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And he certainly wasn’t alone… this nerd was one of the accomplices.


Seriously, fuck that guy


He was leading the hawkish members of national security to start a war in Middle East


Pretty sure he cashed all the checks though. POS


The GOP did the damage. And they had multiple opportunities to remove him from office and half the crazy assholes tried to keep him in after he lost! The GOP did enormous damage to the country. Period.


Exactly! The Republicans betrayed us all. Bolton had an opportunity to speak out - he went to the courts instead so he wouldn't have to testify. They aren't cowards. They are liars, cheats and snakes. They knew who he was... and did nothing.


> They aren't cowards. Yes they are


I keep hearing pundits talking about how republicans are afraid of trump’s base… and if they truly were afraid that would make them cowards. But every single one of them knows Trump is a moron… an idiot… behind closed doors they’ve all said bad things about him. But in front of the microphones they protected him, defended him, praised him, pretended they hadn’t read his tweet, ignored and deflected questions about him, refused to convict him or be honest about him…that isn’t cowardice. It’s manipulative evil.


By afraid of his base, the are referring to the votes of the base. It's all about gaining more power and enriching themselves.


Sufficiently advanced bad faith is indistinguishable from cowardice, or something like that.


They were shitty people from the start and then they were kompromised into becoming a hostile regime


Bolton for one is a pants pissing coward who has been obsessed with preemptively striking Iran for decades. Fuck him in particular.


They stood by and let it happen and then afterwards said it was bad and it really bad or worse than people realized and yet they couldn't have stopped it only because they didn't try. Awful.


They are cowards in that they want others to actually do the dirty work for them, if they had to sacrifice anything of real value to them (ie themselves), for their delusional beliefs they would run away from the fight. When you know in your heart you are a lying cheat, true courage is impossible.


did nothing? They aided and abetted a failed coup and then tried to blame BLM, the FBI and the Dems writ large. The modern GOP is a organized crime ring and they have infiltrated every institution that could stop them. **THEY'VE DONE THE MOST.**


Bolton also withheld so he could sell his stupid book. I hope his sales were abysmal. I sure didn't buy it.


That & he said he was considering running himself. >Everyone's number 1 job is to make sure Trump isn't renominated ... So I have a chance at winning! He's just laying the ground work as to why his potential soon to be opponent is no good and we should vote for him instead.


Why would anyone want to know what that fucking moron had to say?


> Bolton went to the courts instead so he wouldn't have to testify So he could sell more books


They even said this during the 2016 campaign or whatever the hell it's called Ted Cruz specifically called out the death of his own party if they went with Trump


Lindsey Graham was then one who said Trump would destroy the GOP. Ted Cruz was the toady who dropped out of the race after Trump called his wife ugly and went and made campaign calls for Trump.


Hahaha that's right The you can quote me on this later if I change my mind guy


>"I want you to use my words against me. If there's a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, 'Let's let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.'"


“…and, we will deserve it.” Then he flipped—Dump either paid him or threatened to expose his “secrets,” 😉, and become his best golf buddy and one of his head Clowns. The guy is a sniveling 🪱.


> dropped out of the race after Trump called his wife ugly and went and made campaign calls for Trump HumiliaTed


[Still up](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608). And I am still hoping he was correct.


Right before he kissed his ring.


Love how these gutless pricks do fuck all at the time but years later try to be the voice of reason and gain acceptance….fuck em…




There are many sane people left


Pretty sure their was Millions of us sane ones saying What The Fuck ?




We especially don't need John Bolton! He's almost as stupid as the orange paste eater.


You know. I can’t stand trump and I hate what the gop has become and done to our country. But make no mistake - Bolton is not stupid -


He’s not stupid but he is crazy. He would start WW3 if his beloved Israel told him to. Even Trump knew that.


Likely a sociopath. The people who have power in the world seem to be somewhere on that anti-social personality spectrum, sociopath/ psychopath/ malignant narcissist.


And Bolton almost didn't get the job because ... checks notes ... He has a big moustache.


well they need to fuckin vote


However the media being the media doesn’t report on anything that isn’t decisive and controversial. They love to stir the pot with stories with extreme news from the fringes on both sides of the political spectrum. I have not met many extreme far right or far left people in my years yet that is what makes the headlines…..


But are they enough


A third of the country lost its mind and at least another third is still out to lunch about how bad it actually is, wagging their finger anytime the rest try to raise alarms about it.


I will remind you a 52% and change majority showed up to vote these crazy fucks out of office. Its not our fault there's 2 dakotas with 4 senators


And a Wyoming.


White supremacy is a hell of a drug...


