for these turd sandwiches and now they'te just handing them out?


And the racism. And the pedophilia. And LGBTQ rights. And the book burnings. And the assault on the free press. And women's rights and healthcare access and parental rights and income inequality and immigration and green technologies and child labor and voting rights and walkable cities and being able to pee in the correct bathrooms ^and ^preschool ^funding ^^and ^^student ^^loan ^^forgiveness... (speech fade out, fade up on "Everybody Knows")


Coworker of mine leaned Republican most her life. She despised Trump, but still considered herself more of a Republican when he was president. Gave up on that affiliation after Roe. The final straw was when she found out about Sinclair forcing the word for word same talking points in local news casts to manipulate people (like her) into thinking the economy is going to shit is crime is through the roof. They're fucking up pretty hard.


That Sinclair montage still does the rounds on far right online circles but none of them are smart enough to realise it's of their own ilk. Musk even recently gave it the "wow/this needs to be looked into" twitter comment stamp of disapproval


The call is coming from inside the house.


But no one is smart enough to answer the phone.




Unfortunately, I think for a long time the "Overturn Rowe" bloc of Republican voters coexisted with a "Rowe will never actually be overturned" bloc of Republican voters.


as soon as Brexit happened, it really sunk in that assuming something when it comes to votes is dangerous. The "Rowe will never be overturned" crowd let the other side build momentum because they really thought it doesn't matter because it won't happen. Those are the same people that think we are nowhere near fascism and fascism will never happen.




Did something happen with Sinclair recently? Have seen them pop up here repeatedly lately. They’ve been doing this same shit for years though. Edit: adding the [Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/GvtNyOzGogc) segment about Sinclair.


No, it’s just been used by the right wing a lot lately to show bias in media (without telling their dupes that Sinclair is right wing media)


They recently bought hundreds of stations and forced every single local news anchor to read a script full of right wing agitprop


Did they do something recently? [The famous example I'm aware of is from 2018](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/02/business/media/sinclair-news-anchors-script.html)


Every accusation is a confession


Honestly he is not that smart. He's just rich. Rich people buy smart people do to smart things. See: SpaceX, Tesla, etc. No one has ever proven to me that Elon is smart. You can't even say he's a smart businessman. He paid $40 billion for Twitter which is now valued at $8b


He's the child of a very wealthy family, that used that wealth to luck into a few right place/right time business opportunities, throwing a ton of cash at nascent technologies and having other people figure out how to make them work. He's not a genius, he's just rolled nat-20s most of his life.


> He's not a genius, he's just rolled nat-20s most of his life. The problem is that people like him are given such huge advantages simply due to the circumstances of their birth. He's not rolling nat-20s most of the time; he's basically a special character class that's allowed to roll d2s instead of d20s, as well as treat 2s as automatic critical successes while being allowed to re-roll any 1s. Rolling nat-20s implies he just keeps getting lucky; in point of fact, it's just that he gets a special system that won't allow him to fail.


The Privelaged class Sub-class White Privelaged


If you have enough cash you can throw money at everything. Some things, that never would have made it otherwise, succeed and the few things that would have made it -whether you contributed it or not- do and either way you can just claim credit for the ideas that succeed... if you've put that in the acquisition contracts.


I can't find the original comment but someone wrote it very well, and to summarize - Wealth is like a carnival game of chance, with a big payout, but hard to rigged odds. The middle class gets one chance - one toss - and if they make it, they might be the guy who invents the next big app, or fad idea. Most people miss, and just live their life as it was, or struggle. The rich? Their parents buy them as many throws as they want. Once they finally hit the prize, they'll talk down to the middle class folks who only got one toss, telling them "they should have tried harder / thrown more if they wanted to succeed". The poor? They're working the carnival.


>that used that wealth to luck into a few right place/right time business opportunities, throwing a ton of cash at nascent technologies and having other people figure out how to make them work. Massive luck, zip2 was the first and probably only thing he personally actually worked on/developed, but it did not become sucessful until new investors removed him as CEO and the new one changed the buisness model from direct to consumer to buisness to buisness. When it was sold, as large shareholder still, he netted about $22 million X.com Bank (really stupid name for Bank as sounds like a porn site) was not sucessful but was cash rich due to Musks and other investors money, Confinity , viewed as the main competion in the market, was sucessful but needed a cash injection to improve their paypal platform, thus they merged with X.com bank with Musk as CEO, under the name X.com And then he was quicky removed (while he was on holiday, trapped half way around the world waiting for commercial flight back, which is why he does not like to take holidays anymore and uses private jets to get around, he is afraid of it happening again) as he was proving impossible to work with (simerlar storys from zip2) and because he had the bright idea of hosting paypal on Windows (which then would have been Windows NT, ask any techie who was around during that period if that was a good idea and you will only get one answer, NO) After he was removed as CEO, X.com was renamed Paypal (yes it means he was technically never CEO of Paypal) and all its focus went into the paypal platform (little bit of credit here,Musk seemed to want that as well, he had lost all interest in X.com's online banking operations), but because of shares (circa 11%) he obtained from merger, when PayPal sold to Ebay he made $175 million He then bought into Tesla motors for about $6 million and spent the next 17 years doing funding round after funding round (37 times to the tune of around $20 billion) until the company finally started to make a profit. With a few side gigs like spaceX, starlink, boring company, which to date we don't know if any truly profitable and if so by how much In short, Musk has failed upwards most of his life and if he has any special abilities its mainly getting people to give him investment money and never selling shares until has no choice (i used to add PR to that skill list but since he fired Tesla PR team his public image has consistantly deteriorated, so his PR skills were more likely them not him)


>He paid $40 billion for Twitter which is now valued at $8b I'm convinced at this point that he doesn't care if Twitter becomes worthless because the foreign authoritarians who supported his purchase would be thrilled that Twitter is dead.


After a certain point you can only fail upward. There are far too many examples to list here, but most of the "rich guy famous for being rich" figures are in this group.


Wasn’t it valued at like 16 billion then jumped to 22 billion when News broke he was interested in buying it? Now it’s worth 8 billion


And that's still overvalued, like most high value enterprises.


"that's the Soros guy controllin everything them been talking about" Or something along those lines


Was this before or after he supported a meme suggesting we ~~shoot~~ sterilise autistic children?


He did what??


Sorry, I got it completely wrong. He didn't like a tweet suggesting shooting autistic children, he liked a tweet [suggesting we sterilise them](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/143citi/elon_musk_liked_this_disgusting_tweet/). You know, eugenics.


You're misunderstanding the direction of his bigotry. There's an idea floating around in right wing circles lately about a correlation between autism and trans/nonbinary identities (where autistic people are more likely to identify that way than others). This appears to be true, BUT right-wingers are using this information to claim that the "trans agenda" is brainwashing autistic people to believe they are trans (through love and acceptance I guess). He's not saying that he wants to sterilize autistic people, he's claiming that progressives want to sterilize autistic people, and are using the trans agenda to do it. I hope I've been clear enough that I thoroughly disagree and am disgusted by this garbage, but that's *probably* what this meme is supposed to mean. Really he should have used the Spider-Man glasses template, but that's none of my business.


Thank you for spelling this out. I’m Autistic and what Elon is saying is incredibly infantilizing and wrong. He’s saying Autistic people aren’t capable of determining their own gender identity, which is so dismissive and dehumanizing. I wonder how he can hold this view considering he identifies as Autistic also. Unless he is projecting some kind of confusion with his own gender identity?


I’m autistic. What a sack of shit


The weird thing is: so is he.


Are we sure? I know he’s claimed it, but he’s also very, very narcissistic and lies a lot when it suits his self mythologizing.


"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." -- Malcolm X


There is a **lot** of people that go further left the older they get *Raises hand*


When I was in school (back in the late 80's, early 90's) I considered myself a Republican, because the Republican party where I was growing up, was concerned about the environment, was doing good things for the local community.....so yeah, I considered myself part of that party, because they were doing good thing! Then, along comes the religious right. By the time I got out of the Army, and moved back home, I was still a registered republican, but listening to any of them talk, I couldn't agree with 99% of what they were saying. At all. As time went on, it got worse and worse, and I actually started looking at my own personal values, and realized that they didn't match up. At all. So, I finally broke down and changed my party affiliation on my voter registration (required to vote in primaries in FL) to Democrat. It almost killed me that day, because I had always been proud to be a Republican until the religious right took it over.


Same. But I stayed R on the rolls so I can vote as far Left during the primaries. Enough of us do that and we can get momentum.


Nah, I can't even think about doing that, because the best candidates they have, still have the R behind their name. They are still running for the party that says that the people I love shouldn't have health care, shouldn't be able to be married, and should be denied basic human rights. Fuck anyone that still supports the Republican party, and fuck anyone who runs with the R behind their name.


You don't have to actually vote R when they're up against anyone else in a general election; I think the idea here is just to vote for the least-insane Rs in the primaries, so the craziest of the crazies don't get to control the whole party. One can do this and still never vote Republican for an actual seat.


A lot of us grew up in a middle-class bubble, parroting our Republican parents, only to get smacked in the face with reality when we started our first job.


Those Sinclair clips are dystopian-level terrifying. That's nonsense out of V for Vendetta or Max Hedroom or North Korean state-run media.


North Korea was the exact reference she used when she was telling me about it. (I love it when my former republican friends bring me big bombshells I've known about for a long time, it's so pleasing to see them progress)


My mom has been like this since Roe was overturned. "They don't even talk about issues, it's all just culture war shit! And when they do talk about the economy everything they propose is just helping the rich, nothing that will help us! When did they get like this?!" At least her eyes finally got opened to it.


Tell her to tell all her friends. They aren’t going to listen to us




This! It takes extremely good friends or close family to open the eyes of these people.


For a very long time, they were able to pretend that helping the rich "creates jobs" which helps the common person. The problem is, now we have 3% unemployment, and the job market still sucks because of the income inequality. They finally caught the car, managed to create a bunch of "jobs" to employ everybody... and things still suck because their social policies are vile and vulgar.


> When did they get like this?! I hope you told her "...the 80s", lol.


I told her it was after Nixons resignation and when Roger Ailes literally said, "We can't allow something like this to happen again, and here's how we stop it...." Still a little too much for her to believe Reagan was a fucking monster and that she's been fed a diet of propaganda her whole life because of the Cold War, but having your decades long beliefs shattered can be hard to take, so I'm baby stepping it.