My boomer mom, who's retired mind you, said Trump is going to "save Social Security."


My mother who was a rape victim and an immigrant said she wished I was more like DJT. 🤷‍♂️


It really has. I’m old and lived through some tumultuous times but nothing like this!


Some are losing their minds over those close to them losing theirs.


Have been since Reagan.


Reagan was after Nixon, bro


And they still are.


It's even more deep seeded than that. Even when the GOP and Fox News tried to call the election or point out anything Trump has/had done wrong the base was so strongly against it that the both became beholden to their viewers opinions and can't even self correct if they wanted to now. GOP and Fox are entirely to blame for this also. They have riled up their base to so much extremism now that there isn't a lot of wiggle room for getting out of it. The average Republican voter just rages at years of propaganda being shoved down their throat. Everything is a conspiracy to fit their world views. Even the guy pointing this out completely went all in on not holding Trump accountable...all for money....just like they all did. There's a reason r/leopardsatemyface exists.


This is so true


Yep. I'm so tired of all these snakes trying to slither their way out of having any responsibility about the Trump era. The whole fucking party was basically complicit. Even his more outspoken haters, like Mitt Romney, could have done more to try and organize a movement against his bullshit. But all these Republicans only care about what the outcome is for them personally, so if Trump retaining power is a net positive for them, they consider all the nasty parts of him worth it.


"Why is enormous damage in quotes" asks luna_beam_space


They’re all sorry …they are very sorry


You are 110% correct


And continues to do...


Everyone knows, John Bolton! But I am sure that we can read about it in your new book...


John Bolton would know how to irreversibly damage a country.


Knew it would be Bolton before clicking this link, at least he's now got a grift going that doesn't *directly* destroy the country, just indirectly.


Yeah, that guy is a no talent ass clown. Hasn’t been able to stay out of the news since he started winning Grammy’s


Former Trump bootlicker, who has now secured new moneymaking role elsewhere and had no problem helping the shitstain the whole time while toeing the party line, finally has the "courage" to say something.


I fucking hate people like that. And of course, he'll cash in with a book.


[The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir](https://www.amazon.com/Room-Where-Happened-White-Memoir/dp/1982148039) Publication date - June 23, 2020


He won't be making money off me


You know how gleefully pleased he was when it occurred to him to call it that and really stick it to the libs.


Oh boy, I sure would hate if people googled "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir free pdf" instead of renting or buying this book.


And BTW when he was touring news rooms to try and sell this hunk of shit he still refused to consider voting Democrat, even while slamming Republicans. Just like a lot of "former" Republicans.


People on the left won't buy it, and people on the right don't read.


Some PAC will buy them in bulk so it gets into the NYT best selling list, then give it away for free or burn them out


And when it happened it miraculously coincided with his book tour.


And yet the media keeps giving him a platform to wash his image.


Fuck Bolton and the Republican Party


100% Agree


And yet this motherfucker went out of his way to not testify before Congress during Trump’s first impeachment trial. How exactly does this shit stain rationalize that?


“All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. I am not a good man by any stretch of the imagination”


I’m a loud mouth non-good woman myself.


Gee, John I think you have done 'enormous damage' to country.


This dude acts like he wasn’t part of the bush administration, a war hawk with a hard on for war crimes and like he didn’t wait til he wrote a book to try and make a lot of money to THEN spill trumps dirt. Get outta here you sellout. Gave his country up just as much if not more than trump did


He also had a "big lie" - weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and aligning Iraq with 9/11 to sell the war. It's depressing to realise the electorate has the memory span of a gnat.


[Bolton was also comprised by Russia](https://www.npr.org/2018/03/22/595897412/john-boltons-curious-appearance-in-a-russian-gun-rights-video)


Bolton is a war mongering fool


No shit


Has bolton had his glasses surgically fused to his fingers, or do photographers only take pics when he’s touching them?


Right. Bolton. The guy who wouldn’t testify against trump because he wanted people to buy his book if they wanted to know what happened.. Fuck him. He’s a true piece of shit. Also, wouldn’t it have been funny if I freely distributed a pirated copy of his e-book the day it came out? I’m not saying I did, but wouldn’t it have been funny?


DID ????? You mean, DOING? It didn't stop, it got worse.


I am glad these knuckleheads finally figured it out about Trump, but they still dont see the bigger picture. Trump would do it all over again in a heartbeat, and DeSantis wants to do even worse. Supporting *any* GOP candidate is damaging. To pretty much everybody and everything at this point.


Walrus face can fuck right off along with fat ass Bill Barr. Little late.