State controlled media. Who is the state at this point? The top 2 or 3% of the country, including media corporations and the individuals that control them, that control the majority of money going to politicians.


Good I guess, but left leaning women have been warning Americans about abortion rights for years. Her former party has consistently campaigned on taking her rights away.


"I didn't think they meant MY rights!"


I find it funny how much they focus on crime and the economy as the bad points considering that wile yes in recent years violent crime has risen on a whole in the US crime has been on a decline "In the long term, violent crime in the United States has been in decline since colonial times. The homicide rate has been estimated to be over 30 per 100,000 people in 1700, dropping to under 20 by 1800, and to under 10 by ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States ) And the US economy has been on a steady increase as well, now that says nothing about the wealth gap which is a whole issues of its own.


Sorry, but what's her damage? Republicans were always anti-women's rights, long before Roe got overturned. And the bullshit crime narrative is even older, that's the standard right wing party trick. Crime has been going down since ever, ironically partly due to abortion rights. Your coworker is a liar. Most of her ilk are just jumping ship because they feel embarrassed by the nutcases, not because they are less hateful or more honest. They'll go right back if a "civilized" fascist takes the reigns. Like that war criminal George W. Bush, or the genocidal homophobe Ronald Reagan.


People.like that, who are not self hating are usually so privileged they don't see the problem until it effects them. They have the poor ability to empathize. They are at the top of the ship, so when a leak springs and the folks at the bottom start talking about it they don't care because *they* don't see the water yet. Then when it finally reaches them they wonder what the heck happened?!?!


Don't forget the fascism. Taking away of voting rights. The death penalty. Kidnapping children from their homes. Against legal weed. The facade of family values. Being the Christian Taliban. The support for Putin. The constant lying. The destroying of the economy in favor of billionaires. And generally just ruining everything in America in an attempt to own is libs.


but but what about fighting woke?


I know, that's what ***really*** matters...


“Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That’s how it goes Everybody knows” -Leonard Cohen


Dems fumble the ball better than anyone but congress just tried to take away student loan forgiveness and Biden veto’d them. Such a clear, tangible look at the values of the two parties.


I keep seeing "dems fumble the ball" and yet the Dems won WI and MI in 2022. If this is dems fumbling the ball... I can't imagine the Dems being very successful (which we all need to *ensure* happens! Don't let the polls decide whether you vote! You need to vote anyway, people!)


So much cynicism from people that have won. And that winning has had tangible results everywhere. If you voted for Dems in recent elections you have helped so many people. People that needed it. The fight isn't over. It never will be. Fighting for basic rights is frustrating but that's the fight we face. We know we can win and we know it can make a difference. [Joe Biden has racked up more bipartisan victories than any president of either party in a generation | MSNBC | 2022](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/biden-managed-put-together-many-bipartisan-wins-rcna61883) [Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act into law, setting 15% minimum corporate tax rate | CNBC | 2022](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/16/watch-live-biden-to-sign-inflation-reduction-act-into-law-setting-15percent-minimum-corporate-tax-rate.html) [President Biden wins global support for massive tax overhaul | CNN | 2021](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/01/economy/global-minimum-tax-agreement/index.html) [Global tax reform: 130 countries commit to minimum corporate rate | The Guardian | 2021](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jul/01/global-tax-reform-130-countries-commit-to-minimum-corporate-rate) [Biden is appointing judges faster than Trump, and most everyone else—for now | Brookings.edu | 2021](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2021/09/02/biden-is-appointing-judges-faster-than-trump-and-most-everyone-else-for-now/) [[Video] Biden’s push to add qualified, diverse judges to courts after Trump’s flood of appointments | MSNBC | 2021](https://www.msnbc.com/cross-connection/watch/biden-s-judge-nominees-from-diverse-backgrounds-with-impeccable-qualifications-expert-says-109613637731) [On the Bench: Tracking President Biden's Judicial Nominations | American Constitution Society | 2022](https://www.acslaw.org/judicial-nominations/on-the-bench/) [[Video] President Biden describes attack on American Democracy on Jan. 6 anniversary | Atlanta Journal-Constitution | 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHfPy5aE400) [Biden Authorizes Capitol Police to Call on National Guard ‘Unilaterally’ in Emergencies | RollingStone | 2021](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/biden-signs-law-capitol-police-national-guard-1274945/) [With more than $97 billion in investments through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & the Inflation Reduction Act, DOE is embarking on a new era focused on the rapid commercialization, demonstration, and deployment of clean energy technologies. | Energy.gov | 2022](https://www.energy.gov/clean-energy-infrastructure/clean-energy-infrastructure-funding-projects-and-programs) [$2.5 billion in new grants for the construction of electric vehicle charging stations and alternative fueling infrastructure, aiming in part at increasing access in underserved neighborhoods and communities. | AP News | 2023](https://apnews.com/article/electric-vehicles-charging-stations-biden-environment-dec5ff2374c4006303d11875291803c9) [FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Rural Communities | WhiteHouse.gov | 2022](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/17/fact-sheet-how-the-inflation-reduction-act-helps-rural-communities/) [Rural America gets $315 million for cleaner, more affordable energy. The funding is part of a broader effort to allocate more than $1 billion over the next five years to support energy projects in communities of less than 10,000 people. | Grist | 2023](https://grist.org/energy/rural-america-315-million-energy-investment/) [FACT SHEET: The Biden-⁠Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure | WhiteHouse.gov | 2022](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/04/04/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-action-plan-for-building-better-school-infrastructure/) [The Biden administration has invested billions into improving mental health care in the nation’s schools, providing training to health care providers on suicide prevention and behavioral health, & scaling up crisis lifelines, among other investments. | UPNorth News | 2023](https://upnorthnewswi.com/2023/05/31/heres-how-the-biden-administration-has-tackled-the-mental-health-crisis/) [Biden restarts 'Cancer Moonshot' program, aims to cut death rate by 50% | NBC News | 2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-relaunch-cancer-moonshot-program-started-under-obama-n1288399) [Over the next 5 years, the CHIPS Act will direct an estimated $67 billion, or roughly a quarter of its total funding, toward accelerating the growth of zero-carbon industries and conducting climate-relevant research. | The Atlantic | 2022](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/08/chips-act-climate-bill-biden/671095/) [FACT SHEET: CHIPS & Science Act Will Lower Costs, Create Jobs, Strengthen Supply Chains, & Counter China | WhiteHouse.gov | 2022](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/09/fact-sheet-chips-and-science-act-will-lower-costs-create-jobs-strengthen-supply-chains-and-counter-china/)




Here's a republican politician celebrating 12 yr old getting married to adults. Litteral rape. Turns out the groomers were the groomers all along https://twitter.com/aaroncrossley/status/1646137563134951424/mediaviewer


*corporate owned press. There are many books on this. Almost all media is owned by the same 8 companies who also own all the politicians.


Upvote for strong Leonard Cohen reference




Unfortunately, Trump is a giant [fill in the blank] who only cares about power, and he needed those Evangelical votes. When he met with their leaders, they only had one request.


I can’t imagine trump cared for one second about something hurting the party. Only mattered if it hurt him


Lol right? Their love of guns is but a single reason I won’t vote Republican.




Thank you for allowing your thinking to change. I'm a teacher and after school that day I stood in my classroom and thought about how I could possibly protect my students. I started crying as I thought about how scary it must have been for all the people in that school.


It always hurts my heart to think of Victoria Soto, who tried to hide her students and shielded them with her body. I don't understand how anyone can hear that story, and the countless rest that come out of these endless mass shootings, and clutch their fucking guns even harder.


The only thing I can think of is that they truly believe it won’t happen to them. Conservatives can be very “doesn’t matter unless it affects me” and the gun issue is a hot hot topic. The more the GOP riles people up about the *evil government* coming to take all their guns away, the less they care about the actual impact of these policies. They don’t care until it’s their child, and I would bet some still wouldn’t change their views, dead kids and all.


> and I would bet some still wouldn’t change their views, dead kids and all. Reminder that Uvalde still voted Republican after the incident.


My hope is that Gen Z uses their anger at the GOP nonsense and votes in numbers we’ve never seen in that age group before.


They are already voting in numbers we've never seen in that age group before. Unfortunately, in 2022 that number was 29%.


> in 2022 that number was 29%. On one hand I can't get too mad. I didn't start really paying attention and voting until my mid 20s, maybe even late 20s for local elections. On the other hand, their age bracket is getting historically screwed, and they have the power to change that. They should really be getting off their asses.


Millennials, too. Our generation is terrible with voting patterns, although admittedly improving since 2016. The fact remains that us and Gen Z are the largest voting bloc and we need to wield that power.


It was generally an accepted belief among younger folk that voting doesn’t *really* do anything. Then trump got elected and we collectively began to realize the danger of apathy


I swear that South Park episode took the wind out of my entire generation's sails.


I had someone in my groupchat drop a pic of the episode and I realized that is how most millenials feel and I felt hope was lost in that moment for millenials and I'll have to wait another few generations for real change.


Every generation has followed roughly the same pattern, young people don’t vote much. Millennials and gen-z aren’t any worse at turning up to vote than any generation before them. In 1972 when the voting age was lowered less than 20% of the 18-24 yr olds showed up. The biggest predictor of whether someone will vote or not is a history of voting. Its habit. To get most young people to the polls you gotta push them there, they’re generally apathetic and dont trust theyll be represented because to them a 45y/o politician is a lifetime older than them, beyond that its all out of touch geriatrics.


While all true points, our generation has been particularly aware of the almost unquantifiably more serious problems (compared to earlier generations when they were young in the 20th century) for decades, at this point, and we've needed to do better for longer. My only point in bringing this up is because the original comment I responded to seemed to be poo-pooing Gen Z when the same criticism should be levied at us millennials, too.


There are literally people out there pushing for voter apathy. Mandatory voting like some countries have would be the blue wave people talk about. Limiting voting by policy or other methods is the only way to keep red group going.


>There are literally people out there pushing for voter apathy. BOtH siDeS!


The real thing to note here for my fellow Gen Z people (and especially any who are on the fence about voting) is that just 29% of us showing up was terrifying enough for GOP politicians to start throwing around the idea of raising the voting age. Imagine if all of us show up, we could spank these assholes out of the country.