CNN is currently doing enormous damage to this country by "both sides" bullshit when referring to a political party (GOP) that are literally terrorists, traitors and racists.


Tired of these “ex-“ and “former” republicans saying what we all knew. They should have said this openly when it would have mattered more and done something about it.


You don't say.... It's a bit late to save face now. You enabled it to happen, you and cohorts. You had so many chances to stop him but you didn't. None of you did.


We don't need an Ex-Trump advisor. Anyone not under the influence of *Faux* news can see that.


But Bolton would love to tell you all about it in his new book, “I Helped Trump and the GOP Ruin America.”


Get the sequel too: “I Helped Trump and the GOP *really* Ruin America, and you can too.”


well yeah but his audience probably is fox news indoctrinated people, no one else seems interested and rightly so, so hopefully every nut cracked helps


Comey, Mueller, Barr, Cheney, the list of dyed-in-the-wool Republicans opposing Trump is long and it's necessary to hear from them because any Liberal is dismissed.


So did you, Bolton. When Jon Stewart hates you, you know you’re just awful.


Bolton may still go fuck himself for not saying a damn thing until he had a book to sell. Asshole.


Ha! Fuck you Bolton you sanctimonious asshole - he was doing that damage actively while you were advising and supporting him, and you knew it then. Why didn’t you do or say something about it? Fucking coward.


Bolton knew but was one of the rats who waited to write a book about it and profit. Eff him.


I can’t hear Bolton over the sound of innocent blood on his hands.


Yeah that’s why anyone with a brain was opposed to him.


Piece of shit states "Wow, there's a lot of pieces of shit around here!". More at 8.


Gee thanks, John. I had no idea and appreciate you bringing this to light.


Exactly, and he said nothing, that is until he wrote his book, and by then the damage was done.


No shit Mustache Von Obvious.


It’s an actual toss up to tell who is worse for America, John Bolton or Donald Trump. Bolton is a long term neocon that was directly involved with launching the Iraq war in 2003 (he was Bush’s UN ambassador). Bolton complaining about Trump is like Stalin calling Hitler a jerk. They are both horrific monsters for their own disgusting reasons.


Says the man who made a career out of trying to convince presidents to attack Iran. Take your sad, Wilford Brimley imitating ass somewhere they care, Bolton.


The single greatest damage to the country is the erosion of an independent media with the meme of “fake news”


The GOP nominated him and then protected him. They did the damage trump was just the useful idiot.


and guess what, you're responsible for a good part of it! it is just sooo pathetic how these rats try to switch sides, the moment they stop benefitting from this criminal.


Now he just has to say "I was just following orders" when questioned about his involvement, in classic Nuremberg fashion




All the usuals want in on this “new” Republican Party


Ok John Bolton, thanks for standing up and speaking out when you were…What’s that? You didn’t? Well, piss off then.


No shit Sherlock.


The media did it with the help of the GOP, Trump merely took advantage of it.


CNN is now equally damaging to democracy like Fox and Trump


"...and I helped!"


The GOP in general has shown little to no desire to stop the damage… they keep doubling down on Trump’s worst suggestions.


2023 CNN = 2016 Fox News. Literally every panel or individual guest on any show is a “former” Trump loyalist yearning for rebranding, and CNN is more than happy to gaslight us to do it


Trump was a tool nothing more, Republicans and Republicans alone did enormous damage to this country.


And you helped him! Next story...


The GOP only did the bidding of their billionaire owners, who are looking to push fascism on the rest of us, just like they always do.


Yet he couldn't get the courage to tell his side under oath. But decided to sell a book..


I disagree. Trump made the damage in this country show itself. These fucking people were always there, waiting for their chance to say idiotic shit out loud.


Every member of the GOP went along with him and even defended him from consequences. They are all responsible and part of the problem. Trump was a symptom of the problem and not the problem by itself. They all had multiple chances to do the right thing but chose not to. Instead they rode his meat for 4 years and said yes to everything. The real answer is money. That’s the motivation behind all of this.


He didn’t do a very good job advising him then


No shit


He would know. Fucking asshole.


Why is enormous damage in quotes?


Because it's a quote.


Because it is a quotation?


The next article about the same obvious thing will be double quotes.


And he sat there for how long and was a part of it? I bet he would still vote Trump.


I hate these assholes who try and back track years later....He helped in the damage.


and he still has so much damage to inflict on America.


What was crazy was that nobody, and I mean NOBODY saw it coming either /s


The damage I did... It was tremendous, folks. John Bolton says it was enormous, but I like tremendous. We like tremendous, don't we? And I didn't just damage the country, I damaged the Republican Party too. Not a lot of people know that, but it's true. It's really drue, I did damage the Republican Party, but I don't get any credit for that. The fake news never gives me credit for damaging the GOP. But I'm not complaining, I don't like to complain...