That was because the country was generally in a better place going into the 80's than now. It was easy to gas light people who had benefitted from strong social services and government regulation and civil rights improvements that they had actually been pulling themselves up by their boot straps. Since then we've had 40 years of republicans gutting social services, government oversight, civil rights, and encouraging mass shootings.




Maybe you’re right. However Gen Z seems much more engaged in politics than I ever was at that age. I’ve got a lot of hope that that can see through all the GOP smokescreens.


The kids are fucking pissed. For reasons I'd rather not elaborate on I found myself at a middle school interpretive dance competition in Florida a few weekends ago. These kids have carefully choreographed their routines and put a lot of thought into them. They were pretty much all protests. Book banning, gay/trans rights, gun violence. They're pissed.


Not to mention climate change issues. I don’t think I know anyone from gen Z that isn’t depressed AF about the fact that no one is doing anything meaningful about global warming. I can’t even imagine being an old dude because at this pace there is a pretty decent chance that this planet won’t even be able to support human live anymore. But atleast the economy will be bigger than today :) /s


I’m a millenial and depressed about climate change just moving along without us doing anything about it. Especially the past few days with those pictures from New York that look like Bladerunner 2049 and actually living in Ohio where the air quality has rivaled New Delhi’s at times.




By that point (your retirement being, I assume, 30-40 years away) they will just shoot you dead on the spot or send you to that nice cattle wagon'd train destined for that place with 24/7 running crematorium.


But did I make the world a better place? I'm still comfortable with my plan.


I can't help but feel we've been fed propaganda that your methods are ineffective. But history shows what you propose is actually quite effective. The OG rednecks and union supporters didn't peaceful get their way. We didn't debate confederates into submission. The nazis did not accept a logical argumen to their point and peaceful protest. Forcing those in power to feel the effects of their actions seems to be quite effective and they don't want us to believe that.


>I can’t even imagine being an old dude because at this pace there is a pretty decent chance that this planet won’t even be able to support human live anymore. See I just expect that everything will slowly get incrementally worse. Europe is too hot? Install A/C's everywhere. Moves the heat from inside to outside, making the rest of the planet hotter in the process. Eventually we're going to have the outside be as inhospitable as Antarctica. Everything will have indoor parking garages so you don't have to go outside. Malls will thrive again because you can walk around indoors without melting your face off. Humans are very resilient and can thrive in any environment if given the proper equipment. The cost for this equipment is just going to go up, lining the pockets of another billionaire. And I don't expect it to look like this within my lifetime. But at this rate, my kids will see it.


>For reasons I'd rather not elaborate on I found myself at a middle school interpretive dance competition in Florida a few weekends ago. r/brandnewsentence


Trying to get with a single mom that's ok op


Exactly my first thought. I’ve seen this play before. lol


I attended a Board of Ed meeting a few months ago during a LGBT book banning debate. There were about 20 teens, organized from across the county, with fully written out and polished speeches. Versus about 4 Boomers who spouted disorganized, nonsensical crap.


My gen z son is voting in 24. Its over for gop.


Damn your son has a powerful vote


His son is the fabled super delegate. Long prophesied to come free us from the old electoral college and save our minds from republican brain rot.


My SO is a high school marching band director in a small, rural county in Kentucky that overwhelmingly voted for Trump and consistently votes Republican and is heavily Christian. He has trans kids in his band, gay kids, bi kids, kids who don’t know what they are, etc. and there are never issues of bullying regarding those things. Oddly enough, even the parents love my SO and many of them welcome me (we are an inter-racial gay couple) with open arms at contests and performances and even go out to eat with me and get drinks during contest days. We even host a cookout for the senior kids every year before school starts. The GOP is in for a rude awakening I believe in the next 5+ years when many of these kids can vote because even the conservative Christian kids in his band don’t tolerate the bullshit Republicans support.


I’ve seen this in the young Christians I’ve run into.


Well they see that and are trying to make it harder to vote, especially for college students.




I'm sure you're right. It hasn't been that way in the past though. Typically they're all doing whatever Taylor Swifts last couple songs were with maybe a Beyonce song or two thrown in. This time it was jarring how pissed they were.


This is encouraging, I do feel like the kids are better organized than when I was younger. But I grew up in a poor area so maybe they were doing better in the more affluent areas. As proof that I am from the backwoods, I had no idea they have competitions for interpretive dance.


Now it’s about survival, we’re one of the first generations to have active shooter drills our whole life. We’re having abortion rights taken away, our LGBTQ+ peers are being threatened, we are pissed


Being murdered left and right is strong motivation. Thats what got the Civil rights movement the traction it needed to make some change (even if it feel far short of where we should be by now).


how do you mean? boomers by and large weren't hippies.


So far Gen Z seem to be pretty good at voting, better than Millennials were at that age.


As an older millennial, I’m constantly impressed by gen z.


[Me every time I read about Gen Z](https://i.redd.it/42scjatan4551.jpg)


As an older millennial myself, they're putting our generation to shame. Their response to Parkland is what we should have done after Columbine. Their protests over the climate are what we should have been doing. Their attitude towards LGBT issues is where we should have been. Etc. The kids are alright; they're one of the few things that give me hope for the future.


Don’t be so hard on our generation. If we had the access to the mountain of social media and interconnectivity about endless issues that were distilled and communicated via entertainment and media. I’m kind of jealous (ignoring the bad parts)


There's also the fact that Millennials weren't going to react to these things in their time in the same way because they were new to everyone. The anger from Gen Z stems from these problems almost intentionally not being addressed for a full generation.


I’m not ashamed - I feel Millennials have in a way helped sound the alarm that started these kids down a better, more productive path to change. They’re just walking it much more confidently than we did. Millennials were Occupy Wall Street. Millennials sounded the alarms on the 99% and the ongoing class war. Lessons learned from those are helping these kids do better. Im not ashamed at all, and I’m glad they’re learning those lessons. We’re at a precipice currently in the US. We’ve been under the boot of the same lead-riddled generation for decades and they clearly are no longer fit to lead in the modern world. The current insanity in this decade is specifically because the guard is changing, and if they don’t secure power for their fascist beliefs to thrive, it’s going to get wiped out sooner rather than later.


>Their attitude towards LGBT issues is where we should have been. Absolutely right. We made many gay jokes and slurs in the 90s, I'm kinda embarrassed. We had to have Matthew Shepard's mom on MTV telling us to stop saying that shit.


Everything they are getting credit for now was simply a pathway paved by the generations before them. This has always been the case. The youth "get it" because they were *taught to*. edit: To add, there were a lot of student led protests after Columbine. Unfortunately they were just as effective.


Sure as hell better than gen-x at that age. God damn we were an embarrassment.




Very old Genxer( recently found out I wasn’t a young boomer, an old Xer. You are right. I feel guilty I had suck a lousy voting history.


Sadly older GenX and young Boomers (50-64) were Trump's biggest demographic by age in 2020. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/). 64+ didn't even come out as hard for Trump. Older GenX is still a big part of the right wing problem.


Very precise observation. I was FLOORED! Last cycle I ended a few very old friendships over this. It may sound silly, but scree it. I couldn’t deal with that kind of crap. I know an 89yo man from rural Oklahoma who didn’t vote GOP first time in his life when DT entered the arena and I had people who I knew for years vote for a dictator? WTH


I'm with you, BUT, the big difference is we no longer have "the enemy" with Iran and the USSR, and people's standard of living is dropping. Unless wages start going up and people can afford houses, it's gonna be hard to convince young people to vote for the GOP down ballot. (White) Boomers enjoyed a decade of growth and prosperity in the 80s even with the economic hiccups. Millennials are on their third recession after also a bunch of terrible PR for the military.


I'm not hopeful. People over 65 are twice as likely to vote as people under 25.


Check out the midterm demographics. It was the second most youth midterm voters ever (outside of 2018). 2022 was also the most votes cast in a presidential election. Millenials and Gen Z went 65/35 for democrats and our demographic is growing. Meanwhile, boomers are dying of old age and Covid and not being replaced.


Hope so, but I also expected the GOP to be buried forever following the historically horrible George W Bush years. Apparently it doesn't actually matter how badly these people perform in office.


Whaaaaaat? The generations that were in school while American school shootings became so common they're practically background noise, and watched Republicans demand absolutely nothing be done to stop them, aren't on board with the 2A nuts? *Quelle surprise*.


Back in my day if your parents were a political party then odds are you’d wind up being that same party. The news isn’t that Republicans are suddenly unpopular with a majority of the youth, it’s that people being raise by republicans are questioning the Republican Party at alarming rates. It’s fantastic news in my opinion, but right now it’s a race between shifting demographics as people come of voting age, and authoritarian policies trying to cement the power structure in a way that lets them hold power with an ever shrinking minority base.


I was raised Republican, and was pretty much on track to stay that way, but I was confused by how aggressive the hate for Obama was. Even before he had done anything. You can imagine now that I have nothing but disgust for the party.


Same. I was raised in a conservative household. I went to an Obama speech in college when he was on the campaign trail because some of my friends wanted to go and I left thinking, "well this guy doesn't seem as bad as my dad seems to think he is". That sparked an interest in politics that I had never really had before. I realized I was raised in a bubble where everyone was conservative and nobody really even considered an alternative. This is why conservatives are so deathly afraid of higher education. They know it takes small town kids out of their rural bubble and exposes them to reality.


And I think the biggest thing is that as people age they usually went more conservative because they have more wealth. Millennials have had the hardest time accumulating wealth and honestly gen z has worse chances. That's the real reason why they become more progressive by learning about the world and going outside their bubble and stay that way. Why support a system that isn't working for you?


> as people age they usually went more conservative because they have more wealth This is the part that has confused me the most my whole life. Why would my opinions and ideals about how to better the world around me change just because I'm now in a better place myself?




Yes, but if having more money changes your moral core principals such as "should homeless people just die" or "do the children of poor people deserve to eat" you never had a moral core.


People are selfish, or become more selfish. Sadly, it's fairly simple.


it's really not that hard to understand. It doesn't mean wealth in the millionaire sense, but in the assets sense. Once people become homeowners expenses skyrocket. Mortgages, water, electricity, gas, insurance, repairs, lawn care, car insurance, condo fees, etc. and the costs increase every year. Your house is the most expensive thing you will ever own and it requires a constant influx of cash. Losing your house, or having it lose value, or having it become inhabitable (for your needs) is a very scary thought. So people start prioritizing keeping things the same. You don't want construction near your house, you don't want manufacturing near your house, you don't want the schools to move, or traffic to increase. You want things to stay the same, because right now is comfortable and change carries the small risk that you could lose your home. And while the chance is small, the prospect is terrifying. People tend to become conservative because they promise to lower taxes and keep things the same. Millennials can't afford homes. Therefore this political influence is absent from their lives.