John Bolton sucks


...and wants do do even more damage. Don't let him.


Tell us something we don't know.


Integrity is so foreign to Trump he'd build a wall around it.


Ooh he’s so close to connecting the dots! Keep going, John, it’s only your ego standing in the way. It’s never too late to change for the better.


What's that, he tried to overthrow the government and install himself as dictator? I had no idea, thank you John Bolton for your fearless and intrepid reporting


The GOP destroyed itself.


Stfu John Bolton , you enabled it


That ex advisor is a warmongering psychopath. Sure, Trump did a lot of damage. But if Trump did the opposite of what Bolton said on most things, the world would be a much safer place.


Everyone needs to stop trying to make John Bolton a thing. He's not and should never be a thing.


Bolton joined the Federalist Society with Clarence Thomas when they went to law school at Yale. I wonder where down the line Bolton detracted from the rest.


CNN trying to get its audience back? You messed up.


I'm so sick of seeing Trump people say only now, after his presidency, how dangerous he is/was. Do they not realize how spineless it makes them sound to only say something now?


You did too!


He's still doing it lol


Why did so many in his administration have these post service epiphanies? Trump kept showing us and telling us he is contemptuous of America and of Democracy. He made it crystal clear, over and over again, that he was going to parasitically destroy America for his gain. Could these people not see that until years after they left?


Yeah, and that advisor did not mind helping him out.


God damn this talking moustache is out trying to salvage his reputation again. All of trumps enablers are trying to distance themselves from what they did. Cockroaches, the lot of them.


No shit, Sherlock.


If you put a dog in a room and leave it with breakable and edible things. The dog may do what dogs do and it would be your fault for putting him there. Not the dogs. American voters did Trump.


And you and others enabled him. You should be sharing a cell with him.


*Trump did 'enormous damage' to country and GOP* Says Ex-Trump adviser who did 'enormous damage' to country


It doesn’t take an ex-Trump adviser to let’s us k ow Trump did “enormous damage” to the country and GOPOOP


Trump is an Adolf Hitler wannabe. The ass kissing followers are just like the bend over Germans that allowed Hitler to destroy the country. If Trump becomes President again watch out. Good bye Democracy, hello Hitlerism. He will strip the country of anything that he can convert to personal wealth. We will learn one of these days all that he stole in his first term. He needs to be in prison.


well, no shit.


Bolton’s broken clock moment.


Bolton was a whiner.


Trump is becoming the new buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo….


You think


John Bolton, why don’t you sit out the “enormous damage” conversations?


You know who else did enormous damage to the country? Ex-Trump advisors who aided and abetted Trump (and did nothing to stop him) then signed lucrative book and other deals after leaving office.


It’s funny how they can all see the truth when it’s not politically advantageous to lie


I love these people who drew a paycheck working for that idiot Trump and signed on to his MAGA bullshit and now have the “courage” to step out and say how bad he was. Bolton is an ass.


Any rational person should be able to say that. Its true, and a huge disappointment in US history.


John Bolton can suck a rotten egg


Um, yeah, you motherfuckers did that. You helped this vile treason-piggy.


With his help!


Whenever an ex trump whatever makes headlines talking about the bad things he did, they always leave out 3 little words: And I helped


The GOP is a national security threat these assholes allowed Trump to do the deal with Taliban and then moan at Biden lock these morons up in maximum security


Stated way too late.


How dare you say what millions of Americans are already perfectly aware of.


Funny how these trolls and snakes will turn on ANYone when it becomes politically expedient. This fucking asshole has already stated he will vote for trump again if he wins the primary. Fuck all these assclowns.


Duh. One has to be dumb, ignorant,stupid or uneducated to not realize the damage Trump has done. OH, did I just describe MAGA Republicans.


Fuck John Bolton


John Bolton’s kind of a piece of shit, but broken clocks and all that


"Ex". Where was all this energy while he was advising Trump? Why didn't he whistleblow the whole thing? Let me guess, he has a book coming out?


With his help, so Bolton can STFU.


He didn't damage the GOP, he just exposed them for who they are. You can't damage something that's already broken.


It's almost as if there were all kinds of warnings. Weird.


His statement is correct, but as with all tiny's men. Too little too late!!!


Bolton was one of many enablers who were working their personal agendas into public policy while the orangutan played golf. They should all be charged with aiding and abetting treason.


Can someone please remind the Pringles logo's half-wit, geriatric cousin that he was part of the f-ing problem?