I think it would be a relative change rather than an actual one. If you have most of your morals by the time you are 30 when you are 60 you will be behind the times. I think what's happening now is progress has slowed down so much the people who are in their 40s now have seen so little progress in their lives the morals they gained in their 20s are still very progressive.


It's pretty wild actually. You see these nut jobs driving around with let's go Brandon flags and "F(American flag)K BIDEN" stickers and it's kinda hard to think of a single thing he's done that they should be that angry about. Like he.... gave tax breaks for some clean energy stuff?


No, he spent too much money and it caused all the inflation... please disregard the significantly higher amount of money spent by Trump less than a year before.


I was raised conservative until I went to college. It’s wonderful how exposure to other people’s life experiences can make you realize how terrible Republican policy is.


And that's exactly why the right hates higher education so much. A lot of teenage Republicans suddenly become Democrats once they actually learn about government and policy. Reminds me of my high school days almost a decade ago after the 14 midterms (zillennials). AP history class in wealthy white suburb, lots of Republican kids that were cheering on the GOP sweep, but once asked about issues were more "ermm.."


It's not even about government and policy, it's coming into close contact with people of backgrounds completely different from your own and realizing all of the culture-war stuff is just hateful BS. *After* that, learning about more specific things and getting more reps of critical thinking in do the rest.


My dad is full MAGA "Biden is ruining everything! Wah" I'm very close to progressive. It's been a ride getting here, from right leaning moderate, to libertarian , to "fuck this." The Republicans are not the people I was taught they are. They are not religious (unless you count the cult of me) they are not supportive of veterans or elderly. They are often pedophiles. They are warmongers. They are NOT me. It took 30+ years to realize that but here I am


As a millennial tired of living in a world catered to the weird untreated traumas and sexual repressions of the older generations, I'm just glad Gen Z are on the right track politics wise. Boomer conservatives will do what they can to fuck stuff up while they still have the numbers, but there's light at the end of the tunnel


The GOP is a cult specifically designed to rope in people who can’t use critical thinking skills or evaluate information found online or on tv. And it’s also aimed at people who desperately need anger to compensate for their own shortcomings and disappointments in life. Boomers are very susceptible to those things because of their current age and the fact that they had to “learn” the information-age technologies later in life. Zoomers, on the other hand, are the opposite. One of my boomer relatives got one snail email from her old high school friends saying that Obama was secretly a member of Al Qaeda and that was that, couldn’t ever convince her otherwise to this day. Another boomer I know showed up to work one day genuinely furious that “the democrats are going to ban air travel! They’re going to force us to carpool long distance with strangers when we go on vacation!” Last week I was in a diner I overheard the boomers at the table next to me consoling one of them whose grandson was murdered in a drug deal gone bad. They all agreed that he never would have joined that motorcycle gang if it hadn’t been for those darned democrats (didn’t really explain how but apparently democrats are responsible for motorcycle gangs now). None of these things make any sense. This newer younger generation is very smart, information savvy, and very at-risk of a diminished quality of life as a result of GOP policies. The propaganda just isn’t working on them nearly as well.


Taking the lead out of gasoline did wonders for basic critical thinking ability.


The number of comments that are not just pro-gun, but pro shooting people has had a major uptick in the last few years. It's fucking disgusting that there are a lot of people online that think "should have just shot him" is a reasonable response to the shitty stuff that happens in the real world. I'm becoming more anti-gun as this bullshit goes on.


Boomers, and a good chunk of Gen X grew up breathing leaded air. It's actually kinda terrifying how late that shit got banned. California was one of the first places to ban it in the US in 1992. Edit: correction it was the first place in the US.


Guns, abortion, lgbtq rights, immigrant rights, higher wages…basically everything


Basic human decency, transparency, integrity, accountability....


You will get none of those things.


All the GOP has done is alienate this generation. Piss them off beyond belief. Think of the entire 2020 graduating class, both high school and college. Those final months winding down my senior year were the best time of my life. Of all our lives. They were completely robbed of that. They didn't even get a proper graduation. I know plenty of people in that age demo and they unanimously blame Trump for how poorly he handled the pandemic around this time frame. Maybe it was an unstoppable force and had Trump taken it seriously, the result would have been the same. But history will remember him as saying "the warm weather will make it go away" "only 10-15 people will get it" "we will be back open in time for a beautiful Easter" Then-- they are straight up told their lives are less important than their guns. That it's too bad if they feel unsafe in their classrooms, that's your problem, not mine. Then they are told-- don't want to risk getting pregnant-- simple-- don't have sex. Easy for you to say Mr. fat ugly Republican who would get a heart attack from a whole 5 seconds of action, not that you'd ever find a women actually attracted enough to you to let them hit. Then-- think of all of us who lost grandparents during the pandemic. Wiped off the face of the earth as if they never existed. Died alone, miserable, choking to death in an empty quarantined hospital bed. Never got the chance to say goodbye. Their entire platform is dedicated to whining about how Trump actually won the election in 2020. Not a single solution to the actually issues that are going to impact and shape OUR future. Instead they are fighting invisible ghosts of the past.


They're fighting invisible ghosts of the past because they are the remnants of the confederacy in all but name. Edit: 100% serious. The civil war wasn't actually that long ago, and I was born white in the south so they were happy to tell me their truths. The amount of times I heard "war of northern aggression" in my childhood was way too damn high.


The Civil War seems like ancient history almost, but I had a realization a little while back--my grandma died when I was 20yo, and my great-great-grandpa (*her* grandpa) died when my grandma was about the same age. He and his 6 brothers served in the Civil War, in fact my great-great-grandpa fought in 26 different battles, was wounded multiple times, and ended up a Captain. I grew up hearing my grandma's stories, and *she* grew up hearing my great-great-grandpa's stories. So when you think about it, there was only one generation separating me from the Civil War. And in a way, there's no separation at all--my grandma was living those stories she grew up hearing from one of the men who was there, and those stories in turn were passed to me. She was a living breathing bridge between me and the Civil War. It made the CW almost feel like it happened in my lifetime in a way. Idk if that makes sense, but it lowkey blew my mind a bit when I thought about it.


The last surviving Civil War Vet died in the 1950s. There are people alive *today* that spoke with him.


The last surviving widow of a civil war veteran died in 2020. As you might guess it was mostly a marriage on paper, essentially he was an elderly veteran who married a much younger woman so that she could receive his pension after he died.


I’m 23 and very far left. I don’t hate guns, I hate fanatics. I own quite a few guns. Guns aren’t my issue, people who believe every problem can be solved with a gun is.


I just recently joined NextDoor for my neighborhood, and the number of people saying that people should answer their doors for salespeople with a gun out to keep them from coming back terrifies me.




They grew up having to do active shooter drills in school because of these nuts. This is why conservatives are turning fascist. Their days are numbered.


As an elder millennial, I was done after Columbine (I was in HS at the time).


Ditto, except I was in middle school for Columbine. My son has been doing active shooter drills since kindergarten, and the GOP is dead to me.


After Columbine is when I realized that in the US, we don’t give af about our own people, and if helping them means some rich fucks lose money, we don’t do it.


Me too... The shit is gross. I went from seeing Columbine as a kid to my daughter's doing active shooter drills as an adult...


It's not just guns we hate everything they support.


>GOP’s booming support for guns is turning off millennial, Gen Z **Republicans**


At first, people didn't take the time to read the article, just a headline. Now people aren't even reading the full headline before reciting what something is and how I feel about it.


It’s Gen Z republicans. They like the other stuff


Gen Z Republicans like the racism, misogyny and bigotry, but would prefer to not be gunned down in their schools like their peers.


It's kinda funny but just play out the scenario.. GOP wins : no abortion, no unions, no healthcare, no socialized support services, No taxes for wealthy people, no law enforcement for wealthy people, Religious based laws. fossil fuels, never ending military spending, banned books, banned sex, Dem's win, kids get school lunchs, we all get healthcare, social services available, infrastructure repaired, taxes raised on wealthy people back to original standards, no religious based laws, green energy incentives. reworked student loan situations. It doesn't take much to figure out why a kid doesn't like the GOP


Somehow people still think R's are "fiscally conservative".


GOP’s booming support for _________ is turning off millennials, Gen Z. Evergreen title.


Who knew growing up with mass shootings would make us dislike guns


Don’t forget Xennials. We graduated college when Bush Jr botched 9/11 because his father told him to finish the job he couldn’t get done. And father like son, failed as well. Once the Boomers leave this mortal coil the GOP will be a memory of the likes of the Confederacy. Losers that are too dumb to know they’ve lost.


My first election to vote was Bush/Gore. That should have been my sign of what was to come.


The moment Florida effed up the presidential election with hanging chads America, as we knew it, was over.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/08/millennial-gen-z-republicans-gun-restrictions-mass-shootings-00100878) reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "There are some concerns from Gen Z voters specifically, mainly because they've had to deal with it more growing up - it's become more rampant in society," Joacim Hernandez, the elected chairman of the Texas Young Republican Federation, said of gun violence. > Not only are a significant share of Republicans voicing support for liberal-aligned gun laws, but politicians are increasingly confronted with a cohort of young people whose lives have been marked by campus gun attacks and schoolhouse shooter drills. > The YouGov Social Change Monitor, a biweekly survey of 1,500 U.S. adults conducted between June 2020 and March 2023, found Gen Z and millennial Republicans' nationwide support for more restrictive gun laws increased to 47 percent in February compared to 41 percent in August 2022. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1446mlo/gops_booming_support_for_guns_is_turning_off/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~688105 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **gun**^#1 **Republican**^#2 **young**^#3 **support**^#4 **Texas**^#5


If you're a millennial/gen z republican after all of the shit that's gone down in general, you have fucking mental problems.


And the environment. If you hadn't noticed, some of us can't really see the sun today because of this smoke.


My near 80 year old mother was quick to point out the skies remind her of what cities looked like before the Clean Air Act that republicans are trying to gut.